What do Pac-Man and learning English have in common? More than you think. In fact, there is a learning philosophy behind the game that can be applied to anything you want, including learning a new language. In this exciting lesson, you will learn about the importance of being flexible and confident as you learn English. You will also find out about the learning blocks you need to avoid or overcome if you want to be successful and get to the last level of the game. Ready? YOU CAN DO THIS! Wakka wakka wakka.
Funny video.
By the way, it´s too interesting how you represents this funny game with respect to learnig english as a analogy (ghosts: blocks of learnings, levels, etc…). I really enjoyed it and certainly, it remembered me one of the strong reasons why I decide to learn english!!
Thank you one more time to all of youand see ya´!
Berny Herrera
No problem! Thanks for checking out the video. I was playing Pac-Man one day and got the idea for this. Why not combine two things I’m passionate about?
Hi Alex, this lesson was very difficult for me, Because my English is very poor
for improving my English-speaking writing. what I can do ,please instruct me
Hekmatullah Hakimi
In 1980,I used to play PAC MAN daily made the good score with 25 cents on ARCADE .If I had this lesson,I would play better.Nice lesson ALEX .Happy new year.new resolution.
Thanks a lot, cuong ta! I hadn’t been born in 1980, but if I had been born in time to play Pac-Man at the arcades, I probably would have been there every day as a kid.
My time in arcades was more in the 1990s. I played a lot of Street Fighter II and Tekken 3. I was never great at either game, but I still loved playing them! When I got Tekken 3 for the PlayStation, that’s when I became a decent player.
I hope you guys enjoy this video! I had a lot of fun making it, and it gave me an excuse to wear my Pac-Man shirt on camera.
You’re welcome. :)
i didnt get it Alex
Hi nani, this is meant to be a motivational video to help you learn English. :) There is no grammar or pronunciation focus…it is a video about educational philosophy.
If this is difficult to understand, maybe try putting my message into Google Translate! translate.google.com
I like your lessons alex and can undrestand the game and story that you make. Tnx for your cr8ivity!
Not a problem! It was a pleasure!
9/10. Thank you Alex, very inspiring one.
ann ann
You’re very welcome, ann.
Hi Alex! Thank you so much!
Your lessons are great as usual!
Thanks for your support. I appreciate your feedback.
Hi Alex, thank a lot for your lessons and happy new year!
Happy New Year to you as well! Thanks!
“Pac-Man”—It’s quite natural that you’re not familiar with that game released by Nintendo or else in my childhood. I love your lessons very much!
Thanks! I’m glad you’re learning and having a good time.
nice lesson thank you Alex
You’re very welcome, and thanks for commenting!
amazing lesson thanks
You’re welcome. It was a lot of fun to do this.
your video is very intersting. It’ s important for me to read that sometimes i can feel that i am not confident and i think that i never will be abel to speak english. tahnks
The important thing is to overcome those feelings and keep pushing forward.
10/10 :D
Your English lessons are creative, funny and full of tricks to make us more confident students during the process of learning.
As in the Pac-Man game, the winner is who continuing until the final level, against the difficulties and the blocks to learning as well.
Thanks Alex!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Thanks for your feedback, Isaias. I don’t think I try to add “tricks,” but as long as the people watching the videos are getting something positive from them, I’m happy. :)
I got 80/100 thanks
Very interesting method.
Nice job!
Thank you very much Alex!!I prefer studying English than playing PacMan. This game has always made me really nervous :S
It’s super hard. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten past level 6 or 7! I still enjoy trying, though. I have it on my phone and play it on the bus from time to time.
Hi Alex,
I wonder if I want to reach quickly the 256th level!
With trainers like you, ways of the learning are so enjoyable. Why not to let it last a little ?
A former player of Tetris and Arkanoid greets you all his “geek” salutations.
Nico ESL for ever
Tetris was one of my favourites as well. My mom was even better at it than I was, though!
I know what you mean. All life is learning.
Do you use the Method learning French, Alex? Does it help?
Elen Sheff
I think the method applies to just about anything, so yes, when I study French, I apply this way. :)
Study, understand, practice. SUP!
Very interesting lesson! Thanks Alex.
Alex is pretty creative!!
You’re welcome. Thanks for the positive feedback!
You know what Alex sir, Finally, Actually, I’ve learnt English and speaking in English with all my friends whenever and wherever I just do see or meet my “Bff” I only talk to them ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH they also so quite comfortable to talk me Alex sir
I tell you How I learnt English is only Through your web site nothing else helped me to learn English Except All EngVid Teacher One more think is your subtitles is helped me a lot I went through your all videos with subtitles that helped me to speak English..
Engvid teachers are all now to god me I do feel the same maybe, you guys do feel that why he is stumbling but truth is you are all so perfect I will say what I have been doing doing doing doing is just I write all subtitles in notebooks this not happen not a single day I do it day by day in each lesson and read it later..This is How I have learnt English From this site and I’m so comfortable your all accent actually..
If I say thanks that’s no no gonna be enough to you guys I guess..
I must say INFINITE thanks to this Website is called ENGVID I just ever do Live with this website everyday this is like my soul at the same time ENGVID teachers too whom I love still most than me…
you were right Alex sir Have to do everything..
the more you do spend time on something you can do get more from that this is hundred percent true or fact fact fact.. over last two months I was spending time am spending time even now thinking thinking thinking Just like addicted this website…
just sleeping with this website That’s why I have got more confident to speak English with everyone else.. . spending more time on something is really good to get result or outcome…
Wow. Thanks for your support, Sivakumar! Everyone at engVid appreciates it!
Sorry Sir for delay wish..
IT and mathematics in the service of learning language… thank you. Very good method! :)
Thanks, Stella. :) Everything is connected!
Happy New Year!!!! Great lesson! Thank you very much.
You’re very welcome!
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Same to you!
I had a lot of fun Alex, you’re crazy and excellent teacher :)
Ha! Thanks. Don’t tell my other students that I’m crazy. They might get scared.
Ty for this yummy lesson , it was hilarous :) :) i’ll eat all of level
Good attitude!
Pretty good Alex!!!! You are awesome!! kkk
Thanks a lot! I’m glad you liked the video!
i like this lesson it is really funny
That was part of my goal. Thanks for your feedback, sokdavid!
A funny video.
You’re so creative Alex.
Thanks a lot, Sandoval!
Wow! Definitely was an amazing,funny and useful lesson about how to see our process of learning English… I’ve never seen in this way but has a lot relative. I keep up some of these amazing advices in my life and i’ve improved considerably. Thanks Alex you made my day with this! I hope you continue making as good job as you have come doing.
I’m glad that I was able to make your day!
I’ll keep making videos as long as I have a voice.
Start again please!:-)…….₩ GREAT LESSON ALEX THANKS!
You’re very welcome!
thanks Alex
is very funny, it is very good analogy , i appreciate your time, thank you for teaching.
Not a problem! It was a pleasure to do this.
thanks alex, we will never give up learning and am very happy to be your student thanks again for spending gold time spending us
rebi hassen
You guys are the whole reason I get to enjoy doing this! I’m very grateful for your support!
Hi Alex!
What a funny lesson!!!!! I like it very much!!!! We are pac mans of your English Lessons..
Aren t we?
Haha. Thanks! I’d love to have my own Pac-Man and Pac-Woman army.
sir yes sir!
Imagine everyone just walking around going “wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka…”
Great video lesson!
CONGRATULATIONS Alex! it was very creative!!
Thanks, tiago! Happy New Year! This was a lot of fun to create!
It was very funny and interesting lesson. Thanks a lot. A cool images. ??
