By using this system, you will learn 10-15 times more vocabulary every time you look up the meaning of a word! You’ll also remember more of what you study, because you’ll be making mental connections and learning in an interesting way. The secret is using word webs. This powerful learning tool will change the way you learn vocabulary and idioms. In this video, I’ll explain what a word web is, how to use it to learn English, and finally I’ll do an example word web with you.
I have been using a method like this, I take a word and think off some sentences in English for explane myself what it means. And also I draw a simple picture for remember it better. It is slowly, but efficiently.
Thanks James!!Nice lesson!!But from my own experience, the best way to remember vocabulary is to listen to similar words once and again, for example by listening songs, and, of course, by watching videos from Engvid ;)
Thanks James! Great work again :)
I follow similar method, but not all the four steps together.
These protocols will definitely enhance vocabulary if followed sincerely.
Rajani Kakade
Thank you for this lesson! understanding is greater than knowing!
Augusto Puga
i think the best way to remember vocabulary is use the words in sentences, thank you adam to show us your methodes
Thank you.
Nice lesson ,james! I got 09/10☺
I’m so lazy. i also read the word twice then I said I got it :D .
Nice lesson.
Thanks a lot, James, for this lesson. It’s very useful.
ı really lıke usıng the ıdıoms ın every part of my lıfe . watchıng thıs video is enjoyable and very efficent thanks for the lesson
i got 10/10
Rana Arslan
You speak way too fast )
Valery teacher
Thanks for this great video. I will keep watching your videos with the aim of improve my english. No more words or I will start to shoot blanks! :D
Hi Bruso!
That’s the first time I find a comment of a Portuguese person in Engvid, and I am very happy for that! I am proud for meeting other Portuguese speakers here writing in English so well like you (by the way, did you notice James’s T-shirt in this lesson?).
To tell you the truth, I have a dream to visit Portugal. She must be a beautiful country!
Take care, my friend!
Eduardo França
Yuppi..i got 90 out of 10
Hi James! Without a doubt, this is the best way to increase our vocabulary. Thank you so much! By the way, you really know how to choose a nice T-shirt. Bye!
Júlio César L Sousa
10/10 now to practice! thanks James
Its very useful. Thanks James!
too many steps for remember but thank you for the lesson anyway. Regards!
james thanks for this lesson. the steps for remember are interesting
nice to take an english lesson I got 9/10 or 90 to 100 thanks teacher James.
Thanks a lot!
Kent Truong
Nice method, it´s very useful.
You are amazing. you have a special way in teaching. Thank you.
Maryam Zaky
Hello James , hello everyone .
Nice and very useful lesson . The more I listen to you James the more I understand you . I got 10/10 .
very useful lesson; especially the association of the words. Thank you
Awesome I got 10 out of 10, no shot in the dark at all, many thanks it will help me a lot
Fabio Forne
Nice T-shirt. Best teacher of engvid.
Joao Melo
Thank you so much. Really helping. Words cannot describe!
Yes, may be, you know our intention
Thanks a lot to teacher,very useful tips
Excellent way to get more vocabulary. I loved it, and I am gonna practice from now on.
But I have a question how can I do with words that have more than use? I mean there are words that you can use like adjectives, adverbs or nouns. The same method is valid for those sort of words?
Thank you I get 7/10 it is not bad I hope to speak English as soon
Merci beacoup, Maestro! You’re a straight shooter! You explained without a shot in the dark! You didn’t fire blanks. I got 10/10, I watch and listen to your classes tweenty for seven! Thank you beacoup professeur!
Oh, by the way! Nice shirt my dead end friend!
Nice lesson. James, you are really know how to joke during the traning.
Ivan Sveshnikov
Very beautiful T-Shirt! Congratulations!Thanks for the class!
Nice of all lessons to put in the head James. First of all, thank you hella much!
Thanks, it is a great way to learn.
