“Help! I don’t understand.” Many English language students have problems listening and feel embarrassed. Do you find yourself struggling to understand native English speakers? Do they sometimes speak too fast or use words you do not know? Do phone conversations make you nervous? You are not alone! You can say goodbye to embarassement because in this lesson, I will teach you THREE STEPS you can follow to help you become a better listener and develop confidence when listening to others. I will also teach you some helpful expressions to use in these situations. Watch the video, and you will start having better English conversations immediately!
I think I get what you’re saying: we’re not “deaf and dumb”, more simply we have to learn the right strategy and find the necessary courage to cope with native speakers!
Thank you
Got it!
Hi Emma, thank you for today’s lesson.
I think curious that after some time listening a person that you consider difficult to understand you begin to understand that person. It is like if we needed a training specifically to listening that person. :D
Talking on the phone probably keep being the nightmare for who is training listening. :O
J. Martin
Hi my friend I agree with you.
And I also agree with you.
I don’t agree!!! Allways is hard to learning a new language..and the better way is try a lot…
that’s truth xD
Thank you very much Emma!!!
I’m confused , but sometimes when I do not understand, I nod . You lesson focuses on my bad behavior I will try to correct . Emma thank you .
These three steps is very useful,I got it ,next time I will say I don’t understand first,I will say could you please repeat it again next,finally so what are you saying is that….
thanks so much.
thanks it was so helpful
I wanna to learn english fluntly please who can help me
Sayran shuaib
Wow amazing
Nice lesson
Muhammad Abbas
Thanks Emma.
I understood your lesson.
Thanks for this information
Thank you, Emma.
Thank Emma.
I get it.
Hi Katia, would you learn english with me by skype ? this is not only for improve our englsih but also make new friend
Good opening line, Daden ;)
nice website
Exactely what I’m used to do. Thanks for the video Emma.
Good tips. Thanks.
Excellent! This is, the basic instructions for someone to talk in English. Thanks.
Nice tips, thank you very much.
Thanks Emma, very good lesson
Many thanks Emma :)
I think I got everything what you said Emma.☺
I like very mich your accent, see you soon bieeee
Sorry very much
thank you very much Emma. your lessons have been valuable for my english :-)
I get that lesson
Mostafa Elkassas
Thank you Emma,
Someone who doesnt speak spanish want to practice speak english with me via face time o facebook?
My fb is romiranda84
Hi Rodrigo,I also want to improve my English especially speaking and listening.My FB address is:https://www.facebook.com/tau.thickmi
Thank you so much.:D
Nguyen Dinh Son
Thank you for telling me the good strategy to listen to others. Truth be told, we Japanese have the tendency that we don’ t ask questions to make sure what others said even though we are unsure about it. We actually hesitate to ask because we don’t want to show that we couldn’t figure out what they said. However, I learned that we should follow the same language manner that native speakers do when speaking English. I think listening and speaking English just as native speakers do will help EFL learners build native mind of English in their head and eventually they will be successful in getting English automatized in their mind. This might be a good process to be a better speaker of English for EFL learners.
I do understand the lessonn.
Thanks a lot!
When I was in Canada very first time I often nodded and pretended to understand what someone’s saying even though I didn’t get it. This lesson reminds me of those days haha.
Hello Emma,
Brilliant! Thank you for your strategies. They are very useful in communication. Emma, I like your video lessons and the way you teach. But sometimes we, the students, have some questions in our minds. And the best way to know the answers is the help of our teacher. What I want to say is it would be better if you could answer to our questions from time to time. It can settle our doubts. Besides, it has a good influence on students.
Best Regards,
Roya Seferova
Hi Roya> I miss you, are you ok?
Thank, I understood everything:)))
Thank you Emma for your good advises! In future i’ll try to avoid the nodding and to ask questions.
Thank you. Now i know what i should say when somebody tell me something and i don’t understand him or her. Very helpful lesson.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you Emma! After that I feel more encourage to express myself in a situation where ‘I don’t really get it’ what the other person is saying.
That was excellent!! I usually apply the option B, so I know I can’t listen and speak well for that. I’m more confused every day. I really like to understand when the people speak me:(
It’s so difficult lister than speaker to me.
It was helpful strategies
Thank you Emma.
WOW! One of the best lessons I have watched here. A very helpful lesson, really. Thanks a lot Emma!
John B
Hi Emma, You always have the special way to help us understand clearly your lesson. Thanks you so much and Congratulation to your 100 lessons in Engvid .
Mai Anh June
Thanks Emma for this lesson!
For sure I understood you and learnt the ways to communicate to others when I can’t catch the conversation meaning. Very important matter!
When I was in Toronto, a certain time ago, I remember that in some ocasions in which I needed some general information and couldn’t understand completely what a unknown person just said, I usually nodded, smiled, and ran to other person to ask the same thing, until I fill the parts I couldn’t catch before :)
By the way, beautiful clothes and make up!
Fabio Cicerre
Good morning, Emma! Greetings from Russia :)
Thanks Emma!!!!
Aline Matos
Thank you It is great
tanks too much
Thanks Emma you make it easier for us
I got 5 bands in ielts… And I went 6 bands so what u think how much time I have to give my self for 6 bands
Thanks Emma, you are a great teacher.
get it :D
This 3 steps is very helpful to the life.
Thanks Emman.
thank you so much.
I think i get what you’re saying is Be true and listen very well if i can’t understand anything show as it is to others then only i improve my knowledge.
Thank you. I get it.
Hi Emma! Thanks for this lesson, I am sure that if I practice it, I´ll become a better listener.
Hi EMMA. How are you? .Thank you for your lesson . It was a amazing.
I have a question in step 1. why don’t you say in the second sentence did instead of don’t.
but in the first one is did.
Thanks Emma .very good lesson,I Hope to improve my English language with you
Very good, Emma! Thank you so much.
Júlio César L Sousa
Thank you very much Emma!!!
Thank you!
Awesome !!!
Hi Emma ma’am,
It’s my first Listening class . Any way its awesome.
Great presentation
Thanks alot
Thanks alot
Upkar Dahiya
Very easy
Thank you
Hassnaa Hossam
Your lesson are very interesting,thanks Emma
Rinallo Giuseppe Gioachino
Thanks so much
Thanks for your good teaching Emma.
got 9.. =).. the mistake was when to use WHAT.. any details on this topic is helpful
Very good lesson,thank you,Emma.
thank you emma
Very Thank You!!
Hi everybody
Thank you! It helps me a lot!
Karly Miranda
As always great lesson.
Thank you so much!
Thank you emma it was a great and useful lesson
Ahmad hamada
10/10 I catch that.thanks
Thank you, very well.
It’s really helpful. Now When I will be using that in the near future. Thanks a lot Emma.
Thanks Emma! Your class was very good!
viclogan passos
i get it ~!~!
i kgot it^^ Thanks a lot Emma.
Thank you for the interesting and helpful lesson.I like it alot.
I’ve just got 9/10.Hic.But I want to do it better so I will listen to your lesson again and try to do perfectly.