Cherkasov Alex
You’re very welcome, and thanks for commenting on the images! I like them too.
Τo learn english for me is like the wonderful poem from our Great poet Kostantinos Kavafis.The title of his poet is”ITHACA” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n3n2Ox4Yfk#t=90
So…the beauty and joy of life it is not the destination but the journey itself.
Thank you Alex :)
I agree completely. If you finish everything you need to do, where do you go from there? You always need new goals and dreams to reach.
I liked your video a lot, Alex. You are a great teacher. Thank you and happy 2016!
Júlio César L Sousa
Happy 2016, juliocesar! Thanks for always commenting.
great job, bro !
Debora Estania Sosa Romero
I had a similar experience with a guitar teacher I had had. It was hard to find someone who was as good after I finished studying with him. I’m trying to teach myself now.
Welcome! I’m glad you’re enjoying my lessons, and I hope you will continue to find them useful!
After finishing this lesson, I find some confidence back in studying English.It’s right,we need to practice it everyday and over and over again.Thank you Alex, I will keep studying. ^ ^
Ariel Yen
That’s the spirit! Keep it up, Ariel.
Funny lesson, Alex! Thank you :)
You’re very welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
I got 8 out of 10, but it doesn´t matter, as you said in the video, I´ll keep studying hard to improve it.
Exactly! :) Getting high scores on vocabulary and grammar videos is a little more important than a video like this, anyway.
How funny and creative it is! You’re very great making this method, Alex! (two thumbs up) it makes me more excited to learn and improve my English language skill, thank you Alex :)
intan dwi lestari
YES! That’s the whole point of the video: to get you excited about learning, and to motivate you to keep going. Keep going!
Very interesting session.
Thanks Alex :)
Muhammad Wagih
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching.
Alex, you improved the style of lessons) it’s cool, more creative!
Thanks. I wanted to do something a little different for this one. Not every future lesson will be like this, but from time to time, you’ll see something a little more creative like this.
You’re one of the best teacher I’ve seen.
Thank you.
Thank you for watching. Good luck with your studies.
I will follow Alex advices. Do it you too (guy around the world)! Alex is a cool teacher :))
Have a nice time Alex
Happy New Year to everyone who follow EngVid !!!
Thanks for being a fan, and a Happy New Year to you too!
It is very funny. ^_^
Thanks! I wanted to make it a little funny. It’s a good way to start 2016.
I learnt EngVid in a few days ago, and your video is the first one. I have been watching your video more than 10 and those are really interesting. It’s really helping for learning. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you too, and thanks for studying with engVid! I’m always happy to see new students on the site! I’m also happy to hear that I’ve been able to help you.
Thanks for you video is different and positives advices..
It’s very easy to feel negative when you’re learning a language. We need to remember to feel positive and optimistic about it!
I am going to try
Excellent! :) Keep posting comments and practicing your writing as well!
I love your pronunciation and the creative way you combine learning English with Video game. Awesome! Thumbs Up!
Will Tang
Thanks, Will! This video was a ton of fun to make. I’m glad students are enjoying it so much!
I love this lesson! Its very creative and you are very funny. Congratulations for your excellent job!
Thanks a lot, Ninkasi! I put a lot of work into this video, but it was worth it. I’m happy to hear that so many people have enjoyed it and have felt motivated or inspired by it.
Thanks a lot for help me learning English.Amazing, awesome class!!!!You are really good Teacher!
Everton Campos
Thanks for watching, Everton! I appreciate your feedback and support! :)
Hi Alex as usual you’ve surprised me but today you have brougth out one of my favorites games for my childhood. Very nice, creative, and enjoyable motivational video. Thank you and a Happy New Year.
Thanks a lot for watching, Carlos! I’m glad I’m not the only one who is nostalgic about these old video games, and I’m incredibly to hear that you enjoyed the video.
Hi Alex! Is the first time I watched your video. It’s so didactic, I liked it so much.
*high five* Welcome to engVid! I’ve got plenty of other useful and creative videos coming in 2016!
Thanks a million Mr.Alex!
it was really good advice that we should conquer to these barriers or blocks,have a good one and God speed you!
Bushra hg
Thanks, bushra. Exactly. Remove or avoid the things that cause you to stop learning or to lose confidence.
Funny video. You are a great teacher Alex!
Thanks a lot, Joseluis488!
I haven’t played Pac-man yet. I will try it.
Thanks a bunch for your lesson teacher Alex, I’m going to put in practice your advice, regarding learning English :)
Thanks a lot, Solei23. There really is no secret. :) The method is how I think most people study a language. The examine it (study), they understand it, and then they try to practice it by writing or reading it. The goal is to never give up and to keep pressing “continue” when you feel like it’s “game over.” :)
i think this lesson is very helpful for me
Cool! I’m happy to hear that. Do you play Pac-Man?
You still remind me that learning English can be fun and easy! Thank you :)
love your voice Alex!
Thanks a lot! Yes, learning a language can be a lot of fun if you just take the time to try it.
I think your method is pretty cool to understand, it’s funny and not boring.. I’m not saying that the other teachers are boring, of course not, each teacher has his/her own way to teach and these ways are importante though. By the way, i think this feedback will be useful.. Thank you for this way!
Thanks. It’s sometimes difficult to make grammar and vocabulary lessons exciting, but my goal for 2016 is to make my videos are engaging and interesting for students as possible.
really i have got motivation when i listen to you alex
That’s awesome, and that was my goal! I’m happy to read this. :)
every day i am watching your video to improve my language to get my dream to be cabin crew in emirates airline i dont have any feedback just need english language to pass the exam
Good luck! I’m happy to hear that I’m playing a small role in helping you to reach your dream!
Hello Alex! I got 80/100. It was really fun. Great video and great quiz, I was tempted to answer in the 9th question : eat and sleep: very very important!!!! A lot of laugh. Alex: thank you very much for all your work, for this video, for all your videos, for all!!!!!
You’re welcome, Cristina! I really appreciate your feedback.
Hi Alex ! Thanks for the video. It’s really helpful to learn and practice english having in mind the concept of the pacman game and how it does connect to the concept of learning.
Cheers from Argentina !
Cheers! Thanks for clicking! I’m glad you enjoyed the video!
Excellent teacher… He is a funny guy
Thanks Alex, the world needs of person as you!
Thanks a lot. I think one of me is enough. Haha.
I got an 80! I appreciate these lesson Alex.
Its cool fo find a better way to encourage you to learn the language, I´ve been studying the language for a while, (almost 6 years)
I like these web, I think you are sharp, clear and understandable teacher.
see you later
Thanks, enrique!
wow, this is the first quiz that i got perfect score, 10 out of 10. LOL!! the power of Pacman : ))
thanks, Alex, this video is motivating me to learn English more. especially pronunciation & grammar. your video is very funny, creative, & interesting to watch! LOL. Keep up the good work! : ))
in the past, one of my ‘ghost’ is bad teacher. uhm, teachers TBH. i never met native teacher neither local teacher whose speak like a native @@ i don’t mean to blame teachers, but the place / environment where i live is…ummm…have misguided English pronunciation for a long, long time.
nowadays, younger generation have better pronunciation compared to my generation & the older. international school is getting more & more popular.
i learn pronunciation by watching English music video, or live performance video (ofcourse EngVid too!). just pay attention to the singer’s lips, and imitate the way he / she speak (uhm, sing) the lyrics. it will be easier & much enjoyable if you watch your favorite songs, since you can sing the lyrics with a correct pronunciation. keep practicing ’til you nail it. LOL : ))
Exactly. :) Movies and music are great ways to learn pronunciation…especially movies.
