Money, money, money! I’m going to teach you some vocabulary and slang to talk about MONEY in English! Cash, bills, coins, bucks, dimes, and more. You’ll learn some money expressions, too.
That is right. Ronnie has a talent. ( talent equal kind of money :) )
Ronnie, you are my favorite teacher! I am your fan!!! <3
For me too….
Luv slangs and idiom.They make a conversation more colorful and informal.
I like english and I liked the class. The teacher talk slowly. I don’t understand very well because I’m a begginer, but I liked anyway.
Hi Roonie,I like all your lessons,although I live in Britain but I love to watch your lessons. thank u
Very good lesson
wonderful website where to learn eng,
but in china, the video can not be accessed.
Thanks Ronnie, this lesson helped me a lot.
Hey Ronnie, thanks for your lesson, I met this domain EngVid watching suggested videos on Youtube, nice to meet you Ronnie
One billion is one thousand million,one trillion is one thousand billion,what do call one thousand trillion in English.
wonderful. I got 1o/10. A beautyfull week for me and you :)
Yeah Got it
Thank you Ronnie,
Your way to give information is special and easy, go ahead.
You never change you way of teach, so funny
Thank you 100%
A penny for your thoughts Ronnie.
Thank you!!
What can one buy on nickel in Canada?
it was a helpful and fun lesson your lesson are very expressive which makes them easier to learn.
20 plus 10 is a dime, 10 minus 9 is a penny, 100 minus 75 is a quarter, 15 minus 10 is a dime
also 100 divided by 20 is a nickel.
i think i got it….
sorry, 15 minus 10 is a nickel
Thanx a lot Ronnie, You R awesome teacher and help me so much, week ago I watched your video class which talked about a SLANG for a STUPID GIRL, so, I didnt understand how pronouce that.. is it NIPLES or NIBLES??? Thanx again…
Ronnie’s lessons are terrific. Always. Thanks.
Here in my country (Brazil), we used penny (it was called “um centavo”), but it no longer exists =(. Loved the lesson. thanx =D
Thank you for giving some stuff in portuguese:)In my language(Spanish) ”um centavo” is called ”un centavo”,,is really similar!!!!.I’ve always wanted lo learn portuguese and to go to Brazil,,I hope one day I will!!!
Yes it’s very similar, I have some friends that speak spanish on my skype and I can understand them very easy. I Use SharedTalk to meet new people and to improve my skills, if u never heard about it, do it I’m sure u’ll love it. XOXO
Hey! Can we Talk on Skype to That our Conversation will improve?
A penny is not enough to know any thoughts…:) Thanks for the lesson, Dear Ronnie!
I agree with you!!!
Hi, Ronnie! You’re ever fun.
In Brazil we have our popular saiynd like you guys: “One penny for you thoughts.”.
But here the payment has been made with cents of Real.
See you!
please give me some gemmics to learn how we change a noun to a verb or to an adj .. thnks a lot ^_^ i love youuu :)
Cool lesson )) Thanks )) I was always puzzled with dollars in USA )) Now I feel more confident about this stuff ))
Toonie should have 2 loons on its back side )))))) It would be logically )))))
you are great teacher and i like canada you are the best
canada rules
I got 10 out of 10 :D……Thank you Ronnie,,,I love the way you teach!!!
“to stop an action suddenly so that a woman does not become pregnant”……..nice lol
Yes, this sentence also made me laugh!:)))
I don’t like your method of teaching Ronnie, try to change it .
If you’are not pleased, try finding another excellent site like this!
You can watch others teacher’s lessons. She is the best for many students, like me! :)
5cent (a nickel) is alloy of steel and cooper. Nicekl is only on the surface :P
great lesson like always! Hugs!
Good class!! I only want to ask something: are all the teachers from Canada or there are someone from Britain?
Thanks xx
You make my day :D
you’re a quite good teacher, i like your way, i study smiling, txs a lot!
Thanks Ronnie
I suggest you teach a lesson about expressing fractions and percentages.
thanks Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie, great lesson!
