If you have a test coming up, you are probably talking about it with your classmates to prepare for it. Describe your testing experience accurately by learning some common expressions that are often used when talking about tests and exams. Some examples include procrastinate, cram, pull an all-nighter, burn the midnight oil, pass with flying colors, flunk, and pass by the skin of your teeth. After watching, KILL THAT QUIZ with your new knowledge!
Im taking TOEFL test tomorrow so I am wondering if there is someone who can help me practicing my speaking section via internet?
Thank you
Hi there, how was your TOEFL? I hope you were great with it. I´m still learning how to speak english but if you want we can practice our speaking someday.
I would like to help you, but I think I m begginer
Towwwers Arthur
I’ll be glad to talk with you
yup ready to help
im free now
chandana nair
yes I can help you
niharika reddy
yes I can help you
niharika reddy
Procrastinate… now that’s a very long word. I used to look at it and think: “Gee, that word seems to be so complicated!”. I didn’t even know how wrong I was. Thanks, Emma!
I killed the quiz . I got 9 out of 10
I passed the quiz with flying colors .
Marvelous lesson
Thanx Mrs Emma
hehehehe you are awesome
Muhammad Seif
Thank Emma for the good lesson! ;)
spike valentine
can we practice english together..i want to learn eng too but faster. need someone for practice
this is my skype(abdo.hlmy200) if you want to practice
abdo helmy
I’m available
very usefull lesson for me
I passed the quiz with flying colors
Great lesson
Thanks Emma
thanks Emma!
carlos 2138
Thanks Emma your are my fovority teacher
Miguel Jimenéz Agudelo
yes is a good video
Thank you, Emma. I just wonder why we use “pass by the skin of my teeth” to mean the grade “C” or “D”. That’s something related with the culture, is that so?
It’s a strange phrase, isn’t it? It comes from a Bible verse. Teeth don’t have “skin”, so it might mean the surface of one’s teeth. We don’t really know for sure. In context, it figuratively means a narrow escape.
engVid Moderator
really this phrases are very extrange. lol. thanks for the lesson Emma
When I was a school student, I had never burnt the midnight oil for tests. Maybe a friend of mine had pulled an all nighter when she was a high-school student.
Great lesson! Thank you, Emma :D
I kill the test
thank you very much
.Its very useful lesson.Thank you Emma for it.My exam is coming soon so this expressions would help me a lot.
Emma there is one more exam expression which i use very frequently that is ”CRACK THE EXAM/TEST/INTERVIEW”.so according to this i cracked the quiz :-)
please please i want you to tell me whether the following sentence is correct or not ( Bin studied well, and James does too )
Hi, great lesson, I’m looking for gym vocabulary and I can`t find it, do you have any lesson about working out in a gym?
I passed by the skin of my teeth. Thank you for your lesson.
the video can’t be opened.It says “Unable to resolve the server’s DNS address.”
The video is on Youtube, which I think is censored in Pakistan. You may have to use a VPN.
engVid Moderator
You can watch that video on YouTube
thanks emma, it was good. It’s just that I feel their rarely used nowadays…
I killed your Quiz ,I got 10 :D
Thank you, Emma!
no. i not understand this lesson
no. i not understand this lesson mr’s emma
Rakmet Emma. Bari kushti boldi.
Thanks Emma thank you very much.
Thanks Emma! It was a very good lesson…
Thanks Emma very usefull
Why is it for beginners?? I find it very useful too
Thanks Emma, it was very usefull to me! I liked the expressions and finally, I passed my quiz with flying colors, thank you again!
Lais Lima de Oliveira
10 out of 10. Thank you for the very useful lesson, Emma!:))
In English besides other subjects, I never understood the sound of the letter “i”. Sometimes the “i” is pronounced as a “ai” other times as a “i”. Exist any rule, for when to use one or the other i sound?
Jorge Pedroso
Thank you Emma for this important lesson.
you are really perfect teacher EMMA, I like the way you speak and explain your lessons.
thank you
thank you so much emma
Thanks Emma, I passed the test with flying colours :)
Thanks Emma :)
Sarah Nivea
Excellent lesson Emma. Thank you very much!
I’ve just subscribe on your youtube channel. :)
Wellington Porto Brito
I love your personality Emma… thanks for these useful expressions.
I’ve final exams next week. Emma, pray for me ):
Your teaching is beneficial. Thank you, Emma.
Max Tsai
Thanks Emma…i got 10/10.I wanna learn more from you.
its awesome
thank you teacher it was very usefull and little difficult for me :)
nouf abdullah
10 on 10. I just killed it.