Thank a lot, you are very nice….I am so glad to find your motivational vídeo. Thank
Marta Lopez
No problem, Marta! Thanks a lot for watching, and good luck with your studies!
I got an 80 too my dear Alex. This video was very cool and useful for improving my intermedium (B2+) English.
Hugs from Mexico.
Nice! Keep practicing!
Hi Alex, thank a lot for your lessons.
Very interested in video. : )
Thanks for watching and for studying with engVid. Good luck!
9/10, not bad result, thanx you
Nice job! :) The more important thing is to feel more motivated to learn after watching this video.
Hey Alex, since you like street fighter you could make a video about characteres quotes. By the way, good lesson, congratulations!
Oooooh, that’s not a bad idea. Haha. It could be fun, but I might have to pick a specific grammar or vocabulary point to focus on!
I have a video coming in 2016 that uses Final Fantasy VII. I hope a lot of students check it out and enjoy it.
Ooooops! I got 9/10 and that is so amazing,Thank you Alex,your lessons are funny and helpful to me.
Arm Cheng
That’s awesome to hear! I’m glad I can motivate you! Thanks for your support!
thank you so much:))
You’re quite welcome. Thanks for clicking!
hi guys how r u keeping if u are ready to improve your english came join us. we’hv group chat add watts app +19075388524 thnks ALEX for your motivating us nd i cant wait the next video we will check it out
rebi hassen
Awesome! You won’t have to wait long. Just another week and a half. :)
I will join :)
Great! Thanks Alex!
That will make learning as a piece of cake :)
I hope so! I’m glad it has motivated you.
Great! Thanks Alex!
That will make learning as a piece of cake :)
I hope so! It’s never super easy, though. :)
That was cool!
Thanks! It was fun and cool to record.
Hi, Alex.
Great lesson. I`ve been watching/studying your lessons for a while and this new format of the videos is awesome. Congratulations for the job and for this lesson in special.
Thiago Lino
Thanks! Not every video will be like this, but you can expect similar videos every 2-3 months to add some flavour to the usual “one take” videos. :)
Hello Alex,
Thank you. As usual, it was perfect, amazing, funny, and of course, useful. I didn’t play this game, but now I do know what it is about. And yes, we need to triumph over our fears and if we fail, try again, and again, and again. I think this is the same in everything. If you have self-confident and patience, you can get what you want.
Kind Regards,
Roya Seferova
Precisely! Also, just one correction…
“If you have self confidence…” (noun form, not adjective form)
Thanks for commenting!
Thank you, Alex, for your correction. It was a bad mistake and at the same time a shame for me. I wrote it inattentively.
Roya Seferova
Don’t feel bad! We all make mistakes. I’m sure I’ve made some in my comments before.
Thank you, Alex. You are the best teacher. One feature that differentiates you from the other teachers is your answering to the comments with care.You are so attentive towards your students. I think this is one of your best sides.
Roya Seferova
We think so too :)
engVid Moderator
I just joined to the group today and I agree with you! I couldn’t believe Alex answers all the comments so scanned all the comments and yes! He answers all the commets. Congratulations Alex though I’m bit worry about your spending time on line. On the other hand this is a good and motivatinal idea how to start begginer English classes.
A very interesting class, Alex. Thanks in advance for all your advices. I will practice, as of today, the Pac-Man Method. Wakka wakka wakka
Yes! Do it! :) Thanks for watching, and I’m glad you enjoyed the video!
How inspiring speech!) Thanks for all
You’re very welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed it. :)
Thank you. I used to play game when l was younger. However, l was not good at it.
I was good at a lot of games, but there were some I wasn’t good at. For instance, my mom could beat me in Tetris and Dr. Mario.
Thank you, Alex. Your method is very interesting
Thanks! I wanted to make it something fun and different.
How are u oil of you lm vary happy I need you help me
Hi abchir. I do not offer private lessons at the moment, but I can answer comments here, and you can follow the videos on engVid to help you improve.
Pls becouse lm not speaking English well
good job alex i like this useful enjoyoble method to learning english and i apperciate what you doing. keep going my best teacher
Thanks, achraf! I plan to teach for a long time to come.
I’ve play pacman once. I canno past level 1!
I’ve gotten to level 7 or 8. It’s one of the most difficult games ever.
thanks a good method
Thanks. It’s supposed to be fun. :)
Great lesson Alex, and good luck with your French class.
Leandro Cleber
Thanks a lot, Leandro! I start classes again on January 19th.
Thank you Alex
You’re very welcome, Ukrit.
good lesson
*high five* Thanks!
Thank you very much, Alex! Your lessons is very helpfull for me, and i learn almost only by them. Thank you for your creative and usefull methods, espessially for grammar lessons, because it is always not easy for non-natives to understand grammar and idioms only by books :)
Danil Poletavkin
I understand. I try to make my lessons as clear as possible. Thanks for your feedback!
Thank you Alex
You’re very welcome, gussystar55. Interesting name.
i am Pac-Woman yeaaaaah!
Thank You Alex, i loved the lesson
That’s the idea! :D
(< (< (<
I'm glad you enjoyed the lesson. Thank you for commenting.
Thanks a lot, Alex
Any time. Thanks for watching.
I try to learn english with the PAC-MAN method. Its interesting.
The idea is just to practice, practice, practice and not to give up if things get difficult.
Thanks a lot Alex! it has helped me to learn more than I can think, I have ever asked myself about “how can I improve”, And I’m getting it o/.
Carlos lopes SP
Nice! The more you practice, the better you’ll get.
I think I´ve seen 80% of all engvid videos, but this one was fantastic, hilarious. Pura Vida
Awesome! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I had a fantastic time making it.
Thank you for an interesting lesson! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you as well! Thanks for watching!
Thanks Teacher! You are so funny with your way to teach. Thanks a lot. Hugs
Andre Ricardo
Not a problem! Thanks for watching!
Near minute 6:33, you are saying ‘move left’, but miming that you are moving right, and so for moving left. That’s surely due to the stress of recording the video! Good lesson anyway, as each you did. V.
Haha. Probably. I wasn’t thinking about it in the moment.
it was a great lesson and fantastique methode.thank you ALEX.
I’m glad you enjoyed the video and the method. Now apply it!
I got 100% in the quiz.thank you so mush you’r a great
You’re welcome! Thank you for clicking and for studying with our website, adilou.
well done Alex
it was very interesting lesson
musab SE
“It was a very interesting lesson.”
Thanks, musab.
thank you sir
My pleasure! Thanks for clicking.
you are teachıng so nıce
Thank you. I love what I do. :)
Hi Alex!! I’m 15 years old and my dream is going to live in America! I always see your videos and I think you’re great! The best teacher ever!
It would mean a lot if you answer me, even if I think it’s impossibile ahah
xoxo Debora
Thanks for commenting, Debora. I’m really happy to hear that I have helped you on your journey to becoming a better English speaker. Good luck! :)
I love it, this video is very useful and if you don’t know what is your priority to study. :D check my score here -> http://snag.gy/Puhga.jpg
Cristian Gutiérrez
Nice job, Cristian!
could you accepte me as your freind in FACBOOK the name of my facbook is ADEL BIL GATES.
I accept most people who ask to be my friend, so we’re probably already friends. :) I’m Alex EngVid on Facebook.
good teacher i love your method
Thank you! I’m happy to help.
Thanks, Alex, for this instructive and funny video!
Likewise Renata, I watch movies and series with subtitles in English, to catch whole phrases, grammatical rules, and pronunciation. After, I try to find some unknown words in a digital dictionary, to expand my vocabulary. Your lesson about reading and listening to a book story, a few weeks ago, helped me in reaching such method with videos also. Thanks.