The Brazil stopped make the coin a cent of real, and we have too many prices like 3.99, so we didn´t receive the change.
The traders want to make us think that $4,99 is cheaper than $5,00… but it isn’t… hahahaha
hahaha, As a matter of fact, there are times that the traders offer us candies instead a penny as change. It’s really funny.
Tks Ronnie, u r the best.
Just one more Brazilian comment. I just loved this class!
Ronnie, your classes are so funny, I really enjoy it! Thanks! Tchau!
Me too I enjoy watching your classes .i can get it :) Ahi nos Vemos
You’re a fantastic teacher,Ronnie. Thanks.
thank you ronnie.
yah….i got 9.
hi nice teaching Ronnie…thanks.
thnx..nice lesson
As a beginner, i’ve no comment but i like the way Ronnie teach.
Ronnie, excuse me, but 1 dollar is composed by 4 quarters not 5 quarters as you said. See 1 quarter worths 25 cents. So 4 quarters worth 1 dollar or 1 lonnie. Anyway, this lesson was awesome.
that was an excellent work,, my greetings from Peru
Elmer Merino
Ronnie, I really enjoy watching all your videos. Great lesson.
Thanks, This website is very useful my
english study. :D
Thanks Ronnie, nice classes.
Excellent lesson, I love the way you teach
hey Ronnie, your question #9 laughed me
you are so naughty always…. :D :D :D
thank you so much for your useful lessons.
(was my sentence true??? i mean “it laughed me” or “it made me laugh”, sorry, I’m not sure which is true.)
The right one is ”it made me laugh”
Good luck!!!!
thank you so much for your response atrilfb99.
have fun.
Really nice lesson.
Thank you Ronnie
hi guys i’m new here.i love this lessons
i mean these lessons jejej
Hi, Ronnie how are you? I am a big fan of you. Your teaching is very good.
amazing simple lesson and i got a new vocabulary thank uuuuuuuuuuuu Ronnie i love ur lessons =)
you’re magnificent thank you for your those perfect educational videos..
thanks Ronnie شكرا يا طنط :D
Thank you Ronnie , I love your method
It’s so fanny to learn with you!why can I understand very well when you talk but I cannot understand at all the actors on the movie?
You are very excellent,I love you very much
thnx for your info and your time
You are veryyyyyyyyy professional and fantastic
I like your style in teaching. You’ve a wonderful sense of humor.
This lesson is funny and useful thx Ronnie im really love u
10 on 10
Ronnie i lack spontaneity while speaking in english.How can i slove this problem?
Thank you in anticipation.
dear ronnie is the great.
I like a lot your classes.
the way you teach is unique !!! Your’re Great!!
Loonie = 1 cent
Toonie = 2 cents
Ronnie = ?
Loonie = 1 dollar
Toonie = 2 dollars
Ronnie = ?
Thank U Ronnie! Love U
Thank you teacher i really like this lesson
Hello Ronnie , I like you way for teaching is best
good luck
plz more the lessons
A large thanks teacher Ronnie ,please , do you mind explaining how to pronounce these words : New , Knew , No and Know ?
Can you see the future?! Ronnie’s next lesson is on pronouncing N and KN! It’ll be up in a couple days :)
engVid Moderator
Amazing lesson from awesome teacher , thank you so much.
Love yours lessons Ronnie!!!!!!!
you are a nice teather i have seen .thanks so
Thank you teacher. I got 100%
Ronnie!!!! When I use “accomplish” and when I use “fufill”? I need to know it!
Nice & Thanks
Thank you
I learned a lot… because it’s very very different from spanish..Thanks…
Great! Thank you for the lesson.
X: Two coins add up to 30 cents, and one is not a nickel. What are they?
Y: A quarter and a nickel. The quarter isn’t a nickel.
