Let’s kick off this lesson with an explanation of phrasal verbs, then move on to different phrasals using the verb KICK. In this lesson you will discover the meanings of kick in, kick off, kick around, kick back, kick out, kick about, kick up, and kick over. Phrasal verbs are an important part of English vocabulary, so watch and learn these eight ‘kick’ phrasal verbs.
Hello Adam! This is a very good lesson. I like to expand my vocabulary with you. Thank you for it.
But I also have questions about English:)
Sometimes I face these structures: Do you ever… and Have you ever … For me, those two mean the same, but I think I am wrong about it. Can you explain the difference to me? Thank you.
Hello Alexander , hello everybody ,
In my opinion “do you ever” is for asking someone something you are quite sure she or he does regularly , like : do you ever go to the theater ? Do you sometimes or often or usually go to the theater ?
” Have you ever ” is for asking if it happened something by the past which became true forever : Have you ever gone to the theater ? Did it happened that one day you went to the theater ?
Hope I am not wrong . See what Adam will reply .
Thank you for your interpretation of this. Yeah, it’s interesting what Adam will tell us:)
tsamp agree
I think it’s possible to say even: “Did you ever … in past?”
Hi Katrin,
Although people say this often, it is technically incorrect because the ‘ever’ is too general a time, whereas ‘did’ is a simple past verb, meaning it needs to go with a definite past time.
Adam I hear speaking like this from natives not rare…
Most natives don’t speak with perfect grammar :)
Alexander, I see a difference between the two sentences.Do you ever lose consciousness? or have you ever lost consciousness?
In the first case the person can have lost consciousness several times, the person is asked if he lose conciousness from time to time. In the second case the person is asked if in the past he has already lost consciousness. Perhaps Adam can help us.It’ll be better for the understanding. Good luck for optimizing english.
Thank you for this comment which lets me improve my english.
Hi Alexander,
Good answers here from Tsamp and the others.
Essentially, do you ever is asking about a repetitive or habitual action, and it can also give an idea about future occurrences (e.g., Do you ever play squash? If no, would you like to try? If yes, do you want to play with me some day?)
Have you ever is about past experience.
Hope this helps.
Hi Adam, thank you for your lesson.
i want to ask a question about this lesson. But i couldn’t find the question form that you mention.
Is kick back a one word (kickback) or two words(kick back)?
This is it Ka-hing :)
Kickback is a noun, kick back is a verb. Does this help?
Thank you very much Keep up the good work.
There are so a lot of phrasal verbs in Englsih… damn.. it is impossible to learn by heart all of them..
Tr0yan There’s no need to learn them by heart. If you read many books and watch movies you begin to understand them by intuition in some time. Luck!
Hi Tr0yan,
As Katrin says, you don’t need to know all of them. With practice and lots of reading and watching movies, etc. you’ll learn how to guess them from context. Keep trying.
Hi Adam!Thank You this lesson is very good.
Have You Settled,how is new life in S.K.?
Hi Anitacan,
Thanks for asking. I’m settled in and getting used to the new life ;) All is well.
thank you for a great website . God bless all Engvid team
Thanks Adam. Great lesson. A smile:)
:) back
Dear Adam!!! Thank you very much!!! Now I get the meaning of Kick -off Meeting. Your explanation of Phrasal Verbs is REALLY FANTASTIC!!!! I kindly ask you to make a video for us about SETTLE phrasal verbs. I know only 1 meaning – to settle down. But there are also the other combinations. Thank you in advance!!! Best regards, Kate
that was just awesome Adam !
I’ll get on it Denev ;)
6/10 :( , going to reply once more :)
Thank you Adam
08/10. ☺ The Lesson was excellent. You are doing a remarkable job. Thank you so much!
For me, phrasal verbs are the most difficult fields in the English language.
Thanks for your clear explanations Mr Adam. Now it´s a bit easier ;)
Thank you teacher. It was a very helpful lesson for me!!!!!
Jakub Alvarez
Thanks, teacher. Phrasal verbs are very difficult for me. I will try to study more.
Thank you, Adam, for another useful lesson on phrasel verbs. One of my favorite topics, ’cause if you don’t live in English spoken country you don’t have many opportunities to learn new phrasel verbs.
They’re not spread much in schools in universities when we learn more formal English.
You’re great. Thanks again. I’m glad you were giving enough examles, ’cause phrasel verbs are easy for understanding when they only in the context withing sentences.
