Do modals confuse you? Are you unsure how to use the words can, could, may, might, should, ought, must, have to, shall, will, or would? Watch this lesson and learn three easy rules to use modals correctly in English, once and for all!
10/10. ☺ Rebecca ,is it correct if I say ” You should have to do this work” ? another thing is ; Can i write the word “cannot” by giving space between them. Will it consider right if I do so?
Thanks, Annie. It is possible to say “you should have to”, but it is rare.
Regarding your other question:
Use the contraction “can’t” in informal situations.
Use”cannot” in formal communication.
Use “can not” as two words only in situations where “can” is followed by a phrase which starts with “not”, such as “not only”. This is rare, but does happen.
For example:
I can’t arrive before 7:00.
We cannot accept this contract.
He can not only organize the event, but also do so at a great price.
Hope this helps! All the best to you.
Love you Rebecca. I have been doing such mistakes .Thanks for your correction. ☺
I got it rebecca, but still I need to work on it. You are my best Teacher ,thank you as much as sky and ocean ☺
I would like to thank for your well versed experience in teaching English. I truly appreciate for your insight and simply and easy methodological teaching. It is very helpful to grab required knowledge quickly, your teaching creates a unique opportunity to remember easily. You make my writing style more easier . Without your help I might not able to communicate at higher level. Thank you for your help. Would you advise me how to get personal counselor to take my English writing at higher level. Please dot hesitate to leave me a message. It will be valued.
I have got 10/10 thanks
Abdulhakim Amano Ganamo
Thank you Rebecca for give me a new tools. I used to make a lot of mistake with this modals verbs.
I would like to appreciate you, Rebecca ,you have selected the very important topic . My interest with the learning english has far more developed in me and you are the reason behind it ☺. You convert difficult things into simplicity. Lastly, Your handwriting is so attractive .I am in love with it. Thank you so much for giving us such valuable knowledge which help us to grow and make a better person.
Hello Annie
I think you do appreciate Rebecca and ” would like to” does not express correctly your feeling .
“Would like to + verb ” means , in a polite way ‘ to want to do something but you don’t know if you can or may .
You may appreciate Rebecca and so do I .
I don’t want to play the heavyweight , just to give in return a bit of what Engvid has given to me .
I don’t understand you ?
Simple and great lesson
Mohammad jaber
may I say you thank very much? I think I should say it or not I must say it Thank you very much Rebecca for this great lesson
You’ve very welcome, Volv. My best to you.
Dear teacher,
i can’t stand to stay so many days without watching an your new lesson!
(Well, I love your lessons but It’s not very true because all the teachers of EngVid are excellent. I only wanted to build a phrase with “cannot” so…. ;)
Riccardo S
Thank you very much.
Dear Javid,
You are very kind!
Thank you Rebecca, have a good day.
I am getting 8 mark
Thamizhselvan. S
Rebecca good video!
Good one
Mohd mustafa
10/10 Thanks Ms.Rebecca
Hi teacher Rebecca, thank you for your big help. My English is getting better day by day.
I have a request: could you do a lesson about “if clauses”? I hope it will be possible.
Bye :-)
Mouhcine tene
I enjoyed this video and my score is 100 :)
This lesson was very clear. I achieved a 100 congrats Rebecca Good job.Thanks
nice ~~ :)
Thanks Rebecca.^^
It was very helpful.Thank you for teaching so diligently.Looking forward for more lessons from you.??
Excellent lesson,many thanks.
What a way to teach, Teacher Rebecca! As flawless as all of your other lessons I’ve watched (which are tons by the way ^_^) Thanks a lot for your quite meaningful contribution to English learners all around the world. I’m pretty sure we’re all greatly thankful to you! Best regards from La Paz-Bolivia!
Thanks a lot Rebecca!!
Interesting lesson to review the basic rules of the modal verbs ;)
Thanks teacher…..!!!
Jakub Alvarez
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Thanks, Rebecca, you are a very good teacher, indeed.
10/10 without watching the video
Amine Pipo
Thanks a lot Rebecca
A useful lesson, it has never been explained to me so clearly.
Thank you Rebecca
good lesson 8/10
Thank you Rebecca for MODALS, it is very usefull lesson.
I got 10/10! So easy! Your lesson is great :D Thank you, Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca
This is the first lesson that I got 10/10 :D
Hello Rebecca .
Thank you for this lesson .
Why not using the past tense of must ( had to ) in the phrase ” the policeman said I must come with him .”
Thanks for your comment
I thought the same, according to “reporting verbs” rules, but maybe I’m wrong. Bye.
Hi Rebeca. Got a question. In the phrase :If we leave immediately, we may reach the survivors in time. Should be: “on time”? instead of “in Time”.
Thans for your answer and have a nice day.
Hello, I’m looking for someone to practice English, if you are interested please type me to
I am ready
Yes I am interested
Thank you Rebecca.
Hi Sam :)
I’m so glad that I can understand your great lesson! English may help us to reach an understanding with other people all over the wolrd.
One more question .
do “must” and “have to” have exactly the same meaning ?
May I say “this thing has to be changed” but also ” is to be changed”
Thank in advance for your explanations.
Thank you so much Rebecca. It is a useful lesson.
Hi Rebecca. This is my first time that I am writing any comment in commendbox just because of are an amazing teacher. I like the way you teach.I always wanted to speak in English but I was afraid of because my English was not so good. Now I think my dream is going to true.I think l have improved my English a little bit just for you. Now l can speak in English a little bit and one more time I want to say you a big thank you.If there are any mistake in my words please pardon me.
Bobby Baidya
Good lesson
Bobby Baidya
Great lesson, Rebecca. Thank you so much.
Júlio César L Sousa
10/10!,Thanks Teacher Rebecca.You’re one of the few teacher who amazingly response to learners’ comments and remarks on Engvid along with Teacher Alex. Truly unique Teacher.
Ye Yint Aung
Thank you for a brilliant lesson!
Julia Caesar
Thank you, Rebecca!!! Very useful lesson!!
I got 100/100
Thanks, Rebecca .You are my favourite Teacher , I teach English for junior students but it is my pleasure to learn more from you.
thanks again
Thanks Rebecca!