Well, we have learnt how to use the famous English Idioms with a verb like “shoot, shot, shot” which means three different questions, for gunners, for pilots and for gardeners but the Idioms “shoot the shit” and “firing blanks” have been the first time I have listened them. Thanks teacher James from engvid, good performance and explanation. Regards.
i am lovin’ it!
I got forty of one hundred after watching the was a perfect video for us to know about vocabulary.good performance and explanation. thanks
kobe xiang
Excellent lesson James! Thanks for your great performance, explanation and thank you for using the t-shirt of my nacionality Brazil!!! :)
Wellington Porto Brito
Thank you
Love your lessons and explanations! Overall, your sense of humor is on point, it makes studying easier and effective :)
Tnx a lot!!
Love your lessons and explanations! Overall, your sense of humor is on the point, makes studying much more interesting and effective :)
Tnx a lot!
Good Lesson James. Actually I use different method to learn new vocabularies. First, I search in dictionary (English-English) and then I write out the dictionary definition of the word and after that I realise that I learn more words writting it out because sometimes I see new words and I begin the cicle again :D
Fernando Moreira
Thanks for the lesson! Is very important to know diverse meanings of the words and various situations where we can replace them for other ones, preserving the content of the message. Useful method!
thanks a lot!
Diana Endo
james, I think you already came to Brazil, and I think you have a little piece of brazilian… congratulations for your class… and for your marvelous t-shirt..I am feel proud with your t-shirt today
Brilliant lessom. Thanks.
Thank you so much Mr James
muhamad best
that’s awesome!! i really like his video!
Neil Brandall
Effective lesson but need a lot of practice
9/10 Thank you, James!You are a good teacher!
I really appreciated it! I will start using this method to learn new words..and I am quite sure it will work! thank you so much!
Nice shoot!
Nice T-shirt also!!
nice a lot jame
It was useful. )))
Thanks James I really understand that.
What an amazing way to learn new words. As a writer this exercise will make my writing clearer. I often like to use more complicated words when I write a sentence. I might write he announced “John come here.” Rather than He said “john come here.” and for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes I’m tired of saying ‘said’ and other times I want the character to be more formal. This exercise has taught me to make a word web for both said and announced so I can use both in a more determined way. English is my only language and I never knew anything like making a word web.
How can I send a direct Message ?
Hi, if this is about the other channel, please be patient!
engVid Moderator
thank you so much~~I will try~
Rodrigo Ribeiro
useful lesson.Thank you
Howdy James!
That’s a nice lesson with useful tips. I like this website because here we can find out different ways and methods to improve our English skills, so that we can use those ones which suit us the best.
Thank you very much, and I will see you in your next video!
Eduardo França
5 OUT OF 10 it means i’m nothing
thank you very much you’r the best teacher to me
if any one want to talk in English to improve our skills add me on skype (sayfkk7) and let’s talk
sorry for my bad grammar
sayf khalil
What an amazing way!!
Thanks, James.I got only 6/10, but i confused me in three and did not understand only one. Beautyfull shirt, nice choose!I´m from Brazi. :D
Maitê dos Santos Pimentel
good Dear James…..
I think that should works, thanks :)
Super lesson. Go ahead James and Mr. E.
James: You taught me a very useful way to learn vocabulary. Thanks a lot. I´ll practice your recommendations.
fantastic trainer :)
Thank you, James! I am looking forward for next your lessons.
Vitalii UA
Thank you for this lesson i got 10 out of 10.
Thank you for this lesson i got 10 out of 10. .
Nice shirt! , I never had a tip like this. thanks! i change my form to see the words and how i insert in my mind.
Amazing lesson! Thank you from Brazil!
I loved your lesson and your T shirt
it seems so easy now…could someone lend me a dictionary?
I have always heard that the French people don’t like speaking English, but I think it’s not your case, because I have read many comments of yours and, in my opinion, you have pleasure to use this website. So do I!
Take care!
