Reported speech
is when we say what someone else said. This is also called indirect speech
. For example, Audra says, “I am Emma’s sister.” When I tell other people what Audra said, I would say the following: “Audra said she was my sister.” We use reported speech with verbs like “said”, “told”, and “ask”. We use reported speech frequently in conversation. Watch this class to learn about reported speech and see many examples.
I did it… Got a 100.
Thanks Emma ! I got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you Emma and andura its very interesting
thank u so much for your clear explains
many thanks. I got 9
Thank you Emma and Audra!
Thanks Emma :)
Thanks a lot
Thanks very much!
Thank you, Emma, for teaching really clear.
Thanks both of you Emma and Audra my grade is 100
You made the lesson very clear teachers, Thank you!
Thank you, Emma, for teaching
Emma, thank you very much!
Thank you
80% so good
Me too, for not pay attention at 6 question and at 07 I really was confused but after I understood.
Question number six caused difficulties. Why are the following answers wrong: “They told that Emily couldn’t come tonight.” and “They said me that Emily couldn’t come tonight.”?
First example:
“They told that…” is wrong “told” should be followed with “me”.
So it should be “They told me…” or “They told me that…”. See video at 5:50.
Second example:
“They said me…” is wrong. After “said” there should be no word “me”. Correct: “They said…”
“They told me…” or “They told me that…”
“They said…”
I am happy.
“They told me she was happy.” or “They told me that she was happy.”
“They said she was happy.”
Thanks! Now everything is clear :)
Thanks for such an interesting lesson.
Thank you for this opportunity! I have to practice more
I Got a 100
I got 9 correct answers. Thank you
Thank you!
I would like to thank you a lot, because I am learning from you a lot.
I didn’t do so well. 6/10
Thank you very much Teacher Emma.
Thank You Emma, I was wrong using Reported Speech. Very helpful.
Hello Emma! Help me please to understand how to change this kind of sentence into reported speech:
Mr. Brown said: “Don’t run too fast, children.”
Thank you!
can’t believe i got 10/10
I got 8 correct answers. Thank you
Thank you !!!
Thank you teacher. Got 100
Thank you Emma and Audra :)