Sometimes,I’m confused how to ask a person to repeat what they’re saying but now you help me to do.
Thank you!^-^
Thank you,my dear Emma:-*
Thank u so much, Emma!
Thanks lot Emma
Ooh, thank you :D
it is very excelent site
Thank you I hope that I can speak english very good like you
menna saber
excellent lesson thanks a lot Emma
Thank you
Thanks emma you relly help me
M.Gojali Harahap
Hello everydoby¡¡ I think this steps are very useful to improve our skill to speak English…Is very important to practice them to feedback tne EngVid team and share our experience with the team…nice friday and God bless you¡¡¡
why i can not find this vedio in engvid????
I`ve got it.
Thank you Emma!!
I need help, would you mind to help me improve my english speaking? pls help me on LINE, add my id : eviana_ka , Thankyou guys!
I get it, Thanks
This page is amazing
Thanks alot for your help to inprove my english hunderstanding and listening
Thank you :)
thanks a lot
Thank you ??
Thanks you, great job.
Thank you,I get it now.
It’s very useful to me. Thanks Emma.
thank you emma
mahamed gamal
shivkaran singh
thanks a lot
thanks emma .. it is a useful tips ..
Emma, it was great! Your speech is fluent and easy to understand.Thanks a lot!
I can say that it was the first time that i had indestand a lesson quicly !
Thank you teacher !
Thank you Emma.This is so helpful for a start.
Dominic Ruitha
Thanks for the leasson. It was realy usefull
Thanks Emma!You are AMAZING!
i have got 10 out of 10 so, i got all the lesson thanks a lot
mahdi target
Thank you so much.
Thanks so much emma and take care
Nice topic
thank you my teacher
I wanna improve my English.if you have time chat with me for practicing English.please sent a message to my email xuzhan19850421@gmail.com.aslo,you could add my wechat xuzhan576253 or line xuzhan0224.
Thank you. It was really useful. I’ve written down some new words for me. =)
Hi Emma thank you so much for the lesson!
Very good. Thank you. I’m going to practice it in my class :D
Thanks you
Hi Emma,
thank you very much for the lesson.
Thanks a lot
Mateus Belarmino
I get it! thank you.
Thank you so much, this is really helpful
I get it!!!!! Thank you so much !! :)
Thanks for this lesson, it was really useful for me.
Very good recomendations. I will use it. tks!!!Teacher!!
Thank you so much Emma!
thank u — we want more lessons about listing please
saad abdrabo
Thanks! It was easy to understand you !lol
I get it. Thank you very much, Emma.
Thank you Emma..I got it.
yup got it :).
Sameera Iqbal
Thanks for your work. Very helpfull)
sorry this is my first practice so i agree my marks that is :70
Sandesh Neupane
could you please keep uploading new videos . thank you very much mam.
Great :)
Cheila Fernandes
Hi. I got it. Thanks…
Hi Elhamelham, do you have skype, maybe we can learn english together. thanks.
thank you so much :D
thanks for your lesson, i get it. It’s very useful.
Chau Le
Thanks Emma I understand that and get 8 out of 10.
thanks millions
a lot of thanks for your nice lesson.
Awesome ! i will improve my listening skill by three steps you thought know. thank you once again
rameshwar rao p
it was a psychological solution plus sentences should be said when we don’t understand somebody’s speech that is appreciated a bundle. serving the mankind is the best worshiping.
thank you very much emma thanks to you i am really getting
on the field
perfect yao
hello from Kazakhstan! Please help me with English phrases and Idioms and how many words must I learn to speak with people fluently and clearly?
Thank you very much :D
Great lesson! Helped me a lot!
I get it
Febri Budiman
I love your tips, they will help me a lot when I’m speaking to a Native English speaker.
Thanks Emma.
If I say “I think I get what you,re saying…” how can I complete the sentence? Is it correct this way: “I think I get what you,re saying is the colour blue is nice (for example)”?
I think the sentence “I think I get what you’re saying” is completed already. you should say: “I think I get what you’re saying. That is…, right?
Thuy Linh Le
Thank you!
Well. I get it
thats right !
Thanks, I get it.
Many thanks, Emma
Ahmed Aboeldahb
Nice topic. Now I know what should I do when I don’t understand what the people say. Thank you.
many thanks Emma.I got full score. But sometimes, I pretend I understand what I don’t really
Thuy Linh Le
Yeeees 9/10
Djalti kamel
Very good way to practice listening skills.
but i want to practice it when i watch a movie.
what can i do then?
Hussein syd
thank you teacher Emma for your very good lesson ive learned a lot listening is one of very difficult for me specially talking on the phone , speaking is not so difficult coz sometimes i use body language and gestured ,this lesson help me a lot specially your 3 strategy .Thanks,I injoyed to your lesson ,waiting to your next lesson ….
Thanks Emma I watched your videos on YouTube and learning very fast again thank you….
This site is very helpfull … thank you for this nise lesson.
i got it thank you
Thank you so much, teacher! I liked the lesson and I could understand what you were saying. I hope that you are very well. See you, then.
Thanks Emma. It was an interesting lesson.
thank you
Thank you Emma
I get it
thank you Emma.I think I get it.
Mohamed Harmoush
Thanks alot
Al hadhri
I understand what you are saying, thanks
Thank you it was usefull
Thank you, Emma, now I know what to do in a situation like that.
Thank you so much,Emma!
Thank you so much , my teacher
Thank you
thank you Emma, i get it.
thank you Emma
it was so helpful
i got 100 :D
could you please help?
Am having trouble with these words:
home and house.
demba balde
Thanks Emma.
Yahya mousa
thank you Emma. I like the way you guys teach
Thank you Emma, very informative lesson, now I’m more confident will be able to explain what I want to understand.
Ronaldo Ramos
do you have instagram adress Emma?
thanks teacher.
Abdulhadi khan
I found your strategy useful for improving listening skills, thanks very much)
Surkhay Hajinsky
Catcha, I’ve got 100… thank you
Thanks a lot emma
Thanks Emma
Mohamed Abdel Sabour
thanks emma and i get it well and understanding
10 correct out of 10
thanks a lot
Thank you Emma! Both your lesson as well as your pronouncing is very clear.
This class is excelent. Thank you
Thnks for good explanation.
guys .. thank you so much for your efforts :D
Ahmad Tawfeeq
Thanks everbody!
I get it.
Nobre Nobre
Thank you Emma.
Thank you Emma.Your accent is very good and understandable
thanks EMMA
Emma you’re amazing,
I can understand well from you
Thanks a lot
caroline naiem
I get it.
Thank you. I’m English beginner, but your lesson is very easy for me. I can listened and understood what you say.
So what you said that when I didn’t understand what someone say, I should represent it, ask it in a different way, and confirming understood content, isn’t it?
Thank you Emma. The great lesson.
Olga Krasnodon
Thank you very much :D
Thank you I get it
Thank you!
I get it. Thank you~
Gracias Emma i will!
<3 tks
Thank Emm!
