Did you know that there are over 30 different English accents in England alone? And that’s not all. Would you believe there are over a hundred different English dialects accross the world? In this lesson, I will tell you about some common British accents you might hear. You’ll hear examples of Cockney, RP, Estuary, Northern, Scottish, Welsh, and many more accents. Don’t miss this opportunity to add some spice to your English pronunciation and comprehension!
Good morning Gill ! I’m watching the lesson now and I think it’s wery usefull even for me – who is don’t no English wery well. Thank you Gill for the lesson very mach !!!! And I’d like a grand-mother like you ! ) But I haven’t. ( You are one of the Best teacher of EngVid.com !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
‘morning Gill, you quoted a famous line said by John McEnroe, tha one and only God of tennis! Hence I love you even more!!
It is really worth watching your useful educative Videos.
Indeed, I like this lesson as well as previous one about ‘history of English’. It’s really interesting! And it’d be great if you continue making video like these.
I get 100 %. every day i learn more English with engvid, thank you so much..
Elmer Merino
Hi elner31 ! ) I thin you “learn more English with engvid” becouse here are the Best teachers in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Gill, I really enjoyed your last two lessons, this one about English accents in UK and the previous one regarding English language history.
As a teacher of English, I found this lesson extremely useful. Now I have a clearer idea of regional differences in English in the UK, and I know what to tell my students if they ask why is the English they learn so different from what they really hear.
Thank you Gill for a fascinating lesson. I love English and now thanks to you I will be able to understand more watching films in original. I also have one question. I was taught that we pronounce the Scottish word loch ( lok ).When do we use it that way ? Thanks a lot.
Hi katarinapol — thanks for your question :-) Most non-Scottish people pronounce it /lok/, so it sounds exactly the same as the word ‘lock’.
Very-very interesting! Before, I struggled with my incorrect pronunciation, but now I know – it is simply a Cockney-accent))) Fank You great big!
But seriously, the lesson was wonderful. I would like to see You more often, Your lessons are the best for me. And yet You have excellent pronunciation, which begs the question: do You treat the 3% of “RP-people”, or in the UK most of the talking as You?
Thank you for your kind words, Platonov :-) My accent is quite close to RP, but with a slight East Midlands accent (from about 120 miles north of London). My accent gradually changed when I moved to London many years ago, but it hasn’t changed completely. So I’m not sure if I belong to the 3% population of RP speakers or not!
Interesting and very informative. Thank you Gill!!
Thank you Gill for the great and unique lesson about different accents in Britain.
Hi,The engvid website contains some sexual ads like”get a girl friend” with some offensive pics.Most of the kids use engvid,so it has a very bad impact on them.kindly stop such ads if possible.
It’s easy to explain. When you stop visiting these kind of sites, they will disappear from the pages you visit. Each programmer knows it. Good luck.
Thank you very much Gill!!
I speak English with a Spanish accent, or as we called here in Spain “Spanglish” ;)
Hello every one,
I just started with engvid and I am so happy about this.
“Do you want to drink in a cup or in a mug?”. I like this part of the lesson. I´m never sure if I´ve got a Canadian or an American accent, though I find the European ones really classy. Yours is classy! I´ve also noticed that accents and dialects change according to the enviroment we´re in. These tips on culture and pronunciation are going to be very useful for me, no doubt. Thanks, teacher Gill. Take care.
Emanoel Pereira
I sought for the quizzes, but didn’t find. Wouldn’t you mind to help me to find them. I’m eago to do all of them,just for sport!
Thank you in advance.
Emanuel Lozitsky
Hi Emanuel — just scroll up from here, and you’ll see three tabs: Comments / Quiz / Share. I hope you enjoy trying the quizzes :-)
i want to contuct to teacher. and talk to face
I hope to know Each Thing about Mongos and Tattars’s History
I adore this History
Unless a non-native speaker of English (student or teacher) lives in an English-speaking country or environment, they won’t have any true English accent -only a mix of RP with their mother tongue’s accent. We can only imitate the accents we hear in English or try to clear our English of strong native accent in our aspiration to sound clear and understandable.