Thanks Emma. I pass the quiz with flying colours. I like the way that you speak. We can understand all of your speech. Not so fast, not so slow. Perfect for students.
i kill this exam, thanks emma :)
Emma, it was an excelent explanation, it always is helpful…thank you so much
thans cheacher it was good lesson
hamza 2015
uh!!! I got an 8 for the exam
Thanks emma 10 out of 10 I killed it :)
Hi Emma, thank very much for this class. I got 10 of 10 on it. Is there possible talk one only time with you at the skype?? I will love it!!!
this lesson is very useful!thank you very much! i always find it difficult in learning collocations !
please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I passed the quiz with flying colours and got 90 out of 100.
Thank Emma!
100! I killed the exam. Thanks for this lesson!. What a great site/school!
I killed the quiz I got 10 correct out of 10.
I passed the quiz with flying colors
I killed your quiz. I got 8 correct out of 10.
Thank you .
Thank you
u r wounderfull Emma.
I passed my test with flying colours.
thanks Emma …100 :D
Hello Anoksha, can I talk to you?
Killed….this word I useally heard …meaning as fighting time
I passed with flying colors :) thanks Emma <3
good luck
Very cool!
Thanks a lot.
Thanks..Emma. I got 80%.
i am take 70%
Thanks,Emma. I got 10 out of 10. I passed the quiz with flying colors.
Kongtho Imarith
thanks! teacher Emma
I don’t know why but you are the first English person who I can understand!!! I’m so happy!! I’m going to pass my English exams with flying colours next week!! Come on!
Place add me in Skype to improve our speaking at moodth99550281
Great as always Emma. Tks ;)
The class is wonderful. Congratulations.
I passed with flying colors . i got 10
I understand evething.
I’m not going to procrastinate anytime
7 out of 10 :( so i passed by the skin of my teeth :p
I have got 9 out of 10. I am happy. Thanks
Hi !All teacher. How are you all?
I’m happy for your lesson.
I’m new student.
I love all.
from cambodia.
I made a mistake with the procrastinate, but I understand why. That’s not bad: I think I will never forget what this unpronounceable word means…Thank you Emma!!!!!
thanks emma that is nice lesson
“I passed by the skin of my teeth i have got 6of 10
I passed the quiz with flying colors
Thanks Mrs. Emma
Thank you Emma!
I passed the quiz with flying colors :)
I got 100%
i love you emma.
i got 10 of 10:)
hi guys! please, let me drop a question: Anyone knows what means: “it’s to Fuzzy Wussy”. My friend asked me and I didn’t know what it is!
A racist slur for blacks in England. Originated from a Kipling poem entitled “Fuzzy Wuzzy.”
Fuzzy Wuzzy
(proper noun) The only bear made famous for having an embarrasing condition called alopecia. He was later immortalized in song that led to his tragic death. He was found face down with traces of honey comb on his mouth and an empty bottle of propecia stuck to his sticky, honey covered paw while that fateful song had been set to “repeat” on his ipod.
“Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair”
great lesson.!!
Alberto GL
Interesting lesson
Thanks Emma
thanks Emma<3
very important lesson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u so much!!!!!
yes!!!!!!!! i killed quiz. Thank u!
Thanks Emma for sharing your knowledge.
Thanks Emma, your lessons are great and helpfull for everyone.
You are one of the most teachers that i’ve ever seen, congratulations!!
Boy Rios
thank you for this lesson I passed it with flying colors
Thank you Vasil, it’s very helpful!
Thanks I enjoyed it
very excellent lesson
thanks emma
I am 40% I am sad
Thank you so much.
Thank you Emma:)
I killed the quiz!
thanks for your teaching!
please explain about the usage of ARE and WERE ?
i saw a hound whose eyes are red
i saw a hound whose eyes were red
tell me about the difference..
very nice
yeahh thanks Emma you good teacher i have scored 9 of 10 so that, i passed the quiz by flying colours
really good, i’m passionate about it! tks
Hi Emma
Thank you so much for the Lesson!!
10 out of 10!!!
I killed the quiz because I’m not procrastinator!!!
Thank you Emma fot this lesson.
The quize killed me. Tonight i will burn the midnight oil to take my revenge from that quize if i wont been procrastinated by Facebook
Thank you very much Emma.
Great lesson
Thanks, Emma!
Muhammad Seif
Emma is the groovy teacher!!!
Thanks emma well done
Hiii every one tomorrow is my speaking ielts test sooo any body give me some tips i have not strong vocabulary…..give me some tips plzzzz…..
junaid mir
hello every one
Does anybody know wich is the correct form?
1.- Make up your mind.
2.- Make your mind up.
and what is the meaning of both ?
samar mohammed
I think “Make up your mind” is correct form cause the meaning is don, but in “Make your mind up” up her don’t give the meaning, must put “adv.” without “up” such as “Make your mind Open” and you welcome.
