Fear is your worst enemy when it comes to speaking English. In this special class, I will give you my top ten tips for speaking English, starting with #1: RELAX! Don’t worry, tips 2–10 show you how to do that. I have taught English in many different countries, for decades. This video is made up of what I know works for English learners.
Got 89 :). Thank you Adam. Great and super effective lesson.
Thank you Adam and I wish you have a good week
9 points will keep in mind, thanks a lot:)
I hope that it will be work.
Thank you Adam for helpful lesson.
Thank you Adam
The fifth question is absolutely true. Sometimes you need to communicate someting instead practice. In all languages is the same. Great lecture.
Pedrop Guijarrog
Thank you so much Adam ;)
Thank you.
Naing KO
Thank you Adam for motivativaion and hope. I’m afraid of everything and everywhere always.I’ve wish learning and speaking english since my adolescense,but always I think that it’s very difficult and not achievable.But now I try to be confidence and relax,take away my big fear,but it’s not always possible.But I do my best and keep learning english,with ENGVID it’s more interesting and effecting. Million thanks for your work
Good luck :)
Hi, Adam. As you said couple of times in this video ” you GONNA HAVE to speak (or something)…..”, I wonder if such construction of sentence is okay,/acceptable or being prevailed lately EVEN in spoken English. I am not quite sure, but it sounded awkward to me. But, it’s has been prevailing that native can hardly be wrong. I am also curious to know can someone write down the same way (i.e., gonna have to…) in thier writings?
Hi Sajib333,
Written and spoken English are very different. In most cases, do not write like you speak.
As for my speaking style, this was a pretty casual video, so speaking in a casual way only aims to show that English is not always perfect. In fact, it mostly isn’t; in most situations you will hear native speakers make mistakes and/or take shortcuts. Anyway,in different contexts I speak differently. It depends on the audience, the topic, etc.
Hope this helps.
thank you, you are bomb.
Thanks Adam! Very interesting lesson!
Thanks Adam!
You are the Alpha and Omega for English.
Thanks Mr Adam!
I see the learning of a language a way to reach all those accomplishements you said and, I believe as much as a can. I have been thinking like that since I started, and absorved interesting knowledge reading, watching videos, learning new language pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, idioms, prhasal verbs. I enjoy ENGVID very murch, that’s it!
Thanks again!
A great lesson from a great teacher.
Mansour Elsheikh
Silly me. Being a comedian. Thank you Adam. I enjoy your video. I feel better.
Thank you so much :)
Paola Jaqueline
Thank you for the great lesson!
Thank you, Adam.
Msgdy Alhaddad
Thank you adam
mary bhd
Thank you Adam, i’ve just enjoyed watching your video.
Great job ,Adam
Seif Eldawla
Hi man which state do you live in ??
thanks.this is the excellent video
Thank u ?
I’m sumaiya
Sumaiya. Tunio
I want to communicate with my dear foreign friends fluently in English.
Thank Adam.
thank you very useful
i agree!
massimo voltattorni
Thank you, Adam.you know, for me, everytime I practice my oral english with myclassmates, I always try to speak a full sentence so I afraid of making mistakes. After listening your video I will change my idea about that. Thank you very much!
thanks alot Adam!
Hadeel AB
Thank you Adam!
I got 100
Thanks Adam for the information about improvement in in speaking English that really works.
Thank you so much sir Adam. This video is so great! God bless
Thank you Adam, I’ve been following your Youtube Channel over the last weeks in order to get ready for my Language Cert, your teaching style is engaging, plain and useful, thank you so much. I fancy listening to a lesson about phrasal verbs with “make”, are you planning to carry it out in the near future?
would you give your whatsapp number
Axmed Cabdi Maxamed
I’ll see what I can do Paolo ;)
Hi Adam I am really interested to have your what’s up number to ask some questions is it possible
Thank you for this platform for hus
Sumit Pardeshi
Thank you Adam for making this helpful video.
thank you, sir.