Andrew watch more movies. Not action movies(there’s not enough words). You should watch movies that you’ll be able to watch again(with interest) in a few days(especially at the beginning). Romantic comedies with your favorite actor(actress)I would recommend you. Of course you should read and listen audio books of those books you’ve read. Good day!
When you will begin to understand movies(every sentence) you’ll be able to understand phrasal verbs without any difficulty.
Thanks for afvice, Katrin. I watch enough movies. I’m really fond of horrors. Even though I understand the most of what’s said, phrasel verbs is the thing that you can never guess. Even naives say that most of Prasel Verbs make absoulutely no sense. So there’s no way to know them but to learn them in context, like in movies, books, Adams’ lessons etc. But sometimes even having context in not helpful.
Andrew, when you watch a movie can you repeat after characters? (If you still can’t repeat long sentences that’s not enough) A lot of school English teachers I know say they understand English.(But there’s a problem of deep understanding) They understand probably the meaning but they still can’t repeat after movie characters. And you say you want to understand all phrasal verbs, so I can make a conclusion that you want to know English perfectly.
You may watch a horror movie one or two times. Watching it a lot so you could understand all sentences is a very bad idea(it can harm you). I’ve used them only for polishing my English.
At any rate it’s your decision. So I’m sorry for bothering you!
This is true for every new vocabulary, Andrew, so keep at it. Just try to make your exposure to English as varied as possible.
can you say the name of the film.phrasel verb has been used
A very good lesson Adam, really. I did not know all of these phrasal verbs. By the way, I have noticed that you and the other teachers are speaking a little bit faster… Isn’t it?
John B
Sometimes we might get a little excited John :). We’ll keep a better eye on it.
Thank you, Adam. We have been waiting for you a few days.
Hi Adam ,
Thanks for the lesson . Not easy to remember all these phrasal verbs . I have to practice them .
One question :, May I ” say backups of students” or ” students’ backups ” rather than ” backups from students ” ? If yes , is the meaning the same ?
See you
Hi Tsamp,
I’m not actually sure what you’re trying to say. What do you mean by student backups? Maybe a teacher needs to back up the students? i.e., support them?
Hi Adam
Thank you for your answer .
I should have asked my question differently . My difficulty is the use of “of” or ” from” . The context was : teachers needing backups from students . I found it odd to use “from” rather than “of” in the phrase but with more observation it has become clearer . In this context , the word backups is not the property of students but something given from students to the teachers .
However , I wonder why backup is in plural in this phrase and why these are not students who need backup from their teachers .
See you
Ok. I see it now.
Not sure about the plural either in this case. If you mean substitutes, then the plural works.
Whats the difference between “kick in” and kick off” when im talking about “start”? In a few words, when i use each one to start something…
Tiago Redivo
Hi Tiago,
Kick in means take effect, i.e., start to work as planned, intended. Kick off means start, i.e., begin.
Does this help?
You are doing well job. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
Abdul Rehman Baabar
Thanks Adam, it wasn’t easy but useful phrases your awesome teacher
Thank you, Adam. You are very good teacher, but lesson about (kick up, in, back…and etc.) to me yet like a’dark forest’…:))
Keep walking, Bigita :) You’ll soon see the light.
Very good class! Congrats.
Great lesson! Thanks, Adam.
Júlio César L Sousa
Adam I did vocabulary test again and I couldn’t answer meaning of next words: constraint stance plank sapling inveigle bloat raiment legerdemain sparge
derelict overt embankment swivel drab throttle resilient simmer stead natter slough flurry trundle rampant judicious scathing rind strife bawl spool
pittance shrivel fledgling signet lore extol tipple strop pastiche eavesdrop welter abscond shard barnacle suffuse conflate botch awry burgeon minutiae redolent nib rancid dirge chivvy udder prig adumbrate bugbear manacle prurient lampoon seamy parsimonious purloin sobriquet soothsayer mammon disjunctive nostrum lothario mien trollop fuddle puckish noisome melange leitmotiv verdure imbroglio maladroit
Adam it’s possible some of those words are not used very often or archaisms but at any rate I want to learn them. Please recommend me some book that could contain a lot of words like these. Thank you very much.
Hi Katrin,
Many of these words you will probably never use and not likely see or hear used.I had to look up sparge ;)
Try reading Vladimir Nabokov or Salman Rushdie. They like to use “big” words.