Good information
Thank you, Gill
I have the question. As I was thought at school, all nouns in English must be modified, it’s the feature of good inelegant English, so how can I modify any uncountable nouns all the time, sometimes it’s difficult to figure out something reasonable?
Emanuel Lozitsky
British accents are very various.. but is’s funny!
Thank you cheacher Gil, I like to know why in English sometimes you write (Y) in verbs like “worry” as example” I am worried” and in some cases you keep (Y) as in “Play” you say “I played”, why??? there a rule?’I see that in some examples we change “y” “ie”
Sorry, I am Crazy, hhhhh I would write “Teacher” in this way not in the other , I am soo sorry to that,native peoples, hhh
Thanks for sharing this video Gill . This has been helpful a lot . The more I get to know about the way brits talk the more I get dazzled by its charm . Wanna watch more videos pertaining to british culture . Thanks again .
What a great lesson Ma’am! I really appreciate it. The most beautiful accent in English is RP but i think the Scottish one is too difficult as if it’s a language not an accent . Looking forward to your new lessons.
Bushra hg
Sorry, i mean a dialect
Bushra hg
Miss Marple … or Mrs.Hudson from”The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”.I am sorry.
This is the great and useful lesson.Thank you!
Thanks Gill for this lesson about differences in accents and dialects in the regions of the UK!
Now, when I can’t understand some accent/dialect, I will ask the person to speak differently :-) Meanwhile, I will try to learn some other pronunciations and words in English, commons to these accents and dialects.
Fabio Cicerre
Excellent Teacher
Hello Gill! Thanks for this lesson. I think that a very important part of learnng a new language, it is not only the language itself, but the culture and this kind of issues as well.
I totally agree with you, because it’s mpossible to comprehend any language without knowledge about its country history, culture, peoples’ mentality
Thanks for the lesson, it was very helpful! Just interesting, am I the only one who gladly squealed, when he heard the David Tennant’s name?)
*whovian in me so happy*
I want to perfect in English language within short time
I wonder which accent Jude Law has, though???
Thank you very much Grill. I never know before about brttish accents. That it’s interesting to learn how to pronunciation.
i will keep learning from your video.
Dear Gill, thank you for this lovely, insightful lesson.
Thank you for this awesome lesson, Gill!
It was really interesting to learn about English accents. I started to understand what accents I hear while watching TV programms or Britain movies. I noticed that Britain people pay great attention to accents and they always know the part of the UK where an accent carrier lives.
I can’t say the same situation here in Russia, we pay much less attention to accents.
Your description of “accent” I would agree, but the description of “dialect” is very inadequate. Dialect is much more than “spelling of words, etc.) dialect is a local or regional language variety. It may be different from other dialects as well as the default language (originally written language) in all language areas. Dialect has his own phonology (~accent), word diffraction ( morphology), vocabulary (lexis), sentence structure (syntax) and idiomatic expressions.
sorry, here we study general information. For the further info you have to consult a prof of Linguistics in the university where you are from. that’s not interesting to the rest of us. Best wishes.
Do not speak on behalf of everyone what is interesting and what is not. If you are comfortable with general information, then be content with it, and do not try to silence others.
Vlad 55
Lovely!Thank you Gill.
Such a wonderful lesson. Love teaching pronunciation.Thanks for the information.
Fabricio Solorzano
Hi Gill:) I love your video! Thank you so much!
Sweet as ever….! Thank you Gill….!
Gill you are spectacular teacher, tks for your great job…
hi gill after greater i have a question tell me the accent English
i only wait your answer
Its very interesting. Very useful! Thank you so much x
Thanks a lot, Gill!
The accents really puzzled me a lot as for their differences and characteristics!
What about “Queen’s English”, please — is that also a RP or can be categorized into other accents?
Thanks! :D
Thank you.
Thank you Mrs.Gill
Hi Gill this is very useful lesson in my IELTS listening test preparation. Warm regards!
thanks you teacher !
Quite interesting again, Gill! Thank you for the lesson. I have always wanted to learn about this subject. In Brazil, which is a large country, there are a lot of different accents. In Rio, where I live, our strongest accent is the letter “s”, that we pronounce like “sh”, like the European pronunciation. I personally think that accents have to do with migration and level of education.