Hi Adam, I really appreciate the way you teach English. It is always a pleasure to take yours lessons.
Gerard Chagnon
thank you sir
kaouther belhadj
I got 89, thanks. everything is true!
thanks a lot for your advice , your speech is very motivating and encouraging.
Thanks a lot!
Israel Lucas
thanks, Adm you give me a chance to learn useful things help me to learn English. the very important thing to be confident
Thank you!
Nilton Valentini
Adam, you’re simply amazing. I love your classes a lot.
Alex Oliv.ira
Dear Adam,
Thanks a lot for your lesson! This was very helpful for me )
Thank you sir
Anyone here to help me for improving speaking skill in English by conversation. thanisarm@gmail.com
thanks for this video is important ideas clarificary
Jose Lemus
Thanks alot sir ❤️?
Kankana Chowdhury
What i can do if i fail the quiz?
Esse hassan
Try it again Esse. You’ll get better with practice. ;)
Thank you Mr. Adam.
Thank you so much, Its really very helpful video.
Thank you very much mr adam
Tharindu Lakshan
Thank you sir ,i just strat learning english , i watch your video 1 time, after taht i took 100(9 of 9 )
.This is my plan : morrning go to the park and talk to other people afternoon watch your movies and again go to the park and talk again .
Thank you Adam, the video is super helpful. One of the major problems of English learners is that we think too much and speak too little.
David Bui
Thank you everyone. I’m happy this was helpful :)
thank you very much for this video, these advises are so smart and simple at the same time.
Thank you I got a perfect score.
you really inspire me to speak in English this is very helpful I’m glad that I’m here.
Grace Tee
hi, today is my first day to learn English and I like the class
elvira martinez
Welcome Elvira :)
That’s true, very clear lesson, very motivating lesson. It’s that I try to do nowaday and its working and trueworthy for me.
That would be helpful
I am Vietnamese
“If you are perfect you have nothing to learn, if you make mistakes you have something not to repeat!” a treasure indeed!
This was very helpful for me , because i only make mistakes when I think about it , when you speak with someone who speaks English you keep thinking that you don’t wanna make mistakes
Ahmed karawia
Thank you Adam,
Very motivating video.
hello Aadam
i cant give a good grade in this test :(
that was very hard to me.plaese help me to improve my english.thanks a lot dear teacher
Don’t worry Sara. Keep trying. it will get easier :)
Thank you sir! Its really helpful
Raj mahato
you are sexy person I have ever met
Yasar aydin
Thank you Adam. The lesson was very interesting and helpful. You are so relaxed and friendly that is easy to understand you. I wish I could speak like that in the future
Hi dear Adam. Why do you say “If you (do) have any question” ? Why did you use “do”?
Thanks :)
Adam, thank you! Your energy is awesome! I’m really motivated.
Aktoty Slambay
Nazih Nouh
thank you so much, you give me self confident and it was very helpful
habiba beltagi
you can translate your words into persian
mohammad hamid
Thank you very much sir.
Della Opong
why you here, you are from Canada?)
It was interesting, very clear!
hi everyone hi adam. I started my class today, I hope everyone can help me. Thanks
Do Dinh Hieu
Thank you Mr.Adam, i will try to speak without fearless speaking.
Thank you, for your tips
7 from 9, not enouph
Hi ADAM, can you give advice where i can prepare to eilts by myself for free?
Thank ADAM. Thank for all keys and conclusion(quizz).
Parienne Fraize
Thank you Adam, I will keep this 9 advice in my mind.
I got 100% thanks Teacher for your time!!
Thank you Sir for the tips.
Thank you Adam I appreciate your advices and It will help us if we use it more and developing our self to be perfect in English thank wish to u a great day and life and be happy your the best.
Hi, I hope you are Ok, I want to ask how to write “research” in plural.
thanks for your help
Ameur Mosbah
it was a very important topic. I think this topic helps us. thank you sir
thanx for your tips! very supporting !
