Unless you’re a plant or robot, you need to eat. In this quick and easy vocabulary lesson, I introduce, explain, and pronounce some of the most common and useful English vocabulary related to eating. The words include bite, nibble, chew, swallow, drink, sip, hungry, thirsty, and more. This is an essential lesson that will help you feel more comfortable in common everyday conversations about food and eating.
Thanks for watching, everyone. As an extra note, there is no real equivalent for “bon appetit” in English. A lot of native speakers either say “enjoy,” “let’s eat,” “cheers,” or “let’s dig in” before eating and drinking.
Hi, how’ve you been Alex? Long time no see; I’m back after a short break.
Just one question about your post: How about the expression “Enjoy yourself” before eating or drinking something?
Alex, I must confess that I learned some expressions that were completely new to me.
Thanks a lot for sharing this superb lesson with all of us.
P.S. Well-designed quiz!
Thanks Teacher
Thank you very much Alex, it was a really funny lesson, specially when Ronnie appeared unexpectedly burping xD
Every video that you upload is even funnier than your previous one!!
Hope to see you again soon!!
Thanks a lot! I’m really excited for 2016 and the different types of videos I have planned for next year. Actually, you’ll get a taste of one of my “special” videos in 2-3 weeks. Stay tuned!
Looking forward to your upcoming video materials!
All the best.
merry christmas happy new year! best wishes for you. mr Alex
Nguyen Van Hau
Thank you very much! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
hi Alex thank you so mace for this lesson,and you are amazing teacher.the way you teach so ease to understanding.
aster gizaw
Thank you very much.
Thanks So Much . It was Very Helpful
You’re welcome.
I’m stuffed now. I didn’t burp ;) Thank you for your useful lesson, Alex :)
No problem, Happy! Good use of vocabulary!
Hi Alex,
I’m starving for more of your lessons! Seconds, please!
More coming in 2-3 weeks!
It’s really interesting)
Thank you, Alex!
You’re welcome, linochok.
Never heard the discussion but I got 10/10. Yepey!
Nice job!
Don’t forget that you can keep up with all of my latest lessons by adding me on Twitter and Facebook.
Twitter: @AlexEngVid
Facebook: Alex EngVid
Thank you very much ,I am intersted in your lessons.
You’re welcome, and thanks for studying with engVid.
Thank you Alex for the lesson. the words are very useful and were explained very imaginably . I have already had dinner so I’m full. As is said in a saying ” Always leave the table a little hungry” . Although , it isn’t always get so. All the best to all.
Thanks. Expect my videos to get even more creative from time to time in the coming months.
Thanks for the response Alex. Sent you my friend request…
Thanks, Ehs! :) I added some people to my FB and Twitter today.
I got 100!! Thank you so much!!!
Great job!
Thanks. 9/10
Nice work!
Keep it up!
Thank you Alex.
Thank you very much for this useful lesson.
I`m hungry and thirsty after learning this words. We must chew the food 24 times before swallow. Is it correct?
Almost 100% correct.
“We must chew food 24 times before swallowing.”
“You’re supposed to chew your food 24 times before swallowing.”
You can also say “before you swallow.”
Thank you Alex.
Thanks fo the good lesson
Any time. Thanks for studying with engVid.
Thank you Alex, you more interact with us than ohter teachers! Thank you for vocab.
No problem, Glorian. If I can help people a little more in the comments section, I’m happy to do that. I’ll usually try to answer at least one question for every person.
Keep doing more vids, I like them!))
I don’t plan to stop!
Keep doing more good vids, I like them!))
great lesson! very useful and interesting!!
Thanks hauming!
6:03 go Ronnie go.
Ronnie rocks. And she burps better than I do.
Hi, Alex! As always, your English class videos are excellent! Thank you very much! I got 100. It was very funny to see Ronnie burping. Enjoy your stake! Goodbye!
Júlio César L Sousa
I’m sorry, Alex! I’ve made a mistake: it’s not “stake”, it’s “steak”, I mean:Enjoy your steak!
Júlio César L Sousa
Thanks, juliocesar. Nice job catching your own spelling mistake.
Like I mentioned, Ronnie’s a better burper than I am!
Mmmm…I am starving now! Enjoy your meal! :)
Thank you for this common and useful lesson, Alex.
You’re welcome, Chloe. Halloween is over, so now I’m stuffed.
Hi Alex,
As usual, your lesson was perfect. I have no words. And speaking of “Bon appetite”, I can say that the native speakers of English language before eating food mostly use “Enjoy the meal”. And I think it is more well-known expression. And I have one question. Can we use “Her stomach was grumbling for food”? I mean, is this the right way to use the verb “grumble”? I came across with this sentence and I wanted to define it more precisely. I know that the best way to say it is to use the verb “rumble” as in: “Her stomach was rumbling for food.” Thank you, again, Alex. You are the best teacher.
Kind Regards,
Roya Seferova
You can say it either way:
“My stomach is grumbling.”
“My stomach is rumbling.”
In my own experience, I’ve used “grumbling” a lot more in this context. Also, you don’t have to say “Her stomach was grumbling for food.” It’s implied that when your stomach is grumbling, you’re hungry.
Thank you, Alex, for your reply. Now I exactly know how to use it correctly. Have a nice day.
Roya Seferova
Thanks Roya Seferova and Alex. I have the same problem :))
I really liked the lesson. Thank you, Alex!
No problem, Olga. Thanks for watching and learning with engVid.
thanks Alex, for this great job.
You’re welcome, lompoabdou. And thank you for studying with engVid.
thank alex, Now I know new words above eat food thank you exellent job.
You’re welcome, luis! Thanks for studying with engVid!
dear Alex you re the best :) thank you
abdel fathy
Any time. As always, thanks for clicking.
Alex, this video is so clear and useful. Thanks a lot. You’re doing a good job.
I appreciate that. Thanks.
thanks so much guys,every day i m learning something new from you guys.
That’s awesome to hear. Keep it up!
10 out of 10, thanks Alex, it was really good!
Nice job! The next step is using them in conversation.
Thanks man, you’re great, good job!
Thanks, Rayander. I love your avatar. Guardians of the Galaxy?
Yes, do you like it!? Is cool!
Wow! I don’t believe i got it all, thank you sir Alex for the lesson.
Any time, saaduddin.
amazing Lesson Alex
Thanks for watching, abdu!
Thank you.I like your lesson alot.^-^
You’re welcome. Thanks for studying here.
thanks teacher .. and i got 10
Any time. Thank you very much for clicking.
You are invited to eat a feijoada with me if you come to Brazil.
I love pork and beans, so this sounds great.
Thank you Alex very useful and interesting it was really good!
Muad Abdiaziz
You’re welcome. As always, thanks for checking out the lesson, Abdulaziz.
Thanks for your lessons Alex!
Now, I am starving! It’s lunch hour! See you soon!
Bon appetit.
Thank you Alex. It’s very interesting. I’m always looking forward your new videos.
Thank you. I have a lot of exciting videos coming soon.
hi thanks for the lesson ,can I write down the words ,expressions ,idioms etc … in my notebook I mean is it allowed ,It doesn’t infringe copyright ? or go against your terms and conditions ?
Take all the notes you want!
engVid Moderator
Not at all. Write down everything you want and tell your friends about us while you’re at it. :)
sir here in this video u just skipped about BIB, but i am really glad to your lesson and you
sravani segireddy
Yeah, I realized that after the video as well. Ah well! I’ll be more careful in the future.
sorry sir i have mistaken and i got the meaning of bib in your video
i am extemely sorry for this
sravani segireddy
Thanks Alex, I have digested all this information well.
