Expectation is what we think could or should happen. But COULD and SHOULD are not the same! This important grammar lesson will teach you how to use these modals correctly, like a native English speaker.
Interesting to know subtle differences on meaning of threse two modal verbs. It helps us to understand much better current English usage.
The lesson demands a subtle mind, that’s for sure.
Many thanks for this lesson James.
yes!i got 5 out of 7
So do with me. “_”
not bad I got the same I’m not that good in English
:-( :'(
Fafi Baryoun
Great lesson! Thank you! I have got 6 out of 7. I should re watch the lesson.
i scored 6/7. i liked d way u explained d whole concept in very simple and interesting way
Plz add me .. To talk tango or whatsup to enhance our launguge
great lesson James ! I just got 6/7 for god sake ! haha .. I should try this over again ! thanks a lot !
Thank you for your nice and funny lesson. I also get 6, so I should be learning more carefully :) :)
I get 6 out of 7.
6/7 :(
me too
it’s cool.
I’ve gotten 6! I love the way that you teach BIG James! Thanks
I got 6 out 7 too.
Great lesson, you are one of the best teachers that I have ever watched, i got 7 out of 7
Great Lesson, thanks James, I got 7/7 so, I understoond everything, your lessons about modal verbs are the best!!!
Did you really pass the quiz with flying colors Angie? Congratulations!!!
Have a great weekend!
Thank you Regino, you’re very kind to me. And I didn’t know the idiom “With Flying Colors”, thanks for that as well.
. . . well Angie . . . it means that you passed the quiz with a very high mark/grade (7 out of 7); in other words, you got 100.
Bye for now.
I got 5 correct out of 7. I should be reviewing your lesson. Thank you, James :)
Thank so much James! Your class is the best! my score is six of seven :) ! … I’m so happy hahahaha
Great lesson! Great teacher!
i got 7 out of 7, thank you, teacher
so am I
Danilo Melo
Very useful and simple to understand after that super explanation. 7 of 7. :)
Add me to talk tango or whatsup
so am I… do you wanna talk? to practice? I Love the Russia.. add me in what’s app: 05561995554234
Danilo Melo
i got 6 out of 7. thank you, great teacher
Thank you James! I’d never thought of the difference between should and could before I took this lesson. Now I got their difference.
Your speaking is too fast to me, but I have to strive to comprehend what you’re saying. Because I like your teaching style, I want you to keep your style.
Someday, if I can certainly comprehend what you’re saying, that’s the evidence that my skill was improved. Thank you.
I got 5 correct out of 7. I got two wrong.
Please everyone add me and teach me English Language this is my kype id
Thanks you
I got 6 out of 7. Thank you James!
Great! I’ve got 100
Zelal Ez aldeen
Thank you very much James I got 100 :D . The lesson was useful because modals are a little bit confusing so we should practice it to get better .. however we couldn’t stop laughing while we watch your videos.. lol
I had also 6/7. :) Thanks for nice lesson ;)
My skype: daniatletism995. Who want to speak with me in english just add me
Abdul Qayum
7/7 Great exercise teacher!… As always Thank you very much!…
As I said … you’re awesome and you’ll be always .. thanks James and keep singing
You got 7 correct out of 7 :D
This lesson is very fun and interesting. But I got 4 correct out 7. :v
the lesson should be more precise and clear…
the lesson could be more precise and clear…
The ratings 6/7 shows the teacher ability…
Remark: It shows not only the teacher’s ability but your brain capacity as well:) Good luck with your English, my friend! ;)
no body ask from u…ok
you should be in your limits…
2ndly I praised the teacher that almost every body is getting more than 80% … and that was not for you…that was for my teacher…
Wow Relax!!! you’re very aggressive!!!
Relax, take it eeeeasy :) haha
hmm :-)
Thanks a lot Mr James I’ve got 7/7 ,but I need another lesson between ‘may ‘ and ‘ought to ‘ is that possible .
With my thanks for your work and time .
Mohammed ammouri
thx man :)
I hope there is anybody wants to practice his English with me voice chat :)! he’s welcome
Hey James, how are you? I do actually appreciate your free lessons, however I feel that you complicate too much your explanations in this particular case. Honestly the lesson could lasts 3-5 minutes and it should be clear for us :) Nevertheless thanks for your work on this and good luck! Regards to Mr.eeeeEE as well!
i got 6/7 but you make me understand a lot of things thank youuu
I got 5 out of 7.
Santos Wagner
Thank you so much,
If I could speak English well, I should be so happy…:)
If I could….I would….this is English lol
Y got a 100 thanks James! Of all the teachers I think you should be comedian either,
And I like to practice mi listening with your lessons beacuse your talk in a very natural way, and fast as well.
Se you and thanks again.