Thank you Was the Best¡¡¡¡¡
Got 79,thanks Adam:)
Great tips!
Thank you!
I won’t asume
Esperanza Cevallos
thank u so much i dont have any f question
youcef abual3la
Hi thanks for this lesson. I’m from Hindustan (India) here I can easily find speaking partner but I’m afraid to speak people judge Indian’s thinks if u don’t know English u r not smart enough.. They judge u. I’m working more on vocabulary and watching and leaning from ur videos so I can speak slowly slowly.. My biggest problem is my fear..
Nishu malviya
Thank you, Adam. very useful as all your videos/classes…
thank you teacher..
Thank you video teachers
Hi ! Adam
Do you have speaking class for foreigner English learner ?
Chork Sreng
please Adam, could you speak more slowly?
i am beginner.
i got 8/9
Thank you teacher I got 7/9
thank u teacher
Thanks a lot
Thank you.
Thank you ?
Another great lesson…Thanx Adam for all your effort and dedication in helpingto us (the non english native comunity) in our process to become much better english speaker…God bless you!
thank you adam
thanks for these tips
Fahd Nasser
You are the best teacher.
Anna I-a
thenk you my best teacher adam
Thank u i really enjoyed
thank you Adam for this lesson I appreciate your presentation.
Very inspiring lesson, thank you very much Adam.
78 thanks Aadam
Thank you for giving such good advice, Adam!
A couple of years ago I used to be quite adventurous and went on a coach trip to the South of England with a group of Brits. At the beginning of the trip I was very nervous, asking myself what I was doing there, but gradually I got to know my fellow travellers better and spent a lovely time there. In the same way I travelled to Scotland. Two years ago I’d booked a trip to Ireland which was cancelled due to the pandemic.
Best wishes, Claudia from Berlin
thank you
I have one question ,I wonder if the aliens know everything and do not make mistakes because you put them in choices ? what do think?
100%. Thanks. As special opinion being relaxed it’s all. Let me tell a story. I runned out for a NOC job during 1 month. Being afreid was the cause for not election for the job even tha I have70% of english with the posibility of training and Englisn conversation sessions. The problem was that some times got so nervous and I don’t know why because I’m good in other areas that needs control. At the end I think I get nervous becuase lack of practice with somebody else.
89. Thanks for the lesson. It provides the right ways to contnue.
Htay Hlaing
Adam you’re the best!
jahan melekeyewa
I really respect your way of thinking. Thank you so much.
Merci Mr Adam
I will like to learn English
as I can so I will pay a lot of effort IF Allah say
thank Mr Adam
my teacher
you are best
I’ll try to apply those tips. thanks.
id like to speak engl good as soon as possible and thnx sir for ur help
Thank you so much
Thank you Adam for motivation and hope , You help me a lot
Nora Rabee
I got 69 on my first test. Hahaha!!!
You are really a good English teacher.
Mohamed Francis Norman
It is one of the interesting vidion order to speak english languag Thank you
Hi Adam,
How can I register with your Course?
Ashraf Company
HiAdam, I wonder if I registry in your call or not. reply me please.
Ashraf Company
Thank u Adam. It was helpful.
Thank you so much teacher adam?
Tanks you for all tings your do
Thanks Adam, you are a great teacher!
thanks Adam, it’s help me
Depending on the environment you work, engaging and adventuring is too much sacrifice. After 8 years, I still struggle with listening comprehension because the speakers around me (British work class) have got a horrible English.No articulation, too much contractions, poor grammar…not to mention the stupid conversations they bring (small talks). It’s a real dilemma, keeping quiet or involving in unnecessary rubbish conversations…sometimes toxic as they end up in gossiping.
…but your advice Adam is pretty valuable; I identify myself with all those hurdles you mention. Stuck in the 7th one. :( which makes me ask: what if the culture in which you live doesn’t let you grow a feeling of belonging?
