Do you want to be the life of the party? Do you like clever word jokes? This is the lesson for you! Learn to understand five easy jokes that use double meanings to be funny. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll learn.
Hahaha .. I’ll wear sunglasses .. Cause you’re soooo bright sir :)lol
Alex…. You really made me laugh!…. Thanks million for your time :)
Haha ! thank you for this lesson
It was a great idea to give such a lesson. The quizz is also useful. Many thanks!
Any time! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
If I click on Leave a Comment, it won’t work, so I can merely reply to comments. (Have I used merely correctly?)
Anyway, why did the blond woman stare at a carton of orange juice? Because it said concentrate on it.
Why didn’t the shark swallow the clown fish. Alex, would it be wrong if I say, why didn’t the shark swallowed the clown fish?
Hi Alex, it was funny lesson. I have another joke…Why the bicycle can’t stand on its own? – becouse it’s 2 tired.
Jacek 79
Hello Jacek, I am stealing your joke, very funny, too.
I’m from Oradea too… the WORLD is so small
Thank you, Alex. This is a very good and interesting way to make an English lesson funnier. I’m definitely going to use it :)
Some jokes were funny ;) keep this up I learn a lot with this lesson
Yeah, I know they weren’t all super funny, but I hope you enjoyed at least a few of them.
Hi Alex,
just to be sure: ‘can’t’ is a contraction of ‘cannot’. You wrote ‘can not’ on the blackboard.
That Was also good joke, Its a nice lesson that has make me laugh much and I am gonna apply it to a party soon. and Teacher Alex please make some lesson on “let” complete uses
I loved more backgraoud’s music. very funny.
thanks Alex, even if when I was hearing this jokes from you I’m saying : am I supposed to laugh here?!
That’s the appropriate reaction!
Thanks Alex
Very nice jokes Alex! I just loved this lesson! You are right, it’s necessary to be in a advanced level to understand jokes in English! I’d like more lessons with jokes!
I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks so much.
Thank you, Alex.I enjoyed it and suggested video shows Specialized terminology government
you’re really nice person I wish you were my teacher !
and I liked all the jokes and I understand them .
plus if someone tell me these jokes at a party I would be their best friends :)
Love to all From ” Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ” :)
I’m glad you found them funny! I’m sure your friends would too.
Lovely jokes,thank you sir
Great lesson, I think is the best one!
That’s nice to hear. Thanks!
Alex thaks for making us smile.Keep up bro ;)
hahaha it’s really funny
Thanks a lot
Skeleton had no body to go with him was very funny.
But, I couldn’t understand some answers in quiz.
Why the longest sentence is ‘I do’?
please teach me…..
When people get married, they are asked: “Do you take _____________ to be your husband/wife?” To answer, you have to say “I do.” This is a sentence.
“Sentence” has a double meaning. If you are a criminal and go to jail, you have to serve “a sentence.” Your sentence can be 5 years, 10 years, etc. It’s a joke because of this double meaning: marriage can be like prison.
I hope this helped!
sir, I think that double meaning words also know as double entendra.
is it right
and now i’m just laughing after getting the explanation. But my friend did even hardly, not because of the joke, yet my belated catch-up. Does it funny too, Alex?
oh,it’s the fucking greatest joke ever ! thanks alex.
Now it is really more clear for me. “What is the longest sentence?” you mean in the joke.
Thanks for lesson…
very amusing lesson. thanks Alex
Thanks a lot,Alex,a interesting lesson
It’s funny answers, but i didn’t understand the last answer?
where is the double meaning here!
& thanx Alex *_*
thank you Alex . We’ve the same jokes in Arabic any way I liked the lesson so much .
Thank you, Alex. You’re such a nice guy and a wonderful teacher. I can’t wait your next lesson. Greetings from sunny Cracow, PL
Enjoy the weather! I haven’t been back to Poland in over 18 years.
Nowadays Poland is changing but still many things need to be fixed. On the other hand, 18 years is a lot of time and I think that you will be positively surprised visiting us next time.
The best one was “a prison sentence” of course! :D
It was really funny,:)and made me laugh.I’d like more lessons with jokes
Thanks for expaining of double-meaning words ) As for humor, well, it’s weird, in my opinion :)))
thank you sir,
I like it so so much
Alex, I liked your jokes, especially the last one!
“I really really recommend that you use these at a party if you want no friends”
They’re bad jokes, but I think some people will find them cute.
Hi Alex,
I liked this lesson so much, It was so FUNNY :)
Thanks sir it was wonderful lesson
Hey, Alex. I’m from Brazil and I have to tell you that I’m amazed by this website. I’ts helping me a lot.
I didn’t laught about the jokes,but the way you told them was very funny and I could learned a lot.
I’m happy that you got something out of it.
wow !! thats so good :)
Hi Alex! Is this a correct joke? When anyone asks you if the chair is left and I reply “yes, that is right”!
Haha. That’s not too bad. I’d probably tell it like this:
“Are there any chairs left?”
“No, they’re all on the right.” or “No, they’re right.”
“Yes, that’s right” works too. I like it!
It was great … sorry It was bright!!! jaja!
thank so much!!! Alex,
thanks Mr. Alex. I’m really funny when learn E in this page.
sir i am from Pakistan. Your this lecture was very interesting and informative.I will attend your lectures regularly.thanx
I’m happy to hear that!
Great class.You’re interesting.=)
i like it so much :)
why you didn’t reply my comment ? wast that bad ?
This is not fair I know I act like a Little Girl here but I need and I want some reaction!
Love and some hate because I’m angry to All
From “Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia”
Really really awesome lesson, very funny and I learned a lot from it….thanks so much…and I hope you can do more lessons with jokes…
Due to the positive response to this video, I just may have to do that.
that’s a funny way to learn. thanks, I really enjoyed the last one.
Good lesson!