You’re welcome. Nice word choice.
Thanks Mr.Alex, your lessons are playing very important role in my preparation.
That’s great to hear. I’m glad I can help you.
Thanks Alex. Nice lesson.
No problem. Thanks for taking the time to watch it.
Hi Alex, Thank you.
Felipe Ribeiro
Hi Felipe. You’re welcome.
enjoy eating :-)
ann ann
I always do. Haha.
looking forward to seeing more of your new videos.
ann ann
The one I have coming in 2-3 weeks is really exciting. :) I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you for your help
You’re very welcome.
Great lesson ???? Thank You Alex. And greetings from Poland ????
Thanks, Wojciech! I’m visiting Poland in September 2016. It will be the first time in over 20 years.
Wow! It is going to be an exciting visit for You. I think there have been some changes in Poland for the past 20 years. Come and see. You are very welcome.
Oh, for sure. My cousins have all told me the same thing. I’ll be traveling around Rzeszow.
I live in the center of Poland, in Łódź (Lodz). If you were around Łódź, maybe we could see each other, I would be so pleased to be able to talk to you :)
Thank you alex for your lesson, I always watch your videos, but it´s the first time I comment one of them. I appreciate your work. I am starving of learning new English expressions with EngVid. See you soon. Greetings from Venezuela.
Thanks, Jorge! I appreciate that you took the time to comment after watching the video. Really appreciate the support. :)
very intersting lesson, and very useful. thanks, Alex
felix cahn
You’re welcome, felix. No problem.
I am staving! Let’s eat!
Thank you Alex. Your lesson is essential for all people who want to improve English Language.
Thanks for studying with us, Ukrit! I really appreciate your constant support and the fact that you comment regularly.
i got 4 correct what should i do to improve it sir plz help me i have aim to score 100 + in toefl ibt to apply visa for usa for study plz plz plz i beg you i have just 8 days left for my examination i don,t have any idea am gonna practice for 18 hours daily from today plz sir tell me what can i do plz
prince kessy
That’s not a lot of time at all. The best thing to do with this short a time is to organize your time and make sure to just focus on practicing one task at a time for 1 or 2 hours at a time.
Integrated writing – 2 hours
Speaking practice – 30-60 mins
Reading practice – 60 mins
Like I said, this isn’t a lot of time. The only thing you can do is to organize your time and focus on one task at a time. Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula that can replace hard work and practice.
Thank you very much Alex…This is a really great and interesting lesson. I’ve learned a lot of pretty useful expressions…
That was the whole point. Thanks for clicking, Edu.
it was piece of cake
“It was a piece of cake.”
Good vocabulary. :) Just make sure to use the article “a” when you use this expression.
Great! lesson, thank you Alex :) I got 100 omg!
Awesome job, Marlenne. Thanks for studying with engVid!
I also got 100% :D
It is useful – again you made a great lesson as usual you do
bakhtiyar ali
Thanks as always for commenting!
İt was enjoyable.thanks:)
No problem, deniz. Thank you for studying with engVid.
Thank you,ALEX!!!Your lessons are very funny)
Thanks. My goal for 2016 is to make my lessons even more informative, but to make them more enjoyable to watch as well. :)
Great! lesson, thank you Alex :) I got 80.
Mohammed Yakub
Great job!
I got 10 correct out of 10! Thank you teacher!
Grinko Evgeniy
Nice job! You’re very welcome!
Very good class.
Thank you very much, hunter.
me too i’ve got 10 correct out of 10 thanks to your nice explanation , i find these vocabulary a lot while i’m reading stories ,thanks to make things easier for us teacher.
No problem. I try to teach practical vocabulary that you hear every day.
Thank you Alex :)
You’re welcome, Flavio. Thanks for stopping by the site!
Great job Alex, you are fun! :D
Thanks, cadu. It’s important for students to enjoy what they’re learning, so I try to make it fun.
Thank you , so easy to understand
Thank you very much.
Thank you for learn us Iwish you moor of brilliant.
Atia boosa
You’re welcome. Thank you for studying with me.
Tks a lot!!
Five more words added to my vocabulary!
That’s fantastic. I’m glad you learned something new today.
Its really interesting lesson and this web is great.. thank you
Thanks for studying with us, DALIKO. I’m glad you’re finding the site useful!
I’ve been folowing engvid for a short time
Thanks a lot !!
You’re welcome. We’re happy to have you.
You should have burped instead of Ronnie. You could have drunken a glass of coke before you started the lesson :) I am learning various things by helps of all of yours. Thanks all
It’s difficult to time a burp. Haha.
thank you i like it :)
heba mfz
I’m happy to read that. You’re welcome.
Great explanation , I loved !
Thanks a lot, Vivisz. I appreciate that.
thanks Alex
You’re welcome.
Thank you
My pleasure.
Very good video! Few words i didnt know, and will be useful for me! Thanks!
You’re very welcome.
hi Alex.. these are very helpful video lessons.
i watch all videos eagerly
I appreciate your support. Thank you very much for watching.
thank you Alex.My English is improving every day.You are help me
That’s my goal. You can say:
“You are helping me.”
“You have helped me.”
thank so much
With pleasure.
Hello friend,
What is the difference between monument and memorial?
Are they both interchangeable in a sentence?
To me, a Memorial is usually reserved to commemorate an event like a war or a tragic event.
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Titanic Wreckage Memorial
Viet Nam War Memorial
Abraham Lincoln Memorial (died tragically)
A monument is an architectural structure used to represent or commemorate something. To mark an achievement or moment in history.
The Washington Monument
A monument could be for just about anything.
In the end, you are right that they are sometimes interchangeable, though. There are monuments that commemorate tragic events.
Defense of Hong Kong Monument (in Canada)
Thank you Mr.Alex,God bless you!
But I think the burp that Ms.Ronnie did was disgusting hahaha,I think it didn’t need to do that, because we have understood what you meant, anyway thank you soooo much for every engvid teachers, because you’re really amazing, I get many benefits from this website and God bless you all.
Bushra hg
Thanks for the feedback, bushra, and thank you for studying with engVid.
Thank you, Alex. You are a good teacher.
Thank you very much for studying with me.
HI,how are you teacher. I come here frist time.
Welcome to engVid, and thank you for commenting. It’s always nice to see new people here.
No se nada.de ingles ayuda
Search for “Beginner English.”
Hello Alex, Your explanation is very good! Thanks
Thank you very much. I try to be as clear as possible.
Thanks again Alex!
This lesson fed my hungry for English knowledge :-) Some new words learnt.
Fabio Cicerre
That’s good to hear! Btw (By the way), the correct form is:
This lesson fed my hunger.
Hungry = adjective
Hunger = noun
Thanks for watching!
Thanks, Alex, for the correction.
Fabio Cicerre
I watched your lesson but I did not do my comments here Dear Mr Alex..
It was quite interesting like someone said.,
Your lesson for me, most important role that playing to improve my English much more.. .
I got some word from this lesson like starving, nibble, sip, and leftover and more is Ask for a seconds this was for me quite interesting Mr Alex..
I just loved it and quite nice your speech there!…
Thank you. I’m happy I was able to add some words to your vocabulary.
Thanx for the lesson!
You’re very welcome, Makran!
Thank you very much for your lesson.
Ivan C.
You’re welcome, Ivan. Thank you for watching.
Hello friend,
which one is correct:
He knocked the door.
He knocked at the door.
He knocked on the door.