Excellent class Adam, i appreciate a lot such good advicess
Thank you Adam I hope you have a great weekend.
Abdelrahman Ahmed
Thanks for your tips how to speak better, I will try to apply your tip.
Thank you Adam so much
nehal atef
it was useful for me many thanks Mr.Adam
Very useful practical advice applicable to daily life. Thank you very much for taking your time and sharing your experiences.
Hi, Adam! You are such a wonderful speaker and teacher. I just love your lessons. I passed my exams 2 years ago and confirmed upper intermediate level but stuck on to there )) Meanwhile I made an attempt to make some rhymes )) I didn’t find any email , so will you excuse my impoliteness if I post this just to see or if I’m lucky to read your comments as a native about it. That would be great because I can’t find how it feels for the native speaker . Thank you in advance. So here it is :
The way of leaders is never smooth,
It’s always rough and full of wolves.
Those aren’t scared of taking one
Who pay respect to what’ve been done,
Who can create a brand new world,
Who can unite by strength of a word,
Who leads the team to a distinct goal,
Who will not let his co-mate fall.
The leaders are the ones to follow
Through thick and thin,
Through deеp and shallow.
No matter what
Times come to change us,
Those still stand straight
Whose hearts are courageous
To meet the difficulty’s face
To keep on going till the end of a race.
Ironically, the race is a spiral.
The faster is speed
The hotter is rally.
A dream tastes sweet
A prize tastes sweat
Now it’s time for us
To beat the bet.
To make a statement with impact
A leader’s mission is to act!
In order to the other wolves
Competing hard without the rules
With eyes are ready to attack
Bow their heads in full respect.
Anna Romanenko
that is a great job
keep it up
Great job!
hi teacher, it’s my first time on this website, thanks for your lesson, I got 89
Great thank you so much
9/9! Great! Thanks for your tips! I will keep these tips in my head to try all.
Jerry Gu
Thank you , Adam for these very important tips !
Thank you Adam! You are an amazing teacher
I got 6/9. Thank You Sir,You r Great.
thank you a lot
Ahmed saeed
thank u for everything ADAM.
i need to learn and speak english because it’s very important. i can do it with you, i am so lucky for discovered u. you’re very good person.
Well… I`ve got 78.
The 2nd and 5th make me confuse.
I sign up an account because I am so curious about who is Ronnie in the question 10.
Adam, I like the way you’re getting across your ideas/lessons.
Thanks a lot for your job! :)
Thank you Adam.
thank you so much my teacher Adam
Thanks alot Adam , from Cancun Meixco
Thank you for your brilliant videos! Use them often to teach my students in Ukraine.
Thank you, Adam, I am 50 years old and I am studied e English since I had 16 years, but today it’s my first class when I received instructions on how to start to speak. I am going to practice all that you teach us.
Great; thank you a lot
Thank you Adam
good work
Thanks teacher!
I got 8/9 .On my opinion people who don’t make mistakes are not human and even some A.I needs to be checked better. LOL!
Hahaha, you missed the 10th tip, but don’t worry, mistakes are good. Thank you; you are a very good teacher.
I really appreciate this video ,i will keep learning following your advice
thank you Adam ,
Hi, thanks alot Mr Adam.
How can I be good in speaking American accent? I’m really great grateful for you.
Thanks Adam this help me a lot. Since there is no one around me for practice english so i need to do mirror thing i guess.
Amina Sherif
Mstr Adam , I’m Algerian girl and I don’t stand English how I spike english😭
Aya belarbi
Thanks a lot for this lesson.
It`s really helpful.
You`re an amazing teacher.
Thank you Adam!
Tanks a lot Dear Mr. ADAM. You are very Nice teacher.
Thank you Adam. Yuor lesson is very interesting
Gloria Corso
Thank you Mr. Adam. You are a great teacher.
Thank you Adam
thank you
Thank you so much for the motivation, it is very helpful on my journey to improve my ENGLISH.
