“I exited the building” = very strange English! “I shall teach you” = very old-fashioned English! “I joined the BBQ” = WHAT??? Exit, shall, and join are all old words, and are considered too formal nowadays! Learn how to use more natural words and expressions!
he aprendido que left es izquierda pero tambien significa dejar o salir por lo tanto no entiendo la respuesta 9 no tiene sentido decir yo izquierda para mi seria yo deje la escuela en lugar de decir me salí de la escuela. Gracias.
Edelmira Elizabeth
no lo que pasa que aca LEFT (DEJO) es el pasado de LEAVE(DEJAR)
Pardon me funny!
Pardon me! ha-ha funny.
I used to say beg sb pardon …
very British way lol
helo I’m richard
richard aybar
damn it, u had to mention the jungle in my country lol, u suck just kidding
wow wow, just came to my mind another mistake of mine regarding this class that made my friends dying laughing, instead of saying hallway I said corridor, cause it sounded more natural being a Portuguese speaker lol
I like it
I got 9 correct out of 10.
I got it too!
me either
9/10 What was your mistake?
And so did I!
Geraldo Magela Moreira
Very useful lesson thank you Ronnie
I’ve a big problem with the letter ( I )
when I spell it as( I )& when I spell it as ( e ) ?
Example..( vinegar) why we spell it as ( e ) & ( silent) why we spell it as ( I )..?
I hope you help me. or make a lesson to show the differences between ( I ) and (E)
Thank you
Thanks Ronnie..nice class.
The last question I got wrong, but I think I am right, Ronnie!
It asks “Which expression is “ too formal”, so the answer would be “What a pity”. This expression is too formal. However, I got it wrong because it says that the right answer is : “That sucks.” Nevertheless, that sucks, because “that sucks” is a not too formal at all. It is an informal way of speaking. Am right?
I should’ve gotten 10 out 10, not 9 out 10 LOL
About the last question, I agree with lisa28…
I heard “what a pity” was too formal.
BTW I got 7 correct out of 10. That’s too bad for me.
But I sometimes use “too formal” words. So your lesson was fun. Thank you, Ronnie.
I think nothing more but the word ‘not’ is missing in the question by a mistake. The right question is “Which expression is NOT too formal?”. Than the right answer is “That sucks”.
Sorry, friends! I made a mistake. This is fixed now.
Thanks for uploading the video :)
Jungle of Brazil? This is a prejudiced view about our contry here!
Aren’t there some anyway?
At least our jungles are the best. B-)
The best … The bigger !
I immediately left the office after i got your mail.Excuse me i have to answer this.Are you telling he took off while you were talking?That sucks man!.That was awesome.Thanks Ronny
Waligaa wax baro
correction.Are you telling me,i meant.I left(me)
Waligaa wax baro
thanks a lot
thanks Ronnie :)
I got 9 correct out of 10, but as lisa28 said, I think there was a mistake in the last question, is this right? You very fun Ronnie, thanks, I love your lessons ♥
How dare you challenge a Teacher you little girl. sorry, just kidding. This is a free world, anybody can voice their opening but what is right always will remain right, and wrong will be wrong, nobody can change that. you little girl your growing up fast say thank you to your mummy and daddy. have fun learning English.
i hot 9 correct ,but one false it’s ok,i’m ok
Nice, I like these new words, and I will used them. Thank you so much Ronnie.
Bonjour mes amis comment faites-vous, vous aimez l’anglais, je vous souhaite le meilleur pour apprendre l’anglais.
merci beaucoup mon ami J’espère que vous êtes heureux et en bonne santé.
Oui, mon ami, je suis en bonne santé vous remercier, je vous souhaite la même chose.
Merci beaucoup.
It is this right?*
is it right?
That’s y I wanna learn
Tahira durrani
Can I use old school vocabulary in academic writing?
