What’s the difference between “fun” and “funny”? What do you say when you see something that makes you laugh? What is the difference between “LOL” and “LMAO”? In this interactive video, I’m going to teach you how to talk about jokes and comedy. You will learn many ways to say that you think something is funny or not funny. You will also learn what you can say if you don’t understand a joke. At the end, I will tell you some jokes, and you can practise your new expressions! Don’t forget to take the quiz at the end to check your understanding.
Thank you for your FUNNY lesson even though I don’t really get it.
It was a hilarious video-lesson Emma;it really made me laugh.
However,I disagree with your comment on the meaning of LOL and LMAO; they do not have a “similar” meaning.
In my view, there is a substancial difference.
Happy New Year to all EngVid viewers!!!
May all your days be good ones!!!
Correction: . . . I disagree ON the meaning of LOL AND LMAO . . .
… mmm … mmm… making mistakes as usual.
who asks your view dear…?
Syed Ahmad Ali
thank you Regino.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
You are very funny Emma hahaha
Finally I got it. Thank you.
I’ve got one ! Why did the mexican push their wife over the cliff ? Tequila !!! {to kill her}
Hope this one is funny ahahah
Hi,How are you doing?
i am going to write this comment to ask about your contact information cause i would like to take some classes! Hereby if it is possible please leave me the full contact details.
i will highly appreciate your help.
Elyas Akbaryar
I prefer the jokes in the answers! hahaha
thank you Emma , I got some new words and got a 90.
and I could find offensive the wolf of wall street in some aspects.
Thanks Emma for teaching this lesson. I know how to use other words now to express my emotion when someone give me a joke.
Yes!!… i got a perfect score. But no offense emma the jokes you have readen are lame. Hehe… peace…
thanks a lot beautiful teacher,Emma.
You should have told us some dirty jokes, :)
thank you for this lesson , I have learned new expressions about jokes , all of the jokes you have mentioned were corny . 1- Teacher: Maria please point to America on the map.
Maria: This is it.
Teacher: Well done. Now class, who found America?
Class: Maria did.2-What is the longest word in the English language?
SMILES: there is a mile between the first and last letters! Emma how about these jokes ?
I really like the second joke. I’m sure gonna ask my friends someday LOL
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis – a supposed lung disease – 45 letters
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch – 51 letters. For obvious reasons, it’s usually abbreviated to Llanfair PG.
Arjun P
Thanks,Emma.It was pretty nice lesson. I’ve learned some new expressions. Usually it happens often when something cracked me up…
Thank you for your lesson . I will try one joke.
Father , mother and daughter were going to a party. Mom said I have Red hair so I’m going to wear Red dress, and Daughter said: I’m blond so I would wear yellow dress. Then Father said: I’m bald so I’m supposed to be naked in the party ….
LOL. I couldn’t stop laughing.
nice one
Hello miss emma … Miss emma would you explain the difference between those words ((whatever,whatsoever,whoever,whosoever,however,howsoever,whichever,whether))it’s a little bit confusing I hope to explain that thank you….
Haider alawi
Hello miss emma … Miss emma would you explain the difference between those words ((whatever,whatsoever,whoever,whosoever,however,howsoever,whichever,whether))thank you….
Haider alawi
Hello miss emma … Miss emma would you explain the difference between those words ((whatever,whatsoever,whoever,whosoever,however,,whichever,whether))thank you….etc
Haider alawi
Thank you Emma for the interesting lesson!
I love the way you say “Ha ha ha ha” LOL
thxs .now I known my mistake.
i really like it ,it is really useful to learn.thanks a lot Emma it cracked me up.
I think that the wolf of wall street is kind of offensive,it is not funny at all.the movie is all about sex and drugs.
Please Emma, don’t say those jokes anymore. I beg you….
Dear Emma, always interesting lesson. Very nice Emma. ciao
Actually, the jokes were not funny at all, but honestly, I love your gestures and movements, so that just made me smile. :)
Jawad Rasooly
i am very funny,thank you very much .i got 90 point
I bourst out laughing when i got 80′ cause i never believe i Would get to that level,
Mountain 27
Thanks a lot emma.
Thank you Emma,your today’s lesson is hilarious and very useful too.I get it…the joke about 6 and 7 really made me laughing.
A bus stops and two Italian men get on. They sit down and engage in an animated conversation.
The lady sitting behind them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of the men say the following:
“Emma come first.
Den I come.
Den two asses come together.
I come once-a-more.
Two asses, they come together again.
I come again and pee twice.
Then I come one lasta time.”
“You foul-mouthed swine, ” retorted the lady indignantly. “In this country we don’t talk about our sex lives in public!”
“Hey, coola down lady,” said the man.
“Who talkin’ abouta sexa? I’m a just tellin’ my friend how to spell Mississippi.”
Hello dear Emma it’s been a long time since I haven’t attended in your class.I missed you and your lessons a lot:) Btw, I didn’t really get the jokes that you have read them out:( Could you please write them down with their answers that says why they are funny :D
Maybe the jokes are hilarious for others, I do not really get them.
Thank you very much Emma!!
I was completely wrong before I watched your video. I thought LOL stood for “lots of laughs” instead of laugh out loud.
Thank you ;)
Hi. Emma. I m beginner of English. And right now I m going to learn English through your website but I m confused where I start. Which lessons I do First and what thereafter.plz reply me. I need help???
Nice lesson ! But lame jokes !Hahaha
Mian Ishaque
Sorry Emma, I don’t get any of your jokes.
It seems to me that uderstanding them is as difficult as most of headlines of newspaper’s articles.
It is probably even more difficult! Don’t be too hard on yourself :)
engVid Moderator
Hello engVid Moderator! You are more funny then Emma”s Jokes lol :)
English jokes are difficult for me to get, I didn’t get the jokes in this lesson and I am trying to get them finally! This lesson was so useful, so thanks a lot.
Yeah, they are!
Zinchenko Lesha
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Great lesson! I thought LMFAO was a singer haha! Btw all jokes you did is very corny
lol! I will watch this lesson again! It was very nice. Thanks Emma.
John B
Funny jokes; all of them. Great class too! Thanks Emma!
I got 10 correct out of 10
Great lesson.
New expressions to use, that´s perfect!! Thanks Emma!
