Today we will look at a sonnet by the 19th century poet, Christina Rossetti. It’s called ‘In an Artist’s Studio’, and has a connection with the visual arts and painting. I’ll go through the poem in detail, explaining the meaning and looking at some technical aspects such as rhyme, structure, form, and alliteration. I hope you find it interesting. I’ll also give you some background information on Christina Rossetti, her brother Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his wife Elizabeth Siddal. Go here for more information, and to see some of the paintings.
1o/1o :D
Thanks a lot, Mrs.Gill
Your lesson gives us some background information on the 19th century poet Christina Rossetti
It’s very interesting
Your lesson understands for a beginner as well.
Mr. Neo
Thanks Gill.
Thank you Gill! I’ve enjoyed very much. It was so touching. So, thank you for the opening new ways of poetry and arts in our minds and hearts!
wowo good job.
Seif Eldawla
Thank you, Gill. I Liked this lesson and your way of explaining. My test result is 90.
Catherine Honcharova
Good morning Mrs Gill! I love you so much your lessons, You’re a wonderful teacher. May I ask you if you are willing to do private lessons? Thank you. Happy New Year! 🌟🎊🍾🥳🥳
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1o/1o :D
Thanks a lot, Mrs.Gill
Your lesson gives us some background information on the 19th century poet Christina Rossetti
It’s very interesting
Your lesson understands for a beginner as well.
Thanks Gill.
Thank you Gill! I’ve enjoyed very much. It was so touching. So, thank you for the opening new ways of poetry and arts in our minds and hearts!
wowo good job.
Thank you, Gill. I Liked this lesson and your way of explaining. My test result is 90.
Good morning Mrs Gill! I love you so much your lessons, You’re a wonderful teacher. May I ask you if you are willing to do private lessons? Thank you. Happy New Year! 🌟🎊🍾🥳🥳
Thank you Mrs Gill god job it’s intersting.