Thank you
Thank you so much, you make me remember when I did not understand I used to escape of the conversation.
Marta Lopez
I adoro Emma… I would like her was my teacher here in Brazil! :)
I like Emma…*
Yes, she is amazing. I would like to meet more people like her.
Joel F
**I adore is correct! not adoro…
Think you so much i understand very well
Hahaha. I laught 7th question a lot.
I am attending Emma mam classes, it is very interesting.
Hi Anna !
When you teach ,English look very simple and easy.
Thank you very much….
this video is very helpful for beginners
Thank you so much Emma:)
Hi! I’m Marta and I love this website ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you . I get the lesson . You have a great and simple way to teach
mis rere
Antonio Madrid Ruiz
thanx teacher emma
Thank you so much emma ??
thank you Emma. I get it!!!
Thnk you, Emma
jake gwak
Tks Emma, I get it.
Thank you Emma, fantastic lesson!!
leonardo zambrano mora
let’s practice: brito920@live.com my skype. I like to write and talk with everyone. bye.
It’s very helpful. Thank you so much emma :-)
Sherin vp
the strategies it very effective, thanks a milion Emma, you are best of teacher
thank alot
Thanks Emma , you rock !
Sherif Ashry
Thank you Emma!
Thanks a lot!
i got 6 correct out of 10.
thank you teacher.
You got 9 correct out of 10.Thank you so much Teacher :D
Nguyen Dinh Son
Love you . You are a good teacher
Thank you Emma.
Thank you !
could you please say it in a different way ?
thanks emma
shaymaa fathy
thank you i got it
I totally get it.
Thank you very much Emma!
Young Kyung Lee
Thank you Emma for the very useful lesson.
I’d like you to make an another video about listening comprehension so I can make sure what the native speakers on the tv or movies are saying.
got 100 :)
Thank you Maam Emma i’ve learned a lots,very interesting and useful i can use them to teach for my boy english lessons ..
could you teach me how to learn japanese? tks bro.
so what are you saying is that:
1.- Be honest and say “I am sorry but I dont understand.”
2.- Ask for help in a friendly way. “Could you please repeat that in a different way?”
3.- Make sure that I got it, explaining what I heard. “So what you’re saying is…”
Thank you Emma, I think i got what you said
Thank you , I got it .
Thanks Emma.. Im practicing. :)
thanks emma……..
sadam abdulahi
I got it. thanks
It’s great to learn here! Thank you!
Thank you, Emma!
Can i say “I didn’t get it” instead of “I didn’t catch that” ?
Hey Emma. Thanks for the lesson, I know will help me a lot when I’ll meet a native speaker. Thanks four your tips and for this strategy :D
tks emma, my hearing ability is so poor that i am glad today to have this chance to grasp the knack of improving the listening and understanding.
thank you Emma, it was a piece of cake for me.
Thank you so much emma.
Redouane kaci
Thank you Emma. It helps me more confidence when I have to speak English with other person. I dont’t know to say anything if I don’t understand what they said. Now, I can ask them to write it down. more easier.
Thank you Emma,this lesson was verrrrrrrry helpful
Mohsen Tatoo
Thanks teacher for your tips with this lesson we know what to say when we do not understand something and never say, yes i understand everything to avoid embarresment
Thank you teacher.
Emma.do you konw ?
you are best teacher.
Very good class
I enjoyed your class, thanks.
Julieta Zenteno
You are a good teacher. Thanks a lot
As always, very helpful.
Hi Emma, thank you for today’s lesson.
but i have another problem that i hardly understand the movies they are telling a lot in short time what can i do??
ooh thank u very much teacher
england mohamed
I got 9 correct of out 10, Thank you Emma.
Thanks emma
Hi Emma,just like the way you taught us! You are awesome and I will keep watching your videos.I think you really understand what situation will embarrass us such as answering a phone or asking for detail things.Anyway, thanks for your video????^_^
Its good to understand about listening thank u
Emma, thanks for that useful video. But I have a problem. When I listen tv,movie,radio etc. I can hardly understand. What can I make for that problem? Do you have any methods?
Dear @Platanus,
If you’re phasing any problem regarding listening. then mark my words.
pay very close attention on listening and keep trying to listen it over and over. That’s the think you can get rid of your problem.
Muhammad Saad
Thanks Emma,and I’m happy because I have got 10/10 of the quiz.
Thank you for this lesson
It’s 3rd time, I’ve got 10/10.
A ton of thanks Emma Mam. I think i get what you were saying in your whole lesson. It’s very useful for me.All that expressions,I would be used in my daily life conversation with my family, acquaintances, teachers as well as my girlfriend to improve my English.
If i will phase any problem, then I will show that I don’t understand and ask them.
I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you please say it in a different way.
In a nutshell, Emma Mam I want to thank you very much. Because of you I’m improving my English skills day by day.
God bless you Mam.
M. Saad
Muhammad Saad
Thanks, Emma!
Thanks a lot … I loved your class ….
Marcia Falanghe
Thanks a lot!!
Thanks a lot.My score is 10/10.
Thank you, miss Emma.
hi emma,thank you for this lesson
Thank you emma for this lesson. I studying ielts exam i think very helpful for me. I got 7 correct thank you thank you thank you
thank you !10/10 Im very glad!
Wang Yi jing
I think result is wrong.Because my wrong respond have just two.But it looks 3 wrong.My point must be 80.Not 70
I get it, 10/10 thank you
Hmm! Emma i like your style of teaching steps.
thanks to you ,To make us better in lang.
10/10 thanks
Hello Emma, 10/10 thank you so much!
Thank you so much teacher Emma ❤️❤️
I get 10/10
very helpful thanks a lot emma
anyone who willing to improve your eng skill, please write down your facebook link/line id here. so we can learn english together. thanks
Thanks Amma. I get this lesson
Mohamed fadel
Really like this lesson..thanks
Thank you. I get this lesson.
Thanks Emma, nice work!
Jose Lazzo
Thank Emma, your lesson was very clear!!
bonardi rosangela
Thank you :)
Thanks Emma
Thanks that help me a lot
thank you
thank You
Rudy Hendrawan
Thank you Emma
Winai saisud
Thank You ??
Thank You :)
thank you teacher^^
Thank’s a lot
Inayah Basarun
Amazing. Thanks !
Thanks! really useful tips!
These steps are a lot of useful when we are talking.
Thank you =)
Thanks Emma, I’ve got 10.
Vinicius LS
Thank you very much teacher Emma.
thank u for giving info about how to understand the way to approach
Thanks Emma
Keep it up like this Emma.you’re wonderfull!
i like her video.she so smart just like me lol
Thanks. Got 100 out of 100!
Wasi Ahmed
i need to practice more
Thanks so much,this information is very useful!!!
It was very useful and practical lesson.
Thank You.
nice! again!
boyer pierrick
Thanks Emma.I love your lessons
Thank you, Emma! It’s really helpful.
someone has skype ?
Thank you.