I also know that in East End, in London, you use the “rhyming slang”. For instance, “loaf of bread” means “head”, “bee and honey” means “money” and “dog and bone” means “telephone”. It is rather funny!
Finally, I would like to mention that in Brazil the newsreaders used to use the RP (we say “standard language” here”) as well, but since some years ago a lot of them have begun to use their own accent beside slang, probably in order to become more popular.
Eduardo França
It is a very useful lesson. Thanks a lot.
thank you, i love to learn . God bless
I like the cockney,but i need to practice it all the time..i want to speak like a british
Hussein syd
Thanks so much.. :) Very useful lesson.
Thank you very very much Gill
Hello, Gill.
Could you please answer the question I got after I had watched your lesson. In England people receive the proper education and they do know how to spell words correctly. But they don’t. Do they just follow the tradition or there is something else about it?
Thank you, Nastya
I love cockney accent.
Helvecio Breno
Hello Ms.Gill,thank you for teaching ,my question is, what difference is between pronunciation of an Oxford and Cambridge,
Thank you again,
Kind Regards,
May god bless you teacher…thank you for being a good teacher
Dear teacher, can you help me to speak in Scottish accent? ? I just begin to learn English. I need your help. Please help me
Ayka Qasan
Hello Gill. It was so interesting lesson. I didn’t know (how “ah dinnae ken” changes past tense?) there are that many accents and dialects in the UK, so I still cannae be perfect with English. It’ll take long long time.
Thank you for the lesson, ta-tah :)
A very interesting lesson Gill. Thank you so much indeed. I just want to ask you about “Flat Vowels” what does it mean when someone describes their vowels as being flat?
Hi Gill, as usual a very interesting lesson. I was surprised to hear that the Midland’s version of cup/mug and up is coop/moog en oop. This is very similiar to Dutch! kop/mok/op. Same pronunciation!
This is the lesson What I have been looking for. Thank you mam.
Hello Mdm Gill, could you please explain why only 3 percent of people in the UK speak with an RP accent?
ayman chenna
Thank you teacher. You are best, I love you :)
is a lovely teacher
juan sierra
so good teacher
juan sierra
great information
now I can recognize the differences between English countries.
I would love to thank you for the lesson as it helped me find out eventually what was wrong with my pronunciation. I think those gluttony sounds like with a word matter can actually make a big difference.
Thank you.
peter sang
Ty so much
Honestly this teacher used to use simple method in her lesson i’d like to thank her kindly
Ty kindly our teacher Gill
6/10 thanx! I am delighted to learn more.
Gill you are one of a few person that i understand clearly. Thank you so much!!!
Thank you Gill I like this lesson so much so I’ll try to learn more british accent!
Got 100%. Love you, Gill.
10/10!! Thanks!
Thank You!
Hello Gill – would love to hear more examples of only Cockney, such as when to use the F or V sound – such as With, and Weather is Wi(v) and Wea(v)a, etc.. and the word The – is simply The? or (d)e? the word There is (d)ere. thus if th is at beginning is either (f) or (d)?
Thank you, Gill. You are an excellent teacher. You are helping me very much with my listening skill. Thank you for your clear pronunciation and your natural way of explaining the theme. Bye.
Emilio Garcia
Three simple words; sagacious, resourceful and sophisticated instructor. I LIKE YOU.
Great lesson, Gill.But,you know, I love all the
I’ve visited some English speaking countries and I must say that I found the Scottish pronunciation the
most difficult to understand.Lots of “aye” “aye” “aye” (have I written it correctly?)
It was a wonderful experience,though.I was very
young at that time and I was staying at my aunt’s
house. Because of my “weird” accent , the person
I was talking to just asked me :” Does your ANT
have a house?”
I didn’t feel very comfortable, as you can imagine.
I loved the experience. So much so that I returned
there one more time.
It’s a beautiful country.The people are very
friendly. That’s what counts.
Love your accent. It’s and “extra lesson” listening
to you attentively.
Thanks a mill.
good morning,i love your lesson but really need more to enhance my abilities in this field.
thanks alot.
omar fathi
Thank you Gill. David Tennant’s accent in Broadchurch series hints he was Welsh or Scottish. Pleased to get the answser now.