Of course, I’m always here to learn specific topics of English and, cheerfully, meet you all!
I’ll follow you on Twitter and Facebook.
Fabio Cicerre
That’s a great way to learn English, especially if you have the time to do it frequently. Sometimes, the worst enemy of learning anything is time! :) If you’re making the time to do this type of learning all the time, you’ll improve really quickly. It’s not magic. It just makes sense.
Thank you, Alex! It was a funny and easy lesson. I got 100% in the quiz.
Nice job, Elena! “I got 100% ON the quiz.”
Thank you so much for correcting my mistakes, Alex! I very appreciate it. I have studied so many lessons about using prepositions, but still make mistakes :( It is hard to remember cases when in my native language other prepositions are used. For example, yesterday I was surprised that “solution TO the problem” is correct. I always thought that I should say “solution OF the problem”.
Your encouraging words are the best help, thanks Alex
My pleasure. I’m glad I was able to inspire and motivate you!
first of all i want to thank you for your lessons but i have just a problem while reading some essays which is that i find it too difficult to understand some expressions i study english day and night worked hard for months alone but i am not progressing because even if i understand the exact meaning of some words and in its context i don’t understand the whole meaning of the sentence i felt frustrated :(
Hi Karimon. I understand your frustration. It sounds like you are at a point where you need a private teacher to explain the finer points of the language.
Thank you! I have some ‘ghosts’ to kill in my learning.
We all do. :) Keep working hard!
Thank Alex you for your reply, so thoughtful :)
I mean, thank YOU Alex..
Thank you sir.I like your lesson.you are best
“I like your lessons. You are the best.” Thanks for watching!
I like it Alex! Thanks!!
My pleasure! Thank you for studying with EngVid.
Thanks for your video. It really encouraged me. Watching your video, making dictation practice of SSS(Sixty Second Science), and then reciting 100 words, these three tasks are my daily duties since 01-01-2016. I will enjoy it and persistent all the time.
I will never give up to learn English and Deutsch.
Keep in touch plz.
Thanks, Aurora! Keep it up! Let me know if you’re still doing this!
A innovative method to learn. Congratulation!
“An innovative method.” Thanks, genilvan! I wanted to do something fun and different in this video.
oh yeah ^_^
I love this video
It’s a great and fun way
thanks Mr Alex
Afnan Saad
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching! I’m glad you enjoyed the video. I had a blast making it.
Thank you alex. I love your teaching . It an interesting lesson.
“It’s an interesting lesson.”
Thanks for watching, stevenxie! I’ll keep making fun videos for you and everyone else!
Very Good Alex!
Thanks, Luciano! I appreciate your support!
I hope you make:”Learn English with Minecraft”
I’ve never played Minecraft, but I know how popular it is. It’s EVERYWHERE.
By the way, do you know Minecraft?
I think he do. Minecraft are popular in the US.
Wait. Are you Vietnamese? ’cause I am,too.
So where were you live in VietNam?
“Where did you live in Viet Nam?”
i am Vienamese!!Alex, i am living in Hanoi!!
Nguyen Van Hau
Thank you for this hilarious. I enjoyed learning it.
“Thank you for this hilarious lesson.” You’re quite welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
I love your video Alex! Thanks a lot for your lessons. I´m really appreciate the time that you spend teaching us. Thanks again!
Any time. Thanks for watching! I’m glad to hear that students are enjoying these lessons. It means everything to me!
Thanks, Alex.
You’re welcome, nour. Thank you for clicking.
Yay! I got a perfect score… thanks alex, from now on i will apply “the pacman method” in my daily routine in learning english. Thanks man..
Very good i like so much. Thanks
hi man, i want to say the you is the best teacher that saw. i subscrit you in youtube !!
That was a fun lesson
Thank you Alex
10 out 10, this method can be used in our life. i’m a pretty sure!
thx, Alex!! You is a fantastic teacher that reading each message! thanks again!
firstly , thanks a lot for your effort and your excellent video . but i have only one question , are this your accent in reality ? i mean if i meet you i will have the ability to understand like video ? or this simple way to learner .
Thank you Alex.
Haha, great idea, thx for the lesson
Very good lesson, thanks Alex
Thanks! It was very funny!=)
thanks alot! really meanningful Mr PacMan!!
Nguyen Van Hau
Thanks Alex.
Yang Yu
Hi Alex, I would to like to thank to look new approach of English learning. I just want to know what is mean of level 256 which you mentioned in end of this video.
How it come 256 number comes ?
can you let me me know in brief ?
Apurva Pal
Thanks Akex. I think you played this game a lot when you were young. Good idea this video!
Angela M.
Thank you Alex! Very optimistic video
Thanks, Alex! I’m enjoying this video. You are a cool dude! ;-)
Is there any MGS method to learn english, caz I rather Snake than pac-man. Still, nice vid, great tips, thanks for your time dud.
Great lesson with a different idea, thanks.
Thank you so much for teaching !!! I like you class!!!
funny and creative
I see learning philosophy by Pac-Man=) It is real method for study foreign languages. Thank you!
Alexey Goncharenko
You are the best teacher ! , why our English teachers in Palestinian don’t like you >>
the most difficult i have faced is keep on learning
Thaer Ali
Cool method :)))
ajajaja teacher I´m “PAC.MAN”, sorry thanks for lesson it was awesome this video, I´m glad for to meet you, and I know that you can teach me to improve my english language… nice to meet you and you´re great tacher.
The funniest video ever XD. Good video Alex.
Dear teacher , you made me laugh)
I relly like this method for study english
its easy and efficien, however thank you so much teacher
Best teacher ever :) loved this method ;)
Nice way to teach us something new about learning English. I’ve enjoyed the video.
Greetings from Poland :)
Amazing video!! Thanks Alex!!
Nael Fou ad
It is like the system of Duolingo app
Thank you Mr Alex
Thanks Alex, nice video.
Criss Araya
Quite funny lesson Alex! And rather creative too. Thank you for telling us that “Yes, we can”!
Eduardo França
Alex, thanks for this amazing lesson. I got 9/10 and it is now easier to learn English because of this method. Please tell me where shall is used.
Adwait Shiva
9/10 :)
Adwait Shiva
Happy new year Alex
Adwait Shiva
I got 10 correct out of 10. :D Lets have a party??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!
Adwait Shiva
This lesson by Alex make me feel get a turning point in my desire to learn english,i have been motivated.Now i realize that i’m on the right track to learn English.
Study, understand, and practice!
I’ll keep that in mind.
I had not ever played that game though.
Thank you, Mr. Alex!
Young Kyung Lee
Hi Alex…nice lesson..regards from Venezuela..
Hello Alex…an amazing motivational and relating lesson
Fouzia, Pakistan
Sakhi fouzia
Hi Alex , comparison at this lesson is very pretty. You are my favourite teacher :)
10/10 Thanks Alex. Greetings from Brazil.
Thanks for encouragement Alex!
omg omg i cant tell you how i felling now
really thank you
I will do it
Alex thank you soo much, I am terrified to learn English….I want to moved with my family in Canada and now I am studing for IELTS to adept in Canada, but some times I fill stupid…just after your lessenons all in my mind are becoming on the seats!) Thank you!
This is very helpful especially for me since it’s only a year before I graduate and hopefully become an English teacher..Thank you so much for this video Sir Alex
Funny and instructive video. Congrats to you, Alex. A good way to teach how to improve English.
I think life like this game and also learning new language , tanks a lot Mr.Alex for this method so helpful for me to learning , i enjoy it.