Otherwise, find an SAT book that has many uncommon words.
Thank you Adam. I will follow your advice.
Thank you Adam. You are my favorite teacher. ?
nermin metin
thanks for the lesson about KICK.
Can you make more easily lesson, so i gonna understand more easily.
some ting is difficulty to understand this lesson.
Awaiting for your Kind replay.
You should watch Adam and you should watch lessons for beginners (Follow me bbc) Good luck!
Hi Mfiazrubbani,
We try to make lessons for all levels. Some beginner lessons are coming as well. Keep trying :)
hi everyone,,, thank you Mr. Adam for you class that was very interesting……. I think there is not easy to learn all the phrasals
It just takes time and practice Hipocampo. Keep at it ;)
Thank you Adam!
Hey guys…Kick in also means pitch in (to contribute, to give money)
Good addition Lichifunky.
If everyone kicks in $5, we can get Sam a nice retirement gift.
Thx Adam. Your lesssons are always very informative and didtatic. Congrats! Toni
Toni Martins
thanks :)))
Hi Adam,
First of all, congratulation for your videos. Finally I found an English-speaker teacher of English. Do you know what I mean? Students can really appreciate your grammar and English knowledge and your easy way to explain all the topics.
Some topic lesson I already know it (despite of I still use it wrong…) but I just wached the videos to improve my “day to day” speak, listening to you.
I have a suggestion to your editing team. Because if you are new on the channel is dificult to find videos of one topic. Why don’t standardized the colors on the first screen depending on the categorie? For exemple:green for vocabulary lessons, blue for grammar lessons, and so on. The same for the title lesson, always start with the Categorie.
Hi Helena,
Thank you for the feedback. I will pass your ideas on to the team :)
Thank you very much, Adam. You’re a brilliant teacher indeed! All of your videos are amazing. They really make the language learning process much more easier and fun. Please, go on in the same vein!
Thanks Adam for this lesson!
Hello my dear teacher! As Always this lesson was also marvellous. I appreciate your help and I want you to make more helpful lessons please!
I am looking forward to watching your next lessons.
Have a good time and take care of yourself.
Mehdi 2022
Excellent lesson, very useful! I didn’t know most of the expressions you explained, Thank you!
thank you Adam! you are such a great teacher.
I cant thank you enough. You make it all looks so easy
Good exercise.Explanation is simple but clear.
My jokes again…
1 – Why are you so sad?
– You know, I came on European dating site. I saw an add: “Julia, 27 years old, 90-60-90, the blond, without material problems, London, Britain.”
I wrote to her and she answered. We had a chat and she liked me, and she she came.
– That’s awesome, man, why didn’t you like it?
– She has measured herself in inches…
2 A military column goes by the village. Two old women sit on the bench.
– Look! Militarists!
– Yea…will stop in a moment….during half of hour will explore the map and then …. will ask direction.
Thank you Adam and I’ll be glad to know my mistakes.
Ha! Your first joke reminds me of a line from the song “Matchmaker” from Fiddler on the Roof: “He’s handsome and tall, from side to side.”
engVid Moderator
Thank you I like old Hollywood movies very much! I’ll watch it if I find a link. :)
Sorry, but I didn’t understend the sekond joke.
It means that two old women knows more than militarists with their skils of topography?
Sorry Silder! Probably it is not the best one for nowadays
I also wasn’t sure about the second one. Is it a joke about men? :)
Yes Adam, it’s about training Russian army(because we still have the draft(those who are 18 y/o) to army).
Jocks like this you also can hear about Russian national soccer team.
Sorry “Jokes”!!!
Oh, I’v never heared this one.
Moscow World Cup 2018.
Commentator: “For those who are late we can repeat – it is match Brasil – Russia. Our team is losing 9 – 0!
But our fans shouldn’t be disappointed because it is only 5th minute of the 1st time!”
It’s funny. Never thought Ukrainian guys interested in Russian soccer team.
Hi Mr adam
You are the best. Thank you
Thanks Adam,
hello sir I have question to you I seen many times most of the sentence ate use though but I don’t know how can I use it in different prasprative
answer of 8th should be “kick out”,and answer of 10th should be “kick off”,am i correct?
Thanks for the lesson. I hope I can learn more from you and your team. It really helps too with the quiz.
Terry zhang
Thanks everyone :)
Adam , you are fantastic and in my opinion you are the most successful English teacher I have ever seen , Remember I have travelled to 58 countries lol
Tnx Adam, great lesson.