I have got 8 out of 10
samar mohammed
I killed the exam with 10 !!!
I need a partner for IELTS
“I will help you study.”
This sentence confused me . why there are two verbs
help and study in it the same time?
please help me!
Thank you Emma.
I think i need to cram my english skill, but thanks emma
90 I passed with flying colours :)
Thanks a million best teacher ;)
For who wants practice english in order to be a good speaker this is my skype account : hamouzaa4
Thank you again
Hi Emma
First of all I would like to say big thank for you.
Secondly you’re a very simple in teaching English, im beginner and learned too much from you. You are amazing.
Finally i got 9 im my quiz. So i killed the exam I think .
God bless you. (If I wrote something wrong please forgive me).
Ahmad qouzah
yeah! its easy to learn and your teaching way is so good.
Thanks EMMA for your help.
Hi Emma,
What kind of films can you recommend for improving English?
Ilgar Sky
I killed the quiz!! I got 10
Thank you Emma for this good lesson!
Leon BS
I didn’t procrastinate
i passed with flying colors
thanks Mrs Emma .
Alaa Taha
Absolutely ..totally I am killed..during Emma class
I passed the quiz with flying colors! Canada in 2016 Here we go!!!!
Very good lesson !
Really, its very interesting this way for learning english, I congratulate the people tha designed this form for teching it, thaks a lot
mario veldom
Can Sombody help me how to clear picture perception tests. Writing a story by seeing a picture
pardeep singh
Nighter ?? Traslate spanish plis
It’s “all night” + “-er”. The suffix -er has a lot of different meanings in English. Here, it turns the adjective or adverb “all night” into a noun — “[something] that took all night to finish”.
engVid Moderator
what a luck i am!!! i never been “procrastinate” before one exam:)
Beautiful Lesson!!!
Thank you so much!!
Congratulations, you are an excellent teacher!!!!
Wellington Porto Brito
I killed my exam >>
Thank you ,,:)
Teba Abueissa
a great lesson.thank you
I passed the quiz with flying colours. I got 10/10. :))
Thank you Emma! The lesson is very usefull for me!
Ngo Van Bac
I passed with flying colours and also killed my exam. Useful lesson, by the way. Thanks Emma!
Thank you from afghanistan
thanks Emma! Very useful lessoon :)
yeah . I passed with flying colours. 100
still dont understand this lesson
it s amazing web site for english learners
mani chandu
9/10 for procrastinate wouldn’t the answer
”you don’t study at all” be also legit
kuroro lucifer
thank you
Plenty of expressions I didn’t know but I do now! Thanks for this incredible lesson!
I passed by the skin of my teeth. Thank you for your lesson. thanks
Thank Emma four your lesson
thank you Emma for all lesson; you have a good explanation :).
sara janoui
Thanks for this lesson.
I killed it :)
I got 8 correct out of 10 :)
T get 10 out of 10, Thank you.
I get 5
It’s such a great website.
Thank Emma for the good lesson!
It really helped me a lot I’d like to appreciate you for the same emma mam
Rashi Sharma
I passed this test with flying colours.
It was fun to learn so brand new expressions!
Thank you Emma!
thank you Emma I got 10:))
i passed the quiz by the skin of my teeth, because my phone help me procrastinate
Thank Emma four your lesson
Thanks emma really i killed quiz
Dear Professor Emma,
Thank you for this lesson for the beginners. A perfect lesson
for me and great pleasure to attend your class.
I doubt this valuation of the vocabulary as for the beginners is correct, not for me, nevertheless the example sentences are really simple.
Warmest regards,
Thank you Emma, I killed this exam and got an A+.
Anyone here for speaking practice? I have an exam in couple weeks. Also wanna to kill my exam too. :p
Gayatri kintali
I killed the test.I get 8 in the test.
Thanx Mrs Emma.
awesome lesson! Thank you.
I loved this quiz! Thanks Emma!
I love your lesson a lot! Great.
i killed the quiz i got 9 from 10
thanks Emma
Ahmed kh
I passed the quiz with flying colors.
I killed the quiz.
I did all of these because I always cram.
it’s so good for me ty
Thank you, Emma. I passed the quiz with flying colours.
Roya Seferova
I was flying colors in this quiz,thanks Emma,your lessons make up my English.
well i killed this quiz. 10/10
Ariful Sikder
i swear i didnt see the video but i got 7
i enjoyed the class.
I killed the Quiz! (10/10) Thank you Teacher Emma!
Yeyy.. I killed the test! Thank you Ms. Emma, You’re so worth :D
Cahaya Nur Hikmah
thanks emma!
thanks emma, by the way ı m look for speaking conservation friend, Is there a any one?