Please tell us more jokes, guess and puns. Thank you very much
not so funny but i really enjoined them. they helped me somehow to understand different meanings for a word which i wasn’t know before.
thanks Alex
That’s the whole point! I’m glad you understood!
you are very good teacher and l love the way that you teach
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so funny 789
thanks alex it’s very funny i enjoyed very well
I like the ones with the skeleton and sunglasses…. beside that you never know who is following your lessons so have a pair of sunglasses at hand :)
I’ll make sure to remember that. :)
It was a great delight! Alex you realy have a talent for comedy!!!
Thanks a lot Alex ! I had much fun watching that video :)
so cute jokes .. i like it
and i love this lesson becuse
100 i got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you
Thanks) Your lessons are very useful and funny!
I appreciate that. Thank you.
u r the best :D
Hey aida ,, i want to improve my english , can i talk too on skype my account is rahaf.chirs2
this really helped me :)
This video is a most enjoyable one and it’s good to learn in conjunction with laughing!
Hey Alex, I really enjoyed the jokes… Thanks so much…
No problem! I’m glad you enjoyed the lesson!
Very good insight the way you teach that !
Alex,7 ate 9 is funny.
Thank you for such an original video! I enjoyed it a lot.
thanks alex
I will be frank with you I have benefited greatly from his website and your style in a very interesting
Thank you so much :)
If you will be Frank, I will be Jack.
Hi Alex
Nice jokes
Listen to this,
What do you call a man lying down at front door of your house?
Okay, I really like this one. I’m going to use it in real life. Haha.
What do you call a vehicle that has 2 flat tires on one side?
Carline, ” Car lean “
Very good teacher!
Thanx, nice method to teach
Thnx Alex! I really enjoyed this class a lot… I had so much fun! :D I’m going to use some jokes with my sts, if you don’t mind!
Go for it!
Hi Alex, thanks for sharing… these jokes are very useful to teach English to students because we can work grammar rules in a fun way. I’ll use them in my classes. See you!
Thnx Alex, they were funny!
Hallo, Alex! you have a comedy talent!It was real delight to see this video!Can you please to answer one question Does engvid have subtitles? I sometimes see subtitels , but sometimes i dont see.. it is very usefull, but wy not always? thank you!!!
Thank you.
funny jokes….very good teacher
Nice joke Mr. Alex… but i’m getting confused about six afraid to seven. tell me more,sir.
thank you Alex
Thanks Alex
learning with jokes, i enjoy it ;-))
thanks Alex
It’s so nice using fun in english
good teacher
i’ve got 100%
I love English
I really like this method. Thanks so much for your help.
Question; how do you used the word ” ought to” in the sentence??
hahaha very fanny and very useful thanks
Ha! very funny. Thanks for the lesson
that was the better vΓdeo class IΒ΄ve seen until now.
– What is the difference between an American and God?
– God does NOT think he is an American …
– What is the difference between summers and winters in Canada?
– People wear their parkas half unzipped in the summer …
I would say that the last one doesn’t correspond to the Canadian reality, at least in Ontario :) it’s vice versa. I saw many people here who were wearing their parkas unzipped in the winter :)
I love this kind of jokes. Very good is for example the one in Harry Potter book and movie: “How do you feel, Georgie?” – “Saintlike”…”Saintlike. You see…I’m holy. Holey, Fred, get it?” :D
No sorry..:explain!!
Or if you know jokes about viola players, this one is one of the kind: “Why is a violist like a terrorist? – They both screw up Boeings.”
Thanks for the last one, that was the only one I didn’t understand, and thanks for the funny one’s, (weird background noises)
This is a best site I ever seen. (which is learned english )
Great! Thank you
when i will learn English properly. i will be Great help to you.
Thanks a lot Alex, I like this lesson
Hallo!Morningsunl,I’m also a chinese!!!!
Alex… Hope you get the chance to reply… I did not understan quite well the lesson on : therefore,thus and all that jazz…. could u please do it for me?
you are good teacher alex, love to learn english like this :)
you are the best thank you
Alex it was great. heheheheheh
Hi Alex ! First of all thanks for the great lesson ,it was very nice and funny as well, and I’ll do the same to learn more about your brilliant idea:)
Very good Alex!
Teacher, you saved my day, thanks:)
The one I liked better was those about the skeleton, very funny:):):)
Thank you, it’s so funny
Thanks a lot.
That was really interesting. Is there more jocks that we can learn again??
thanks a lot! and break your leg))
wow, what a funny lesson ! thanks
good teacher
Alex, thanks a lot! These jokes made me laugh. I enjoy the “678” one. It was really unpredictably for me.
Could you tell us more jokes?
I love the jokes. They make me think :) cool lesson :)
mr alex thx really cool lesson and wonderful idea all the jokes understood I like 7 ate 9 hhhhhhh i will remind it for my kids in futur
you are the best
that was an excellent idea. Learning with jokes.
my favourite joke is “why was six afraid of seven?” haha it’s so hilarious!
Hey Alex thanx for the jokes.I have got for you :D
Why does the mushroom go to the party?
Coz : he is fungi haha :D
how can i see videos?it’s not warkin.
Let’s see if we can fix this! Does the video even show up on this page? Can you see other Youtube videos?
engVid Moderator
thank you sir, you’re so bright!
Alex that was a very pleasent lesson! Thank you! Keep going!
No it doesn’t show also I can’t see other videos
It was a very funny lesson!!
its good. thank you so much.
it was a good lesson. thanks a lot
that was a great lesson.thank u
Great lesson, thanks.
Hi Alex, it was funny lesson ! Using it as excercise, I tried to find an answer for every joke and write it down before you gave it. Of course I used a pause button in the video for my thinking :) These are my answers: 1.He wants to be happier. 2.Because seven is bigger. 3.Because the floor would be wet if it drank. 4.Because he doesn’t want to be blinded by his studetns’ knowledge. 5.No idea. I didn’t know the term contractions. Thanks a lot, more similar lessons would be fine. Regards, Dave
* wrote
But I’m not sure if my second sentence has good grammar, there are many verbs :)
good answers and funny too
i have full score
thanks Alex, I like to watch stand up comedy and I hate it when is don’t get the joke. it is hard part of the second language
thans u so much mr.Alex I enjoyed with ur lesson
Very funny. Thank you!
very well it looks funny i am sorry
marcia seixas
How funny, thanks for video !
that’s funny
I really enjoyed it.