Thank”s for this lesson Alex
I got 6/10
J’ecris en français car vous étudiez le français ;)
J’ai adoré les effets spéciaux de cette vidéo, j’ai passé un bon moment à apprendre la méthode Pac-Man
i am a fan of Pacman game
J’adore la PAC MAN METHOD!!!
You motivated to contiue my englush studys
Bonjour de Marseille :)
9/10. happy new year .
Hi Alex, this lesson was very difficult for me, Because my English is very poor
for improving my English-speaking writing. what I can do ,please instruct me
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Funny video.
By the way, it´s too interesting how you represents this funny game with respect to learnig english as a analogy (ghosts: blocks of learnings, levels, etc…). I really enjoyed it and certainly, it remembered me one of the strong reasons why I decide to learn english!!
Thank you one more time to all of youand see ya´!
No problem! Thanks for checking out the video. I was playing Pac-Man one day and got the idea for this. Why not combine two things I’m passionate about?
Hi Alex, this lesson was very difficult for me, Because my English is very poor
for improving my English-speaking writing. what I can do ,please instruct me
In 1980,I used to play PAC MAN daily made the good score with 25 cents on ARCADE .If I had this lesson,I would play better.Nice lesson ALEX .Happy new year.new resolution.
Thanks a lot, cuong ta! I hadn’t been born in 1980, but if I had been born in time to play Pac-Man at the arcades, I probably would have been there every day as a kid.
My time in arcades was more in the 1990s. I played a lot of Street Fighter II and Tekken 3. I was never great at either game, but I still loved playing them! When I got Tekken 3 for the PlayStation, that’s when I became a decent player.
Ling Xiaoyu WINS! http://nd04.jxs.cz/103/908/60a591ae79_69528476_o2.jpg
If you want to keep up with what I’m doing, don’t forget to add me on Facebook and Twitter.
Facebook: Alex EngVid
Twitter: @AlexEngVid
I hope you guys enjoy this video! I had a lot of fun making it, and it gave me an excuse to wear my Pac-Man shirt on camera.
You’re welcome. :)
i didnt get it Alex
Hi nani, this is meant to be a motivational video to help you learn English. :) There is no grammar or pronunciation focus…it is a video about educational philosophy.
If this is difficult to understand, maybe try putting my message into Google Translate! translate.google.com
I like your lessons alex and can undrestand the game and story that you make. Tnx for your cr8ivity!
Not a problem! It was a pleasure!
9/10. Thank you Alex, very inspiring one.
You’re very welcome, ann.
Hi Alex! Thank you so much!
Your lessons are great as usual!
Thanks for your support. I appreciate your feedback.
Hi Alex, thank a lot for your lessons and happy new year!
Happy New Year to you as well! Thanks!
“Pac-Man”—It’s quite natural that you’re not familiar with that game released by Nintendo or else in my childhood. I love your lessons very much!
Thanks! I’m glad you’re learning and having a good time.
nice lesson thank you Alex
You’re very welcome, and thanks for commenting!
amazing lesson thanks
You’re welcome. It was a lot of fun to do this.
your video is very intersting. It’ s important for me to read that sometimes i can feel that i am not confident and i think that i never will be abel to speak english. tahnks
The important thing is to overcome those feelings and keep pushing forward.
10/10 :D
Your English lessons are creative, funny and full of tricks to make us more confident students during the process of learning.
As in the Pac-Man game, the winner is who continuing until the final level, against the difficulties and the blocks to learning as well.
Thanks Alex!
Thanks for your feedback, Isaias. I don’t think I try to add “tricks,” but as long as the people watching the videos are getting something positive from them, I’m happy. :)
I got 80/100 thanks
Very interesting method.
Nice job!
Thank you very much Alex!!I prefer studying English than playing PacMan. This game has always made me really nervous :S
It’s super hard. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten past level 6 or 7! I still enjoy trying, though. I have it on my phone and play it on the bus from time to time.
Hi Alex,
I wonder if I want to reach quickly the 256th level!
With trainers like you, ways of the learning are so enjoyable. Why not to let it last a little ?
A former player of Tetris and Arkanoid greets you all his “geek” salutations.
Tetris was one of my favourites as well. My mom was even better at it than I was, though!
I know what you mean. All life is learning.
Do you use the Method learning French, Alex? Does it help?
I think the method applies to just about anything, so yes, when I study French, I apply this way. :)
Study, understand, practice. SUP!
Very interesting lesson! Thanks Alex.
Alex is pretty creative!!
You’re welcome. Thanks for the positive feedback!
You know what Alex sir, Finally, Actually, I’ve learnt English and speaking in English with all my friends whenever and wherever I just do see or meet my “Bff” I only talk to them ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH they also so quite comfortable to talk me Alex sir
I tell you How I learnt English is only Through your web site nothing else helped me to learn English Except All EngVid Teacher One more think is your subtitles is helped me a lot I went through your all videos with subtitles that helped me to speak English..
Engvid teachers are all now to god me I do feel the same maybe, you guys do feel that why he is stumbling but truth is you are all so perfect I will say what I have been doing doing doing doing is just I write all subtitles in notebooks this not happen not a single day I do it day by day in each lesson and read it later..This is How I have learnt English From this site and I’m so comfortable your all accent actually..
If I say thanks that’s no no gonna be enough to you guys I guess..
I must say INFINITE thanks to this Website is called ENGVID I just ever do Live with this website everyday this is like my soul at the same time ENGVID teachers too whom I love still most than me…
you were right Alex sir Have to do everything..
the more you do spend time on something you can do get more from that this is hundred percent true or fact fact fact.. over last two months I was spending time am spending time even now thinking thinking thinking Just like addicted this website…
just sleeping with this website That’s why I have got more confident to speak English with everyone else.. . spending more time on something is really good to get result or outcome…
Wow. Thanks for your support, Sivakumar! Everyone at engVid appreciates it!
Sorry Sir for delay wish..
IT and mathematics in the service of learning language… thank you. Very good method! :)
Thanks, Stella. :) Everything is connected!
Happy New Year!!!! Great lesson! Thank you very much.
You’re very welcome!
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Same to you!
I had a lot of fun Alex, you’re crazy and excellent teacher :)
Ha! Thanks. Don’t tell my other students that I’m crazy. They might get scared.
Ty for this yummy lesson , it was hilarous :) :) i’ll eat all of level
Good attitude!
Pretty good Alex!!!! You are awesome!! kkk
Thanks a lot! I’m glad you liked the video!
i like this lesson it is really funny
That was part of my goal. Thanks for your feedback, sokdavid!
A funny video.
You’re so creative Alex.
Thanks a lot, Sandoval!
Wow! Definitely was an amazing,funny and useful lesson about how to see our process of learning English… I’ve never seen in this way but has a lot relative. I keep up some of these amazing advices in my life and i’ve improved considerably. Thanks Alex you made my day with this! I hope you continue making as good job as you have come doing.
I’m glad that I was able to make your day!
I’ll keep making videos as long as I have a voice.
Start again please!:-)…….₩ GREAT LESSON ALEX THANKS!
You’re very welcome!
thanks Alex
is very funny, it is very good analogy , i appreciate your time, thank you for teaching.
Not a problem! It was a pleasure to do this.
thanks alex, we will never give up learning and am very happy to be your student thanks again for spending gold time spending us
You guys are the whole reason I get to enjoy doing this! I’m very grateful for your support!
Hi Alex!
What a funny lesson!!!!! I like it very much!!!! We are pac mans of your English Lessons..
Aren t we?
Haha. Thanks! I’d love to have my own Pac-Man and Pac-Woman army.
sir yes sir!