Very good lectuner and I learn new.
Thank you teacher Rebecca. I won’t learn more English grammar from you?
Hi, dear teacher, I’m interested on give the FCE exam, how can I take your help.
Thank you very much!
Very useful lesson, thanks Rebecca.
As usual , I got 10 out of 10 , thanks Rebecca, You are perfect.
yasser Daoud
Thanks Rebbeca for your lesson. It was really fantastic and interesting lesson.
Thanks for these lesson it makes me think how aften I make a mistakes, but now it is god to know that I can improve a lot watching ingvidt!
Thank you !!! I had doubts with the Modal Verbs
thanks a lot
Rebecca has done well!
Thank you Rebecca! If I could follow all your videos, I may learn English soon.
My score was 100%
Hi, Teacher, great lesson, have no idea about this rules, thanks.
thank you for this best lesson but i get just 80
Hi, great video thanks
Thank you, Mrs. Rebecca, Now I knew where is my mistake, and I already got 100/100
Mr. Fuchs
Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks teacher Rebecca
Thanks alot for this great lesson.
Hi Rebeca,
Wich the difference : CANNOT and CAN’T?
thank you for yours lessons.
William Neto
Thanks alot Rebbeca . It is a perfect lesson and very useful.. may I ask you to give me your email, please? ❤
Thanks Rebecca
mohamed kamal 200021
Thank you .
i want say:::: thank you so mush Rebeca.. you class is really interesting…..
Hi Rabecca,
I love your u-tube video, very interesting and easy way to improve english.
I need some advice for this sentence:
“Congratulation to John for your contributions, dedication and achievement that qualified him to be awarded as best staff award.”
Should I use your/his and him/you. Confusing…
Thank you.
Hi rebecca .. thank you for teaching.. you’re the best
Great lesson.Thanks.
Do you provide private lesson. I love to learn english from you. My main weakness is speaking and writing. I hope to hear back from you soon
Rebbeca Thais for the lesson.
Thank you so much for your informative and helpful lesson. I just wonder what is the difference between the two mentioned forms of these verbs and how to use them properly (e.x. should/ought to or can/could)?
I think there is a mistake in the question 3.
The sentence is simple past tense.
…and still have energy for the next day. No any longer!
Should not it be had instead of have?
Ahmet Bircan
nice lesson
Anna Praesidio
Thank you, Rebecca, for this lesson. I really loved it.
10/10 thank you Rebecca
Hi Rebecca! Thanks you for all your lession on EngVid.
They are very clear.
Love you :)
Realy good lesson,Thank you Rebecca!I hope you will make more useful lesson about grammar like this
Thank you so much! XD
its good lecture …thanks .. i have problem with the use of (would ..and could ) can you plz tell me a easy way …
iram hanif
Hello teacher I got 100% thank you very much
Sally Brazilian Student
Hi,dear teacher,I like your hand writting more than your teaching style ,and I love your teaching style more than a cat loves milk
M imran
thank u Rebecca
hello Rebecca,
I think as i started listening your english lessons here on youtube I´ve learned a lot.
please, Rebecca, tell me what is the difference between will and would when we use it
who I know is: (will) for the present or the future
(would) in the past
is that right?
thank you in advance
Abdelhamed Abdin
Dear teacher, Is the following sentence grammatically correct or not. She had completed the course in the period 2000-2005. I am eagerly waiting for your reply.
Thank you for teaching us!
mam…please teach us spotting errors in some random english sentence or paragraph..learning grammer topic wise is easy to understand but try to spotting error in a sentence or paragraph it was confusing…please help us..
kumaresan M
Dear Rebecca,
This is an excellent presentation. I should have to practice more with your presentation.
Thank you.
Thank you so much Teacher, this lesson was useful for me.
Ernesto Muanassala
Thank u so much teacher i got 100%!!! ?
Joel nolasco
10/10 ;-)
But the revision was VERY important for me.. Thank Rebecca for this lesson !
Rebecca I have one dowt
isay to my friends “you has some water” or you have some water”
it is correct
Could I get you a glass of water ?
Making Offers , Plz Use Could & Would .. :)
This Lecture Was A Very Informative One… Thank You ..
hi rebecca ;
first i woul to thank you and also all staf of engvid;
i made one mistake on this (thank’s I don’t think they can join us for the meeting. They have another appointment), i thought the correct is (i think they cannot join us for the meeting…….).
Thank you Dear Rebecca, I think that it was great explanation.
Thanks you teacher.:-)
you are a great teacher
thank you for your kindness
aymane zbakh
Thank u very much teacher ) I understand everything thanks a lot
Thank you very much Rebecca
you are a great teacher
i appreciate the efforts you put in to teach us all. Thank you for the lesson it helped me a lot!
we need more practice and make it more hard :D
ramez gamel
Thank yoy,Rebecca!Simple and great lesson
Excellent lesson teacher Rebecca! i got 10/10
谢谢老师 Thank for your excellent lesson
It was a great lesson, thank you.
Dear Rebecca,
Which one is the correct way to say a polite question
I would like to asks you that or I would like ask you that
Thank you in advance for your response.
Dear Rebecca,
Which one is the correct way to say a polite question
I would like to asks you that or I would like ask you that
Thank you in advance for your response.j
thank you Rebbeca
Ahmed Mohamed Morad
I got it right for my first try. Thank you so much Rebbeca.
I know this is very important lesson for all of us. We must know how to use the Modal Verbs. Have a wonderful Holiday to All Teachers from the EngVid!
Simple and great lesson. thank you rebbeca.
tati 44
your way of teaching is Awesome.
got 10 correct out of 10.
teacher it is easy for me to learn grammar but when i start to speak i start getting confuse . please give me any suggetion
thank you very much Rebecca you’re great
Thank you !
Not bad video but your voice is bad
Minh Phan
Please be constructive! That is, what can we do differently to make the video sound better?
If you just don’t like the sound of a teacher’s voice, there isn’t much we can do about that.
engVid Moderator
Thank you. Your grammar lesson is very helpful.
thank you Rebecca
thank you Rebecca for the lesson
Just as a side note, I know there are also semi-modals (like “dare” and “need”), which sometimes behave like modal auxiliary verbs. Examples:
* “Need I say more?” (as an ordinary verb: “Do I need to say more?”)