7/10 good
Hi Ms.Emma thank-you so much for your beautiful english lesson ! I love your way of teaching specially the transcript explanation really helpful for my hearing and listening,because there’s a few words that i can’t understand!My weak part is hearing and listening and my english comprehension is not good .Today I’d tried your quiz. Omg i can’t believed to my self ..! I got 9 out of 10 feeling happy .Thanks a lots to all of you for sharing your Excellent education!Really helpful to all learner in a world wide.
it was great lesson! thanks Emma!
I killed the quizz XD
Lorcy Gabriel
Thanks Emma!
Thanks Emma
I killed the test :)
I only got 7 out of 10 =((( But I’ll try again later =)))
Kylie K
i passed quiz with flying colours. :)
hahaha, I killed the lesson’s quiz. Getting 100 mark :D
hello,i am chinese,too.can you tell me how to find Emma’s video in yutube.if it is possible can i have your Wechat number.
David wang1
thanks Emma
i kill my test and i have got 9/10.
Actually, nowadays I’m cramming for my IELTS test and I hope so I would pass my IELTS with flying colours.
A bunch of thanks to Emma Mam.
Muhammad Saad
I killed it ( my test )
really it is very important to me and i will be having benefit too much for preparing to pass the exams .
Thank you Emma for this lesson.
I killed the test and Emma killed the happy face with her marker.
thanks! I had learned some new word.
I feel bad,i passed by the skin of my teeth
thank you Emma you are a star
i’m a new commer .i am from china and want to take IELTS test.who can tell me how to find Emma’s youtube video.
thank you.
David wang1
I killed the quiz. Thanks Emma for the lesson.
I passed your test with flying colours. Thank you Emma, your lesson is very useful
Marie Hoang
I got 7/10. Thanks for the lesson!
Thanks Emma. I killed the quiz.
I procrastinated while studied this lesson,so that I had to pulled an all lunch break timer, to crammed for this quiz test. Finally, not only passed this test with flying colors, but I also killed completely.
(after twice :) )
Thank you Emma :)
Cindy Venisia
Thank you Emma for the lesson
9 out of 10.But I think some words is difficult for me.Anyway thanks alot for test.
Mar Lar Aung
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you so much
I learn faster. Thank you for this group. You make me fun.
Mohammd Al aqail
Thank you, Emma!
Anna Slukvina
It’s very useful
I flunked my test. No way, it’s a joke.
Thank you Emma. :)
How can do the test, i dont know which link i have to use in test.
How can i be ma’am emma maybe can even teach me english
Dizon Barameda
I am not familiar with the expressions, however; I am happy to score 80%.
thank you
Hi. i am doing a survey study on academic writing assessment strategies.
Thank you Emma
Yei! I got 10/10. Thank you Emma.
i am a great fan of yours Emma.i have improved my English by leaps and bounds only by watching your videos. Your videos are really so helpful . thanks ever so much for presenting your lessons so nicely for us.
Sharmin Afrooza
When I watch your lessons I always learn a lot of things, thank You Emma,I LOVE engvid
I’m RAJNISH MISHRA 25. I wanna improve my English fluency, If any one join me, Please write at rajnish.princeraj@gmail.com
Rajnish Prince
WHy qiz not open i want to practice it and it didn’t open
Sohrab awan
I passed with flying colors
scored a 90 on the quiz
emma you rock
infact ur the best teacher
thanku emma
chandana nair
My score was 50/50. :(
Finally 9/10.
10/10 GREAT! 100 points!
I passed with flying colours . I got 8 out of 10 .
Mahmoud metwali
9/10! Thanks for Emma’s video. I keep on learning two month. First month, nothing felled change. At the end of second month, I fell more difference than before.
Jerry Gu
I killed my English quiz 9/10 thank you Emma ?
Bagus sekali, ITS very good way to try my lesson
Pak Manik
is there anyone here comeing from vietnam ???
thanks so much Emma, You are ever the best teacher, i want to give you 100000 subscriber away for free, but i can’t =)))
i got 9/10. i need to improve. bye
i want some one who can help me pravticing my speaking section via internet. please
semayat nega
Thanks Emma it was such a nice lesson
Thank you Emma, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 28Sept2021);
7/10 Not bad!
i must to study a lot
Thanks, Emma you are my favorite teacher
Hi my English got ? must I improve on it
good afternoon. how can i get TOEFL test freely?
Renita br Marbun
thank you Emma you makes me understand without script
sawsan Nageeb
I killed my exam
sawsan Nageeb
I killed my exam , I passed with flying colours ,I was wandering if here we will get certificate ?