The best way to teach vocabulary that I have ever seen.
Lot’s of thanks!
Thank you teacher alix
Suha Ali
that was nice
hahaγI got 10 correct out of 10…Why? The quiz didn’t have choices…especially from No. 6 to No. 10. But I understood the jokes. I liked the skeleton and sunglasses jokes. Thank you for your funny lessons :D
I had fun !
Hy teacher ! I really love your classes . I am improve my sel day by day with ENGVID . Thank you for your nice and perfect work .
Although i am not an englishman those jokes were realy funny – my favourite one is with a skeleton … Thank you Alex.
Thanks! Very nice!
Thanks Alex. Joking is one of the ways you can get in touch with everyday words. Besides rhythm, fluency and vocabulary. Keep going on it please!
Many thanks Alex. I will learn technices from you. I think I have to… Because I am teacher too.
Hi Alex!The lesson was so cool. I really enjoyed it and learnt a lot. And the way you presented the lesson was awesome…
Although all of them were well worn,your facial expression with deep silence begining to occur after the jokes made me laugh so freaking hard. Keep on recording such enjoyable videos. Thanks.
Alex this lesson was soooo funy!! I love all the joke and what I loved most is that I could understand 95% of them without needing explanations!!! How cool :D
Alex I love that lesson because I understand everything. Thanks
Sirlei Barbosa
LOL XD i love it. I’m gonna try to use it in my class on sunday yaaaay. Thanks Alex u r so cooooooool :D
they all made me laugh!
ayoub sad
Great video !
Jokes are for me the most difficult part to understand !
Thank you !
Your comment is waiting to be approved by engVid.
Good whatever time of day applies. I would like to become acquainted with to you, for a commonunication in English language, a language I know badly, but if you not against, I will be glad :)
LOL!!! I love this page!!
Thanks Sir Alex, I got 100%
Abdul Qayum
thnx mr alex :)
ahmed mohsen
I like 7-8-9, and ground beef. Do you think it works for little children?
The number 5 in the Quiz is so funyyyyyyyyy
Ayad Saeed
Thanks a lot Mr Alex.I love the way you teach :)
I got a nice and funny class in this morning, thanks a lot Alex.
have a wonderful
hhhhh i like this lesson … 10/10 :)
Good , funny and also useful idea .
Iβll use it with my friends ~ :)
Thank you ~~
ElSayed Mahmoud
Sounds like a plan!
It’s funny…..
Really it’s a good way to learn english
– Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to class?
– Because her students were so bright.
– …
– …
– (My friends were dumb)
Best lesson ever! In spite of all the jokes were bad, these are the best ones!
thanks for effort
nice , thank you
Zahra Aiaad
I thought the skeleton didn’t go to the party only because he didn’t have anything to wear! Not a nice guess…
I liked all of them thanks teacher alex
The extra jokes in the quiz was a great idea!!!I REALLY ENJOYED THIS LESSON!
Leticia Souza
Thank you. You made very good lesson and subsequent quiz. I am sorry I can’t make equally good joke on how good it was. :)
the jokes are very good thank you.
Very nice jokes!!!!!!
Hello Alex
I could not find any lesson.Which is describe these three words. pain-sore-hurt. Thanks
Dave Brar
So good, really nice teacher.
I didnΒ΄t know you were so funny!
Hi Alex, I just want to thank you, because the wonderful way you teach. By the way I love jokes!! ha ha ha :)
That’s a very funny class! Tnx Alex!!
Thanx a lot…
I love jokes. Another one: A patient told the doctor that he had become a horse. The doctor replied that he could cure him, but it would come at a price. So our patient said that money wasnβt an issue because he had won the Grand National.
Alex, those were real cool.
Great!Thank you!Your lesson makes me smile!:))
It’was amazing, thanks teacher! Hugs.
I got 100% great for me and his good pronunciation
This lesson brought back to me a chestnut:
Your mum is so poor she even can’t pay attention.
Okay, that’s pretty good.
engVid Moderator
I am crying from laughing… Fantastyczne!!!
good job :)
Great ! Thank you Alex ! I liked your lesson a lot !
Jajaja nice jokes.
Mr Alex
I got 100%
MR. Alex
Masoud Zardari
awesome! i enjoyed this video is good the way how you taught comprehension congrats and yes that’s really helpful thank you…
Hi! it was the funneist lesson that I have seen yet.
Thank you so much.
god(ALLAH) bless you!
salem farhmand
that was very nice. I loved it.
Very nice! 10/10 rsrs
Marcelo Matos
Is very nice
hahahaha…’s coooooooooooooooollll.
thanks sir it was very funny and very benefit
I am very happy it was so easy I had 10/10
The lesson is very useful and funny ( weird ) hahaha I really like the way you explain things, all your lessons are helpful, I enjoy :D thank you Alex
This was a really funny lesson. Thanks Alex!
HAHAHA, I liked it : )
perfect , great
perfect , great
i really enjoyed from that vid. thank you =]
Well I found them funny especially the one about the teacher ^^ this one works also in France lol x) thanks for this awesome video !
Great, great. great! Thanks, Alex. I’ve just written them so that I can remember them all.
Great job, well done. It’s always a pleasure to improve my skills on this website. Thanks a lot Alex. My Best Compliments!
This is sooooo PUNny!! :)
it was very usefull. thanks
kasra amirhosseini
very funny! tks
hahaha was very funny I enjoy it seeing this video a lot!!
very nice and useful <3
Alex you’re great ! thank you body ! with love !
abdelilah 123
I love the last joke.”I really recommend that you use these at a party if you want no friends”.
You’re funny:)
thank you!
Teacher, your class today was very funny!!!! Regards
90 %, funny….
Funny, in my opinion, the numbers was the best… tank you teacher
IΒ΄m laughing alone in my room, but nobody understand why… lol
Great lesson boss
Thank you for the jokes ! it was great lesson :D
Very funny:)))
hahaha…… Thanks
hi thank you sir i got 10/10 the jokes were funy all the best
i like thèses jokes
you make me laughting
good joks, it’s funny.