Bosnian girl
Dear Adam,
First of all, Thank you for your videos and posts on the facebook page.
As I am a postgraduate student, I want to apply for my Ph.D. However, I faced with these “motivation letter”, “Cover letter”, and “Personal Statement” phrases. By searching on the internet, I could find lots of samples and websites but I can not distinguish which one of the websites are reliable and valid. Thus, If you the reliable webpage about them, could you please introduce me? And also could you tell me how the standard template of them are?
hi adam
what does “you ara a shoe” meaning?
Not sure, Merad. I’ve never heard this before. Maybe you are a shoe-in? That means you will for sure get something (a job, a part, etc.)
hi adam why you dont make a window for test level i wanna have this test but it doesnt exist here
Hi Samirsami,
You mean the quiz? You can’t see it?
Interesting lesson. But not easy to memorize.Please Mr Adam I have difficulties to use kick off and kick back.It seems sometimes they both have the same meaning.
Hi Gaga,
Kick off means start something.
Kick back mostly means relax.
The key is to read and listen to English as often as possible to become familiar with these expressions. There are too many to memorize.
Great lesson,Adam.
Today is Christmas’s Eve already so I wish you
a very merry Christmas. I thank you for all the
helpful lesson you prepared this year.You are a great
Thank you Zigmund. Happy belated New Year :)
thank you Alex I got 8 to 10, is not easy
Hi Mr Adam. Can I contact to you?
If you have Skype or other comunication facilities? My skype is (neda.muhammad)
Hi Adam, thank you for lesson but I wanna ask a question. In a quiz 5th sentence why there is kick over not kick in
Thank you Adam,this was a good lesson!I got 9 out of 10.You make english teaching easy!
Thanks a lot Adam for the great lesson, I got it all right. :)
Thank you, Adam.
Could you also create a video with phrasal verbs based on ‘put’ verb. I guess it would be a long lesson. Thanks in advance.
7/10 Thanks Adam
Hassan Konneh
Thx Adam. Your lesssons are always very informative and didatic. Congrats! Toni
Toni Martins
It is not so easy to remember all of these words and use it, but it is important at least to understand it and to recognise in communication )
difficult to memorize all these phrasal verbs
Yeah, it’s hard for me, too….
90%… because I had been careless
Florence Kho
10 out of 10!! Thank you for the great lesson..
Hi Adam and everyone!
I really appreciate Adam’s lessons, especially those about Phrasal Verbs. He teaches us in an amusing way. It’s more than just memorizing long lists of phrasal verbs. He gives us clarifying examples which make the videos more interesting and didactic.
Thank you so much one more time, Adam!
Eduardo França
god bless you because it was very useful
tell me and I forget
teach me and I remember
so involve me and I learn
You always involve the students to learn! Thank you so much.
Great lesson, thank you very much. I learned a lot :)
GOOD LESSON,thank you very much!!!!
your video classes have been helping me a lot since I started to study for an English exam, thank you for your effort.
You really teach so nice ,the best thaxs adam
Aditya mishra
I got 7 correct out of 10. It was difficult for me but thank you so much.
Hi Adam, Thank u so much, Are they also used in academic writing as well or just in spoken daily English?
Thanks a lot Adam. I really appreciate for offering such an extraordinary explanation.
I would like to understand more about modal verb ‘WOULD’. I know some of it’s usage but not all.
Like’ would be doing ‘ structure of a sentence…
Keep it up bro.
10/10. Couldn’t be any better:D
Thanks to you – Mr. Adam)
Marshall the spitter
I decided to stop kicking about and do the test … 10 out of 10!
Hello Adam, Can I have your advice as to how to start learning Phrasal verbs as there are hundreds of Phrasal verbs under each base Verb
Thank you Mr. Adam.
Thanks,Adam.It is very usefull lesson.
Thanks Adam I like you men
Adam sir very nice lession by you.plz give some more excercise for same topic
As always, It was a really useful lesson!
To recap:
kick around – discuss
kickback – payment/gift/bribe
kickback – revolt, resistance
kick in – break
kick in – contribute (usually money)
kick in – take effect
kick off – start
kick off – remove
kick over – topple (knock to its side)
kick up a storm – fight, argue
Insoo Yeo
As always, It was a really useful lesson!