* I dare say you’re pretty hungry after all that cycling (as an ordinary verb: “I dare to say you’re pretty hungry after all that cycling”).
I love your class!!!
Thank you so much, Rebecca!!!
I finally figured out what is going on with this stuff)))
Oliver Wood
hehee 90:)
Very nice this video thanks my teacher
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you teacher, very helpful video
hello ma’am greetings
please make a video of all modals with difference.
That was really good explanation. Simple,clear but powerful,Rebecca. Thanx.
Thank you Rebecca it’s a nice lesson !
Ramakrishnan Palakkad
Thank you dear teacher love you
thank you
Hi how to use”have to”in past with models.
Please help me.
thanks and all the best you make
things simple and clear, we like to have lessons about correct accent, it looks difficult to me
thanks is very helpful to lean english in easy way.its so nice.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you.
M kartal
I got 10/10. I kinda make sure I’m correct in number 3 though because I’m still kinda slow when it comes to past simple + past simple. Forgive me.
I ought to practice more often modal verbs, great lesson Rebecca. From now I shall to put in practice every day at work. Thank you!
Interesting lesson Ms. Thanks for everything
Madam i have a doubt in this question
“I don’t think they can join us for the meeting. They have another appointment.”
Here “don’t” is used before “can” i thought
“I think they cannot join us for the meeting. They have another appointment.”
The above statement is correct. Please clear my doubt thanks in advance.
Thanks Rebecca.
Thanks for the lesson Rebecca. It was very easy to understand.
Dear Rebecca,my question has nothing to do with the previous lesson. By the way, it was really very good.
No, my question is, could you tell me the Website of your Institute. I am interessted on an English Course in class.
Many thanks in advance.
I got it. Better lesson about Modals. Thank for everything
Victor Felix
Thanks rebecca for this lesson, I clearly understand the use of modal verb. From now on, I can use it correctly.
thanks so much it was so helpful :>
Thanks for the lesson! You didn’t mention about contractions in negative form of modals. The first and the second rules we should assume as not to contract negative forms. But we can contract!
Rebecca thanks so much, you are the best!
thank you.
anas saeed
10/10 ???
Sophie kaye
Where’s my wrong? I don’t understood 9/10.
I didn’t understand the note from my quiz.
Sorry, Rebecca. I found unellegant whith you my comments about my note in quizz. Appologize me.
Sorry, Rebecca. You are amazing!
Thanks Rebeca!!!
10 out of 10. I think I am improving
Md. Imran Khan
thanks a lot rebecca:)
sintia ramadani
Thank you very much!
I got 10 out of 10. Thanks for teacher Rebecca!
Jeong Yoonji
thank you Rebecca
Thanks teacher Rebecca!!!!
using modals come easy now. thanks.
Thanks madam
Binal Parmar
I got 10/10. Thank you Madam for your effort
What is the difference between Bath and Bathe?
1.The Noun Meaning of Bath and Verb meaning of Bath
2.The Noun Meaning of Bathe and Verb meaning of Bathe
pl explain me according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 9th edition. I was baffled when i saw. pl
thanx Rebecca
It was a great lesson. Thanks a lot.
I like it. Thank you
I cannot leave I must stay here until my English get improve. I got all correct. Thank you Rebecca
You are a good teacher!
Thanks from Turkey…
I scored 9/10 in Quiz.
My mistake was about “to”
Thank you very much.
Thanks for the lesson.
can i ask the wrong example of rules 1?
the past and future and then the reason why they are wrong?
100% thanks, Rebecka…
Lots of thanks Rebecka…
RG Roberth
Congratulations Rebeca
thaks mem
thaks teacher
i got 100…you re a wonderful teacher..ty a lot Rebecca
Thank you Rebeca, it is a beatiful lesson
Thank you Rebeca, I got 100 percent!
Bah Abdurahim
Nice lesson, Rebecca! Modals are extremely important in English. Then, if we want to speak and write in the correct way, we must domain them. Frankly, the modal rules are quite simple, and the mistakes are, in fact, a tendency to complicate them.
Eduardo França
waw i got 10/10 i am happy thinks Madam for this helpful courses
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
i got 8/10
60% without watching the video and 100% after watching the video: )
10/10 thank You Rebecca. I love your lessons :)
Wonderful Quiz ??
Baishali Nath
10/10 :)
It’s a useful lesson. Thank you very much, Rebecca!
Abdullah Alshamiri
Yippii! 10/10
Tago gongo
thank you
9/10 but happy, thanks Rebecca
Shagufta hameed
Ms Rebecca, I have doubt? When to use this words with have to
thank you Rebecca :)
Mehmet Demirkol
I got 100% in my quiz it was very useful, it is always good to take a review.
Thanks teachear!
It was a great lesson,i got 10/10
Thank you Rebecca!
Samuel Berhanu
A very good lesson and lecture
I understating a lot things from this lesson thanks a lot of.
Nasir Atayee
A very good lesson and lecture
I understating a lot things from this lesson thanks a lot of.
I need to ur help
Nasir Atayee
thanks rebecca for this helpfull lesson.
wowww ! ı got 10/10 thanks to you and site
thank you sooooooooo much,you should continue because that help us a looooooooooooooot.thank you again.
your student from Mauritania.
Ialih Mohamed Abdi
Thank u so much
10\10 thank you so much rebecca
Thank so much for lesson, was very good. I learned a lot of.
Antonio Saballos
I would like to appreciated your commitment. For sure you are behind my resounding success I believe soon I’ll improve my English
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca,,, i really want the way you teach, and your strategy. I understand well. Honestly saying Ms. Rebecca im not really good in english and i want to learn it from the basic until i become fluent. I am still confused and little scared but im trying.
Another thing is,i real enjoy this videos but I need to learn them step by step so that i get to them well but now it is disorder what can I do
Thanks dear Teacher
helpful lesson
Hello teacher Rebeca, your class are very clear.
