There are less native speakers who know this rule than you think. Don’t believe me? If you thought “less” was okay to use in the first sentence, you’re wrong! Find out why by watching the lesson, then test your understanding of the rule by taking the quiz.
it is realy good lesson as I know new thing add to my knowledge
I lov u Alex. Your explanation is so simple.
Hi Alex, first of all, I’d like to thank you! Your videos are awesome!
Few is the opposite of Many. So, what is the opposite of “fewer”? Might it be “very many”?
Thank you again! I love your classes! Cheers!
Vinicius Arcanjo
The opposite of “fewer” is “more”.
There are fewer people than I expected.
There are more people than I expected.
You got it.
Thanks, Alex.
hi cristianemarques
I want improve my speaking so do you want talking with me please
my skype user is weely900
Iam from sudan
Hi Nice Girl from Braze,
hope are u diong well,
i want to have FRIEND for English speaking in
skype what is your idea.
Thanks again
sher M Akbar
Very nice explanation teacher Alex
Thanks Alex for such a wonderful lesson. You have simple and clear. I’d like you to give some special class on body language(gesture). I haven’t find any good lesson on that.
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll keep it in mind!
Short ,simple and very important grammar lesson thanks Alex!!!!
you said this is correct
“There’s a lot less juice in the fridge than before the party .”
isn’t the juice a countable name ?
waiting for response , sir
You cannot count juice neither water or wine. Therefore we must use less.
Bingo. Juice is a liquid, and liquids can’t be counted. Use “Less” for non-count nouns.
Very good!!
Hi Alex,you are clear very much with explanation.
Alex, thanks for your explanations, very clear
Nevertheless, I want to make a question:
What is the diference between: Right now, Straight Away and Right Away?
Sounds like an idea for a future lesson!
Thank you so much….
Myo Myint Maw
Very important lesson! Thanks a lot
Thank sir!
Thanks for teaching us . This lesson really help me to speak english
Thanks for teaching . This lesson really help me
10 out of 10
Nice try in 5 and 6
5. I think you need to party fewer times a week.
6. I think you need to party less.
It’s very useful for my CA1 in March. :)Thanks ^^
many thanks
focused and concise lesson.
Just good.
thanks Alex this is really difficult topic and thank you for your explanation this is wonderful
Thanks Alex.
Hi dear Alex
Could please have a lesson about “lately & recently and so on.” because I’m confused about them :(
Good idea! I’ll keep it in mind for a future lesson.
Hi Alex it was nice lesson and question.
Thank you Alex , very simple .
Thank you Alex =)
BTW, I wish if you or anyone of the teachers could make a lesson about “Valentine Day” ^_^
Thank you,Alex^^
hi hani do you want make a conversation
my user skype is weely900
Many thanks, Alex!
thanks for lesson, alex. however, please, you can explain the number 6. beacause, i think “party” is countable noun
“to party” that’s a verb
I’m looking for someone I have a conversation in Skipe with to improve my english skills. I’ll apperciate it if anyone contact me.
I’m 34, male, from Iran, mechanical engineer, marrid, upper-intermediate level.
Contact Email address:
Hi, could someone explain me this sentence:
I think you need to party fewer times a week.
fewer we should use for countable nouns, but I don’t think time is countable :/
please explain the number 6
Thank you so much and keep your good job.
Even if it is out of the topic Please help me.
Re write the following faulty sentence.
1. The car ran over the child, while walking to the office.
2. All watched the launching excitedly it was spectacular.
3. To be creative. I wanted to be happy.
4. John has two hobbies he spends more time on astronomy than art.
5. Nobody in the class of fifty students understand. How to solve the equation on the black board.
My suggestions:
1. Driving instead of walking (I suppose the child was on its way to school, not to the office).
2. Excitedly to be followed by a semicolon “;”.
3. Creative must be followed by a comma, not a period mark.
4. Period after hobbies. (I spend no time on either).
5. Understood instead of understand.
John Borup
5. Comma after understood, and how with a lower-case letter.
John Borup
thanks Alex. could please make a lesson on ‘also’.
I’ll keep it in mind! Thanks for the suggestion!
hi all dears:
i am from afghanistan i want to improve my english.
How can help me if you are wan t to help us my uses is:
basir.qr in Nimbuzz and skype.
Ahmadi Basir Quraishi
basir.qr i am added my user is weely900
Thanks for the explanation ,I hope i will not forget it.
Great Alex… :)
I’ve never paid attention to this difference:( The lesson was just on time.
Thank you Alex for your job!
Thanks Alex
very good recalling
hi barla
Great, awesome, excellent lesson!!!! very useful for me,,,and for you guys!!!
thanks alex
Hi Alex. you are the best.