Thank you Ronnie
Hi all, I make a page on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/englishconversationfree) for peaple who want to inprove their English conversation. You click on the Like and find person for conversation via skype for free. I am one of peaple who want to coversation. So add this side, more peaple, more comunication, bigger succes in learn English. Thanks and good luck
Thanks Ronnire.
wafa mohammad
Ronnie rocks the class!!! thanks a bunch!
thank you for this lesson ronnie..:)
It’s a pleasure to listen to you.Thanks, Ronnie.
“That sucks” instead of “What a pitty”? Doesn’t make sense to me…
Thank you Ronnie =)
Sofiane Prodyge
Dear Ronnie,
A question. Do you consider British English as ‘old school/too formal’? I’m asking this because in my opinion there is a huge difference between British English and American English if it comes to vocabulary and pronunciation.
i want to travelle and work to british ^_____^ i think it s amazing countrie
Britain is England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. The last two countries are beautiful. However, I am an ESL in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I meant, ESL teacher
oki im student but when i finish the my education i will travelle in british hhhhhhhh and my dream married to austin mahone he is Sing
Hi, kokokawtar1998, It’s too early thinking about marry for you.))
hi…nice to meet you Jakob..im indonsian..
wich one do you use, British english or american english?
btw ESL is too expensive..hihi
and im so happy found this….its free and have a great teacher…i hope my english can be better… ;)
10 aut of 10,yeah
Anna Rose
I “received” 10 out of 10 :p
I see what you did there :P
engVid Moderator
amazing lesson i like it very much thanks teacher love you
hey guys, i wanna practice with someone
if anyone interested, please put your Skype in a comment :)
10 correct out of 10. Many Thanks. I love your action when you teach, this style make me enjoy in every words
Ronnie, you look gorgeous doing these sounds with your mouth.
I like you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got 10 of 10.Let’s do this again sometimes, shall we???
thank you Ronnie!
great lesson, very helpful
I’ve not known ” what’s a pity” is old fashioned.
Did you say “that’s browse” when you were explaining “that’s sucks”
Masaki, ” what a pity” is very British and very formal. Actually, Ronnie should have explained that the expressions “that sucks” and “that blows” are not completely polite. Much better would be to say “that’s too bad”.
10/10 ! That was my first test here, Good !
Teacher Ronnie I think you are completely out of mind!! ^_____^’
But I do think that you are one of the best teacher in the whole world!!
Your lessons are merely great!!
Work it!!
I like it. :)
Helen S
you are the best
Thanks :)
Ouahab LN
hahahhaha thank you very much I got 9
I love you Ronnie ! :*
And by the way i got 10 out of 10 :)
thanks ronnie
Thank you, it is useful lesson :-)
wanna practice nitcha, please ?
Ronnie rules!
Hello Ronnie.is there any kinds of lesson about romancing?lets to know what woman like and prefered?im a good student of you and i pprecaited your higher services and assistance.
I got 10 correct out of 10 :)
We cann’t read and understand ancient chinese language, If we read ancient books we need learning ancient language at first. Ancient Chinese is very different with modern Chinese, more older more different. Does the same with English situation? I think so. Just guess.
Thanks Ronnie.
Ronnie, I participate in a lot of conference calls in my job and everybody says “I joined the meeting” when is online… So, should
we use I went to the meeting?
90% no bad ! I like it!!
I got 8 correct out of 10 :(
a good refresher. Thanks Ronnie
my beloved teacher..thank u :)
Once again, thank you very much! :)
Thank you, Ronnie ^_^
Hi people, my skype ID : mursaleen_1
Hi people.
My English stinks. Could anyone help me. I wants to pass English proficiency test.
hi Ronnie, I know you made a lesson about to and for. Could you please make another one, it’s still confusing. For example why do we say: “would you like to go out to dinner tonight”? Why we don’t say for dinner?
In my opinion, you have to know more about prepositions, for example:
What do we have for dinner? (What has in it)
Let’s go out to dinner. (To implies movement).