Eduardo França
I hope to learn English , I have problems in reading and vocabulary to forget , Heeeeeeelp me
thanks, very intresting thing :)
Good job! Thank you for these precious pieces of advice.
Thank you James! it was really cool and helpful. You are best teacher:)
Thanks James
I love your voice <3
Thanks a lot ,it’s amazing to see you in here,absolutely you’re a best English teacher !
Thank you so much .This video is so useful for me .Because I could not learn new words so I learnt a lot of words but then I forgot some of them .Now I’ve learnt new method for make a strong vocabulary.Thanks again .
So love your video, it’s clear and wonderful. Thank you!
Shahi lee
Great lesson, and pretty t-shirt!!!
Thanks hips
Erica render
Thanks, James, for these tips!
Now that I learnt a new method to understand new words, I will just do it, as you recommended!
Fabio Cicerre
Very good lesson. Very interesting. Thanks
I am following your advice and solution. They are very usefull for me. Thank you very much.
Zakir Ekici
Thank you! It’s very useful lesson. Will take your recommendations into consideration.
very useful my teacher
It was very interesting! And it’s always a pleasure to see and hear you, teacher James!
You are the greatest teacher.
Thank you!!!!!!
Thankyou for having this video but i keep studying because some other is confusing me maybe i need to be more fluent in my listening and thats im got 30 and its awful :( i keep trying and thankyou .you’re the best teacher and thankyou to having this for free. Someday if i gonna more fluent in english i will find you to having thanks with you in person , and for now im still watching and studying your websites and videos, sorry for not being good in english xD
Paulyn Mercado
Gosh~ After listening your this lesson, I feel you teach and explain all of the things very well. Thank you.
By the way, I still did not understand “firing blanks”. Is it common to use in the daily life?
Thanks for the lesson Mr. James I learnt a lot…!!
Jakub Alvarez
Well done Thank you sir ^_^
I got 90 :D
Great Lesson! Is is my first video, nice to meet you!
If you study us we will not shoot in a dark
You’re really helpful ;) Thanks
Thanks James!!! I loved the lesson.
Mari Borges
Amazing lesson, great job. Many thanks
I have been living in US for 2.5 years. I would’t have survived without your lessons. Thank you James!
Great Lesson!
Thanks Mr. E for your video. I interested in this.
but I was confused about small thing: What’s “young branch of a plant” meaning?
I really do not understand what’s sentence mean.
Can someone help me to explain it again.
Hoang Quyen
Thanks Mr. Jamees. Your lessons are educative. You are a straight shooter!
Thanks James
Gold as very Nice classe. Beatiful Tshirt ?
Thank youu so much ı m addict your lessons sbnm
thank you
Thank you very much mate! you are one of the best teacher I have ever met.
Thank you James
thanks sir
bundles of thanks james
Great Lesson :clap:
Yeah! I made it. 10 of 10. James you are rock!
Thanks a lot James! your method is very useful!
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you so much.
M kartal
Thanks a lot James!
…I feel so tired with English because I LEARNED TOO MUCH… and now I’m mad… :P
MAD MAD MAD !@#$%^&*()
This lesson is very useful to me, thank you.
lesson is so cool
Hi Mr. James!
I just watched this video on youtube and you took my whole attention as a “new” English teacher. You inspired me to use this technique on my pupils due to being quite effective with the help of making an association among words and enjoyable as well.
Thank You!
Great lesson
parveen kapoor
I like you,you are fabuLous
Rahele Soltani
Thank you, that lesson was superb! :D
Tibijski wariat
Teacher how we can be stay for leaning
Omar Abdullahi
I have a question there, shall I write down all vocabularies that come up with one particular word on a black paper or it’s just enough to have a mind map for these stuff?
Any help would highly be appreciated
h! bro in my understanding you are not required write down anything you just memorize and do use only, thanks
Hassan Kamiin
well done, i did as it was very interesting and actually i got lots of benefit thanks bro
Hassan Kamiin
Thank u James. you lessons are very interesting and funny. I always watch them with a big pleasure.
i feel dumb because i got 6 out of 10 but i try my best already!