It was great ! thanks a lot : )
Really fantastic
haha….It’s really interesting.
Phung Pham
You are a bright person and a good teacher, an inspiring person.
I like it!!!
Great way to teaching !!!
Awesome lesson :D
english jokes are very bore
ALEX you are amazing!
nice way of teaching…..
ha ha ha, 789
So nice.I need more…….
Nody nour
I CAN’t watcht it I think something wrong on the video
I liked this theme it is very interesting!!! I thanks all teachers for that oppotunity!! Bye!!
Nice Mr. Alex! !!!!!!
Thanks a lot teacher! It was very funny lesson today!
Raffaella Lenarduzzi
Thanks. I’d love to catch some more jokes from you. They may not be absolutely funny, but they help me a lot with learning English :)
I will be wearing my sunglasses next time when I come to your class. :)
good exercise, it’s very uncommon
thnak you sir alex,that was funny
I can’t stop laughing!
ok, very well
Ronald Montenegro
Thank you :)
Thank you! like it!
Can you halp me? I didn’t anderstand the joke: “What do you call a man who can’t stand?
Can you explain?
I am sorry. I have read for the final and understood
Hi,I googled and got it.
It mean:The man’s knee is “L”,It’s bended.
Egyption jokes is the best in the worled .
I advice you to see it .Its so funy
Any body wanna practice advanced EL with me on Skype, IM dotrang820. Thank you. Trang
It very much depends on different cultures when talking about jokes. It has come attention to me that this lession is quite funny.
Really funny ..
and so interesting and useful bideo also I have learnt or learned new one vocabulary like clown …
heydar Ali
THANKS alex ..I laugh a lot.
thank you sir
Δ± need a skype is seldanis
Thanks you for this class, It’s very interesting trying explain English jokes because you learn English in this way so I’ve remembered ‘The Lemony Perar!’ that is a Spanish book about Spanish idioms and jokes but they are written in litteral English and become a very funny book and very useful to learn English.
he he he
It’s was a useful for me thanks a lot and I would to learn more from you .
i like jokes when my friends to have fanny thanks alex
They made me laugh a lot! thank you so much..
:) Imaginary jokes! I do like those!
i loveee it , thnx sir
samar sbaihi
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!!!
i really enjoyed the lesson and also the quiz
M7md Algohary
Wicked! Cheers.
he is very good teacher thank you very much .)
Hi Alex, thks for your lessons, this one was really good, as you said understanding jokes is the highest level, we need more if you do not mind )
Roman san
wow Alex, your are great. Thank you so much.
hi.. greetings from Ecuador South America
You are really good,,your info has helped us a lot in our high school
you’re grea Alex, really funny. I enjoyed them. Thank you
What an excellent idea to teach! I am still laughing…. And you, Alex, inspired a lot of students to write jokes in the comment section. I am stilling all of them :-)
Dziekuje bardzo!
So cool!
55555 (the symbol of laughing in Thailand) I like to listen jokes 5555. My country have a lot of funny program on TV and I like to watch it.
Great jokes and learning
I have started to joke to my daughter … really good way to remember the vocabulary ! thanx
Thank’s for the fun and learning us double meanings !
Thanks. It was funny and useful.
It was very useful thanks a lot Alex!.
Thanks Alex ;-)
thanks Alex that was really funny and very interesting
Lucie AR
It was great.
ariana m
Not bad, but i want more funny jokes.
they were very funny!!!!
ann ann
Awsome! Here other joke:
Doctor I have a problem of double personality. No problem. Come to see me and we’ll speak the four of the matter.
|o| Learning to be funny!
Ha ha ha :-) great to knew some joke.
i like double meaning jokes ;)
It’s usefu; for a party! ^^
Beth Arijaba
Why is the snowman smiling?
Because the snowblower is passing by!!!
ΰ² _ΰ²
engVid Moderator
Hello dear teacher alex. Would you please upload videos such Mb4 that easy to be download here instead of streaming it online on youtube. Cos the network in my country is pretty bad.
Mohammed navigation
Alex you are good funnier))
Thanks Alex
Benefited greatly
amzil med sniper
thank you
ann ann
cooL! i’ll try these to my friends :)
the laugh at the end of video is so weird!!!
its the best lesson Ive ever listened. %100 successed.. I want to use these jogs to find girlfriend if you permit :)
So fun
Ngo Duc Huy
I love it
I hope you have: “Learn English with minecraft!”
1 question: Why a man want to throw butter out the window?
Because he wants too see butterFLY.
That’s all I know =D
Wow . That really funny especially second one .
Thank you sir. Your lesson was funy
Great Lesson thanks to you Alex
alex it’s a great lesson I like joke number two and I have a question can you send me one joke
Interesting lesson,jokes helpfull for have no friends any more :)
A funny lesson :)
Thank you Alex.
Very cool! I’m laugh a lot with it. Thanks Alex for to incentive.
smart ESL
Very good tutorial, IF anyone are up for conversations online. Look in my biography, I’ve both got Skype and snapchat with the same username.
Anyone are welcome, just want too practice English!!! #peace
thank you alex it was so funny and enjoyable
Some of the jokes were really funny hahahaha.
Carlos Jr.
so funny the no body ajjajaa and the bright ajajaj lol. thank you for the class
Cool! I did not know that “cool” had double meaning, I always used “cool” to express nice things.
why did’t the skeleton cross the road
.because he had no guts.LoL
Thanks, Alex, good jokes. I want to tell this jokes to my friends and family
Many Thanks Alex !! great job .
I’ve 9/10
you’re really a cool teacher keep it up
So cool!! Thanks Alex!!
Jonathas Wilhem
it’s funny I got 100%
take this …. why we cover the cooking bowl?
because it can’t cover by own
Thanks Alex!
These were such lame jokes… I absolutely loved them!
Funny jokes
What do you call a dog with no legs?
