In this lesson, you’ll learn eight fun English expressions that will make your speech more interesting. First and foremost, I’ll teach you what binomials are. Next, you’ll learn two different types of binomials. These will help you to speak and understand English. Learning expressions is part and parcel of learning a language. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so that you can keep learning. Your English will improve by leaps and bounds!
James u r the best :)
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
Hi there, I love to practice English, but I find 3 khalid_3adel on Skype, so what is your avatar ? Would you like to practice with me ?
Do you want to practise your English on someone?
Don’t worry!I bet you will find someone soon.
All the best
Iwants to practice her/his English with me voice chat
my Skype is toufiktitou4
i want practice, what is your skpye?
Great Idea!! We should practice together to practice English efficiently and I think have a conversation with foreign people through skype will be a great help to improve speaking& listening skills fast. plz feel free to add me at your skype , MY SKYPE ID is -> Johann Kwon
Thanks and I hope I will meet many people who want to do English practice with me!
Johann Kwon
i’m going to add you!!
this is my first time lean english video, but its’ ok I will study hard to improve my english
Cak Win
Nice lesson but I didn’t understand (odds and ends)
“we bought batteries for the radio and a few other odds and ends” = “we bought batteries for the radio and a few other pieces/ bits/ things”
Understand now thank you so much (andrey)
Interesting! Thank you, James :)
Iwants to practice her/his English with me voice chat
my Skype is toufiktitou4
thank James very much.
Thank you James!
Konstantyn Yefimov
Thank you)
As always, a great lesson!
Thank you James! I’ll try to use these expressions in my daily conversation.
Hi Iselita! Are you fluent in Japanese? Well, I assume you speak some japanese, don’t you?
Learning Japanese is a completely different story,isn’t it?; especially for Spanish speakers, don’t you think so?
Living in Japan must be quite an experience, Good for you!!!
All the best!
An amazing presentation about binomials. It increases my vocabulary
Pablo Rodriguez
Thanks james … u r my favorite teacher in this site .
Interesting lesson !
very useful classes you provide but How can i download this video classes.
shivam kaushik
11 minutes of fun and enlightenment in Peace and Quiet!
I love the way you teach using drawing. You really help me to quickly memorize.
Thanks James!
U r the only who makes me walk on air when I watch ur video
Guyz who wants practice with via Skype id : salman Ali
Hey teacher James do you have Skype group give us your id in order to practice speaking with native speaker
Thank u.
Nice to see you here Lusine
Nice to see you too :)
Can i suggest you to practise english together Lusine? )) what do you think about it?
very cool. thanks James
This lesson is very useful. Thank you, James.
Andrew Maliko
thank you
thanks james
Iwants to practice her/his English with me voice chat
my Skype is toufiktitou4
very effective the corses of this man. i like.
i wanna to help me to speak english in skype can you help me ????
cherif housseyn
This lesson is very useful but what do not learn
i have fun to learn english with you man. just speak slowly if possible . thanks.
James, you are an amazing teacher. I loved this lesson.
Winner de Oliveira
Fantastic lesson?
One day i’ll talk like a native english but…
I’m waiting for the healing of my tongue! :)))
I need to talk, talk, talk, …..
Thanks, it’s very interesting and useful lesson ;)
Iwants to practice her/his English with me voice chat
my Skype is toufiktitou4 if you can help me in that I will be so Grateful
Thank you James for great lesson, it’s very useful for improving my english.
ı hope ı can remember those expressions in my daily conversation
A very interesting lesson! Thanks James.
Thank you, James…These expressions were interesting and useful for me…Thanks a lot…
Hey great lesson mr.james I love ur explaining keep going
very nice !
Marcos Cursino
It is the first day I come to your class. The way you explain idioms so easy to understand. The lesson is very useful for me. I realy enjoy it. Thank you so much. Have a good day my teacher. Best wishes!
Today’s lesson was made by odds and ends binomials. But all of them were parts and parcels of the same thing, binomials. Cheers.
Jorge Pedroso
very good lesson, i learned a leaps and bounds…hahahah
very useful. Thanks
Thank you got 50% without watching.
Abdul Qayum
Hello every body, i am a new commer and want to improve my English language, please share your experiences with me.