To recap:
kick around – discuss
kickback – payment/gift/bribe
kickback – revolt, resistance
kick in – break
kick in – contribute (usually money)
kick in – take effect
kick off – start
kick off – remove
kick over – topple (knock to its side)
kick up a storm – fight, argue
Greetings! I really appreciate your response.
Is it correct?
“She had finished her homework, then she went “to the park.”
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
good lesson . thanks
Hello Adam! This is a very good lesson. I like to expand my vocabulary with you. Thank you for it.
But I also have questions about English:)
Sometimes I face these structures: Do you ever… and Have you ever … For me, those two mean the same, but I think I am wrong about it. Can you explain the difference to me? Thank you.
Hello Alexander,
might this site will give you the answer.
Hello Alexander , hello everybody ,
In my opinion “do you ever” is for asking someone something you are quite sure she or he does regularly , like : do you ever go to the theater ? Do you sometimes or often or usually go to the theater ?
” Have you ever ” is for asking if it happened something by the past which became true forever : Have you ever gone to the theater ? Did it happened that one day you went to the theater ?
Hope I am not wrong . See what Adam will reply .
Thank you for your interpretation of this. Yeah, it’s interesting what Adam will tell us:)
tsamp agree
I think it’s possible to say even: “Did you ever … in past?”
Hi Katrin,
Although people say this often, it is technically incorrect because the ‘ever’ is too general a time, whereas ‘did’ is a simple past verb, meaning it needs to go with a definite past time.
Adam I hear speaking like this from natives not rare…
Most natives don’t speak with perfect grammar :)
Alexander, I see a difference between the two sentences.Do you ever lose consciousness? or have you ever lost consciousness?
In the first case the person can have lost consciousness several times, the person is asked if he lose conciousness from time to time. In the second case the person is asked if in the past he has already lost consciousness. Perhaps Adam can help us.It’ll be better for the understanding. Good luck for optimizing english.
Thank you for this comment which lets me improve my english.
Hi Alexander,
Good answers here from Tsamp and the others.
Essentially, do you ever is asking about a repetitive or habitual action, and it can also give an idea about future occurrences (e.g., Do you ever play squash? If no, would you like to try? If yes, do you want to play with me some day?)
Have you ever is about past experience.
Hope this helps.
Hi Adam, thank you for your lesson.
i want to ask a question about this lesson. But i couldn’t find the question form that you mention.
Is kick back a one word (kickback) or two words(kick back)?
This is it Ka-hing :)
Kickback is a noun, kick back is a verb. Does this help?
Thank you very much Keep up the good work.
There are so a lot of phrasal verbs in Englsih… damn.. it is impossible to learn by heart all of them..
Tr0yan There’s no need to learn them by heart. If you read many books and watch movies you begin to understand them by intuition in some time. Luck!
Hi Tr0yan,
As Katrin says, you don’t need to know all of them. With practice and lots of reading and watching movies, etc. you’ll learn how to guess them from context. Keep trying.
Hi Adam!Thank You this lesson is very good.
Have You Settled,how is new life in S.K.?
Hi Anitacan,
Thanks for asking. I’m settled in and getting used to the new life ;) All is well.
thank you for a great website . God bless all Engvid team
Thanks Adam. Great lesson. A smile:)
:) back
Dear Adam!!! Thank you very much!!! Now I get the meaning of Kick -off Meeting. Your explanation of Phrasal Verbs is REALLY FANTASTIC!!!! I kindly ask you to make a video for us about SETTLE phrasal verbs. I know only 1 meaning – to settle down. But there are also the other combinations. Thank you in advance!!! Best regards, Kate
that was just awesome Adam !
I’ll get on it Denev ;)
6/10 :( , going to reply once more :)
Thank you Adam
08/10. ☺ The Lesson was excellent. You are doing a remarkable job. Thank you so much!
For me, phrasal verbs are the most difficult fields in the English language.
Thanks for your clear explanations Mr Adam. Now it´s a bit easier ;)
Thank you teacher. It was a very helpful lesson for me!!!!!
Thanks, teacher. Phrasal verbs are very difficult for me. I will try to study more.
Thank you, Adam, for another useful lesson on phrasel verbs. One of my favorite topics, ’cause if you don’t live in English spoken country you don’t have many opportunities to learn new phrasel verbs.
They’re not spread much in schools in universities when we learn more formal English.
You’re great. Thanks again. I’m glad you were giving enough examles, ’cause phrasel verbs are easy for understanding when they only in the context withing sentences.