10. A very clear and easy to understand the lesson you make.
Jizel Montalan
Thank you, Rebecca, I got 10 out of 10
Your class is the best, really very helpful, I learn so fast.
I got it! Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca!10/10
Hi Rebecca, I don’t have words to express my gratitude. You are a amazing people and I wish the best for your life and your family. You just make all this classes for all, and this is so kind. Thank you for help me and the outhers. You have a bless heart. Bye!
Carlon Washington Pinheiro
Thanks a million mam for this great lesson!It’s so clear and more informative.Its helped a lot.
I got 8/10, but I will keep practice thank you for the lesson
Thanks Rebecca.
You are great.
Abraham Arthur
Quiz: 10/10.
Thank you for this class, Rebecca!
10/10 Yea!
Thank you so much for this interesting lesson about the 3 important rules when people use the different kind of modals
I got 10/10. Thank you Rebecca!
Great lesson! This lesson help me a lot.
Hello our lovely teacher@ Rebecca. I would like to say that your are one of peoples I won’t forget due to your invaluable contribution in line of teaching us English language. I really like your kindness.
tremendously God bless you. Thanks!
I had a nice score .
thank you
Hi Rebecca, is it correct to say: I think they cannot join us for the meeting. They have another appointment.?
Thank you, Rebecca…
Merci.Thank you.شكرا
Thank you so much for this great lesson Rebecca.I understood this lesson very well and I got10/10 marks in the quiz. Once again thaks a lot.
Kannika Hegde
Thank you very much, Rebecca,
for the best video lesson.
Rebecca thank you so much for your lesson. I love watching your lessons.
Pavel Kumpan
Zhenya don’t be smart
Pavel Kumpan
wowuu i got 10/10 thanks my teacher
muturagara william
Great! Thanks for everything
10/10 thank you to make me smarter!!
Thanks for your English class. I have scored 10/10 .
I got 10/10 yehey!
I got 10/10 thank you very much, it was very interesting and great!!!
Thanks miss Rebecca
Hi Rebecca. I am in attentions. like when I watch the videos I know very well but when I star speaking I forget all things. now what should I do. thanks for everything that you do for us. I am waiting for your answer.
Faizullah Kakar
I have got 10/10 .
I would like to thank for your well versed experience in teaching English. I truly appreciate for your insight and simply and easy methodological teaching. It is very helpful to grab required knowledge quickly. Your teaching creates a unique opportunity to remember easily. You make my writing style more easier . Without your help I might not able to communicate at higher level. Thank you for your help. Would you advise me how to get personal counselor to take my English writing at higher level. Please dot hesitate to leave me a message. It will be valued.
Hello Madam Rebecca, thanks for teaching me, I have got 10/10. Do you have a course which I can join?
Nabukenya Betty
Thanks ? Rebeca
What’s the difference between “should” & “must”?
tara nixi
that was a great lesson, i got 10/10
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you so much for teaching useful things.I got 8out of 10 .
Rebecca, thanks so much.
Very good.
Can I use can’t instead of cannot.
I am very happy with my teacher Rebecca, congratulations.
Teacher Rebecca, once again, thanks a lot.
I got 9 out of ten .Thanks a ton teacher .
I got 10/10 ,one thing i have confused is that can we make sentence like ‘ you might not to be smoked’,correct me anyone.
Thanks for the great lessons
Daniel Romha
thank you very much, teacher Rebecca.
very nice teaching
Thank u very much, waiting for new lessons
Rachana karthak
I am almost 7 score that’s was amazed about lesson thanks for helping us, ma’am Rebecca
Keanu Acosta
Superb thanks
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca, I got 10 correct.
Merybel Campo Gonzales
I’ve got 10/10… Thanks Rebecca ?
Such a great lesson and explanation ?
Lot’s of love
Chandan Joshi
I watched this video twice on July 16, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten out of 10.
10/10 ? Thank you Ms.Rebecca! Your content is very informative. Great Job!?
I got 10 correct out of 10. Thanks teacher REBECCA.
Hello dear teacher!
Thank you for your useful lessons, I got 9 correct out of 10.:)
Abdul Salam Qaderi
I got 10 out of 10.
In question #6, Is it correct to say: “I think they cannot join us to the meeting” as well?
Thanks, Rebecca.
Osman Musse
You are awesome!
I enjoy learning grammar.
You explain something which not familiar . I like that ways.
All the best
Um Noorain
Good lesson
Thank you teacher I got 100%
Damene Molla
Thank you Rebecca for MODALS, it is very usefull lesson.
Thanks Rebecca
You are the best English teacher I’ve ever seen ?
Thank you, you are the best Rebecca
well done, Rebecca hugs from Kazakhstan(17 Nov2021 )
Thank you Rebecca.
Rebecca, you are amazing. Thanks a lot. (Azores Islands, 07Dec2021);
Thanku ??so much Mam for great lesson
Thank you so much for great lesson.
I really enjoyed tour lesson; and scored 100/100 thank you for your kindness.
Abdullahi G.G
10\10 !
Thank you very much !
you are a great teacher !
Thanks for the video, I follow all the grammar videos.
In Exercise number 5:
If we leave immediately, we may reach the survivors in time.
Most of the time the preposition “on” is used before time.
Using “in” is also correct? “in time”
Thank you Rebecca
Arisara Thana
Dear teacher Rebecca there is a question in the quiz nu.3 why in correct answer the tenses does not match with each other ?
Mohammad mostaan
Thank you ma, the concept was clearly explained, could you please make a part two of this topic on modal verbs with detail explanation of the meanings of modal verbs?
Thanks in advance.
medbangs mistake.Thanks.
I got 100% Rebecca. Thank you!
Arisara Thana
Thank you very much.
Thank you ,I got 10 out 10
Abdikani Eid
I got 10 out of 10 Rebecca. Thank you so much.
Dear Rebecca, thanks a million for this lesson. You’re my favourite teacher!
Thank you very much.
Jay Wickramasingha
Thanks Rebecca.
Thanks, Rebecca u teach us very simple. I understand very well.
