Does your job involve speaking with customers in English? If you want to speak clearly and politely to customers, this lesson is for you! You’ll hear a model conversation full of polite expressions you can use at work. I’ll teach you the correct way to greet customers, and how to ask common questions that come up in customer service and sales jobs in call centers. This is a great way to improve your job performance or to prepare for a call center interview. I’ll also teach you a secret that all the top customer service agents know. Beyond call center training, this lesson will help anyone who wants to communicate more professionally and politely in the workplace.
Really? You passed the quiz with flying colors. Good for you Mg81!
Polite language makes a difference everywhere; no matter what your occupation or profession is.
Short, but very interesting lesson Rebecca.
Would be possible for you to develop a lesson on polite languguage when arguing with someone?
Thanks for sharing this lesson with us Rebecca.
Hello, I agree with you.
Júlio César L Sousa
Please tell me how I can strong my verb and writing skills.
Rooplal Kashyap
Congratulations! I wish you all the best.
Hamood Ali
short video , but useful as usual .thank you so much Rebecca.
Mossab Mahmoud
thank u rebecca
Great lessons.
I’m afraid I didn’t pay attention to polite/impolite way of speaking earlier. Thank you very much for this lesson Rebecca. I hope politeness will help me to connect better and be more helpful in the future.
Glad to hear the lesson helped you. All the best.
I’m afraid that me too. Unfortunately I couldn’t feel the difference before. Now I’ll try to do. Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you kindly.
Thank you Rebecca
Hi Rebecca, I would love to be the first person that comment on your new lesson. Your class is very informative and I do love it. Thank you very much. I hope you doing well and keep making more interesting lessons.
Thank you very much for your feedback. I’m very happy to know the lesson helped you. I wish you all the best.
Hi Rebecca, Im very happy to be the first person had a comment on your lesson but I have not known why my comment is not appeared. Thank you so much.
Hi there! Your comment had to be manually approved. If you leave the same comment multiple times in a row, the website will think it’s spam.
engVid Moderator
Thank you very much Rebecca!
Nice and useful lesson as usual ;)
I enjoy this lesson so much because it’s short but very useful and easy to apply to life
Thuy Linh Le
Great! Thanks; that was the idea. All the best to you.
Hello teacher i want to imrove my english by making friends i want to call them and talk to them can you help me please
Very well orginazed this video by educationalist, we are human which one of the top creation of whole, and become in shape of human we care about all humanity and this is the tool where we used more politeness and sophistication to give respect others.
Muhammad Abbas
Thanks for promoting the cause of greater caring in the world. I wish you all the best.
Muhammad Abbas
It’s very important to understand like this video if you want find good job or speak with custmors.
Thank you very much Rebecca..
Yes, it will make a big difference in your professional and personal life if you relate to people in a more polite manner. All the best to you.
Good and useful lesson as usual )) thank you very much Rebecca ..
Very well organised this video by Rebecca !
rameshwar rao p
Thank you to much Rebeka it will help me a lot
You wanted to say: “Thank you very much”; I thank you for your feedback. This earlier lesson of mine may help you master this vocabulary point:
thank you very much and have a nice day :))) smile
I’m afrai i dont agree with you regarding the question number nine, perhaps I’m wrong
Of course, you are right that one can be polite through short sentences too. However, in all of the examples from work contexts in the video, we see that the longer phrase or sentence was more polite. That’s because it gives the listener even more of our time, uses gentler language and shows we are not impatient. All the best to you.
Afraid sorry
I got 10/10 it’s great lessons for study and improving your skill of speech, but it is not enough.If you want to be perfect you need having someone for talking that you can understanding when someone talk you. I’ve found myself when I speaking with someone on phone, I have much trouble understand him. So anyone who want to talk with me by Skype is welcomed.
You are right. Speaking on the telephone is always more challenging because we cannot see the person’s body language, which also gives us clues about the meaning. That’s why one has to go out of ones’s way to be polite on the phone. All the best to you.
i need to practice so that i could speak that smoothly.
I got 10/10 .
Thank you very much Rebecca :-)
Thank you, teacher. I will be polite in general, because I have to improve my interpersonal relationships. See you, then.
Great idea! All the best to you.
Thank you very much, Rebbeca
Nice video, it has helped me a lot.
thanks Rebecca.. I got 10/10…I love your lesson..I’m very happy. You teach very well…and is easy understand what you say..:)
marcos alexandre
Thanks Rebecca. I got 10/10.. I love your lesson and I’m very happy, you teach very well and is easy understand what you say..:)
marcos alexandre
Thank you, Marcos, for your kind feedback. I wish you all the best.
I like this video, thanks
Yenci Morales
Thank you Rebecca.
Diego Gomes
Very simple, clear and useful lesson.
Thanks, Rebecca
Thank you Rebeca,
Could you give us more of these subject, It i importand
thanks again
I got 10 thanks Becca nice lesson see you soon .
Thank you very much Rebecca, this video is very clear and useful. See you. Great job.
