If you can’t hear English around you every day, knowing how to say new words can be very difficult! There are so many words that begin with C in English, but it’s hard to know if the C makes a sound like an S or a K. I am very excited to have figured out HOW you can know which sound the C makes! Watch this video to learn the trick and start pronouncing words correctly.
Thanks a lot Ronnie, Thais is useful lesson for everyone non-native speaker.
Hi Ukrit. For those like me who speak Spanish, this lesson is kind of easy because the same phenomenon occurs in our language.
Juan Jose Toro
And also in Portuguese.
and also in italian! :)
Good guidelines to improve our pronunciation.
What we need now is to put them into practice.
Hi Juan Jose Toro . I have a big problem to pronouce English Language. This lesson is useful for us.
Thanks Ronnie…I hope learning too much with you!!!
Thank you, Ronnie. Interesting :D
Thanks for good lesson, Ronnie! pronunciation is difficult for me, i hope improve it with engVid.
could i get your fb to practice the language !
Amr hussien
I hope too.
Rebeca is great English teacher
this is ms.Ronnie
She is Ronnie. She is as good Teacher as Rebeca
Juan Jose Toro
thanks ronnie, what about the c word followed by consonant? ex: clash, change
Anndya, those words have different sounds:
Change: /tʃeɪndʒ/
Clash: /klæʃ/
These sounds aren’t exactly “C” or “S” sounds. Remember about Minimal pairs.
thank Ronnie very much
thank you teacher .i love the way you teach .
Very interesting.
Thank you so much Ronny… Very interesting…
Its great.. Thanks ronny
Thank you so big Ronny :D
Yes, I got %100 the lesson was useful,
You are interesting Ronny.
Don’t stop we need more with you. And thank you a lot.
Qtr Net
Thanks got 90% without watching.
Abdul Qayum
how “c” sounds in Caribbean?
“s” or “k”
This word sound like “k”. :) I think.. (:/
of course K.
C followed by a, o and u sound as K. karibbean?
Juan Jose Toro
correction: Sounds as K. Notice that letter C is third person of the singular (It) so we are to add the letter S to the verb: It sounds as K.
Juan Jose Toro
of course “k”
great lesson Ronnie
Hey Ronnie, thanks for the lesson. It is quite helpful indeed. When you were explaining “cyber” word, I realized I couldn’t decide how to read “y” sound. Like saybee or siber? Or bicycle and cycle could be another example. I hope I could explain what I mean.
Like the “y” in “cycle”!
engVid Moderator
yeah Satine it’s really helpful .
Please don’t put your cock in your foot.
Merely EPIC!!
sock on your foot
Most important advice in the lesson lol
thank you very interressant
thanks for your lesson
this lesson was very cute :)
yes it was.
thank you so much for the lesson :)
afif alam
Thank you Ronnie
100 :D you are perfect Ronnie thanks :)
well don but but could You vive a similar lesson how to pronounce “th”
such a good teacher and good person … love you ronnie
mars otm
Thank you Ronnie I got 10/10, you are a great teacher, I love engVid.com
Thanks Ronnie :)
Very thanks Ronnie! You’re super!
Hi Ronnie.
What about ? Ocean (ochan) Oceania (oseania)
oshyan, oshyaania. :)
Thanks Ronnie
Hi! dear ronnie
wowwww what a nice lesson. thank you, I really like the way you teaching us pronunciation because we also learn vocabulary. may god bless you and your family take care of you
thank you alot >>> but facade : s or k ??
Facade:/fəˈsɑd, fæ-/
the sound is “S”
tha`s great and very usefull, thanks a lot
Ksenya Rybalko
Facade. In this word de c sounds like a s. This words are the exception to the rules. The facade of the house.
Jorge Pedroso
Indeed. Probably it’s a word derived from another language.
thank you veryy much , that help me to learn more english ,I need someone to parctique english with man women ,please contact me in skype need_practice
hi.. are you a girl or a boy?
It’s probably not your business!
engVid Moderator
ronnni , u r really good in teaching. i like ur style of teaching
Ronni , can i hv ur contact number ?. u r really a good teacher
engVid Moderator
there is no need of contact number because your videos are enough for us.
why exception ???? thank you Jorge
excellent rule, thanks!
Nice, agreeable lesson.
very helpful tips, thanks Ronnie
ann ann
Pleasant lesson
in the “cycle” word there is two “c” , after the second “c” is “l”
how should pronounce that as a “s” ?
I liked your expleination. Thank you!
Ayna Baxtiyar Aliyeva
Thanks very useful but for me isn’t difficult because in Spanish is the same thing
100 Thanks Ronnie.
Thanks :*
Ahmad vali Hosseini
i want to help me i don’t now this lesson?
Oooooooooooohhaaaaaaa , i got 100 % P thanks a lot
hamy alferjany
C + ( A – O – U ) = sound like ( K )
C + ( E – I – Y ) = sound like ( S )
hamy alferjany
Great summary. Did you do it by ownself or with ronnie
you’r welcome , no it’s mine
hamy alferjany
Thanks, It was usefull lesson.
Thank you MS Ronnie you r best teacher I have a bad spelling but today I will learn more here. thank you.
Thank you very much Ronnie.