Thank you Emma. I dare to suggest a 4th way. Usually I say to person ” Could you please shut up” and soon i have no problem with understanding.
Thank you so much Emma.
Walid Toghlobi
A good explanation! Thanks a lot!
thanks for the information.
Hello Emma, You are the best, Thank you so much!
thnks i usually use it. “i didn’t catch it. please tell me again?”, “could u please speak slowly” and when i got what someone wanna say. i usually say it.
“what i understand is ~~~, is it right?”, “so do u mean ~~ is ~~ ??” .
thanks. i can adjust ur sentences in my way..
thanks I like it too much it very Useful
I get it
Very useful.
So, what you’re saying is that do not embarrassing yourself if you couldn’t understand what native speakers say.
You really encourage me.
Good one
thanks a lot . 10/10 .
thank you
Amine Bouzeza
Thank you!
Very good lesson!! Thank you.
thank you my teacher
you are so so amazing
Excellent! Thanks
Brandon Nguyen
I’m liked this platform, teachers and this class
Thanks, Emma. I got 10 correct out of 10.
I got 100
100 !! Thank you for such a detailed explanation.:)
Shahi lee
Thank you
Rogerio Rodilha
Thank you so much. This lesson is a great strategy, a magic way for me (y)
Oh my God, I understood everything Emma!
Why…?! Because you’re great teacher! And I get 100! UHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! ???
Thanks for all. ???❤❤❤
Thanks Emma :)
thank you.
Thank you ^^
I get it! thank you Emma.
Thank you Emma for the tips!! I think I have chosen the right teacher because you speak with an open mouth and so clearly! thank you!
Emma you have a great talent in teatching .thank you very much.
youcef ouddane
I liked your speaking so much)) thanks a lot
you are one of the best Emma, Thankyou very much
I got 9/10. Thanks Emma!
Eder Paula
Thank you Emma for this lesson.
Ghazi k
nice video for this lesson
Thank you!
Paulo Ricciardelli
thank you Emma
I like this lesson.
laonet ppt
thank you for today’s lesson.
Thank you so much Emma ..you did a great job..
samour fouad
Thanks Emma.
Debby Wang
thank you
novita dewanty
Hi, Thank you for this lesson. It is very nice to learn English with you ))
Thank you Emma. I had this bad attitude to not show to speaker that I didn’t understand in a conversation. Now I’ll try to be a good listener. Regards Patrick
I couldn’t describe you, just saying you’re the best Emma! thanks very much …
Hoshang Haider
Have a someone to comunication with me for training conversation and vocabulary. Thanks
Thank you Emma, you are do great job on Engvid!
Thanks a lot Emma.
Sometimes, I have difficult in understand the speaking english. If I watch a TV news, I don’t get what the journalist say completly.
And, to finish my comment, I would like to say that you are a great teacher, and I can understand you perfectly, because you speak slowly and clearly.
See you.
Fabio Skywalker
Thanks Emma, your explanation is very clear. I get it.
Mohtar Nashir
great lesson, thank you so much Emmma.
God bless you.
I got 9/10! Very useful lesson for my work! Thanks Emma!!
Thank you
thank you.
Thank you your lesson is very useful
10/10 good job)
Thank you ?
Thanks Emma =)
Thank you Emma
yasmeen selim
Hi, Emma! It was an interesting topic, thx! Actually, I got you, that’s why i passed the quiz after it perfectly. 10/10.
It seems to me that you and Rebecca are my favorite teachers there, thx again!))
Thank you so much. :)
Thank you very much! The lesson is very useful for me!
Hung pham
Thanks Emma
Great Lesson
Great disclosure of real English
Thank you very much..
really you help me a lot :)
Thanks so much, really good lesson
Osama Khodary
thank you Ms Emma
That was so useful for me
Abdu hedeajan
If you don’t understand (someone), what strategy can you use?
You can ask (them) to write it down.
You can ask (them) to say it in a different way.
You can ask (them) to speak more slowly.
i think we must use (him) not (them) ?
that is right or not ?
eslam marei
thanks teacher you show us a good way
thanks, Emma!
thanks, Emma!
Thank you Emma :)
Cindy Venisia
i got 10, i think i get what you are saying :D
Thank you always for your great lessons.
Hi Emma!
Thank you for the lesson!
Now, at this case I will say “I think what you’re saying is …”.
Have a good time!
I have difficulty with listening especially when I discuss with my teachers and doctors but after this amazing strategy I’ll improve it
Thanks Emma!!!
Yes, I get it!?
Thank you very much Emma.
Good points, indeed! 10/10 :-)
Thank you.
I want to thank you very much for this lesson. I feel that I learn daily
I got it. Thank Emma
Tristine Tran
thank you very much Emma
Thanks..I like you and your videos so much
Mamun Rashid
It was a nice lesson; I need learn english soon; over all I have problems with listen and comprenhesion other people when speak in english
Thank you !
Duong Cong Tan
really good teacher thanks a lot
Thank you very much Emma. You’re great!
Thank you Emma. Your voice is great
I’m a big fan of this lesson.
Thank you.
Hi Emma,
what about these 2 phrases below? coz sometimes I heard someone say it in conversation.
– I think I get the point what are you saying
– I think I get the point what do you present
Thank you
i get it this course. thank you emma. thx. your teaching is a lot of information and knowledge
thank you,I love the way you explained that. it is very useful.
Thank you dear teacher ,
Djamal Belhadj Larbi
Hi every one .thanks for you my best teacher emma
It is very good way to learn us and i understand from your explain thanks
Goran agha
Thank you Emma.
Wow! I get it ! Thanks teacher!
marta mariana
Thank you so much. I’ve been liking a lot of these lesson.Bye for now.
Adriano de Souza Cavalheiro
I got 9 out of 10 of this test lesson.
Thank you!
Thank you
that is inteasting
karar khaled
thank you, it was very interesting.
Christian Adrien
I got 100 ??
Thank you Emma…. ?
I got 90 .
thank you from mexico
I got 100%
I’d like to thank you very much for your helpful lessons
I’m easily understanding all your lessons
Thanks again teacher.
Hi! Emma,
Thank you for the lesson. After finish this lesson, I regain my confidence to speak English.
KC Chang
I got 100 thank you
meraja sudagar
excelent, I got 90…
Thank you Emma
I get it!
finally, I get ten
thank you, Emma,
I think I get what you’re saying.
beshoy biniamin
it’s very useful, Emma a great teacher
Sergey K.A.
Dear Emma just I would like to let you know that you are a Great teacher,and I learned a lot through your video.
Masoud Atto
Thank You, Madam.
Sravan Kumar Kotluri
Thank you so much i learn a lot of things with you(: GOOD JOB!
Thank you for sharing and caring.
Hello Emma,how are you?
I got all 100 % corrected.
Thanks again.
Love you.:)
Nice lesson, Emma. You’re a great teacher!
Wow it’s a good lesson I loved the way you provide the teaching methodology.
Thank You
Thanks Emma! It was so interesting.
Thanks Emma for your helpful 3 stategies lesson.