Thanks so much for your kind words. I am glad to know you found the lesson helpful. All the best to you.
I really enjoyed while listening
Hello Rebecca. Thanks for this lesson, it is very useful when answering the phone in the office, but even at home.
Thanks a million Ms. Rebecca.
your teaching way is astonishing,
your coaching style is extraordinary,
and your smiling manner is breathtaking
note : magic of 3(a previous lesson) .I have been your student for a month.I extremely appreciate your excellency
Welcome to Engvid, and thank you very much for your kind and generous compliments. Also, congratulations on using the magic of 3 so effectively in English. Please do explore the site to find exactly what you are looking for that will help you the most. We have many sections, and levels. I wish you all the best.
Dear Ms Rebecca.
Excuse me,I have a suggestion for your useful site.
would you add a separate topic for scientific researchers about technical / scientific writing?
I believe it will be helpful especially for who wants to publish in international journals
I can not thank you enough, Ms. Rebecca
my best regards
Thank you for your suggestion. It is a good one. All the best.
Thank you very much Rebecca. Very important lessons.
Very interesting lesson, Rebecca. I glad that I got 100. Thank you very much and I will see you next time.
Júlio César L Sousa
Thank you
May I practice with you english in private ??
I’m too fast answering I thought its polite sorry my mistake I’ll study again
Thank you very much.
You make me happy.
Your lesson helps me much.
Although I can’t speak English very well, I will study continuously up to I’m a good speaker of English.
Hello !
Thank you Rebecca for this video it’s very interesting.
I had 100%.
This comment is for every one
I’m Mounir from Morocco.
who’s want to practice with me english via Whatsapp.
Here my skype (julio.ortigoza2) i would like to do the same with you!
Thank u
Osman salih
Thanks a lot for this useful video rebecca, i hope you would take more vidoes about business english
Please check the Business English section of our website for hundreds of lessons which might help you. Thanks for your feedback and all the best to you.
Thank you rebecca
Dina nasser
Straight to the point, as always!
Congrats. ?
I would like to thank you for that lesson, Rebecca.
Thank you very much for this useful lesson Rebecca :) I got 10 out of 10. Even though my command of English is proficient , such lessons are still helping me during my studies :) Maybe you could share some more Business English lessons with us like you did in the past. That would be great :)
Thanks for your kind feedback. I have recorded several more Business English videos, as have our other teachers. I wish you all the best with your studies and your career.
Thank you very much Rebecca! I’m looking forward to new lessons :)
It was a really great lesson.
Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for your lessons, I’ve learned a lot with your tips.
thank you Ribaca for this usefull video
Thank U for this lesson Rebecca.
Personally I’d say that I didn’t like you had put a man as the bad example against a woman as the good example. I think it had be better if two of them were man or woman. But I know it’s just a example.
The names were only chosen as an example, but yes, you have an excellent point. I will follow this pattern in any such future lesson. Thank you very much for your feedback. MY best wishes to you.
You must be kidding ::
(sorry my english if I made a mistake).
I got 10 of 10, too! Thanks a lot, Rebecca, I love you!
Thank you very much Rebecca
Thank you
Cherafa a.naim
best teacher
mohamed baset
Thank you to much Rebeka it will help me a lot
Great! Happy to hear it. All the best to you.
Thank you to much Rebecca it will help me
Thanks Rebecca!
Polite speaking, especially when interacting professionally to external people is always important.
Would you mind if I congratulate you again?
Fabio Cicerre
May I think you again for your feedback? All the best, my polite and kind friend.
thank u Rebecca.i m new learner,i think that your videos help to learning English.i respect u.Than u very much
Welcome to engvid and thank you for taking the time to share your kind comments. Please do look through our website – I am sure you can find many lessons that can help you. I wish you all the best.
Thanks a lot Rebecca!!!
Thanks Rebecca to be so effective teaching us. By
My pleasure. Thanks so much for watching and learning. All the best to you.
thank rebeca for this lesson.
Thank you so much Rebecca for this useful video!
My pleasure. Glad you found the lesson helpful. All the best to you.
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you so much Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca for this video which is my first finish lesson on the web.
Alfred Huang
hello, Rebecca
how to pronounce “wound” as a noun and “wound” as past tense of “wind”?
is that scale right?
Wound as a noun rhymes with mooned.
Wound as a past-tense verb rhymes with found.
All the best to you.
Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks a lot for your reply, Ms. Rebecca.
I study about four lessons every day
and I am thrilled that I have explored your useful, helpful and fruitful site
All the best to you
you are the best Rebecca :) thank you
Juri - Gen
I got 10 of 10.
thanks Rebecca
Sheldon Wong
9 out of ten is not bad! So much things to learn.
i got 10 correct out of 10..Thanks Rebecca
Rohit Das
hello Rebecca
how to use “worth” and “worthy” as adjective?