I’ve got 100 percent hahaha now I can go to Canada.Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
You are wonderful & funny Ronnie! Thanks for your for your valuable time…:)
Thanks a lot Ronnie!! I really enjoy learning with you!:))
Thanks a lot Ronnie!! I really enjoy learning from you!:))
:) thanks
Great!! thanks Ronnie
Pretty good. Thank you Ronnie
Thanks a lot for your time.
i like that, my first lesson
you are all great but please put english subtitles on video
Very nice lesson, thanks so much
Thanks for this lesson !
Ronnie is great teacher she learning investing I like how she explan thing and make it fun to see Thank you Ronnie
Im Brazilian and very happy this lesson.
Thats a good lessone,greatings from Serbia.
you grow up my confident.
thanks mam i understand this lesson.thank you very much. you have such a great way of teaching English.
It’s interesting topic to this leecture.
Thank you, Ronnie. I love your lessons.
thanks :D !!
great Ronnie :)
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie:)
Good job! Thank you!
Thank you.)
Ronnie, you are my best teacher :)
Ronnie, you are a great teacher
thank you for sharing your knowledge to us
Love your class Ronnie. I got a dime (10) :D
Ronnie Thank you
Thanks. It is complex to explain money.
Thanks Ronnie. I’m not just adding words in my vocabulary, I’m also learning many thing about the USA. Thanks.
I’m addicted to your lessons, thank you soo much !!
Very nice video
You are an excellent teacher, thanks Ronnie
Ronnie , is it a good teaching method to mix some slang words while teaching my students ?
reda malik
teavher is great!!
She is the best English teacher I’v ever saw!
Thank you.
Very nice video.
a penny for your thoughts (;
Islam Zayed
Thanks a lot….
Thank you Ronnie for teaching me this lesson about money, it was an easy video to watch.
Thank you Ronnie.
It is happy to know how dollars and coins are called in North America.
Ronnie, I like to learn English with you.
Ronnie, you’re the best!
Thank you, Ronnie. Everything you teaches is always useful and helpful to me.
Kim Ha Sun
Ronnie, you are my favorite teacher
ahmed nasser
HI Ronnie, i like your behaviour in teaching english it’s very good, thank you so much.
I’m looking for a friend who want practice english with me. thank you
yaaah . i got 90 percent :)
Renz Pujida
Thanks ronnie. I got 100 percent ‘n’ half of this is for you.
i’m still learning
thanks !
thanks for you
oh, it’s very interesting!! (y)
I’m a beginner. Thank you so much for your lesson. :))))
very good explanation Ronnie you are very good english teacher , if someone wanna talk with me to practice english my skype is ( isac.33)
Isac 10
Hii ronie , Why this website is not like social networking type .. I mean there are lots of members from different countries .. We all together can share our thoughts here and can improve our skill as well by discussing on videos we watched here on your channel …
Hi, Ronnie I like so much this lesson. I don’t have a penny at moment.
Hi Ronnie, you ‘r great Lecturer. but I have question…. why engvid doesn’t have a social conversation with member in site to improve a skill about speaking?
Ronnie is the great teacher, thx a lot:)
9 of 10
thanks Ronnie
pls pls pls……….. Ronnie do a vedio upon phrasal verbs and idioms…….i love the way u teach .so i would love to have those lessons with u only……. am i getting too demanding …… as i will .because u have got these vedios for freee….hehe!!
i meant …… u have got these vedios fre for us……
I like your videos
thank you
Thank you for every thing you doing to us
I love your lessons very much my favorat teacher
i got 9 , i couldn’t focus :D
Hassan Mohamed
Oh, I didn’t know that there are many slangs of money. I thought money is just money. Also, I agree with your opinion that money is not good for us because money ruins people’s life and destoys family. But we need money unavoidably and we can’t imagine without money.