Ali ghan
Tanks ADAm…be confedanc
Darwesh 3
That was amazing the way you teach Adam .I appreciate it .thanks a lot
what a beautiful speech! thank you sir! I’ll try
Thank you, Adam!
10/10 thank you so much
I am so happy I lessened the video with out translating it
I answered the questions and got 9 out of 9 👏👏👏
Love your motivated, creativity and so helpful videos. Thank you!
My name is Gonzalo. I completed my Ph.D. in Teaching, Learning, and Culture, focusing on Literacy and Biliteracy at the University of Texas at El Paso, USA. I currently work as a faculty member at the University of Ciudad Juárez in Mexico, teaching in the English Teaching program. I want to collaborate with you on topics related to the preparation of non-native English speaker teachers.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Got 89 :). Thank you Adam. Great and super effective lesson.
Thank you Adam and I wish you have a good week
9 points will keep in mind, thanks a lot:)
I hope that it will be work.
Thank you Adam for helpful lesson.
Thank you Adam
The fifth question is absolutely true. Sometimes you need to communicate someting instead practice. In all languages is the same. Great lecture.
Thank you so much Adam ;)
Thank you.
Thank you Adam for motivativaion and hope. I’m afraid of everything and everywhere always.I’ve wish learning and speaking english since my adolescense,but always I think that it’s very difficult and not achievable.But now I try to be confidence and relax,take away my big fear,but it’s not always possible.But I do my best and keep learning english,with ENGVID it’s more interesting and effecting. Million thanks for your work
Good luck :)
Hi, Adam. As you said couple of times in this video ” you GONNA HAVE to speak (or something)…..”, I wonder if such construction of sentence is okay,/acceptable or being prevailed lately EVEN in spoken English. I am not quite sure, but it sounded awkward to me. But, it’s has been prevailing that native can hardly be wrong. I am also curious to know can someone write down the same way (i.e., gonna have to…) in thier writings?
Hi Sajib333,
Written and spoken English are very different. In most cases, do not write like you speak.
As for my speaking style, this was a pretty casual video, so speaking in a casual way only aims to show that English is not always perfect. In fact, it mostly isn’t; in most situations you will hear native speakers make mistakes and/or take shortcuts. Anyway,in different contexts I speak differently. It depends on the audience, the topic, etc.
Hope this helps.
thank you, you are bomb.
Thanks Adam! Very interesting lesson!
Thanks Adam!
You are the Alpha and Omega for English.
Thanks Mr Adam!
I see the learning of a language a way to reach all those accomplishements you said and, I believe as much as a can. I have been thinking like that since I started, and absorved interesting knowledge reading, watching videos, learning new language pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, idioms, prhasal verbs. I enjoy ENGVID very murch, that’s it!
Thanks again!
A great lesson from a great teacher.
Silly me. Being a comedian. Thank you Adam. I enjoy your video. I feel better.
Thank you so much :)
Thank you for the great lesson!
Thank you, Adam.
Thank you adam
Thank you Adam, i’ve just enjoyed watching your video.
Great job ,Adam
Hi man which state do you live in ??
thanks.this is the excellent video
Thank u ?
I’m sumaiya
I want to communicate with my dear foreign friends fluently in English.
Thank Adam.
thank you very useful
i agree!
Thank you, Adam.you know, for me, everytime I practice my oral english with myclassmates, I always try to speak a full sentence so I afraid of making mistakes. After listening your video I will change my idea about that. Thank you very much!
thanks alot Adam!
Thank you Adam!
I got 100
Thanks Adam for the information about improvement in in speaking English that really works.
Thank you so much sir Adam. This video is so great! God bless
Thank you Adam, I’ve been following your Youtube Channel over the last weeks in order to get ready for my Language Cert, your teaching style is engaging, plain and useful, thank you so much. I fancy listening to a lesson about phrasal verbs with “make”, are you planning to carry it out in the near future?
would you give your whatsapp number
I’ll see what I can do Paolo ;)
Hi Adam I am really interested to have your what’s up number to ask some questions is it possible
Thank you for this platform for hus
Thank you Adam for making this helpful video.
thank you, sir.