Hasib Nasir
Thank you so much~ Those were all new expressions for me! I wish there was some example sentences on the quiz though.
useful lesson, thanks very much
Good lessons,
this class is hard for me, never heard any one of this phrase before
thank you very much. iam new member here and iam really enjoying your lessons
So many things
binomial structer of words, good
very good thank a lot
thank a lot
awesome, james.. u rock :)
thank you james:)
I love this video, i understood everything :3 and i like that! Good Job! :D
I get little bit learing from this lesson.
Hi James, I didn´t quite get how you use the part and percel binomial, could you give us a few examples how you use it in the sentences? thanx
it was fun…
I loved the lesson , I hope to continue learning and learning every single day with this website.
I’m a new beginner in English language, I’m from Egypt
and I have American African friend give me Advice about increase the process of learning English faster than normal. and suggested for me watch and listening Rap music for one year.
DO you think james my friend is he right about this?
please james give me your opinion about that?
I swear God you gonna love this song james
O.T. Genasis – CoCo [Music Video]
you make pic of big dog in the word who killed lot of brother hood and muslims in my country egybet
cherif housseyn
if you have anything that can help me as a first year english student i would be happy to get it
very interesting lesson.
it was really useful. thanks teacher.
Joana Darc
thanks alot
good teacher..funny way of teaching. Thanks engvid. but i joined this very late…
Thank you James for your video, it is very useful one! I got my 10 points of 10 ! Yay! :D
Hello my Dear friend James! I like your lessons very much! You have done your job very interesting and good! Thanks! You try to inject into your students mind!
You’re such a great teacher, James. Thx for the lesson, it will be helpful.
Best teacher ever! Always watching you channel, and if i sad, you put back smile to my face!
Yep! This is a distinctive feature in James’ videos, his excellent sense of humor.
He always makes me laugh.
Have a great weekend Yulia.
Thanks a lot!
Hi there ,I just want to improve my English so can you help me? I accept any kind of help
Great teacher! Thanks you for your lessons
Your a great teacher, Thanks from your lessons.
Hameed Rahman
Great sir, that’s quite good for me as a beginner
First and foremost, I’d like to thank mr. E for his help to James. I think, James could not improve his teaching skill by leaps and bunds without this worm. Agree, sometimes mr. E behaves prim and proper, but it works hard while James R & R. But they all are part and parcel of the great organization and it’s cool. Thank you!
Please, correct my mistakes if any=))
my username for skype: hassane.chetouane
I don’t understand in which moment can I use part and parcel and law and order
Thank you very much. If someone is interested in practicing english with me, I will be very happy. To find me in Skype, do a search with this e-mail
Thank you
Hi sir!
I have a question..
I wanna know the difference between [realize-recognize] [swallow-absorb] [speak-speech-talk-say-tell]?
hi every body,I just need a hand to improve my English, can any one help me? or you can just give me pieces of advice here on this site. thanks.
nice video! thanks :)
Now, this lesson was really great. Could you
bring us some more binomials, James?
Keep up your wonderful sense of humour, please.
(I don’t want this comment seem like an order,
because I said “please” in the end)
I get confused with this “please” at the
beginning or at the end of a sentence. I need
to review this lesson.
…no, it’s not and order because I start the
sentence with “Could you…”
I thing I’ve got the hang of it now.
Thanks a lot James!
thank u james
It’s very useful, thanks James.
tony wang
Great lesson thank you James
What a lesson! Thank you. Wonderful teacher.
thanks guy…. very usefull.
this was really nice
Hello James, thank you for this lesson. It is great and I like to learn from you. Best, John
Thanks for the lesson James.You really helped me to understand the things I did not know.
Really In this video I quite caught you nice and slowly you were running in this lesson…
by my mistake and a tiny mistake i got suddenly stuck odds and ends I thought that means strange and finish so in a way I missed 1 mark.. .
Nice and happy lesson.. .
sir, i want to learn English from this website.
but i am really confused regarding the sequence of watching these videos.
could you please give me an advise
sravani segireddy
thank you James !!
can anybody give me example sentence of “part and parcel” i still dont know where to use it even i know the meaning T_T
Mr. Naidu walks 3000kms as a part and parcel of Janmabhoomi programme.
Thank you, but please give me examples using binomials. It makes me better understand.
Very helpful material. Now I’ve got a generalisation of those phrases and have realized, that was a BINOMIALS!
goos explanation, please give us the remaining binomials also
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you.
M kartal
Coconut: Have you eat yet, Lemon?
Lemon: No. I’ll eat later!
Coconut: What will you eat?
Lemon: Umm, Penis Butter Sandwich!