Nice test
Thanks …
Hi Alex,
Hope you are doing good. Could you please tell me, In Q. 7 of quiz the answer is-The teacher’s been giving us fewer and fewer explanations lately.
Why this answer is correct?How can we count explanations.
thx a lot mr Alex u r simple and clear i like u so much
Thank you so much Alex, your explanations are so useful. I wish that people who speak english, speak it like you
Hello Teacher Alex, Can you help me?I intend to make exchange in Canada if possible send me some names of school with good precedence and nice price.
Grateful since already.
Hi ALex your explaination is so clean bit in this lesson u r liitlebit confusing pls give me more…
Thank Alex, I undertend this concept, is necesari know about contable and uncontable nouns ..
You got 6 correct out of 10.
Hi Alex,
hopeyou are doing good and also hope my comments can reach to you. i hve been watching most of the video in and youtube also.I like three teacher and your explanation is very clear and wonderful. you are the first Alex,second Ronnie.third rebeca. i would request you please explain me present perfect and perfect continious tense.and past and future also.Many thanks
thanks alex.
I can do all the tests about fewer and less,thank you so much Alex.I got 9 out of 10.
bakhtiyar ali
Thanks a lot
OMG ! I did 100% correct! I’m not one of those which are all the time saying it but this time I’m really surprised because it’s not that simple! There were false friends but I managed it! Thanks Alex it was very interesting because although I have studied this subject I didn’t pay atention to it till now. It shows us that it’s very important to apply James’s theory: When you learn new words we must use write down and read it loudly 3 times so that we don’t forget it. Have a good day.
thank you mr Alex you are talent
There are fewer students here that i expected,i should focus less on watching Tv and concentrate to my study.( is my sentence correct Alex?)
Almost. Just change the end to “I should concentrate on studying” or “I should concentrate on my studying.”
Hi,and thank you Alex
I dont understand question number 7
why the explanations word is countable?
we cant count it !!!!!!!!!!!!
The lesson is good ,but when the questions asked here will be answered?
i wonder if anyone will answer me this question: if (people) is countable noun why do we say it without (s) unlike other countable nouns?
Thanks so much great teaching
Hi! I started english lessons form today with you.
You are very impress me.
I would like to say thank you.
I will never miss your english lessons.
You awsome!!
As always, thnak you for your explanations!
thank you very much for useful videos. Your explanation is so clear and easy to follow. Many many thx
Thank you, dear teacher! Good lesson, but I just got 8 out of 10…
thanks, you make it look so simple
thank you very much Mr Alex
i got 10/10.All my answers are correct.Nice video sir.
hi alex……could you tell me how can we use following words in conversation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,……………………………………………….1.scream……..2.secular. 3.cede 4.hereafter 5.enthusiasm 6.nevertheless 7.eons 8.provoked 9.descendent 10..descendant………………pls tell me:)
I have less knowledge than you.
thanks a lot your teaching
Thanks Mr. Alex that helps me a lot while I’m learning English ^_^ .
I must say that this lesson was very helpful.
But still I have a doubt… what if we say “There are less no. of people here” ? Will the sentence be correct?
we can account the money why used less???
HI sara actually I thing money is not countable because of kinds like $100 + 100 Euro now we can say like I have $ 100 and 100 Euro we con not say like I have 200 money . this sentences is not complete and it not understandable .ok cause of that we use less / how much like I have less money to have that. who much money do you need ? OK thanks tech.. Alex if I’m wrong plze let me know .
much appreciated Jawad .
Sarah, basically, you can count dollars, euros, pesos, etc. However, you can’t count money. You can’t say “I have 2 monies” or “I have 5 monies.” That’s the easiest way to understand it. :)
Love this site!
waooooooooo .. i got 90% marks…
Very helpful…thank you!
Yor are perfect Alex…
Look I’ve an English exam on 16/3 and I need to take a course with you.
Iam soooooooo concerned.
Please contact me as soon as possible.
My E-mail:
Facebook account: Oveem Istanis
Skype: oveemistanis
waiting for your reply soooooon and plz if you aren’t interested just inform me.
Thank You
Oveem Istanis
Unfortunately, I don’t do private lessons online. Sorry!
thank you
Nice :)
Hello Alex!
A good lesson and quiz. I was astonished that I only got 7 out of 10 correct.
John Borup
But then again, I have to repeat this lesson and quiz in a few days. As Carlos77 said:
James’s theory: When you learn a new word you must use it, write it down, and read it loudly 3 times so that you don’t forget it.
John Borup
a. I only got 7 correct out of 10.
b. Carlos77 wrote:
John Borup
In my second try, I got 10 correct out of 10.
Conclusion: My short time memory is intact :-)
John Borup
Hello Alex
Very good explanation. I really did not knew about this difference.