“We donβt call him, we go and get him.”
I liked this lesson. Thank you Alex, see you next lesson.
Those jokes were really funny.
THANKS teacher Alex
Hi Alex. I am so proud of your class, I really enjoyed the joke lesson. I did a very good job!
I got a 100 score on my exam test.
AM very proud of your class πππ and I enjoyed ππ
Awesome and really hilarious lesson dear Alex aka John Ritter from Toronto
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you sir,That was so cool :)
Thanks a lot!
soo good for me
love those jokesssssssss
yeaaaah that is soo funny
me too :)
Hahaha .. I’ll wear sunglasses .. Cause you’re soooo bright sir :)lol
Alex…. You really made me laugh!…. Thanks million for your time :)
Haha ! thank you for this lesson
It was a great idea to give such a lesson. The quizz is also useful. Many thanks!
Any time! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
If I click on Leave a Comment, it won’t work, so I can merely reply to comments. (Have I used merely correctly?)
Anyway, why did the blond woman stare at a carton of orange juice? Because it said concentrate on it.
Why didn’t the shark swallow the clown fish. Alex, would it be wrong if I say, why didn’t the shark swallowed the clown fish?
Hi Alex, it was funny lesson. I have another joke…Why the bicycle can’t stand on its own? – becouse it’s 2 tired.
Hello Jacek, I am stealing your joke, very funny, too.
I’m from Oradea too… the WORLD is so small
Thank you, Alex. This is a very good and interesting way to make an English lesson funnier. I’m definitely going to use it :)
Some jokes were funny ;) keep this up I learn a lot with this lesson
Yeah, I know they weren’t all super funny, but I hope you enjoyed at least a few of them.
Hi Alex,
just to be sure: ‘can’t’ is a contraction of ‘cannot’. You wrote ‘can not’ on the blackboard.
That Was also good joke, Its a nice lesson that has make me laugh much and I am gonna apply it to a party soon. and Teacher Alex please make some lesson on “let” complete uses
I loved more backgraoud’s music. very funny.
thanks Alex, even if when I was hearing this jokes from you I’m saying : am I supposed to laugh here?!
That’s the appropriate reaction!
Thanks Alex
Very nice jokes Alex! I just loved this lesson! You are right, it’s necessary to be in a advanced level to understand jokes in English! I’d like more lessons with jokes!
I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks so much.
Thank you, Alex.I enjoyed it and suggested video shows Specialized terminology government
you’re really nice person I wish you were my teacher !
and I liked all the jokes and I understand them .
plus if someone tell me these jokes at a party I would be their best friends :)
Love to all From ” Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ” :)
I’m glad you found them funny! I’m sure your friends would too.
Lovely jokes,thank you sir
Great lesson, I think is the best one!
That’s nice to hear. Thanks!
Alex thaks for making us smile.Keep up bro ;)
hahaha it’s really funny
Thanks a lot
Skeleton had no body to go with him was very funny.
But, I couldn’t understand some answers in quiz.
Why the longest sentence is ‘I do’?
please teach me…..
When people get married, they are asked: “Do you take _____________ to be your husband/wife?” To answer, you have to say “I do.” This is a sentence.
“Sentence” has a double meaning. If you are a criminal and go to jail, you have to serve “a sentence.” Your sentence can be 5 years, 10 years, etc. It’s a joke because of this double meaning: marriage can be like prison.
I hope this helped!
sir, I think that double meaning words also know as double entendra.
is it right
and now i’m just laughing after getting the explanation. But my friend did even hardly, not because of the joke, yet my belated catch-up. Does it funny too, Alex?
oh,it’s the fucking greatest joke ever ! thanks alex.
Now it is really more clear for me. “What is the longest sentence?” you mean in the joke.
Thanks for lesson…
very amusing lesson. thanks Alex
Thanks a lot,Alex,a interesting lesson
It’s funny answers, but i didn’t understand the last answer?
where is the double meaning here!
& thanx Alex *_*
thank you Alex . We’ve the same jokes in Arabic any way I liked the lesson so much .
Thank you, Alex. You’re such a nice guy and a wonderful teacher. I can’t wait your next lesson. Greetings from sunny Cracow, PL
Enjoy the weather! I haven’t been back to Poland in over 18 years.
Nowadays Poland is changing but still many things need to be fixed. On the other hand, 18 years is a lot of time and I think that you will be positively surprised visiting us next time.
The best one was “a prison sentence” of course! :D
It was really funny,:)and made me laugh.I’d like more lessons with jokes
Thanks for expaining of double-meaning words ) As for humor, well, it’s weird, in my opinion :)))
thank you sir,
I like it so so much
Alex, I liked your jokes, especially the last one!
“I really really recommend that you use these at a party if you want no friends”
They’re bad jokes, but I think some people will find them cute.
Hi Alex,
I liked this lesson so much, It was so FUNNY :)
Thanks sir it was wonderful lesson
Hey, Alex. I’m from Brazil and I have to tell you that I’m amazed by this website. I’ts helping me a lot.
I didn’t laught about the jokes,but the way you told them was very funny and I could learned a lot.
I’m happy that you got something out of it.
wow !! thats so good :)
Hi Alex! Is this a correct joke? When anyone asks you if the chair is left and I reply “yes, that is right”!
Haha. That’s not too bad. I’d probably tell it like this:
“Are there any chairs left?”
“No, they’re all on the right.” or “No, they’re right.”
“Yes, that’s right” works too. I like it!
It was great … sorry It was bright!!! jaja!
thank so much!!! Alex,
thanks Mr. Alex. I’m really funny when learn E in this page.
sir i am from Pakistan. Your this lecture was very interesting and informative.I will attend your lectures regularly.thanx
I’m happy to hear that!
Great class.You’re interesting.=)
i like it so much :)
why you didn’t reply my comment ? wast that bad ?
This is not fair I know I act like a Little Girl here but I need and I want some reaction!
Love and some hate because I’m angry to All
From “Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia”
Really really awesome lesson, very funny and I learned a lot from it….thanks so much…and I hope you can do more lessons with jokes…
Due to the positive response to this video, I just may have to do that.
that’s a funny way to learn. thanks, I really enjoyed the last one.