Imagine everyone just walking around going “wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka…”
Great video lesson!
CONGRATULATIONS Alex! it was very creative!!
Thanks, tiago! Happy New Year! This was a lot of fun to create!
It was very funny and interesting lesson. Thanks a lot. A cool images. ??
You’re very welcome, and thanks for commenting on the images! I like them too.
Τo learn english for me is like the wonderful poem from our Great poet Kostantinos Kavafis.The title of his poet is”ITHACA”
So…the beauty and joy of life it is not the destination but the journey itself.
Thank you Alex :)
I agree completely. If you finish everything you need to do, where do you go from there? You always need new goals and dreams to reach.
I liked your video a lot, Alex. You are a great teacher. Thank you and happy 2016!
Happy 2016, juliocesar! Thanks for always commenting.
great job, bro !
I had a similar experience with a guitar teacher I had had. It was hard to find someone who was as good after I finished studying with him. I’m trying to teach myself now.
Welcome! I’m glad you’re enjoying my lessons, and I hope you will continue to find them useful!
After finishing this lesson, I find some confidence back in studying English.It’s right,we need to practice it everyday and over and over again.Thank you Alex, I will keep studying. ^ ^
That’s the spirit! Keep it up, Ariel.
Funny lesson, Alex! Thank you :)
You’re very welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
I got 8 out of 10, but it doesn´t matter, as you said in the video, I´ll keep studying hard to improve it.
Exactly! :) Getting high scores on vocabulary and grammar videos is a little more important than a video like this, anyway.
How funny and creative it is! You’re very great making this method, Alex! (two thumbs up) it makes me more excited to learn and improve my English language skill, thank you Alex :)
YES! That’s the whole point of the video: to get you excited about learning, and to motivate you to keep going. Keep going!
Very interesting session.
Thanks Alex :)
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching.
Alex, you improved the style of lessons) it’s cool, more creative!
Thanks. I wanted to do something a little different for this one. Not every future lesson will be like this, but from time to time, you’ll see something a little more creative like this.
You’re one of the best teacher I’ve seen.
Thank you.
Thank you for watching. Good luck with your studies.
I will follow Alex advices. Do it you too (guy around the world)! Alex is a cool teacher :))
Have a nice time Alex
Happy New Year to everyone who follow EngVid !!!
Thanks for being a fan, and a Happy New Year to you too!
It is very funny. ^_^
Thanks! I wanted to make it a little funny. It’s a good way to start 2016.
I learnt EngVid in a few days ago, and your video is the first one. I have been watching your video more than 10 and those are really interesting. It’s really helping for learning. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you too, and thanks for studying with engVid! I’m always happy to see new students on the site! I’m also happy to hear that I’ve been able to help you.
Thanks for you video is different and positives advices..
It’s very easy to feel negative when you’re learning a language. We need to remember to feel positive and optimistic about it!
I am going to try
Excellent! :) Keep posting comments and practicing your writing as well!
I love your pronunciation and the creative way you combine learning English with Video game. Awesome! Thumbs Up!
Thanks, Will! This video was a ton of fun to make. I’m glad students are enjoying it so much!
I love this lesson! Its very creative and you are very funny. Congratulations for your excellent job!
Thanks a lot, Ninkasi! I put a lot of work into this video, but it was worth it. I’m happy to hear that so many people have enjoyed it and have felt motivated or inspired by it.
Thanks a lot for help me learning English.Amazing, awesome class!!!!You are really good Teacher!
Thanks for watching, Everton! I appreciate your feedback and support! :)
Hi Alex as usual you’ve surprised me but today you have brougth out one of my favorites games for my childhood. Very nice, creative, and enjoyable motivational video. Thank you and a Happy New Year.
Thanks a lot for watching, Carlos! I’m glad I’m not the only one who is nostalgic about these old video games, and I’m incredibly to hear that you enjoyed the video.
Hi Alex! Is the first time I watched your video. It’s so didactic, I liked it so much.
*high five* Welcome to engVid! I’ve got plenty of other useful and creative videos coming in 2016!
Thanks a million Mr.Alex!
it was really good advice that we should conquer to these barriers or blocks,have a good one and God speed you!
Thanks, bushra. Exactly. Remove or avoid the things that cause you to stop learning or to lose confidence.
Funny video. You are a great teacher Alex!
Thanks a lot, Joseluis488!
I haven’t played Pac-man yet. I will try it.
Thanks a bunch for your lesson teacher Alex, I’m going to put in practice your advice, regarding learning English :)
Thanks a lot, Solei23. There really is no secret. :) The method is how I think most people study a language. The examine it (study), they understand it, and then they try to practice it by writing or reading it. The goal is to never give up and to keep pressing “continue” when you feel like it’s “game over.” :)
i think this lesson is very helpful for me
Cool! I’m happy to hear that. Do you play Pac-Man?
You still remind me that learning English can be fun and easy! Thank you :)
love your voice Alex!
Thanks a lot! Yes, learning a language can be a lot of fun if you just take the time to try it.
I think your method is pretty cool to understand, it’s funny and not boring.. I’m not saying that the other teachers are boring, of course not, each teacher has his/her own way to teach and these ways are importante though. By the way, i think this feedback will be useful.. Thank you for this way!
Thanks. It’s sometimes difficult to make grammar and vocabulary lessons exciting, but my goal for 2016 is to make my videos are engaging and interesting for students as possible.
really i have got motivation when i listen to you alex
That’s awesome, and that was my goal! I’m happy to read this. :)
every day i am watching your video to improve my language to get my dream to be cabin crew in emirates airline i dont have any feedback just need english language to pass the exam
Good luck! I’m happy to hear that I’m playing a small role in helping you to reach your dream!
Hello Alex! I got 80/100. It was really fun. Great video and great quiz, I was tempted to answer in the 9th question : eat and sleep: very very important!!!! A lot of laugh. Alex: thank you very much for all your work, for this video, for all your videos, for all!!!!!
You’re welcome, Cristina! I really appreciate your feedback.
Hi Alex ! Thanks for the video. It’s really helpful to learn and practice english having in mind the concept of the pacman game and how it does connect to the concept of learning.
Cheers from Argentina !
Cheers! Thanks for clicking! I’m glad you enjoyed the video!
Excellent teacher… He is a funny guy
Thanks Alex, the world needs of person as you!
Thanks a lot. I think one of me is enough. Haha.
I got an 80! I appreciate these lesson Alex.
Its cool fo find a better way to encourage you to learn the language, I´ve been studying the language for a while, (almost 6 years)
I like these web, I think you are sharp, clear and understandable teacher.
see you later
Thanks, enrique!
wow, this is the first quiz that i got perfect score, 10 out of 10. LOL!! the power of Pacman : ))
thanks, Alex, this video is motivating me to learn English more. especially pronunciation & grammar. your video is very funny, creative, & interesting to watch! LOL. Keep up the good work! : ))
in the past, one of my ‘ghost’ is bad teacher. uhm, teachers TBH. i never met native teacher neither local teacher whose speak like a native @@ i don’t mean to blame teachers, but the place / environment where i live is…ummm…have misguided English pronunciation for a long, long time.
nowadays, younger generation have better pronunciation compared to my generation & the older. international school is getting more & more popular.
i learn pronunciation by watching English music video, or live performance video (ofcourse EngVid too!). just pay attention to the singer’s lips, and imitate the way he / she speak (uhm, sing) the lyrics. it will be easier & much enjoyable if you watch your favorite songs, since you can sing the lyrics with a correct pronunciation. keep practicing ’til you nail it. LOL : ))
Exactly. :) Movies and music are great ways to learn pronunciation…especially movies.