I had confusions sometimes with “c”, but now it clear.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you :)
why chemistry sound like k not s or sh
Sayed Emad
The letter combination ch has three distinct sounds:
1. The most usual is the way it is pronounced in words like:
chair, check, chicken, chop, chuckle
much, rich, such
2. However, in words taken into English from Greek ch- sounds like k:
character chemist, chorus, etc.
ache, echo, school, etc.
Hello Ronnie. It has been a very clear and interesting lesson. Thank you so much
Jesús R.
only 1 mistake :)
Thanks a lot Ranni i got 10 out of 10.
thanks ronni but what about c+consonants?
Andrew Adel
you are the best teacher
thanks a lot
Thanks, It´s great.
Excellent , Ronnie
sherif saleh
very good , thanks
sherif saleh
Thank you, Ronnie. I loved this video
hi ronni I wanna so much with you meet.!!!
Very good lesson, 8/10 thanks very much . Ronnie
thank you very much for this lesson, and I have learn the sound difference bitween “s” and “k”
Thanks for the lesson I really liked it :)
I got 100%
Thanks, Ronnie
Very good lesson .Thank you
Good lesson..Thank u :)
Ms.Roonie you are great teacher..This lesson is pretty interesting…I mostly pronunce the words correctly in India because words are familiar in India. .We have car from from Honda company called Honda city..so most words are familiar..but I wasn’t unware of these words follow these much rules and patterns..really helpful and thought provoking….Thank you for using new words cilantro .I learnt weed,turnip reefer in your earlier lessons..cynical ,cymbal..New vocabulary learnt from this lesson as well…Thanks a ton I’m going to complete beginner lesson within this month….I need a lesson how they use word ” meet ” in English.
Example: you don’t meet the requirement for this position
In this lesson I watched keenly ms.roonie says “coast is the area in which the land meets the ocean….”how to use meet and want some explanation when to use the word in different context…
Deepak workaholic
roonie you are amazing .i like to learn English from you
KArim El Qattan
Roonie I have never seen a good teacher like you.I think you are the best English teacher in the world also you are so cute.I love you so much!!!
Sweet Aysenur
Thank you
Thanks Ronnie.
Thank you so much, it was really helpful.
but what about the second “C” in “cycle”?
what’s the rule here?
hi Roonie, great lesson, it’s amazing the way you explain and its true cilantro is very useful in mexico.
Hi Ronnie,
My name is jatin i am really really confused about did and was usage in past tence because sometime we use was in past but sometime did and some time had so please guide me.. please waiting for your responce..
inface i saw did usage video and was aswell but still don’t understant where to use did or where to use was. while communication.
hi ranni why the cy in cycel one time wrong and one time ok
thank Ronnie, I am a newbie, hope to catch up your lessions
the ngoc
Nice and helpful lessen, thank u Ronnie
Video is not playing :(
meera khan
Yamina R
Thanks a lot Ronnie,the best teacher
thank you so much)
Thanks Ronnie for your lesson :)
Hi, Ronnie. Thank you for teaching. Sometimes I could be cynical. I know that’s nothing good. Lately your country should have got cold. Take care not to catch a cold. The all words beginning with c I said are k sound except for cynical.
Hello Ronnie,
I just new in this website.
Thanks for the lesson. It’s helpful to improve my skill.
Great! Thanks! <3
That nice for me.
thank you ms ronny.
Hi ronnie where are you I missed you. You’re something else I love you and techıng style. How about saying. Cyclone,civil,cylinder,certify,celebrity,ceiling,casual,cast,curiosity, convenient…..
Thankssss for your useful lesson.I did one wrong which was 8.question
thank you
Thank you so much Ms Ronnie :)
Awesome as always, Ronnie!
Thx a lot from Russia
WE love EngVid!
Thank you Ronnie! It was interesting, helpful and.. fun lesson!)
Someone to improve my English?
I got 10/10 I am happy.
Very interesting.
Hi Ronnie,
learning or practicing Present participle clauses with you will be perfect and I am sure everyone will understand more easy…
Help us :)))
I like it! Ronnie the Best!
good teach
baarq talib
that was great , thank uuuuuuuu
what a shame. this video can not play in china ,cause in china you can’t go through youtube,facebook,..
ohhhh yes i got 100% correct
Thanks Ronnie I’ve learn a lot.
Thank you
thanks ronnie .
thank you ronnie for this lesson..
Very interesting
thank you rannia this is great lesson and only few weeks with you i will speak an English like you or just any flaunt one
This lesson is very useful, Someoneee to improve my english?
Thank you so much…..
Thank you, ronnie
very very nice presentation.
thanx kyu so much ronnie ..U R the best
azhar ansari
Hello our beautiful teacher ; I was wondering if you teach online ? either one to one or in a group ? I really really want to learn from you a lot , if you ma’am have classes i want to study and of course pay hhhhh , because I want to get high score in IELTS , so please help me to achieve this goal.
Ronnie u’re very great teacher..u have many useful videos i’ve never seen…u are teaching with actions and with great emotions..that’s pretty cool..thank u very much..
Thanks Ronnie..