Thank You Rebecca Now Its easy to identify the polite expression
Venkat Vamshi
i want practice my English with someone especially in talking , any volunteer here ?
yes i also want to practice
u should use skype for improving u r conversation
Hello Rebecca,
What is the real difference between “woollen” and “woolly” as adjective? And which one is stronger and closer to the noun “wool”?
Thank you Rebecca for explanation.
Carlos Rangel
hi! nada91, i volunteer because like you i want to practice my english especially english spoken,
thank you i learn a lot from you with your great and amazing teachers
i got 9 out of 10
Hello from Kazakhstan! Thak you for your lesson
Thank’s Rebecca, it’s a great explanation, i got 10 out of 10 !
Thank you Rebecca. I can understand perfectly your conversation.
OH my God, i got 9 of 10. thanks so so much……
Castro de Leon
Hi Rebecca firstly I really want to thank you for u r video. I saw one video where you taught some time we don’t use preposition at the time . I have almost understand the concept but few questions I have .
We have been receiving some messages in every half an hour .
He does the job in night shift
In every time I see him
I have written three sentences .could you pls check and let me know is it right or wrong if it right so why because I am indicating time
hello…Rebecca…its really a great lesson. it is very useful..hope you will be with many more new topics
vidya maddila
Thank you so much Rebecca. I’ve got 10 of 10
Ty so much mrs. rebecca
thank you very much,impolite people bothering me and make me disappointed all the day so i hope those people watgh this vedio
Thank you ms rebacca :)
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson is very easy to understand and useful.
Thank you so much Rebecca
wow I got 10 correct answer. thank you very much.
I got 10 of 10 thank you Rebecca
Thanks so much rebecca
Mariela 31
10 of 10 ^^
Will there be another wonderful lesson about using modal verbs, please!
thank you very much rebecca….
Hello, teacher Rebecca! Thanks for your video. It is such a wonderful way to be more polite at speaking English.
My Best Regards.
When you on the phone , eventhou people can’t see you, they can hear your smile and your warm . Very nice quote.
Thank you rebecca for help :)
mercy elsa realist
thank you for this lesson very help full for sales jobs
Thank you for this lesson
Hi Rebecca! Interesting lesson to pick!
I have a suggestion that you make a lesson about the legal system that deals with immigration, application form, visa/passport terminology and all that specific information you need to grasp on the law, consulate or embassy level (since people get confused and find it complex to understand very formal words/expressions before filling documents)
The lesson should illustrate the people, paperwork and places of that kind.
Thank you
Thank you for this lesson,it’s easy to understand and helpful.
Thank you very much techer Rebecca I got 9 of 10
Vugar Beshirov
very helpful, i will practice that with my roommate in conversation today.
Hoai Manucians
Thank you very muchos, Rebeca.
thanks for your efforts
thank you please add me on skype i want to talk to you in english any one add me who want to speaks my skype id usman.ghani1663
usman ghani123
Thank and regards, Ms.Rebeca.
Toe Naing Oo
I have got 8 correct of 10
Thanks Rebeca
I’m enjoying because of studying Eng.
I got 10!! Thank you very much Rebecca…
very useful !! thank you.
Many thanks Rebecca it’s really of very useful
Dear Rebecca,
Short lesson but very useful.
Best regard.
thank you very much
have a nice day
So good!
Very nice Rebecca! I always use short answers and question, but I never thought it’s wrong ;)
Meny thanks !
I got 8 again out of 10 heheh better luck next time
Hello Ms.Rebecca. I would like to say very thank you for your video . I got 10 after i watched your video. I will use the polite conversation from your video at my work??
Rebecca, could you give me advice how can I improve my speaking. I have a problem with express my thoughts. Thank you
I got 8 correct of 10.I must be more attention
Believe it or not, been polite has given me the opportunity to have several promotions and awards in my work place, thank you Rebecca I’ve learned a lot in this lesson.
I got 100 marks. Thank you. Your explanation is very clear.
Wai Wai Htun
Thank you Rebecca polite and impolite make me understand better English language.
Hello im now start help me how can i start?
Thank you Rebecca, when I hear you I imagine your smile.
oh my God! i think it’s necessary to study more.
Dilma Costa
thank you so much about everything good lesson
ahmed Ebid
Thank you so much Rebecca it was a great lesson
Thank you Rebecca,
As always, very interesting
Ali Alkolaib
Thank you, Rebecca for your lessons
Mohsen Tatoo
I really understand the lesson. And I got 10/10… Here is my skype felipemal2016. Add me… lets improve our english..
Thanks Rebecca, i thinks this tips are very important to comunicate more polite with another people. I´m glad to learn more with you.
Thank you so much Rebecca! It is going to help me :)
Great site for studying or improving English, thank you so much for this lesson:)
Olya Vavilova
i got 9 that is awesome question thanks rebecca :)
Thank you Rebecca for teaching me good expressions about customer service.
thank you for all rebecca.. :)
It was nice I practiced 10/10
Ahmad Jan
Thank you so much Rebecca
I got only 90.
Because I missed quiz no.3 ” Not polite” and “Polite”. :'(
Anyway, Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca.