I didn’t get your jokes :( But your lesson was interesting! Thank you Emma :)
Honestly, the only one joke I got was the last one, perhaps that was because I´m a math teacher and english is not my mother tongue!!. But anyway, thank you for this worthy lesson.
Greetings from Costa Rica!
Berny Herrera
Okay, here’s a math one!
An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one says, “I’ll have one pint of beer.” The second one says, “I’ll have ½ a pint.” The third one says, “I’ll have ¼.” The fourth says, “I’ll have ⅛…”
The bartender sighs, and pours two beers.
engVid Moderator
That´s too simple to understand!, the bar-tender had to be a mathematician too because (s)he realized that 1+1/2+1/4+1/8+…=2 (Arithmetic series)
Greetings and keep going!!
Berny Herrera
I did not undersand the last one :( Could u explain me please?
In fact, when Ms. Emma tells Why did the right triangle go to the beach? And answers it with “Because it was (a) 90-degree”, it refers a two different situations (they have anything in common), the property for the triangle by it-self (that it has a 90° angle) and that there was so hot in than the triangle decided to go to the beach, that is in fact what most people used to do in occasions like these.
See ya´!
Berny Herrera
To clarify: in Fahrenheit 90 degrees is about 32 Celsius. So the joke is mixing up “the triangle was 90 degrees (angle)” with “the temperature was 90 degrees (heat)”.
engVid Moderator
Thanks to both of you, Benny and engVid moderator. Now i understand :)lol. At first i thought Ms. Emma said “the red triangle” instead of “the right triangle”, but now i”m getting fun. Thanks!c:
For those who didn’t get the jokes.
Emma’s jokes are the play on words – sound similarly but have different meaning.
Ex: Why 7 is afraid of 8?
Answer is either: 1. Because 7,8,9 or 2. Because 7 ate 9.
Hello Emma.
Thank you for this lesson . I got 90 because i haven’t seen ” the wolf of wall street ” and thought that was not a funny movie . I will try to see it one day.
I think i got all of your jokes , that are in fact play on words more than small funny stories. For : what cheese is not yours – nacho cheese , we must understand ” not your cheese” . Correct me if I am mistaken . However i must say that none of them are very hilarious . That comes to my question : could you give us the strenght of each word describing a joke that is not funny . Between lame , corny and bombed it is not clear ?
I know it is hard to laugh at plays on words in a language that is not yours . I remember , long time ago , I got an friend from Canada listening to a French humorist and she didn’t catch a word. We were all bursting of laugh and she was finding all that corny. The same is for me when trying to understand English funny sketch .
It is now the end of 2015 so let me wish you a happy new year for all Engvid staff.
See you in 2016
i want to improve my grammar .. which video would be helpful for my case. I need to improve my Writing skills. please send me some helpful links to improve my self. my email is remon404@gmail.com
i didn’t understand the difference between fun and funny
Hmm… that i think is that Fun is a noun while Funny is an adjective. For example: I am getting Fun with this Funny joke.
I hope this helps!
fun mean to be exciting of something and fanny means something made you laugh
Thanks for the funny jokes, I can’t stop laughing :) and I got 100%
it’s difficult for me keep in mind all the new words and answer to the quiz
Thank you ma’am, indeed it was a useful lesson i got 10 out of 10 but unfortunately i did not get any of the jokes. :)
Danish Paktin
Moderator note: This inappropriate comment has been replaced with a cat gif.
Berny Herrera
This is a funny one :) lol
I like cats fighting with laser sabers! they’re always funny.
so i am not only person who did not get these jokes :)
davi j
It was a funny lesson, but I didn’t get some jokes! hahaha
Hello Emma,
it Was An amazing lesson and very useful through the funny way you did.but some of jokes i didn’t get its.
thank you and happy new year.
Ahmad qouzah
Great! I loved this class! But you need to improve your jokes Emma! hahahah
Thank you for this lesson fun.
I don’t get it the your joks
afnan mahar
Nice Afnan How are you. This Ahsan From Pakistan.
Thank u to make me fuuny
Correction: you can’t say ” make me funny” to express that you are pleased with the jokes or with the lesson, you might say the jokes are funny, or I enjoyed the lesson, something like this, but “make me funny” I thing is not correct. Write back to me for if that would not bother you.
LOL … your lesson is funny and interesting!
HI, how are you?
I`m looking for somebody from Italy, I would know about the culture there.
See ya
Ana Lauton
hahAHahaha laugh my ass off what the hell leason its very funny hahahahaha :D
umer aftab ahmed Lakho
Hi Emma,
Although i think that most of your jokes are lame, i’m very like your lessons they’re fun and funny :P
Thank you so much!
I burst out laughing with your expressions when you were telling your jokes.
Hello emma.. thank you for this video.. but I’m still confuse when I must to use past simple or present perfect.. Can you show me whats the different situation to use the both tenses?.. Thank you..
very nice! thanks
Hello Emma
the jokes are lame, but your way of saying them made me laugh
Very useful, Emma! Thank you and HAPPY 2016!
Júlio César L Sousa
Very useful lesson Ms.Emma!
jokes something so important in our daily life, so we need to know some vocabularies about them in English, and of course I’m looking forward to your new lessons and a million thanks to you and to your efforts and God speed you!
Bushra hg
Btw, I think your jokes were corny, or maybe I didn’t get them hahaha
Bushra hg
Hi Emma
just login to tell you HAPPY NEW YEAR!
The loving ways of teachers like you is the difference between teaching and educating.
Hi Emma, thank you for these value information. I did true all questions but 4,7 and 10 qustions it seems ‘it is wrong’ ı didn’t get it. ;) ı want to say this. See you have a great day happy new year.
Thank you very much. Interesting lesson, it helps me a lot.
About the jokes, I don’t get all of them except the last one which is not funny.
Explosive comedy:
Santa gives dictation test for students,
last bench students said v r not able to hear sir..
Santa said ok i will write on board.!
9 of 10
Only because I didn´t watch The Wolf of Wall Street yet. :-(
Thanks for the lesson !
Thank you Emma, very useful lesson for daily life. Please continue making lessons like this!
Hi Emma!yours jokes are not funny, but I’ve learned some expressions. By the way, happy new year!
