is used every day in English. We use it to refer to the present, past, and future. In this lesson, I focus on how should
is used most often, to talk about actions in the past that didn’t happen. I show you how to use expressions like “I should have called” or “I should have gone” easily and confidently. You will learn how to combine should
with the present perfect tense and regular or irregular verbs, to upgrade your English right away.
100% . Thank you Rebecca!
You’re very welcome, Annie! My best wishes to you.
I have studied your class for a long time
but still memorize nothing. I need you help.
in this lesson you mentioned that we use present perfect after should when we talk about the past, is that mean we will never find past simple after should ?.
Nearly perfect except for the irregular verb “to cost”. It’s Always a pleasure to learn with you, Rebecca.
Madam- your way of teaching is easy & awesome ..wishing best for upcoming tutorial videos.
I should have been more attentive to my English classes at school… But, as you said, it’s never too late ! And thank you for remembering that :)
Absolutely, my friend! Every day is a new day and a fresh opportunity to improve our lives. A famous saying from years ago was:
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Makes sense to me! I wish you all the best, Sakenussem.
This famous quote is from Victor HUGO…
Thanks a lot.
Thank you again Rebecca. I should have learned English when I was younger. Today it should have been easier for me to study English. but I didn’t have chance to go far enough.
This is a great saying! From now it’ll be my motto:)
Thank you Rebecca for your amazing job. Stay bless
Thank you
I want to ask about why we use should have with he , she and it
why we don’t use should has
Actually because of the grammar rules.
Grammar rule for Present Perfect Tense:
I/you/we/you/they + have + past participle
he/she/it + has + past participle
I have studied hard for two months.
She has studied hard for two months.
But grammar rule for should modal verb in past is:
All subjects + have + past participle.
She should have listen to her mother.
In grammar there is sometime no logic, just need to learn the grammar rule.
Thank you Rebecca, i got 90%
I have got 7/10, I shouldn’t hurry to decide the answer and should have rewrited carefully. I will try to next lesson, thank Rebecca
“I shouldn’t hurry” is not really correct.
Correct is: “I shouldn’t have hurried.”
Grammar rule: subject + should + have + past participle
oh really !!!i got 10 out of 10
Thank you
Hi Rebecca …..pretty good way of teaching the use of the modal should…….very clear and useful lesson ….thank you …..i got 9 out of 10 ……the verb “cost” tricked me because I didn’t know it’s an irregular verb Should I Stay or Should I Go (Remastered)
Great lesson. 100%. Thank you Rebecca. Greetings from Poland :)
Cost, cost, cost… Thank you.
Great lesson, Rebecca. Thank you
I have got 80% thanks Rebeka .one day I will score 100%
Thanks by the explanation about: I should have known better.
Hello from last 15 days I am listening Rebecca mam’s lesson really awesome. Her way of teaching is too gud.
Your a wonderful teacher Mrs. Rebecca. I’m learning so much from you. Thank you so much. ????
“I’m learning…” is Present Continues and it is not the best to be used in this case. You should have used Present Perfect Tense “I have learned…”
The difference is ‘I’m learning…’ means at this moment, at present time. But you probably tried to write: “You have learned…” it started in the past and it still continues to the present and probably to the future.
Very nice
I REALLY love to watch your lessons its very handy
thanks Rebbeca
Thank you Rebecca! You are the best teacher on Engvid!
I got 9 out of 10. I thought it should be “costed”.
I should have known better about this verb. I should’ve learned more in my school :(
But i think that, there’s no point in crying over spilled milk. I should learn a lesson and try to prevent it in the future.
From now I will know It is “cost” :)
I shouldn’t have written such a long comment.
Because nobody will read it. Oh… I noticed I actually wrote more than 3 sentences with “should have” expressions.
Have a nice day for all who read this comment :)
Soy novo aquí me chamo david luiz, tem algum brasileiro aquí que pode me dizer que esse curso é bacana
Thank you, teacher….!!
I got 90 out 10. thank you Mrs. Rebecca
He should have checked on me when I was at my worst time but he didn’t. The disappointment is real.
Bad, bad, boy. He should have been spanked.
Hi Rebecca,
I understand the lesson, but I wanted to know from your perspective…
Why someone might/should go out of their way to help someone they don’t know?
(An example would be teaching others English for free, but even beyond that..)
Great lesson! I didn’t know about the power of use SHOULD verb in the past. It takes incredibly perspectives to describe expectation/advice/obligation in the past. And I shouldn’t forget about this rule. Thanks for improvement our English skills.
It’s time to learn irregular verbs again..
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you so much Rebecca!!!
thank u rebecca
Thank you I liked the lesson. I should have seen it before.
Hello Rebeca, I should admit, you’re a good teacher. I shouldn’t have missed your previous lessons.Thanks
Thank you ma’am
Thanks for the lesson.