Nor Syafika
understanding is more important than knowing. thank you james
Another great lesson, this helps me to widen my vocabulary words, i will continue to used it until i become fluent
You are a great teacher. Your lectures helps a lot. You teach us keeping in mind that learners are non-english speaking peoples, that makes you different from other teachers.
Congratulations to me 👏
Got 10/10 after understanding 🤝
thank you MrJames but where’s our favorite worm, I missed him so much.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
amazing bro
I have been using a method like this, I take a word and think off some sentences in English for explane myself what it means. And also I draw a simple picture for remember it better. It is slowly, but efficiently.
Thanks James!!Nice lesson!!But from my own experience, the best way to remember vocabulary is to listen to similar words once and again, for example by listening songs, and, of course, by watching videos from Engvid ;)
Thanks James! Great work again :)
I follow similar method, but not all the four steps together.
These protocols will definitely enhance vocabulary if followed sincerely.
Thank you for this lesson! understanding is greater than knowing!
i think the best way to remember vocabulary is use the words in sentences, thank you adam to show us your methodes
Thank you.
Nice lesson ,james! I got 09/10☺
I’m so lazy. i also read the word twice then I said I got it :D .
Nice lesson.
Thanks a lot, James, for this lesson. It’s very useful.
ı really lıke usıng the ıdıoms ın every part of my lıfe . watchıng thıs video is enjoyable and very efficent thanks for the lesson
i got 10/10
You speak way too fast )
Thanks for this great video. I will keep watching your videos with the aim of improve my english. No more words or I will start to shoot blanks! :D
Hi Bruso!
That’s the first time I find a comment of a Portuguese person in Engvid, and I am very happy for that! I am proud for meeting other Portuguese speakers here writing in English so well like you (by the way, did you notice James’s T-shirt in this lesson?).
To tell you the truth, I have a dream to visit Portugal. She must be a beautiful country!
Take care, my friend!
Yuppi..i got 90 out of 10
Hi James! Without a doubt, this is the best way to increase our vocabulary. Thank you so much! By the way, you really know how to choose a nice T-shirt. Bye!
10/10 now to practice! thanks James
Its very useful. Thanks James!
too many steps for remember but thank you for the lesson anyway. Regards!
james thanks for this lesson. the steps for remember are interesting
nice to take an english lesson I got 9/10 or 90 to 100 thanks teacher James.
Thanks a lot!
Nice method, it´s very useful.
You are amazing. you have a special way in teaching. Thank you.
Hello James , hello everyone .
Nice and very useful lesson . The more I listen to you James the more I understand you . I got 10/10 .
very useful lesson; especially the association of the words. Thank you
Awesome I got 10 out of 10, no shot in the dark at all, many thanks it will help me a lot
Nice T-shirt. Best teacher of engvid.
Thank you so much. Really helping. Words cannot describe!
Yes, may be, you know our intention
Thanks a lot to teacher,very useful tips
Excellent way to get more vocabulary. I loved it, and I am gonna practice from now on.
But I have a question how can I do with words that have more than use? I mean there are words that you can use like adjectives, adverbs or nouns. The same method is valid for those sort of words?
Thank you I get 7/10 it is not bad I hope to speak English as soon
Merci beacoup, Maestro! You’re a straight shooter! You explained without a shot in the dark! You didn’t fire blanks. I got 10/10, I watch and listen to your classes tweenty for seven! Thank you beacoup professeur!
Oh, by the way! Nice shirt my dead end friend!
Nice lesson. James, you are really know how to joke during the traning.
Very beautiful T-Shirt! Congratulations!Thanks for the class!
Nice of all lessons to put in the head James. First of all, thank you hella much!
Thanks, it is a great way to learn.