Yeh 7/7 I could be an “A” as a English student. But the truth is I should study more if I want be the best.
Jorge Pedroso
Very nice! I know I’m improving my listening skills because I can understand you when you speaking faster. It should be a good thing!
Sally S
Tango, whatsup
i really like this quiz !!!!!!
Dear Mr.james
Thank you for great lesson I have got 6 out of 7. I should re watch the lesson.
i hav got 6/7
palakshi nautiyal
hello friends how are you
it’s excellent lessons its just what Iam looking for
the rebal
fadi alnaamnah
Thank you very much! Very understandable lesson, I’ll look forward wait next lesson.
Very good lesson!
I should say I got the point…
Great Lesson Mr James, Thank you!
Mine is 6 out of 7.
However, please explain question no. 4.
Why is the answer “could”? Because I thought “if we are standing the other street and looking at that man who is over there, we can’t handle to understand whether he is a dangerous person or not.” Therefore, we just “guess” his background or something we could imagine. On the other hand, If you say that man taking a knife, I could be understand.
Please, thank you~!
Hmm… it’s “could”, because the man over there might be dangerous and might not. If we said “should” it would mean something like we are giving that man advice and telling him to be dangerous… that doesn’t make much sense!
Could you please tell me what is James last name so that I can address to him as Mr. ____?
I’d really appreciate it.
Thanks for “engvid!” I would understnd it.
I got 6 of 7
Great Thank you Mr James : )
Thanks very much for all of you and forgive my mistakes from now and on.
Thank you for the lesson James. I really like the way you teach :D
Thanks!! “You got 7 correct out of 7”
Thank you teacher
Seven out of seven! I could watch your lessons all day long. Also, engVid should be known by every English student. Thank you, James.
Evaldo Mendes
thx a lot my score is 6/7
Very clear. You are a very good teacher.
Carlos Presa
I need to improve my English.
I”ll never give up.
using of these tests are more important for a person who learns english.My score is 100 percent.
Thank you for your lesson teacher.
I got 6 correct out of 7 too >.<.
I should practice more. (x
very good lession, thank you!
it´s cool i got 6/7
Great lesson!. I have got 7 out of 7. Thank you engvid team.
Ateia Physics
I like this page an di would like to improve my english if someone wants to practice in skype just add me brayton.padilla
To make life easier..is it possible to tink “should” as the conditional of “must”?
Many thanks, its very helpful
6/7. ^^. Thank teacher.
Khiem An
I got 6 out 7
I believe that everybody should be watch the lessons in http://www.engvid.com. Thank you James you are the best.
thanks James… this topic helped me to understand the difference of could be and should be
Manoj Bisht
I get 6 of7
6 out 7 !
Could you please gives me the link for the first modals lesson? Thank you! :)
it was my first contact with engvid……I really enjoy the lesson….thanks
7\7 :D
yep…it’s works
I’ve got 7\7 wow!!
Thanx man :)
Abhishek jaiswal
thank u
7/7! Thank you, James!!!
Priscila Anieli
Great lesson thank you
ur teaching skill is a miracle.
thank God
thank YOU
I didn’t even finish the lesson, i took the quiz and got a 100%
Thank you .
Great lesson! So I think you need to change a couple of questions. Because the bus not always is in time and any can get late at the job! Thank’s I learn to much today.
Very nice…
Joao Paulo de Oliveira Morais
Ha..amazing I got a 100. Thank you!:)
Very clear and useful video.
hello everyone! thank you James! can we speak in real for example or for opinion? give your skype adres if it is possible. thanks
Great Lesson, thanks James, your method and practice of teaching are wonderful
el mamy
Yeahhhh! I’ve got 100%
6/7 :)
yes, 100%
I got 6 of 7….thanks for your lesson.
thank you! :D
wow! I got perfect score. :)
thanks sir
6/7 :D, You´re good at teaching, thank you James.
Got 7/7 – the example with the doctor helped me a lot in understanding when do i have to use could and should. Your lessons are very good! :P
I got 7 out of 7, thank you very much!!!
My score: 6/7.Thank you very much.
I am not good at english. I watched you once and I couldn’t you very well maybe I undestood 50 % otherwise I got 100
I think your mimics while teaching helped me. in the future I should be learning english from you. I should be following your lesson. thanks once again
Regards to Mr.E as well. If I wrote wrong could you corret my writting . REGİNO. THANKS İN ADVANCE
Nice to fix my note
Thanx a lot
ohhh. awesome. i got 6 out of 7. hahaha
wow its a good lesson.. i got 5 of 7
Can you help me? If I say:As said an important for me a person, that “Every day must be different”…
Is it correct?
Thanks a lot, sir.