I got 100. I allot 70 for your lesson and 30 for my efforts.
Wow! That’s all right!
Thank you very much Emma
I really love every person help people
Thank you
Useful lesson.
Thank you,Emma.
Miss Emma ur a good teacher
A fantastic lesson!
Taiou Bai
thank you very much Miss Emma.
mohammed ezziddin mohammed alsayed
Thank you, Emma. It was so useful to me.
Hello…I need a speaking partner. If anyone is interested in speaking, please knock me on my whatsapp number +8801812788727
Thank you.
9/10! I finished today’s task. keep going!
Jerry Gu
Excellent lesson! i am sure what you mean
Thanks a lot.
Rafael Riveros
Thank you Emma! great class!
I got 100
Thank you Emma
Mohamad alabdo
thank you.
Hi Emma thanks a lot. You are one of the best teacher that I’ve ever seen.
Hasan Soledad
7/10 . i must to study a lot
10/10 Because of you Emma thanks a lot
thank you, that was helpful.
Huge thanks.Emma
Abduljabbar Hebah
Teacher Emma, you’re the best!!!!
I can’t go without saying this, you’re amazing!!<3
thanks for the time
Thank you
So if I dont understand someone what he says, I can ask him: to write it down,or to say it in adifferent way, or repeat it slowly.
hello from morocco .. really thanks so mush for your times and aslo your amazing explaining
serrar mohammed
As always another amazing lesson sweet Emma from Toronto thanks for that
i like the way which use to explain the lessons, easy way
Thanks a lot, Emma.You are amazing!(Azores Islands, 02Jun2024);
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I think I get what you’re saying: we’re not “deaf and dumb”, more simply we have to learn the right strategy and find the necessary courage to cope with native speakers!
Thank you
Got it!
Hi Emma, thank you for today’s lesson.
I think curious that after some time listening a person that you consider difficult to understand you begin to understand that person. It is like if we needed a training specifically to listening that person. :D
Talking on the phone probably keep being the nightmare for who is training listening. :O
Hi my friend I agree with you.
And I also agree with you.
I don’t agree!!! Allways is hard to learning a new language..and the better way is try a lot…
that’s truth xD
Thank you very much Emma!!!
I’m confused , but sometimes when I do not understand, I nod . You lesson focuses on my bad behavior I will try to correct . Emma thank you .
These three steps is very useful,I got it ,next time I will say I don’t understand first,I will say could you please repeat it again next,finally so what are you saying is that….
thanks so much.
thanks it was so helpful
I wanna to learn english fluntly please who can help me
Wow amazing
Nice lesson
Thanks Emma.
I understood your lesson.
Thanks for this information
Thank you, Emma.
Thank Emma.
I get it.
Hi Katia, would you learn english with me by skype ? this is not only for improve our englsih but also make new friend
Good opening line, Daden ;)
nice website
Exactely what I’m used to do. Thanks for the video Emma.
Good tips. Thanks.
Excellent! This is, the basic instructions for someone to talk in English. Thanks.
Nice tips, thank you very much.
Thanks Emma, very good lesson
Many thanks Emma :)
I think I got everything what you said Emma.☺
I like very mich your accent, see you soon bieeee
Sorry very much
thank you very much Emma. your lessons have been valuable for my english :-)
I get that lesson
Thank you Emma,
Someone who doesnt speak spanish want to practice speak english with me via face time o facebook?
My fb is romiranda84
Hi Rodrigo,I also want to improve my English especially speaking and listening.My FB address is:https://www.facebook.com/tau.thickmi
Thank you so much.:D
Thank you for telling me the good strategy to listen to others. Truth be told, we Japanese have the tendency that we don’ t ask questions to make sure what others said even though we are unsure about it. We actually hesitate to ask because we don’t want to show that we couldn’t figure out what they said. However, I learned that we should follow the same language manner that native speakers do when speaking English. I think listening and speaking English just as native speakers do will help EFL learners build native mind of English in their head and eventually they will be successful in getting English automatized in their mind. This might be a good process to be a better speaker of English for EFL learners.
I do understand the lessonn.
Thanks a lot!
When I was in Canada very first time I often nodded and pretended to understand what someone’s saying even though I didn’t get it. This lesson reminds me of those days haha.
Hello Emma,
Brilliant! Thank you for your strategies. They are very useful in communication. Emma, I like your video lessons and the way you teach. But sometimes we, the students, have some questions in our minds. And the best way to know the answers is the help of our teacher. What I want to say is it would be better if you could answer to our questions from time to time. It can settle our doubts. Besides, it has a good influence on students.
Best Regards,
Hi Roya> I miss you, are you ok?
Thank, I understood everything:)))
Thank you Emma for your good advises! In future i’ll try to avoid the nodding and to ask questions.
Thank you. Now i know what i should say when somebody tell me something and i don’t understand him or her. Very helpful lesson.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you Emma! After that I feel more encourage to express myself in a situation where ‘I don’t really get it’ what the other person is saying.
That was excellent!! I usually apply the option B, so I know I can’t listen and speak well for that. I’m more confused every day. I really like to understand when the people speak me:(
It’s so difficult lister than speaker to me.
It was helpful strategies
Thank you Emma.
WOW! One of the best lessons I have watched here. A very helpful lesson, really. Thanks a lot Emma!
Hi Emma, You always have the special way to help us understand clearly your lesson. Thanks you so much and Congratulation to your 100 lessons in Engvid .
Thanks Emma for this lesson!
For sure I understood you and learnt the ways to communicate to others when I can’t catch the conversation meaning. Very important matter!
When I was in Toronto, a certain time ago, I remember that in some ocasions in which I needed some general information and couldn’t understand completely what a unknown person just said, I usually nodded, smiled, and ran to other person to ask the same thing, until I fill the parts I couldn’t catch before :)
By the way, beautiful clothes and make up!
Good morning, Emma! Greetings from Russia :)
Thanks Emma!!!!
Thank you It is great
tanks too much
Thanks Emma you make it easier for us
I got 5 bands in ielts… And I went 6 bands so what u think how much time I have to give my self for 6 bands
Thanks Emma, you are a great teacher.
get it :D
This 3 steps is very helpful to the life.
Thanks Emman.
thank you so much.
I think i get what you’re saying is Be true and listen very well if i can’t understand anything show as it is to others then only i improve my knowledge.
Thank you. I get it.
Hi Emma! Thanks for this lesson, I am sure that if I practice it, I´ll become a better listener.
Hi EMMA. How are you? .Thank you for your lesson . It was a amazing.
I have a question in step 1. why don’t you say in the second sentence did instead of don’t.
but in the first one is did.
Thanks Emma .very good lesson,I Hope to improve my English language with you
Very good, Emma! Thank you so much.
Thank you very much Emma!!!
Thank you!
Awesome !!!
Hi Emma ma’am,
It’s my first Listening class . Any way its awesome.