Andrew watch more movies. Not action movies(there’s not enough words). You should watch movies that you’ll be able to watch again(with interest) in a few days(especially at the beginning). Romantic comedies with your favorite actor(actress)I would recommend you. Of course you should read and listen audio books of those books you’ve read. Good day!
When you will begin to understand movies(every sentence) you’ll be able to understand phrasal verbs without any difficulty.
Thanks for afvice, Katrin. I watch enough movies. I’m really fond of horrors. Even though I understand the most of what’s said, phrasel verbs is the thing that you can never guess. Even naives say that most of Prasel Verbs make absoulutely no sense. So there’s no way to know them but to learn them in context, like in movies, books, Adams’ lessons etc. But sometimes even having context in not helpful.
Andrew, when you watch a movie can you repeat after characters? (If you still can’t repeat long sentences that’s not enough) A lot of school English teachers I know say they understand English.(But there’s a problem of deep understanding) They understand probably the meaning but they still can’t repeat after movie characters. And you say you want to understand all phrasal verbs, so I can make a conclusion that you want to know English perfectly.
You may watch a horror movie one or two times. Watching it a lot so you could understand all sentences is a very bad idea(it can harm you). I’ve used them only for polishing my English.
At any rate it’s your decision. So I’m sorry for bothering you!
This is true for every new vocabulary, Andrew, so keep at it. Just try to make your exposure to English as varied as possible.
can you say the name of the film.phrasel verb has been used
A very good lesson Adam, really. I did not know all of these phrasal verbs. By the way, I have noticed that you and the other teachers are speaking a little bit faster… Isn’t it?
Sometimes we might get a little excited John :). We’ll keep a better eye on it.
Thank you, Adam. We have been waiting for you a few days.
Hi Adam ,
Thanks for the lesson . Not easy to remember all these phrasal verbs . I have to practice them .
One question :, May I ” say backups of students” or ” students’ backups ” rather than ” backups from students ” ? If yes , is the meaning the same ?
See you
Hi Tsamp,
I’m not actually sure what you’re trying to say. What do you mean by student backups? Maybe a teacher needs to back up the students? i.e., support them?
Hi Adam
Thank you for your answer .
I should have asked my question differently . My difficulty is the use of “of” or ” from” . The context was : teachers needing backups from students . I found it odd to use “from” rather than “of” in the phrase but with more observation it has become clearer . In this context , the word backups is not the property of students but something given from students to the teachers .
However , I wonder why backup is in plural in this phrase and why these are not students who need backup from their teachers .
See you
Ok. I see it now.
Not sure about the plural either in this case. If you mean substitutes, then the plural works.
Whats the difference between “kick in” and kick off” when im talking about “start”? In a few words, when i use each one to start something…
Hi Tiago,
Kick in means take effect, i.e., start to work as planned, intended. Kick off means start, i.e., begin.
Does this help?
You are doing well job. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
Thanks Adam, it wasn’t easy but useful phrases your awesome teacher
Thank you, Adam. You are very good teacher, but lesson about (kick up, in, back…and etc.) to me yet like a’dark forest’…:))
Keep walking, Bigita :) You’ll soon see the light.
Very good class! Congrats.
Great lesson! Thanks, Adam.
Adam I did vocabulary test again and I couldn’t answer meaning of next words: constraint stance plank sapling inveigle bloat raiment legerdemain sparge
derelict overt embankment swivel drab throttle resilient simmer stead natter slough flurry trundle rampant judicious scathing rind strife bawl spool
pittance shrivel fledgling signet lore extol tipple strop pastiche eavesdrop welter abscond shard barnacle suffuse conflate botch awry burgeon minutiae redolent nib rancid dirge chivvy udder prig adumbrate bugbear manacle prurient lampoon seamy parsimonious purloin sobriquet soothsayer mammon disjunctive nostrum lothario mien trollop fuddle puckish noisome melange leitmotiv verdure imbroglio maladroit
Adam it’s possible some of those words are not used very often or archaisms but at any rate I want to learn them. Please recommend me some book that could contain a lot of words like these. Thank you very much.
Hi Katrin,
Many of these words you will probably never use and not likely see or hear used.I had to look up sparge ;)
Try reading Vladimir Nabokov or Salman Rushdie. They like to use “big” words.
Otherwise, find an SAT book that has many uncommon words.
Thank you Adam. I will follow your advice.