Great explanation james sir..i had a little confusion..but now i have got the actual difference between Could and Should ..Thanks a lot
Raj Patel
I got 7 of 7. Thanks James :)
Thank james sir
Thanks for new motivation to learn James, Interesting way to learn and teach english
A nice plateform of learning English for people like me. Thanks to Engvid Team.
Add me. ,tango,whatsup,line
Everyone. To develop our launguge
Thank you.Great lesson :)
I failed 3. Mr. E is on his way to class. He __________ be there in five minutes.
and 6. She ______________ be the one to get the job, because she has the most experience.
6. She ______________ be the one to get the job, because she has the most experience.
Why can’t use could,if the boss not like her but another who have little experience, it’s relative Not absolutely.
thanks Mr E kkkk ^^ and thanks a lot to you Mr James
asmaa alotaibi
Thank You James.It helps us in the better understanding of english modals.Can you take a lessson on active and passive voice.
i got 4 out of 7 i should/could be . . . . . . . . . . . .
Now i can recognize between should be and could be correctly, thank you James <3.
I get 6 out of 7…………
Great lesson, expression was really clear.
I got 100% !!!!
thank you so much , this is much clearer now!
Hello Sir/Madam,
Please help me for Grammar
Thanks got 57% without watching.
Abdul Qayum
i’ve got 100% i am very happy .
Now 80%
I usually answering the quiz first before watching the topic.I got 100, even I haven’t watched it yet.
I’m proud of myself : D
ENGVID really help me a lot to improve how to speak English.
A lot of helps. Thank you Teachers
Great class as usual! :D
Simone Castro
That’s a great lesson!! James you are always my favorite teacher in Engvid. Thank you again!
Besides I just wondering if I leave some questions in here, How can I look for my replies? Does anyone always go back to their comments and look for the feedback??? Thank you for your help…
yeah i got 100%
I love you James… loves the way you teach… it’s entertaining and you are good teacher…
would you please explain for me how to use DO
we use …
I do
He does
i come
i do come
he goes
he does go
can we use ….
i do do
he does do
we use ….
he went
he did go
he did
can we use ..
he did do
please explain
I think we use DO for something what we usually do, like habits. For example: I do my laundry every Saturday – that means, I do my laundry by Saturdays for years.
Does is third-person of do. I do, you do, he/she does.
Does he go – this is a question. Ho goes is sentence and Does he go is a question for that sentence. :)
i get 5 out of 7
shabahat ali
Poker face
I thought that I should get full scores.
And it is true. I got 7.:D
hi james Thanks
thanks sir james, i got 7/7…..
so happy 7 correct of 7
Got 7 out 7 …thank you James
Thats awesome Thank you! I have got 5 out of 7. I should re watch the lesson.
I got 100% correct
i scored 6/7. i liked d way u explained d whole concept in very simple and interesting way
Thank you so much!! James you are English Got! I like you lessons!
I got 7 correct out of 7 ! It should be enough, Sir. Thank you very much!
Yay!!!. I got 7 out of 7!!!. How glad I am! Thanks, professor James!
thank you pro James ı got 6 out of 7.
very easy
thank you mr.james
thank you !
Andreea Elena
thanks james
I got 86% and that means close to perfect. I have to watch it again, thank you. I find it very helpful. This is very interesting. I could be sharing this to my friend. (^-^)
Thank you.
thank you . i would like to learn more …
waiting for that
Labeeb p p
I have 7 out of 7. Thank You James again for wonderful and useful lesson. I am not taking any classes, I started to practice a month ot two ago on EngVid, and I really think that my English is getting better.
Thank You again James. very useful lesson.
I have started to practice English a month or two ago. I watch your videos, do not take any lessons in private language school and practice in this way.
Thank You James very nice and funny lesson.
Thank you James.
thanks james for the lesson
I got 5 out of 7. Thanks James.
tony wang
I should get perfect answers for these questions, because i had learned the lesson..hehe
Thank you sir, got 86%.
Abdul Qayum
I like the way you teach. And I can’t say I could be here everyday. But I think I should be here every week. :)
Nikki Jwx
Very interesting, thanks James.
You got 6 correct out of 7. thanx
Ess yousef
I’ve gotten 6/7 . I believe your explanation so clear and your illustration is formative .
I got 6as 7 thank you
Thank you James for this wonderful lesson. Btw, I have a question about could. Is it okay to say “You could read the story well.” Is “could” the past tense of “can”? I’m looking forward to your reply. :)
I always enjoy your lessons, thanks james.
Got 7 out of 7 in the quiz. :)
Hi James, I really love your videos!
I’d like to know other grammar subject: when I use “shall”?
This lesson was very cool! Thanks for your explanation, James! :)
Eduardo Sampaio
Thank you!!!
6/7 thank’s!