Hi Adam, I really appreciate the way you teach English. It is always a pleasure to take yours lessons.
thank you sir
I got 89, thanks. everything is true!
thanks a lot for your advice , your speech is very motivating and encouraging.
Thanks a lot!
thanks, Adm you give me a chance to learn useful things help me to learn English. the very important thing to be confident
Thank you!
Adam, you’re simply amazing. I love your classes a lot.
Dear Adam,
Thanks a lot for your lesson! This was very helpful for me )
Thank you sir
Anyone here to help me for improving speaking skill in English by conversation.
thanks for this video is important ideas clarificary
Thanks alot sir ❤️?
What i can do if i fail the quiz?
Try it again Esse. You’ll get better with practice. ;)
Thank you Mr. Adam.
Thank you so much, Its really very helpful video.
Thank you very much mr adam
Thank you sir ,i just strat learning english , i watch your video 1 time, after taht i took 100(9 of 9 )
.This is my plan : morrning go to the park and talk to other people afternoon watch your movies and again go to the park and talk again .
Thank you Adam, the video is super helpful. One of the major problems of English learners is that we think too much and speak too little.
Thank you everyone. I’m happy this was helpful :)
thank you very much for this video, these advises are so smart and simple at the same time.
Thank you I got a perfect score.
you really inspire me to speak in English this is very helpful I’m glad that I’m here.
hi, today is my first day to learn English and I like the class
Welcome Elvira :)
That’s true, very clear lesson, very motivating lesson. It’s that I try to do nowaday and its working and trueworthy for me.
That would be helpful
“If you are perfect you have nothing to learn, if you make mistakes you have something not to repeat!” a treasure indeed!
This was very helpful for me , because i only make mistakes when I think about it , when you speak with someone who speaks English you keep thinking that you don’t wanna make mistakes
Thank you Adam,
Very motivating video.
hello Aadam
i cant give a good grade in this test :(
that was very hard to me.plaese help me to improve my english.thanks a lot dear teacher
Don’t worry Sara. Keep trying. it will get easier :)
Thank you sir! Its really helpful
you are sexy person I have ever met
Thank you Adam. The lesson was very interesting and helpful. You are so relaxed and friendly that is easy to understand you. I wish I could speak like that in the future
Hi dear Adam. Why do you say “If you (do) have any question” ? Why did you use “do”?
Thanks :)
Adam, thank you! Your energy is awesome! I’m really motivated.
thank you so much, you give me self confident and it was very helpful
you can translate your words into persian
Thank you very much sir.
why you here, you are from Canada?)
It was interesting, very clear!
hi everyone hi adam. I started my class today, I hope everyone can help me. Thanks
Thank you Mr.Adam, i will try to speak without fearless speaking.
Thank you, for your tips
7 from 9, not enouph
Hi ADAM, can you give advice where i can prepare to eilts by myself for free?
Thank ADAM. Thank for all keys and conclusion(quizz).
Thank you Adam, I will keep this 9 advice in my mind.
I got 100% thanks Teacher for your time!!
Thank you Sir for the tips.
Thank you Adam I appreciate your advices and It will help us if we use it more and developing our self to be perfect in English thank wish to u a great day and life and be happy your the best.
Hi, I hope you are Ok, I want to ask how to write “research” in plural.
thanks for your help
it was a very important topic. I think this topic helps us. thank you sir
thanx for your tips! very supporting !
Thank you Was the Best¡¡¡¡¡
Got 79,thanks Adam:)
Great tips!
Thank you!