And is there a difference among them?
I’ve never heard “He knocked the door” in any context. Unless you mean “He knocked the door over,” which means he crashed into it and the door fell down.
“He knocked on the door” means he physically knocked on the wood.
“He knocked at the door” means he is at the point of the door (standing outside of the room) and knocking on it. It’s why people say “There is someone at the door” and not “There is someone on the door” when they want to say “Someone is waiting outside and wants to come in.”
thank you, i got 9/10 . I really love eating and my family too.
Nice job.
Hello Alex Teacher,
I like your video very much. Next year I’m going to go Calgary, so I always learn Eng everytime, verywhere. But I’m really afraid that I can’t speak Eng. I need to advise from you to improve my Eng. Can you send your FB to me. I want to talk to you in Eng. Thanks you so much.
Hi there,
My Facebook is Alex EngVid, but I don’t always have time to respond to private messages. If I responded to everyone’s questions, I would never leave my computer. @_@
Calgary is beautiful! I hope you enjoy your time there.
Thank you very much . I new member . I listen and speak English a little but I try to learning English . I want to talk to you in Eng.
Welcome to engVid, maple888. I will always try to answer questions in the comments section. At least once per person.
Thank you #Alex…
It’s always something new and fun to watch your lessons…
we’re waiting for some more special ones….
jalal Farid
A special and entertaining lesson is coming up in 2 weeks.
i got 100% thank you for your effort
Nice job. Thanks for watching.
Thanks))i like your lessons)
Thanks for watching, galinka88.
I love your lesson.Thank you Alex.
You’re welcome. Thank you for watching.
Thanks from Nicaragua!!! I’m studying an English course, You’ve helped me a lot to progress with it. Thank you.
This is the first time I can remember answering a message from Nicaragua. Welcome!
Thanks, Alex!
Kairat Tabynov
Not a problem. Thank you for your support.
Alex sir, i want to learn English from this website.
but i am really confused regarding the sequence of watching these videos.
could you please give me an advise
sravani segireddy
There is no sequence or lesson structure. If you are struggling, I would recommend starting with the beginner lessons. It all depends what you want to improve as well: vocabulary, pronunciation, writing, etc. Our site is divided into these sections.
Very good lesson, thank!
“Thanks.” :)
And you’re welcome.
NPDL I like your lesson and I never miss your lesson. Well done, ALex. I think you must have music from beginning to have more fun
You will hear some music in future lessons. 2016 is going to be an exciting year for engVid!
Hi Mr alex. How are you?
I’m a new member in engvid but l really want to thank you about this fabulous lesson. It was very useful. I get at least 5 new vocab from it. Thank you again.
dear Alex thank you too much
you are the best
Hello everyone, Hello Alex .
Thanks for this so every day life lesson . It has sounded easy , however I have learnt ” bib” . I will be less ridiculous when at the restaurant I ask the waiter to give me a towel or a sheet .
There is an expression to say grab a bite in french , this is literaly ” eating on the thumb ” . Not enough to be stuffed even If your thumb is large.
Thanks Alex and carry on .
Haha. Yes, you definitely shouldn’t be asking for a towel or sheet. You can also just say “napkin.”
thanks Alex very much , this is easy lesson but useful for life everyday.
best regards!
That’s my goal. Thank you for watching.
Useful lesson,thanks
Waseem F
You’re welcome, Waseem. Thanks for watching.
Thank you very much. we appreciate what you are doing for us. Sir i have one request that you to do lesson on word order and sentence structure. thank you!
Not an easy topic for one video, but I will certainly consider it.
thank you Elex!
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching.
A m a z i n g lesson
Thank you Alex!
No problem, Symonas. Thank you for watching.
Hello friend,
(the) cover of (the) book
(the) cover of (a) book
cover of (the) book
cover of (a) book
(a) cover of (the) book
(a) cover of (a) book
Which of these phrases are correct?
in case that the book is known to the speaker.
in case that the book is unknown.
where could “the” be placed, before “of” or after “of”?
i’m take sip this class!
very useful!
thank you so much! i appreciate it!
You’re very welcome! I’m glad I could help!
Thank you. You rock !!
Thanks a lot!
thanks alex u r a excellent teacher
Thank you very much.
as always you’ve done a great job. thanks.
Thank you, birindar. I appreciate that.
I’ve been craving for a food after this lesson. Hahaha.. Thank you, Alex.
“I’m craving food after this lesson.” :)
You’re welcome, Danddan.
Thank you very much, Alex. I was so confused about how to say this.
Thank you best teacher for this lesson, i’m new student on engvid and i hope learning english and speak this language very well with you :)
El Khalil
Welcome to engVid! I look forward to reading all of your future comments. :)
it’s relly nice. thank you Alex.
You’re very welcome.
fayaz shamim
No problem!
Thank you = Teşekkür ederim Alex :)
You’re welcome. Thanks for clicking.
thanks alex , it’s very useful vedio :D
fady alive
You’re welcome.
Thanks Alex you’re a genious
Haha. Thanks. The correct spelling is “genius.”
Thank you always alex!!!!
No problem. You’re very welcome. :)
Thanks! Alex, great teacher you are! By the way, it’s good to master our English.
You’re welcome! Thanks a lot for watching the video!
Hi Alex, thanks for this lesson. A question if you have time , is the sentence ‘ let’s dig in ‘ formal or informal?
You are very attentive Alex, I appreciate how you are always answering peoples questions, sometimes even from other teachers lessons. Thanks for your simple explanations. Take care.
I like the regular interaction with students. Thanks for noticing. Haha.
Dear Alex, Thank you so much for the useful lesson and understandable explanation.
HEy!!! Alex i like they way you deliver your lecture.I must say there’s a lot to take away from this video….thank you so much..
Thanks alot Alex.It’s a lot fun and instructive lesson.
Alex, thank you very much for the video lessons. This is my first post on engvid. (And I’m sorry for my mistakes).
thanks very well , good job
“Thanks a lot. Good job.” :)
You can also say, “Thank you very much.”
You’re welcome!
oh no i am stuffed now !
Mostafa Dardeer
Thanks teacher for this lesson! It helps me so much. :)
Thank you! I really like the Ronnie’s part lol
thankyou so much. i got 100/100
I Love this lesson…it’s easy and helpful for me, thanks Mr. Alex :)
I am starving to such kind of great lessons ,Thanks a lot
hahaha, it was a very funny lesson, thank you so much Alex.
That was very funny and useful thank you so much and we are waiting for more ;)
i will practice all these vocabulary in my next food so i never forget this lesson that’s promise because i will practice it every day
hi alex i am enjoying your lessons and i am looking forward to see more lessons like this …….
Good lesson, thank!
thanks mr alex
zawirul hanif
Leandro 82
After this lesson I’m feeling hungry. Let’s have a dinner!
Amazing class!
Jonatas Silva Lima
That’s right
good work alex
This lesson really really was good!!! Thx Teacher Alex
Jeff Assandre
Thanks for the lesson.
Thank you Alex. I’ve learned your lesson :D
Yilmer Caicedo
Thank you 10/10 I ask for seconds!
Thaks a lot for your lesson. It’s perfect to start cooking for lunch :)
I’m Alex too, I study English and I’m excited with your lessons, they are very easy to understand and you are a good teacher.
Thank so much.
thanks a bundle
you speak very clearly ,that is good of you.
esmeralda 20
Wow! How can I get perfect! Now, I can have a confidence.
Excellent Thank you it was very usefull.
Great lesson! Very useful and interesting! Thank you, Alex!