Thank you my teacher
hussein aljanabi
thank u Ronnie , very useful lesson
Ahmad Alrifai
Thank you.
jaidur alam
thank you Ronnie, you are mi salvation in perfect my english
Thankc a lot Ronnie
Thanks a lot, Ronnie…it was very interesting and kind explanation…I’ve got 100%…
and i wish the best for every one
riad amer
riad amer
Dearest Prof.Ronnie,
I should like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a flourishing happy New year. It is important that it should be friendly and loving. I am so glad to know you, wonderful teacher. I pay my respect to you. You are Amazing teacher. briklend
Briklend Handersson
it was amazing ronnie thanks for everythink.see you again and again …
Bei so einem unterhaltsamen Vortrag fällt mir das Lernen leicht! Dankle!
Thank you so much Ronnie
thanks i understand
Thank God Good mark
Thank you ♥ Ronnie♥
Thanks Ronnie.
It’s very useful.
Albert Wang
Thanks Ronnie. You are a great teacher
Thanks for the lesson, teacher!
Hi Ronnie
Great job! I knew such a nice rule is in nice Italian language ,but I never ever thought this rule will be in English.It’s pretty new and fabulous to me.Good luck
tq so much ronie
very useful! i love it!
Hello, thank you for helping, but I have some questions, how can I text you on mail. :)
Yes ! i got 100 out of 100 :D
thanks ronnie it’s very helpful.
thanks ronnie it’s very useful.^^
Dear Ronnie what about word Soccer i know it pronounced k but why we didn’t say it like socser ?
Ali Alfardi
10/10 – Easy, but I love explanations, thanks Ronnie!
Although, i learned that cilantro (in swedish) is koriander :)
really really thank you .
Really thank you
It is useful lesson
Belal Alkady
thanks Ronni great lesson.
Wow, thanks a lot.
thank you!
thanks ronnie
hussam obaid
I learn a lot here.
Thank Mrs. Ronnie
thanks for this lesson iwanna learn about how use the prounons a and i somtimes the prounos(a) in the middle of the word we prounons it (i) help me and thanks a lot ronnie
anis biboos
Thanks ronnie for helping us. This is gonna be usefull for the people none native sperker. Regards..
I did get it, its very useful
Ibrahim Elsawy
Good lesson, thanks Ronnie:)
Thank you Ronnie. This lesson is very impossible for me. Now it seems very simple for me. Thank you very much.
9%10 wow
But there’s a controversy, because the word “cello” is pronounced differently…
Is it possible to explain it to us?
Rene Pina
Yes! “Cello” is borrowed from Italian and follows Italian pronunciation, which is why you say it “chello”. Confusingly, the “cello” in “cellophane” is pronounced “sello”.
engVid Moderator
Thanks Ronnie. Great lesson
Meena Antony
thanks Ronnie great can you give me guidence how to speak well these sentences
Really really thank you my teacher
i got 9/10 good lesson
oleste cemelus
Thanks a lot Ronnie, this lesson is very useful :D
That was good for me thank you so match
Great, Thank you so much
Duong Lieu
verry good lesson.
I began to learn English and it is very interesting
thanks Ronnie 10/10 …Nice lesson ..Or Nise Leeson :)
Thank you and you’re the best and funny
this rule is quite similar to the portuguese.
thank you teacher. :D
I really like your method of teaching. It’s so funny so I learn it with great pleasure^^ Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Thank`s,I am from Brazil.
Thank you Ronnie. I think you gave the epic first impression for me. I’m gonna watch all of yours :)
thank Ronnie i correct 9 except 1 and hi every body i want to find friend in this could contact me by skype pok.bros71
bros pok
cycle first C = S
but the second C=K why???
ghada jawad
Very useful
Muhammed Eissa
thank you ronnie
Thanks a lot!!!! teacher, for this lesson :)
thank you you are good at learn
thank you a lot
Hello Ronnie,
I am learning English at home and I found a topic call Word families IE
1.celebrate celebration celebrity
2.ceremony ceremonial
3.festival festivity
Using those words I have to make a one complete sentence
you are the cutest person and teacher ı have ever seen!! ı love u! :))
aydan y.
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
i just love your lessons ronnie.
hi Ronnie! once more I have to say you’re so good, I like very much the way you teach,thanks!
thanks. nice.
I like her .she teach very funny
nice one!
Thank you Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie, very good lesson as always.Congrats.
Thanks,Ronnie. You’re the best!
Mariana Rocha
thanks a lot
Thank a ots Ronnies, an excellent class
edwin oviedo
ronnie plz what about clock…so we add l to a.o.u
Thank for the very good lesson Ronnie. It was helpful.
thanks ronie i liked of the classon and
Thanks Ronnie good lesson!!.
i got 10/10 thank you ronnie :)
Ruk Bella
Many thanks Ronnie .I love your lesson.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie
Dyuti Auroni Biswas
“You got 10 correct out of 10. :D” – that means Ronnie is a good teacher ;) Thanks!
Finally i understand these problem , thank u to much Ronnie!
FINE !8/10 As a teacher, you are the best of all who are on your website, or program !!! All your lessons are the best !!!!!!!!!!!
This is a great lesson!!! It is very easy to understand. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Ignacio Ríos
Thanks Ronnie
mohammed mohamoud
I love your lesson. Thank you so much, Ronnie!!!
Thanks teacher
It’s actually hoping me a lot
Thanks teacher
It’s actually helping me a lot.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
im happy!