I won’t asume
thank u so much i dont have any f question
Hi thanks for this lesson. I’m from Hindustan (India) here I can easily find speaking partner but I’m afraid to speak people judge Indian’s thinks if u don’t know English u r not smart enough.. They judge u. I’m working more on vocabulary and watching and leaning from ur videos so I can speak slowly slowly.. My biggest problem is my fear..
Thank you, Adam. very useful as all your videos/classes…
thank you teacher..
Thank you video teachers
Hi ! Adam
Do you have speaking class for foreigner English learner ?
please Adam, could you speak more slowly?
i am beginner.
i got 8/9
Thank you teacher I got 7/9
thank u teacher
Thanks a lot
Thank you.
Thank you ?
Another great lesson…Thanx Adam for all your effort and dedication in helpingto us (the non english native comunity) in our process to become much better english speaker…God bless you!
thank you adam
thanks for these tips
You are the best teacher.
thenk you my best teacher adam
Thank u i really enjoyed
thank you Adam for this lesson I appreciate your presentation.
Very inspiring lesson, thank you very much Adam.
78 thanks Aadam
Thank you for giving such good advice, Adam!
A couple of years ago I used to be quite adventurous and went on a coach trip to the South of England with a group of Brits. At the beginning of the trip I was very nervous, asking myself what I was doing there, but gradually I got to know my fellow travellers better and spent a lovely time there. In the same way I travelled to Scotland. Two years ago I’d booked a trip to Ireland which was cancelled due to the pandemic.
Best wishes, Claudia from Berlin
thank you
I have one question ,I wonder if the aliens know everything and do not make mistakes because you put them in choices ? what do think?
100%. Thanks. As special opinion being relaxed it’s all. Let me tell a story. I runned out for a NOC job during 1 month. Being afreid was the cause for not election for the job even tha I have70% of english with the posibility of training and Englisn conversation sessions. The problem was that some times got so nervous and I don’t know why because I’m good in other areas that needs control. At the end I think I get nervous becuase lack of practice with somebody else.
89. Thanks for the lesson. It provides the right ways to contnue.
Adam you’re the best!
I really respect your way of thinking. Thank you so much.
Merci Mr Adam
I will like to learn English
as I can so I will pay a lot of effort IF Allah say
thank Mr Adam
my teacher
you are best
I’ll try to apply those tips. thanks.
id like to speak engl good as soon as possible and thnx sir for ur help
Thank you so much
Thank you Adam for motivation and hope , You help me a lot
I got 69 on my first test. Hahaha!!!
You are really a good English teacher.
It is one of the interesting vidion order to speak english languag Thank you
Hi Adam,
How can I register with your Course?
HiAdam, I wonder if I registry in your call or not. reply me please.
Thank u Adam. It was helpful.
Thank you so much teacher adam?
Tanks you for all tings your do
Thanks Adam, you are a great teacher!
thanks Adam, it’s help me
Depending on the environment you work, engaging and adventuring is too much sacrifice. After 8 years, I still struggle with listening comprehension because the speakers around me (British work class) have got a horrible English.No articulation, too much contractions, poor grammar…not to mention the stupid conversations they bring (small talks). It’s a real dilemma, keeping quiet or involving in unnecessary rubbish conversations…sometimes toxic as they end up in gossiping.
…but your advice Adam is pretty valuable; I identify myself with all those hurdles you mention. Stuck in the 7th one. :( which makes me ask: what if the culture in which you live doesn’t let you grow a feeling of belonging?
Excellent class Adam, i appreciate a lot such good advicess
Thank you Adam I hope you have a great weekend.
Thanks for your tips how to speak better, I will try to apply your tip.
Thank you Adam so much
it was useful for me many thanks Mr.Adam
Very useful practical advice applicable to daily life. Thank you very much for taking your time and sharing your experiences.