Thank you,Alex
thank’s alex.but i need to know your opion .i’m learning uk english is that make to me problem or not.
Not at all. It depends if you plan to visit North America or the UK at some point. Really though, both are fine. There are some differences, but the grammar is the same.
Thank you Alex, it was very usefull
very useful.thanks)
hello dear teacher
i hope to accept me as a student
i want to learn more together
you can send message to my mail sdgamir@gmail.com
alex your so kind
Kamil Sfandyar
ok , i am starving to finish all your lessons , ALEX
hello, Roya
if u are interested to practice English with me
that is my skype: smith.salah
or facebook:/smithsalah91
Thanks a lot! That means a lot!
IF ANY ONE need to practice english as speaking to each other and also we can practice some Quiz to each other .
i have SKYPE : smith.salah
or facebook :/smithsalah91
Thank you for lesson. I understand all, because you demonstrate words :)
Thank you, Alex
thank you Alex for the video, That’s very helpful :) honestly, I’m interested with your video lessons about English. that are very interesting. :)
Thanks a lot for watching, Ayun! I truly appreciate it!
Thanks alex nice to meet you
ahmed alsadig
You too! Thanks for watching.
Thanks alot
Thank you, very much! You are a special teacher, because your “non-verbal communication” is for 10+…
Thank you very much! I appreciate that.
Hi sir thank you for teaching us by funny and interesting ways
No problem! I’ll keep making my videos as entertaining and useful as possible. :)
Thanks i understand everything,but need to practice more the pronunciation. ☺
It’s one of the most challenging parts of learning any language, but also one of the top two or three most important parts.
Very useful lesson. Thank you very much.
You’re very welcome. Thanks for clicking.
thanks alex, it’s realy interesting lesson ?
anas mohammed
*an interesting
anas mohammed
Thanks, anas. I had a good time making it.
10 :)
Great lesson, with with a notorious contribution: Alex feat. Ronnie: “Burp” Thanks Alex!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Haha. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.
I appreciated the menu of new words in this lesson. I go chew each of one. cheers and Happy New Year Alex.
Happy New Year to you too, EdOliver! Thanks for supporting engVid!
really you are very very good teacher meet him to learn English
Thanks for watching, Amredu! I appreciate that you are learning with engVid.
Thank you Alex, It is very well done. I am starting in this website and it´s great, I love it.
Marta Lopez
Thank you for your lesson. It was fun.
At this moment I am starving but first I should finish This quiz.
Thank you Alex
thanks Alex,i really really enjoy your lesson,that’s useful for me
Hi again, Alex. The word “leftovers” is always used with the final “s” or you can use it without it, when talking in singular? Thanks. By the way, enjoy your classes
Thanks, great lesson.
When I’m starved I gable down my food too quickly and I still overate. Especially, the cakes are a must :)
Enjoy your meal
Hey Alex, excellent class, I wanna eat always but I need to be fit hahahha.
Thanks for help and see you in next class…
Hey Alex, I love your classes that help me to learn my poor English.
Thank you so much for lesson! I really enjoy your explanations. …And I fill as “in house”, not at school.
I’ve got 10/10.
Thank you Alex, Very usefull lesson.
Alex thank you for this lesson)
My first lesson)
I got 10 correct out of 10.I am very happy!!!Thanks teacher!!!!!!!!!
I learn Eglish step by step and You really help me.Thank You=)
Thanks alex, im so stuffed by knowledge right now thanks for sharing this lesson with us…
Thank you so much you are amazing teacher
Thank U Alax.
Thank you Alex. You are the best teacher.
I love your class I follow you.
My English not good.
I love English.
I can read well but my grammar and speaking can be difficult.
I have never taught students before but I have to teach Personality in Department hotel of College next term.
When someone likes to eat we say in portuguese, he is “bom garfo”/”good fork”. Haw do you say it in English?
Thanks Alex, it was a very usefull lesson, and… I got 10/10 in the quiz :)
I got 10/10 !!
Thanks again, again and again.I’m so happy with your lesson. Kisses for you!
thank you Alex! i watch this video many times!
it’s very useful and funny!(about burp!) haha!
by the way,I GOT 10!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much Alex ! It’s very usefull lesson. I got 10 , I have to repeat it when I will at the dinner with my family. ;)
Thank you !!it’s very useful.
I learn with all teachers, thank you so much!
Humberto Candido
There are grammar mistakes on the next short text. Can you find them?
In this lesson Alex teach some useful word to eat time. Some of the is for noun an action, and the other is for describe an emotional state related with your energy state. For example, bite, chew, stuffed, starving, nibble, sip, and so on. It’s really interesting how we can use specific words to describe different mood states related with energy needles, you could have hungry, but if you feel a very big hungry you can say I’m starving. Or you can use specific words to refer to specific size of food that you can take, for example, sip is very useful to express that you can take a very small pieces of solid food, and sip for express your desire of a small drink of liquid food.
Nice Lesson, Alex!
Thanks so much!
great lesson
10/10 Great teacher!!!
i’m hungry
Hi Alex, here in Ecuador, I don’t know why we have a funny phrase with LEFTOVERS, for example, we say after a question, why are you picking up all that food?, we say it’s for my DOG, and they say what DOG? if you don’t have anyone, we say literally “MY ( DOG = GIANT) HEATED FOOD” in slang, we say DOG as something that is GIANT, HUMONGOUS OR INCREDIBLE :D
Et maintenant, je vais aller manger un morceau et boire à ta santé Alex. Merci de m’avoir ouvert l’appétit.
You’re really a good teacher!! Thank you!! I can understand everything you say and teach, it’s good!!
Thank you Alex! Very nice video!
Eduardo França
thanks teacher Alex very good lesson.
Great lesson i really dig it
that is a great teaching method.
I have got 9\10! Relly interesting video ?. I
ate 10 minut ago and I stuffed now.
Hello my friend, Thank you for such a nice teaching video.
Jc Santos
Yahoooooooooo I got 10/10
Thanx to Alex
i got 10/10. thank you!
bassem lahmadi
This lesson made me go to the kitchen
Your comments, frequent interactions with people confirm your professional attitude as the teacher.
Good work!
thanks I understand very much
Mohamed Amnanou
I enjoyed this lesson very much. Thanks Alex
Thanks Alex i got 100% thank u so much
Ibrahem jamal
Thanks Alex, You are a good teacher!!!
Thanks a lot for this nice useful lesson. I really enjoyed it. Your way in teaching is very good and easy to understand. Thanks again Mr Alex.
nezar jumaa
Thanks a lot for you
Amr Elhenawy
I got 100!!! Thanks Alex for the lesson! I’m Learning English wery well with you! Thanks again!
Great learning….specially the word ‘burp’….
Sakhi fouzia
Thank you. you are very good teacher I take 8 from 10 i think not bad ha ha
hossam kamal
Could not resist answering ‘babies’ in 7th question ^_^
i got 9 of 10!
bill chang
Thanks a lot, Adam!
After this lesson all people became hungry )) thank you)
Onegin Evgeniy
I’m stuffed now. ?
ann ann
Hi Alex,
thanks to you,one of favorite english teacher,One thing that i just to ask from is instead of saying,
“have a bite”have a taste will be ok too.Godbless
Thank you Alex, great job!
Jonathas Wilhem
Thanks Alex!
Hi Alex,
It’s my firt video here and now i sure to stay here to improve my english.
Thanks to you.
Thanks very mush for your time, nice .
Many Thank it was a nice lesson
Good video.