Coconut: WHAAAAAAT???????? PENIS!?!
Lemon: Autocorrect, My computer changed the word! I mean peanut not penis!
What a lesson!What a lesson! I do love expressions,
idioms and phrasal verbs. Thank you very much.
thank you so much for this lesson, this one was a bit touch but i finally made it and i got 8 out of 10
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
James u r the best :)
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
Hi there, I love to practice English, but I find 3 khalid_3adel on Skype, so what is your avatar ? Would you like to practice with me ?
Do you want to practise your English on someone?
Don’t worry!I bet you will find someone soon.
All the best
Iwants to practice her/his English with me voice chat
my Skype is toufiktitou4
i want practice, what is your skpye?
Great Idea!! We should practice together to practice English efficiently and I think have a conversation with foreign people through skype will be a great help to improve speaking& listening skills fast. plz feel free to add me at your skype , MY SKYPE ID is -> Johann Kwon
Thanks and I hope I will meet many people who want to do English practice with me!
i’m going to add you!!
this is my first time lean english video, but its’ ok I will study hard to improve my english
Nice lesson but I didn’t understand (odds and ends)
“we bought batteries for the radio and a few other odds and ends” = “we bought batteries for the radio and a few other pieces/ bits/ things”
Understand now thank you so much (andrey)
Interesting! Thank you, James :)
Iwants to practice her/his English with me voice chat
my Skype is toufiktitou4
thank James very much.
Thank you James!
Thank you)
As always, a great lesson!
Thank you James! I’ll try to use these expressions in my daily conversation.
Hi Iselita! Are you fluent in Japanese? Well, I assume you speak some japanese, don’t you?
Learning Japanese is a completely different story,isn’t it?; especially for Spanish speakers, don’t you think so?
Living in Japan must be quite an experience, Good for you!!!
All the best!
An amazing presentation about binomials. It increases my vocabulary
Thanks james … u r my favorite teacher in this site .
Interesting lesson !
very useful classes you provide but How can i download this video classes.
11 minutes of fun and enlightenment in Peace and Quiet!
I love the way you teach using drawing. You really help me to quickly memorize.
Thanks James!
U r the only who makes me walk on air when I watch ur video
Guyz who wants practice with via Skype id : salman Ali
Hey teacher James do you have Skype group give us your id in order to practice speaking with native speaker
Thank u.
Nice to see you here Lusine
Nice to see you too :)
Can i suggest you to practise english together Lusine? )) what do you think about it?
very cool. thanks James
This lesson is very useful. Thank you, James.
thank you
thanks james
Iwants to practice her/his English with me voice chat
my Skype is toufiktitou4
very effective the corses of this man. i like.
i wanna to help me to speak english in skype can you help me ????
This lesson is very useful but what do not learn
i have fun to learn english with you man. just speak slowly if possible . thanks.
James, you are an amazing teacher. I loved this lesson.
Fantastic lesson?
One day i’ll talk like a native english but…
I’m waiting for the healing of my tongue! :)))
I need to talk, talk, talk, …..
Thanks, it’s very interesting and useful lesson ;)
Iwants to practice her/his English with me voice chat
my Skype is toufiktitou4 if you can help me in that I will be so Grateful
Thank you James for great lesson, it’s very useful for improving my english.
ı hope ı can remember those expressions in my daily conversation
A very interesting lesson! Thanks James.
Thank you, James…These expressions were interesting and useful for me…Thanks a lot…
Hey great lesson mr.james I love ur explaining keep going
very nice !
It is the first day I come to your class. The way you explain idioms so easy to understand. The lesson is very useful for me. I realy enjoy it. Thank you so much. Have a good day my teacher. Best wishes!
Today’s lesson was made by odds and ends binomials. But all of them were parts and parcels of the same thing, binomials. Cheers.
very good lesson, i learned a leaps and bounds…hahahah
very useful. Thanks
Thank you got 50% without watching.
Hello every body, i am a new commer and want to improve my English language, please share your experiences with me.
Thank you so much~ Those were all new expressions for me! I wish there was some example sentences on the quiz though.
useful lesson, thanks very much
Good lessons,
this class is hard for me, never heard any one of this phrase before
thank you very much. iam new member here and iam really enjoying your lessons
So many things
binomial structer of words, good
very good thank a lot
thank a lot
awesome, james.. u rock :)
thank you james:)
I love this video, i understood everything :3 and i like that! Good Job! :D
I get little bit learing from this lesson.