I got 7 out of 7 .now i know how to identify should and could . thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I got 100%. Very interesting, thanx james
got 9, but now am confused between,could and would.please help :(
Sadhna Priyanka
sorry i got 6 out of 7,and now confused between could and would.
Sadhna Priyanka
thank you
Thank you very much, i have got 7 out of 7.
Very good and clear I got 9.Thanks
Aguinaldo Barros Filho
Thanks 7/7 :)
Yana Yancheva
plz, can any body help me where to find “the video about modal : excuses” that he was talking about ! i didn’t find it
samar fatehi
really thank you
Good lesson
and James is one of the best in the teaches.
hello all how are u there l new here if you want wiring to me about english gramar
James Thanks! Now understand the diference between should and could. thanks
rosalvo brito
Fantastic and superb crystal clear explanation. Cleared all doubt about could, should at last night.. keep going on and provide super super explanation. Quiz section is also good to test things.
I can’t say that How much I understood in this lesson it’s not just because I’m watching this lesson and understanding something on it beyond It’s more more the way of your presentation hit me more clear over over and over so ..
and the other one thing is the example you told that for Overtime while running in between actually since I confused with that a lot after you told I got it like bell The example for the over time was fabulous I think I exhausted with enjoying your example James and both example was good for the Could be and should be and in between you say some etcetra vocabulary that helps me a lot somewhere .. .
now I think almost I’ve got my visual thinking on your lesson and comfortable with your speech James It’s I’ve almost learnt something by your lesson not only you but Ronnie Alex and Adam also it’s not huge big enough to say thanks you all member of Engvid teachers .. .
It’s fun
I GOT 7 TO 7.Thank you,
Can not find your first video lesson!
Please help((
As always. Brilliantly explained lesson. Thank you James.
I got % 100, Thank you so much
ok 7 of 10..es good no?..Thanks Mr James¡¡
James thank you so much ! you are the best teacher:)
Thank you ..i got 7 out of 7
7/7 James,you are a very good teacher.Thank you very much!
I got 6 correct answer thank you for this lesson
Thanks a lot James!
i got 7/7 thanks a lot finally i understand when we must use “Should be” and “could be” it’s very clear now
thank you !<3
Dear James;
I found this instance clause performed by a teacher:
Sherlock did everything he could TO help Rhys.
Is it correct ? TO after could ? I have neve ever seen before, English is really difficult.
Thank you. A
Briklend Handersson
Thank you
thank you for your nice explain
Thanks a lot James I got 7 out of 7 answers correct, I’m happy because I’m improving my english everyday !
thank you
James great lesson as always. I am from India and for question reaching home by bus and experience person will get job I preferred could in place of should as uncertainty associated with outcome. I believe that it more due to culture which influence person perception. Thanks james for everything.
Another perfect lesson :D keep it up Mr. James someday i could be become like you..
i get 7/7 thank you best teacher
Thank you !! you are a good teacher 7/7 :D !!!
If to be the summer, the weather could be better.
You should be prepared because you have an exam half an hour later.
I wanted to give two examples. Thank you James.
5 out of 7. Little bit confusing for me. On the brighter side, I know the difference between the two.
Thank you very much, James! ^_^
thanks a lot
I got 5 of 7, however I catched the main idea.
thanks…I learn a lot from you James
I should be got more points :(
I should have got more points for this quiz.
(Mind, please, that it referes to the past.)
Nevertheless, I should get more pointz for my next quiz!
Thank you very much, Anna2005
i got 100%
I got full mark
Thanks Bro
thank you James what a useful lesson…I hope that i could be to improve my language skills in future because of you
7 of 7.. yeaahh..
7 over 7 tks a lot james
thank you very much
I just love your vids. I just could not like it.
100 ^o^ i love quizzes
I scored 7 out of 7 ? Thank you teacher James
7/7 ! thank you ^^
Hi Thank you my score 71
6 out of 7… Thanks…
Thanks. I got 7 correct out of 7.
I got 100 ?
I got 100% probable score.
At 8:30, I don’t understand why it would be “should be” because I thought will be made more sense to show that the mom was being exact.
i got 7 out of 7, but I don’t understand lesson
Emin Atakishiev
I got 7 correct out of 7.
Thank you James.
So magic.
I love your lessons James. Thank you!
You got 7 correct out of 7.
thank you so much.
M kartal
wooow ! i got 7/7 . The best teacher ever!
I got 7 correct out of 7.
Thank you.
The teachers and the web are amazing!
I did it ) Isis got 100. Thank you James, I love your video-lessons
Dear Mr. Е and James, you speak too fast. I do not have time to read the subtitles and do the translation in my mind. Please, slow down your speech a little.
I always had difficulties with modals but with EngVid and Mr.James, it should be so easy to understand.