10/10. Great
Congrats to me! I’ve got perfect score in your quiz. You’re the one of my favorite teacher on Engvid. Your explanation is simple and easy to understand. Have a nice and great day to all fellow students on Engvid.
Thanks so much Alex!
Rey Maria
Very good
thank you teacher,I benefited greatly
mansour saida
Thank you sir it’s very helpful
Thanks to you! Alex teacher.
Thank you !
Fine. 10 out of 10
I need you help, Alex. Or one of you, my fellow students, can explain the differences between sickness/illness/disease and handycaped/disabled/special needs in American English. Thank you in advance.
Anne BW
well done, Mr.Alex
Christmas greetings and best wishes
from Kazakhstan 21 Dec 2o21:)
thank you a lot
Thanks a million for this great lesson dear Alex aka John Ritter from Toronto lol lol
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks for watching, everyone. As an extra note, there is no real equivalent for “bon appetit” in English. A lot of native speakers either say “enjoy,” “let’s eat,” “cheers,” or “let’s dig in” before eating and drinking.
Hi, how’ve you been Alex? Long time no see; I’m back after a short break.
Just one question about your post: How about the expression “Enjoy yourself” before eating or drinking something?
Alex, I must confess that I learned some expressions that were completely new to me.
Thanks a lot for sharing this superb lesson with all of us.
P.S. Well-designed quiz!
Thanks Teacher
Thank you very much Alex, it was a really funny lesson, specially when Ronnie appeared unexpectedly burping xD
Every video that you upload is even funnier than your previous one!!
Hope to see you again soon!!
Thanks a lot! I’m really excited for 2016 and the different types of videos I have planned for next year. Actually, you’ll get a taste of one of my “special” videos in 2-3 weeks. Stay tuned!
Looking forward to your upcoming video materials!
All the best.
merry christmas happy new year! best wishes for you. mr Alex
Thank you very much! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
hi Alex thank you so mace for this lesson,and you are amazing teacher.the way you teach so ease to understanding.
Thank you very much.
Thanks So Much . It was Very Helpful
You’re welcome.
I’m stuffed now. I didn’t burp ;) Thank you for your useful lesson, Alex :)
No problem, Happy! Good use of vocabulary!
Hi Alex,
I’m starving for more of your lessons! Seconds, please!
More coming in 2-3 weeks!
It’s really interesting)
Thank you, Alex!
You’re welcome, linochok.
Never heard the discussion but I got 10/10. Yepey!
Nice job!
Don’t forget that you can keep up with all of my latest lessons by adding me on Twitter and Facebook.
Twitter: @AlexEngVid
Facebook: Alex EngVid
Thank you very much ,I am intersted in your lessons.
You’re welcome, and thanks for studying with engVid.
Thank you Alex for the lesson. the words are very useful and were explained very imaginably . I have already had dinner so I’m full. As is said in a saying ” Always leave the table a little hungry” . Although , it isn’t always get so. All the best to all.
Thanks. Expect my videos to get even more creative from time to time in the coming months.
Thanks for the response Alex. Sent you my friend request…
Thanks, Ehs! :) I added some people to my FB and Twitter today.
I got 100!! Thank you so much!!!
Great job!
Thanks. 9/10
Nice work!
Keep it up!
Thank you Alex.
Thank you very much for this useful lesson.
I`m hungry and thirsty after learning this words. We must chew the food 24 times before swallow. Is it correct?
Almost 100% correct.
“We must chew food 24 times before swallowing.”
“You’re supposed to chew your food 24 times before swallowing.”
You can also say “before you swallow.”
Thank you Alex.
Thanks fo the good lesson
Any time. Thanks for studying with engVid.
Thank you Alex, you more interact with us than ohter teachers! Thank you for vocab.
No problem, Glorian. If I can help people a little more in the comments section, I’m happy to do that. I’ll usually try to answer at least one question for every person.
Keep doing more vids, I like them!))
I don’t plan to stop!
Keep doing more good vids, I like them!))
great lesson! very useful and interesting!!
Thanks hauming!
6:03 go Ronnie go.
Ronnie rocks. And she burps better than I do.
Hi, Alex! As always, your English class videos are excellent! Thank you very much! I got 100. It was very funny to see Ronnie burping. Enjoy your stake! Goodbye!
I’m sorry, Alex! I’ve made a mistake: it’s not “stake”, it’s “steak”, I mean:Enjoy your steak!
Thanks, juliocesar. Nice job catching your own spelling mistake.
Like I mentioned, Ronnie’s a better burper than I am!
Mmmm…I am starving now! Enjoy your meal! :)
Thank you for this common and useful lesson, Alex.
You’re welcome, Chloe. Halloween is over, so now I’m stuffed.
Hi Alex,
As usual, your lesson was perfect. I have no words. And speaking of “Bon appetite”, I can say that the native speakers of English language before eating food mostly use “Enjoy the meal”. And I think it is more well-known expression. And I have one question. Can we use “Her stomach was grumbling for food”? I mean, is this the right way to use the verb “grumble”? I came across with this sentence and I wanted to define it more precisely. I know that the best way to say it is to use the verb “rumble” as in: “Her stomach was rumbling for food.” Thank you, again, Alex. You are the best teacher.
Kind Regards,
You can say it either way:
“My stomach is grumbling.”
“My stomach is rumbling.”
In my own experience, I’ve used “grumbling” a lot more in this context. Also, you don’t have to say “Her stomach was grumbling for food.” It’s implied that when your stomach is grumbling, you’re hungry.
Thank you, Alex, for your reply. Now I exactly know how to use it correctly. Have a nice day.
Thanks Roya Seferova and Alex. I have the same problem :))
I really liked the lesson. Thank you, Alex!
No problem, Olga. Thanks for watching and learning with engVid.
thanks Alex, for this great job.
You’re welcome, lompoabdou. And thank you for studying with engVid.
thank alex, Now I know new words above eat food thank you exellent job.
You’re welcome, luis! Thanks for studying with engVid!
dear Alex you re the best :) thank you
Any time. As always, thanks for clicking.
Alex, this video is so clear and useful. Thanks a lot. You’re doing a good job.
I appreciate that. Thanks.
thanks so much guys,every day i m learning something new from you guys.
That’s awesome to hear. Keep it up!
10 out of 10, thanks Alex, it was really good!
Nice job! The next step is using them in conversation.
Thanks man, you’re great, good job!
Thanks, Rayander. I love your avatar. Guardians of the Galaxy?
Yes, do you like it!? Is cool!
Wow! I don’t believe i got it all, thank you sir Alex for the lesson.
Any time, saaduddin.
amazing Lesson Alex
Thanks for watching, abdu!
Thank you.I like your lesson alot.^-^
You’re welcome. Thanks for studying here.
thanks teacher .. and i got 10
Any time. Thank you very much for clicking.
You are invited to eat a feijoada with me if you come to Brazil.
I love pork and beans, so this sounds great.
Thank you Alex very useful and interesting it was really good!
You’re welcome. As always, thanks for checking out the lesson, Abdulaziz.
Thanks for your lessons Alex!
Now, I am starving! It’s lunch hour! See you soon!
Bon appetit.
Thank you Alex. It’s very interesting. I’m always looking forward your new videos.
Thank you. I have a lot of exciting videos coming soon.
hi thanks for the lesson ,can I write down the words ,expressions ,idioms etc … in my notebook I mean is it allowed ,It doesn’t infringe copyright ? or go against your terms and conditions ?
Take all the notes you want!