Hi James, I didn´t quite get how you use the part and percel binomial, could you give us a few examples how you use it in the sentences? thanx
it was fun…
I loved the lesson , I hope to continue learning and learning every single day with this website.
I’m a new beginner in English language, I’m from Egypt
and I have American African friend give me Advice about increase the process of learning English faster than normal. and suggested for me watch and listening Rap music for one year.
DO you think james my friend is he right about this?
please james give me your opinion about that?
I swear God you gonna love this song james
O.T. Genasis – CoCo [Music Video]
you make pic of big dog in the word who killed lot of brother hood and muslims in my country egybet
if you have anything that can help me as a first year english student i would be happy to get it
very interesting lesson.
it was really useful. thanks teacher.
thanks alot
good teacher..funny way of teaching. Thanks engvid. but i joined this very late…
Thank you James for your video, it is very useful one! I got my 10 points of 10 ! Yay! :D
Hello my Dear friend James! I like your lessons very much! You have done your job very interesting and good! Thanks! You try to inject into your students mind!
You’re such a great teacher, James. Thx for the lesson, it will be helpful.
Best teacher ever! Always watching you channel, and if i sad, you put back smile to my face!
Yep! This is a distinctive feature in James’ videos, his excellent sense of humor.
He always makes me laugh.
Have a great weekend Yulia.
Thanks a lot!
Hi there ,I just want to improve my English so can you help me? I accept any kind of help
Great teacher! Thanks you for your lessons
Your a great teacher, Thanks from your lessons.
Great sir, that’s quite good for me as a beginner
First and foremost, I’d like to thank mr. E for his help to James. I think, James could not improve his teaching skill by leaps and bunds without this worm. Agree, sometimes mr. E behaves prim and proper, but it works hard while James R & R. But they all are part and parcel of the great organization and it’s cool. Thank you!
Please, correct my mistakes if any=))
my username for skype: hassane.chetouane
I don’t understand in which moment can I use part and parcel and law and order
Thank you very much. If someone is interested in practicing english with me, I will be very happy. To find me in Skype, do a search with this e-mail
Thank you
Hi sir!
I have a question..
I wanna know the difference between [realize-recognize] [swallow-absorb] [speak-speech-talk-say-tell]?
hi every body,I just need a hand to improve my English, can any one help me? or you can just give me pieces of advice here on this site. thanks.
nice video! thanks :)
Now, this lesson was really great. Could you
bring us some more binomials, James?
Keep up your wonderful sense of humour, please.
(I don’t want this comment seem like an order,
because I said “please” in the end)
I get confused with this “please” at the
beginning or at the end of a sentence. I need
to review this lesson.
…no, it’s not and order because I start the
sentence with “Could you…”
I thing I’ve got the hang of it now.
Thanks a lot James!
thank u james
It’s very useful, thanks James.
Great lesson thank you James
What a lesson! Thank you. Wonderful teacher.
thanks guy…. very usefull.
this was really nice
Hello James, thank you for this lesson. It is great and I like to learn from you. Best, John
Thanks for the lesson James.You really helped me to understand the things I did not know.
Really In this video I quite caught you nice and slowly you were running in this lesson…
by my mistake and a tiny mistake i got suddenly stuck odds and ends I thought that means strange and finish so in a way I missed 1 mark.. .
Nice and happy lesson.. .
sir, i want to learn English from this website.
but i am really confused regarding the sequence of watching these videos.
could you please give me an advise
thank you James !!
can anybody give me example sentence of “part and parcel” i still dont know where to use it even i know the meaning T_T
Mr. Naidu walks 3000kms as a part and parcel of Janmabhoomi programme.
Thank you, but please give me examples using binomials. It makes me better understand.
Very helpful material. Now I’ve got a generalisation of those phrases and have realized, that was a BINOMIALS!
goos explanation, please give us the remaining binomials also
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you.
Coconut: Have you eat yet, Lemon?
Lemon: No. I’ll eat later!
Coconut: What will you eat?
Lemon: Umm, Penis Butter Sandwich!
Coconut: WHAAAAAAT???????? PENIS!?!
Lemon: Autocorrect, My computer changed the word! I mean peanut not penis!
What a lesson!What a lesson! I do love expressions,
idioms and phrasal verbs. Thank you very much.
thank you so much for this lesson, this one was a bit touch but i finally made it and i got 8 out of 10
options in quiz are amazing :D
Got 10/10, thank you 4 d lesson James :-)