Well, we have learnt how to use the famous English Idioms with a verb like “shoot, shot, shot” which means three different questions, for gunners, for pilots and for gardeners but the Idioms “shoot the shit” and “firing blanks” have been the first time I have listened them. Thanks teacher James from engvid, good performance and explanation. Regards.
i am lovin’ it!
I got forty of one hundred after watching the was a perfect video for us to know about vocabulary.good performance and explanation. thanks
Excellent lesson James! Thanks for your great performance, explanation and thank you for using the t-shirt of my nacionality Brazil!!! :)
Thank you
Love your lessons and explanations! Overall, your sense of humor is on point, it makes studying easier and effective :)
Tnx a lot!!
Love your lessons and explanations! Overall, your sense of humor is on the point, makes studying much more interesting and effective :)
Tnx a lot!
Good Lesson James. Actually I use different method to learn new vocabularies. First, I search in dictionary (English-English) and then I write out the dictionary definition of the word and after that I realise that I learn more words writting it out because sometimes I see new words and I begin the cicle again :D
Thanks for the lesson! Is very important to know diverse meanings of the words and various situations where we can replace them for other ones, preserving the content of the message. Useful method!
thanks a lot!
james, I think you already came to Brazil, and I think you have a little piece of brazilian… congratulations for your class… and for your marvelous t-shirt..I am feel proud with your t-shirt today
Brilliant lessom. Thanks.
Thank you so much Mr James
that’s awesome!! i really like his video!
Effective lesson but need a lot of practice
9/10 Thank you, James!You are a good teacher!
I really appreciated it! I will start using this method to learn new words..and I am quite sure it will work! thank you so much!
Nice shoot!
Nice T-shirt also!!
nice a lot jame
It was useful. )))
Thanks James I really understand that.
What an amazing way to learn new words. As a writer this exercise will make my writing clearer. I often like to use more complicated words when I write a sentence. I might write he announced “John come here.” Rather than He said “john come here.” and for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes I’m tired of saying ‘said’ and other times I want the character to be more formal. This exercise has taught me to make a word web for both said and announced so I can use both in a more determined way. English is my only language and I never knew anything like making a word web.
How can I send a direct Message ?
Hi, if this is about the other channel, please be patient!
thank you so much~~I will try~
useful lesson.Thank you
Howdy James!
That’s a nice lesson with useful tips. I like this website because here we can find out different ways and methods to improve our English skills, so that we can use those ones which suit us the best.
Thank you very much, and I will see you in your next video!
5 OUT OF 10 it means i’m nothing
thank you very much you’r the best teacher to me
if any one want to talk in English to improve our skills add me on skype (sayfkk7) and let’s talk
sorry for my bad grammar
What an amazing way!!
Thanks, James.I got only 6/10, but i confused me in three and did not understand only one. Beautyfull shirt, nice choose!I´m from Brazi. :D
good Dear James…..
I think that should works, thanks :)
Super lesson. Go ahead James and Mr. E.
James: You taught me a very useful way to learn vocabulary. Thanks a lot. I´ll practice your recommendations.
fantastic trainer :)
Thank you, James! I am looking forward for next your lessons.
Thank you for this lesson i got 10 out of 10.
Thank you for this lesson i got 10 out of 10. .
Nice shirt! , I never had a tip like this. thanks! i change my form to see the words and how i insert in my mind.
Amazing lesson! Thank you from Brazil!
I loved your lesson and your T shirt
it seems so easy now…could someone lend me a dictionary?
Here you go!
Hi Lemarvillois!
I have always heard that the French people don’t like speaking English, but I think it’s not your case, because I have read many comments of yours and, in my opinion, you have pleasure to use this website. So do I!
Take care!
I hope to learn English , I have problems in reading and vocabulary to forget , Heeeeeeelp me
thanks, very intresting thing :)
Good job! Thank you for these precious pieces of advice.