Aadams mx
Thanks a lot Ronnie! I got 10 correct out of 10 :D
Hi Ms Ronnie
I would like to thank you about this lesson and I hope to give us more about this to help us for speaking
Hi Ronnie!
thanks alot for your labor! it is very important for us. don’t stop!
thank you so much!
thank you Ronnie very much, I got 90
thank you Ronnie your lessons help me very much
Thanks for good lesson, Ronnie!
thank you
Thank you so much Ronnie
Why 8. Does the SECOND ‘c’ in the following word sound like a ‘k’ or an ‘s’? “cycle”
why the second “c” is “K” sound ? I don’t understand.
Because before consonants (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, z) ‘c’ sounds like ‘k’.
Sergei Ter-Tumasov
My tip is just keep in mind AOU and the rest will be sound diferent from K
Ronni you are the best! thanks…
Thanks Ronnie, this lesson was very important for me.
ronni please could you help me with (Had to, was/were able to ,used to) and how to use them
ronni what’s up with the final (s) and the final (ed)??????
Thanks Ronnie, 100%. Great lesson!
100You got 10 correct out of 10.
:D Thanks Dear Ronnie for this great lesson. i have been years studying english and didn’t find a useful lesson like your’s before ;)
Thank you Ronnie, what about “Crystal”?
it’s come with K…..
Thank you so much. Love your lesson! ^^
Thanh Tran
In a sentence, Ronnie said “sounds like an S” is it correct? It sounds familiar with as well, but I couldn’t find letter S should be used by article “an”. Pls let me know which one is right. Thank you in advance.
thanx ronnie, greetings from istanbul,Turkey
Very well. You help me. Thank you, Ronnie
Michelle Liane da Silva Alves
Thank you so much… I am not sure how to use suppose to and suppose to be…. Please help me
Su Latt
thank you so much… it is very useful
Tariq Aziz
hey RONIE what about “c” starting from other than vowel ?????
Thank you Ronnie. This rule is easy for me cause we have exactly the same rule in Portuguese language. :)
Excelente video.
All classes the teacher are interesting.
Thanks, Ronni!
Learning with you is simple, useful and so funny!!! You are the real teacher from nature!
Great :)
Muneer rabiei
oh ye have a lot of words like: the chemist etc.. which make us confusing…
I love it! That’s good! You’re an excellent teacher! Thanks for excellent informations!
Bruno Moraes
Ronnie thank you for all!!! i’m learning so much with you.i really love your classes…
Kesia Denise
i had a lot of problems with s and k sound .but your lesson was very helpful.thanks a lot
(and sorry if i have problems in writing)
Vinicius Guimaraes
You’re really funny and make your classes very entertaining, congratulations….
Roger Lourenço
Hello Ronnie.
I have watch some class on this page.
I love your classes.
Is there on engVid a class about to pronounce “G” ?
Thank you for your time. The teachers in this page are excellent. You know how to transmit their knows.
Thanks Ronny
This very important for me
You got 10 correct out of 10.
:D Thanks
Videos do not play. What’s the problem, I need watching videos to understand grammer.
All our videos are on Youtube, which some countries have blocked. You may need to use a VPN or a proxy, or change your DNS settings.
engVid Moderator
You teach English in a funny way!
Denise R S dos Santos
Thanks Ronny….
Cristina Ionela Andrei
thanks,your teaching is great.I learn a lot from it.
thank you!
A useful lesson. Thank you. Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie.
how can i say c with r,l
they are k but their is no a,o,u
Guru Ronnie what about chemistry? :)
in the next c on cycle why it prouounced like k not s
amira abo elnour
thanks Ronnie
Walaa Ramadan
first thanks for lesson , what about ” cc “
Thank you for this lesson!
Thank you ronnie I got 100% ?
Sadeem rashed
Thanks Ronnie you are great!
Juancho Villa
And sorry:How can I pronoun”G” with the vowels?
very useful lesson
mustafa. elmekawy @yahoo.com
Thanks,Ronnie. You’re a great teacher. I love your videos!
Rafael Cortez
thank very useful lesson
Hi Ronnie,
I am very much impressed by your teaching english. Thank you so much for your friendly teaching. I am learning without boring. superb. Once again thanks a lot to you.
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for the pronunciation tips. I wanted to know like i belongs to India where i have an issue with the words whose suffix is “tion”. I have major problem with the pronunciation of words like major,measure,leisure,conclusion,fusion,.Please provide some tips regarding this.Thanks once again
Thank you so much. I loved it. You are amazing.
Marta Lopez
you are amazing Ronnie. :D
Thank you very much teacher ronnie now i can challenge my friends how to pronounce whatever place that i told to them.You are the best.
And teacher what about curacao? I dont understand they call it (kurasao)
I just found out that sound rules about c.
It’s very interesting.
Thank you very much Ronnie!
Young Kyung Lee
Yesssss I understand,I got 100 thank you!
straton mihai
Minhaj Alam
thanks you
thank you very much, i understand the lesson.
I have a question, why the ‘c’ in “delicious” sounds like ‘sh’ !?
Could you please help me why we write apple with 2 p
thanks for give me more knowledge.
How about the server ronnie?
Paul Hunter
You´re the best
i got 100 % ,,,
Thank you
I got 9/10 . I did not read all the sentenc so it said the second letter but I answer the 1st letter . Always make this kind of error give me adivace Ronnie
I had a hard time with those sounds for a long time, but with practice got it all right. Never saw the way you are presented and I did jumped. Thank you, you are an amazing teacher, love your style!!! My favorite.
Thank you.