Good lesson, jokes…kind of lame.
Thanks for that video. All those jokes you did were so funny but i didn¨t get some of them.
wow. thanks emma. its so helpful to learn english :)
Ila Makhnun
Oh!!! Wow, this is an amazing lesson Emma. I learnt a lot today. Thank you so much.
you are a good teacher .
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the video, useful and funny one! :)
Happy New Year to you and all the Engvid teachers and viewers!
Thank you Emma for your lessons . That’s a helpful for us to learn English and to communicate with others . learning new vocabulary is fun.
lamia hala
I did get any of these jokes…I think english jokes are kind of lame
engVid Moderator
I think so :D
Great … Thank you Emma :) Keep going please .
bad jokes… or maybe i just didn’t get it)
Thank you Emma for this lesson, it’s useful but I didn’t get the jokes.
as usual great lesson
mahmoud afify
thank you it really add new info to me
Ib man
Hi there!
when I shall use THOUGH or ALTHOUGH?
it is funny cause you tell joke
Thank you,I love this lesson, because all the vocabularies are very useful in life ^ ^
Ariel Yen
Thank’s so much
Hi! I din’t get the second joke…
Can someone explain it to me, please?
Thanks Emma, I usually use these expressions and with your lesson I’ve gotten them :)
can we talk on facebook to improove our language skills?:)
davi j
nice smile put a smile ever
I like your lessons Emma. Very fun! You´re so sweet!
It’s very funny, but I don’t get most of the jokes XD
Thanks Emma, you are very gentle in your presentation.
This is the way for the better future.
You are amazing! Thank u so much c:
It was funny but important to improuving in English-speaking
Thanks Emma and happy new year.
thanks for your lessons Emma.
Lal Mohammad
Hi teacher emma
i appreciate your ability for direct connection to students like me!i have got this lesson and now can use words corny,lame,bombed and cracked up!also i scare from 7 ??? it’s funny…
Can you Translate this parsion Language.
Bibi Sanam Janam. Ana Ra Ristanam.
Emma, You are awesome Teacher!!
Thanks for explaining it to us Emma,you’re awesome
You are fantastic Emma. Some explanation of the jokes would be very helpful for me.
Your lesson is very useful. You are an amazing teacher and human being.
Thanks Emma for this lesson!
Your jokes are more targeted for nerds, but I think they are hilarious!
Fabio Cicerre
You are an excellent teacher and very funny.
i should learn and practice any more, i don’t get it all…
thanks emma, I don´t understood corny means
miguel alpon
Hi Emma.
i’v got a question, Why the words that finished in ‘gh’ the pronunciation is with ‘eff’?
The video was very good, but the jokes, lol, very corny. But I liked it. Maybe it sound a bit strange for the canadian culture, but here in Brazil the weak jokes have a special value.
Nicolas Haubold
It’s was very funny video… But some jokes I didn’t get it…. LOL!!
Hello ma’am!!! I want start
zuhaib khan lodhi
Thank you Emma : )
Wow!i got 100 in my quiz…It means i get it teacher Emma…thank you for sharing your knowledge??????
Thanks T. Emma, I get it
It was fun.
I liked it a lot. Excellent explanation. Congrats and thanks.
Thanks for your hilarious lesson. I found out they are really funny and crack me up sometimes, but the jokes, i don’t really getting except for 2 of them.
corrections. I don’t really [get it] except for to of them
correction. two not to
Thank you Emma. It was funny watching to you in this lesson. My English y basic so I got 80, but I’ll never give up because your videos makes me happy :)
one joke makes me really laugh ;) maybe i dont get everything joke as i want however i’ll say one to my husband :D
Here joke:
Before the exam student asks friend:
– Did you repeat sth?
– Yeah…
– What?
– “Will be good, will be good”
Teacher on the class:
– Who is the oldest in our family?
– Great-granny..
– Grandpa..
– Great-great-great-granny.
– That impossible!
– Wh-wh-wh-WHY??
Hi, buddy. LMAO. Unlike Emma’s jokes your ones are crack me up))) Thanks)))
I didn’t understand your jokes/
thank you! Emma.
it is funny ^_^ tank you :D
Thank yOu Emma U R amazing
Hi Emma thanks a lot for that lesson your are the best but is it possible if you can
make a video about word close as a phrasal verb
I didn’t get a couple of your jokes, but those ones that I got I found funny. Thank you Emma.
i like all videos made by Emma, appreciate a lot, It’s so hilarious . I will insist on learning all of them.
ok. i an brasiliam and i think a person who speaks portuguese is very dificult understand english but i will try
Thanks teacher! Your jokes weren’t hilarious, but you are very funny! hahaha…
Andre Ricardo
It’s so funny…. Hahhahahhahha…..
Shree Niraula
Yeah, I’ve got a 100% on the quiz but I admit I have to practice joke understanding, LOL. Anyway, thank you Emma.
Felipe Torres
My wife is not happy when I am watching your videos..Emma. *_*
Anyway, thanks for this video.
I unfortunately got hardly any jokes, but it was fun to look your lesson! You made me laugh)))
I don’t get it, but you were very fanny in this class.Thank you.
Carlos Alberto Silva Ferreira
you make me lamo > when you telingl the jokes > but it was so corng .. Anyway . thanks alot
Omar Zaki
Thanky very much indeed! i learned more new for me
workaholic…. it is new word for me:)
davi j
corny jokes by the way
I learnt a lot, Thank u
Ah i get 100,it make me laugh :)
jahid hasan
ty Emma
Hi Emma
Great lesson but i can not get through last section.
Muhammad Abbas
Well now I know how to use vocabulary words in regards to jokes and funny moments. Note : Emma your joke made me laugh…Jijijiji
Really good ,Ty Emma
I don’t get it any of these jokes! :/
Oshim Tara
Hello teacher Emma, this lesson it’s Hilarius.
sorry, I didn’t understand any of your joke … maybe I’ve an Italian Target of joke … so I’d say I didn’t get it!!
thank you, Emma, you make me laugh but I really appreciate your lessons. This was very interesting and I use those expressions in my twitter account.
IT makes me feel, like i visited Jimmy Carr stand up)
Now I know some internet words.
I really enjoyed this lesson!