Anyway, in korea, there is no special name or slang of money. So what you taught about money’s many names on video is really really confusing to me. It’s difficult to remember the each name. :( But, after I watched your video, i can know clearly. Thanks, Ronnie. You’re the best teacher!!! XD
Kim Ha Sun
Thank u Ronnie…you are the best
Thanks Mam, got 80%
Abdul Qayum
penny, nickel and dime…
Thank you so much i like that’s leasson
Excellent lesson :)
very useful lesson
Kamil Al-Shaheen
I got 10/10 :D
Very well!
ronnie you are a great teatcher and i like your lessons and i will lessen to all your lessons good bye and thank you very much beacuse you teatch me
ronnie you are a great teatcher and i like your lessons and i will lessen to all your lessons good bye and thank you very much and im now (^_^)
no one is in isreal
no one is somali
Nageb Osman
Thank you for this lesson, but subtitles to the video were wrong:(
you are the best teacher!!!
Thanks a lot for all your lessons, Ronnie! They are so intresting and understanding! I’m really glad to find it.
Vicky Charm
thank you very much
Every time that I watched sitcoms, I heard the characters saying bucks after bucks everywhere. I had no idea what this word meant. Now I know!
A love Ronnie.
That was awesome))) thank you!
Vlad from Moscow-grad
Great! Thanks!
Thanks Ronnie I think you playfully!
Great teacher–>great information.Thanks a lot!
Hi Ronnie, your lessons are very helpfull to me. Me and my husbund are going to U. S next vocation. Thanks a lot.
I interested in the lesson. Thanks miss. Ronnie
Hussein Ahmed
I like this lesson. Thumbs up!
Ronnie is the best!
Thanks, very interesting
Ronnie thanks a lot, you are the first English teacher in my long life (55) I can understand every word. :-))
Hepfull video Ronnie…
In Ireland also the bills are called NOTES..
thank you for knowledge
i follow you , teacher Ronnie.
It was great! Thanks a lot, Ronnie.
All your lessons are veeery awesome and usefull! And so funny too, I laugh a lot watching it . Tnks Ronnie!
I got 10 out of 10 .Thank you Ronnie,,,I love the way you teach!!!
eunjung hong
i just went through the quiz because it is filtered in iran , though i enjoyed doing the quiz it was great
Cheers mate.
Thank you!! I really like your funny lectures, especially the Canadian English part!
Thank you Ronnie. I love the way you teach!!!
Vivek Thati
Hi body!
Is there anyone who have some coins like pennis, nickels, or dimes to borrow me?
Can you give me a penny to my thoughts, because I have very profound view toward the universe?
Thanks Ronnie!
Thank you 100 score.
the best teacher ever…. :)
Hi Ronnie.I like you very much.I am listening to your lessons every day.thanks alot for your amazing teaching english.
sara salehpour
you are the best you are my best teacherIhave ever seen
the rebal
wooow,it is great knowledge for me.
Hi Ronnie! Keep the good work up.
Thanks Ronnie…
stop on a dime means in french: une personne peut trouver une solution à son problème rapidement et efficacement! :)))
Thanks Ronnie, It’s an excellent class. It help me a lot
Hi ronnie you are wonderfull i like so much your lessons
Abdellatif benbourchid
funny one like it . This is my first stop and will go on
Ronnie is the best teacher! I learnt a lot with your lessons!
Hi Ronnie,
I want to tell you about money in my country ( Egypt)
200 two hundred pounds (Paper )
100 one hundred pounds ( paper )
50 fifty pounds ( paper )
20 twenty pounds ( paper )
10 ten pounds ( paper )
5 five pounds ( paper )
1 pound (coins)
No more
thanks ronnie really U teach me more and more thank U.
fady 99
Thank you so much
really u very good teacher
ali emrayef
You are great. You really put your heart on what you do, tnks.
Thanks you Ronnie
Marta Lopez
Love you,Ronnie! Great teacher!
Thanks Ronnie you are the best
You are great teacher
Quiz answers possible, are very funniest…thats made me laugh badly.
I would give you two millions of coins,such to be so good teacher… Thank you Ronnie.
thanks ronnie :D
thanks ronnie
Thank you Ronnie…
I’m feeling awesome..
It was a funny lesson, thanks Ronnie!
Because we talk about money i got 100 of 100 hhhhhh thanks Ronnie and i wish to you a lot of dime ,dollars ,loonie ,toonie ,a quarter ,a nickle , coins , bills, cash , and bitcoins
9/10! Good! Money lesson is funny and useful!