Just study the difference between for and to and their meanings as well, ok? Bye!
would you like to go to out for dinner. :)
Dear mohade3. What I said, I exactly saw in an English book. It was written: would you like to go out to dinner tonight?
Mohade3: Who you want to go out for dinner?
Hi Ronnie, I really love your lessons, you are soo cool!
I have a doubt: if shall is old-school, which word could I use for making suggestions like: Shall we go to the cinema? Or Shall I put the plant here?
I have been trying to comment directly to Ronnie but it seems it doesn’t work. Yes, shall is very old-fashioned and rarely used these days. You should say ” would you like to go to the cinema/movies”? “Should I put the plant here?” And actually, the word “shall” is used in legal documents, not for simple rules.
As far as I’m concerned, the interrogative form of suggestion like: let’s go to the cinema or let me put the plant here would be those that I mentioned, right?
You look marvelous Ronnie: (Excellent, extraordinary, amazing, great, wonderful, brilliant, fantastic, smashing.) Could be marvelous an old word?
Great work Ronnie. Thanks for throw light into my old vocabulary
Jesús R.
That’ s useful.I’ve learned a lot.
Thank for your Video, I listen to them everyday!
thank you so much.this lesson is very useful.i’ll practise it every day
oko maruco
As she had said “practise” too old…but here we can,t replace it by “play” so,should we use “study” or what??
Thank you very much for the lesson. It really helpful.
But I have some problems,
1. sometimes we use ‘join’to ‘can I join you?’. but it’s not about the membership.
2. can we use ‘shall we’ in daily life?
3. ‘I participated the meeting yesterday’ or ‘I took part in that event’. Are these two sentences right and not too old school?
I got 10 out of 10… :)
yeah!!!! 10 :-) thank you
yes, I got (not received) 10 of 10…cheers for me…
i got a 100% thanks to RONNIE, she’s so nice and funny, I like her class.
Hello Evii.
I like to learn from you some thing about writing
if you have books about it.
thanks Ronnie.
that’s good lesson!!
My score is 80… :D
Thank you Ronnie
Thanks a lot Ronnie
Muhammad AlBashandy
Thanks a lot, I didn’t know that I have overused “received” so much :)
You’re so funny, Ronnie.
I really love the way you teach us.
Thanks so much for the lesson, it’s very useful.
You’re so funny!!! Thanks!
Mr. Andreika
easy busy.. 10 out 10.. Very helpful and funny this lesson! love ur lessons, Ronnie =)
Thanks for your way to teach us. I think you have better way to reach the meaning of words to us.
Dear Ronnie i dont know we should trust to which books?!!! in my previous book (Four corner 2 page 118) for reacting to bad news, “That’s a shame” is written!
thanks for being helpful ;)
Dear Ronnie ,i don’t know which book we should trust to ?!!! in my previous book (Four corner 2 page 118) for reacting to bad news, “That’s a shame” is written!
thanks for being helpful ;)
hello everybody
I want get many friends for help me of English
because I want spiking English
Thanks for this lesson. Very funny!!!
i like your lesson very much! Good luck for you!
Thank you Ronnie, I liked it a lot.
thank you Ronnie, i’am a french speaking man and i like what you help us to learn improve our english level.
useful lesson
Im improving,thanks
I got 10\10 :) Yaaaay
Ronnie for president!
thanks!! Ronnie your very good-
I have a problem with my fluency in English , I wanna get over this problem please help me Ronnie.I really like your way of teaching.
samar Ahmed
Gracias, buenísima lección
Thanks, Ronnie! I like your way, how you explaining this lesson!!!
Ip Man Lee
thank you very much ronnie!! i really liked that sounds you’ve done with your mouth as well as your drunk mimic!!!
Thank you so much Ronnie! I enjoy all your videos, they are very helpful!
Thanks Ronnie!!! You are a good and pretty teacher.
Hello Ronnie. Are you can make a lesson with words like though, throughout, ougth, through and others TERRIBLES words like that? I hate THEN!
Where can be download?