Have a nice day.
thanks Alex
Dear Alex,
1rst thing 1rst HI,
As I remember,u had a video on “5 ways 2 say good bye”;now I wanna know is it possible 2 use ” latter! or latters! ” at the end of a letter,conversation,class n so on so on instead of bye,take care,have a good 1 … ??!!
P.S. I heard it b4.
Tx in advance,
Later o Laters!
I’ve got it.
Yes,we can use them instead of bye.
Goood 4 me!
You can just write “later!” if the letter is to someone you know. Don’t use it in a formal context like a cover letter for a job.
HI.Alex, I want you my teacher for awhile. I was attentend school for reason quit. I was in level ABE are know if you hear that. I like you can help and my English,
HI!! ALex I like your class
Great!!! straight to the point!
Question 7, a doubt : When teacher is giving explanation , how we can count it or it can be considered as how much explanation is given than how many explanations given. I am little confused about it. Can you please help me ?
wow… 10 out of 10… thank you so much for this video!
Hi Alex great lesson! I got 10 out of ten but Can you explain why it is correct THERE ARE A LOT OF CARS if a lot means a big number – singular?
Thank you
“A lot of” and “Lots of” are both quantifiers. They can be used with either plural count nouns, or non-count nouns. They’re basically generic quantifiers that can work with everything, just like “some,” “a ton of,” “a bunch of,” etc.
Hello Teacher Alex. i got 6/10 :-)
Hey Alex, could you help me to correct my sentence? Maybe it is out of topic but I really need your help. :)
Here is my sentence :
“With internet, we don’t need being student to become a student. I mean, we just need to sit down in front of gadget that already connected to internet then we can search anything we want.”
January ananda putra
Thank you very much teacher!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you so much .
hi Alex.. thank you so much especially for your pure pronunciation which can be easilly figure out :D
Thank you!!
thanks Alex. Who wanna talk via skype let me Know. garikgarik270
How do you open the video ?
thanks a LOT I Have just 5 correct answer >>
One explanation.
Two explanations.
Three explanations.
You can give more than one explanation for a subject.
Thanks Alex!
Very useful :)
i didn’t get the 100% correct answers!
thank you teacher for your explain, much appreciated.
your classes always very useful .Thank you .
thanks for this quieze
Thank you for you teaching.
thank a lot
Thanks dear Alex
I have a question, do hour can be countable?
Because we cannot take the time out of it to count, how many of it.
i had 6 :(
Thank you very much
Hi Alex, thank you for your lesson. Let me ask you about last question:
Do you think we have more or less freedom today?
Could you explain me why you did not use “much” instead “more”? After all, the freedom is uncountable. Thank you for your answer in advance. Have a nice day. Michal
Thank you very much.
I have problem with number 6 too.If it is possible,please explain it.
“I have teached English since 2008” is correct,but “I have teached English FOR 2008” is not correct.because “for” is used to show period of time like “for 3 years”.
Thank you. Lol I really wish there was a MathsVid and SciVid as well as EngVid!
Thanks a lot .. and I was confused few things in the Quiz..#5and 6 . Both sentences of#5 “I think you need to party fewer times a week; It seems ‘party’ is considering as countable. and yet #6 next sentence like “I think you need to party less”. It revert to unconuntable as if I must comply .. should I think #5 is like ” how many parties we talking about” and #6 is like during the party ? Anybody help me out plz!
Dear Teacher,
I have a question for you.Why do we say fewer people, instead of few people.What is the difference between fewer people and few people ?Are they one and the same.(few people and fewer people)Are they interchangeable?When do we use fewer and when do we use few and when do we use lettle and when do we use less.Iam little confused.pls help.
i want you to make a lesson about the verb when he followed by up..cause any verb had meaning but when it followed by up completely the meaning will be changed or increased..
example (wake)not like(wake up)not like(wake them up)..and get not like get up not like get them i really want you to explain this point..thanks
hussein syd
i have a question sir… i always heard in fast food, if they want some drinks and not too cold, they would always tell to crew, -less ice please- … but we can count an ice, why they use less if less is for uncountable…
please reply to me… thanks in advance
Hallo nhica, I asked the same question my English teacher and he answered my question in this way:
In this meaning of the word “ice”, it is possible. The ice is in unified quantity, one dollop of ice or one package of ice ( Magnum, Algida, …).
It is the same about the sugar. The sugar is an unc.noun, but in the situation like this, it is meant a cobe of sugar, it is countable.
“Hi Dearling, how much sugar do you want in your coffeee ?”
“Please, two sugars.” (=2 suagar cubes)
Hi Alex, is my English teacher right ? :-)
Hi, Alex! Please,tell me, if I’m wrong,but I think “people” is not countable noun- do we say one,two, three people,or one, two, three persons,instead?I mean we can count persons,but it’s not the same noun as “people”.In my motherlanguage and some others “people” is uncountable noun. Lesson is helpfull,however,thankYou!
