and passive
voices in English? We use the active voice in a sentence when the subject performs a verb. For example: “Jim wrote a letter”. We use the passive voice when the subject is acted on by the verb. For example: “The letter was delivered by the postman”. Now, when should you use which voice? That is the question! In this English grammar lesson, I will teach you about using the active and passive voices. I will explain in more detail the difference between the two and give you lots of examples to solidify your understanding. I will also show you how to change a sentence from active to passive, or passive to active. You will learn some reasons why you might choose one or the other. This will help you in everyday speaking, as well as in writing, making your English more varied and interesting. Don’t forget to do the quiz after watching!
Thanks. As always, it is very clear.
Thank you very much. I may need more practice on Passive and active voice.
Thank you Gil. I like your tone and style as a quiet teacher.
Not bad…
Tks Gilll, !!
Hi Gill! I liked this lesson, because i was listen your pronunciation to lear more
Well,a very important lesson because I made so easyly grammar errors….euh…grammar errors were so easily made…not my responsability !!! (hope that my English in this comment is without errors)
Hi Gill you’re so sweet and thanks for your efforts to improve our English.
calm tf down she’s over 80
Will done Gill. Engvid is a great team work and you are an important part of it ;)) Could I ask an explanation, please. What’s the difference between the expression ‘I was invited’ and ‘I have been invited’ and similars. Thanks for your precious efforts.
Hi – thanks for your kind words :-) ‘I was invited’ is simple past, as in ‘my friend invited me’, which happened in the past, and the event is probably over now (whether I went to it or not). ‘I have been invited’, as in ‘my friend has invited me’, has a more immediate, present relevance, and it sound as if the event hasn’t yet happened, so I have the choice whether to go to the event or not. I hope that helps to clarify :-)
hi miss can you say some rules how to change active into passive
I got 10 out of 10
Thank you gill
Thanks Gill for your tutorial. Please what’s the difference between dead and death, I get confuse on how to use them in a sentence.
Hi – ‘dead’ is used mostly an adjective, whereas ‘death’ is an abstract noun. However, it’s also possible to use ‘dead’ as a noun, as in ‘bring out your dead’.
Thank you Gill. Your lesson is very clear and I love your easy and clear pronunciation.
I have a question about active and passive forms:
when we use I have not been invited vs I was not invited?
thank you in advance
Thanks – please see my earlier reply to AlexGzz :-)
Thanks Gill!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Gill. I get 9/10 so I have to work harder.
10/10 not bad . Thank’s a lot Gill. You’re the best.
Tank you Girl. This lesson is a golden opportunity for me. I was learned many useful things.
Thank you, it’s very clear.
10/10…thank you!
Excellent effe
Thanks,You make it very clear…:)
Thanks very much I really love this class 7/10
Excellent Gill! this lesson was very usefull.
Many thank for your help Gill!
Thank you!
I’m very exciting to take this lesson for sake of my brilliant lecturer.
So that, i have vowed to continue my struggle till to reach at the final destination .
Thanks again and again my instructor.
Thanks Gill, Still i need to practice this part i got only 50 % in the quiz.
I got better knowledge
broken down. in this variant broken is not verb? It is adjective? in any case i do not know different between they.
They were advise to use a website to improve their English. – What wrong? 2 passives cannot be used in one sentence?
a very good lesson indeed. I have improved on my active and passive verbs usage today.
I wasn’t bothered to learn this until recently when my work required me too.
Thanks for the lesson Jill!!!
Hi Gill, your work helps us to be active and we able to don’t be passive. If each receiver to be an agent the world will change. Thanks.
Thanks, Gill!
Thank you!
Thank you very much Gill you speak very clearly and your lessons are really enjoyable.
Thanks Ms. Gill, your lessons are very helpful !!
Hi Gill, thank you for your good lesson. I would like to know where I could find more exercises to do so that I could improve “passive voice”.Thank you
Thank you, Gill! you’re wonderful.
teacher, I got 8 of 10 in quiz before watching the lesson. I have a question teacher, how I can know what is my English level?
Good class!
Hello, maybe you doing private lessons? thank you
Thank you for the explanation very clear.
Great class! Thank you.
Thanks a lot Ms. Gill. I like your enthusiasm.
Thanks !! Un like yours lessons
Hello Gill, thanks you ,I quite understand your lesson and your exercises help us a lot.
your tests are difficult! why!
Hi Gill, thank you for this lesson. But how can I manage with your calm voice which makes me relax or even sleep during the course ? I had to come back in the morning to end the lesson. But now its’ done, very clear. Thank you ! :-)
Thank you!
Thanks Gill!
Hello, what about a Quasi-passive voice, does it exist?
I liked it, thank you so much
Thank you, Gill! This was really helpful. :-)
Ps: I love your lessons
you will be called with the great professor
Really we do not know how to thank you dear Gill.Your efforts are appreciated.
Thanks Gill. My test is in two days, and this helped me a lot. Now I just have to practice. Keep on going, because i’m sure i will need your help again in the future. <3
Very interesting lesson indeed
Great lesson. Thank you
Gill is my favorite teacher, she’s clear and I can understand the lesson easily. Thank you very much Ms.
Thank you Gill. Perfect!
Thank you, very well explained.
Thank you Ma’am, The way you tech is lovely. It was a great lesson.
Thank you.
Thank you Jill, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 16 oct2021);
i’m taking everyday steps towards improving my english
In passive voice ,the doer of action( verb) is never revealed
True or false
I think ans is true
Thank you Gill!
Thank you Ms.Gill
I got 10/10.Thanks Gill<3
Thank you so much!
I’m quite grateful for this amazing lesson. Gill you are the best
Thank you Gill! You are the best!))
thank you for your support by this episode
thank you so much for the lesson.
thank you so much
Dear Mrs.Gill, thank you for all your lessons. Your high education and ability to know well how students make mistakes help us by learning easily.
Thank you teacher now i can teach it to my students
That is a useful lesson for me! It makes my mind clear with this topic with Passive and Active voices. Thank you!!!!
Thanks a lot, your lesson was really helpful in understanding the main definition of passive voice.