Thank a lot, you are very nice….I am so glad to find your motivational vídeo. Thank
No problem, Marta! Thanks a lot for watching, and good luck with your studies!
I got an 80 too my dear Alex. This video was very cool and useful for improving my intermedium (B2+) English.
Hugs from Mexico.
Nice! Keep practicing!
Hi Alex, thank a lot for your lessons.
Very interested in video. : )
Thanks for watching and for studying with engVid. Good luck!
9/10, not bad result, thanx you
Nice job! :) The more important thing is to feel more motivated to learn after watching this video.
Hey Alex, since you like street fighter you could make a video about characteres quotes. By the way, good lesson, congratulations!
Oooooh, that’s not a bad idea. Haha. It could be fun, but I might have to pick a specific grammar or vocabulary point to focus on!
I have a video coming in 2016 that uses Final Fantasy VII. I hope a lot of students check it out and enjoy it.
Ooooops! I got 9/10 and that is so amazing,Thank you Alex,your lessons are funny and helpful to me.
That’s awesome to hear! I’m glad I can motivate you! Thanks for your support!
thank you so much:))
You’re quite welcome. Thanks for clicking!
hi guys how r u keeping if u are ready to improve your english came join us. we’hv group chat add watts app +19075388524 thnks ALEX for your motivating us nd i cant wait the next video we will check it out
Awesome! You won’t have to wait long. Just another week and a half. :)
I will join :)
Great! Thanks Alex!
That will make learning as a piece of cake :)
I hope so! I’m glad it has motivated you.
Great! Thanks Alex!
That will make learning as a piece of cake :)
I hope so! It’s never super easy, though. :)
That was cool!
Thanks! It was fun and cool to record.
Hi, Alex.
Great lesson. I`ve been watching/studying your lessons for a while and this new format of the videos is awesome. Congratulations for the job and for this lesson in special.
Thanks! Not every video will be like this, but you can expect similar videos every 2-3 months to add some flavour to the usual “one take” videos. :)
Hello Alex,
Thank you. As usual, it was perfect, amazing, funny, and of course, useful. I didn’t play this game, but now I do know what it is about. And yes, we need to triumph over our fears and if we fail, try again, and again, and again. I think this is the same in everything. If you have self-confident and patience, you can get what you want.
Kind Regards,
Precisely! Also, just one correction…
“If you have self confidence…” (noun form, not adjective form)
Thanks for commenting!
Thank you, Alex, for your correction. It was a bad mistake and at the same time a shame for me. I wrote it inattentively.
Don’t feel bad! We all make mistakes. I’m sure I’ve made some in my comments before.
Thank you, Alex. You are the best teacher. One feature that differentiates you from the other teachers is your answering to the comments with care.You are so attentive towards your students. I think this is one of your best sides.
We think so too :)
I just joined to the group today and I agree with you! I couldn’t believe Alex answers all the comments so scanned all the comments and yes! He answers all the commets. Congratulations Alex though I’m bit worry about your spending time on line. On the other hand this is a good and motivatinal idea how to start begginer English classes.
A very interesting class, Alex. Thanks in advance for all your advices. I will practice, as of today, the Pac-Man Method. Wakka wakka wakka
Yes! Do it! :) Thanks for watching, and I’m glad you enjoyed the video!
How inspiring speech!) Thanks for all
You’re very welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed it. :)
Thank you. I used to play game when l was younger. However, l was not good at it.
I was good at a lot of games, but there were some I wasn’t good at. For instance, my mom could beat me in Tetris and Dr. Mario.
Thank you, Alex. Your method is very interesting
Thanks! I wanted to make it something fun and different.
How are u oil of you lm vary happy I need you help me
Hi abchir. I do not offer private lessons at the moment, but I can answer comments here, and you can follow the videos on engVid to help you improve.
Pls becouse lm not speaking English well
good job alex i like this useful enjoyoble method to learning english and i apperciate what you doing. keep going my best teacher
Thanks, achraf! I plan to teach for a long time to come.
I’ve play pacman once. I canno past level 1!
I’ve gotten to level 7 or 8. It’s one of the most difficult games ever.
thanks a good method
Thanks. It’s supposed to be fun. :)
Great lesson Alex, and good luck with your French class.
Thanks a lot, Leandro! I start classes again on January 19th.
Thank you Alex
You’re very welcome, Ukrit.
good lesson
*high five* Thanks!
Thank you very much, Alex! Your lessons is very helpfull for me, and i learn almost only by them. Thank you for your creative and usefull methods, espessially for grammar lessons, because it is always not easy for non-natives to understand grammar and idioms only by books :)
I understand. I try to make my lessons as clear as possible. Thanks for your feedback!
Thank you Alex
You’re very welcome, gussystar55. Interesting name.
i am Pac-Woman yeaaaaah!
Thank You Alex, i loved the lesson
That’s the idea! :D
(< (< (<
I'm glad you enjoyed the lesson. Thank you for commenting.
Thanks a lot, Alex
Any time. Thanks for watching.
I try to learn english with the PAC-MAN method. Its interesting.
The idea is just to practice, practice, practice and not to give up if things get difficult.
Thanks a lot Alex! it has helped me to learn more than I can think, I have ever asked myself about “how can I improve”, And I’m getting it o/.
Nice! The more you practice, the better you’ll get.
I think I´ve seen 80% of all engvid videos, but this one was fantastic, hilarious. Pura Vida
Awesome! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I had a fantastic time making it.
Thank you for an interesting lesson! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you as well! Thanks for watching!
Hey !!! Nice video Alex. Thanks for that.
Please accept me on Facebook.
I’m Alex EngVid on Facebook. :)
Thanks Teacher! You are so funny with your way to teach. Thanks a lot. Hugs
Not a problem! Thanks for watching!
Near minute 6:33, you are saying ‘move left’, but miming that you are moving right, and so for moving left. That’s surely due to the stress of recording the video! Good lesson anyway, as each you did. V.
Haha. Probably. I wasn’t thinking about it in the moment.
it was a great lesson and fantastique methode.thank you ALEX.
I’m glad you enjoyed the video and the method. Now apply it!
I got 100% in the quiz.thank you so mush you’r a great
You’re welcome! Thank you for clicking and for studying with our website, adilou.
well done Alex
it was very interesting lesson
“It was a very interesting lesson.”
Thanks, musab.
thank you sir
My pleasure! Thanks for clicking.
you are teachıng so nıce
Thank you. I love what I do. :)
Hi Alex!! I’m 15 years old and my dream is going to live in America! I always see your videos and I think you’re great! The best teacher ever!
It would mean a lot if you answer me, even if I think it’s impossibile ahah
xoxo Debora
Thanks for commenting, Debora. I’m really happy to hear that I have helped you on your journey to becoming a better English speaker. Good luck! :)
I love it, this video is very useful and if you don’t know what is your priority to study. :D check my score here -> http://snag.gy/Puhga.jpg
Nice job, Cristian!
could you accepte me as your freind in FACBOOK the name of my facbook is ADEL BIL GATES.
I accept most people who ask to be my friend, so we’re probably already friends. :) I’m Alex EngVid on Facebook.
good teacher i love your method
Thank you! I’m happy to help.
Thanks, Alex, for this instructive and funny video!
Likewise Renata, I watch movies and series with subtitles in English, to catch whole phrases, grammatical rules, and pronunciation. After, I try to find some unknown words in a digital dictionary, to expand my vocabulary. Your lesson about reading and listening to a book story, a few weeks ago, helped me in reaching such method with videos also. Thanks.
Of course, I’m always here to learn specific topics of English and, cheerfully, meet you all!