So useful for me thanks but didn’t perform well
Sandy ligory
I want to thank you for what you are doing by providing knowledge through this website. I found it very helpful for me.
nice day
Alvine john
This website is amazing
Thank you so much dear Emma
hi!I’m new to this website.please can you help me to find the correct way to use this lessons,step by syep
You can watch the lessons in any order! Use the English Lesson Finder to find lessons by level (beginner, intermediate, advanced), topic, and teacher. For example, check the boxes “1-Beginner” and “grammar” and click “Find Lessons” to get a list of all beginner-level grammar lessons. Here’s a screenshot of what that looks like.
engVid Moderator
Thank you🙏
Thank you so much
Kessela awate
well, thanks ♥
I am trying to do my best but not much effective .what shall I do??
Hansika yadav
I Kill my exam and I’m very excited . Thank you teacher Emma.
I passed my test with flying colors. I am very impressed ..Thank you Emma.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Im taking TOEFL test tomorrow so I am wondering if there is someone who can help me practicing my speaking section via internet?
Thank you
Hi there, how was your TOEFL? I hope you were great with it. I´m still learning how to speak english but if you want we can practice our speaking someday.
I would like to help you, but I think I m begginer
I’ll be glad to talk with you
yup ready to help
im free now
yes I can help you
yes I can help you
Procrastinate… now that’s a very long word. I used to look at it and think: “Gee, that word seems to be so complicated!”. I didn’t even know how wrong I was. Thanks, Emma!
I killed the quiz . I got 9 out of 10
I passed the quiz with flying colors .
Marvelous lesson
Thanx Mrs Emma
hehehehe you are awesome
Thank Emma for the good lesson! ;)
can we practice english together..i want to learn eng too but faster. need someone for practice
this is my skype(abdo.hlmy200) if you want to practice
I’m available
very usefull lesson for me
I passed the quiz with flying colors
Great lesson
Thanks Emma
thanks Emma!
Thanks Emma your are my fovority teacher
yes is a good video
Thank you, Emma. I just wonder why we use “pass by the skin of my teeth” to mean the grade “C” or “D”. That’s something related with the culture, is that so?
It’s a strange phrase, isn’t it? It comes from a Bible verse. Teeth don’t have “skin”, so it might mean the surface of one’s teeth. We don’t really know for sure. In context, it figuratively means a narrow escape.
really this phrases are very extrange. lol. thanks for the lesson Emma
When I was a school student, I had never burnt the midnight oil for tests. Maybe a friend of mine had pulled an all nighter when she was a high-school student.
Great lesson! Thank you, Emma :D
I kill the test
thank you very much
.Its very useful lesson.Thank you Emma for it.My exam is coming soon so this expressions would help me a lot.
Emma there is one more exam expression which i use very frequently that is ”CRACK THE EXAM/TEST/INTERVIEW”.so according to this i cracked the quiz :-)
please please i want you to tell me whether the following sentence is correct or not ( Bin studied well, and James does too )
Hi, great lesson, I’m looking for gym vocabulary and I can`t find it, do you have any lesson about working out in a gym?
This one is the closest we have! I’ll put it on the list of requests.
Update: check out today’s lesson :)
I passed by the skin of my teeth. Thank you for your lesson.
the video can’t be opened.It says “Unable to resolve the server’s DNS address.”
The video is on Youtube, which I think is censored in Pakistan. You may have to use a VPN.
You can watch that video on YouTube
thanks emma, it was good. It’s just that I feel their rarely used nowadays…
I killed your Quiz ,I got 10 :D
Thank you, Emma!
no. i not understand this lesson
no. i not understand this lesson mr’s emma
Rakmet Emma. Bari kushti boldi.
Thanks Emma thank you very much.
Thanks Emma! It was a very good lesson…
Thanks Emma very usefull
Why is it for beginners?? I find it very useful too
Thanks Emma, it was very usefull to me! I liked the expressions and finally, I passed my quiz with flying colors, thank you again!
10 out of 10. Thank you for the very useful lesson, Emma!:))
In English besides other subjects, I never understood the sound of the letter “i”. Sometimes the “i” is pronounced as a “ai” other times as a “i”. Exist any rule, for when to use one or the other i sound?
Thank you Emma for this important lesson.
you are really perfect teacher EMMA, I like the way you speak and explain your lessons.
thank you
thank you so much emma
Thanks Emma, I passed the test with flying colours :)
Thanks Emma :)
Excellent lesson Emma. Thank you very much!
I’ve just subscribe on your youtube channel. :)
I love your personality Emma… thanks for these useful expressions.
I’ve final exams next week. Emma, pray for me ):
Your teaching is beneficial. Thank you, Emma.
Thanks Emma…i got 10/10.I wanna learn more from you.
its awesome
thank you teacher it was very usefull and little difficult for me :)
10 on 10. I just killed it.