Jerry Gu
thanks a lot Ronnie, now i know slang about money 1 bucks, 2 bucks, omg this is so cool!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Ronnie the great teacher,thanks
thanks Ronnie…………………………
That is right. Ronnie has a talent. ( talent equal kind of money :) )
Ronnie, you are my favorite teacher! I am your fan!!! <3
For me too….
Luv slangs and idiom.They make a conversation more colorful and informal.
I like english and I liked the class. The teacher talk slowly. I don’t understand very well because I’m a begginer, but I liked anyway.
Hi Roonie,I like all your lessons,although I live in Britain but I love to watch your lessons. thank u
Very good lesson
wonderful website where to learn eng,
but in china, the video can not be accessed.
Thanks Ronnie, this lesson helped me a lot.
Hey Ronnie, thanks for your lesson, I met this domain EngVid watching suggested videos on Youtube, nice to meet you Ronnie
One billion is one thousand million,one trillion is one thousand billion,what do call one thousand trillion in English.
wonderful. I got 1o/10. A beautyfull week for me and you :)
Yeah Got it
Thank you Ronnie,
Your way to give information is special and easy, go ahead.
You never change you way of teach, so funny
Thank you 100%
A penny for your thoughts Ronnie.
Thank you!!
What can one buy on nickel in Canada?
it was a helpful and fun lesson your lesson are very expressive which makes them easier to learn.
20 plus 10 is a dime, 10 minus 9 is a penny, 100 minus 75 is a quarter, 15 minus 10 is a dime
also 100 divided by 20 is a nickel.
i think i got it….
sorry, 15 minus 10 is a nickel
Thanx a lot Ronnie, You R awesome teacher and help me so much, week ago I watched your video class which talked about a SLANG for a STUPID GIRL, so, I didnt understand how pronouce that.. is it NIPLES or NIBLES??? Thanx again…
Ronnie’s lessons are terrific. Always. Thanks.
Here in my country (Brazil), we used penny (it was called “um centavo”), but it no longer exists =(. Loved the lesson. thanx =D
Thank you for giving some stuff in portuguese:)In my language(Spanish) ”um centavo” is called ”un centavo”,,is really similar!!!!.I’ve always wanted lo learn portuguese and to go to Brazil,,I hope one day I will!!!
Yes it’s very similar, I have some friends that speak spanish on my skype and I can understand them very easy. I Use SharedTalk to meet new people and to improve my skills, if u never heard about it, do it I’m sure u’ll love it. XOXO
Hey! Can we Talk on Skype to That our Conversation will improve?
A penny is not enough to know any thoughts…:) Thanks for the lesson, Dear Ronnie!
I agree with you!!!
Hi, Ronnie! You’re ever fun.
In Brazil we have our popular saiynd like you guys: “One penny for you thoughts.”.
But here the payment has been made with cents of Real.
See you!
please give me some gemmics to learn how we change a noun to a verb or to an adj .. thnks a lot ^_^ i love youuu :)
Cool lesson )) Thanks )) I was always puzzled with dollars in USA )) Now I feel more confident about this stuff ))
Toonie should have 2 loons on its back side )))))) It would be logically )))))
you are great teacher and i like canada you are the best
canada rules
I got 10 out of 10 :D……Thank you Ronnie,,,I love the way you teach!!!
“to stop an action suddenly so that a woman does not become pregnant”……..nice lol
Yes, this sentence also made me laugh!:)))
I don’t like your method of teaching Ronnie, try to change it .
If you’are not pleased, try finding another excellent site like this!
You can watch others teacher’s lessons. She is the best for many students, like me! :)
5cent (a nickel) is alloy of steel and cooper. Nicekl is only on the surface :P
great lesson like always! Hugs!
Good class!! I only want to ask something: are all the teachers from Canada or there are someone from Britain?
Thanks xx
You make my day :D
you’re a quite good teacher, i like your way, i study smiling, txs a lot!