Thanks Rebecca you help me for studying :)
nicolas g
iam doing wellThankyou
Thanks you
Thanks lovely teacher, i feel learning more every day by following your courses, i’m so proud to be here, thanks very much
I’m so proud of being here ;)
Rebecca,thank you so much for your explanation of modal verbs! It’s really useful.
Natalya Malginova
I should optimize my grades. Thank you Rebeca🤗 for your support.
Hello, dear Teacher and learners! I have a question about why ‘must’ is used in the sentence:The policeman said I must come with him.? Can we use might in this case? Thanks for your answers in advance!
Thanks for your!
thank you so much for this lesson, I got 90/100 but I’m so proud for learning more and more everyday. great jog
I have loved this lesson. I got 10 correct out of 10. So I feel very happy. Sincere greetings from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America!
Thank you so much, dear teacher
That was so helpfull… Thank you so much… :)
Thank you alot I wish you long life
Yahye Mahamoud @90
Thank you :)
I finished all of the questions without any mistakes.
Any wrong please correct me.
Thank my teacher you have a nice smile
Learn English for free with 2157 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
10/10. ☺ Rebecca ,is it correct if I say ” You should have to do this work” ? another thing is ; Can i write the word “cannot” by giving space between them. Will it consider right if I do so?
Thanks, Annie. It is possible to say “you should have to”, but it is rare.
Regarding your other question:
Use the contraction “can’t” in informal situations.
Use”cannot” in formal communication.
Use “can not” as two words only in situations where “can” is followed by a phrase which starts with “not”, such as “not only”. This is rare, but does happen.
For example:
I can’t arrive before 7:00.
We cannot accept this contract.
He can not only organize the event, but also do so at a great price.
Hope this helps! All the best to you.
Love you Rebecca. I have been doing such mistakes .Thanks for your correction. ☺
I got it rebecca, but still I need to work on it. You are my best Teacher ,thank you as much as sky and ocean ☺
I would like to thank for your well versed experience in teaching English. I truly appreciate for your insight and simply and easy methodological teaching. It is very helpful to grab required knowledge quickly, your teaching creates a unique opportunity to remember easily. You make my writing style more easier . Without your help I might not able to communicate at higher level. Thank you for your help. Would you advise me how to get personal counselor to take my English writing at higher level. Please dot hesitate to leave me a message. It will be valued.
I have got 10/10 thanks
Thank you Rebecca for give me a new tools. I used to make a lot of mistake with this modals verbs.
I would like to appreciate you, Rebecca ,you have selected the very important topic . My interest with the learning english has far more developed in me and you are the reason behind it ☺. You convert difficult things into simplicity. Lastly, Your handwriting is so attractive .I am in love with it. Thank you so much for giving us such valuable knowledge which help us to grow and make a better person.
Hello Annie
I think you do appreciate Rebecca and ” would like to” does not express correctly your feeling .
“Would like to + verb ” means , in a polite way ‘ to want to do something but you don’t know if you can or may .
You may appreciate Rebecca and so do I .
I don’t want to play the heavyweight , just to give in return a bit of what Engvid has given to me .
I don’t understand you ?
Simple and great lesson
may I say you thank very much? I think I should say it or not I must say it Thank you very much Rebecca for this great lesson
You’ve very welcome, Volv. My best to you.
Dear teacher,
i can’t stand to stay so many days without watching an your new lesson!
(Well, I love your lessons but It’s not very true because all the teachers of EngVid are excellent. I only wanted to build a phrase with “cannot” so…. ;)
Thank you very much.
Dear Javid,
You are very kind!
Thank you Rebecca, have a good day.
I am getting 8 mark
Rebecca good video!
Good one
10/10 Thanks Ms.Rebecca
Hi teacher Rebecca, thank you for your big help. My English is getting better day by day.
I have a request: could you do a lesson about “if clauses”? I hope it will be possible.
Bye :-)
I enjoyed this video and my score is 100 :)
This lesson was very clear. I achieved a 100 congrats Rebecca Good job.Thanks
nice ~~ :)
Thanks Rebecca.^^
It was very helpful.Thank you for teaching so diligently.Looking forward for more lessons from you.??
Excellent lesson,many thanks.
What a way to teach, Teacher Rebecca! As flawless as all of your other lessons I’ve watched (which are tons by the way ^_^) Thanks a lot for your quite meaningful contribution to English learners all around the world. I’m pretty sure we’re all greatly thankful to you! Best regards from La Paz-Bolivia!
Thanks a lot Rebecca!!
Interesting lesson to review the basic rules of the modal verbs ;)
Thanks teacher…..!!!
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Thanks, Rebecca, you are a very good teacher, indeed.
10/10 without watching the video
Thanks a lot Rebecca
A useful lesson, it has never been explained to me so clearly.
Thank you Rebecca
good lesson 8/10
Thank you Rebecca for MODALS, it is very usefull lesson.
I got 10/10! So easy! Your lesson is great :D Thank you, Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca
This is the first lesson that I got 10/10 :D
Hello Rebecca .
Thank you for this lesson .
Why not using the past tense of must ( had to ) in the phrase ” the policeman said I must come with him .”
Thanks for your comment
I thought the same, according to “reporting verbs” rules, but maybe I’m wrong. Bye.
Hi Rebeca. Got a question. In the phrase :If we leave immediately, we may reach the survivors in time. Should be: “on time”? instead of “in Time”.
Thans for your answer and have a nice day.
Hello, I’m looking for someone to practice English, if you are interested please type me to
I am ready
Yes I am interested
Thank you Rebecca.
Hi Sam :)
I’m so glad that I can understand your great lesson! English may help us to reach an understanding with other people all over the wolrd.
One more question .
do “must” and “have to” have exactly the same meaning ?
May I say “this thing has to be changed” but also ” is to be changed”
Thank in advance for your explanations.
Thank you so much Rebecca. It is a useful lesson.
Hi Rebecca. This is my first time that I am writing any comment in commendbox just because of are an amazing teacher. I like the way you teach.I always wanted to speak in English but I was afraid of because my English was not so good. Now I think my dream is going to true.I think l have improved my English a little bit just for you. Now l can speak in English a little bit and one more time I want to say you a big thank you.If there are any mistake in my words please pardon me.