It helps my ENG conversation. (y)
Cho Cho Thet Lwin
it was so effective thanks for these all efforts which u had done with us lol
i have been looking for a specific points which will lead me to be a professional in customer service field
I got 10 out of 10
thank you, teacher Rebecca!! :)
Happy I scored 100 the full. This is the video of yours I’ve seen first. Since I’m working in Call centre, it’s very useful for me to improve the phone etiquette. Thank you so much Rebecca.
Thank you for your lesson, it is interesting. I really like it. I learned english 10 years however my english is bad now :((.
Isabella Trinh
thank you teacher Rebecca.
The lesson was very clear; I got 10/10 :)
Dear teacher, I got 10 out of 10. Thank you very much.
I agree with you
I like your videos
Thanks teacher Rebecca for your nice lessons.
Sweet alma
Oh ! What a lesson!
All the love !! ^_^
that’s it.
Novak Dean
I got 9/10 thats bcoz I didn’t pay attention to the question
good lesson
i got 10 out of 10
thank you
Dear Rebecca , you are one of the best ! Thank you very much .
I got 10 of 10 :) thank you Rebecca…
I got 10 of 10 too.
Thank you for the class.
Paulo Henrique Sa vale
Thank you¡
I got 10 to 10, this video was very good!
It’s an useful lesson. Well done!
chi rieng minh em
i ot 10 of 10 yes!!!!! thnks♥
É um modo bastante practico que encoraja a quqlquer um em prosseguir estas aulas de ingles. Muito obrigada, vamos continuar
Moderator note:
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! However, please comment in English next time. This is your chance to practice!
engVid Moderator
I got 10:) Thank you Rebecca.
Lisdey Subero
I have got 8 /10 ………………Bad student
By speaking, many people become impolite inconsciously. So, we have to promote polite way of speaking as we learnt from this lesson. We do realize that. I got 10 correct out of 10. Thanks Rebecca
Thank you.
It doesn’t cost us anything by being polite. Politeness is the name of the game.
marcio rezende
Thanks. I heard your smile.
It was a good lesson….!
Jakub Alvarez
Hi, Rebeca! This lesson is very helpful, thank you very much for it!
Thank you very much Rebecca!
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! All the best!
Hi Rebecca , I Really like your classes.
I got 10 out of 10
Rebecca thank you so much for this wonder for lesson.
Hi, everyone!
Rebecca thank you very much for helping us to improve our language skills. This lesson was great and it helped me a lot since I’m going to start working in a call center as a customer service agent.
Luz De La Rosa
It helps to _________ while you are speaking on the phone. People can hear it.
*I answered Whisper! But it was SMILE.
Thank you for the knowledge.
Hamood Ali
Thank you very much.It was an informative lecture.
Author Rakesh
Thank you very much, This lesson was great.
Your lesson was great! It helped me a lot, thank you.
Leticia Najera
i got perfect score .thank you
thank you so much
Thank you very much for this lesson. I’m actually planning on getting a job as a customer service agent soon, so I’m polishing my fluency in English. And this lesson is perfect to get things started.
Thank you Rebecca..
Thanks, Rebecca! We should be polite in speaking.
thank you rebecca it will help me, because i want to work in BPO company..
Thank you so much, it’s very useful video and you are awesome. Here you go ✌✌?
Mena Agaiby
Very Useful Lesson.. Thank you
Great Rebecca.
Thank you o/
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you…
M kartal
thank you very much Rebecca
Great lessons, thank you.
good morning guys i think these are a few errors or way how speaking that you we do not pay attention so mcuh while we speak there are essetial for speaking corrently on phone ir with formal native people i guess when you swpeak with a weird person it is good way to speak politely you then can speak the way you like when you have long time by meeting the person
Luis Alberto Mateo
native people do not like to speak with students who do not know how using well the property word to communicate you askr by yourself why this guys does not want speak fluently with because it is the same when somenoe do not know how to speak spanish you tired of hearing right away we should put in their shoes we usually kill the word pronuntiation this siund bad it even worse it is not our language we have to respect the languague…
Luis Alberto Mateo
I got all the answers correct thank you Maam Rebecca I found all your videos helpful
Thank you, Rebecca
Jesan Chuang
Thank you, Rebecca. I am very grateful for this lessons.
Hi guys, How are you guys doing? My name is Alex, I am currently trying to apply in a call center but I need to practice some interview questions is there someone here to practice with? we could practice English by calls or video call if you want, hope you have a great day.
I’m thinking that I found what I was looking for . I like engVid :) .
This lesson was great! Thanks Rebbeca!?
Jhon De Los Santos
Thank you, Rebecca
engVid very interesting
ahmed habbab
Thanks Rebecca.
JD kim
Nice explanation!
Excellent video. A great learning experience it was! Thank you Mrs. Rebbeca
Shafqat Rasool
Thanks a lot Rebecca, have a good one.
Hasan Soledad
thank you so much for this priceless lesson
Thank you for the video !
eustache jeanrobert
Am a beginner and am trying my best.thanks.