Thanks Ronnie
I suggest you teach a lesson about expressing fractions and percentages.
thanks Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie, great lesson!
The Brazil stopped make the coin a cent of real, and we have too many prices like 3.99, so we didn´t receive the change.
The traders want to make us think that $4,99 is cheaper than $5,00… but it isn’t… hahahaha
hahaha, As a matter of fact, there are times that the traders offer us candies instead a penny as change. It’s really funny.
Tks Ronnie, u r the best.
Just one more Brazilian comment. I just loved this class!
Ronnie, your classes are so funny, I really enjoy it! Thanks! Tchau!
Me too I enjoy watching your classes .i can get it :) Ahi nos Vemos
You’re a fantastic teacher,Ronnie. Thanks.
thank you ronnie.
yah….i got 9.
hi nice teaching Ronnie…thanks.
thnx..nice lesson
As a beginner, i’ve no comment but i like the way Ronnie teach.
Ronnie, excuse me, but 1 dollar is composed by 4 quarters not 5 quarters as you said. See 1 quarter worths 25 cents. So 4 quarters worth 1 dollar or 1 lonnie. Anyway, this lesson was awesome.
that was an excellent work,, my greetings from Peru
Ronnie, I really enjoy watching all your videos. Great lesson.
Thanks, This website is very useful my
english study. :D
Thanks Ronnie, nice classes.
Excellent lesson, I love the way you teach
hey Ronnie, your question #9 laughed me
you are so naughty always…. :D :D :D
thank you so much for your useful lessons.
(was my sentence true??? i mean “it laughed me” or “it made me laugh”, sorry, I’m not sure which is true.)
The right one is ”it made me laugh”
Good luck!!!!
thank you so much for your response atrilfb99.
have fun.
Really nice lesson.
Thank you Ronnie
hi guys i’m new here.i love this lessons
i mean these lessons jejej
Hi, Ronnie how are you? I am a big fan of you. Your teaching is very good.
amazing simple lesson and i got a new vocabulary thank uuuuuuuuuuuu Ronnie i love ur lessons =)
you’re magnificent thank you for your those perfect educational videos..
thanks Ronnie شكرا يا طنط :D
Thank you Ronnie , I love your method
It’s so fanny to learn with you!why can I understand very well when you talk but I cannot understand at all the actors on the movie?
You are very excellent,I love you very much
thnx for your info and your time
You are veryyyyyyyyy professional and fantastic
thnx again
You Are The Pest .
I hope you mean “best”? These are pests…
Excelente lesson. Thanks
Thank you for the lesson. Now send me a nickel.
I like your style in teaching. You’ve a wonderful sense of humor.
This lesson is funny and useful thx Ronnie im really love u
10 on 10
Ronnie i lack spontaneity while speaking in english.How can i slove this problem?
Thank you in anticipation.
dear ronnie is the great.
I like a lot your classes.
the way you teach is unique !!! Your’re Great!!
Loonie = 1 cent
Toonie = 2 cents
Ronnie = ?
Loonie = 1 dollar
Toonie = 2 dollars
Ronnie = ?
Thank U Ronnie! Love U
Thank you teacher i really like this lesson
Hello Ronnie , I like you way for teaching is best
good luck
plz more the lessons
A large thanks teacher Ronnie ,please , do you mind explaining how to pronounce these words : New , Knew , No and Know ?
Can you see the future?! Ronnie’s next lesson is on pronouncing N and KN! It’ll be up in a couple days :)
Amazing lesson from awesome teacher , thank you so much.
Love yours lessons Ronnie!!!!!!!
you are a nice teather i have seen .thanks so
Thank you teacher. I got 100%
Ronnie!!!! When I use “accomplish” and when I use “fufill”? I need to know it!
Nice & Thanks
Thank you
I learned a lot… because it’s very very different from spanish..Thanks…
Great! Thank you for the lesson.
X: Two coins add up to 30 cents, and one is not a nickel. What are they?
Y: A quarter and a nickel. The quarter isn’t a nickel.