Thanks a lot.I appreciate your perspective but I believe not all native English speakers specially Britons would agree with that.
Mohsin Moosa
ooohhh yes, this is fun!!!
it’s nice ronnie
Hi everybody…
I have a small fight with my friend…He says the verb SHALL we use like other else…4ex.
I’m sitting and I ask…Can I open the window?
and then I stand up and going to open it(or not)
I’m near by the window and my hand is reaches out…Shall I open the window??
and I’m saying to him…thats bullshit (sorry :D) if I’m near the window…it’s no need to saying “open the window”…I just say “Can I?”…or “Don’t U mind?”…
Dear Ronnie! Thanks a lot for your lesson!
I have a question.
Our teacher teaches us we must use “shall” in one case: when you in polite manner propose your help for somebody, for example: “Shall I bring water for you? Shall I do these copies?” Do you use “shall” in this way, or is it still olde school?
Thank you
Thanks. Ronnie
Hi Miss Ronnie. I am from Iraq.I am english teacher in small secondary school in my village. I always need your answers about my questions. Thank you my bset friends .
sabah abood
I’m happy – I got 100%!!! :)
Thank Ronnie. I love your humor
Hi Ronnie,
This lesson was very funny. I invite you to know our jungle, our beaches, our fields and the Brazilians people too. I love yr classes.Thanks.
I got 9 out of 10
maybe good =))
i got 10 of 10
i´m in progress !!
Thank *100 for your lessons!
You are really talented teacher,
and I like your sense humor.
truly – is this word olde school to?
Or I can use it , for example:
You are truly talented teacher.
I really like this class =) thank you
I got 100/100.
Thank you so much. Very useful lesson :)
Dear Ronnie, happy Teacher’s Day! Thank you so much for all you do for us!
Very useful lesson!
Thank you, Ronnie.
Modern World. Thank you so much Ronnie.
You´re great!
Have a nice weekend.
Ronnie, you have a very nice job!!! I hope you enjoy with the monkeys. lol
Thank you so much!! I learn a lot in your classes.
Thanks Ronnie..nice class.
Ahmed Alqaisi
Really a good lesson! But I have a question. Why do you use only past tense with verbs?
Liuba Shedova
Ronnie,I learn a lot in your class.
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you so much!
that’s good thank you
thank you
George Adel
You’re so cool.
jiraporn poon
Thank you so much Ronnie.
10 /10 Good score !
Thanks Ronnie, your classes are so great.
You used two expressions in this lesson, I would like to know when will be use it in English?
1- Give your head a shake.
2- God rest her soul.
please give me an example, thanks again
Thanks Ronnie…..
I just want to know if you can say “I got sucks”, when you make a horrible mistake.
Thanks for the class.
You’re an excellent teacher Ronnie,but please stop with bullying against Brazil…hahaha, we do not live in the middle of jungle,besides, the Amazon forest is located in the north of country, far away from where we live and yes, we do preserve the nature and you should learn with us.You guys are blame for global warming..hahahahahaha.
shes amazing!
I got 8 correct out of 10. It is good to start.
Greetings dear Ronnie, I am ever so thankful you have chosen doing eng.vid videos as part of your vocation, I do find them ever so delightful. Seriously, you’re terrific and I am so happy to have discovered this site and you in particular. I’m also American, giving English courses in Luxembourg. You’re so laid-back, honest, and thoroughly entertaining .. you make it fun. I hereby wish to express my opinion that you deserve a substantial hike in your renumeration, whatever it may be. I’ll be commenting again I’m sure!
Wendy Colleen
I got 8 correct out of 10 , Thanks Dear :)
Thanks Ron, im happy coz ive been knowing the better words to use!
People that speak a language based on latin usually use words like these oldies at the elementary level.
“…I am undercover spy a secret agent for the monkeys in a jungles of brazil…” Incredible, when someone think about brazil in the top of your head comes always jungles, monkeys, hahahaha… brazil it´s a funny rude place.