The actor, David Tennant, is Scottish! I haven’t seen Broadchurch, so I don’t know if the character he plays is also supposed to be Scottish.
Here’s a comedy skit featuring David Tennant and Catherine Tate, whose character, Lauren Cooper, has a very strong south-east London accent.
engVid Moderator
Thank you for the link !
Best regards.
thank you very much Gill for this lesson!
i’ve started to learn English with engvid ’cause i saw this lesson with you.
good luck with other lessons and your students!
when you say how the people who live in birmingham
pronounce make up i thougth you say they pronounce it like my cup hahahahaha
sorry makeupall toghether
100% cockney accent – the accent true Londoner
( for read aloud with cockney pronunciation )
10/10. Thanks.
Very interesting, thanks a lot Gill.
Thank you, Gill! That was very informative and helpful. Would be pleased to watch more videos with dialectology and pronunciation aspects :)
Simply interesting…
I’d sure love to have one of those accents; maybe not the Scottish one, no shades.
Not to be confused it is better to invite not three people, but four at least :)
Thank you very much Gill. You are an awesome teacher.
10/10 I like your lessons very much, Gill.
I would never have wondered all of these accents.
Thank you Gill! Never stopped to be amazed every time I visited London to the amount of dialects heard. As a foreigner, if you think you know English, go to London and you’ll be humiliated :)
I could recognize US, Scottish, Irish, Welch and Australian accents and partially Cockney – especially from the lack of “h” – but never distinguished English accents. Thanks!
so interesting lesson .
thanks to all of you, great teacher .
10/10 woowww, I love your class very interesting , Thank you so much
Mercedes Blanquer
I got 100% in the quizz. Thank you Gill your lessons are always engaging.
Thank you, Gill.
In question number 8 you wrote. … people in America and Canada… Well, I think Canada is America as well as Mexico, Brasil, Peru, Argentina and many more countries.
Pedrop Guijarrog
Very interesting lesson?
Very good lesson to me.Just i want learn accent more like British,American canadian etc.so Please guid me for that how can i build up Vocab.Thank you Teacher
In First attempt i got 8 out of 10.But in second attempt i got 10/10 thank you.
8/10 not bad at all
abdalla eisa
By the way, I got 9/10.
Ozy Galeana
I learned more in less than half an hour than I did in my entire undergraduate semester.
Cheers!! ?
Ozy Galeana
Good information.Thanks Gill.
Very insightful! Thank you, Gill!
Hung Le
Thanks for another educational video. I’ve been teaching English for over 20 yrs and I have a lot to learn from you!
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Good morning Gill ! I’m watching the lesson now and I think it’s wery usefull even for me – who is don’t no English wery well. Thank you Gill for the lesson very mach !!!! And I’d like a grand-mother like you ! ) But I haven’t. ( You are one of the Best teacher of EngVid.com !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
‘morning Gill, you quoted a famous line said by John McEnroe, tha one and only God of tennis! Hence I love you even more!!
It is really worth watching your useful educative Videos.
Indeed, I like this lesson as well as previous one about ‘history of English’. It’s really interesting! And it’d be great if you continue making video like these.
I get 100 %. every day i learn more English with engvid, thank you so much..
Hi elner31 ! ) I thin you “learn more English with engvid” becouse here are the Best teachers in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Gill, I really enjoyed your last two lessons, this one about English accents in UK and the previous one regarding English language history.
As a teacher of English, I found this lesson extremely useful. Now I have a clearer idea of regional differences in English in the UK, and I know what to tell my students if they ask why is the English they learn so different from what they really hear.
Thank you Gill for a fascinating lesson. I love English and now thanks to you I will be able to understand more watching films in original. I also have one question. I was taught that we pronounce the Scottish word loch ( lok ).When do we use it that way ? Thanks a lot.
Hi katarinapol — thanks for your question :-) Most non-Scottish people pronounce it /lok/, so it sounds exactly the same as the word ‘lock’.
Very-very interesting! Before, I struggled with my incorrect pronunciation, but now I know – it is simply a Cockney-accent))) Fank You great big!
But seriously, the lesson was wonderful. I would like to see You more often, Your lessons are the best for me. And yet You have excellent pronunciation, which begs the question: do You treat the 3% of “RP-people”, or in the UK most of the talking as You?