AWESOME but what about with “h”: Chemistry (K) or Chain (ch).
Joe MJ
You got 9 correct out of 10.
M kartal
Great lesson
Thanks Ronnie, I am doing well in my English now!
Bah Abdurahim
circumstance, complicacy => iueoay
Thank you, Ronny. You are an excellent teacher, your lessons are understandable and helpful. The pronunciation is very hard for me and for no native English speaking.
I`ve got 10
Thanks Ronnie so much <3
10/10! Wonderful! I came back! After a nice vacation, I went back to learn English with Ronnie again.
Jerry Gu
I got 100!!!!!! what an easy quiz!!!!
Thanks a lot
thank you Ronnie. I enjoy every bit of your lesson
how would you pronounce the word “facade” with a k or s?
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks a lot Ronnie, Thais is useful lesson for everyone non-native speaker.
Hi Ukrit. For those like me who speak Spanish, this lesson is kind of easy because the same phenomenon occurs in our language.
And also in Portuguese.
and also in italian! :)
Good guidelines to improve our pronunciation.
What we need now is to put them into practice.
Hi Juan Jose Toro . I have a big problem to pronouce English Language. This lesson is useful for us.
Thanks Ronnie…I hope learning too much with you!!!
Thank you, Ronnie. Interesting :D
Thanks for good lesson, Ronnie! pronunciation is difficult for me, i hope improve it with engVid.
could i get your fb to practice the language !
I hope too.
Rebeca is great English teacher
this is ms.Ronnie
She is Ronnie. She is as good Teacher as Rebeca
thanks ronnie, what about the c word followed by consonant? ex: clash, change
Anndya, those words have different sounds:
Change: /tʃeɪndʒ/
Clash: /klæʃ/
These sounds aren’t exactly “C” or “S” sounds. Remember about Minimal pairs.
thank Ronnie very much
thank you teacher .i love the way you teach .
Very interesting.
Thank you so much Ronny… Very interesting…
Its great.. Thanks ronny
Thank you so big Ronny :D
Yes, I got %100 the lesson was useful,
You are interesting Ronny.
Don’t stop we need more with you. And thank you a lot.
Thanks got 90% without watching.
how “c” sounds in Caribbean?
“s” or “k”
This word sound like “k”. :) I think.. (:/
of course K.
C followed by a, o and u sound as K. karibbean?
correction: Sounds as K. Notice that letter C is third person of the singular (It) so we are to add the letter S to the verb: It sounds as K.
of course “k”
great lesson Ronnie
Hey Ronnie, thanks for the lesson. It is quite helpful indeed. When you were explaining “cyber” word, I realized I couldn’t decide how to read “y” sound. Like saybee or siber? Or bicycle and cycle could be another example. I hope I could explain what I mean.
Like the “y” in “cycle”!
yeah Satine it’s really helpful .
Please don’t put your cock in your foot.
Merely EPIC!!
sock on your foot
Most important advice in the lesson lol
thank you very interressant
thanks for your lesson
this lesson was very cute :)
yes it was.
thank you so much for the lesson :)
Thank you Ronnie
100 :D you are perfect Ronnie thanks :)
well don but but could You vive a similar lesson how to pronounce “th”
such a good teacher and good person … love you ronnie
Thank you Ronnie I got 10/10, you are a great teacher, I love engVid.com
Thanks Ronnie :)
Very thanks Ronnie! You’re super!
Hi Ronnie.
What about ? Ocean (ochan) Oceania (oseania)
oshyan, oshyaania. :)
Thanks Ronnie
Hi! dear ronnie
wowwww what a nice lesson. thank you, I really like the way you teaching us pronunciation because we also learn vocabulary. may god bless you and your family take care of you
thank you alot >>> but facade : s or k ??
Facade:/fəˈsɑd, fæ-/
the sound is “S”
tha`s great and very usefull, thanks a lot
Facade. In this word de c sounds like a s. This words are the exception to the rules. The facade of the house.
Indeed. Probably it’s a word derived from another language.
thank you veryy much , that help me to learn more english ,I need someone to parctique english with man women ,please contact me in skype need_practice
hi.. are you a girl or a boy?
It’s probably not your business!
ronnni , u r really good in teaching. i like ur style of teaching
Ronni , can i hv ur contact number ?. u r really a good teacher
there is no need of contact number because your videos are enough for us.
why exception ???? thank you Jorge
excellent rule, thanks!
Nice, agreeable lesson.
very helpful tips, thanks Ronnie
Pleasant lesson
in the “cycle” word there is two “c” , after the second “c” is “l”
how should pronounce that as a “s” ?
I liked your expleination. Thank you!
Thanks very useful but for me isn’t difficult because in Spanish is the same thing
100 Thanks Ronnie.
Thanks :*
i want to help me i don’t now this lesson?
Oooooooooooohhaaaaaaa , i got 100 % P thanks a lot
C + ( A – O – U ) = sound like ( K )
C + ( E – I – Y ) = sound like ( S )
Great summary. Did you do it by ownself or with ronnie
you’r welcome , no it’s mine
Thanks, It was usefull lesson.
Thank you MS Ronnie you r best teacher I have a bad spelling but today I will learn more here. thank you.
Thank you very much Ronnie.