I burst out laughing. I love this lesson lol
Hi! I do not stack in! I think, this is a sacral english humor! ;))) Emma, you look fine!
thank you very match
i didn’t understand any of your jokes but i like all your lessons
Thank you for your funny lesson. I got it. THUMBS UP
I can’t believe people use LMAO, LOL, ROFL etc. when they find something funny… I mean, if it’s really that funny, I will write “ahahahhahaahhaha”.
And whoever said “lol” looks like a drowning guy was right.
And he is not laughing out loud :D
100% haha)
Ilya Korotkov
Thank you! But i don’t get your joke’s)) May you write some joke’s here ? may be it help us for understanding.
they have strange sense of humour,i did not get as well :))
davi j
I didn’t get the jokes, but the class was very usefull. Thanks a lot.
I love yours face reaction hahaha it is the most funniest or yours Ba-dumch-s
Thanks Emma. You made me laugh in the middle of a tough day. You’re funny but your jokes are corny.
Luiz Alberto
Hey, mirs Emma! What is “LMFAO”.is it ” laght my f… ass off”
hao kiet
engVid Moderator
ok, thaks!!
hao kiet
I understand this lesson.it”s help me a lot..Thank you Emma
Sumaiya Tasnim
Thanks Emma :) But i don’t get your joke’s LOL
peace ma’am!
don’t get some jokes , but some of them were really funny :)
and I love “the Big Bang Theory” too :D
Funny , interesting , thanks Emma
good thank you
thanks teacher Emma, I have got 10
mahdi target
the 7 ate the 9 is LMAO HAHAHA
mahdi target
Then you’re going to love the video we’re about to post! :)
engVid Moderator
thank you for the fantastic lesson
i got 10\10 :)
I am waiting!!!!!!!!!!???????//
mahdi target
I got 100 without using subtitle. Yay!
It’s a useful expressions.
And I understand usage of ‘fun’ and ‘funny’. It is so much diference of meaning.
very good lesson
many thanks
very good lesson
many thanks
thanks Emma
Sheldon Wong
unfortunately i don’t get it any one of your jokes but even though it’s was funny video thank’s Emma <3
Thanks so much Emma :)
Reyadh Othman
C’mon!! The past, present and future walked into a bar… IT WAS TENSE!!! hahahahaha I absolutely burst off lauhing- Thanks Emma!
love you keep it up
thank you!! teacher!! LMFAO!!
go ahead Emma we will follow you carefully
we well not loss watching your lessons.
see ya!
Nice jokes Emma, thank you for your lesson, great job!
Dauren Tapal
Thank you Emma, It makes me funny.
than you so much Emma i learn many laughing word it a hilarious lesson
Wow Thanks a lot, Emma you made me lol in this funny lesson and I don’t believe it I got 100 at the quiz sorry if I have mistakes because my English is not good, I’m just trying to learn and my best teacher is Engvid.com, Thank you for you and all Engvid teachers I really don’t know how to thank you.
Mohsen Tatoo
Thank you for the lesson Emma.
Even tough i dont really understand the jokes, actually :D
I got 100 , thanks Emma that was an amazing
Were did you find thesse jokes
I got 9. Thank u..
Vikram Batra
I don’t got it about your joke but it ‘s a fun lesson. Thank you.
Thank you Emma,i have got 60 out of 100 and the lesson is understandable.Thank you again.
I get 9/10 and this lesson made me laugh at times although I did not understand all the jokes in English,Merry Xmas for to all those who watch the Emma’s videos!
Sonia B
discovering this website during holiday season is a gift to me, i learned a lot, thank you very much…..Have a merry Christmas to all
I’ve got 10/10 wohoo !
I just couldn’t laughing when I watched this vedio.Thanks Emma
As is usual, your videos are great! You really made me laugh with this video, “plan-et” jajaj it was funny . Thanks Emma
I didn’t get any of your jokes, Emma. Besides the one about numerals. Nevertheless thank you. Cause the reason is me)))
hi hi i didn’t get 4 of them but i burst laughing at one of them and i more laughed with your laughing when you were reciting the jokes . ha ha ha
hamed jaz
Thanks Emma so funny…
thank you Emma,very usefull
Dulce E.
I have a good one. I know Emma is really into Star Wars movies so she may like it, were she to read it, of course. I don’t think it’s dirty though.
What’s the difference between Star Wars fans and eggs?
Eggs get laid.
thank you a lot dear Emma,it was a hilarious video
Osman mohamedain
Personally speaking, I just liked the first joke, it was so cute “7 ate 9” lol I burst out laughing as soon as I got it!
it was a great lesson but i don’t really like the jokes
Melek Laabidi
I don’t know if all agree with me, but the movie “the wolf of wall street” isn’t hilarious, in my opinion is very offensive and sexist.
Impressive video.Thank you Emma.
Amira Abo Amrow
I got 100. When I watch Emma on your YouTube videos, I think she’s hilarious.hahaha!
i have all correct answers, thank you Emma.
ann ann
hahaha! It took me a while to get your jokes.
I might have a poor sense of humour.
Thank you for the hilarious lesson.
I wish there was more about jokes
Hi, Emma. That was a great lesson.
I didn’t get the first joke.
The other ones cracked me up.
Thaks. Bye
Hahaha. I watched de video again. I’ve got the first joke, but it’s lame. Sorry.
10/10 ☺ Thank you ,Emma. You are great.
it’s really interesting! I really love english,and want to improve it,i know the importance of english deeply ,i wish that i can have a good command of it! Nice to be meet you here,i believe i will learn a lot
Thanks emma
Bhavin h shiroya
Thanks teacher Emma I got 9 out of 10 score :)
Thanks you so much… Really you are good teacher.
pintu sinha
Jajajajajaja the first joke made me laugh a lot!
Thank you teacher Emma
I’m a big fan this lesson. Thank you Emma.
ohaoooo, 90% hilarious, it cracks me up, I couldn’t stop laughing.
9/10. thank you.
Thanks, It was a great lesson. I want to say, although I don’t get a single joke at all the lessons was interesting and full of vocabulary.
I forgot to mention, I got 100 And this makes me feel fun.
Sorry about that capital A there!