Alberto Silva
Your way of teaching is very nice and funny. So, your explanation stucks in my head very well. Thank you very much, it’s really helpful and very interesting.
9 from 10 -i think it’s good =)
9 aaaa great
Hi Ronnie! I heard this expression: “Shall I begin?”. It was in an informal conversation. A guy asked a bus driver to come in. It was in Norway.
Hello Ronnie! When I was Thailand I used all of old vocabulary. Then when I used them in Ireland people always laugh and told me the new vocabulary same as you teach. Thank you. ^_^
iv got 100
thank you
Thank you ,Ronnie.
I laughed more than studying!!!Thank you ,Ronnie!!!
Hahahahahaha, thanks Ronnie, that was a real funny lesson, I was using (abusing) of the “what a pity” expression, never more ;)
10/10 :D WOow
Ronnie Thank you very much
I received :D oops! got 10/10
you`re amazing ronnie. :)
I love the way you teach <3
Rosilene DaSilva
Thank you Ronnie very fun lesson
i got it. Thanks Ronnie.
Really I like your teaching way, thanks Ronnie :)
you helped me a lot understanding English
i got 10 out of 10 wow it is super the lesson
great vid
I do always watch Ronie’s short videoes, to be frank, they are really usful and exciting:)
Thank you Ronnie.
You taught me the Real English ..:)
Hi, man. If you use the past tense “taught” in this case it means you are not gonna learn Ms.Ronnie’s lessons anymore or Ms.Ronnie cannot teach you anymore… :p
Abdul Qayum
Pardon me , can I get a coffee ? Hahahaha
Thanks so much on the lesson and ur teach
youre my favorite!
Thank you Ronnie.
I know how to use “join” now, requires membership, otherwise, just use went to. Thanks!
Thanks ronnie! you’re the best :)
Nagihan Basturk
I don’t say fluenty in English and I’d like to improve my English. if you want to help me invite you to my skype: bondek12
bondek 12
I got a full mark :)
Ronnie you are awesome..
I got 10/10, thank you Ronnie, your classes are fun and we learn
abdallah soukel
excuse me Ronnie, what dose the phrase “Give your hand a shake” in this video mean?
juju kim
Juju, it means to congratulate yourself, you did a good job.
Thank you, Ronnie.
Your lesson is funny.
I’m an undercover spy, a secret agent, working for the monkeys in the jungels of Brazil :D Ronnie, your the best teacher ever.
Nagihan Basturk
Another one lost !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got 8 correct out of 10 :)
Why I always take this mark :(
I got 10 of 10 :)
Mahi Barakat
thanks a lot:)))))
wonderful lesson!!!Thanks very much.
Thank you for your interesting lessons.You are a good teacher . I have two notices :
1 Do not fart while explaining your lessons.
2 Pay attention while writing the letter R in the middle of a word.
finally,could you give us a lesson about education and school supplies ,please?.
Thanks ronnie you’re the best i <3 u
imane ben
I got 9 correct out of 10.
walaa ahmed
Like the way you teach.Could you plz make a video on showing us how to make a perfect sentence
what does it mean?? Let’s got wasted
Amazing! Thank you!
Sveta Karas
Great lesson!
Hugo Goncalves
Thanks Ronnie!!,, You’re an awesome teacher!, I like you!. :)
thanks Ronnie!! it’s a great lesson.
and hi guys, if you wanna practice your english, knock me over skype: zamirsskype.
I am looking forward to hear from you :)
9/10 Yay!!!!
Gandalf said “You Shall not pass”!!
I feel sorry to say but in Brazil today almost there are not forests!
jaja you are so funny love you :), I know someone who use Pardon me, so funny afterward this videoRegards from mexico
I like This teacher so much. Lovable!!!!
Very funny. Thanks a lot!!!!
Good lesson
I did only one mistake ;-)Thank you very much Ronnie for your lessons! Always pleasant to watch them. You’re very funny!