I had confusions sometimes with “c”, but now it clear.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you :)
why chemistry sound like k not s or sh
The letter combination ch has three distinct sounds:
1. The most usual is the way it is pronounced in words like:
chair, check, chicken, chop, chuckle
much, rich, such
2. However, in words taken into English from Greek ch- sounds like k:
character chemist, chorus, etc.
ache, echo, school, etc.
mote information here:http://www.literacytools.ie/files/pdfs/CH%20sound.pdf
Chemistry: /ˈkɛm ə stri/
Hello Ronnie. It has been a very clear and interesting lesson. Thank you so much
only 1 mistake :)
Thanks a lot Ranni i got 10 out of 10.
thanks ronni but what about c+consonants?
you are the best teacher
thanks a lot
Thanks, It´s great.
Excellent , Ronnie
very good , thanks
Thank you, Ronnie. I loved this video
hi ronni I wanna so much with you meet.!!!
Very good lesson, 8/10 thanks very much . Ronnie
thank you very much for this lesson, and I have learn the sound difference bitween “s” and “k”
Thanks for the lesson I really liked it :)
I got 100%
Thanks, Ronnie
Very good lesson .Thank you
Good lesson..Thank u :)
Ms.Roonie you are great teacher..This lesson is pretty interesting…I mostly pronunce the words correctly in India because words are familiar in India. .We have car from from Honda company called Honda city..so most words are familiar..but I wasn’t unware of these words follow these much rules and patterns..really helpful and thought provoking….Thank you for using new words cilantro .I learnt weed,turnip reefer in your earlier lessons..cynical ,cymbal..New vocabulary learnt from this lesson as well…Thanks a ton I’m going to complete beginner lesson within this month….I need a lesson how they use word ” meet ” in English.
Example: you don’t meet the requirement for this position
In this lesson I watched keenly ms.roonie says “coast is the area in which the land meets the ocean….”how to use meet and want some explanation when to use the word in different context…
roonie you are amazing .i like to learn English from you
Roonie I have never seen a good teacher like you.I think you are the best English teacher in the world also you are so cute.I love you so much!!!
Thank you
Thanks Ronnie.
Thank you so much, it was really helpful.
but what about the second “C” in “cycle”?
what’s the rule here?
hi Roonie, great lesson, it’s amazing the way you explain and its true cilantro is very useful in mexico.
Hi Ronnie,
My name is jatin i am really really confused about did and was usage in past tence because sometime we use was in past but sometime did and some time had so please guide me.. please waiting for your responce..
inface i saw did usage video and was aswell but still don’t understant where to use did or where to use was. while communication.
hi ranni why the cy in cycel one time wrong and one time ok
thank Ronnie, I am a newbie, hope to catch up your lessions
Nice and helpful lessen, thank u Ronnie
Video is not playing :(
Thanks a lot Ronnie,the best teacher
thank you so much)
Thanks Ronnie for your lesson :)
Hi, Ronnie. Thank you for teaching. Sometimes I could be cynical. I know that’s nothing good. Lately your country should have got cold. Take care not to catch a cold. The all words beginning with c I said are k sound except for cynical.
Hello Ronnie,
I just new in this website.
Thanks for the lesson. It’s helpful to improve my skill.
Great! Thanks! <3
That nice for me.
thank you ms ronny.
Hi ronnie where are you I missed you. You’re something else I love you and techıng style. How about saying. Cyclone,civil,cylinder,certify,celebrity,ceiling,casual,cast,curiosity, convenient…..
Thankssss for your useful lesson.I did one wrong which was 8.question
thank you
Thank you so much Ms Ronnie :)
Awesome as always, Ronnie!
Thx a lot from Russia
WE love EngVid!
Thank you Ronnie! It was interesting, helpful and.. fun lesson!)
Someone to improve my English?
I got 10/10 I am happy.
Very interesting.
Hi Ronnie,
learning or practicing Present participle clauses with you will be perfect and I am sure everyone will understand more easy…
Help us :)))
I like it! Ronnie the Best!
good teach
that was great , thank uuuuuuuu
what a shame. this video can not play in china ,cause in china you can’t go through youtube,facebook,..
ohhhh yes i got 100% correct
Thanks Ronnie I’ve learn a lot.
Thank you
thanks ronnie .
thank you ronnie for this lesson..
Very interesting
thank you rannia this is great lesson and only few weeks with you i will speak an English like you or just any flaunt one
This lesson is very useful, Someoneee to improve my english?
Thank you so much…..
Thank you, ronnie
very very nice presentation.
thanx kyu so much ronnie ..U R the best
Hello our beautiful teacher ; I was wondering if you teach online ? either one to one or in a group ? I really really want to learn from you a lot , if you ma’am have classes i want to study and of course pay hhhhh , because I want to get high score in IELTS , so please help me to achieve this goal.
oh yes my E_mail is : Haitham_futurework@outlook.com
I hope you will contact me soon.
Thanks a lot Ms. Ronnie this is it.
thanks ronnie ! I got it now ! :)
Thanks Ronnie i love u.
THanks a lot.
Thanks very much Ronni.!!!!
It was a really useful video.Liked it!
Thanks Ronnie I really appreciate your videos
Ronnie u’re very great teacher..u have many useful videos i’ve never seen…u are teaching with actions and with great emotions..that’s pretty cool..thank u very much..
Thanks Ronnie..