Hi emma, it cracked me up to see your expression after tellin the jokes… Lol,..its funny and I like it.. ?
oscar robles
100You got 10 correct out of 10.
OMG !!! i did it
i don’t get it all.
you’re hilarious
9/10, thanks again Emma.
ann ann
That was fun,you are very funny. Some of your jokes cracked me up.I didn’t get the first joke-it was lame. However,I lmao at your fish joke. The triangle joke was hilarious…Thanks for this fun lesson Emma!
Thank you Ms. Emma.
People can’t live without jokes.
8/10! All joke I couldn’t get it. That’s result is so funny for me. I LMAO with my poor English. Keep learning English with Emma, I will get your joke in the future.
Jerry Gu
Ok,Emma,have my accent and give me yours.hahaha.
It was quite fun in the lesson!!
Thanks a lot Emma,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 22Sept2021);
I love watching your lessons.
Thanks Emma.
Thanks a lot Emma. You are amazing. (Azores Islands, 19Jan2025);
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you for your FUNNY lesson even though I don’t really get it.
It was a hilarious video-lesson Emma;it really made me laugh.
However,I disagree with your comment on the meaning of LOL and LMAO; they do not have a “similar” meaning.
In my view, there is a substancial difference.
Happy New Year to all EngVid viewers!!!
May all your days be good ones!!!
Correction: . . . I disagree ON the meaning of LOL AND LMAO . . .
… mmm … mmm… making mistakes as usual.
who asks your view dear…?
thank you Regino.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
You are very funny Emma hahaha
Finally I got it. Thank you.
I’ve got one ! Why did the mexican push their wife over the cliff ? Tequila !!! {to kill her}
Hope this one is funny ahahah
Hi,How are you doing?
i am going to write this comment to ask about your contact information cause i would like to take some classes! Hereby if it is possible please leave me the full contact details.
i will highly appreciate your help.
I prefer the jokes in the answers! hahaha
thank you Emma , I got some new words and got a 90.
and I could find offensive the wolf of wall street in some aspects.
Thanks Emma for teaching this lesson. I know how to use other words now to express my emotion when someone give me a joke.
Yes!!… i got a perfect score. But no offense emma the jokes you have readen are lame. Hehe… peace…
thanks a lot beautiful teacher,Emma.
You should have told us some dirty jokes, :)
thank you for this lesson , I have learned new expressions about jokes , all of the jokes you have mentioned were corny . 1- Teacher: Maria please point to America on the map.
Maria: This is it.
Teacher: Well done. Now class, who found America?
Class: Maria did.2-What is the longest word in the English language?
SMILES: there is a mile between the first and last letters! Emma how about these jokes ?
I really like the second joke. I’m sure gonna ask my friends someday LOL
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis – a supposed lung disease – 45 letters
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch – 51 letters. For obvious reasons, it’s usually abbreviated to Llanfair PG.
Thanks,Emma.It was pretty nice lesson. I’ve learned some new expressions. Usually it happens often when something cracked me up…
Thank you for your lesson . I will try one joke.
Father , mother and daughter were going to a party. Mom said I have Red hair so I’m going to wear Red dress, and Daughter said: I’m blond so I would wear yellow dress. Then Father said: I’m bald so I’m supposed to be naked in the party ….
LOL. I couldn’t stop laughing.
nice one
Hello miss emma … Miss emma would you explain the difference between those words ((whatever,whatsoever,whoever,whosoever,however,howsoever,whichever,whether))it’s a little bit confusing I hope to explain that thank you….
Hello miss emma … Miss emma would you explain the difference between those words ((whatever,whatsoever,whoever,whosoever,however,howsoever,whichever,whether))thank you….
Hello miss emma … Miss emma would you explain the difference between those words ((whatever,whatsoever,whoever,whosoever,however,,whichever,whether))thank you….etc
Thank you Emma for the interesting lesson!
I love the way you say “Ha ha ha ha” LOL
thxs .now I known my mistake.
i really like it ,it is really useful to learn.thanks a lot Emma it cracked me up.
I think that the wolf of wall street is kind of offensive,it is not funny at all.the movie is all about sex and drugs.
Please Emma, don’t say those jokes anymore. I beg you….
Dear Emma, always interesting lesson. Very nice Emma. ciao
Actually, the jokes were not funny at all, but honestly, I love your gestures and movements, so that just made me smile. :)
Jawad Rasooly
i am very funny,thank you very much .i got 90 point
I bourst out laughing when i got 80′ cause i never believe i Would get to that level,
Thanks a lot emma.
Thank you Emma,your today’s lesson is hilarious and very useful too.I get it…the joke about 6 and 7 really made me laughing.
A bus stops and two Italian men get on. They sit down and engage in an animated conversation.
The lady sitting behind them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of the men say the following:
“Emma come first.
Den I come.
Den two asses come together.
I come once-a-more.
Two asses, they come together again.
I come again and pee twice.
Then I come one lasta time.”
“You foul-mouthed swine, ” retorted the lady indignantly. “In this country we don’t talk about our sex lives in public!”
“Hey, coola down lady,” said the man.
“Who talkin’ abouta sexa? I’m a just tellin’ my friend how to spell Mississippi.”
Hello dear Emma it’s been a long time since I haven’t attended in your class.I missed you and your lessons a lot:) Btw, I didn’t really get the jokes that you have read them out:( Could you please write them down with their answers that says why they are funny :D
Maybe the jokes are hilarious for others, I do not really get them.
Thank you very much Emma!!
I was completely wrong before I watched your video. I thought LOL stood for “lots of laughs” instead of laugh out loud.
Thank you ;)
Hi. Emma. I m beginner of English. And right now I m going to learn English through your website but I m confused where I start. Which lessons I do First and what thereafter.plz reply me. I need help???
Nice lesson ! But lame jokes !Hahaha
Sorry Emma, I don’t get any of your jokes.
It seems to me that uderstanding them is as difficult as most of headlines of newspaper’s articles.
It is probably even more difficult! Don’t be too hard on yourself :)
Hello engVid Moderator! You are more funny then Emma”s Jokes lol :)
English jokes are difficult for me to get, I didn’t get the jokes in this lesson and I am trying to get them finally! This lesson was so useful, so thanks a lot.
Yeah, they are!