Della Opong
10 out 10
I got full mark! ? :D
thanks a lot, Ms.Rebecca
Christmas greetings and best wishes
from Kazakhstan 23 Dec2o21:)
Than you, although I wish I could watch the videos.
Angelina Nava
You should be able to see the videos—can you see any other YouTube videos?
engVid Moderator
Thanks so much for this lesson
Thanks a lot. It was a useful lesson both for work, personal life and English studies.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! That’s an amazing lesson. (Azores islands, 16Dec2022).
Important lesson. Thank you Rebeca!
Thank You so much for this lesson
It was a practical lesson
Thank you very much
Michael Atit
I got 10 of 10 :) thankyou Rebecca…
Abdalrhman Ebrahim
I love when everyday, I understand everyday your teaching let my english more better everytime now. I am doing engVid I talk almost everytime. I do engVid every single lesson. Thank you very much, you are the best teacher someone have teach me before
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I got 10 of 10 :) thankyou Rebecca…
Really? You passed the quiz with flying colors. Good for you Mg81!
Polite language makes a difference everywhere; no matter what your occupation or profession is.
Short, but very interesting lesson Rebecca.
Would be possible for you to develop a lesson on polite languguage when arguing with someone?
Thanks for sharing this lesson with us Rebecca.
Hello, I agree with you.
Please tell me how I can strong my verb and writing skills.
Congratulations! I wish you all the best.
short video , but useful as usual .thank you so much Rebecca.
thank u rebecca
Great lessons.
I’m afraid I didn’t pay attention to polite/impolite way of speaking earlier. Thank you very much for this lesson Rebecca. I hope politeness will help me to connect better and be more helpful in the future.
Glad to hear the lesson helped you. All the best.
I’m afraid that me too. Unfortunately I couldn’t feel the difference before. Now I’ll try to do. Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you kindly.
Thank you Rebecca
Hi Rebecca, I would love to be the first person that comment on your new lesson. Your class is very informative and I do love it. Thank you very much. I hope you doing well and keep making more interesting lessons.
Thank you very much for your feedback. I’m very happy to know the lesson helped you. I wish you all the best.
Hi Rebecca, Im very happy to be the first person had a comment on your lesson but I have not known why my comment is not appeared. Thank you so much.
Hi there! Your comment had to be manually approved. If you leave the same comment multiple times in a row, the website will think it’s spam.
Thank you very much Rebecca!
Nice and useful lesson as usual ;)
I enjoy this lesson so much because it’s short but very useful and easy to apply to life
Great! Thanks; that was the idea. All the best to you.
Hello teacher i want to imrove my english by making friends i want to call them and talk to them can you help me please
Very well orginazed this video by educationalist, we are human which one of the top creation of whole, and become in shape of human we care about all humanity and this is the tool where we used more politeness and sophistication to give respect others.
Thanks for promoting the cause of greater caring in the world. I wish you all the best.
It’s very important to understand like this video if you want find good job or speak with custmors.
Thank you very much Rebecca..
Yes, it will make a big difference in your professional and personal life if you relate to people in a more polite manner. All the best to you.
Good and useful lesson as usual )) thank you very much Rebecca ..
Very well organised this video by Rebecca !
Thank you to much Rebeka it will help me a lot
You wanted to say: “Thank you very much”; I thank you for your feedback. This earlier lesson of mine may help you master this vocabulary point:
All the best to you.
Thank you
thank you
thank you very much and have a nice day :))) smile
I’m afrai i dont agree with you regarding the question number nine, perhaps I’m wrong
Of course, you are right that one can be polite through short sentences too. However, in all of the examples from work contexts in the video, we see that the longer phrase or sentence was more polite. That’s because it gives the listener even more of our time, uses gentler language and shows we are not impatient. All the best to you.
Afraid sorry
I got 10/10 it’s great lessons for study and improving your skill of speech, but it is not enough.If you want to be perfect you need having someone for talking that you can understanding when someone talk you. I’ve found myself when I speaking with someone on phone, I have much trouble understand him. So anyone who want to talk with me by Skype is welcomed.
You are right. Speaking on the telephone is always more challenging because we cannot see the person’s body language, which also gives us clues about the meaning. That’s why one has to go out of ones’s way to be polite on the phone. All the best to you.
i need to practice so that i could speak that smoothly.
I got 10/10 .
Thank you very much Rebecca :-)
Thank you, teacher. I will be polite in general, because I have to improve my interpersonal relationships. See you, then.
Great idea! All the best to you.
Thank you very much, Rebbeca
Nice video, it has helped me a lot.
thanks Rebecca.. I got 10/10…I love your lesson..I’m very happy. You teach very well…and is easy understand what you say..:)
Thanks Rebecca. I got 10/10.. I love your lesson and I’m very happy, you teach very well and is easy understand what you say..:)
Thank you, Marcos, for your kind feedback. I wish you all the best.
I like this video, thanks
Thank you Rebecca.