I’ll follow you on Twitter and Facebook.
That’s a great way to learn English, especially if you have the time to do it frequently. Sometimes, the worst enemy of learning anything is time! :) If you’re making the time to do this type of learning all the time, you’ll improve really quickly. It’s not magic. It just makes sense.
Thank you, Alex! It was a funny and easy lesson. I got 100% in the quiz.
Nice job, Elena! “I got 100% ON the quiz.”
Thank you so much for correcting my mistakes, Alex! I very appreciate it. I have studied so many lessons about using prepositions, but still make mistakes :( It is hard to remember cases when in my native language other prepositions are used. For example, yesterday I was surprised that “solution TO the problem” is correct. I always thought that I should say “solution OF the problem”.
Your encouraging words are the best help, thanks Alex
My pleasure. I’m glad I was able to inspire and motivate you!
first of all i want to thank you for your lessons but i have just a problem while reading some essays which is that i find it too difficult to understand some expressions i study english day and night worked hard for months alone but i am not progressing because even if i understand the exact meaning of some words and in its context i don’t understand the whole meaning of the sentence i felt frustrated :(
Hi Karimon. I understand your frustration. It sounds like you are at a point where you need a private teacher to explain the finer points of the language.
Thank you! I have some ‘ghosts’ to kill in my learning.
We all do. :) Keep working hard!
Thank Alex you for your reply, so thoughtful :)
I mean, thank YOU Alex..
Thank you sir.I like your lesson.you are best
“I like your lessons. You are the best.” Thanks for watching!
I like it Alex! Thanks!!
My pleasure! Thank you for studying with EngVid.
Thanks for your video. It really encouraged me. Watching your video, making dictation practice of SSS(Sixty Second Science), and then reciting 100 words, these three tasks are my daily duties since 01-01-2016. I will enjoy it and persistent all the time.
I will never give up to learn English and Deutsch.
Keep in touch plz.
Thanks, Aurora! Keep it up! Let me know if you’re still doing this!
A innovative method to learn. Congratulation!
“An innovative method.” Thanks, genilvan! I wanted to do something fun and different in this video.
oh yeah ^_^
I love this video
It’s a great and fun way
thanks Mr Alex
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching! I’m glad you enjoyed the video. I had a blast making it.
Thank you alex. I love your teaching . It an interesting lesson.
“It’s an interesting lesson.”
Thanks for watching, stevenxie! I’ll keep making fun videos for you and everyone else!
Very Good Alex!
Thanks, Luciano! I appreciate your support!
I hope you make:”Learn English with Minecraft”
I’ve never played Minecraft, but I know how popular it is. It’s EVERYWHERE.
By the way, do you know Minecraft?
I think he do. Minecraft are popular in the US.
Wait. Are you Vietnamese? ’cause I am,too.
So where were you live in VietNam?
“Where did you live in Viet Nam?”
i am Vienamese!!Alex, i am living in Hanoi!!
Thank you for this hilarious. I enjoyed learning it.
“Thank you for this hilarious lesson.” You’re quite welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
I love your video Alex! Thanks a lot for your lessons. I´m really appreciate the time that you spend teaching us. Thanks again!
Any time. Thanks for watching! I’m glad to hear that students are enjoying these lessons. It means everything to me!
Thanks, Alex.
You’re welcome, nour. Thank you for clicking.
Yay! I got a perfect score… thanks alex, from now on i will apply “the pacman method” in my daily routine in learning english. Thanks man..
Very good i like so much. Thanks
hi man, i want to say the you is the best teacher that saw. i subscrit you in youtube !!
That was a fun lesson
Thank you Alex
10 out 10, this method can be used in our life. i’m a pretty sure!
thx, Alex!! You is a fantastic teacher that reading each message! thanks again!
firstly , thanks a lot for your effort and your excellent video . but i have only one question , are this your accent in reality ? i mean if i meet you i will have the ability to understand like video ? or this simple way to learner .
Thank you Alex.
Haha, great idea, thx for the lesson
Very good lesson, thanks Alex
Thanks! It was very funny!=)
thanks alot! really meanningful Mr PacMan!!
Thanks Alex.
Hi Alex, I would to like to thank to look new approach of English learning. I just want to know what is mean of level 256 which you mentioned in end of this video.
How it come 256 number comes ?
can you let me me know in brief ?
Apurva Pal
Thanks Akex. I think you played this game a lot when you were young. Good idea this video!
Thank you Alex! Very optimistic video
Thanks, Alex! I’m enjoying this video. You are a cool dude! ;-)
Is there any MGS method to learn english, caz I rather Snake than pac-man. Still, nice vid, great tips, thanks for your time dud.
Great lesson with a different idea, thanks.
Thank you so much for teaching !!! I like you class!!!
funny and creative
I see learning philosophy by Pac-Man=) It is real method for study foreign languages. Thank you!
You are the best teacher ! , why our English teachers in Palestinian don’t like you >>
the most difficult i have faced is keep on learning
Cool method :)))
ajajaja teacher I´m “PAC.MAN”, sorry thanks for lesson it was awesome this video, I´m glad for to meet you, and I know that you can teach me to improve my english language… nice to meet you and you´re great tacher.
The funniest video ever XD. Good video Alex.
Dear teacher , you made me laugh)
I relly like this method for study english
its easy and efficien, however thank you so much teacher
Best teacher ever :) loved this method ;)
Nice way to teach us something new about learning English. I’ve enjoyed the video.
Greetings from Poland :)
Amazing video!! Thanks Alex!!
It is like the system of Duolingo app
Thank you Mr Alex
Thanks Alex, nice video.
Quite funny lesson Alex! And rather creative too. Thank you for telling us that “Yes, we can”!
Alex, thanks for this amazing lesson. I got 9/10 and it is now easier to learn English because of this method. Please tell me where shall is used.
9/10 :)
Happy new year Alex
I got 10 correct out of 10. :D Lets have a party??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!
This lesson by Alex make me feel get a turning point in my desire to learn english,i have been motivated.Now i realize that i’m on the right track to learn English.
Study, understand, and practice!
I’ll keep that in mind.
I had not ever played that game though.
Thank you, Mr. Alex!
Hi Alex…nice lesson..regards from Venezuela..
Hello Alex…an amazing motivational and relating lesson
Fouzia, Pakistan
Hi Alex , comparison at this lesson is very pretty. You are my favourite teacher :)
10/10 Thanks Alex. Greetings from Brazil.
Thanks for encouragement Alex!
omg omg i cant tell you how i felling now
really thank you
I will do it
Alex thank you soo much, I am terrified to learn English….I want to moved with my family in Canada and now I am studing for IELTS to adept in Canada, but some times I fill stupid…just after your lessenons all in my mind are becoming on the seats!) Thank you!
This is very helpful especially for me since it’s only a year before I graduate and hopefully become an English teacher..Thank you so much for this video Sir Alex
Funny and instructive video. Congrats to you, Alex. A good way to teach how to improve English.
I think life like this game and also learning new language , tanks a lot Mr.Alex for this method so helpful for me to learning , i enjoy it.
Thank”s for this lesson Alex
I got 6/10
J’ecris en français car vous étudiez le français ;)
J’ai adoré les effets spéciaux de cette vidéo, j’ai passé un bon moment à apprendre la méthode Pac-Man
i am a fan of Pacman game
J’adore la PAC MAN METHOD!!!
You motivated to contiue my englush studys
Bonjour de Marseille :)
9/10. happy new year .
Hi Alex, this lesson was very difficult for me, Because my English is very poor
for improving my English-speaking writing. what I can do ,please instruct me
Thank you a lot