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Great lesson! I thought LMFAO was a singer haha! Btw all jokes you did is very corny
After many years “The Three Stooges” still my favorite comedy program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xjLwC0U1A4
Good choice! The classics never go out of style.
lol! I will watch this lesson again! It was very nice. Thanks Emma.
Funny jokes; all of them. Great class too! Thanks Emma!
I got 10 correct out of 10
Great lesson.
New expressions to use, that´s perfect!! Thanks Emma!
I didn’t get your jokes :( But your lesson was interesting! Thank you Emma :)
Honestly, the only one joke I got was the last one, perhaps that was because I´m a math teacher and english is not my mother tongue!!. But anyway, thank you for this worthy lesson.
Greetings from Costa Rica!
Okay, here’s a math one!
An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one says, “I’ll have one pint of beer.” The second one says, “I’ll have ½ a pint.” The third one says, “I’ll have ¼.” The fourth says, “I’ll have ⅛…”
The bartender sighs, and pours two beers.
That´s too simple to understand!, the bar-tender had to be a mathematician too because (s)he realized that 1+1/2+1/4+1/8+…=2 (Arithmetic series)
Greetings and keep going!!
I did not undersand the last one :( Could u explain me please?
In fact, when Ms. Emma tells Why did the right triangle go to the beach? And answers it with “Because it was (a) 90-degree”, it refers a two different situations (they have anything in common), the property for the triangle by it-self (that it has a 90° angle) and that there was so hot in than the triangle decided to go to the beach, that is in fact what most people used to do in occasions like these.
See ya´!
To clarify: in Fahrenheit 90 degrees is about 32 Celsius. So the joke is mixing up “the triangle was 90 degrees (angle)” with “the temperature was 90 degrees (heat)”.
Thanks to both of you, Benny and engVid moderator. Now i understand :)lol. At first i thought Ms. Emma said “the red triangle” instead of “the right triangle”, but now i”m getting fun. Thanks!c:
For those who didn’t get the jokes.
Emma’s jokes are the play on words – sound similarly but have different meaning.
Ex: Why 7 is afraid of 8?
Answer is either: 1. Because 7,8,9 or 2. Because 7 ate 9.
Hello Emma.
Thank you for this lesson . I got 90 because i haven’t seen ” the wolf of wall street ” and thought that was not a funny movie . I will try to see it one day.
I think i got all of your jokes , that are in fact play on words more than small funny stories. For : what cheese is not yours – nacho cheese , we must understand ” not your cheese” . Correct me if I am mistaken . However i must say that none of them are very hilarious . That comes to my question : could you give us the strenght of each word describing a joke that is not funny . Between lame , corny and bombed it is not clear ?
I know it is hard to laugh at plays on words in a language that is not yours . I remember , long time ago , I got an friend from Canada listening to a French humorist and she didn’t catch a word. We were all bursting of laugh and she was finding all that corny. The same is for me when trying to understand English funny sketch .
It is now the end of 2015 so let me wish you a happy new year for all Engvid staff.
See you in 2016
i want to improve my grammar .. which video would be helpful for my case. I need to improve my Writing skills. please send me some helpful links to improve my self. my email is remon404@gmail.com
i didn’t understand the difference between fun and funny
Hmm… that i think is that Fun is a noun while Funny is an adjective. For example: I am getting Fun with this Funny joke.
I hope this helps!
fun mean to be exciting of something and fanny means something made you laugh
Thanks for the funny jokes, I can’t stop laughing :) and I got 100%
it’s difficult for me keep in mind all the new words and answer to the quiz
Thank you ma’am, indeed it was a useful lesson i got 10 out of 10 but unfortunately i did not get any of the jokes. :)
Moderator note: This inappropriate comment has been replaced with a cat gif.
This is a funny one :) lol
I like cats fighting with laser sabers! they’re always funny.
so i am not only person who did not get these jokes :)
It was a funny lesson, but I didn’t get some jokes! hahaha
Hello Emma,
it Was An amazing lesson and very useful through the funny way you did.but some of jokes i didn’t get its.
thank you and happy new year.
Great! I loved this class! But you need to improve your jokes Emma! hahahah
Thank you for this lesson fun.
I don’t get it the your joks
Nice Afnan How are you. This Ahsan From Pakistan.
Thank u to make me fuuny
Correction: you can’t say ” make me funny” to express that you are pleased with the jokes or with the lesson, you might say the jokes are funny, or I enjoyed the lesson, something like this, but “make me funny” I thing is not correct. Write back to me for if that would not bother you.
LOL … your lesson is funny and interesting!
HI, how are you?
I`m looking for somebody from Italy, I would know about the culture there.
See ya
hahAHahaha laugh my ass off what the hell leason its very funny hahahahaha :D
Hi Emma,
Although i think that most of your jokes are lame, i’m very like your lessons they’re fun and funny :P
Thank you so much!
I burst out laughing with your expressions when you were telling your jokes.
Hello emma.. thank you for this video.. but I’m still confuse when I must to use past simple or present perfect.. Can you show me whats the different situation to use the both tenses?.. Thank you..
very nice! thanks
Hello Emma
the jokes are lame, but your way of saying them made me laugh
Very useful, Emma! Thank you and HAPPY 2016!
Very useful lesson Ms.Emma!
jokes something so important in our daily life, so we need to know some vocabularies about them in English, and of course I’m looking forward to your new lessons and a million thanks to you and to your efforts and God speed you!
Btw, I think your jokes were corny, or maybe I didn’t get them hahaha
Hi Emma
just login to tell you HAPPY NEW YEAR!
The loving ways of teachers like you is the difference between teaching and educating.
Hi Emma, thank you for these value information. I did true all questions but 4,7 and 10 qustions it seems ‘it is wrong’ ı didn’t get it. ;) ı want to say this. See you have a great day happy new year.
Thank you very much. Interesting lesson, it helps me a lot.
About the jokes, I don’t get all of them except the last one which is not funny.
Explosive comedy:
Santa gives dictation test for students,
last bench students said v r not able to hear sir..
Santa said ok i will write on board.!
9 of 10
Only because I didn´t watch The Wolf of Wall Street yet. :-(
Thanks for the lesson !
Thank you Emma, very useful lesson for daily life. Please continue making lessons like this!