Great presentation
Thanks alot
Thanks alot
Very easy
Thank you
Your lesson are very interesting,thanks Emma
Thanks so much
Thanks for your good teaching Emma.
got 9.. =).. the mistake was when to use WHAT.. any details on this topic is helpful
Very good lesson,thank you,Emma.
thank you emma
Very Thank You!!
Hi everybody
Thank you! It helps me a lot!
As always great lesson.
Thank you so much!
Thank you emma it was a great and useful lesson
10/10 I catch that.thanks
Thank you, very well.
It’s really helpful. Now When I will be using that in the near future. Thanks a lot Emma.
Thanks Emma! Your class was very good!
i get it ~!~!
i kgot it^^ Thanks a lot Emma.
Thank you for the interesting and helpful lesson.I like it alot.
I’ve just got 9/10.Hic.But I want to do it better so I will listen to your lesson again and try to do perfectly.
Sometimes,I’m confused how to ask a person to repeat what they’re saying but now you help me to do.
Thank you!^-^
Thank you,my dear Emma:-*
Thank u so much, Emma!
Thanks lot Emma
Ooh, thank you :D
it is very excelent site
Thank you I hope that I can speak english very good like you
excellent lesson thanks a lot Emma
Thank you
Thanks emma you relly help me
Hello everydoby¡¡ I think this steps are very useful to improve our skill to speak English…Is very important to practice them to feedback tne EngVid team and share our experience with the team…nice friday and God bless you¡¡¡
why i can not find this vedio in engvid????
I`ve got it.
Thank you Emma!!
I need help, would you mind to help me improve my english speaking? pls help me on LINE, add my id : eviana_ka , Thankyou guys!
I get it, Thanks
This page is amazing
Thanks alot for your help to inprove my english hunderstanding and listening
Thank you :)
thanks a lot
Thank you ??
Thanks you, great job.
Thank you,I get it now.
It’s very useful to me. Thanks Emma.
thank you emma
thanks a lot
thanks emma .. it is a useful tips ..
Emma, it was great! Your speech is fluent and easy to understand.Thanks a lot!
I can say that it was the first time that i had indestand a lesson quicly !
Thank you teacher !
Thank you Emma.This is so helpful for a start.
Thanks for the leasson. It was realy usefull
Thanks Emma!You are AMAZING!
i have got 10 out of 10 so, i got all the lesson thanks a lot
Thank you so much.
Thanks so much emma and take care
Nice topic
thank you my teacher
I wanna improve my English.if you have time chat with me for practicing English.please sent a message to my email xuzhan19850421@gmail.com.aslo,you could add my wechat xuzhan576253 or line xuzhan0224.
Thank you. It was really useful. I’ve written down some new words for me. =)
Hi Emma thank you so much for the lesson!
Very good. Thank you. I’m going to practice it in my class :D
Thanks you
Hi Emma,
thank you very much for the lesson.
Thanks a lot
I get it! thank you.
Thank you so much, this is really helpful
I get it!!!!! Thank you so much !! :)
Thanks for this lesson, it was really useful for me.
Very good recomendations. I will use it. tks!!!Teacher!!
Thank you so much Emma!
thank u — we want more lessons about listing please
Thanks! It was easy to understand you !lol
I get it. Thank you very much, Emma.
Thank you Emma..I got it.
yup got it :).
Thanks for your work. Very helpfull)
sorry this is my first practice so i agree my marks that is :70
could you please keep uploading new videos . thank you very much mam.
Great :)
Hi. I got it. Thanks…
Hi Elhamelham, do you have skype, maybe we can learn english together. thanks.
thank you so much :D
thanks for your lesson, i get it. It’s very useful.
Thanks Emma I understand that and get 8 out of 10.
thanks millions
a lot of thanks for your nice lesson.
Awesome ! i will improve my listening skill by three steps you thought know. thank you once again
it was a psychological solution plus sentences should be said when we don’t understand somebody’s speech that is appreciated a bundle. serving the mankind is the best worshiping.
There is a similar Christian saying!
It,s very helpfull. Thank you :)
thank you very much emma thanks to you i am really getting
on the field
hello from Kazakhstan! Please help me with English phrases and Idioms and how many words must I learn to speak with people fluently and clearly?
Thank you very much :D
Great lesson! Helped me a lot!
I get it
I love your tips, they will help me a lot when I’m speaking to a Native English speaker.
Thanks Emma.
If I say “I think I get what you,re saying…” how can I complete the sentence? Is it correct this way: “I think I get what you,re saying is the colour blue is nice (for example)”?
I think the sentence “I think I get what you’re saying” is completed already. you should say: “I think I get what you’re saying. That is…, right?
Thank you!
Well. I get it
thats right !
Thanks, I get it.
Many thanks, Emma
Nice topic. Now I know what should I do when I don’t understand what the people say. Thank you.
many thanks Emma.I got full score. But sometimes, I pretend I understand what I don’t really
Yeeees 9/10
Very good way to practice listening skills.
but i want to practice it when i watch a movie.
what can i do then?
thank you teacher Emma for your very good lesson ive learned a lot listening is one of very difficult for me specially talking on the phone , speaking is not so difficult coz sometimes i use body language and gestured ,this lesson help me a lot specially your 3 strategy .Thanks,I injoyed to your lesson ,waiting to your next lesson ….
Thanks Emma I watched your videos on YouTube and learning very fast again thank you….
This site is very helpfull … thank you for this nise lesson.
i got it thank you
Thank you so much, teacher! I liked the lesson and I could understand what you were saying. I hope that you are very well. See you, then.
Thanks Emma. It was an interesting lesson.
thank you
Thank you Emma
I get it
thank you Emma.I think I get it.
Thanks alot
I understand what you are saying, thanks
Thank you it was usefull
Thank you, Emma, now I know what to do in a situation like that.
Thank you so much,Emma!
Thank you so much , my teacher
Thank you
thank you Emma, i get it.
thank you Emma
it was so helpful
i got 100 :D
could you please help?
Am having trouble with these words:
home and house.
Thanks Emma.
thank you Emma. I like the way you guys teach
Thank you Emma, very informative lesson, now I’m more confident will be able to explain what I want to understand.
do you have instagram adress Emma?
thanks teacher.
I found your strategy useful for improving listening skills, thanks very much)
Catcha, I’ve got 100… thank you
Thanks a lot emma
Thanks Emma
thanks emma and i get it well and understanding
10 correct out of 10
thanks a lot
Thank you Emma! Both your lesson as well as your pronouncing is very clear.
This class is excelent. Thank you
Thnks for good explanation.
guys .. thank you so much for your efforts :D
Thanks everbody!
I get it.
Thank you Emma.
Thank you Emma.Your accent is very good and understandable
thanks EMMA
Emma you’re amazing,
I can understand well from you
Thanks a lot
I get it.
Thank you. I’m English beginner, but your lesson is very easy for me. I can listened and understood what you say.
So what you said that when I didn’t understand what someone say, I should represent it, ask it in a different way, and confirming understood content, isn’t it?
Thank you Emma. The great lesson.
Thank you very much :D
Thank you I get it
Thank you!