Thank you for your kind words, Platonov :-) My accent is quite close to RP, but with a slight East Midlands accent (from about 120 miles north of London). My accent gradually changed when I moved to London many years ago, but it hasn’t changed completely. So I’m not sure if I belong to the 3% population of RP speakers or not!
Interesting and very informative. Thank you Gill!!
Thank you Gill for the great and unique lesson about different accents in Britain.
Hi,The engvid website contains some sexual ads like”get a girl friend” with some offensive pics.Most of the kids use engvid,so it has a very bad impact on them.kindly stop such ads if possible.
It’s easy to explain. When you stop visiting these kind of sites, they will disappear from the pages you visit. Each programmer knows it. Good luck.
Thank you very much Gill!!
I speak English with a Spanish accent, or as we called here in Spain “Spanglish” ;)
Hello every one,
I just started with engvid and I am so happy about this.
“Do you want to drink in a cup or in a mug?”. I like this part of the lesson. I´m never sure if I´ve got a Canadian or an American accent, though I find the European ones really classy. Yours is classy! I´ve also noticed that accents and dialects change according to the enviroment we´re in. These tips on culture and pronunciation are going to be very useful for me, no doubt. Thanks, teacher Gill. Take care.
I sought for the quizzes, but didn’t find. Wouldn’t you mind to help me to find them. I’m eago to do all of them,just for sport!
Thank you in advance.
Hi Emanuel — just scroll up from here, and you’ll see three tabs: Comments / Quiz / Share. I hope you enjoy trying the quizzes :-)
i want to contuct to teacher. and talk to face
I hope to know Each Thing about Mongos and Tattars’s History
I adore this History
Unless a non-native speaker of English (student or teacher) lives in an English-speaking country or environment, they won’t have any true English accent -only a mix of RP with their mother tongue’s accent. We can only imitate the accents we hear in English or try to clear our English of strong native accent in our aspiration to sound clear and understandable.
Good information
Thank you, Gill
I have the question. As I was thought at school, all nouns in English must be modified, it’s the feature of good inelegant English, so how can I modify any uncountable nouns all the time, sometimes it’s difficult to figure out something reasonable?
British accents are very various.. but is’s funny!
Thank you cheacher Gil, I like to know why in English sometimes you write (Y) in verbs like “worry” as example” I am worried” and in some cases you keep (Y) as in “Play” you say “I played”, why??? there a rule?’I see that in some examples we change “y” “ie”
Sorry, I am Crazy, hhhhh I would write “Teacher” in this way not in the other , I am soo sorry to that,native peoples, hhh
Thanks for sharing this video Gill . This has been helpful a lot . The more I get to know about the way brits talk the more I get dazzled by its charm . Wanna watch more videos pertaining to british culture . Thanks again .
What a great lesson Ma’am! I really appreciate it. The most beautiful accent in English is RP but i think the Scottish one is too difficult as if it’s a language not an accent . Looking forward to your new lessons.
Sorry, i mean a dialect
Miss Marple … or Mrs.Hudson from”The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”.I am sorry.
This is the great and useful lesson.Thank you!
Thanks Gill for this lesson about differences in accents and dialects in the regions of the UK!
Now, when I can’t understand some accent/dialect, I will ask the person to speak differently :-) Meanwhile, I will try to learn some other pronunciations and words in English, commons to these accents and dialects.
Excellent Teacher
Hello Gill! Thanks for this lesson. I think that a very important part of learnng a new language, it is not only the language itself, but the culture and this kind of issues as well.
I totally agree with you, because it’s mpossible to comprehend any language without knowledge about its country history, culture, peoples’ mentality
Thanks for the lesson, it was very helpful! Just interesting, am I the only one who gladly squealed, when he heard the David Tennant’s name?)
*whovian in me so happy*
I want to perfect in English language within short time
I wonder which accent Jude Law has, though???
Thank you very much Grill. I never know before about brttish accents. That it’s interesting to learn how to pronunciation.
i will keep learning from your video.
Dear Gill, thank you for this lovely, insightful lesson.
Thank you for this awesome lesson, Gill!