Thanks a ever such alot Ronnie Tacher. I’m 17 year student and i live now in Netherlands, but we dont havent any english teacher nowadays. so i can join every moment with beautiful lesons Thans ENGVID :)
Good lesson! Good result! 10/10 :)
I just love your nutty style!
Very useful lesson thank you Ronnie
shaukat khan
Thx Ronnie. My refrigerator is too small. What a pity. I never say like that.
Thank you very much Ronnie. I admire the way you teach English.
Ronnie, you are the best! Tanks!
Why when I choose the answer it’s infinla to another?
I think cool your classes,I’d like to know about the differences from vocabulary to harass/to bother/to worry/to pester
Wohoo, I got 10 correct answers out of 10! Thanks much, Ronnie my fave. ;)
Hello Ronnie!
Thanks for your useful lesson.
Could you tell me where I can find the olde vocabulary list?
Wow, I love you Ronnie!
The way you teach is amazing!
Isn’t she the best teacher here? ;)
claro q siiii es adorable aguante ronnie
Thank you Ronnie for your amazing lesson! In Russia we have lots of old and formal expressions and when somebody talks this way, it looks strange))
I don’t say fluenty in English and I’d like to improve my English. if you want to help me invite you to my skype: opa_erick
Junges of Brasil is old school , baby.
thnks ronnie a great lesson
thanks Ronnie. I got it well.
i got 10
So we can’t use ‘shall’ at all? Or is it possible to use it in sentences like: ‘shall I carry your bag?” “Shall I take it?”
To Ronnie,
What about a TELE?
doris ayorinde
tank you ronnie you are a best teacher
Nice Ronne.I like to learn .
Sujan Miah
“Olde” School best class ever ahahhahah ronnie you’re the best!!! :D
Thank u Ronnie it’s useful
alright guys i can give you a advice just one thing formal english is ok but i always speak engilsh with foreigners and trust me,they never speak formal ways to say something so you ought to speak in informal ways like that sucks and whatever you want to do and thank you a lot teacher you are my hero
Thanks for good lesson.
Thanks Ronnie. VERY VERY useful
I got a 10. Thanks Ronnie! U r the best!
i got 10 too
80 omg
Thank you ,RONNIE! A LOTS OF LOVE :))
Nice lesson! It’s my first time with this teacher and I liked. I would like know people who speak english for practice. Add my whatsapp 809-678-4597.
Good job. Don`t occupation. Thank you.
Ronnie, what if to say “pardon me” meaning “I didn’t get it. Will you say it again?” Or “exuse me?
Thank you very much! Very interesting and instructive!
Ronnie, congratulations. Today I laughed too much. Your class is very fun. I learned many meanings and subjects interesting. Thanks for your class.
is it important must we think about grammer and try to speak with rules.
Hi Ronnie, thanks for it! I got a question. I work for an American company and we often use “join” to ask if someone is going to join a meeting we organized…it is used also by English native speakers so I assume it’s ok…is there a more informal way of saying it or is it acceptable? Thanks
A less formal way might be “Is [person] going to come to the meeting?”, but “join” is acceptable too!
engVid Moderator
thanks Ronnie. all time i got great marks after your lessons :)
pardon is normal word in my language (Slovak)
but also almost everyone is use “sorry” :D
Love it so much!! Thanks
Thanks Ronnie :) I think I’m old person,I love using to olde words.What a shame,huh?
love the lesson
Garicai Samuel Manave
thank you Ronie
Garicai Samuel Manave
You are great, Ronie!
10 out of 10 ;) It’s a goal! I really like this ‘Modern School’! ))
Slava Savvateev
This lesson was very funny! Thank you Ronie! :)
Thank you very much
I like it
I´m here just to say: I love her English class, It´s so funny lol lol
Marcos Alves
thanks Ronie you are wonderful teacher
i got 9 out of 10 :) thank you Ronnie
Ruk Bella
wow it was very hard for me
we got 10 correct!!!!wWE LOVE YOU RONNIEEEEEE WE REALLY DO!!! GENIA!!!you are very very very very funny
i got 8 out of 10 amazing!!!!!!!!!
thanks,Ronnie you’r Amazing teachers
panisa kaewsrijun
LOL : )
carlos 2138
10 out of ten. Thanks a lot!