Thank you madam for the lesson
Great!Thanks for the lesson
Wow! I never thought I might be able to answer all the sentences in the correct form. Thanks.
Thank you for the lesson. It’s really workable. The way you teach can be understood easily. So should have no problem from “Should” in future. Thank you madam.
Thank you so much
I have 10 out of 10. Thanks, Rebecca!
Got 10 out of 10. Thank you so much, Rebecca!
Excellent. Obviously, I should study the irregular verbs
thank you so much….
10 out of 10! thanks :)
I love your rebecka
Thanks my respected teacher. I have got 90% marks in this lesson.
You are great a teacher.
Thanks Rebecca I got 80%. I should have known better.
Thanks a lot!!
Thank you for teaching, Rebeca. You explained very clearly.
Thank you
Thanks.. for teaching us in much better way.
many thanks about rich advice ,,,
Thanks dear Sir inshaullah.I promise that follow your lessons it is so beneficent and at first quiz i got 90 marks.
Thank you, Mrs. Rebeca for this lesson. I got 9/10. I got stuck on the whole cost thing, from now on i’ll try to remember its cost.
thank you very much
really an interesting lesson
Thank you Mam for such a Good techqunic.
Thank you Rebeca for this usuful lesson!!!
I find it a challenge to understand why using should is important in the English language. If Jack should have done is homework. Instead, Jack did not do his home work. I will share, 3 words that do not carry an energy that helps to express a commitment in speech – could – should – would. Why are these words even used?
thnx Rebeca.
I do’t speeking english , but I try it
I got 60% .
Thank you madame for the lesson. i appreciate the way of explaining.
Thank you rebbecca.i should study hard to make me smart.i’m from indonesia.
Have a nice day, it’s give additional knowledge to correct and enhance written skills, thank you…
i am satisfied @Rebecca
Sorry Madam for my error on 8th question. I knew the 3 forms of the verb cost (cost, cost,cost) but your trap is “costed” … !!
Thank you teacher.
Thank you
I’am new, I should have known this website earlier !!!
Welcome to engVid, Didier!
If you go to your profile page you can upload your own profile photo, if you like.
You can use the English Lesson Finder (on the left) to filter lessons by level, teacher, and topic.
Thanks a lot for your great efforts
8/10: I LIked this video!!! Saludos desde venezuela!!
thank you ! but i have a question, why thr past participle of the verb is “gone” and not “went”
go – went – gone
“gone” is past participle
Very useful lesson, thanks a lot, Rebecca !
Thanks you so much for your lesson. I shouldn’t have done mistake the 3rd verb form (cost,cost,cost)
very useful but I make a Mistake. I should learn more.
100% thank you very much Rebecca.
It was amazing lesson! I got a lot of useful information.
I should have watched this video earlier.
Thank you, Rebecca!
Thank you,Rebecca!
I love your lessons !!!!!!
Seven over dix .. i learn english since four months .. thanks you very much for your explanation
Hello Rebecca.Thanks a lot for doing this. I got 9/10.
I should have subscribed to your YouTube channel much earlier. I shouldn’t have waited so long. Thank you so much Rebecca ???
Hurrah!!!!, I have learned a lesson that I should have learned a long ago.
Great lesson, thanks a lot!
100% done.
You should have been chosen as the best teacher of the world.
I get 100 mark,, I very happy
Thank you teacher Rebeca
Thanks so much to Rebecca for the way of explanation.
Thank you, Mrs. Rebecca, for your effective lessons.
Hi Rebecca,
thanks for the lesson.
I have a question: Why I have to use “HAVE” also for the third person of the singular?
It is just a grammar rule.
Subject + should + have + past participle.
Don’t confuse this rule with Present Perfect Tense where rule is:
he/she/it + has + past participle
There is no real logic behind, there are just two unrelated rules for two different purposes.
Thank you!
Thank you very much! I enjoy this lesson!
this is so easy, make it harder pls, thank you
Thanks Rebecca You are the best!!!!
Regards from Barcelona
90% thank you very much!!
best regards from Georgia
90-thank you Rebecca.
I got 60%. I need more practice.
I should work better today.
I should keep in mind about my moms birthday tomorrow.
I should have remembered your request yesterday.
I shouldn’t describe my opinion.
I shouldn’t have played football last month.
beautiful lesson! thank you Rebecca
I got 90% thank you ms. Rebecca. ?
Hi Rebecca, may I use ‘should’ in Present Perfect Progressive tense and say for example “I should have been doing more exercises”?
I should have gone to run for an hour yesterday.
I should have eaten a salad according to my diet.
I should have gone out for a wolk but I couldn’t because of outbreack.
I shouldn’t have gone out without a face mask.
I shouldn’t have thrown away him letter.