It was really interesting to learn about English accents. I started to understand what accents I hear while watching TV programms or Britain movies. I noticed that Britain people pay great attention to accents and they always know the part of the UK where an accent carrier lives.
I can’t say the same situation here in Russia, we pay much less attention to accents.
Your description of “accent” I would agree, but the description of “dialect” is very inadequate. Dialect is much more than “spelling of words, etc.) dialect is a local or regional language variety. It may be different from other dialects as well as the default language (originally written language) in all language areas. Dialect has his own phonology (~accent), word diffraction ( morphology), vocabulary (lexis), sentence structure (syntax) and idiomatic expressions.
sorry, here we study general information. For the further info you have to consult a prof of Linguistics in the university where you are from. that’s not interesting to the rest of us. Best wishes.
Do not speak on behalf of everyone what is interesting and what is not. If you are comfortable with general information, then be content with it, and do not try to silence others.
Lovely!Thank you Gill.
Such a wonderful lesson. Love teaching pronunciation.Thanks for the information.
Hi Gill:) I love your video! Thank you so much!
Sweet as ever….! Thank you Gill….!
Gill you are spectacular teacher, tks for your great job…
hi gill after greater i have a question tell me the accent English
i only wait your answer
Its very interesting. Very useful! Thank you so much x
Thanks a lot, Gill!
The accents really puzzled me a lot as for their differences and characteristics!
What about “Queen’s English”, please — is that also a RP or can be categorized into other accents?
Thanks! :D
Thank you.
Thank you Mrs.Gill
Hi Gill this is very useful lesson in my IELTS listening test preparation. Warm regards!
thanks you teacher !
Quite interesting again, Gill! Thank you for the lesson. I have always wanted to learn about this subject. In Brazil, which is a large country, there are a lot of different accents. In Rio, where I live, our strongest accent is the letter “s”, that we pronounce like “sh”, like the European pronunciation. I personally think that accents have to do with migration and level of education.
I also know that in East End, in London, you use the “rhyming slang”. For instance, “loaf of bread” means “head”, “bee and honey” means “money” and “dog and bone” means “telephone”. It is rather funny!
Finally, I would like to mention that in Brazil the newsreaders used to use the RP (we say “standard language” here”) as well, but since some years ago a lot of them have begun to use their own accent beside slang, probably in order to become more popular.
It is a very useful lesson. Thanks a lot.
thank you, i love to learn . God bless
I like the cockney,but i need to practice it all the time..i want to speak like a british
Thanks so much.. :) Very useful lesson.
Thank you very very much Gill
Hello, Gill.
Could you please answer the question I got after I had watched your lesson. In England people receive the proper education and they do know how to spell words correctly. But they don’t. Do they just follow the tradition or there is something else about it?
Thank you, Nastya
I love cockney accent.
Hello Ms.Gill,thank you for teaching ,my question is, what difference is between pronunciation of an Oxford and Cambridge,
Thank you again,
Kind Regards,
May god bless you teacher…thank you for being a good teacher
Dear teacher, can you help me to speak in Scottish accent? ? I just begin to learn English. I need your help. Please help me
Hello Gill. It was so interesting lesson. I didn’t know (how “ah dinnae ken” changes past tense?) there are that many accents and dialects in the UK, so I still cannae be perfect with English. It’ll take long long time.
Thank you for the lesson, ta-tah :)
A very interesting lesson Gill. Thank you so much indeed. I just want to ask you about “Flat Vowels” what does it mean when someone describes their vowels as being flat?
Hi Gill, as usual a very interesting lesson. I was surprised to hear that the Midland’s version of cup/mug and up is coop/moog en oop. This is very similiar to Dutch! kop/mok/op. Same pronunciation!
This is the lesson What I have been looking for. Thank you mam.
Hello Mdm Gill, could you please explain why only 3 percent of people in the UK speak with an RP accent?
Thank you teacher. You are best, I love you :)
is a lovely teacher
so good teacher
great information
now I can recognize the differences between English countries.
I would love to thank you for the lesson as it helped me find out eventually what was wrong with my pronunciation. I think those gluttony sounds like with a word matter can actually make a big difference.
Thank you.