Hı people :) ıt was easy but you have to know which nouns are countable or uncountable. For example I thought party is countable “parties”.It’s related to english so we must think for english not our native language.For ınstance “money,juice freedom etc ” are countable noun ın my language but ın english they are not. At least,that’s my opinion
Hi,ebru01 Your native language and English haven’t common roots,I guess,whereas mine have Latin roots,which are the same of most european languages
Thank you for good lesson.Very simple for understanding.
Hey, you Alex! Thanks for this amazing lesson :)
I’m facing problems in understanding the difference between the three following words, they are: Inner, deep and whithin. Are they the same? I mean, can be used meaning the same?
I’d be glad if you prepared a lesson abt it.
Thks once more!
WoW!! I can’t wait to use it in my conversations. Very cool. Thank you Alex.
thanks a lot teacher!!!
Thank you so much Alex for this lesson. That is great.
Hey Alex , thanks for this lesson
it helped me a lot :)
Thanks Alex!
If someone want to practice through by Skype my ID is: sailor.brazil
My note was horrible.
Thanks Alex.
Thanks Alex. Your classes are amazing and very helpful for me. :)
on the exercise number three, I think that it is no possible counting the number of reasons about something, because it is always possible add one more reason or to find out one more reason about something. I would use less instead of fewer when we are talking about reasons. What do you think Adams about it?
about question nine, why we cannot count money? why should use less if this is a countable noun?
I wish your classes were longer…I don’t realize how time passes while listenig to you…I can understand you without subtitles, but I don’t know whether I can always manage it or not.In Turkey in language exams I usually get between 70 and 85.My last score is 86.5.There are long passages and it’s not so easy to understand them in a limited time.I think I have to study hard.Thank you for your support.I love all your classes.Sorry I’ve written unnecessary things.Wish you happiness and lots of money.
simple lesson but a good one.
surprising to know that you were never a native English speaker Alex, all engVid/s should take a leaf out of your book.
Thank you very much!
I allways confusing with few and less so I do not use them usually, Now I will try to write some examples:
– There were a few cups on the table.
– I have a less energy at the evening than in the morning.
Alex, please teach me how to use ‘If something would something’ in sentenses, sorry for my mistakes..
thank you for your vital great lessons!
trapped in”fewer party” but thanks for the lesson ^_^
I didn’t know the difference between “Less” and “Fewer.” I understood “less” for uncountable and “fewer” for countable. But I’m confused about “to party (less or fewer).” I mean… No. 5 and No. 6. No. 5 was correct, but I failed No. 6. I chose same word (fewer). Would you tell me the difference, Alex or anyone who understand? Thank you :)
9/10 Thanks! Usefull lesson!
Thanks sir, I got 70%.
Abdul Qayum
10 out of 10 ,that’s great… thank you sir
Could you please explain about the difference between lesser and lower?
THX in advance
tanks a lots,
Hi Alex
I think,both answer of question number 5 are wrong because “Time” is an uncountable noun.Moreover,we can not add ‘s’ at the end of it.
i cant make out this lesson …
i got a sad face score
need to review the quiz the other question are complicated.
In second time I got 100 %. Thanks.
you’re really great !!
Thank You :)
I got 8 correct out of 10,
I begin doing fewer mistakes
I know English is very bad, but I got it. It was awesome.
Ann Newton
Thank you Alex
very nice class!!
It’s a good explanation and easy to remember
Oh great I got 8 out of 10. But what is the difference between less and lesser?????
Marcello Niro
7/10 :-(
ann ann
Thank you Alex, I like your style in teaching, short, focused, and interesting. Keep good work!
Thanks a lot
Hi Alex!
Thanks for the video.
I got a problem.
If “hour” is countable why should I use “less” in “…less than two hours…”?
Thank you
Thank you very much!!! Yours classes have been helping me a lot since I had started to watch.
Brunno Braga
Merci, Alex.
I got 4 out of 10 terrible ?
Fabio Forne
Hi Alex.
First of all, I would tell you that I like so much all your lessons.
My question is: What about MORE? Can we use samething vs more for uncount items?
Thank you so mutch.
the rule is when it’s something you can count use fewer right why then when we are talking about money we use less, same with amount and number, if it’s something you can count use number and if you can’t count it use amount you can count money so why use amount and less this is the only thing that trips me up a lot
Dear Teacher,
Thanks for your valuable videos.
Could you please tell me why did you use ‘less’ instead of fewer? We don’t have any noun there? in question number 6?
Which one is correct?
Apples are perished
Apples have perished
3 mistakes ?
ann ann
Thank you Alex.
Thanks a lot!
Jonathas Wilhem
Thank you, that was a very clear explanation :-)
Thanks Alex!