Good lesson!
Please tell us more jokes, guess and puns. Thank you very much
not so funny but i really enjoined them. they helped me somehow to understand different meanings for a word which i wasn’t know before.
thanks Alex
That’s the whole point! I’m glad you understood!
you are very good teacher and l love the way that you teach
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so funny 789
thanks alex it’s very funny i enjoyed very well
I like the ones with the skeleton and sunglasses…. beside that you never know who is following your lessons so have a pair of sunglasses at hand :)
I’ll make sure to remember that. :)
It was a great delight! Alex you realy have a talent for comedy!!!
Thanks a lot Alex ! I had much fun watching that video :)
so cute jokes .. i like it
and i love this lesson becuse
100 i got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you
Thanks) Your lessons are very useful and funny!
I appreciate that. Thank you.
u r the best :D
Hey aida ,, i want to improve my english , can i talk too on skype my account is rahaf.chirs2
this really helped me :)
This video is a most enjoyable one and it’s good to learn in conjunction with laughing!
Hey Alex, I really enjoyed the jokes… Thanks so much…
No problem! I’m glad you enjoyed the lesson!
Very good insight the way you teach that !
Alex,7 ate 9 is funny.
Thank you for such an original video! I enjoyed it a lot.
thanks alex
I will be frank with you I have benefited greatly from his website and your style in a very interesting
Thank you so much :)
If you will be Frank, I will be Jack.
Hi Alex
Nice jokes
Listen to this,
What do you call a man lying down at front door of your house?
Okay, I really like this one. I’m going to use it in real life. Haha.
What do you call a vehicle that has 2 flat tires on one side?
Carline, ” Car lean “
Very good teacher!
Thanx, nice method to teach
Thnx Alex! I really enjoyed this class a lot… I had so much fun! :D I’m going to use some jokes with my sts, if you don’t mind!
Go for it!
Hi Alex, thanks for sharing… these jokes are very useful to teach English to students because we can work grammar rules in a fun way. I’ll use them in my classes. See you!
Thnx Alex, they were funny!
Hallo, Alex! you have a comedy talent!It was real delight to see this video!Can you please to answer one question Does engvid have subtitles? I sometimes see subtitels , but sometimes i dont see.. it is very usefull, but wy not always? thank you!!!
Thank you.
funny jokes….very good teacher
Nice joke Mr. Alex… but i’m getting confused about six afraid to seven. tell me more,sir.
thank you Alex
Thanks Alex
learning with jokes, i enjoy it ;-))
thanks Alex
It’s so nice using fun in english
good teacher
i’ve got 100%
I love English
I really like this method. Thanks so much for your help.
Question; how do you used the word ” ought to” in the sentence??
hahaha very fanny and very useful thanks
Ha! very funny. Thanks for the lesson
that was the better vΓdeo class IΒ΄ve seen until now.
– What is the difference between an American and God?
– God does NOT think he is an American …
– What is the difference between summers and winters in Canada?
– People wear their parkas half unzipped in the summer …
I would say that the last one doesn’t correspond to the Canadian reality, at least in Ontario :) it’s vice versa. I saw many people here who were wearing their parkas unzipped in the winter :)
I love this kind of jokes. Very good is for example the one in Harry Potter book and movie: “How do you feel, Georgie?” – “Saintlike”…”Saintlike. You see…I’m holy. Holey, Fred, get it?” :D
No sorry..:explain!!
Or if you know jokes about viola players, this one is one of the kind: “Why is a violist like a terrorist? – They both screw up Boeings.”
Thanks for the last one, that was the only one I didn’t understand, and thanks for the funny one’s, (weird background noises)
This is a best site I ever seen. (which is learned english )
Great! Thank you
when i will learn English properly. i will be Great help to you.
Thanks a lot Alex, I like this lesson
Hallo!Morningsunl,I’m also a chinese!!!!
Alex… Hope you get the chance to reply… I did not understan quite well the lesson on : therefore,thus and all that jazz…. could u please do it for me?
you are good teacher alex, love to learn english like this :)
you are the best thank you
Alex it was great. heheheheheh
Hi Alex ! First of all thanks for the great lesson ,it was very nice and funny as well, and I’ll do the same to learn more about your brilliant idea:)
Very good Alex!
Teacher, you saved my day, thanks:)
The one I liked better was those about the skeleton, very funny:):):)
Thank you, it’s so funny
Thanks a lot.
That was really interesting. Is there more jocks that we can learn again??
thanks a lot! and break your leg))
wow, what a funny lesson ! thanks
good teacher
Alex, thanks a lot! These jokes made me laugh. I enjoy the “678” one. It was really unpredictably for me.
Could you tell us more jokes?
I love the jokes. They make me think :) cool lesson :)
mr alex thx really cool lesson and wonderful idea all the jokes understood I like 7 ate 9 hhhhhhh i will remind it for my kids in futur
you are the best
that was an excellent idea. Learning with jokes.
my favourite joke is “why was six afraid of seven?” haha it’s so hilarious!
Hey Alex thanx for the jokes.I have got for you :D
Why does the mushroom go to the party?
Coz : he is fungi haha :D
how can i see videos?it’s not warkin.
Let’s see if we can fix this! Does the video even show up on this page? Can you see other Youtube videos?
thank you sir, you’re so bright!
Alex that was a very pleasent lesson! Thank you! Keep going!
No it doesn’t show also I can’t see other videos
It was a very funny lesson!!
its good. thank you so much.
it was a good lesson. thanks a lot
that was a great lesson.thank u
Great lesson, thanks.