Thanks Emma. I pass the quiz with flying colours. I like the way that you speak. We can understand all of your speech. Not so fast, not so slow. Perfect for students.
i kill this exam, thanks emma :)
Emma, it was an excelent explanation, it always is helpful…thank you so much
thans cheacher it was good lesson
uh!!! I got an 8 for the exam
Thanks emma 10 out of 10 I killed it :)
Hi Emma, thank very much for this class. I got 10 of 10 on it. Is there possible talk one only time with you at the skype?? I will love it!!!
this lesson is very useful!thank you very much! i always find it difficult in learning collocations !
please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I passed the quiz with flying colours and got 90 out of 100.
Thank Emma!
100! I killed the exam. Thanks for this lesson!. What a great site/school!
I killed the quiz I got 10 correct out of 10.
I passed the quiz with flying colors
I killed your quiz. I got 8 correct out of 10.
Thank you .
Thank you
u r wounderfull Emma.
I passed my test with flying colours.
thanks Emma …100 :D
Hello Anoksha, can I talk to you?
Killed….this word I useally heard …meaning as fighting time
I passed with flying colors :) thanks Emma <3
good luck
Very cool!
Thanks a lot.
Thanks..Emma. I got 80%.
i am take 70%
Thanks,Emma. I got 10 out of 10. I passed the quiz with flying colors.
thanks! teacher Emma
I don’t know why but you are the first English person who I can understand!!! I’m so happy!! I’m going to pass my English exams with flying colours next week!! Come on!
Place add me in Skype to improve our speaking at moodth99550281
Great as always Emma. Tks ;)
The class is wonderful. Congratulations.
I passed with flying colors . i got 10
I understand evething.
I’m not going to procrastinate anytime
7 out of 10 :( so i passed by the skin of my teeth :p
I have got 9 out of 10. I am happy. Thanks
Hi !All teacher. How are you all?
I’m happy for your lesson.
I’m new student.
I love all.
from cambodia.
I made a mistake with the procrastinate, but I understand why. That’s not bad: I think I will never forget what this unpronounceable word means…Thank you Emma!!!!!
thanks emma that is nice lesson
“I passed by the skin of my teeth i have got 6of 10
I passed the quiz with flying colors
Thanks Mrs. Emma
Thank you Emma!
I passed the quiz with flying colors :)
I got 100%
i love you emma.
i got 10 of 10:)
hi guys! please, let me drop a question: Anyone knows what means: “it’s to Fuzzy Wussy”. My friend asked me and I didn’t know what it is!
A racist slur for blacks in England. Originated from a Kipling poem entitled “Fuzzy Wuzzy.”
Fuzzy Wuzzy
(proper noun) The only bear made famous for having an embarrasing condition called alopecia. He was later immortalized in song that led to his tragic death. He was found face down with traces of honey comb on his mouth and an empty bottle of propecia stuck to his sticky, honey covered paw while that fateful song had been set to “repeat” on his ipod.
“Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair”
great lesson.!!
Interesting lesson
Thanks Emma
thanks Emma<3
very important lesson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u so much!!!!!
yes!!!!!!!! i killed quiz. Thank u!
Thanks Emma for sharing your knowledge.
Thanks Emma, your lessons are great and helpfull for everyone.
You are one of the most teachers that i’ve ever seen, congratulations!!
thank you for this lesson I passed it with flying colors
Thank you Vasil, it’s very helpful!
Thanks I enjoyed it
very excellent lesson
thanks emma
I am 40% I am sad
Thank you so much.
Thank you Emma:)
I killed the quiz!
thanks for your teaching!
please explain about the usage of ARE and WERE ?
i saw a hound whose eyes are red
i saw a hound whose eyes were red
tell me about the difference..
very nice
yeahh thanks Emma you good teacher i have scored 9 of 10 so that, i passed the quiz by flying colours
really good, i’m passionate about it! tks
Hi Emma
Thank you so much for the Lesson!!
10 out of 10!!!
I killed the quiz because I’m not procrastinator!!!
Thank you Emma fot this lesson.
The quize killed me. Tonight i will burn the midnight oil to take my revenge from that quize if i wont been procrastinated by Facebook
Thank you very much Emma.
Great lesson
Thanks, Emma!
Emma is the groovy teacher!!!
Thanks emma well done
Hiii every one tomorrow is my speaking ielts test sooo any body give me some tips i have not strong vocabulary…..give me some tips plzzzz…..
hello every one
Does anybody know wich is the correct form?
1.- Make up your mind.
2.- Make your mind up.
and what is the meaning of both ?
I think “Make up your mind” is correct form cause the meaning is don, but in “Make your mind up” up her don’t give the meaning, must put “adv.” without “up” such as “Make your mind Open” and you welcome.