Rebecca, you are the best teacher in the world. Lovexxx
Much appreciated Rebecca.What you taught is very helpful for the EAL learners.
thanks a lot Rebecca
You’re good teacher
Maybe i should study vocabulary more, i don’t know if word “cost” has the same form in past participle
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson I should have study more ,l should have study Tomorrow and I should have studied yesterday.
I got 100 out of 100, thank you so much for this lession.
Rebecca, you are the best teacher I ever had :). Well done!
thanks Rebecca i got 100%
sencenteces :
1.- I should have read yesterday .
2.- I shouldn´t have talked with my mom yesterday
3.- I should have worked more yesterday .
Nice explanation.
9-10 ! i should have had this lesson before,i appreciate so much your english classes
I had to study yesterday.
Thank you Rebecca. You are the best. I got 100%
I got 100%
Thanks Rebecca ma’am.
Thanks so much teacher Rebeca, I should have followed your courses long times ago.
Excellent teaching method and handy lessons.
Thank you Rebecca. I’ve got 10/10
Wow, that’s great!
I’ve got 8/10
Thanks you very much!
wow, thank you so much!
Thank you ?
Hi Rebecca. would you mind helping me with vocabulary how to use please.
Thani you
Thank you very much for your help. I have a better understanding on how to use SHOULD. I just need to practice my pronunciation.
Thank you for your help
The best teacher all over the world! Thank you!
I should have gotten it all if I didn’t fail number 8.
“I do no my date of birth.” Is it grammatically correct? If not, how to make it correct?
100, thank you, Rebecca?
Thanks so much, Rebecca.
Thank you, my teacher, Rebecca you teach very well, congratulations.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. I love your classes. Congratulation!
Hi Rebecca, thanks for the lessons
I sometimes didn’t know when to use forgotten in a sentence
Thanks a lot Rebecca. Hugs. (Azores Islands, 06jun2021);
Thank you Rebbeca, I got all the questions right. Your English classes are always excellent.
thanks a lot!
I should have watched this video earlier this year.
I watched this video twice on July 13, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten out of 10.
9/10 I badly missed #8. I should have thought carefully because it’s irregular verb and confusing. More power to you Ms. Rebecca!
I’m smart like Rebeca ??????.I should have known Rebeca before!!!!
Hello dear teacher!
So Nice and useful explanation, The best teacher all over the world! Thank you!
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you
100%. Thank you, Rebecca!
I love Rebeca, you are the best teacher!!
Thanks for your lesson. It it understood very well. But the quiz is too easy. You should have made it little bit harder. :)
9/10… I should have known past participle of COST.
Thanks!10/10 You are so nice.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thanks hugely for your style of imparting communication skills;you are a blessing to many of us.
Very nice experience .
Thank you!!
Thanks Rebecca 10/10 I always undertand you
Thanks Rebbeca 10/10 I always understand you, the last answer I wrote one mistake
Thank you so much Rebecca.
I have mistaken with the word(cost ,cost, cost)
I got 9/10
Hi Rebecca
From the beginning that I have learned English with you until now, I can tell my English getting so much improve. I can’t believe it.
It was a real challenge for Asian to learn English. But I keep go on non stop.
Many thanks for the lovely English lessons.
I wish you all the best!
Thanku so much Mam today is my first try so I got 6/10 but I will try my best
100 I’m really happy ; i’m doing my best to improve my english , thank you rebecca for your effort , we own you this ,
I hope to see you one day in Canada
You are awesome person. Your teaching is brilliant
I wish i should have known you so long time ago,my english language level would have gone so far!..Thank you Rebbeca.
nice to meet you dear teacher
ali baba
Thank you very much ?
I shouldn’t have bored in your previous lecture too. Thank you dear.
I would like to think you for this lesson. I should have seen your lessons when I was young
thank you teacher but please , may I ask you why N 8 wrong ? is it correct the P.p
(cost – cost – cost )??
Thanks so much for your work! You’re the best teacher ??
Thank you very much, you are quite understandable
Thanks a lot!
I got 9/10. Thank you very much! :)
I just want to says thank you Rebecca for this lesson.
Thanks, sister, you are clearing my doubts.
I missed that one about the verb “cost” but, the feedback was very usefull in order to point the differences out in my mind. Thanks!
Excellent. Thank you for your job!
Excellent course… Thank you… :)
Thank you dear teacher for your good lessons.
“in this lesson you mentioned that we use present perfect after should when we talk about the past, is that mean we will never find past simple after should ?.”
It was an old question (previous), but there wasn’t still answer 😒
Maybe I should find out this in Grammar book.
Thank you, it was a great class.
Thank you so much dear teacher.
Thank you teacher for the good lesson I missed that one about the verb “cost” but, the feedback was very useful in order to know my mistake I shouldn’t have done that mistake . Thanks!
I have gotten 100.
I got 100