Not at all. Write down everything you want and tell your friends about us while you’re at it. :)
sir here in this video u just skipped about BIB, but i am really glad to your lesson and you
Yeah, I realized that after the video as well. Ah well! I’ll be more careful in the future.
sorry sir i have mistaken and i got the meaning of bib in your video
i am extemely sorry for this
Thanks Alex, I have digested all this information well.
You’re welcome. Nice word choice.
Thanks Mr.Alex, your lessons are playing very important role in my preparation.
That’s great to hear. I’m glad I can help you.
Thanks Alex. Nice lesson.
No problem. Thanks for taking the time to watch it.
Hi Alex, Thank you.
Hi Felipe. You’re welcome.
enjoy eating :-)
I always do. Haha.
looking forward to seeing more of your new videos.
The one I have coming in 2-3 weeks is really exciting. :) I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you for your help
You’re very welcome.
Great lesson ???? Thank You Alex. And greetings from Poland ????
Thanks, Wojciech! I’m visiting Poland in September 2016. It will be the first time in over 20 years.
Wow! It is going to be an exciting visit for You. I think there have been some changes in Poland for the past 20 years. Come and see. You are very welcome.
Oh, for sure. My cousins have all told me the same thing. I’ll be traveling around Rzeszow.
I live in the center of Poland, in Łódź (Lodz). If you were around Łódź, maybe we could see each other, I would be so pleased to be able to talk to you :)
Thank you alex for your lesson, I always watch your videos, but it´s the first time I comment one of them. I appreciate your work. I am starving of learning new English expressions with EngVid. See you soon. Greetings from Venezuela.
Thanks, Jorge! I appreciate that you took the time to comment after watching the video. Really appreciate the support. :)
very intersting lesson, and very useful. thanks, Alex
You’re welcome, felix. No problem.
I am staving! Let’s eat!
Thank you Alex. Your lesson is essential for all people who want to improve English Language.
Thanks for studying with us, Ukrit! I really appreciate your constant support and the fact that you comment regularly.
i got 4 correct what should i do to improve it sir plz help me i have aim to score 100 + in toefl ibt to apply visa for usa for study plz plz plz i beg you i have just 8 days left for my examination i don,t have any idea am gonna practice for 18 hours daily from today plz sir tell me what can i do plz
That’s not a lot of time at all. The best thing to do with this short a time is to organize your time and make sure to just focus on practicing one task at a time for 1 or 2 hours at a time.
Integrated writing – 2 hours
Speaking practice – 30-60 mins
Reading practice – 60 mins
Like I said, this isn’t a lot of time. The only thing you can do is to organize your time and focus on one task at a time. Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula that can replace hard work and practice.
Thank you very much Alex…This is a really great and interesting lesson. I’ve learned a lot of pretty useful expressions…
That was the whole point. Thanks for clicking, Edu.
it was piece of cake
“It was a piece of cake.”
Good vocabulary. :) Just make sure to use the article “a” when you use this expression.
Great! lesson, thank you Alex :) I got 100 omg!
Awesome job, Marlenne. Thanks for studying with engVid!
I also got 100% :D
It is useful – again you made a great lesson as usual you do
Thanks as always for commenting!
İt was enjoyable.thanks:)
No problem, deniz. Thank you for studying with engVid.
Thank you,ALEX!!!Your lessons are very funny)
Thanks. My goal for 2016 is to make my lessons even more informative, but to make them more enjoyable to watch as well. :)
Great! lesson, thank you Alex :) I got 80.
Great job!
I got 10 correct out of 10! Thank you teacher!
Nice job! You’re very welcome!
Very good class.
Thank you very much, hunter.
me too i’ve got 10 correct out of 10 thanks to your nice explanation , i find these vocabulary a lot while i’m reading stories ,thanks to make things easier for us teacher.
No problem. I try to teach practical vocabulary that you hear every day.
Thank you Alex :)
You’re welcome, Flavio. Thanks for stopping by the site!
Great job Alex, you are fun! :D
Thanks, cadu. It’s important for students to enjoy what they’re learning, so I try to make it fun.
Thank you , so easy to understand
Thank you very much.
Thank you for learn us Iwish you moor of brilliant.
You’re welcome. Thank you for studying with me.
Tks a lot!!
Five more words added to my vocabulary!
That’s fantastic. I’m glad you learned something new today.
Its really interesting lesson and this web is great.. thank you
Thanks for studying with us, DALIKO. I’m glad you’re finding the site useful!
I’ve been folowing engvid for a short time
Thanks a lot !!
You’re welcome. We’re happy to have you.
You should have burped instead of Ronnie. You could have drunken a glass of coke before you started the lesson :) I am learning various things by helps of all of yours. Thanks all
It’s difficult to time a burp. Haha.
thank you i like it :)
I’m happy to read that. You’re welcome.
Great explanation , I loved !
Thanks a lot, Vivisz. I appreciate that.
thanks Alex
You’re welcome.
Thank you
My pleasure.
Very good video! Few words i didnt know, and will be useful for me! Thanks!
You’re very welcome.
hi Alex.. these are very helpful video lessons.
i watch all videos eagerly
I appreciate your support. Thank you very much for watching.
thank you Alex.My English is improving every day.You are help me
That’s my goal. You can say:
“You are helping me.”
“You have helped me.”
thank so much
With pleasure.
Hello friend,
What is the difference between monument and memorial?
Are they both interchangeable in a sentence?
To me, a Memorial is usually reserved to commemorate an event like a war or a tragic event.
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Titanic Wreckage Memorial
Viet Nam War Memorial
Abraham Lincoln Memorial (died tragically)
A monument is an architectural structure used to represent or commemorate something. To mark an achievement or moment in history.
The Washington Monument
A monument could be for just about anything.
In the end, you are right that they are sometimes interchangeable, though. There are monuments that commemorate tragic events.
Defense of Hong Kong Monument (in Canada)
Thank you Mr.Alex,God bless you!
But I think the burp that Ms.Ronnie did was disgusting hahaha,I think it didn’t need to do that, because we have understood what you meant, anyway thank you soooo much for every engvid teachers, because you’re really amazing, I get many benefits from this website and God bless you all.
Thanks for the feedback, bushra, and thank you for studying with engVid.
Thank you, Alex. You are a good teacher.
Thank you very much for studying with me.
HI,how are you teacher. I come here frist time.
Welcome to engVid, and thank you for commenting. It’s always nice to see new people here.
No se nada.de ingles ayuda
Search for “Beginner English.”
Hello Alex, Your explanation is very good! Thanks
Thank you very much. I try to be as clear as possible.
Thanks again Alex!
This lesson fed my hungry for English knowledge :-) Some new words learnt.
That’s good to hear! Btw (By the way), the correct form is:
This lesson fed my hunger.
Hungry = adjective
Hunger = noun
Thanks for watching!
Thanks, Alex, for the correction.
I watched your lesson but I did not do my comments here Dear Mr Alex..
It was quite interesting like someone said.,
Your lesson for me, most important role that playing to improve my English much more.. .
I got some word from this lesson like starving, nibble, sip, and leftover and more is Ask for a seconds this was for me quite interesting Mr Alex..
I just loved it and quite nice your speech there!…
Thank you. I’m happy I was able to add some words to your vocabulary.
Thanx for the lesson!
You’re very welcome, Makran!
Thank you very much for your lesson.
You’re welcome, Ivan. Thank you for watching.
Hello friend,
which one is correct:
He knocked the door.
He knocked at the door.
He knocked on the door.
And is there a difference among them?