Because we have to leave homework this have to copy all this just to see if we hit something that orror subtitling the video and having to copy everything. would be better a summary of a page of what we understood and not copy 13 to 15 sheets of pure subtitle
Hito Santo
i got 6 out of 7
i got 6/7 i missed the third question …. but i understood all the concept
thank James! your lesson is funny :))
I get it. Thanks!
Thanks a lot Mr James
I got 6 out of 7! It is important to catch the real meaning of modals verbs before expecting to think in english and speak a good english. Thank you, James.
Learn English for free with 2157 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank you! :D
Interesting to know subtle differences on meaning of threse two modal verbs. It helps us to understand much better current English usage.
The lesson demands a subtle mind, that’s for sure.
Many thanks for this lesson James.
yes!i got 5 out of 7
So do with me. “_”
not bad I got the same I’m not that good in English
:-( :'(
Great lesson! Thank you! I have got 6 out of 7. I should re watch the lesson.
i scored 6/7. i liked d way u explained d whole concept in very simple and interesting way
Plz add me .. To talk tango or whatsup to enhance our launguge
great lesson James ! I just got 6/7 for god sake ! haha .. I should try this over again ! thanks a lot !
Thank you for your nice and funny lesson. I also get 6, so I should be learning more carefully :) :)
I get 6 out of 7.
6/7 :(
me too
it’s cool.
I’ve gotten 6! I love the way that you teach BIG James! Thanks
I got 6 out 7 too.
Great lesson, you are one of the best teachers that I have ever watched, i got 7 out of 7
Great Lesson, thanks James, I got 7/7 so, I understoond everything, your lessons about modal verbs are the best!!!
Did you really pass the quiz with flying colors Angie? Congratulations!!!
Have a great weekend!
Thank you Regino, you’re very kind to me. And I didn’t know the idiom “With Flying Colors”, thanks for that as well.
. . . well Angie . . . it means that you passed the quiz with a very high mark/grade (7 out of 7); in other words, you got 100.
Bye for now.
I got 5 correct out of 7. I should be reviewing your lesson. Thank you, James :)
Thank so much James! Your class is the best! my score is six of seven :) ! … I’m so happy hahahaha
Great lesson! Great teacher!
i got 7 out of 7, thank you, teacher
so am I
Very useful and simple to understand after that super explanation. 7 of 7. :)
Add me to talk tango or whatsup
so am I… do you wanna talk? to practice? I Love the Russia.. add me in what’s app: 05561995554234
i got 6 out of 7. thank you, great teacher
Thank you James! I’d never thought of the difference between should and could before I took this lesson. Now I got their difference.
Your speaking is too fast to me, but I have to strive to comprehend what you’re saying. Because I like your teaching style, I want you to keep your style.
Someday, if I can certainly comprehend what you’re saying, that’s the evidence that my skill was improved. Thank you.
I got 5 correct out of 7. I got two wrong.
Please everyone add me and teach me English Language this is my kype id
Thanks you
I got 6 out of 7. Thank you James!
Great! I’ve got 100
Thank you very much James I got 100 :D . The lesson was useful because modals are a little bit confusing so we should practice it to get better .. however we couldn’t stop laughing while we watch your videos.. lol
I had also 6/7. :) Thanks for nice lesson ;)
My skype: daniatletism995. Who want to speak with me in english just add me
7/7 Great exercise teacher!… As always Thank you very much!…
As I said … you’re awesome and you’ll be always .. thanks James and keep singing
You got 7 correct out of 7 :D
This lesson is very fun and interesting. But I got 4 correct out 7. :v
the lesson should be more precise and clear…
the lesson could be more precise and clear…
The ratings 6/7 shows the teacher ability…
Remark: It shows not only the teacher’s ability but your brain capacity as well:) Good luck with your English, my friend! ;)
no body ask from u…ok
you should be in your limits…
2ndly I praised the teacher that almost every body is getting more than 80% … and that was not for you…that was for my teacher…
Wow Relax!!! you’re very aggressive!!!
Relax, take it eeeeasy :) haha
hmm :-)
Thanks a lot Mr James I’ve got 7/7 ,but I need another lesson between ‘may ‘ and ‘ought to ‘ is that possible .
With my thanks for your work and time .
thx man :)
I hope there is anybody wants to practice his English with me voice chat :)! he’s welcome
Hey James, how are you? I do actually appreciate your free lessons, however I feel that you complicate too much your explanations in this particular case. Honestly the lesson could lasts 3-5 minutes and it should be clear for us :) Nevertheless thanks for your work on this and good luck! Regards to Mr.eeeeEE as well!
i got 6/7 but you make me understand a lot of things thank youuu
I got 5 out of 7.