Hi, Adam! You are such a wonderful speaker and teacher. I just love your lessons. I passed my exams 2 years ago and confirmed upper intermediate level but stuck on to there )) Meanwhile I made an attempt to make some rhymes )) I didn’t find any email , so will you excuse my impoliteness if I post this just to see or if I’m lucky to read your comments as a native about it. That would be great because I can’t find how it feels for the native speaker . Thank you in advance. So here it is :
The way of leaders is never smooth,
It’s always rough and full of wolves.
Those aren’t scared of taking one
Who pay respect to what’ve been done,
Who can create a brand new world,
Who can unite by strength of a word,
Who leads the team to a distinct goal,
Who will not let his co-mate fall.
The leaders are the ones to follow
Through thick and thin,
Through deеp and shallow.
No matter what
Times come to change us,
Those still stand straight
Whose hearts are courageous
To meet the difficulty’s face
To keep on going till the end of a race.
Ironically, the race is a spiral.
The faster is speed
The hotter is rally.
A dream tastes sweet
A prize tastes sweat
Now it’s time for us
To beat the bet.
To make a statement with impact
A leader’s mission is to act!
In order to the other wolves
Competing hard without the rules
With eyes are ready to attack
Bow their heads in full respect.
that is a great job
keep it up
Great job!
hi teacher, it’s my first time on this website, thanks for your lesson, I got 89
Great thank you so much
9/9! Great! Thanks for your tips! I will keep these tips in my head to try all.
Thank you , Adam for these very important tips !
Thank you Adam! You are an amazing teacher
I got 6/9. Thank You Sir,You r Great.
thank you a lot
thank u for everything ADAM.
i need to learn and speak english because it’s very important. i can do it with you, i am so lucky for discovered u. you’re very good person.
Well… I`ve got 78.
The 2nd and 5th make me confuse.
I sign up an account because I am so curious about who is Ronnie in the question 10.
Adam, I like the way you’re getting across your ideas/lessons.
Thanks a lot for your job! :)
Thank you Adam.
thank you so much my teacher Adam
Thanks alot Adam , from Cancun Meixco
Thank you for your brilliant videos! Use them often to teach my students in Ukraine.
Thank you, Adam, I am 50 years old and I am studied e English since I had 16 years, but today it’s my first class when I received instructions on how to start to speak. I am going to practice all that you teach us.
Great; thank you a lot
Thank you Adam
good work
Thanks teacher!
I got 8/9 .On my opinion people who don’t make mistakes are not human and even some A.I needs to be checked better. LOL!
Hahaha, you missed the 10th tip, but don’t worry, mistakes are good. Thank you; you are a very good teacher.
I really appreciate this video ,i will keep learning following your advice
thank you Adam ,
Hi, thanks alot Mr Adam.
How can I be good in speaking American accent? I’m really great grateful for you.
Thanks Adam this help me a lot. Since there is no one around me for practice english so i need to do mirror thing i guess.
Mstr Adam , I’m Algerian girl and I don’t stand English how I spike english😭
Thanks a lot for this lesson.
It`s really helpful.
You`re an amazing teacher.
Thank you Adam!
Tanks a lot Dear Mr. ADAM. You are very Nice teacher.
Thank you Adam. Yuor lesson is very interesting
Thank you Mr. Adam. You are a great teacher.
Thank you Adam
thank you
Thank you so much for the motivation, it is very helpful on my journey to improve my ENGLISH.
Tanks ADAm…be confedanc
That was amazing the way you teach Adam .I appreciate it .thanks a lot
what a beautiful speech! thank you sir! I’ll try
Thank you, Adam!
10/10 thank you so much
I am so happy I lessened the video with out translating it
I answered the questions and got 9 out of 9 👏👏👏
Love your motivated, creativity and so helpful videos. Thank you!
My name is Gonzalo. I completed my Ph.D. in Teaching, Learning, and Culture, focusing on Literacy and Biliteracy at the University of Texas at El Paso, USA. I currently work as a faculty member at the University of Ciudad Juárez in Mexico, teaching in the English Teaching program. I want to collaborate with you on topics related to the preparation of non-native English speaker teachers.