Very simple, clear and useful lesson.
Thanks, Rebecca
Thank you Rebeca,
Could you give us more of these subject, It i importand
thanks again
I got 10 thanks Becca nice lesson see you soon .
Thank you very much Rebecca, this video is very clear and useful. See you. Great job.
Thanks so much for your kind words. I am glad to know you found the lesson helpful. All the best to you.
I really enjoyed while listening
Hello Rebecca. Thanks for this lesson, it is very useful when answering the phone in the office, but even at home.
Thanks a million Ms. Rebecca.
your teaching way is astonishing,
your coaching style is extraordinary,
and your smiling manner is breathtaking
note : magic of 3(a previous lesson) .I have been your student for a month.I extremely appreciate your excellency
Welcome to Engvid, and thank you very much for your kind and generous compliments. Also, congratulations on using the magic of 3 so effectively in English. Please do explore the site to find exactly what you are looking for that will help you the most. We have many sections, and levels. I wish you all the best.
Dear Ms Rebecca.
Excuse me,I have a suggestion for your useful site.
would you add a separate topic for scientific researchers about technical / scientific writing?
I believe it will be helpful especially for who wants to publish in international journals
I can not thank you enough, Ms. Rebecca
my best regards
Thank you for your suggestion. It is a good one. All the best.
Thank you very much Rebecca. Very important lessons.
Very interesting lesson, Rebecca. I glad that I got 100. Thank you very much and I will see you next time.
Thank you
May I practice with you english in private ??
I’m too fast answering I thought its polite sorry my mistake I’ll study again
Thank you very much.
You make me happy.
Your lesson helps me much.
Although I can’t speak English very well, I will study continuously up to I’m a good speaker of English.
Hello !
Thank you Rebecca for this video it’s very interesting.
I had 100%.
This comment is for every one
I’m Mounir from Morocco.
who’s want to practice with me english via Whatsapp.
Here my skype (julio.ortigoza2) i would like to do the same with you!
Thank u
Thanks a lot for this useful video rebecca, i hope you would take more vidoes about business english
Please check the Business English section of our website for hundreds of lessons which might help you. Thanks for your feedback and all the best to you.
Thank you rebecca
Straight to the point, as always!
Congrats. ?
I would like to thank you for that lesson, Rebecca.
Thank you very much for this useful lesson Rebecca :) I got 10 out of 10. Even though my command of English is proficient , such lessons are still helping me during my studies :) Maybe you could share some more Business English lessons with us like you did in the past. That would be great :)
Thanks for your kind feedback. I have recorded several more Business English videos, as have our other teachers. I wish you all the best with your studies and your career.
Thank you very much Rebecca! I’m looking forward to new lessons :)
It was a really great lesson.
Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for your lessons, I’ve learned a lot with your tips.
thank you Ribaca for this usefull video
Thank U for this lesson Rebecca.
Personally I’d say that I didn’t like you had put a man as the bad example against a woman as the good example. I think it had be better if two of them were man or woman. But I know it’s just a example.
The names were only chosen as an example, but yes, you have an excellent point. I will follow this pattern in any such future lesson. Thank you very much for your feedback. MY best wishes to you.
You must be kidding ::
(sorry my english if I made a mistake).
I got 10 of 10, too! Thanks a lot, Rebecca, I love you!
Thank you very much Rebecca
Thank you
best teacher
Thank you to much Rebeka it will help me a lot
Great! Happy to hear it. All the best to you.
Thank you to much Rebecca it will help me
Thanks Rebecca!
Polite speaking, especially when interacting professionally to external people is always important.
Would you mind if I congratulate you again?
May I think you again for your feedback? All the best, my polite and kind friend.
thank u Rebecca.i m new learner,i think that your videos help to learning English.i respect u.Than u very much
Welcome to engvid and thank you for taking the time to share your kind comments. Please do look through our website – I am sure you can find many lessons that can help you. I wish you all the best.
Thanks a lot Rebecca!!!
Thanks Rebecca to be so effective teaching us. By
My pleasure. Thanks so much for watching and learning. All the best to you.
thank rebeca for this lesson.
Thank you so much Rebecca for this useful video!
My pleasure. Glad you found the lesson helpful. All the best to you.
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you so much Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca for this video which is my first finish lesson on the web.
hello, Rebecca
how to pronounce “wound” as a noun and “wound” as past tense of “wind”?
is that scale right?
Wound as a noun rhymes with mooned.
Wound as a past-tense verb rhymes with found.
All the best to you.
Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks a lot for your reply, Ms. Rebecca.
I study about four lessons every day
and I am thrilled that I have explored your useful, helpful and fruitful site
All the best to you
you are the best Rebecca :) thank you
I got 10 of 10.
thanks Rebecca
9 out of ten is not bad! So much things to learn.
i got 10 correct out of 10..Thanks Rebecca
hello Rebecca
how to use “worth” and “worthy” as adjective?