I have got 8 out of 10
I killed the exam with 10 !!!
I need a partner for IELTS
“I will help you study.”
This sentence confused me . why there are two verbs
help and study in it the same time?
please help me!
Thank you Emma.
I think i need to cram my english skill, but thanks emma
90 I passed with flying colours :)
Thanks a million best teacher ;)
For who wants practice english in order to be a good speaker this is my skype account : hamouzaa4
Thank you again
Hi Emma
First of all I would like to say big thank for you.
Secondly you’re a very simple in teaching English, im beginner and learned too much from you. You are amazing.
Finally i got 9 im my quiz. So i killed the exam I think .
God bless you. (If I wrote something wrong please forgive me).
yeah! its easy to learn and your teaching way is so good.
Thanks EMMA for your help.
Hi Emma,
What kind of films can you recommend for improving English?
I killed the quiz!! I got 10
Thank you Emma for this good lesson!
I didn’t procrastinate
i passed with flying colors
thanks Mrs Emma .
Absolutely ..totally I am killed..during Emma class
I passed the quiz with flying colors! Canada in 2016 Here we go!!!!
Very good lesson !
Really, its very interesting this way for learning english, I congratulate the people tha designed this form for teching it, thaks a lot
Can Sombody help me how to clear picture perception tests. Writing a story by seeing a picture
Nighter ?? Traslate spanish plis
It’s “all night” + “-er”. The suffix -er has a lot of different meanings in English. Here, it turns the adjective or adverb “all night” into a noun — “[something] that took all night to finish”.
what a luck i am!!! i never been “procrastinate” before one exam:)
Beautiful Lesson!!!
Thank you so much!!
Congratulations, you are an excellent teacher!!!!
I killed my exam >>
Thank you ,,:)
a great lesson.thank you
I passed the quiz with flying colours. I got 10/10. :))
Thank you Emma! The lesson is very usefull for me!
I passed with flying colours and also killed my exam. Useful lesson, by the way. Thanks Emma!
Thank you from afghanistan
thanks Emma! Very useful lessoon :)
yeah . I passed with flying colours. 100
still dont understand this lesson
it s amazing web site for english learners
9/10 for procrastinate wouldn’t the answer
”you don’t study at all” be also legit
thank you
Plenty of expressions I didn’t know but I do now! Thanks for this incredible lesson!
I passed by the skin of my teeth. Thank you for your lesson. thanks
Thank Emma four your lesson
thank you Emma for all lesson; you have a good explanation :).
Thanks for this lesson.
I killed it :)
I got 8 correct out of 10 :)
T get 10 out of 10, Thank you.
I get 5
It’s such a great website.
Thank Emma for the good lesson!
It really helped me a lot I’d like to appreciate you for the same emma mam
I passed this test with flying colours.
It was fun to learn so brand new expressions!
Thank you Emma!
thank you Emma I got 10:))
i passed the quiz by the skin of my teeth, because my phone help me procrastinate
Thank Emma four your lesson
Thanks emma really i killed quiz
Dear Professor Emma,
Thank you for this lesson for the beginners. A perfect lesson
for me and great pleasure to attend your class.
I doubt this valuation of the vocabulary as for the beginners is correct, not for me, nevertheless the example sentences are really simple.
Warmest regards,
Thank you Emma, I killed this exam and got an A+.
Anyone here for speaking practice? I have an exam in couple weeks. Also wanna to kill my exam too. :p
I killed the test.I get 8 in the test.
Thanx Mrs Emma.
awesome lesson! Thank you.
I loved this quiz! Thanks Emma!
I love your lesson a lot! Great.
i killed the quiz i got 9 from 10
thanks Emma
I passed the quiz with flying colors.
I killed the quiz.
I did all of these because I always cram.
it’s so good for me ty
Thank you, Emma. I passed the quiz with flying colours.
I was flying colors in this quiz,thanks Emma,your lessons make up my English.
well i killed this quiz. 10/10
i swear i didnt see the video but i got 7
i enjoyed the class.
I killed the Quiz! (10/10) Thank you Teacher Emma!
Awesome! I got the highest score. Someone to study english with me? My facebook is igor.decarvalho.mustang@gmail.com the link is https://www.facebook.com/decarvalhopantaleao add me
this is my skype : ruou.joey
Yeyy.. I killed the test! Thank you Ms. Emma, You’re so worth :D
thanks emma!
thanks emma, by the way ı m look for speaking conservation friend, Is there a any one?