I’ve never heard “He knocked the door” in any context. Unless you mean “He knocked the door over,” which means he crashed into it and the door fell down.
“He knocked on the door” means he physically knocked on the wood.
“He knocked at the door” means he is at the point of the door (standing outside of the room) and knocking on it. It’s why people say “There is someone at the door” and not “There is someone on the door” when they want to say “Someone is waiting outside and wants to come in.”
thank you, i got 9/10 . I really love eating and my family too.
Nice job.
Hello Alex Teacher,
I like your video very much. Next year I’m going to go Calgary, so I always learn Eng everytime, verywhere. But I’m really afraid that I can’t speak Eng. I need to advise from you to improve my Eng. Can you send your FB to me. I want to talk to you in Eng. Thanks you so much.
Hi there,
My Facebook is Alex EngVid, but I don’t always have time to respond to private messages. If I responded to everyone’s questions, I would never leave my computer. @_@
Calgary is beautiful! I hope you enjoy your time there.
Thank you very much . I new member . I listen and speak English a little but I try to learning English . I want to talk to you in Eng.
Welcome to engVid, maple888. I will always try to answer questions in the comments section. At least once per person.
Thank you #Alex…
It’s always something new and fun to watch your lessons…
we’re waiting for some more special ones….
A special and entertaining lesson is coming up in 2 weeks.
i got 100% thank you for your effort
Nice job. Thanks for watching.
Thanks))i like your lessons)
Thanks for watching, galinka88.
I love your lesson.Thank you Alex.
You’re welcome. Thank you for watching.
Thanks from Nicaragua!!! I’m studying an English course, You’ve helped me a lot to progress with it. Thank you.
This is the first time I can remember answering a message from Nicaragua. Welcome!
Thanks, Alex!
Not a problem. Thank you for your support.
Alex sir, i want to learn English from this website.
but i am really confused regarding the sequence of watching these videos.
could you please give me an advise
There is no sequence or lesson structure. If you are struggling, I would recommend starting with the beginner lessons. It all depends what you want to improve as well: vocabulary, pronunciation, writing, etc. Our site is divided into these sections.
Very good lesson, thank!
“Thanks.” :)
And you’re welcome.
NPDL I like your lesson and I never miss your lesson. Well done, ALex. I think you must have music from beginning to have more fun
You will hear some music in future lessons. 2016 is going to be an exciting year for engVid!
Hi Mr alex. How are you?
I’m a new member in engvid but l really want to thank you about this fabulous lesson. It was very useful. I get at least 5 new vocab from it. Thank you again.
dear Alex thank you too much
you are the best
Hello everyone, Hello Alex .
Thanks for this so every day life lesson . It has sounded easy , however I have learnt ” bib” . I will be less ridiculous when at the restaurant I ask the waiter to give me a towel or a sheet .
There is an expression to say grab a bite in french , this is literaly ” eating on the thumb ” . Not enough to be stuffed even If your thumb is large.
Thanks Alex and carry on .
Haha. Yes, you definitely shouldn’t be asking for a towel or sheet. You can also just say “napkin.”
thanks Alex very much , this is easy lesson but useful for life everyday.
best regards!
That’s my goal. Thank you for watching.
Useful lesson,thanks
You’re welcome, Waseem. Thanks for watching.
Thank you very much. we appreciate what you are doing for us. Sir i have one request that you to do lesson on word order and sentence structure. thank you!
Not an easy topic for one video, but I will certainly consider it.
thank you Elex!
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching.
A m a z i n g lesson
Thank you Alex!
No problem, Symonas. Thank you for watching.
Hello friend,
(the) cover of (the) book
(the) cover of (a) book
cover of (the) book
cover of (a) book
(a) cover of (the) book
(a) cover of (a) book
Which of these phrases are correct?
in case that the book is known to the speaker.
in case that the book is unknown.
where could “the” be placed, before “of” or after “of”?
i’m take sip this class!
very useful!
thank you so much! i appreciate it!
You’re very welcome! I’m glad I could help!
Thank you. You rock !!
Thanks a lot!
thanks alex u r a excellent teacher
Thank you very much.
as always you’ve done a great job. thanks.
Thank you, birindar. I appreciate that.
I’ve been craving for a food after this lesson. Hahaha.. Thank you, Alex.
“I’m craving food after this lesson.” :)
You’re welcome, Danddan.
Thank you very much, Alex. I was so confused about how to say this.
Thank you best teacher for this lesson, i’m new student on engvid and i hope learning english and speak this language very well with you :)
Welcome to engVid! I look forward to reading all of your future comments. :)
it’s relly nice. thank you Alex.
You’re very welcome.
No problem!
Thank you = Teşekkür ederim Alex :)
You’re welcome. Thanks for clicking.
thanks alex , it’s very useful vedio :D
You’re welcome.
Thanks Alex you’re a genious
Haha. Thanks. The correct spelling is “genius.”
Thank you always alex!!!!
No problem. You’re very welcome. :)
Thanks! Alex, great teacher you are! By the way, it’s good to master our English.
You’re welcome! Thanks a lot for watching the video!
Hi Alex, thanks for this lesson. A question if you have time , is the sentence ‘ let’s dig in ‘ formal or informal?
You are very attentive Alex, I appreciate how you are always answering peoples questions, sometimes even from other teachers lessons. Thanks for your simple explanations. Take care.
I like the regular interaction with students. Thanks for noticing. Haha.
Dear Alex, Thank you so much for the useful lesson and understandable explanation.
HEy!!! Alex i like they way you deliver your lecture.I must say there’s a lot to take away from this video….thank you so much..
Thanks alot Alex.It’s a lot fun and instructive lesson.
Alex, thank you very much for the video lessons. This is my first post on engvid. (And I’m sorry for my mistakes).
thanks very well , good job
“Thanks a lot. Good job.” :)
You can also say, “Thank you very much.”
You’re welcome!
oh no i am stuffed now !
Thanks teacher for this lesson! It helps me so much. :)
Thank you! I really like the Ronnie’s part lol
thankyou so much. i got 100/100
I Love this lesson…it’s easy and helpful for me, thanks Mr. Alex :)
I am starving to such kind of great lessons ,Thanks a lot
hahaha, it was a very funny lesson, thank you so much Alex.
That was very funny and useful thank you so much and we are waiting for more ;)
i will practice all these vocabulary in my next food so i never forget this lesson that’s promise because i will practice it every day
hi alex i am enjoying your lessons and i am looking forward to see more lessons like this …….
Good lesson, thank!
thanks mr alex
After this lesson I’m feeling hungry. Let’s have a dinner!
Amazing class!
That’s right
good work alex
This lesson really really was good!!! Thx Teacher Alex
Thanks for the lesson.
Thank you Alex. I’ve learned your lesson :D
Thank you 10/10 I ask for seconds!
Thaks a lot for your lesson. It’s perfect to start cooking for lunch :)
I’m Alex too, I study English and I’m excited with your lessons, they are very easy to understand and you are a good teacher.
Thank so much.
thanks a bundle
you speak very clearly ,that is good of you.
Wow! How can I get perfect! Now, I can have a confidence.
Excellent Thank you it was very usefull.
Great lesson! Very useful and interesting! Thank you, Alex!
Thank you,Alex
thank’s alex.but i need to know your opion .i’m learning uk english is that make to me problem or not.
Not at all. It depends if you plan to visit North America or the UK at some point. Really though, both are fine. There are some differences, but the grammar is the same.