Thank You Rebecca Now Its easy to identify the polite expression
i want practice my English with someone especially in talking , any volunteer here ?
yes i also want to practice
u should use skype for improving u r conversation
Hello Rebecca,
What is the real difference between “woollen” and “woolly” as adjective? And which one is stronger and closer to the noun “wool”?
Thank you Rebecca for explanation.
hi! nada91, i volunteer because like you i want to practice my english especially english spoken,
thank you i learn a lot from you with your great and amazing teachers
i got 9 out of 10
Hello from Kazakhstan! Thak you for your lesson
Thank’s Rebecca, it’s a great explanation, i got 10 out of 10 !
Thank you Rebecca. I can understand perfectly your conversation.
OH my God, i got 9 of 10. thanks so so much……
Hi Rebecca firstly I really want to thank you for u r video. I saw one video where you taught some time we don’t use preposition at the time . I have almost understand the concept but few questions I have .
We have been receiving some messages in every half an hour .
He does the job in night shift
In every time I see him
I have written three sentences .could you pls check and let me know is it right or wrong if it right so why because I am indicating time
hello…Rebecca…its really a great lesson. it is very useful..hope you will be with many more new topics
Thank you so much Rebecca. I’ve got 10 of 10
Ty so much mrs. rebecca
thank you very much,impolite people bothering me and make me disappointed all the day so i hope those people watgh this vedio
Thank you ms rebacca :)
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson is very easy to understand and useful.
Thank you so much Rebecca
wow I got 10 correct answer. thank you very much.
I got 10 of 10 thank you Rebecca
Thanks so much rebecca
10 of 10 ^^
Will there be another wonderful lesson about using modal verbs, please!
thank you very much rebecca….
Hello, teacher Rebecca! Thanks for your video. It is such a wonderful way to be more polite at speaking English.
My Best Regards.
When you on the phone , eventhou people can’t see you, they can hear your smile and your warm . Very nice quote.
Thank you rebecca for help :)
thank you for this lesson very help full for sales jobs
Thank you for this lesson
Hi Rebecca! Interesting lesson to pick!
I have a suggestion that you make a lesson about the legal system that deals with immigration, application form, visa/passport terminology and all that specific information you need to grasp on the law, consulate or embassy level (since people get confused and find it complex to understand very formal words/expressions before filling documents)
The lesson should illustrate the people, paperwork and places of that kind.
Thank you
Thank you for this lesson,it’s easy to understand and helpful.
Thank you very much techer Rebecca I got 9 of 10
very helpful, i will practice that with my roommate in conversation today.
Thank you very muchos, Rebeca.
thanks for your efforts
thank you please add me on skype i want to talk to you in english any one add me who want to speaks my skype id usman.ghani1663
Thank and regards, Ms.Rebeca.
I have got 8 correct of 10
Thanks Rebeca
I’m enjoying because of studying Eng.
I got 10!! Thank you very much Rebecca…
very useful !! thank you.
Many thanks Rebecca it’s really of very useful
Dear Rebecca,
Short lesson but very useful.
Best regard.
thank you very much
have a nice day
So good!
Very nice Rebecca! I always use short answers and question, but I never thought it’s wrong ;)
Meny thanks !
I got 8 again out of 10 heheh better luck next time
Hello Ms.Rebecca. I would like to say very thank you for your video . I got 10 after i watched your video. I will use the polite conversation from your video at my work??
Rebecca, could you give me advice how can I improve my speaking. I have a problem with express my thoughts. Thank you
I got 8 correct of 10.I must be more attention
Believe it or not, been polite has given me the opportunity to have several promotions and awards in my work place, thank you Rebecca I’ve learned a lot in this lesson.
I got 100 marks. Thank you. Your explanation is very clear.
Thank you Rebecca polite and impolite make me understand better English language.
Hello im now start help me how can i start?
Thank you Rebecca, when I hear you I imagine your smile.
oh my God! i think it’s necessary to study more.
thank you so much about everything good lesson
Thank you so much Rebecca it was a great lesson
Thank you Rebecca,
As always, very interesting
Thank you, Rebecca for your lessons
I really understand the lesson. And I got 10/10… Here is my skype felipemal2016. Add me… lets improve our english..
Thanks Rebecca, i thinks this tips are very important to comunicate more polite with another people. I´m glad to learn more with you.
Thank you so much Rebecca! It is going to help me :)
Great site for studying or improving English, thank you so much for this lesson:)
i got 9 that is awesome question thanks rebecca :)
Thank you Rebecca for teaching me good expressions about customer service.
thank you for all rebecca.. :)
It was nice I practiced 10/10
Thank you so much Rebecca
I got only 90.
Because I missed quiz no.3 ” Not polite” and “Polite”. :'(
Anyway, Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca.
It helps my ENG conversation. (y)
it was so effective thanks for these all efforts which u had done with us lol
i have been looking for a specific points which will lead me to be a professional in customer service field
I got 10 out of 10
thank you, teacher Rebecca!! :)
Happy I scored 100 the full. This is the video of yours I’ve seen first. Since I’m working in Call centre, it’s very useful for me to improve the phone etiquette. Thank you so much Rebecca.