Thank you so much,
If I could speak English well, I should be so happy…:)
If I could….I would….this is English lol
Y got a 100 thanks James! Of all the teachers I think you should be comedian either,
And I like to practice mi listening with your lessons beacuse your talk in a very natural way, and fast as well.
Se you and thanks again.
Yeh 7/7 I could be an “A” as a English student. But the truth is I should study more if I want be the best.
Very nice! I know I’m improving my listening skills because I can understand you when you speaking faster. It should be a good thing!
Tango, whatsup
i really like this quiz !!!!!!
Dear Mr.james
Thank you for great lesson I have got 6 out of 7. I should re watch the lesson.
i hav got 6/7
hello friends how are you
it’s excellent lessons its just what Iam looking for
Thank you very much! Very understandable lesson, I’ll look forward wait next lesson.
Very good lesson!
I should say I got the point…
Great Lesson Mr James, Thank you!
Mine is 6 out of 7.
However, please explain question no. 4.
Why is the answer “could”? Because I thought “if we are standing the other street and looking at that man who is over there, we can’t handle to understand whether he is a dangerous person or not.” Therefore, we just “guess” his background or something we could imagine. On the other hand, If you say that man taking a knife, I could be understand.
Please, thank you~!
Hmm… it’s “could”, because the man over there might be dangerous and might not. If we said “should” it would mean something like we are giving that man advice and telling him to be dangerous… that doesn’t make much sense!
Could you please tell me what is James last name so that I can address to him as Mr. ____?
I’d really appreciate it.
Thanks for “engvid!” I would understnd it.
I got 6 of 7
Great Thank you Mr James : )
Thanks very much for all of you and forgive my mistakes from now and on.
Thank you for the lesson James. I really like the way you teach :D
Thanks!! “You got 7 correct out of 7”
Thank you teacher
Seven out of seven! I could watch your lessons all day long. Also, engVid should be known by every English student. Thank you, James.
thx a lot my score is 6/7
Very clear. You are a very good teacher.
I need to improve my English.
I”ll never give up.
using of these tests are more important for a person who learns english.My score is 100 percent.
Thank you for your lesson teacher.
I got 6 correct out of 7 too >.<.
I should practice more. (x
very good lession, thank you!
it´s cool i got 6/7
Great lesson!. I have got 7 out of 7. Thank you engvid team.
I like this page an di would like to improve my english if someone wants to practice in skype just add me brayton.padilla
To make life easier..is it possible to tink “should” as the conditional of “must”?
Many thanks, its very helpful
6/7. ^^. Thank teacher.
I got 6 out 7
I believe that everybody should be watch the lessons in http://www.engvid.com. Thank you James you are the best.
thanks James… this topic helped me to understand the difference of could be and should be
Manoj Bisht
I get 6 of7
6 out 7 !
Could you please gives me the link for the first modals lesson? Thank you! :)
it was my first contact with engvid……I really enjoy the lesson….thanks
7\7 :D
yep…it’s works
I’ve got 7\7 wow!!
Thanx man :)
thank u
7/7! Thank you, James!!!
Great lesson thank you
ur teaching skill is a miracle.
thank God
thank YOU
I didn’t even finish the lesson, i took the quiz and got a 100%
Thank you .
Great lesson! So I think you need to change a couple of questions. Because the bus not always is in time and any can get late at the job! Thank’s I learn to much today.
Very nice…
Ha..amazing I got a 100. Thank you!:)
Very clear and useful video.
hello everyone! thank you James! can we speak in real for example or for opinion? give your skype adres if it is possible. thanks
Great Lesson, thanks James, your method and practice of teaching are wonderful
Yeahhhh! I’ve got 100%
6/7 :)
yes, 100%
I got 6 of 7….thanks for your lesson.
thank you! :D
wow! I got perfect score. :)
thanks sir
6/7 :D, You´re good at teaching, thank you James.
Got 7/7 – the example with the doctor helped me a lot in understanding when do i have to use could and should. Your lessons are very good! :P
I got 7 out of 7, thank you very much!!!
My score: 6/7.Thank you very much.
I am not good at english. I watched you once and I couldn’t you very well maybe I undestood 50 % otherwise I got 100
I think your mimics while teaching helped me. in the future I should be learning english from you. I should be following your lesson. thanks once again
Regards to Mr.E as well. If I wrote wrong could you corret my writting . REGİNO. THANKS İN ADVANCE
Nice to fix my note
Thanx a lot
ohhh. awesome. i got 6 out of 7. hahaha
wow its a good lesson.. i got 5 of 7
Can you help me? If I say:As said an important for me a person, that “Every day must be different”…
Is it correct?
Thanks a lot, sir.