Hi Emma!yours jokes are not funny, but I’ve learned some expressions. By the way, happy new year!
Good lesson, jokes…kind of lame.
Thanks for that video. All those jokes you did were so funny but i didn¨t get some of them.
wow. thanks emma. its so helpful to learn english :)
Oh!!! Wow, this is an amazing lesson Emma. I learnt a lot today. Thank you so much.
you are a good teacher .
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the video, useful and funny one! :)
Happy New Year to you and all the Engvid teachers and viewers!
Thank you Emma for your lessons . That’s a helpful for us to learn English and to communicate with others . learning new vocabulary is fun.
I did get any of these jokes…I think english jokes are kind of lame
I think so :D
Great … Thank you Emma :) Keep going please .
bad jokes… or maybe i just didn’t get it)
Thank you Emma for this lesson, it’s useful but I didn’t get the jokes.
as usual great lesson
thank you it really add new info to me
Hi there!
when I shall use THOUGH or ALTHOUGH?
it is funny cause you tell joke
Thank you,I love this lesson, because all the vocabularies are very useful in life ^ ^
Thank’s so much
Hi! I din’t get the second joke…
Can someone explain it to me, please?
Thanks Emma, I usually use these expressions and with your lesson I’ve gotten them :)
can we talk on facebook to improove our language skills?:)
nice smile put a smile ever
I like your lessons Emma. Very fun! You´re so sweet!
It’s very funny, but I don’t get most of the jokes XD
Thanks Emma, you are very gentle in your presentation.
This is the way for the better future.
You are amazing! Thank u so much c:
It was funny but important to improuving in English-speaking
Thanks Emma and happy new year.
thanks for your lessons Emma.
Hi teacher emma
i appreciate your ability for direct connection to students like me!i have got this lesson and now can use words corny,lame,bombed and cracked up!also i scare from 7 ??? it’s funny…
Can you Translate this parsion Language.
Bibi Sanam Janam. Ana Ra Ristanam.
Emma, You are awesome Teacher!!
Thanks for explaining it to us Emma,you’re awesome
You are fantastic Emma. Some explanation of the jokes would be very helpful for me.
Your lesson is very useful. You are an amazing teacher and human being.
Thanks Emma for this lesson!
Your jokes are more targeted for nerds, but I think they are hilarious!
You are an excellent teacher and very funny.
i should learn and practice any more, i don’t get it all…
thanks emma, I don´t understood corny means
Hi Emma.
i’v got a question, Why the words that finished in ‘gh’ the pronunciation is with ‘eff’?
The video was very good, but the jokes, lol, very corny. But I liked it. Maybe it sound a bit strange for the canadian culture, but here in Brazil the weak jokes have a special value.
It’s was very funny video… But some jokes I didn’t get it…. LOL!!
Hello ma’am!!! I want start
Thank you Emma : )
Wow!i got 100 in my quiz…It means i get it teacher Emma…thank you for sharing your knowledge??????
Thanks T. Emma, I get it
It was fun.
I liked it a lot. Excellent explanation. Congrats and thanks.
Thanks for your hilarious lesson. I found out they are really funny and crack me up sometimes, but the jokes, i don’t really getting except for 2 of them.
corrections. I don’t really [get it] except for to of them
correction. two not to
Thank you Emma. It was funny watching to you in this lesson. My English y basic so I got 80, but I’ll never give up because your videos makes me happy :)
one joke makes me really laugh ;) maybe i dont get everything joke as i want however i’ll say one to my husband :D
Here joke:
Before the exam student asks friend:
– Did you repeat sth?
– Yeah…
– What?
– “Will be good, will be good”
Teacher on the class:
– Who is the oldest in our family?
– Great-granny..
– Grandpa..
– Great-great-great-granny.
– That impossible!
– Wh-wh-wh-WHY??
Hi, buddy. LMAO. Unlike Emma’s jokes your ones are crack me up))) Thanks)))
I didn’t understand your jokes/
thank you! Emma.
it is funny ^_^ tank you :D
Thank yOu Emma U R amazing
Hi Emma thanks a lot for that lesson your are the best but is it possible if you can
make a video about word close as a phrasal verb
My Email is
I didn’t get a couple of your jokes, but those ones that I got I found funny. Thank you Emma.
i like all videos made by Emma, appreciate a lot, It’s so hilarious . I will insist on learning all of them.
ok. i an brasiliam and i think a person who speaks portuguese is very dificult understand english but i will try
Thanks teacher! Your jokes weren’t hilarious, but you are very funny! hahaha…
It’s so funny…. Hahhahahhahha…..
Yeah, I’ve got a 100% on the quiz but I admit I have to practice joke understanding, LOL. Anyway, thank you Emma.
My wife is not happy when I am watching your videos..Emma. *_*
Anyway, thanks for this video.
I unfortunately got hardly any jokes, but it was fun to look your lesson! You made me laugh)))
I don’t get it, but you were very fanny in this class.Thank you.
you make me lamo > when you telingl the jokes > but it was so corng .. Anyway . thanks alot
Thanky very much indeed! i learned more new for me
workaholic…. it is new word for me:)
corny jokes by the way
I learnt a lot, Thank u
Ah i get 100,it make me laugh :)
ty Emma
Hi Emma
Great lesson but i can not get through last section.
Well now I know how to use vocabulary words in regards to jokes and funny moments. Note : Emma your joke made me laugh…Jijijiji
Really good ,Ty Emma
I don’t get it any of these jokes! :/
Hello teacher Emma, this lesson it’s Hilarius.
sorry, I didn’t understand any of your joke … maybe I’ve an Italian Target of joke … so I’d say I didn’t get it!!
thank you, Emma, you make me laugh but I really appreciate your lessons. This was very interesting and I use those expressions in my twitter account.
IT makes me feel, like i visited Jimmy Carr stand up)
Now I know some internet words.
I really enjoyed this lesson!
I burst out laughing. I love this lesson lol
Hi! I do not stack in! I think, this is a sacral english humor! ;))) Emma, you look fine!
thank you very match
i didn’t understand any of your jokes but i like all your lessons
Thank you for your funny lesson. I got it. THUMBS UP
I can’t believe people use LMAO, LOL, ROFL etc. when they find something funny… I mean, if it’s really that funny, I will write “ahahahhahaahhaha”.