Thank you Adam. You are my favorite teacher. ?
thanks for the lesson about KICK.
Can you make more easily lesson, so i gonna understand more easily.
some ting is difficulty to understand this lesson.
Awaiting for your Kind replay.
You should watch Adam and you should watch lessons for beginners (Follow me bbc) Good luck!
Hi Mfiazrubbani,
We try to make lessons for all levels. Some beginner lessons are coming as well. Keep trying :)
hi everyone,,, thank you Mr. Adam for you class that was very interesting……. I think there is not easy to learn all the phrasals
It just takes time and practice Hipocampo. Keep at it ;)
Thank you Adam!
Hey guys…Kick in also means pitch in (to contribute, to give money)
Good addition Lichifunky.
If everyone kicks in $5, we can get Sam a nice retirement gift.
Thx Adam. Your lesssons are always very informative and didtatic. Congrats! Toni
thanks :)))
Hi Adam,
First of all, congratulation for your videos. Finally I found an English-speaker teacher of English. Do you know what I mean? Students can really appreciate your grammar and English knowledge and your easy way to explain all the topics.
Some topic lesson I already know it (despite of I still use it wrong…) but I just wached the videos to improve my “day to day” speak, listening to you.
I have a suggestion to your editing team. Because if you are new on the channel is dificult to find videos of one topic. Why don’t standardized the colors on the first screen depending on the categorie? For exemple:green for vocabulary lessons, blue for grammar lessons, and so on. The same for the title lesson, always start with the Categorie.
Hi Helena,
Thank you for the feedback. I will pass your ideas on to the team :)
Thank you very much, Adam. You’re a brilliant teacher indeed! All of your videos are amazing. They really make the language learning process much more easier and fun. Please, go on in the same vein!
Thanks Adam for this lesson!
Hello my dear teacher! As Always this lesson was also marvellous. I appreciate your help and I want you to make more helpful lessons please!
I am looking forward to watching your next lessons.
Have a good time and take care of yourself.
Excellent lesson, very useful! I didn’t know most of the expressions you explained, Thank you!
thank you Adam! you are such a great teacher.
I cant thank you enough. You make it all looks so easy
Good exercise.Explanation is simple but clear.
My jokes again…
1 – Why are you so sad?
– You know, I came on European dating site. I saw an add: “Julia, 27 years old, 90-60-90, the blond, without material problems, London, Britain.”
I wrote to her and she answered. We had a chat and she liked me, and she she came.
– That’s awesome, man, why didn’t you like it?
– She has measured herself in inches…
2 A military column goes by the village. Two old women sit on the bench.
– Look! Militarists!
– Yea…will stop in a moment….during half of hour will explore the map and then …. will ask direction.
Thank you Adam and I’ll be glad to know my mistakes.
Ha! Your first joke reminds me of a line from the song “Matchmaker” from Fiddler on the Roof: “He’s handsome and tall, from side to side.”
Thank you I like old Hollywood movies very much! I’ll watch it if I find a link. :)
Sorry, but I didn’t understend the sekond joke.
It means that two old women knows more than militarists with their skils of topography?
Sorry Silder! Probably it is not the best one for nowadays
I also wasn’t sure about the second one. Is it a joke about men? :)
Yes Adam, it’s about training Russian army(because we still have the draft(those who are 18 y/o) to army).
Jocks like this you also can hear about Russian national soccer team.
Sorry “Jokes”!!!
Oh, I’v never heared this one.
Moscow World Cup 2018.
Commentator: “For those who are late we can repeat – it is match Brasil – Russia. Our team is losing 9 – 0!
But our fans shouldn’t be disappointed because it is only 5th minute of the 1st time!”
It’s funny. Never thought Ukrainian guys interested in Russian soccer team.
Hi Mr adam
You are the best. Thank you
Thanks Adam,
hello sir I have question to you I seen many times most of the sentence ate use though but I don’t know how can I use it in different prasprative
Hi Raihah,
Do you mean the word “though”?
If yes, then watch this video:
Hope this helps.
answer of 8th should be “kick out”,and answer of 10th should be “kick off”,am i correct?
Thanks for the lesson. I hope I can learn more from you and your team. It really helps too with the quiz.
Thanks everyone :)
Adam , you are fantastic and in my opinion you are the most successful English teacher I have ever seen , Remember I have travelled to 58 countries lol
Tnx Adam, great lesson.
Dear Adam,
First of all, Thank you for your videos and posts on the facebook page.