Hi Alex, it was funny lesson ! Using it as excercise, I tried to find an answer for every joke and write it down before you gave it. Of course I used a pause button in the video for my thinking :) These are my answers: 1.He wants to be happier. 2.Because seven is bigger. 3.Because the floor would be wet if it drank. 4.Because he doesn’t want to be blinded by his studetns’ knowledge. 5.No idea. I didn’t know the term contractions. Thanks a lot, more similar lessons would be fine. Regards, Dave
* wrote
But I’m not sure if my second sentence has good grammar, there are many verbs :)
good answers and funny too
i have full score
thanks Alex, I like to watch stand up comedy and I hate it when is don’t get the joke. it is hard part of the second language
thans u so much mr.Alex I enjoyed with ur lesson
Very funny. Thank you!
very well it looks funny i am sorry
How funny, thanks for video !
that’s funny
I really enjoyed it.
The best way to teach vocabulary that I have ever seen.
Lot’s of thanks!
Thank you teacher alix
that was nice
hahaγI got 10 correct out of 10…Why? The quiz didn’t have choices…especially from No. 6 to No. 10. But I understood the jokes. I liked the skeleton and sunglasses jokes. Thank you for your funny lessons :D
I had fun !
Hy teacher ! I really love your classes . I am improve my sel day by day with ENGVID . Thank you for your nice and perfect work .
Although i am not an englishman those jokes were realy funny – my favourite one is with a skeleton … Thank you Alex.
Thanks! Very nice!
Thanks Alex. Joking is one of the ways you can get in touch with everyday words. Besides rhythm, fluency and vocabulary. Keep going on it please!
Many thanks Alex. I will learn technices from you. I think I have to… Because I am teacher too.
Hi Alex!The lesson was so cool. I really enjoyed it and learnt a lot. And the way you presented the lesson was awesome…
Although all of them were well worn,your facial expression with deep silence begining to occur after the jokes made me laugh so freaking hard. Keep on recording such enjoyable videos. Thanks.
Alex this lesson was soooo funy!! I love all the joke and what I loved most is that I could understand 95% of them without needing explanations!!! How cool :D
Alex I love that lesson because I understand everything. Thanks
LOL XD i love it. I’m gonna try to use it in my class on sunday yaaaay. Thanks Alex u r so cooooooool :D
they all made me laugh!
Great video !
Jokes are for me the most difficult part to understand !
Thank you !
Your comment is waiting to be approved by engVid.
Good whatever time of day applies. I would like to become acquainted with to you, for a commonunication in English language, a language I know badly, but if you not against, I will be glad :)
LOL!!! I love this page!!
Thanks Sir Alex, I got 100%
thnx mr alex :)
I like 7-8-9, and ground beef. Do you think it works for little children?
The number 5 in the Quiz is so funyyyyyyyyy
Thanks a lot Mr Alex.I love the way you teach :)
I got a nice and funny class in this morning, thanks a lot Alex.
have a wonderful
hhhhh i like this lesson … 10/10 :)
Good , funny and also useful idea .
Iβll use it with my friends ~ :)
Thank you ~~
Sounds like a plan!
It’s funny…..
Really it’s a good way to learn english
– Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to class?
– Because her students were so bright.
– …
– …
– (My friends were dumb)
Best lesson ever! In spite of all the jokes were bad, these are the best ones!
thanks for effort
nice , thank you
I thought the skeleton didn’t go to the party only because he didn’t have anything to wear! Not a nice guess…
I liked all of them thanks teacher alex
The extra jokes in the quiz was a great idea!!!I REALLY ENJOYED THIS LESSON!
Thank you. You made very good lesson and subsequent quiz. I am sorry I can’t make equally good joke on how good it was. :)
the jokes are very good thank you.
Very nice jokes!!!!!!
Hello Alex
I could not find any lesson.Which is describe these three words. pain-sore-hurt. Thanks
So good, really nice teacher.
I didnΒ΄t know you were so funny!
Hi Alex, I just want to thank you, because the wonderful way you teach. By the way I love jokes!! ha ha ha :)
That’s a very funny class! Tnx Alex!!
Thanx a lot…
I love jokes. Another one: A patient told the doctor that he had become a horse. The doctor replied that he could cure him, but it would come at a price. So our patient said that money wasnβt an issue because he had won the Grand National.
Alex, those were real cool.
Great!Thank you!Your lesson makes me smile!:))
It’was amazing, thanks teacher! Hugs.
I got 100% great for me and his good pronunciation
This lesson brought back to me a chestnut:
Your mum is so poor she even can’t pay attention.
Okay, that’s pretty good.
I am crying from laughing… Fantastyczne!!!
good job :)
Great ! Thank you Alex ! I liked your lesson a lot !
Jajaja nice jokes.
Mr Alex
I got 100%
MR. Alex
awesome! i enjoyed this video is good the way how you taught comprehension congrats and yes that’s really helpful thank you…
Hi! it was the funneist lesson that I have seen yet.
Thank you so much.
god(ALLAH) bless you!
that was very nice. I loved it.
Very nice! 10/10 rsrs
Is very nice
hahahaha…’s coooooooooooooooollll.
thanks sir it was very funny and very benefit
I am very happy it was so easy I had 10/10
The lesson is very useful and funny ( weird ) hahaha I really like the way you explain things, all your lessons are helpful, I enjoy :D thank you Alex
This was a really funny lesson. Thanks Alex!
HAHAHA, I liked it : )
perfect , great
perfect , great
i really enjoyed from that vid. thank you =]
Well I found them funny especially the one about the teacher ^^ this one works also in France lol x) thanks for this awesome video !
Great, great. great! Thanks, Alex. I’ve just written them so that I can remember them all.
Great job, well done. It’s always a pleasure to improve my skills on this website. Thanks a lot Alex. My Best Compliments!
This is sooooo PUNny!! :)
it was very usefull. thanks
very funny! tks
hahaha was very funny I enjoy it seeing this video a lot!!
very nice and useful <3
Alex you’re great ! thank you body ! with love !
I love the last joke.”I really recommend that you use these at a party if you want no friends”.
You’re funny:)
thank you!
Teacher, your class today was very funny!!!! Regards
90 %, funny….
Funny, in my opinion, the numbers was the best… tank you teacher
IΒ΄m laughing alone in my room, but nobody understand why… lol
Great lesson boss
Thank you for the jokes ! it was great lesson :D
Very funny:)))
hahaha…… Thanks
hi thank you sir i got 10/10 the jokes were funy all the best
i like thèses jokes
you make me laughting
good joks, it’s funny.