Good lesson
Great lesson, Rebecca. Thank you so much.
10/10!,Thanks Teacher Rebecca.You’re one of the few teacher who amazingly response to learners’ comments and remarks on Engvid along with Teacher Alex. Truly unique Teacher.
Thank you for a brilliant lesson!
Thank you, Rebecca!!! Very useful lesson!!
I got 100/100
Thanks, Rebecca .You are my favourite Teacher , I teach English for junior students but it is my pleasure to learn more from you.
thanks again
Thanks Rebecca!
Very good lectuner and I learn new.
Thank you teacher Rebecca. I won’t learn more English grammar from you?
Hi, dear teacher, I’m interested on give the FCE exam, how can I take your help.
Thank you very much!
Very useful lesson, thanks Rebecca.
As usual , I got 10 out of 10 , thanks Rebecca, You are perfect.
Thanks Rebbeca for your lesson. It was really fantastic and interesting lesson.
Thanks for these lesson it makes me think how aften I make a mistakes, but now it is god to know that I can improve a lot watching ingvidt!
Thank you !!! I had doubts with the Modal Verbs
thanks a lot
Rebecca has done well!
Thank you Rebecca! If I could follow all your videos, I may learn English soon.
My score was 100%
Hi, Teacher, great lesson, have no idea about this rules, thanks.
thank you for this best lesson but i get just 80
Hi, great video thanks
Thank you, Mrs. Rebecca, Now I knew where is my mistake, and I already got 100/100
Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks teacher Rebecca
Thanks alot for this great lesson.
Hi Rebeca,
Wich the difference : CANNOT and CAN’T?
thank you for yours lessons.
Thanks alot Rebbeca . It is a perfect lesson and very useful.. may I ask you to give me your email, please? ❤
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you .
i want say:::: thank you so mush Rebeca.. you class is really interesting…..
Hi Rabecca,
I love your u-tube video, very interesting and easy way to improve english.
I need some advice for this sentence:
“Congratulation to John for your contributions, dedication and achievement that qualified him to be awarded as best staff award.”
Should I use your/his and him/you. Confusing…
Thank you.
Hi rebecca .. thank you for teaching.. you’re the best
Great lesson.Thanks.
Do you provide private lesson. I love to learn english from you. My main weakness is speaking and writing. I hope to hear back from you soon
Rebbeca Thais for the lesson.
Thank you so much for your informative and helpful lesson. I just wonder what is the difference between the two mentioned forms of these verbs and how to use them properly (e.x. should/ought to or can/could)?
I think there is a mistake in the question 3.
The sentence is simple past tense.
…and still have energy for the next day. No any longer!
Should not it be had instead of have?
nice lesson
Thank you, Rebecca, for this lesson. I really loved it.
10/10 thank you Rebecca
Hi Rebecca! Thanks you for all your lession on EngVid.
They are very clear.
Love you :)
Realy good lesson,Thank you Rebecca!I hope you will make more useful lesson about grammar like this
Thank you so much! XD
its good lecture …thanks .. i have problem with the use of (would ..and could ) can you plz tell me a easy way …
Hello teacher I got 100% thank you very much
Hi,dear teacher,I like your hand writting more than your teaching style ,and I love your teaching style more than a cat loves milk
thank u Rebecca
hello Rebecca,
I think as i started listening your english lessons here on youtube I´ve learned a lot.
please, Rebecca, tell me what is the difference between will and would when we use it
who I know is: (will) for the present or the future
(would) in the past
is that right?
thank you in advance
Dear teacher, Is the following sentence grammatically correct or not. She had completed the course in the period 2000-2005. I am eagerly waiting for your reply.
Thank you for teaching us!
mam…please teach us spotting errors in some random english sentence or paragraph..learning grammer topic wise is easy to understand but try to spotting error in a sentence or paragraph it was confusing…please help us..
Dear Rebecca,
This is an excellent presentation. I should have to practice more with your presentation.
Thank you.
Thank you so much Teacher, this lesson was useful for me.
Thank u so much teacher i got 100%!!! ?
10/10 ;-)
But the revision was VERY important for me.. Thank Rebecca for this lesson !
Rebecca I have one dowt
isay to my friends “you has some water” or you have some water”
it is correct
Could I get you a glass of water ?
Making Offers , Plz Use Could & Would .. :)
This Lecture Was A Very Informative One… Thank You ..
hi rebecca ;
first i woul to thank you and also all staf of engvid;
i made one mistake on this (thank’s I don’t think they can join us for the meeting. They have another appointment), i thought the correct is (i think they cannot join us for the meeting…….).
Thank you Dear Rebecca, I think that it was great explanation.
Thanks you teacher.:-)
you are a great teacher
thank you for your kindness
Thank u very much teacher ) I understand everything thanks a lot
Thank you very much Rebecca
you are a great teacher
i appreciate the efforts you put in to teach us all. Thank you for the lesson it helped me a lot!
we need more practice and make it more hard :D
Thank yoy,Rebecca!Simple and great lesson
Excellent lesson teacher Rebecca! i got 10/10
谢谢老师 Thank for your excellent lesson
It was a great lesson, thank you.
Dear Rebecca,
Which one is the correct way to say a polite question
I would like to asks you that or I would like ask you that
Thank you in advance for your response.
Dear Rebecca,
Which one is the correct way to say a polite question
I would like to asks you that or I would like ask you that
Thank you in advance for your response.j
thank you Rebbeca
I got it right for my first try. Thank you so much Rebbeca.
I know this is very important lesson for all of us. We must know how to use the Modal Verbs. Have a wonderful Holiday to All Teachers from the EngVid!
Simple and great lesson. thank you rebbeca.
your way of teaching is Awesome.
got 10 correct out of 10.
teacher it is easy for me to learn grammar but when i start to speak i start getting confuse . please give me any suggetion
thank you very much Rebecca you’re great
Thank you !
Not bad video but your voice is bad
Please be constructive! That is, what can we do differently to make the video sound better?
If you just don’t like the sound of a teacher’s voice, there isn’t much we can do about that.