Hi Sir,
I got confused No3 and No4.
Why is No3 ‘fewer’ Isn’t ‘reason’ uncountable?
why isn’t No 4 there are ‘a lot’?
Thin Wityee Htun
I watched this video twice on June 13, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got nine correct out of 10.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thanks for you
it is realy good lesson as I know new thing add to my knowledge
I lov u Alex. Your explanation is so simple.
Hi Alex, first of all, I’d like to thank you! Your videos are awesome!
Few is the opposite of Many. So, what is the opposite of “fewer”? Might it be “very many”?
Thank you again! I love your classes! Cheers!
The opposite of “fewer” is “more”.
There are fewer people than I expected.
There are more people than I expected.
You got it.
Thanks, Alex.
hi cristianemarques
I want improve my speaking so do you want talking with me please
my skype user is weely900
Iam from sudan
Hi Nice Girl from Braze,
hope are u diong well,
i want to have FRIEND for English speaking in
skype what is your idea.
Thanks again
Very nice explanation teacher Alex
Thanks Alex for such a wonderful lesson. You have simple and clear. I’d like you to give some special class on body language(gesture). I haven’t find any good lesson on that.
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll keep it in mind!
Short ,simple and very important grammar lesson thanks Alex!!!!
you said this is correct
“There’s a lot less juice in the fridge than before the party .”
isn’t the juice a countable name ?
waiting for response , sir
You cannot count juice neither water or wine. Therefore we must use less.
Bingo. Juice is a liquid, and liquids can’t be counted. Use “Less” for non-count nouns.
Very good!!
Hi Alex,you are clear very much with explanation.
Alex, thanks for your explanations, very clear
Nevertheless, I want to make a question:
What is the diference between: Right now, Straight Away and Right Away?
Sounds like an idea for a future lesson!
Thank you so much….
Very important lesson! Thanks a lot
Thank sir!
Thanks for teaching us . This lesson really help me to speak english
Thanks for teaching . This lesson really help me
10 out of 10
Nice try in 5 and 6
5. I think you need to party fewer times a week.
6. I think you need to party less.
It’s very useful for my CA1 in March. :)Thanks ^^
many thanks
focused and concise lesson.
Just good.
thanks Alex this is really difficult topic and thank you for your explanation this is wonderful
Thanks Alex.
Hi dear Alex
Could please have a lesson about “lately & recently and so on.” because I’m confused about them :(
Good idea! I’ll keep it in mind for a future lesson.
Hi Alex it was nice lesson and question.
Thank you Alex , very simple .
Thank you Alex =)
BTW, I wish if you or anyone of the teachers could make a lesson about “Valentine Day” ^_^
Thank you,Alex^^
hi hani do you want make a conversation
my user skype is weely900
Many thanks, Alex!
thanks for lesson, alex. however, please, you can explain the number 6. beacause, i think “party” is countable noun
“to party” that’s a verb
I’m looking for someone I have a conversation in Skipe with to improve my english skills. I’ll apperciate it if anyone contact me.
I’m 34, male, from Iran, mechanical engineer, marrid, upper-intermediate level.
Contact Email address:
Hi, could someone explain me this sentence:
I think you need to party fewer times a week.
fewer we should use for countable nouns, but I don’t think time is countable :/
please explain the number 6
Thank you so much and keep your good job.
Even if it is out of the topic Please help me.
Re write the following faulty sentence.
1. The car ran over the child, while walking to the office.
2. All watched the launching excitedly it was spectacular.
3. To be creative. I wanted to be happy.
4. John has two hobbies he spends more time on astronomy than art.
5. Nobody in the class of fifty students understand. How to solve the equation on the black board.
My suggestions:
1. Driving instead of walking (I suppose the child was on its way to school, not to the office).
2. Excitedly to be followed by a semicolon “;”.
3. Creative must be followed by a comma, not a period mark.
4. Period after hobbies. (I spend no time on either).
5. Understood instead of understand.
5. Comma after understood, and how with a lower-case letter.
thanks Alex. could please make a lesson on ‘also’.
I’ll keep it in mind! Thanks for the suggestion!
hi all dears:
i am from afghanistan i want to improve my english.
How can help me if you are wan t to help us my uses is:
basir.qr in Nimbuzz and skype.
basir.qr i am added my user is weely900
Thanks for the explanation ,I hope i will not forget it.
Great Alex… :)
I’ve never paid attention to this difference:( The lesson was just on time.
Thank you Alex for your job!
Thanks Alex
very good recalling
hi barla
Great, awesome, excellent lesson!!!! very useful for me,,,and for you guys!!!
thanks alex
Hi Alex. you are the best.