I’ve got 100 percent hahaha now I can go to Canada.Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
You are wonderful & funny Ronnie! Thanks for your for your valuable time…:)
Thanks a lot Ronnie!! I really enjoy learning with you!:))
Thanks a lot Ronnie!! I really enjoy learning from you!:))
:) thanks
Great!! thanks Ronnie
Pretty good. Thank you Ronnie
Thanks a lot for your time.
i like that, my first lesson
you are all great but please put english subtitles on video
Very nice lesson, thanks so much
Thanks for this lesson !
Ronnie is great teacher she learning investing I like how she explan thing and make it fun to see Thank you Ronnie
Im Brazilian and very happy this lesson.
Thats a good lessone,greatings from Serbia.
you grow up my confident.
thanks mam i understand this lesson.thank you very much. you have such a great way of teaching English.
It’s interesting topic to this leecture.
Thank you, Ronnie. I love your lessons.
thanks :D !!
great Ronnie :)
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie:)
Good job! Thank you!
Thank you.)
Ronnie, you are my best teacher :)
Ronnie, you are a great teacher
thank you for sharing your knowledge to us
Love your class Ronnie. I got a dime (10) :D
Ronnie Thank you
Thanks. It is complex to explain money.
Thanks Ronnie. I’m not just adding words in my vocabulary, I’m also learning many thing about the USA. Thanks.
I’m addicted to your lessons, thank you soo much !!
Very nice video
You are an excellent teacher, thanks Ronnie
Ronnie , is it a good teaching method to mix some slang words while teaching my students ?
teavher is great!!
She is the best English teacher I’v ever saw!
Thank you.
Very nice video.
a penny for your thoughts (;
Thanks a lot….
Thank you Ronnie for teaching me this lesson about money, it was an easy video to watch.
Thank you Ronnie.
It is happy to know how dollars and coins are called in North America.
Ronnie, I like to learn English with you.
Ronnie, you’re the best!
Thank you, Ronnie. Everything you teaches is always useful and helpful to me.
Ronnie, you are my favorite teacher
HI Ronnie, i like your behaviour in teaching english it’s very good, thank you so much.
I’m looking for a friend who want practice english with me. thank you
yaaah . i got 90 percent :)
Thanks ronnie. I got 100 percent ‘n’ half of this is for you.
i’m still learning
thanks !
thanks for you
oh, it’s very interesting!! (y)
I’m a beginner. Thank you so much for your lesson. :))))
very good explanation Ronnie you are very good english teacher , if someone wanna talk with me to practice english my skype is ( isac.33)
Hii ronie , Why this website is not like social networking type .. I mean there are lots of members from different countries .. We all together can share our thoughts here and can improve our skill as well by discussing on videos we watched here on your channel …
Hi, Ronnie I like so much this lesson. I don’t have a penny at moment.
Hi Ronnie, you ‘r great Lecturer. but I have question…. why engvid doesn’t have a social conversation with member in site to improve a skill about speaking?
Ronnie is the great teacher, thx a lot:)
9 of 10
thanks Ronnie
pls pls pls……….. Ronnie do a vedio upon phrasal verbs and idioms…….i love the way u teach .so i would love to have those lessons with u only……. am i getting too demanding …… as i will .because u have got these vedios for freee….hehe!!
i meant …… u have got these vedios fre for us……
I like your videos
thank you
Thank you for every thing you doing to us
I love your lessons very much my favorat teacher
i got 9 , i couldn’t focus :D
Oh, I didn’t know that there are many slangs of money. I thought money is just money. Also, I agree with your opinion that money is not good for us because money ruins people’s life and destoys family. But we need money unavoidably and we can’t imagine without money.