And whoever said “lol” looks like a drowning guy was right.
And he is not laughing out loud :D
100% haha)
Thank you! But i don’t get your joke’s)) May you write some joke’s here ? may be it help us for understanding.
they have strange sense of humour,i did not get as well :))
I didn’t get the jokes, but the class was very usefull. Thanks a lot.
I love yours face reaction hahaha it is the most funniest or yours Ba-dumch-s
Thanks Emma. You made me laugh in the middle of a tough day. You’re funny but your jokes are corny.
Hey, mirs Emma! What is “LMFAO”.is it ” laght my f… ass off”
ok, thaks!!
I understand this lesson.it”s help me a lot..Thank you Emma
Thanks Emma :) But i don’t get your joke’s LOL
peace ma’am!
don’t get some jokes , but some of them were really funny :)
and I love “the Big Bang Theory” too :D
Funny , interesting , thanks Emma
good thank you
thanks teacher Emma, I have got 10
the 7 ate the 9 is LMAO HAHAHA
Then you’re going to love the video we’re about to post! :)
thank you for the fantastic lesson
i got 10\10 :)
I am waiting!!!!!!!!!!???????//
I got 100 without using subtitle. Yay!
It’s a useful expressions.
And I understand usage of ‘fun’ and ‘funny’. It is so much diference of meaning.
very good lesson
many thanks
very good lesson
many thanks
thanks Emma
unfortunately i don’t get it any one of your jokes but even though it’s was funny video thank’s Emma <3
Thanks so much Emma :)
C’mon!! The past, present and future walked into a bar… IT WAS TENSE!!! hahahahaha I absolutely burst off lauhing- Thanks Emma!
love you keep it up
thank you!! teacher!! LMFAO!!
go ahead Emma we will follow you carefully
we well not loss watching your lessons.
see ya!
Nice jokes Emma, thank you for your lesson, great job!
Thank you Emma, It makes me funny.
than you so much Emma i learn many laughing word it a hilarious lesson
Wow Thanks a lot, Emma you made me lol in this funny lesson and I don’t believe it I got 100 at the quiz sorry if I have mistakes because my English is not good, I’m just trying to learn and my best teacher is Engvid.com, Thank you for you and all Engvid teachers I really don’t know how to thank you.
Thank you for the lesson Emma.
Even tough i dont really understand the jokes, actually :D
I got 100 , thanks Emma that was an amazing
Were did you find thesse jokes
I got 9. Thank u..
I don’t got it about your joke but it ‘s a fun lesson. Thank you.
Thank you Emma,i have got 60 out of 100 and the lesson is understandable.Thank you again.
I get 9/10 and this lesson made me laugh at times although I did not understand all the jokes in English,Merry Xmas for to all those who watch the Emma’s videos!
discovering this website during holiday season is a gift to me, i learned a lot, thank you very much…..Have a merry Christmas to all
I’ve got 10/10 wohoo !
I just couldn’t laughing when I watched this vedio.Thanks Emma
As is usual, your videos are great! You really made me laugh with this video, “plan-et” jajaj it was funny . Thanks Emma
I didn’t get any of your jokes, Emma. Besides the one about numerals. Nevertheless thank you. Cause the reason is me)))
hi hi i didn’t get 4 of them but i burst laughing at one of them and i more laughed with your laughing when you were reciting the jokes . ha ha ha
Thanks Emma so funny…
thank you Emma,very usefull
I have a good one. I know Emma is really into Star Wars movies so she may like it, were she to read it, of course. I don’t think it’s dirty though.
What’s the difference between Star Wars fans and eggs?
Eggs get laid.
thank you a lot dear Emma,it was a hilarious video
Personally speaking, I just liked the first joke, it was so cute “7 ate 9” lol I burst out laughing as soon as I got it!
it was a great lesson but i don’t really like the jokes
I don’t know if all agree with me, but the movie “the wolf of wall street” isn’t hilarious, in my opinion is very offensive and sexist.
Impressive video.Thank you Emma.
I got 100. When I watch Emma on your YouTube videos, I think she’s hilarious.hahaha!
i have all correct answers, thank you Emma.
hahaha! It took me a while to get your jokes.
I might have a poor sense of humour.
Thank you for the hilarious lesson.
I wish there was more about jokes
Hi, Emma. That was a great lesson.
I didn’t get the first joke.
The other ones cracked me up.
Thaks. Bye
Hahaha. I watched de video again. I’ve got the first joke, but it’s lame. Sorry.
10/10 ☺ Thank you ,Emma. You are great.
it’s really interesting! I really love english,and want to improve it,i know the importance of english deeply ,i wish that i can have a good command of it! Nice to be meet you here,i believe i will learn a lot
Thanks emma
Thanks teacher Emma I got 9 out of 10 score :)
Thanks you so much… Really you are good teacher.
Jajajajajaja the first joke made me laugh a lot!
Thank you teacher Emma
I’m a big fan this lesson. Thank you Emma.
ohaoooo, 90% hilarious, it cracks me up, I couldn’t stop laughing.
9/10. thank you.
Thanks, It was a great lesson. I want to say, although I don’t get a single joke at all the lessons was interesting and full of vocabulary.
I forgot to mention, I got 100 And this makes me feel fun.
Sorry about that capital A there!
Hi emma, it cracked me up to see your expression after tellin the jokes… Lol,..its funny and I like it.. ?
100You got 10 correct out of 10.
OMG !!! i did it
i don’t get it all.
you’re hilarious
9/10, thanks again Emma.
That was fun,you are very funny. Some of your jokes cracked me up.I didn’t get the first joke-it was lame. However,I lmao at your fish joke. The triangle joke was hilarious…Thanks for this fun lesson Emma!
Thank you Ms. Emma.
People can’t live without jokes.
8/10! All joke I couldn’t get it. That’s result is so funny for me. I LMAO with my poor English. Keep learning English with Emma, I will get your joke in the future.
Ok,Emma,have my accent and give me yours.hahaha.
It was quite fun in the lesson!!
Thanks a lot Emma,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 22Sept2021);
I love watching your lessons.
Thanks Emma.
Thanks a lot Emma. You are amazing. (Azores Islands, 19Jan2025);