I get it. Thank you~
Gracias Emma i will!
<3 tks
Thank Emm!
Thank you
Thank you so much, you make me remember when I did not understand I used to escape of the conversation.
I adoro Emma… I would like her was my teacher here in Brazil! :)
I like Emma…*
Yes, she is amazing. I would like to meet more people like her.
**I adore is correct! not adoro…
Think you so much i understand very well
Hahaha. I laught 7th question a lot.
I am attending Emma mam classes, it is very interesting.
Hi Anna !
When you teach ,English look very simple and easy.
Thank you very much….
this video is very helpful for beginners
Thank you so much Emma:)
Hi! I’m Marta and I love this website ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you . I get the lesson . You have a great and simple way to teach
thanx teacher emma
Thank you so much emma ??
thank you Emma. I get it!!!
Thnk you, Emma
Tks Emma, I get it.
Thank you Emma, fantastic lesson!!
let’s practice: brito920@live.com my skype. I like to write and talk with everyone. bye.
It’s very helpful. Thank you so much emma :-)
the strategies it very effective, thanks a milion Emma, you are best of teacher
thank alot
Thanks Emma , you rock !
Thank you Emma!
Thanks a lot!
i got 6 correct out of 10.
thank you teacher.
You got 9 correct out of 10.Thank you so much Teacher :D
Love you . You are a good teacher
Thank you Emma.
Thank you !
could you please say it in a different way ?
thanks emma
thank you i got it
I totally get it.
Thank you very much Emma!
Thank you Emma for the very useful lesson.
I’d like you to make an another video about listening comprehension so I can make sure what the native speakers on the tv or movies are saying.
got 100 :)
Thank you Maam Emma i’ve learned a lots,very interesting and useful i can use them to teach for my boy english lessons ..
could you teach me how to learn japanese? tks bro.
so what are you saying is that:
1.- Be honest and say “I am sorry but I dont understand.”
2.- Ask for help in a friendly way. “Could you please repeat that in a different way?”
3.- Make sure that I got it, explaining what I heard. “So what you’re saying is…”
Thank you Emma, I think i got what you said
Thank you , I got it .
Thanks Emma.. Im practicing. :)
thanks emma……..
I got it. thanks
It’s great to learn here! Thank you!
Thank you, Emma!
Can i say “I didn’t get it” instead of “I didn’t catch that” ?
Hey Emma. Thanks for the lesson, I know will help me a lot when I’ll meet a native speaker. Thanks four your tips and for this strategy :D
tks emma, my hearing ability is so poor that i am glad today to have this chance to grasp the knack of improving the listening and understanding.
thank you Emma, it was a piece of cake for me.
Thank you so much emma.
Thank you Emma. It helps me more confidence when I have to speak English with other person. I dont’t know to say anything if I don’t understand what they said. Now, I can ask them to write it down. more easier.
Thank you Emma,this lesson was verrrrrrrry helpful
Thanks teacher for your tips with this lesson we know what to say when we do not understand something and never say, yes i understand everything to avoid embarresment
Thank you teacher.
Emma.do you konw ?
you are best teacher.
Very good class
I enjoyed your class, thanks.
You are a good teacher. Thanks a lot
As always, very helpful.
Hi Emma, thank you for today’s lesson.
but i have another problem that i hardly understand the movies they are telling a lot in short time what can i do??
ooh thank u very much teacher
I got 9 correct of out 10, Thank you Emma.
Thanks emma
Hi Emma,just like the way you taught us! You are awesome and I will keep watching your videos.I think you really understand what situation will embarrass us such as answering a phone or asking for detail things.Anyway, thanks for your video????^_^
Its good to understand about listening thank u
Emma, thanks for that useful video. But I have a problem. When I listen tv,movie,radio etc. I can hardly understand. What can I make for that problem? Do you have any methods?
Dear @Platanus,
If you’re phasing any problem regarding listening. then mark my words.
pay very close attention on listening and keep trying to listen it over and over. That’s the think you can get rid of your problem.
Thanks Emma,and I’m happy because I have got 10/10 of the quiz.
Thank you for this lesson
It’s 3rd time, I’ve got 10/10.
A ton of thanks Emma Mam. I think i get what you were saying in your whole lesson. It’s very useful for me.All that expressions,I would be used in my daily life conversation with my family, acquaintances, teachers as well as my girlfriend to improve my English.
If i will phase any problem, then I will show that I don’t understand and ask them.
I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you please say it in a different way.
In a nutshell, Emma Mam I want to thank you very much. Because of you I’m improving my English skills day by day.
God bless you Mam.
M. Saad
Thanks, Emma!
Thanks a lot … I loved your class ….
Thanks a lot!!
Thanks a lot.My score is 10/10.
Thank you, miss Emma.
hi emma,thank you for this lesson
Thank you emma for this lesson. I studying ielts exam i think very helpful for me. I got 7 correct thank you thank you thank you
thank you !10/10 Im very glad!
I think result is wrong.Because my wrong respond have just two.But it looks 3 wrong.My point must be 80.Not 70
I get it, 10/10 thank you
Hmm! Emma i like your style of teaching steps.
thanks to you ,To make us better in lang.
10/10 thanks
Hello Emma, 10/10 thank you so much!
Thank you so much teacher Emma ❤️❤️
I get 10/10
very helpful thanks a lot emma
anyone who willing to improve your eng skill, please write down your facebook link/line id here. so we can learn english together. thanks
Thanks Amma. I get this lesson
Really like this lesson..thanks
Thank you. I get this lesson.
Thanks Emma, nice work!
Thank Emma, your lesson was very clear!!
Thank you :)
Thanks Emma
Thanks that help me a lot
thank you
thank You
Thank you Emma
Thank You ??
Thank You :)
thank you teacher^^
Thank’s a lot
Amazing. Thanks !
Thanks! really useful tips!
These steps are a lot of useful when we are talking.
Thank you =)
Thanks Emma, I’ve got 10.
Thank you very much teacher Emma.
thank u for giving info about how to understand the way to approach
Thanks Emma
Keep it up like this Emma.you’re wonderfull!
i like her video.she so smart just like me lol
Thanks. Got 100 out of 100!
i need to practice more
Thanks so much,this information is very useful!!!
It was very useful and practical lesson.
Thank You.
nice! again!
Thanks Emma.I love your lessons
Thank you, Emma! It’s really helpful.
someone has skype ?
Thank you.
Thank you Emma. I dare to suggest a 4th way. Usually I say to person ” Could you please shut up” and soon i have no problem with understanding.
Thank you so much Emma.
A good explanation! Thanks a lot!
thanks for the information.
Hello Emma, You are the best, Thank you so much!
thnks i usually use it. “i didn’t catch it. please tell me again?”, “could u please speak slowly” and when i got what someone wanna say. i usually say it.
“what i understand is ~~~, is it right?”, “so do u mean ~~ is ~~ ??” .
thanks. i can adjust ur sentences in my way..
thanks I like it too much it very Useful
I get it
Very useful.