Thank you for your lesson, it is interesting. I really like it. I learned english 10 years however my english is bad now :((.
thank you teacher Rebecca.
The lesson was very clear; I got 10/10 :)
Dear teacher, I got 10 out of 10. Thank you very much.
I agree with you
I like your videos
Thanks teacher Rebecca for your nice lessons.
Oh ! What a lesson!
All the love !! ^_^
that’s it.
I got 9/10 thats bcoz I didn’t pay attention to the question
good lesson
i got 10 out of 10
thank you
Dear Rebecca , you are one of the best ! Thank you very much .
I got 10 of 10 :) thank you Rebecca…
I got 10 of 10 too.
Thank you for the class.
Thank you¡
I got 10 to 10, this video was very good!
It’s an useful lesson. Well done!
i ot 10 of 10 yes!!!!! thnks♥
É um modo bastante practico que encoraja a quqlquer um em prosseguir estas aulas de ingles. Muito obrigada, vamos continuar
Moderator note:
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! However, please comment in English next time. This is your chance to practice!
I got 10:) Thank you Rebecca.
I have got 8 /10 ………………Bad student
By speaking, many people become impolite inconsciously. So, we have to promote polite way of speaking as we learnt from this lesson. We do realize that. I got 10 correct out of 10. Thanks Rebecca
Thank you.
It doesn’t cost us anything by being polite. Politeness is the name of the game.
Thanks. I heard your smile.
It was a good lesson….!
Hi, Rebeca! This lesson is very helpful, thank you very much for it!
Thank you very much Rebecca!
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! All the best!
Hi Rebecca , I Really like your classes.
I got 10 out of 10
Rebecca thank you so much for this wonder for lesson.
Hi, everyone!
Rebecca thank you very much for helping us to improve our language skills. This lesson was great and it helped me a lot since I’m going to start working in a call center as a customer service agent.
It helps to _________ while you are speaking on the phone. People can hear it.
*I answered Whisper! But it was SMILE.
Thank you for the knowledge.
Thank you very much.It was an informative lecture.
Thank you very much, This lesson was great.
Your lesson was great! It helped me a lot, thank you.
i got perfect score .thank you
thank you so much
Thank you very much for this lesson. I’m actually planning on getting a job as a customer service agent soon, so I’m polishing my fluency in English. And this lesson is perfect to get things started.
Thank you Rebecca..
Thanks, Rebecca! We should be polite in speaking.
thank you rebecca it will help me, because i want to work in BPO company..
Thank you so much, it’s very useful video and you are awesome. Here you go ✌✌?
Very Useful Lesson.. Thank you
Great Rebecca.
Thank you o/
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you…
thank you very much Rebecca
Great lessons, thank you.
good morning guys i think these are a few errors or way how speaking that you we do not pay attention so mcuh while we speak there are essetial for speaking corrently on phone ir with formal native people i guess when you swpeak with a weird person it is good way to speak politely you then can speak the way you like when you have long time by meeting the person
native people do not like to speak with students who do not know how using well the property word to communicate you askr by yourself why this guys does not want speak fluently with because it is the same when somenoe do not know how to speak spanish you tired of hearing right away we should put in their shoes we usually kill the word pronuntiation this siund bad it even worse it is not our language we have to respect the languague…
I got all the answers correct thank you Maam Rebecca I found all your videos helpful
Thank you, Rebecca
Thank you, Rebecca. I am very grateful for this lessons.
Hi guys, How are you guys doing? My name is Alex, I am currently trying to apply in a call center but I need to practice some interview questions is there someone here to practice with? we could practice English by calls or video call if you want, hope you have a great day.
I’m thinking that I found what I was looking for . I like engVid :) .
This lesson was great! Thanks Rebbeca!?
Thank you, Rebecca
engVid very interesting
Thanks Rebecca.
Nice explanation!
Excellent video. A great learning experience it was! Thank you Mrs. Rebbeca
Thanks a lot Rebecca, have a good one.
thank you so much for this priceless lesson
Thank you for the video !
Am a beginner and am trying my best.thanks.
10 out 10
I got full mark! ? :D
thanks a lot, Ms.Rebecca
Christmas greetings and best wishes
from Kazakhstan 23 Dec2o21:)
Than you, although I wish I could watch the videos.
You should be able to see the videos—can you see any other YouTube videos?
Thanks so much for this lesson
Thanks a lot. It was a useful lesson both for work, personal life and English studies.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! That’s an amazing lesson. (Azores islands, 16Dec2022).
Important lesson. Thank you Rebeca!
Thank You so much for this lesson
It was a practical lesson
Thank you very much
I got 10 of 10 :) thankyou Rebecca…
I love when everyday, I understand everyday your teaching let my english more better everytime now. I am doing engVid I talk almost everytime. I do engVid every single lesson. Thank you very much, you are the best teacher someone have teach me before