Thank you. Your grammar lesson is very helpful.
thank you Rebecca
thank you Rebecca for the lesson
Just as a side note, I know there are also semi-modals (like “dare” and “need”), which sometimes behave like modal auxiliary verbs. Examples:
* “Need I say more?” (as an ordinary verb: “Do I need to say more?”)
* I dare say you’re pretty hungry after all that cycling (as an ordinary verb: “I dare to say you’re pretty hungry after all that cycling”).
I love your class!!!
Thank you so much, Rebecca!!!
I finally figured out what is going on with this stuff)))
hehee 90:)
Very nice this video thanks my teacher
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you teacher, very helpful video
hello ma’am greetings
please make a video of all modals with difference.
That was really good explanation. Simple,clear but powerful,Rebecca. Thanx.
Thank you Rebecca it’s a nice lesson !
Thank you dear teacher love you
thank you
Hi how to use”have to”in past with models.
Please help me.
thanks and all the best you make
things simple and clear, we like to have lessons about correct accent, it looks difficult to me
thanks is very helpful to lean english in easy way.its so nice.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you.
I got 10/10. I kinda make sure I’m correct in number 3 though because I’m still kinda slow when it comes to past simple + past simple. Forgive me.
I ought to practice more often modal verbs, great lesson Rebecca. From now I shall to put in practice every day at work. Thank you!
Interesting lesson Ms. Thanks for everything
Madam i have a doubt in this question
“I don’t think they can join us for the meeting. They have another appointment.”
Here “don’t” is used before “can” i thought
“I think they cannot join us for the meeting. They have another appointment.”
The above statement is correct. Please clear my doubt thanks in advance.
Thanks Rebecca.
Thanks for the lesson Rebecca. It was very easy to understand.
Dear Rebecca,my question has nothing to do with the previous lesson. By the way, it was really very good.
No, my question is, could you tell me the Website of your Institute. I am interessted on an English Course in class.
Many thanks in advance.
I got it. Better lesson about Modals. Thank for everything
Thanks rebecca for this lesson, I clearly understand the use of modal verb. From now on, I can use it correctly.
thanks so much it was so helpful :>
Thanks for the lesson! You didn’t mention about contractions in negative form of modals. The first and the second rules we should assume as not to contract negative forms. But we can contract!
Rebecca thanks so much, you are the best!
thank you.
10/10 ???
Where’s my wrong? I don’t understood 9/10.
I didn’t understand the note from my quiz.
Sorry, Rebecca. I found unellegant whith you my comments about my note in quizz. Appologize me.
Sorry, Rebecca. You are amazing!
Thanks Rebeca!!!
10 out of 10. I think I am improving
thanks a lot rebecca:)
Thank you very much!
I got 10 out of 10. Thanks for teacher Rebecca!
thank you Rebecca
Thanks teacher Rebecca!!!!
using modals come easy now. thanks.
Thanks madam
I got 10/10. Thank you Madam for your effort
What is the difference between Bath and Bathe?
1.The Noun Meaning of Bath and Verb meaning of Bath
2.The Noun Meaning of Bathe and Verb meaning of Bathe
pl explain me according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 9th edition. I was baffled when i saw. pl
thanx Rebecca
It was a great lesson. Thanks a lot.
I like it. Thank you
I cannot leave I must stay here until my English get improve. I got all correct. Thank you Rebecca
You are a good teacher!
Thanks from Turkey…
I scored 9/10 in Quiz.
My mistake was about “to”
Thank you very much.
Thanks for the lesson.
can i ask the wrong example of rules 1?
the past and future and then the reason why they are wrong?
100% thanks, Rebecka…
Lots of thanks Rebecka…
Congratulations Rebeca
thaks mem
thaks teacher
i got 100…you re a wonderful teacher..ty a lot Rebecca
Thank you Rebeca, it is a beatiful lesson
Thank you Rebeca, I got 100 percent!
Nice lesson, Rebecca! Modals are extremely important in English. Then, if we want to speak and write in the correct way, we must domain them. Frankly, the modal rules are quite simple, and the mistakes are, in fact, a tendency to complicate them.
waw i got 10/10 i am happy thinks Madam for this helpful courses
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
i got 8/10
60% without watching the video and 100% after watching the video: )
10/10 thank You Rebecca. I love your lessons :)
Wonderful Quiz ??
10/10 :)
It’s a useful lesson. Thank you very much, Rebecca!
Yippii! 10/10
thank you
9/10 but happy, thanks Rebecca
Ms Rebecca, I have doubt? When to use this words with have to
thank you Rebecca :)
I got 100% in my quiz it was very useful, it is always good to take a review.
Thanks teachear!
It was a great lesson,i got 10/10
Thank you Rebecca!
A very good lesson and lecture
I understating a lot things from this lesson thanks a lot of.
A very good lesson and lecture
I understating a lot things from this lesson thanks a lot of.
I need to ur help
thanks rebecca for this helpfull lesson.
wowww ! ı got 10/10 thanks to you and site
thank you sooooooooo much,you should continue because that help us a looooooooooooooot.thank you again.
your student from Mauritania.
Thank u so much
10\10 thank you so much rebecca
Thank so much for lesson, was very good. I learned a lot of.
I would like to appreciated your commitment. For sure you are behind my resounding success I believe soon I’ll improve my English
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca,,, i really want the way you teach, and your strategy. I understand well. Honestly saying Ms. Rebecca im not really good in english and i want to learn it from the basic until i become fluent. I am still confused and little scared but im trying.
Another thing is,i real enjoy this videos but I need to learn them step by step so that i get to them well but now it is disorder what can I do
Thanks dear Teacher
helpful lesson
Hello teacher Rebeca, your class are very clear.
10. A very clear and easy to understand the lesson you make.
Thank you, Rebecca, I got 10 out of 10
Your class is the best, really very helpful, I learn so fast.
I got it! Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca!10/10
Hi Rebecca, I don’t have words to express my gratitude. You are a amazing people and I wish the best for your life and your family. You just make all this classes for all, and this is so kind. Thank you for help me and the outhers. You have a bless heart. Bye!
Thanks a million mam for this great lesson!It’s so clear and more informative.Its helped a lot.
I got 8/10, but I will keep practice thank you for the lesson
Thanks Rebecca.