As I am a postgraduate student, I want to apply for my Ph.D. However, I faced with these “motivation letter”, “Cover letter”, and “Personal Statement” phrases. By searching on the internet, I could find lots of samples and websites but I can not distinguish which one of the websites are reliable and valid. Thus, If you the reliable webpage about them, could you please introduce me? And also could you tell me how the standard template of them are?
hi adam
what does “you ara a shoe” meaning?
Not sure, Merad. I’ve never heard this before. Maybe you are a shoe-in? That means you will for sure get something (a job, a part, etc.)
hi adam why you dont make a window for test level i wanna have this test but it doesnt exist here
Hi Samirsami,
You mean the quiz? You can’t see it?
Interesting lesson. But not easy to memorize.Please Mr Adam I have difficulties to use kick off and kick back.It seems sometimes they both have the same meaning.
Hi Gaga,
Kick off means start something.
Kick back mostly means relax.
The key is to read and listen to English as often as possible to become familiar with these expressions. There are too many to memorize.
Great lesson,Adam.
Today is Christmas’s Eve already so I wish you
a very merry Christmas. I thank you for all the
helpful lesson you prepared this year.You are a great
Thank you Zigmund. Happy belated New Year :)
thank you Alex I got 8 to 10, is not easy
Hi Mr Adam. Can I contact to you?
If you have Skype or other comunication facilities? My skype is (neda.muhammad)
Hi Adam, thank you for lesson but I wanna ask a question. In a quiz 5th sentence why there is kick over not kick in
Thank you Adam,this was a good lesson!I got 9 out of 10.You make english teaching easy!
Thanks a lot Adam for the great lesson, I got it all right. :)
Thank you, Adam.
Could you also create a video with phrasal verbs based on ‘put’ verb. I guess it would be a long lesson. Thanks in advance.
7/10 Thanks Adam
Thx Adam. Your lesssons are always very informative and didatic. Congrats! Toni
It is not so easy to remember all of these words and use it, but it is important at least to understand it and to recognise in communication )
difficult to memorize all these phrasal verbs
Yeah, it’s hard for me, too….
90%… because I had been careless
10 out of 10!! Thank you for the great lesson..
Hi Adam and everyone!
I really appreciate Adam’s lessons, especially those about Phrasal Verbs. He teaches us in an amusing way. It’s more than just memorizing long lists of phrasal verbs. He gives us clarifying examples which make the videos more interesting and didactic.
Thank you so much one more time, Adam!
god bless you because it was very useful
tell me and I forget
teach me and I remember
so involve me and I learn
You always involve the students to learn! Thank you so much.
Great lesson, thank you very much. I learned a lot :)
GOOD LESSON,thank you very much!!!!
your video classes have been helping me a lot since I started to study for an English exam, thank you for your effort.
You really teach so nice ,the best thaxs adam
I got 7 correct out of 10. It was difficult for me but thank you so much.
Hi Adam, Thank u so much, Are they also used in academic writing as well or just in spoken daily English?
Thanks a lot Adam. I really appreciate for offering such an extraordinary explanation.
I would like to understand more about modal verb ‘WOULD’. I know some of it’s usage but not all.
Like’ would be doing ‘ structure of a sentence…
Keep it up bro.
10/10. Couldn’t be any better:D
Thanks to you – Mr. Adam)
I decided to stop kicking about and do the test … 10 out of 10!
Hello Adam, Can I have your advice as to how to start learning Phrasal verbs as there are hundreds of Phrasal verbs under each base Verb
Thank you Mr. Adam.
Thanks,Adam.It is very usefull lesson.
Thanks Adam I like you men
Adam sir very nice lession by you.plz give some more excercise for same topic
As always, It was a really useful lesson!
To recap:
kick around – discuss
kickback – payment/gift/bribe
kickback – revolt, resistance
kick in – break
kick in – contribute (usually money)
kick in – take effect
kick off – start
kick off – remove
kick over – topple (knock to its side)
kick up a storm – fight, argue
As always, It was a really useful lesson!
To recap:
kick around – discuss
kickback – payment/gift/bribe
kickback – revolt, resistance
kick in – break
kick in – contribute (usually money)
kick in – take effect
kick off – start
kick off – remove
kick over – topple (knock to its side)
kick up a storm – fight, argue
Greetings! I really appreciate your response.
Is it correct?
“She had finished her homework, then she went “to the park.”