Nice test
Thanks …
Hi Alex,
Hope you are doing good. Could you please tell me, In Q. 7 of quiz the answer is-The teacher’s been giving us fewer and fewer explanations lately.
Why this answer is correct?How can we count explanations.
thx a lot mr Alex u r simple and clear i like u so much
Thank you so much Alex, your explanations are so useful. I wish that people who speak english, speak it like you
Hello Teacher Alex, Can you help me?I intend to make exchange in Canada if possible send me some names of school with good precedence and nice price.
Grateful since already.
Hi ALex your explaination is so clean bit in this lesson u r liitlebit confusing pls give me more…
Thank Alex, I undertend this concept, is necesari know about contable and uncontable nouns ..
You got 6 correct out of 10.
Hi Alex,
hopeyou are doing good and also hope my comments can reach to you. i hve been watching most of the video in and youtube also.I like three teacher and your explanation is very clear and wonderful. you are the first Alex,second Ronnie.third rebeca. i would request you please explain me present perfect and perfect continious tense.and past and future also.Many thanks
thanks alex.
I can do all the tests about fewer and less,thank you so much Alex.I got 9 out of 10.
Thanks a lot
OMG ! I did 100% correct! I’m not one of those which are all the time saying it but this time I’m really surprised because it’s not that simple! There were false friends but I managed it! Thanks Alex it was very interesting because although I have studied this subject I didn’t pay atention to it till now. It shows us that it’s very important to apply James’s theory: When you learn new words we must use write down and read it loudly 3 times so that we don’t forget it. Have a good day.
thank you mr Alex you are talent
There are fewer students here that i expected,i should focus less on watching Tv and concentrate to my study.( is my sentence correct Alex?)
Almost. Just change the end to “I should concentrate on studying” or “I should concentrate on my studying.”
Hi,and thank you Alex
I dont understand question number 7
why the explanations word is countable?
we cant count it !!!!!!!!!!!!
The lesson is good ,but when the questions asked here will be answered?
i wonder if anyone will answer me this question: if (people) is countable noun why do we say it without (s) unlike other countable nouns?
Thanks so much great teaching
Hi! I started english lessons form today with you.
You are very impress me.
I would like to say thank you.
I will never miss your english lessons.
You awsome!!
As always, thnak you for your explanations!
thank you very much for useful videos. Your explanation is so clear and easy to follow. Many many thx
Thank you, dear teacher! Good lesson, but I just got 8 out of 10…
thanks, you make it look so simple
thank you very much Mr Alex
i got 10/10.All my answers are correct.Nice video sir.
hi alex……could you tell me how can we use following words in conversation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,……………………………………………….1.scream……..2.secular. 3.cede 4.hereafter 5.enthusiasm 6.nevertheless 7.eons 8.provoked 9.descendent 10..descendant………………pls tell me:)
I have less knowledge than you.
thanks a lot your teaching
Thanks Mr. Alex that helps me a lot while I’m learning English ^_^ .
I must say that this lesson was very helpful.
But still I have a doubt… what if we say “There are less no. of people here” ? Will the sentence be correct?
we can account the money why used less???
HI sara actually I thing money is not countable because of kinds like $100 + 100 Euro now we can say like I have $ 100 and 100 Euro we con not say like I have 200 money . this sentences is not complete and it not understandable .ok cause of that we use less / how much like I have less money to have that. who much money do you need ? OK thanks tech.. Alex if I’m wrong plze let me know .
much appreciated Jawad .
Sarah, basically, you can count dollars, euros, pesos, etc. However, you can’t count money. You can’t say “I have 2 monies” or “I have 5 monies.” That’s the easiest way to understand it. :)
Love this site!
waooooooooo .. i got 90% marks…
Very helpful…thank you!
Yor are perfect Alex…
Look I’ve an English exam on 16/3 and I need to take a course with you.
Iam soooooooo concerned.
Please contact me as soon as possible.
My E-mail:
Facebook account: Oveem Istanis
Skype: oveemistanis
waiting for your reply soooooon and plz if you aren’t interested just inform me.
Thank You
Oveem Istanis
Unfortunately, I don’t do private lessons online. Sorry!
thank you
Nice :)
Hello Alex!
A good lesson and quiz. I was astonished that I only got 7 out of 10 correct.
But then again, I have to repeat this lesson and quiz in a few days. As Carlos77 said:
James’s theory: When you learn a new word you must use it, write it down, and read it loudly 3 times so that you don’t forget it.
a. I only got 7 correct out of 10.
b. Carlos77 wrote:
In my second try, I got 10 correct out of 10.
Conclusion: My short time memory is intact :-)
Hello Alex
Very good explanation. I really did not knew about this difference.