7/10 good
Hi Ms.Emma thank-you so much for your beautiful english lesson ! I love your way of teaching specially the transcript explanation really helpful for my hearing and listening,because there’s a few words that i can’t understand!My weak part is hearing and listening and my english comprehension is not good .Today I’d tried your quiz. Omg i can’t believed to my self ..! I got 9 out of 10 feeling happy .Thanks a lots to all of you for sharing your Excellent education!Really helpful to all learner in a world wide.
it was great lesson! thanks Emma!
I killed the quizz XD
Thanks Emma!
Thanks Emma
I killed the test :)
I only got 7 out of 10 =((( But I’ll try again later =)))
i passed quiz with flying colours. :)
hahaha, I killed the lesson’s quiz. Getting 100 mark :D
hello,i am chinese,too.can you tell me how to find Emma’s video in yutube.if it is possible can i have your Wechat number.
thanks Emma
i kill my test and i have got 9/10.
Actually, nowadays I’m cramming for my IELTS test and I hope so I would pass my IELTS with flying colours.
A bunch of thanks to Emma Mam.
I killed it ( my test )
really it is very important to me and i will be having benefit too much for preparing to pass the exams .
Thank you Emma for this lesson.
I killed the test and Emma killed the happy face with her marker.
thanks! I had learned some new word.
I feel bad,i passed by the skin of my teeth
thank you Emma you are a star
i’m a new commer .i am from china and want to take IELTS test.who can tell me how to find Emma’s youtube video.
thank you.
I killed the quiz. Thanks Emma for the lesson.
I passed your test with flying colours. Thank you Emma, your lesson is very useful
I got 7/10. Thanks for the lesson!
Thanks Emma. I killed the quiz.
I procrastinated while studied this lesson,so that I had to pulled an all lunch break timer, to crammed for this quiz test. Finally, not only passed this test with flying colors, but I also killed completely.
(after twice :) )
Thank you Emma :)
Thank you Emma for the lesson
9 out of 10.But I think some words is difficult for me.Anyway thanks alot for test.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you so much
I learn faster. Thank you for this group. You make me fun.
Thank you, Emma!
It’s very useful
I flunked my test. No way, it’s a joke.
Thank you Emma. :)
How can do the test, i dont know which link i have to use in test.
How can i be ma’am emma maybe can even teach me english
I am not familiar with the expressions, however; I am happy to score 80%.
thank you
Hi. i am doing a survey study on academic writing assessment strategies.
Thank you Emma
Yei! I got 10/10. Thank you Emma.
i am a great fan of yours Emma.i have improved my English by leaps and bounds only by watching your videos. Your videos are really so helpful . thanks ever so much for presenting your lessons so nicely for us.
When I watch your lessons I always learn a lot of things, thank You Emma,I LOVE engvid
I’m RAJNISH MISHRA 25. I wanna improve my English fluency, If any one join me, Please write at rajnish.princeraj@gmail.com
WHy qiz not open i want to practice it and it didn’t open
I passed with flying colors
scored a 90 on the quiz
emma you rock
infact ur the best teacher
thanku emma
My score was 50/50. :(
Finally 9/10.
10/10 GREAT! 100 points!
I passed with flying colours . I got 8 out of 10 .
9/10! Thanks for Emma’s video. I keep on learning two month. First month, nothing felled change. At the end of second month, I fell more difference than before.
I killed my English quiz 9/10 thank you Emma ?
Bagus sekali, ITS very good way to try my lesson
is there anyone here comeing from vietnam ???
thanks so much Emma, You are ever the best teacher, i want to give you 100000 subscriber away for free, but i can’t =)))
i got 9/10. i need to improve. bye
i want some one who can help me pravticing my speaking section via internet. please
Thanks Emma it was such a nice lesson
Thank you Emma, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 28Sept2021);
7/10 Not bad!
i must to study a lot
Thanks, Emma you are my favorite teacher
Hi my English got ? must I improve on it
good afternoon. how can i get TOEFL test freely?
thank you Emma you makes me understand without script
I killed my exam
I killed my exam , I passed with flying colours ,I was wandering if here we will get certificate ?
So useful for me thanks but didn’t perform well
I want to thank you for what you are doing by providing knowledge through this website. I found it very helpful for me.
nice day
This website is amazing
Thank you so much dear Emma
hi!I’m new to this website.please can you help me to find the correct way to use this lessons,step by syep
You can watch the lessons in any order! Use the English Lesson Finder to find lessons by level (beginner, intermediate, advanced), topic, and teacher. For example, check the boxes “1-Beginner” and “grammar” and click “Find Lessons” to get a list of all beginner-level grammar lessons. Here’s a screenshot of what that looks like.
Thank you🙏
Thank you so much
well, thanks ♥
I am trying to do my best but not much effective .what shall I do??
I Kill my exam and I’m very excited . Thank you teacher Emma.
I passed my test with flying colors. I am very impressed ..Thank you Emma.