You are great.
Quiz: 10/10.
Thank you for this class, Rebecca!
10/10 Yea!
Thank you so much for this interesting lesson about the 3 important rules when people use the different kind of modals
I got 10/10. Thank you Rebecca!
Great lesson! This lesson help me a lot.
Hello our lovely teacher@ Rebecca. I would like to say that your are one of peoples I won’t forget due to your invaluable contribution in line of teaching us English language. I really like your kindness.
tremendously God bless you. Thanks!
I had a nice score .
thank you
Hi Rebecca, is it correct to say: I think they cannot join us for the meeting. They have another appointment.?
Thank you, Rebecca…
Merci.Thank you.شكرا
Thank you so much for this great lesson Rebecca.I understood this lesson very well and I got10/10 marks in the quiz. Once again thaks a lot.
Thank you very much, Rebecca,
for the best video lesson.
Rebecca thank you so much for your lesson. I love watching your lessons.
Zhenya don’t be smart
wowuu i got 10/10 thanks my teacher
Great! Thanks for everything
10/10 thank you to make me smarter!!
Thanks for your English class. I have scored 10/10 .
I got 10/10 yehey!
I got 10/10 thank you very much, it was very interesting and great!!!
Thanks miss Rebecca
Hi Rebecca. I am in attentions. like when I watch the videos I know very well but when I star speaking I forget all things. now what should I do. thanks for everything that you do for us. I am waiting for your answer.
I have got 10/10 .
I would like to thank for your well versed experience in teaching English. I truly appreciate for your insight and simply and easy methodological teaching. It is very helpful to grab required knowledge quickly. Your teaching creates a unique opportunity to remember easily. You make my writing style more easier . Without your help I might not able to communicate at higher level. Thank you for your help. Would you advise me how to get personal counselor to take my English writing at higher level. Please dot hesitate to leave me a message. It will be valued.
Hello Madam Rebecca, thanks for teaching me, I have got 10/10. Do you have a course which I can join?
Thanks ? Rebeca
What’s the difference between “should” & “must”?
that was a great lesson, i got 10/10
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you so much for teaching useful things.I got 8out of 10 .
Rebecca, thanks so much.
Very good.
Can I use can’t instead of cannot.
I am very happy with my teacher Rebecca, congratulations.
Teacher Rebecca, once again, thanks a lot.
I got 9 out of ten .Thanks a ton teacher .
I got 10/10 ,one thing i have confused is that can we make sentence like ‘ you might not to be smoked’,correct me anyone.
Thanks for the great lessons
thank you very much, teacher Rebecca.
very nice teaching
Thank u very much, waiting for new lessons
I am almost 7 score that’s was amazed about lesson thanks for helping us, ma’am Rebecca
Superb thanks
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca, I got 10 correct.
I’ve got 10/10… Thanks Rebecca ?
Such a great lesson and explanation ?
Lot’s of love
I watched this video twice on July 16, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten out of 10.
10/10 ? Thank you Ms.Rebecca! Your content is very informative. Great Job!?
I got 10 correct out of 10. Thanks teacher REBECCA.
Hello dear teacher!
Thank you for your useful lessons, I got 9 correct out of 10.:)
I got 10 out of 10.
In question #6, Is it correct to say: “I think they cannot join us to the meeting” as well?
Thanks, Rebecca.
You are awesome!
I enjoy learning grammar.
You explain something which not familiar . I like that ways.
All the best
Um Noorain
Good lesson
Thank you teacher I got 100%
Thank you Rebecca for MODALS, it is very usefull lesson.
Thanks Rebecca
You are the best English teacher I’ve ever seen ?
Thank you, you are the best Rebecca
well done, Rebecca hugs from Kazakhstan(17 Nov2021 )
Thank you Rebecca.
Rebecca, you are amazing. Thanks a lot. (Azores Islands, 07Dec2021);
Thanku ??so much Mam for great lesson
Thank you so much for great lesson.
I really enjoyed tour lesson; and scored 100/100 thank you for your kindness.
10\10 !
Thank you very much !
you are a great teacher !
Thanks for the video, I follow all the grammar videos.
In Exercise number 5:
If we leave immediately, we may reach the survivors in time.
Most of the time the preposition “on” is used before time.
Using “in” is also correct? “in time”
Thank you Rebecca
Dear teacher Rebecca there is a question in the quiz nu.3 why in correct answer the tenses does not match with each other ?
Thank you ma, the concept was clearly explained, could you please make a part two of this topic on modal verbs with detail explanation of the meanings of modal verbs?
Thanks in advance. mistake.Thanks.
I got 100% Rebecca. Thank you!
Thank you very much.
Thank you ,I got 10 out 10
I got 10 out of 10 Rebecca. Thank you so much.
Dear Rebecca, thanks a million for this lesson. You’re my favourite teacher!
Thank you very much.
Thanks Rebecca.
Thanks, Rebecca u teach us very simple. I understand very well.
Thanks Rebecca you help me for studying :)
iam doing wellThankyou
Thanks you
Thanks lovely teacher, i feel learning more every day by following your courses, i’m so proud to be here, thanks very much
I’m so proud of being here ;)
Rebecca,thank you so much for your explanation of modal verbs! It’s really useful.
I should optimize my grades. Thank you Rebeca🤗 for your support.
Hello, dear Teacher and learners! I have a question about why ‘must’ is used in the sentence:The policeman said I must come with him.? Can we use might in this case? Thanks for your answers in advance!
Thanks for your!
thank you so much for this lesson, I got 90/100 but I’m so proud for learning more and more everyday. great jog
I have loved this lesson. I got 10 correct out of 10. So I feel very happy. Sincere greetings from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America!
Thank you so much, dear teacher
That was so helpfull… Thank you so much… :)
Thank you alot I wish you long life
Thank you :)
I finished all of the questions without any mistakes.
Any wrong please correct me.
Thank my teacher you have a nice smile
I thank you teacher is very good.
It’s a great leasson. Thank you
It is good for me.
Thanks a lot. It’s a great lesson
i love this quizzes.
thank you
Thank you!
Thank you!
Many thanks !!!