Have a nice day.
thanks Alex
Dear Alex,
1rst thing 1rst HI,
As I remember,u had a video on “5 ways 2 say good bye”;now I wanna know is it possible 2 use ” latter! or latters! ” at the end of a letter,conversation,class n so on so on instead of bye,take care,have a good 1 … ??!!
P.S. I heard it b4.
Tx in advance,
Later o Laters!
I’ve got it.
Yes,we can use them instead of bye.
Goood 4 me!
You can just write “later!” if the letter is to someone you know. Don’t use it in a formal context like a cover letter for a job.
HI.Alex, I want you my teacher for awhile. I was attentend school for reason quit. I was in level ABE are know if you hear that. I like you can help and my English,
HI!! ALex I like your class
Great!!! straight to the point!
Question 7, a doubt : When teacher is giving explanation , how we can count it or it can be considered as how much explanation is given than how many explanations given. I am little confused about it. Can you please help me ?
wow… 10 out of 10… thank you so much for this video!
Hi Alex great lesson! I got 10 out of ten but Can you explain why it is correct THERE ARE A LOT OF CARS if a lot means a big number – singular?
Thank you
“A lot of” and “Lots of” are both quantifiers. They can be used with either plural count nouns, or non-count nouns. They’re basically generic quantifiers that can work with everything, just like “some,” “a ton of,” “a bunch of,” etc.
Hello Teacher Alex. i got 6/10 :-)
Hey Alex, could you help me to correct my sentence? Maybe it is out of topic but I really need your help. :)
Here is my sentence :
“With internet, we don’t need being student to become a student. I mean, we just need to sit down in front of gadget that already connected to internet then we can search anything we want.”
Thank you very much teacher!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you so much .
hi Alex.. thank you so much especially for your pure pronunciation which can be easilly figure out :D
Thank you!!
thanks Alex. Who wanna talk via skype let me Know. garikgarik270
How do you open the video ?
thanks a LOT I Have just 5 correct answer >>
One explanation.
Two explanations.
Three explanations.
You can give more than one explanation for a subject.
Thanks Alex!
Very useful :)
i didn’t get the 100% correct answers!
thank you teacher for your explain, much appreciated.
your classes always very useful .Thank you .
thanks for this quieze
Thank you for you teaching.
thank a lot
Thanks dear Alex
I have a question, do hour can be countable?
Because we cannot take the time out of it to count, how many of it.
i had 6 :(
Thank you very much
Hi Alex, thank you for your lesson. Let me ask you about last question:
Do you think we have more or less freedom today?
Could you explain me why you did not use “much” instead “more”? After all, the freedom is uncountable. Thank you for your answer in advance. Have a nice day. Michal
Thank you very much.
I have problem with number 6 too.If it is possible,please explain it.
“I have teached English since 2008” is correct,but “I have teached English FOR 2008” is not correct.because “for” is used to show period of time like “for 3 years”.
Thank you. Lol I really wish there was a MathsVid and SciVid as well as EngVid!
Thanks a lot .. and I was confused few things in the Quiz..#5and 6 . Both sentences of#5 “I think you need to party fewer times a week; It seems ‘party’ is considering as countable. and yet #6 next sentence like “I think you need to party less”. It revert to unconuntable as if I must comply .. should I think #5 is like ” how many parties we talking about” and #6 is like during the party ? Anybody help me out plz!
Dear Teacher,
I have a question for you.Why do we say fewer people, instead of few people.What is the difference between fewer people and few people ?Are they one and the same.(few people and fewer people)Are they interchangeable?When do we use fewer and when do we use few and when do we use lettle and when do we use less.Iam little confused.pls help.
i want you to make a lesson about the verb when he followed by up..cause any verb had meaning but when it followed by up completely the meaning will be changed or increased..
example (wake)not like(wake up)not like(wake them up)..and get not like get up not like get them i really want you to explain this point..thanks
i have a question sir… i always heard in fast food, if they want some drinks and not too cold, they would always tell to crew, -less ice please- … but we can count an ice, why they use less if less is for uncountable…
please reply to me… thanks in advance
Hallo nhica, I asked the same question my English teacher and he answered my question in this way:
In this meaning of the word “ice”, it is possible. The ice is in unified quantity, one dollop of ice or one package of ice ( Magnum, Algida, …).
It is the same about the sugar. The sugar is an unc.noun, but in the situation like this, it is meant a cobe of sugar, it is countable.
“Hi Dearling, how much sugar do you want in your coffeee ?”
“Please, two sugars.” (=2 suagar cubes)
Hi Alex, is my English teacher right ? :-)
Hi, Alex! Please,tell me, if I’m wrong,but I think “people” is not countable noun- do we say one,two, three people,or one, two, three persons,instead?I mean we can count persons,but it’s not the same noun as “people”.In my motherlanguage and some others “people” is uncountable noun. Lesson is helpfull,however,thankYou!