Thank you James! it was really cool and helpful. You are best teacher:)
Thanks James
I love your voice <3
Thanks a lot ,it’s amazing to see you in here,absolutely you’re a best English teacher !
Thank you so much .This video is so useful for me .Because I could not learn new words so I learnt a lot of words but then I forgot some of them .Now I’ve learnt new method for make a strong vocabulary.Thanks again .
So love your video, it’s clear and wonderful. Thank you!
Great lesson, and pretty t-shirt!!!
Thanks hips
Thanks, James, for these tips!
Now that I learnt a new method to understand new words, I will just do it, as you recommended!
Very good lesson. Very interesting. Thanks
I am following your advice and solution. They are very usefull for me. Thank you very much.
Thank you! It’s very useful lesson. Will take your recommendations into consideration.
very useful my teacher
It was very interesting! And it’s always a pleasure to see and hear you, teacher James!
You are the greatest teacher.
Thank you!!!!!!
Thankyou for having this video but i keep studying because some other is confusing me maybe i need to be more fluent in my listening and thats im got 30 and its awful :( i keep trying and thankyou .you’re the best teacher and thankyou to having this for free. Someday if i gonna more fluent in english i will find you to having thanks with you in person , and for now im still watching and studying your websites and videos, sorry for not being good in english xD
Gosh~ After listening your this lesson, I feel you teach and explain all of the things very well. Thank you.
By the way, I still did not understand “firing blanks”. Is it common to use in the daily life?
Thanks for the lesson Mr. James I learnt a lot…!!
Well done Thank you sir ^_^
I got 90 :D
Great Lesson! Is is my first video, nice to meet you!
If you study us we will not shoot in a dark
You’re really helpful ;) Thanks
Thanks James!!! I loved the lesson.
Amazing lesson, great job. Many thanks
I have been living in US for 2.5 years. I would’t have survived without your lessons. Thank you James!
Great Lesson!
Thanks Mr. E for your video. I interested in this.
but I was confused about small thing: What’s “young branch of a plant” meaning?
I really do not understand what’s sentence mean.
Can someone help me to explain it again.
Thanks Mr. Jamees. Your lessons are educative. You are a straight shooter!
Thanks James
Gold as very Nice classe. Beatiful Tshirt ?
Thank youu so much ı m addict your lessons sbnm
thank you
Thank you very much mate! you are one of the best teacher I have ever met.
Thank you James
thanks sir
bundles of thanks james
Great Lesson :clap:
Yeah! I made it. 10 of 10. James you are rock!
Thanks a lot James! your method is very useful!
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you so much.
Thanks a lot James!
…I feel so tired with English because I LEARNED TOO MUCH… and now I’m mad… :P
MAD MAD MAD !@#$%^&*()
This lesson is very useful to me, thank you.
lesson is so cool
Hi Mr. James!
I just watched this video on youtube and you took my whole attention as a “new” English teacher. You inspired me to use this technique on my pupils due to being quite effective with the help of making an association among words and enjoyable as well.
Thank You!
Great lesson
I like you,you are fabuLous
Thank you, that lesson was superb! :D
Teacher how we can be stay for leaning
I have a question there, shall I write down all vocabularies that come up with one particular word on a black paper or it’s just enough to have a mind map for these stuff?
Any help would highly be appreciated
h! bro in my understanding you are not required write down anything you just memorize and do use only, thanks
well done, i did as it was very interesting and actually i got lots of benefit thanks bro
Thank u James. you lessons are very interesting and funny. I always watch them with a big pleasure.
i feel dumb because i got 6 out of 10 but i try my best already!
understanding is more important than knowing. thank you james
Another great lesson, this helps me to widen my vocabulary words, i will continue to used it until i become fluent
You are a great teacher. Your lectures helps a lot. You teach us keeping in mind that learners are non-english speaking peoples, that makes you different from other teachers.
Congratulations to me 👏
Got 10/10 after understanding 🤝
thank you MrJames but where’s our favorite worm, I missed him so much.