Thank you my teacher
thank u Ronnie , very useful lesson
Thank you.
thank you Ronnie, you are mi salvation in perfect my english
Thankc a lot Ronnie
Thanks a lot, Ronnie…it was very interesting and kind explanation…I’ve got 100%…
and i wish the best for every one
Dearest Prof.Ronnie,
I should like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a flourishing happy New year. It is important that it should be friendly and loving. I am so glad to know you, wonderful teacher. I pay my respect to you. You are Amazing teacher. briklend
it was amazing ronnie thanks for everythink.see you again and again …
Thanks It is amazing
Hey very good Ronnie.
Its pretty clear now.
Thank you, Ronnie!
hope to be friends soon salefar009@yahoo.com
Bei so einem unterhaltsamen Vortrag fällt mir das Lernen leicht! Dankle!
Thank you so much Ronnie
thanks i understand
Thank God Good mark
Thank you ♥ Ronnie♥
Thanks Ronnie.
It’s very useful.
Thanks Ronnie. You are a great teacher
Thanks for the lesson, teacher!
Hi Ronnie
Great job! I knew such a nice rule is in nice Italian language ,but I never ever thought this rule will be in English.It’s pretty new and fabulous to me.Good luck
tq so much ronie
very useful! i love it!
Hello, thank you for helping, but I have some questions, how can I text you on mail. :)
Yes ! i got 100 out of 100 :D
thanks ronnie it’s very helpful.
thanks ronnie it’s very useful.^^
Dear Ronnie what about word Soccer i know it pronounced k but why we didn’t say it like socser ?
10/10 – Easy, but I love explanations, thanks Ronnie!
Although, i learned that cilantro (in swedish) is koriander :)
really really thank you .
Really thank you
It is useful lesson
thanks Ronni great lesson.
Wow, thanks a lot.
thank you!
thanks ronnie
I learn a lot here.
Thank Mrs. Ronnie
thanks for this lesson iwanna learn about how use the prounons a and i somtimes the prounos(a) in the middle of the word we prounons it (i) help me and thanks a lot ronnie
Thanks ronnie for helping us. This is gonna be usefull for the people none native sperker. Regards..
I did get it, its very useful
Good lesson, thanks Ronnie:)
Thank you Ronnie. This lesson is very impossible for me. Now it seems very simple for me. Thank you very much.
9%10 wow
But there’s a controversy, because the word “cello” is pronounced differently…
Is it possible to explain it to us?
Yes! “Cello” is borrowed from Italian and follows Italian pronunciation, which is why you say it “chello”. Confusingly, the “cello” in “cellophane” is pronounced “sello”.
Thanks Ronnie. Great lesson
thanks Ronnie great can you give me guidence how to speak well these sentences
Really really thank you my teacher
i got 9/10 good lesson
Thanks a lot Ronnie, this lesson is very useful :D
That was good for me thank you so match
Great, Thank you so much
verry good lesson.
I began to learn English and it is very interesting
thanks Ronnie 10/10 …Nice lesson ..Or Nise Leeson :)
Thank you and you’re the best and funny
this rule is quite similar to the portuguese.
thank you teacher. :D
I really like your method of teaching. It’s so funny so I learn it with great pleasure^^ Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Thank`s,I am from Brazil.
Thank you Ronnie. I think you gave the epic first impression for me. I’m gonna watch all of yours :)
thank Ronnie i correct 9 except 1 and hi every body i want to find friend in this could contact me by skype pok.bros71
cycle first C = S
but the second C=K why???
Very useful
thank you ronnie
Thanks a lot!!!! teacher, for this lesson :)
thank you you are good at learn
thank you a lot
Hello Ronnie,
I am learning English at home and I found a topic call Word families IE
1.celebrate celebration celebrity
2.ceremony ceremonial
3.festival festivity
Using those words I have to make a one complete sentence
you are the cutest person and teacher ı have ever seen!! ı love u! :))
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
i just love your lessons ronnie.
hi Ronnie! once more I have to say you’re so good, I like very much the way you teach,thanks!
thanks. nice.
I like her .she teach very funny
nice one!
Thank you Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie, very good lesson as always.Congrats.
Thanks,Ronnie. You’re the best!
thanks a lot
Thank a ots Ronnies, an excellent class
ronnie plz what about clock…so we add l to a.o.u
Thank for the very good lesson Ronnie. It was helpful.
thanks ronie i liked of the classon and
Thanks Ronnie good lesson!!.
i got 10/10 thank you ronnie :)
Many thanks Ronnie .I love your lesson.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie
“You got 10 correct out of 10. :D” – that means Ronnie is a good teacher ;) Thanks!
Finally i understand these problem , thank u to much Ronnie!
FINE !8/10 As a teacher, you are the best of all who are on your website, or program !!! All your lessons are the best !!!!!!!!!!!
This is a great lesson!!! It is very easy to understand. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Thanks Ronnie
I love your lesson. Thank you so much, Ronnie!!!
Thanks teacher
It’s actually hoping me a lot
Thanks teacher
It’s actually helping me a lot.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
im happy!
Thanks a lot Ronnie! I got 10 correct out of 10 :D
Hi Ms Ronnie
I would like to thank you about this lesson and I hope to give us more about this to help us for speaking
Hi Ronnie!
thanks alot for your labor! it is very important for us. don’t stop!
thank you so much!
thank you Ronnie very much, I got 90
thank you Ronnie your lessons help me very much
Thanks for good lesson, Ronnie!
thank you
Thank you so much Ronnie
Why 8. Does the SECOND ‘c’ in the following word sound like a ‘k’ or an ‘s’? “cycle”
why the second “c” is “K” sound ? I don’t understand.