Ty so much
Honestly this teacher used to use simple method in her lesson i’d like to thank her kindly
Ty kindly our teacher Gill
6/10 thanx! I am delighted to learn more.
Gill you are one of a few person that i understand clearly. Thank you so much!!!
Thank you Gill I like this lesson so much so I’ll try to learn more british accent!
Got 100%. Love you, Gill.
10/10!! Thanks!
Thank You!
Hello Gill – would love to hear more examples of only Cockney, such as when to use the F or V sound – such as With, and Weather is Wi(v) and Wea(v)a, etc.. and the word The – is simply The? or (d)e? the word There is (d)ere. thus if th is at beginning is either (f) or (d)?
Thank you, Gill. You are an excellent teacher. You are helping me very much with my listening skill. Thank you for your clear pronunciation and your natural way of explaining the theme. Bye.
Three simple words; sagacious, resourceful and sophisticated instructor. I LIKE YOU.
Great lesson, Gill.But,you know, I love all the
I’ve visited some English speaking countries and I must say that I found the Scottish pronunciation the
most difficult to understand.Lots of “aye” “aye” “aye” (have I written it correctly?)
It was a wonderful experience,though.I was very
young at that time and I was staying at my aunt’s
house. Because of my “weird” accent , the person
I was talking to just asked me :” Does your ANT
have a house?”
I didn’t feel very comfortable, as you can imagine.
I loved the experience. So much so that I returned
there one more time.
It’s a beautiful country.The people are very
friendly. That’s what counts.
Love your accent. It’s and “extra lesson” listening
to you attentively.
Thanks a mill.
good morning,i love your lesson but really need more to enhance my abilities in this field.
thanks alot.
Thank you Gill. David Tennant’s accent in Broadchurch series hints he was Welsh or Scottish. Pleased to get the answser now.
The actor, David Tennant, is Scottish! I haven’t seen Broadchurch, so I don’t know if the character he plays is also supposed to be Scottish.
Here’s a comedy skit featuring David Tennant and Catherine Tate, whose character, Lauren Cooper, has a very strong south-east London accent.
Thank you for the link !
Best regards.
thank you very much Gill for this lesson!
i’ve started to learn English with engvid ’cause i saw this lesson with you.
good luck with other lessons and your students!
when you say how the people who live in birmingham
pronounce make up i thougth you say they pronounce it like my cup hahahahaha
sorry makeupall toghether
100% cockney accent – the accent true Londoner
( for read aloud with cockney pronunciation )
10/10. Thanks.
Very interesting, thanks a lot Gill.
Thank you, Gill! That was very informative and helpful. Would be pleased to watch more videos with dialectology and pronunciation aspects :)
Simply interesting…
I’d sure love to have one of those accents; maybe not the Scottish one, no shades.
Not to be confused it is better to invite not three people, but four at least :)
Thank you very much Gill. You are an awesome teacher.
10/10 I like your lessons very much, Gill.
I would never have wondered all of these accents.
Thank you Gill! Never stopped to be amazed every time I visited London to the amount of dialects heard. As a foreigner, if you think you know English, go to London and you’ll be humiliated :)
I could recognize US, Scottish, Irish, Welch and Australian accents and partially Cockney – especially from the lack of “h” – but never distinguished English accents. Thanks!
so interesting lesson .
thanks to all of you, great teacher .
10/10 woowww, I love your class very interesting , Thank you so much
I got 100% in the quizz. Thank you Gill your lessons are always engaging.
Thank you, Gill.
In question number 8 you wrote. … people in America and Canada… Well, I think Canada is America as well as Mexico, Brasil, Peru, Argentina and many more countries.
Very interesting lesson?
Very good lesson to me.Just i want learn accent more like British,American canadian etc.so Please guid me for that how can i build up Vocab.Thank you Teacher
In First attempt i got 8 out of 10.But in second attempt i got 10/10 thank you.
8/10 not bad at all
By the way, I got 9/10.
I learned more in less than half an hour than I did in my entire undergraduate semester.
Cheers!! ?
Good information.Thanks Gill.
Very insightful! Thank you, Gill!
Thanks for another educational video. I’ve been teaching English for over 20 yrs and I have a lot to learn from you!