It was great ! thanks a lot : )
Really fantastic
haha….It’s really interesting.
You are a bright person and a good teacher, an inspiring person.
I like it!!!
Great way to teaching !!!
Awesome lesson :D
english jokes are very bore
ALEX you are amazing!
nice way of teaching…..
ha ha ha, 789
So nice.I need more…….
I CAN’t watcht it I think something wrong on the video
I liked this theme it is very interesting!!! I thanks all teachers for that oppotunity!! Bye!!
Nice Mr. Alex! !!!!!!
Thanks a lot teacher! It was very funny lesson today!
Thanks. I’d love to catch some more jokes from you. They may not be absolutely funny, but they help me a lot with learning English :)
I will be wearing my sunglasses next time when I come to your class. :)
good exercise, it’s very uncommon
thnak you sir alex,that was funny
I can’t stop laughing!
ok, very well
Thank you :)
Thank you! like it!
Can you halp me? I didn’t anderstand the joke: “What do you call a man who can’t stand?
Can you explain?
I am sorry. I have read for the final and understood
Hi,I googled and got it.
It mean:The man’s knee is “L”,It’s bended.
Egyption jokes is the best in the worled .
I advice you to see it .Its so funy
Any body wanna practice advanced EL with me on Skype, IM dotrang820. Thank you. Trang
It very much depends on different cultures when talking about jokes. It has come attention to me that this lession is quite funny.
Really funny ..
and so interesting and useful bideo also I have learnt or learned new one vocabulary like clown …
THANKS alex ..I laugh a lot.
thank you sir
Δ± need a skype is seldanis
Thanks you for this class, It’s very interesting trying explain English jokes because you learn English in this way so I’ve remembered ‘The Lemony Perar!’ that is a Spanish book about Spanish idioms and jokes but they are written in litteral English and become a very funny book and very useful to learn English.
he he he
It’s was a useful for me thanks a lot and I would to learn more from you .
i like jokes when my friends to have fanny thanks alex
They made me laugh a lot! thank you so much..
:) Imaginary jokes! I do like those!
i loveee it , thnx sir
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!!!
i really enjoyed the lesson and also the quiz
Wicked! Cheers.
he is very good teacher thank you very much .)
Hi Alex, thks for your lessons, this one was really good, as you said understanding jokes is the highest level, we need more if you do not mind )
wow Alex, your are great. Thank you so much.
hi.. greetings from Ecuador South America
You are really good,,your info has helped us a lot in our high school
you’re grea Alex, really funny. I enjoyed them. Thank you
What an excellent idea to teach! I am still laughing…. And you, Alex, inspired a lot of students to write jokes in the comment section. I am stilling all of them :-)
Dziekuje bardzo!
So cool!
55555 (the symbol of laughing in Thailand) I like to listen jokes 5555. My country have a lot of funny program on TV and I like to watch it.
Great jokes and learning
I have started to joke to my daughter … really good way to remember the vocabulary ! thanx
Thank’s for the fun and learning us double meanings !
Thanks. It was funny and useful.
It was very useful thanks a lot Alex!.
Thanks Alex ;-)
thanks Alex that was really funny and very interesting
It was great.
Not bad, but i want more funny jokes.
they were very funny!!!!
Awsome! Here other joke:
Doctor I have a problem of double personality. No problem. Come to see me and we’ll speak the four of the matter.
|o| Learning to be funny!
Ha ha ha :-) great to knew some joke.
i like double meaning jokes ;)
It’s usefu; for a party! ^^
Why is the snowman smiling?
Because the snowblower is passing by!!!
ΰ² _ΰ²
Hello dear teacher alex. Would you please upload videos such Mb4 that easy to be download here instead of streaming it online on youtube. Cos the network in my country is pretty bad.
Alex you are good funnier))
Thanks Alex
Benefited greatly
thank you
cooL! i’ll try these to my friends :)
the laugh at the end of video is so weird!!!
its the best lesson Ive ever listened. %100 successed.. I want to use these jogs to find girlfriend if you permit :)
So fun
I love it
I hope you have: “Learn English with minecraft!”
1 question: Why a man want to throw butter out the window?
Because he wants too see butterFLY.
That’s all I know =D
Wow . That really funny especially second one .
Thank you sir. Your lesson was funy
Great Lesson thanks to you Alex
alex it’s a great lesson I like joke number two and I have a question can you send me one joke
Interesting lesson,jokes helpfull for have no friends any more :)
A funny lesson :)
Thank you Alex.
Very cool! I’m laugh a lot with it. Thanks Alex for to incentive.
Very good tutorial, IF anyone are up for conversations online. Look in my biography, I’ve both got Skype and snapchat with the same username.
Anyone are welcome, just want too practice English!!! #peace
thank you alex it was so funny and enjoyable
Some of the jokes were really funny hahahaha.
so funny the no body ajjajaa and the bright ajajaj lol. thank you for the class
Cool! I did not know that “cool” had double meaning, I always used “cool” to express nice things.
why did’t the skeleton cross the road
.because he had no guts.LoL
Thanks, Alex, good jokes. I want to tell this jokes to my friends and family
Many Thanks Alex !! great job .
I’ve 9/10
you’re really a cool teacher keep it up
So cool!! Thanks Alex!!
it’s funny I got 100%
take this …. why we cover the cooking bowl?
because it can’t cover by own
Thanks Alex!
These were such lame jokes… I absolutely loved them!
Funny jokes
What do you call a dog with no legs?
“We donβt call him, we go and get him.”
I liked this lesson. Thank you Alex, see you next lesson.
Those jokes were really funny.
THANKS teacher Alex
Hi Alex. I am so proud of your class, I really enjoyed the joke lesson. I did a very good job!
I got a 100 score on my exam test.
AM very proud of your class πππ and I enjoyed ππ
Awesome and really hilarious lesson dear Alex aka John Ritter from Toronto