So, what you’re saying is that do not embarrassing yourself if you couldn’t understand what native speakers say.
You really encourage me.
Good one
thanks a lot . 10/10 .
thank you
Thank you!
Very good lesson!! Thank you.
thank you my teacher
you are so so amazing
Excellent! Thanks
I’m liked this platform, teachers and this class
Thanks, Emma. I got 10 correct out of 10.
I got 100
100 !! Thank you for such a detailed explanation.:)
Thank you
Thank you so much. This lesson is a great strategy, a magic way for me (y)
Oh my God, I understood everything Emma!
Why…?! Because you’re great teacher! And I get 100! UHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! ???
Thanks for all. ???❤❤❤
Thanks Emma :)
thank you.
Thank you ^^
I get it! thank you Emma.
Thank you Emma for the tips!! I think I have chosen the right teacher because you speak with an open mouth and so clearly! thank you!
Emma you have a great talent in teatching .thank you very much.
I liked your speaking so much)) thanks a lot
you are one of the best Emma, Thankyou very much
I got 9/10. Thanks Emma!
Thank you Emma for this lesson.
nice video for this lesson
Thank you!
thank you Emma
I like this lesson.
thank you for today’s lesson.
Thank you so much Emma ..you did a great job..
Thanks Emma.
thank you
Hi, Thank you for this lesson. It is very nice to learn English with you ))
Thank you Emma. I had this bad attitude to not show to speaker that I didn’t understand in a conversation. Now I’ll try to be a good listener. Regards Patrick
I couldn’t describe you, just saying you’re the best Emma! thanks very much …
Have a someone to comunication with me for training conversation and vocabulary. Thanks
Thank you Emma, you are do great job on Engvid!
Thanks a lot Emma.
Sometimes, I have difficult in understand the speaking english. If I watch a TV news, I don’t get what the journalist say completly.
And, to finish my comment, I would like to say that you are a great teacher, and I can understand you perfectly, because you speak slowly and clearly.
See you.
Thanks Emma, your explanation is very clear. I get it.
great lesson, thank you so much Emmma.
God bless you.
I got 9/10! Very useful lesson for my work! Thanks Emma!!
Thank you
thank you.
Thank you your lesson is very useful
10/10 good job)
Thank you ?
Thanks Emma =)
Thank you Emma
Hi, Emma! It was an interesting topic, thx! Actually, I got you, that’s why i passed the quiz after it perfectly. 10/10.
It seems to me that you and Rebecca are my favorite teachers there, thx again!))
Thank you so much. :)
Thank you very much! The lesson is very useful for me!
Thanks Emma
Great Lesson
Great disclosure of real English
Thank you very much..
really you help me a lot :)
Thanks so much, really good lesson
thank you Ms Emma
That was so useful for me
If you don’t understand (someone), what strategy can you use?
You can ask (them) to write it down.
You can ask (them) to say it in a different way.
You can ask (them) to speak more slowly.
i think we must use (him) not (them) ?
that is right or not ?
thanks teacher you show us a good way
thanks, Emma!
thanks, Emma!
Thank you Emma :)
i got 10, i think i get what you are saying :D
Thank you always for your great lessons.
Hi Emma!
Thank you for the lesson!
Now, at this case I will say “I think what you’re saying is …”.
Have a good time!
I have difficulty with listening especially when I discuss with my teachers and doctors but after this amazing strategy I’ll improve it
Thanks Emma!!!
Yes, I get it!?
Thank you very much Emma.
Good points, indeed! 10/10 :-)
Thank you.
I want to thank you very much for this lesson. I feel that I learn daily
I got it. Thank Emma
thank you very much Emma
Thanks..I like you and your videos so much
It was a nice lesson; I need learn english soon; over all I have problems with listen and comprenhesion other people when speak in english
Thank you !
really good teacher thanks a lot
Thank you very much Emma. You’re great!
Thank you Emma. Your voice is great
I’m a big fan of this lesson.
Thank you.
Hi Emma,
what about these 2 phrases below? coz sometimes I heard someone say it in conversation.
– I think I get the point what are you saying
– I think I get the point what do you present
Thank you
i get it this course. thank you emma. thx. your teaching is a lot of information and knowledge
thank you,I love the way you explained that. it is very useful.
Thank you dear teacher ,
Hi every one .thanks for you my best teacher emma
It is very good way to learn us and i understand from your explain thanks
Thank you Emma.
Wow! I get it ! Thanks teacher!
Thank you so much. I’ve been liking a lot of these lesson.Bye for now.
I got 9 out of 10 of this test lesson.
Thank you!
Thank you
that is inteasting
thank you, it was very interesting.
I got 100 ??
Thank you Emma…. ?
I got 90 .
thank you from mexico
I got 100%
I’d like to thank you very much for your helpful lessons
I’m easily understanding all your lessons
Thanks again teacher.
Hi! Emma,
Thank you for the lesson. After finish this lesson, I regain my confidence to speak English.
I got 100 thank you
excelent, I got 90…
Thank you Emma
I get it!
finally, I get ten
thank you, Emma,
I think I get what you’re saying.
it’s very useful, Emma a great teacher
Dear Emma just I would like to let you know that you are a Great teacher,and I learned a lot through your video.
Thank You, Madam.
Thank you so much i learn a lot of things with you(: GOOD JOB!
Thank you for sharing and caring.
Hello Emma,how are you?
I got all 100 % corrected.
Thanks again.
Love you.:)
Nice lesson, Emma. You’re a great teacher!
Wow it’s a good lesson I loved the way you provide the teaching methodology.
Thank You
Thanks Emma! It was so interesting.
Thanks Emma for your helpful 3 stategies lesson.
I got 100. I allot 70 for your lesson and 30 for my efforts.
Wow! That’s all right!
Thank you very much Emma
I really love every person help people
Thank you
Useful lesson.
Thank you,Emma.
Miss Emma ur a good teacher
A fantastic lesson!
thank you very much Miss Emma.
Thank you, Emma. It was so useful to me.
Hello…I need a speaking partner. If anyone is interested in speaking, please knock me on my whatsapp number +8801812788727
Thank you.
9/10! I finished today’s task. keep going!
Excellent lesson! i am sure what you mean
Thanks a lot.
Thank you Emma! great class!
I got 100
Thank you Emma
thank you.
Hi Emma thanks a lot. You are one of the best teacher that I’ve ever seen.
7/10 . i must to study a lot
10/10 Because of you Emma thanks a lot
thank you, that was helpful.
Huge thanks.Emma
Teacher Emma, you’re the best!!!!
I can’t go without saying this, you’re amazing!!<3
thanks for the time
Thank you
So if I dont understand someone what he says, I can ask him: to write it down,or to say it in adifferent way, or repeat it slowly.
hello from morocco .. really thanks so mush for your times and aslo your amazing explaining
As always another amazing lesson sweet Emma from Toronto thanks for that
i like the way which use to explain the lessons, easy way
Thanks a lot, Emma.You are amazing!(Azores Islands, 02Jun2024);