Learn 7 words in English that are actually 14 words! These words can be either nouns or verbs, depending on where you put the stress when you pronounce the word. That means that these words are spelled the same, but have different functions depending on the way we say them. I’ll teach you the rule, go through the words and explain the noun and verb versions of each, and then we’ll do some practice. Let’s start!
I got 10/10, but i trully don’t understand everything, i only remember when emphasis at the fist article, that is noun, the lesson is hard and you speak a bit fast, I must rewatch manytimes to get it. thank James very much
nguyen van long
Thanks a lot.It was a very useful topic. I got 9/10
Ommar El Ard
ithink iam fool idont understand this lesson
Thank you James ??
Abdullah Katinah
Thanks a lot! Very helpful!
Thank you James, it is very useful for me.
REcord – recORd / IMport – impORt / EXport – expORt / PREsent – preSENT
Valery teacher
TRANSfer – transFER ;)
Thank you, Mr. Tom Jones, sorry, Mr. James ;)
i susPECT this was a PREsent class tnks a lot teachers James & Mr E.
Mr. James is excellent teacher. Very clear and easy to understand.
Thank you
Got it!
Thank you James for the amazing lesson!
Thank you a lot
Tamer Mansour
AKM Mostafa
Thank you, James, this lesson was very useful.
Love it.
Fenrir The Boss
the first time I watched this video, I couldn’t pass the little test so I was frustrated like heard that the cop see me as SUSpect so I was rejected.2 days later I back I increase my note.(((TY m.james))
Hello James!
Great lesson.
I liked it very much!
Thanks a lot!
Antonio Sergio G
Good lesson.
thank you Mr. James
Good 9/10
ı confused a bit about emphasis but ı did 8/10.
thanks Mr.James
I got 10/10
Abdulbasit Mauhoob
thank you Mr. James
I got 10/10?
Thank you?i learned a lot.
Good ı love the lesson
great, thanks
Thank you Mr. James. Your ability to present lessons is wonderful and unique as ever!
Thanks James I have 100%
Halimatu saal
Thanks James. I have 10/10. I love the lesson
Thanks James, I have a 100% also. Have a nice day.
Hello to everyone here! this is my first day on this website, and that seems so interesting to me. To sum up, I hope to learn from all teachers and each of you as well greetings.
Yeaahh, it’s extremely interesting, and fruitful lessons for us. Good luck!
Thank You.
I’m shocked!
Thank you. Still have a lot to learn and keep forgetting.
Thank you
Ricky Piandong
10/10 It was not a difficult lesson for me. Thanks anyway.
I think that I got this lol … 100% of quiz
Thank you, James, these stress pronunciation is vital for improving listening abilities.
1 verb How do I address the workers?
2 verb Please increase the volume.
3.( noun, verb) You need a permit if you want me to permit you to take it.
Thanks Mr James..for the lessons..??
I got 10 out of 10!Thank James!
Louis Wong
Thank you very much my dear teacher ???
Thanks Mr James.
9/10 = 90%
Aune Amunyela
I got 100!!! It was a very informative lesson. Thank you!!
adDRESS is a Verb,
inCREASE is a Verb,
PERmit is Noun and perMIT is Verb
Very good lesson. I really appreciated you the good explanation.
Garang Ngong Deng
Thanks a lot it was really useful and interesting
Great, though you could make the video shorter, we get the point soon enough. What about the exceptions? Why is it ‘immigrate and in’justice?
And I understand. AFter 10 years. Finally. Cheerz..
the answer:
Mohamed amine212
great help for all of us, as always your lessons are the best greetings to Mr. E and you
marc anthony
Thank you Teacher James. I got 10/10
Amira Abdulaziz
1. How do I adDRESS (v) the workers?
2. Please, IncREASE (v) the volume.
3. You need a PERmit (n) if you want me to perMIT (v) you to take it.
Great lesson, thank you sir
Nagwa Neweir 1973
💞Though I didn’t expect to get 7 the,quiz was amazing 💞
💞I happily redid the quiz and got 10… Now I feel confident.💞
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
It was really interesting for me
100% good
I got 10/10, but i trully don’t understand everything, i only remember when emphasis at the fist article, that is noun, the lesson is hard and you speak a bit fast, I must rewatch manytimes to get it. thank James very much
Thanks a lot.It was a very useful topic. I got 9/10
ithink iam fool idont understand this lesson
Thank you James ??
Thanks a lot! Very helpful!
Thank you James, it is very useful for me.
REcord – recORd / IMport – impORt / EXport – expORt / PREsent – preSENT
TRANSfer – transFER ;)
Thank you, Mr. Tom Jones, sorry, Mr. James ;)
i susPECT this was a PREsent class tnks a lot teachers James & Mr E.
Mr. James is excellent teacher. Very clear and easy to understand.
Thank you
Got it!
Thank you James for the amazing lesson!
Thank you a lot
Thank you, James, this lesson was very useful.
Love it.
the first time I watched this video, I couldn’t pass the little test so I was frustrated like heard that the cop see me as SUSpect so I was rejected.2 days later I back I increase my note.(((TY m.james))
Hello James!
Great lesson.
I liked it very much!
Thanks a lot!
Good lesson.
thank you Mr. James
Good 9/10
ı confused a bit about emphasis but ı did 8/10.
thanks Mr.James
I got 10/10
thank you Mr. James
I got 10/10?
Thank you?i learned a lot.
Good ı love the lesson
great, thanks
Thank you Mr. James. Your ability to present lessons is wonderful and unique as ever!
Thanks James I have 100%
Thanks James. I have 10/10. I love the lesson
Thanks James, I have a 100% also. Have a nice day.
Hello to everyone here! this is my first day on this website, and that seems so interesting to me. To sum up, I hope to learn from all teachers and each of you as well greetings.
Yeaahh, it’s extremely interesting, and fruitful lessons for us. Good luck!
Thank You.
I’m shocked!
Thank you. Still have a lot to learn and keep forgetting.
Thank you
10/10 It was not a difficult lesson for me. Thanks anyway.
I think that I got this lol … 100% of quiz
Thank you, James, these stress pronunciation is vital for improving listening abilities.
1 verb How do I address the workers?
2 verb Please increase the volume.
3.( noun, verb) You need a permit if you want me to permit you to take it.
Thanks Mr James..for the lessons..??
I got 10 out of 10!Thank James!
Thank you very much my dear teacher ???
Thanks Mr James.
9/10 = 90%
I got 100!!! It was a very informative lesson. Thank you!!
adDRESS is a Verb,
inCREASE is a Verb,
PERmit is Noun and perMIT is Verb
Very good lesson. I really appreciated you the good explanation.
Thanks a lot it was really useful and interesting
Great, though you could make the video shorter, we get the point soon enough. What about the exceptions? Why is it ‘immigrate and in’justice?
And I understand. AFter 10 years. Finally. Cheerz..
the answer:
great help for all of us, as always your lessons are the best greetings to Mr. E and you
Thank you Teacher James. I got 10/10
1. How do I adDRESS (v) the workers?
2. Please, IncREASE (v) the volume.
3. You need a PERmit (n) if you want me to perMIT (v) you to take it.
Great lesson, thank you sir
💞Though I didn’t expect to get 7 the,quiz was amazing 💞
💞I happily redid the quiz and got 10… Now I feel confident.💞
really I’m appreciate your presentation
done 9 out of 10
You did great job, James.