in English. These short expressions are easy to learn, but most of them do need to be learned – it’s hard to understand their meaning just in context. I’ll teach you the following terms & expressions: I’m not down
, I’m down for that
, I’m down with
, get something down
, get down and boogie
, YouTube is down
, take this down
, I’m down
, and down jacket
. 10 minutes, 10 expressions: are you down?
i got full mark D:)
Thank a lot for clarification, Mrs.Ronnie
Great website! Btw. 1 error…-I wasn’t sure about this one.
Question: I am down to speak/understand English better – is a good phrase?
Thank you Ronnie.
Ronnie you are always the best .Thanks a lot for your amzing method and how to simplfy the lessons.
Great lesson Ronnie, thanks a lot!
Thanks for your lesson, Ronnie. I love your energy so much!
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank you, Mrs. Ronnie.
Thank you for this “get down and boogie” lesson.
Hello…I’d like to brush my speaking up. Is there anyone else who is interested in speaking to me on a regular basis? My whatsapp number is +88 01812788727. Thank you. Rasho.
90-100 great
Thanks for your great effort Ms, Ronnie
thank you teacher Ronnie, this is a good class.I will in the future, when I will sad, I can say I´m down.
Thanks let me pull my shocks
Thank a lot for this course Mrs Ronnie.
Thank Ronnie.
YAAAAY, full mark!
Thank you, Ronnie?
I want to take this down.You are unprecendet.
thank you
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
I really enjoy learning from you Ronnie!!!
To be honest when I come Canada, I really like to be down with you.
very funny lesson :D
8/10! Good! I was confused by No.3 question. “I’m down” means depressed, is this sentence means: Ronnie doesn’t want to see the movie?
I really like your way of teaching. Thanks!
i got this quiz down
I’m down for your lesson Ronnie.
Thank you Teacher Ronnie for let to know the different meanings about Down.
im down very well
Thank you, Ronnie! You make my English better!
I got 90%, thanks ?
i really liked this video
tank You Very match
thanks ronnie
I remember when I was in the UK, people often times said “go down the road” even though there was no hill at all. It always confused me. Why do they use it that way?
Thanks a lot
I am down with Ronnie
Thanks a bunch, Teacher Roonie.
thank you
Thank you Ronnie!
tanhk you