Great explanation james sir..i had a little confusion..but now i have got the actual difference between Could and Should ..Thanks a lot
I got 7 of 7. Thanks James :)
Thank james sir
Thanks for new motivation to learn James, Interesting way to learn and teach english
A nice plateform of learning English for people like me. Thanks to Engvid Team.
Add me. ,tango,whatsup,line
Everyone. To develop our launguge
Thank you.Great lesson :)
I failed 3. Mr. E is on his way to class. He __________ be there in five minutes.
and 6. She ______________ be the one to get the job, because she has the most experience.
6. She ______________ be the one to get the job, because she has the most experience.
Why can’t use could,if the boss not like her but another who have little experience, it’s relative Not absolutely.
thanks Mr E kkkk ^^ and thanks a lot to you Mr James
Thank You James.It helps us in the better understanding of english modals.Can you take a lessson on active and passive voice.
i got 4 out of 7 i should/could be . . . . . . . . . . . .
Now i can recognize between should be and could be correctly, thank you James <3.
I get 6 out of 7…………
Great lesson, expression was really clear.
I got 100% !!!!
thank you so much , this is much clearer now!
Hello Sir/Madam,
Please help me for Grammar
Thanks got 57% without watching.
i’ve got 100% i am very happy .
Now 80%
I usually answering the quiz first before watching the topic.I got 100, even I haven’t watched it yet.
I’m proud of myself : D
ENGVID really help me a lot to improve how to speak English.
A lot of helps. Thank you Teachers
Great class as usual! :D
That’s a great lesson!! James you are always my favorite teacher in Engvid. Thank you again!
Besides I just wondering if I leave some questions in here, How can I look for my replies? Does anyone always go back to their comments and look for the feedback??? Thank you for your help…
yeah i got 100%
I love you James… loves the way you teach… it’s entertaining and you are good teacher…
would you please explain for me how to use DO
we use …
I do
He does
i come
i do come
he goes
he does go
can we use ….
i do do
he does do
we use ….
he went
he did go
he did
can we use ..
he did do
please explain
I think we use DO for something what we usually do, like habits. For example: I do my laundry every Saturday – that means, I do my laundry by Saturdays for years.
Does is third-person of do. I do, you do, he/she does.
Does he go – this is a question. Ho goes is sentence and Does he go is a question for that sentence. :)
i get 5 out of 7
Poker face
I thought that I should get full scores.
And it is true. I got 7.:D
hi james Thanks
thanks sir james, i got 7/7…..
so happy 7 correct of 7
Got 7 out 7 …thank you James
Thats awesome Thank you! I have got 5 out of 7. I should re watch the lesson.
I got 100% correct
i scored 6/7. i liked d way u explained d whole concept in very simple and interesting way
Thank you so much!! James you are English Got! I like you lessons!
I got 7 correct out of 7 ! It should be enough, Sir. Thank you very much!
Yay!!!. I got 7 out of 7!!!. How glad I am! Thanks, professor James!
thank you pro James ı got 6 out of 7.
very easy
thank you mr.james
thank you !
thanks james
I got 86% and that means close to perfect. I have to watch it again, thank you. I find it very helpful. This is very interesting. I could be sharing this to my friend. (^-^)
Thank you.
thank you . i would like to learn more …
waiting for that
I have 7 out of 7. Thank You James again for wonderful and useful lesson. I am not taking any classes, I started to practice a month ot two ago on EngVid, and I really think that my English is getting better.
Thank You again James. very useful lesson.
I have started to practice English a month or two ago. I watch your videos, do not take any lessons in private language school and practice in this way.
Thank You James very nice and funny lesson.
Thank you James.
thanks james for the lesson
I got 5 out of 7. Thanks James.
I should get perfect answers for these questions, because i had learned the lesson..hehe
Thank you sir, got 86%.
I like the way you teach. And I can’t say I could be here everyday. But I think I should be here every week. :)
Very interesting, thanks James.
You got 6 correct out of 7. thanx
I’ve gotten 6/7 . I believe your explanation so clear and your illustration is formative .
I got 6as 7 thank you
Thank you James for this wonderful lesson. Btw, I have a question about could. Is it okay to say “You could read the story well.” Is “could” the past tense of “can”? I’m looking forward to your reply. :)
I always enjoy your lessons, thanks james.
Got 7 out of 7 in the quiz. :)
Hi James, I really love your videos!
I’d like to know other grammar subject: when I use “shall”?
This lesson was very cool! Thanks for your explanation, James! :)
Thank you!!!
6/7 thank’s!
I got 7 out of 7 .now i know how to identify should and could . thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I got 100%. Very interesting, thanx james
got 9, but now am confused between,could and would.please help :(
sorry i got 6 out of 7,and now confused between could and would.
thank you
Thank you very much, i have got 7 out of 7.