Because before consonants (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, z) ‘c’ sounds like ‘k’.
My tip is just keep in mind AOU and the rest will be sound diferent from K
Ronni you are the best! thanks…
Thanks Ronnie, this lesson was very important for me.
ronni please could you help me with (Had to, was/were able to ,used to) and how to use them
ronni what’s up with the final (s) and the final (ed)??????
Thanks Ronnie, 100%. Great lesson!
100You got 10 correct out of 10.
:D Thanks Dear Ronnie for this great lesson. i have been years studying english and didn’t find a useful lesson like your’s before ;)
Thank you Ronnie, what about “Crystal”?
it’s come with K…..
Thank you so much. Love your lesson! ^^
In a sentence, Ronnie said “sounds like an S” is it correct? It sounds familiar with as well, but I couldn’t find letter S should be used by article “an”. Pls let me know which one is right. Thank you in advance.
thanx ronnie, greetings from istanbul,Turkey
Very well. You help me. Thank you, Ronnie
Thank you so much… I am not sure how to use suppose to and suppose to be…. Please help me
thank you so much… it is very useful
hey RONIE what about “c” starting from other than vowel ?????
Thank you Ronnie. This rule is easy for me cause we have exactly the same rule in Portuguese language. :)
Excelente video.
All classes the teacher are interesting.
Thanks, Ronni!
Learning with you is simple, useful and so funny!!! You are the real teacher from nature!
Great :)
oh ye have a lot of words like: the chemist etc.. which make us confusing…
I love it! That’s good! You’re an excellent teacher! Thanks for excellent informations!
Ronnie thank you for all!!! i’m learning so much with you.i really love your classes…
i had a lot of problems with s and k sound .but your lesson was very helpful.thanks a lot
(and sorry if i have problems in writing)
You’re really funny and make your classes very entertaining, congratulations….
Hello Ronnie.
I have watch some class on this page.
I love your classes.
Is there on engVid a class about to pronounce “G” ?
Thank you for your time. The teachers in this page are excellent. You know how to transmit their knows.
Thanks Ronny
This very important for me
You got 10 correct out of 10.
:D Thanks
Videos do not play. What’s the problem, I need watching videos to understand grammer.
All our videos are on Youtube, which some countries have blocked. You may need to use a VPN or a proxy, or change your DNS settings.
You teach English in a funny way!
Thanks Ronny….
thanks,your teaching is great.I learn a lot from it.
thank you!
A useful lesson. Thank you. Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie.
how can i say c with r,l
they are k but their is no a,o,u
Guru Ronnie what about chemistry? :)
in the next c on cycle why it prouounced like k not s
thanks Ronnie
first thanks for lesson , what about ” cc “
Thank you for this lesson!
Thank you ronnie I got 100% ?
Thanks Ronnie you are great!
And sorry:How can I pronoun”G” with the vowels?
very useful lesson
Thanks,Ronnie. You’re a great teacher. I love your videos!
thank very useful lesson
Hi Ronnie,
I am very much impressed by your teaching english. Thank you so much for your friendly teaching. I am learning without boring. superb. Once again thanks a lot to you.
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for the pronunciation tips. I wanted to know like i belongs to India where i have an issue with the words whose suffix is “tion”. I have major problem with the pronunciation of words like major,measure,leisure,conclusion,fusion,.Please provide some tips regarding this.Thanks once again
Thank you so much. I loved it. You are amazing.
you are amazing Ronnie. :D
Thank you very much teacher ronnie now i can challenge my friends how to pronounce whatever place that i told to them.You are the best.
And teacher what about curacao? I dont understand they call it (kurasao)
I just found out that sound rules about c.
It’s very interesting.
Thank you very much Ronnie!
Yesssss I understand,I got 100 thank you!
thanks you
thank you very much, i understand the lesson.
I have a question, why the ‘c’ in “delicious” sounds like ‘sh’ !?
Could you please help me why we write apple with 2 p
thanks for give me more knowledge.
How about the server ronnie?
You´re the best
i got 100 % ,,,
Thank you
I got 9/10 . I did not read all the sentenc so it said the second letter but I answer the 1st letter . Always make this kind of error give me adivace Ronnie
I had a hard time with those sounds for a long time, but with practice got it all right. Never saw the way you are presented and I did jumped. Thank you, you are an amazing teacher, love your style!!! My favorite.
Thank you.
AWESOME but what about with “h”: Chemistry (K) or Chain (ch).
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Great lesson
Thanks Ronnie, I am doing well in my English now!
circumstance, complicacy => iueoay
Thank you, Ronny. You are an excellent teacher, your lessons are understandable and helpful. The pronunciation is very hard for me and for no native English speaking.
I`ve got 10
Thanks Ronnie so much <3
10/10! Wonderful! I came back! After a nice vacation, I went back to learn English with Ronnie again.
I got 100!!!!!! what an easy quiz!!!!
Thanks a lot
thank you Ronnie. I enjoy every bit of your lesson
how would you pronounce the word “facade” with a k or s?
I got 100 again, yeeeeeeeey
Thanks ronnie