Thank you Alex, it was very usefull
very useful.thanks)
hello dear teacher
i hope to accept me as a student
i want to learn more together
you can send message to my mail sdgamir@gmail.com
alex your so kind
ok , i am starving to finish all your lessons , ALEX
hello, Roya
if u are interested to practice English with me
that is my skype: smith.salah
or facebook:/smithsalah91
Thanks a lot! That means a lot!
IF ANY ONE need to practice english as speaking to each other and also we can practice some Quiz to each other .
i have SKYPE : smith.salah
or facebook :/smithsalah91
Thank you for lesson. I understand all, because you demonstrate words :)
Thank you, Alex
thank you Alex for the video, That’s very helpful :) honestly, I’m interested with your video lessons about English. that are very interesting. :)
Thanks a lot for watching, Ayun! I truly appreciate it!
Thanks alex nice to meet you
You too! Thanks for watching.
Thanks alot
Thank you, very much! You are a special teacher, because your “non-verbal communication” is for 10+…
Thank you very much! I appreciate that.
Hi sir thank you for teaching us by funny and interesting ways
No problem! I’ll keep making my videos as entertaining and useful as possible. :)
Thanks i understand everything,but need to practice more the pronunciation. ☺
It’s one of the most challenging parts of learning any language, but also one of the top two or three most important parts.
Very useful lesson. Thank you very much.
You’re very welcome. Thanks for clicking.
thanks alex, it’s realy interesting lesson ?
*an interesting
Thanks, anas. I had a good time making it.
10 :)
Great lesson, with with a notorious contribution: Alex feat. Ronnie: “Burp” Thanks Alex!
Haha. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.
I appreciated the menu of new words in this lesson. I go chew each of one. cheers and Happy New Year Alex.
Happy New Year to you too, EdOliver! Thanks for supporting engVid!
really you are very very good teacher meet him to learn English
Thanks for watching, Amredu! I appreciate that you are learning with engVid.
Thank you Alex, It is very well done. I am starting in this website and it´s great, I love it.
Thank you for your lesson. It was fun.
At this moment I am starving but first I should finish This quiz.
Thank you Alex
thanks Alex,i really really enjoy your lesson,that’s useful for me
Hi again, Alex. The word “leftovers” is always used with the final “s” or you can use it without it, when talking in singular? Thanks. By the way, enjoy your classes
Thanks, great lesson.
When I’m starved I gable down my food too quickly and I still overate. Especially, the cakes are a must :)
Enjoy your meal
Hey Alex, excellent class, I wanna eat always but I need to be fit hahahha.
Thanks for help and see you in next class…
Hey Alex, I love your classes that help me to learn my poor English.
Thank you so much for lesson! I really enjoy your explanations. …And I fill as “in house”, not at school.
I’ve got 10/10.
Thank you Alex, Very usefull lesson.
Alex thank you for this lesson)
My first lesson)
I got 10 correct out of 10.I am very happy!!!Thanks teacher!!!!!!!!!
I learn Eglish step by step and You really help me.Thank You=)
Thanks alex, im so stuffed by knowledge right now thanks for sharing this lesson with us…
Thank you so much you are amazing teacher
Thank U Alax.
Thank you Alex. You are the best teacher.
I love your class I follow you.
My English not good.
I love English.
I can read well but my grammar and speaking can be difficult.
I have never taught students before but I have to teach Personality in Department hotel of College next term.
When someone likes to eat we say in portuguese, he is “bom garfo”/”good fork”. Haw do you say it in English?
Thanks Alex, it was a very usefull lesson, and… I got 10/10 in the quiz :)
I got 10/10 !!
Thanks again, again and again.I’m so happy with your lesson. Kisses for you!
thank you Alex! i watch this video many times!
it’s very useful and funny!(about burp!) haha!
by the way,I GOT 10!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much Alex ! It’s very usefull lesson. I got 10 , I have to repeat it when I will at the dinner with my family. ;)
Thank you !!it’s very useful.
I learn with all teachers, thank you so much!
There are grammar mistakes on the next short text. Can you find them?
In this lesson Alex teach some useful word to eat time. Some of the is for noun an action, and the other is for describe an emotional state related with your energy state. For example, bite, chew, stuffed, starving, nibble, sip, and so on. It’s really interesting how we can use specific words to describe different mood states related with energy needles, you could have hungry, but if you feel a very big hungry you can say I’m starving. Or you can use specific words to refer to specific size of food that you can take, for example, sip is very useful to express that you can take a very small pieces of solid food, and sip for express your desire of a small drink of liquid food.
Nice Lesson, Alex!
Thanks so much!
great lesson
10/10 Great teacher!!!
i’m hungry
Hi Alex, here in Ecuador, I don’t know why we have a funny phrase with LEFTOVERS, for example, we say after a question, why are you picking up all that food?, we say it’s for my DOG, and they say what DOG? if you don’t have anyone, we say literally “MY ( DOG = GIANT) HEATED FOOD” in slang, we say DOG as something that is GIANT, HUMONGOUS OR INCREDIBLE :D
Et maintenant, je vais aller manger un morceau et boire à ta santé Alex. Merci de m’avoir ouvert l’appétit.
You’re really a good teacher!! Thank you!! I can understand everything you say and teach, it’s good!!
Thank you Alex! Very nice video!
thanks teacher Alex very good lesson.
Great lesson i really dig it
that is a great teaching method.
I have got 9\10! Relly interesting video ?. I
ate 10 minut ago and I stuffed now.
Hello my friend, Thank you for such a nice teaching video.
Yahoooooooooo I got 10/10
Thanx to Alex
i got 10/10. thank you!
This lesson made me go to the kitchen
Your comments, frequent interactions with people confirm your professional attitude as the teacher.
Good work!
thanks I understand very much
I enjoyed this lesson very much. Thanks Alex
Thanks Alex i got 100% thank u so much
Thanks Alex, You are a good teacher!!!
Thanks a lot for this nice useful lesson. I really enjoyed it. Your way in teaching is very good and easy to understand. Thanks again Mr Alex.
Thanks a lot for you
I got 100!!! Thanks Alex for the lesson! I’m Learning English wery well with you! Thanks again!
Great learning….specially the word ‘burp’….
Thank you. you are very good teacher I take 8 from 10 i think not bad ha ha
Could not resist answering ‘babies’ in 7th question ^_^
i got 9 of 10!
Thanks a lot, Adam!
After this lesson all people became hungry )) thank you)
I’m stuffed now. ?
Hi Alex,
thanks to you,one of favorite english teacher,One thing that i just to ask from is instead of saying,
“have a bite”have a taste will be ok too.Godbless
Thank you Alex, great job!
Thanks Alex!
Hi Alex,
It’s my firt video here and now i sure to stay here to improve my english.
Thanks to you.
Thanks very mush for your time, nice .
Many Thank it was a nice lesson
Good video.
10/10. Great
Congrats to me! I’ve got perfect score in your quiz. You’re the one of my favorite teacher on Engvid. Your explanation is simple and easy to understand. Have a nice and great day to all fellow students on Engvid.
Thanks so much Alex!
Very good
thank you teacher,I benefited greatly
Thank you sir it’s very helpful
Thanks to you! Alex teacher.
Thank you !
Fine. 10 out of 10
I need you help, Alex. Or one of you, my fellow students, can explain the differences between sickness/illness/disease and handycaped/disabled/special needs in American English. Thank you in advance.
well done, Mr.Alex
Christmas greetings and best wishes
from Kazakhstan 21 Dec 2o21:)
thank you a lot
Thanks a million for this great lesson dear Alex aka John Ritter from Toronto lol lol