Very good and clear I got 9.Thanks
Thanks 7/7 :)
plz, can any body help me where to find “the video about modal : excuses” that he was talking about ! i didn’t find it
really thank you
Good lesson
and James is one of the best in the teaches.
hello all how are u there l new here if you want wiring to me about english gramar
James Thanks! Now understand the diference between should and could. thanks
Fantastic and superb crystal clear explanation. Cleared all doubt about could, should at last night.. keep going on and provide super super explanation. Quiz section is also good to test things.
I can’t say that How much I understood in this lesson it’s not just because I’m watching this lesson and understanding something on it beyond It’s more more the way of your presentation hit me more clear over over and over so ..
and the other one thing is the example you told that for Overtime while running in between actually since I confused with that a lot after you told I got it like bell The example for the over time was fabulous I think I exhausted with enjoying your example James and both example was good for the Could be and should be and in between you say some etcetra vocabulary that helps me a lot somewhere .. .
now I think almost I’ve got my visual thinking on your lesson and comfortable with your speech James It’s I’ve almost learnt something by your lesson not only you but Ronnie Alex and Adam also it’s not huge big enough to say thanks you all member of Engvid teachers .. .
It’s fun
I GOT 7 TO 7.Thank you,
Can not find your first video lesson!
Please help((
As always. Brilliantly explained lesson. Thank you James.
I got % 100, Thank you so much
ok 7 of 10..es good no?..Thanks Mr James¡¡
James thank you so much ! you are the best teacher:)
Thank you ..i got 7 out of 7
7/7 James,you are a very good teacher.Thank you very much!
I got 6 correct answer thank you for this lesson
Thanks a lot James!
i got 7/7 thanks a lot finally i understand when we must use “Should be” and “could be” it’s very clear now
thank you !<3
Dear James;
I found this instance clause performed by a teacher:
Sherlock did everything he could TO help Rhys.
Is it correct ? TO after could ? I have neve ever seen before, English is really difficult.
Thank you. A
Thank you
thank you for your nice explain
Thanks a lot James I got 7 out of 7 answers correct, I’m happy because I’m improving my english everyday !
thank you
James great lesson as always. I am from India and for question reaching home by bus and experience person will get job I preferred could in place of should as uncertainty associated with outcome. I believe that it more due to culture which influence person perception. Thanks james for everything.
Another perfect lesson :D keep it up Mr. James someday i could be become like you..
i get 7/7 thank you best teacher
Thank you !! you are a good teacher 7/7 :D !!!
If to be the summer, the weather could be better.
You should be prepared because you have an exam half an hour later.
I wanted to give two examples. Thank you James.
5 out of 7. Little bit confusing for me. On the brighter side, I know the difference between the two.
Thank you very much, James! ^_^
thanks a lot
I got 5 of 7, however I catched the main idea.
thanks…I learn a lot from you James
I should be got more points :(
I should have got more points for this quiz.
(Mind, please, that it referes to the past.)
Nevertheless, I should get more pointz for my next quiz!
Thank you very much, Anna2005
i got 100%
I got full mark
Thanks Bro
thank you James what a useful lesson…I hope that i could be to improve my language skills in future because of you
7 of 7.. yeaahh..
7 over 7 tks a lot james
thank you very much
I just love your vids. I just could not like it.
100 ^o^ i love quizzes
I scored 7 out of 7 ? Thank you teacher James
7/7 ! thank you ^^
Hi Thank you my score 71
6 out of 7… Thanks…
Thanks. I got 7 correct out of 7.
I got 100 ?
I got 100% probable score.
At 8:30, I don’t understand why it would be “should be” because I thought will be made more sense to show that the mom was being exact.
i got 7 out of 7, but I don’t understand lesson
I got 7 correct out of 7.
Thank you James.
So magic.
I love your lessons James. Thank you!
You got 7 correct out of 7.
thank you so much.
wooow ! i got 7/7 . The best teacher ever!
I got 7 correct out of 7.
Thank you.
The teachers and the web are amazing!
I did it ) Isis got 100. Thank you James, I love your video-lessons
Dear Mr. Е and James, you speak too fast. I do not have time to read the subtitles and do the translation in my mind. Please, slow down your speech a little.
I always had difficulties with modals but with EngVid and Mr.James, it should be so easy to understand.
Because we have to leave homework this have to copy all this just to see if we hit something that orror subtitling the video and having to copy everything. would be better a summary of a page of what we understood and not copy 13 to 15 sheets of pure subtitle
i got 6 out of 7
i got 6/7 i missed the third question …. but i understood all the concept
thank James! your lesson is funny :))
I get it. Thanks!
Thanks a lot Mr James
I got 6 out of 7! It is important to catch the real meaning of modals verbs before expecting to think in english and speak a good english. Thank you, James.