Hı people :) ıt was easy but you have to know which nouns are countable or uncountable. For example I thought party is countable “parties”.It’s related to english so we must think for english not our native language.For ınstance “money,juice freedom etc ” are countable noun ın my language but ın english they are not. At least,that’s my opinion
Hi,ebru01 Your native language and English haven’t common roots,I guess,whereas mine have Latin roots,which are the same of most european languages
Thank you for good lesson.Very simple for understanding.
Hey, you Alex! Thanks for this amazing lesson :)
I’m facing problems in understanding the difference between the three following words, they are: Inner, deep and whithin. Are they the same? I mean, can be used meaning the same?
I’d be glad if you prepared a lesson abt it.
Thks once more!
WoW!! I can’t wait to use it in my conversations. Very cool. Thank you Alex.
thanks a lot teacher!!!
Thank you so much Alex for this lesson. That is great.
Hey Alex , thanks for this lesson
it helped me a lot :)
Thanks Alex!
If someone want to practice through by Skype my ID is: sailor.brazil
My note was horrible.
Thanks Alex.
Thanks Alex. Your classes are amazing and very helpful for me. :)
on the exercise number three, I think that it is no possible counting the number of reasons about something, because it is always possible add one more reason or to find out one more reason about something. I would use less instead of fewer when we are talking about reasons. What do you think Adams about it?
about question nine, why we cannot count money? why should use less if this is a countable noun?
I wish your classes were longer…I don’t realize how time passes while listenig to you…I can understand you without subtitles, but I don’t know whether I can always manage it or not.In Turkey in language exams I usually get between 70 and 85.My last score is 86.5.There are long passages and it’s not so easy to understand them in a limited time.I think I have to study hard.Thank you for your support.I love all your classes.Sorry I’ve written unnecessary things.Wish you happiness and lots of money.
simple lesson but a good one.
surprising to know that you were never a native English speaker Alex, all engVid/s should take a leaf out of your book.
Thank you very much!
I allways confusing with few and less so I do not use them usually, Now I will try to write some examples:
– There were a few cups on the table.
– I have a less energy at the evening than in the morning.
Alex, please teach me how to use ‘If something would something’ in sentenses, sorry for my mistakes..
thank you for your vital great lessons!
trapped in”fewer party” but thanks for the lesson ^_^
I didn’t know the difference between “Less” and “Fewer.” I understood “less” for uncountable and “fewer” for countable. But I’m confused about “to party (less or fewer).” I mean… No. 5 and No. 6. No. 5 was correct, but I failed No. 6. I chose same word (fewer). Would you tell me the difference, Alex or anyone who understand? Thank you :)
9/10 Thanks! Usefull lesson!
Thanks sir, I got 70%.
10 out of 10 ,that’s great… thank you sir
Could you please explain about the difference between lesser and lower?
THX in advance
tanks a lots,
Hi Alex
I think,both answer of question number 5 are wrong because “Time” is an uncountable noun.Moreover,we can not add ‘s’ at the end of it.
i cant make out this lesson …
i got a sad face score
need to review the quiz the other question are complicated.
In second time I got 100 %. Thanks.
you’re really great !!
Thank You :)
I got 8 correct out of 10,
I begin doing fewer mistakes
I know English is very bad, but I got it. It was awesome.
Thank you Alex
very nice class!!
It’s a good explanation and easy to remember
Oh great I got 8 out of 10. But what is the difference between less and lesser?????
7/10 :-(
Thank you Alex, I like your style in teaching, short, focused, and interesting. Keep good work!
Thanks a lot
Hi Alex!
Thanks for the video.
I got a problem.
If “hour” is countable why should I use “less” in “…less than two hours…”?
Thank you
Thank you very much!!! Yours classes have been helping me a lot since I had started to watch.
Merci, Alex.
I got 4 out of 10 terrible ?
Hi Alex.
First of all, I would tell you that I like so much all your lessons.
My question is: What about MORE? Can we use samething vs more for uncount items?
Thank you so mutch.
the rule is when it’s something you can count use fewer right why then when we are talking about money we use less, same with amount and number, if it’s something you can count use number and if you can’t count it use amount you can count money so why use amount and less this is the only thing that trips me up a lot
Dear Teacher,
Thanks for your valuable videos.
Could you please tell me why did you use ‘less’ instead of fewer? We don’t have any noun there? in question number 6?
Which one is correct?
Apples are perished
Apples have perished
3 mistakes ?
Thank you Alex.
Thanks a lot!
Thank you, that was a very clear explanation :-)
Thanks Alex!
Hi Sir,
I got confused No3 and No4.
Why is No3 ‘fewer’ Isn’t ‘reason’ uncountable?
why isn’t No 4 there are ‘a lot’?
I watched this video twice on June 13, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got nine correct out of 10.