Anyway, in korea, there is no special name or slang of money. So what you taught about money’s many names on video is really really confusing to me. It’s difficult to remember the each name. :( But, after I watched your video, i can know clearly. Thanks, Ronnie. You’re the best teacher!!! XD
Thank u Ronnie…you are the best
Thanks Mam, got 80%
penny, nickel and dime…
Thank you so much i like that’s leasson
Excellent lesson :)
very useful lesson
I got 10/10 :D
Very well!
ronnie you are a great teatcher and i like your lessons and i will lessen to all your lessons good bye and thank you very much beacuse you teatch me
ronnie you are a great teatcher and i like your lessons and i will lessen to all your lessons good bye and thank you very much and im now (^_^)
no one is in isreal
no one is somali
Thank you for this lesson, but subtitles to the video were wrong:(
you are the best teacher!!!
Thanks a lot for all your lessons, Ronnie! They are so intresting and understanding! I’m really glad to find it.
thank you very much
Every time that I watched sitcoms, I heard the characters saying bucks after bucks everywhere. I had no idea what this word meant. Now I know!
A love Ronnie.
That was awesome))) thank you!
Great! Thanks!
Thanks Ronnie I think you playfully!
Great teacher–>great information.Thanks a lot!
Hi Ronnie, your lessons are very helpfull to me. Me and my husbund are going to U. S next vocation. Thanks a lot.
I interested in the lesson. Thanks miss. Ronnie
I like this lesson. Thumbs up!
Ronnie is the best!
Thanks, very interesting
Ronnie thanks a lot, you are the first English teacher in my long life (55) I can understand every word. :-))
Hepfull video Ronnie…
In Ireland also the bills are called NOTES..
thank you for knowledge
i follow you , teacher Ronnie.
It was great! Thanks a lot, Ronnie.
All your lessons are veeery awesome and usefull! And so funny too, I laugh a lot watching it . Tnks Ronnie!
I got 10 out of 10 .Thank you Ronnie,,,I love the way you teach!!!
i just went through the quiz because it is filtered in iran , though i enjoyed doing the quiz it was great
Cheers mate.
Thank you!! I really like your funny lectures, especially the Canadian English part!
Thank you Ronnie. I love the way you teach!!!
Hi body!
Is there anyone who have some coins like pennis, nickels, or dimes to borrow me?
Can you give me a penny to my thoughts, because I have very profound view toward the universe?
Thanks Ronnie!
Thank you 100 score.
the best teacher ever…. :)
Hi Ronnie.I like you very much.I am listening to your lessons every day.thanks alot for your amazing teaching english.
you are the best you are my best teacherIhave ever seen
wooow,it is great knowledge for me.
Hi Ronnie! Keep the good work up.
Thanks Ronnie…
stop on a dime means in french: une personne peut trouver une solution à son problème rapidement et efficacement! :)))
Thanks Ronnie, It’s an excellent class. It help me a lot
Hi ronnie you are wonderfull i like so much your lessons
funny one like it . This is my first stop and will go on
Ronnie is the best teacher! I learnt a lot with your lessons!
Hi Ronnie,
I want to tell you about money in my country ( Egypt)
200 two hundred pounds (Paper )
100 one hundred pounds ( paper )
50 fifty pounds ( paper )
20 twenty pounds ( paper )
10 ten pounds ( paper )
5 five pounds ( paper )
1 pound (coins)
No more
thanks ronnie really U teach me more and more thank U.
Thank you so much
really u very good teacher
You are great. You really put your heart on what you do, tnks.
Thanks you Ronnie
Love you,Ronnie! Great teacher!
Thanks Ronnie you are the best
You are great teacher
Quiz answers possible, are very funniest…thats made me laugh badly.
I would give you two millions of coins,such to be so good teacher… Thank you Ronnie.
thanks ronnie :D
thanks ronnie
Thank you Ronnie…
I’m feeling awesome..
It was a funny lesson, thanks Ronnie!
Because we talk about money i got 100 of 100 hhhhhh thanks Ronnie and i wish to you a lot of dime ,dollars ,loonie ,toonie ,a quarter ,a nickle , coins , bills, cash , and bitcoins
9/10! Good! Money lesson is funny and useful!
thanks a lot Ronnie, now i know slang about money 1 bucks, 2 bucks, omg this is so cool!