Hi Ronnie i just want to say thanks you so you are best teacher I ever have had
thank you for a nice lesson
If we had the monkeys at the government and you were a spy, this country would be better, definitely…
Thanks Ronnie
Yay .. my first 10/10 on beginner lesson , thanks :D
You’re so funny Ronnie! i love your way of teaching. the last part of this video (13:56) makes me laugh hahaha
Ronnie! that’s helpful thanks ^^ but what about ‘ thy ‘ and ‘thou’ !! I’ve heard they’re old Use
like thy = yours & thou = you …. also Hast = have ?? I’m confused! ughh! is that right ?
I love you Ronnie! Thanks a lot for all lessons and made my day. :*
I joined EngVid!
Lorcy Gabriel
thanks ronnie!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi Ronnie, I got 9 correct out of 10, thanks for the lesson
Thank you
Marta Lopez
I got 10/10. Shall I tell my mother ?
I hear a lot of people say I entered the house, this is strange. am I correct ronnie?
Rahmouni Tarik
thank you, teacher!!
Nguyen Van Hau
Hi r onnie, thsnks a lot for this lesson. Long live you!
Tarik rahmouni
Thanks, Ronnie! You’re amazing! Like your lessons so much :)
thank :)
i received 90 lol
duarte rogerio
Ronnie, I wanna clarify.. Formal words are changing only if I talking with friends & peers or in conversation with all people without exception?
Good lesson !
Thank you. I found it very good.
Leny Villalobos
From now onwards I won’t be OG (old generation) type
but Rather I would try to use some of the NG’s which are or might be new for me after this lesson…
Thank you madam Ronnie.
Oh, she is my favorite teacher. Adore heeer! Perfect! Well done!
Ronnie, I love your lessons, so funny and I learn a lot.
Thank you Ranny I liked and I passed the test I get 90% for one question nu 9 felt thanks
Amal khalil
hi to my fav teacher ~ ronnie ~ its so hard to study english but some day i will do it perfectly
i learned a lot,thanks:”)
Sandy Lai
That’s cool. Thank you so much Ronnie!
good lesson
pardon me! when I first herd it I was like excuse me what did you said?
I got 9/10
You are my favorite teacher, with you all the topics are clear to me!
It was cool…
thanks it helps a lot
I like this video soo much, can we use SHALL in questions like: Shall we dance?
10/10! Great! I learned these words when I was a student. Now, I know some of these words are too formal to use them.
Jerry Gu
Thanks for the lessons.
Della Opong
thanks a lot Ronnie for explanation, very clear, and i understand what did u said, and i got 100 for this test!
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Let’s not use shall! Shall we, Ronnie?
he aprendido que left es izquierda pero tambien significa dejar o salir por lo tanto no entiendo la respuesta 9 no tiene sentido decir yo izquierda para mi seria yo deje la escuela en lugar de decir me salí de la escuela. Gracias.
no lo que pasa que aca LEFT (DEJO) es el pasado de LEAVE(DEJAR)
Pardon me funny!
Pardon me! ha-ha funny.
I used to say beg sb pardon …
very British way lol
helo I’m richard
damn it, u had to mention the jungle in my country lol, u suck just kidding
wow wow, just came to my mind another mistake of mine regarding this class that made my friends dying laughing, instead of saying hallway I said corridor, cause it sounded more natural being a Portuguese speaker lol
I like it
I got 9 correct out of 10.
I got it too!
me either
9/10 What was your mistake?
And so did I!
Very useful lesson thank you Ronnie
I’ve a big problem with the letter ( I )
when I spell it as( I )& when I spell it as ( e ) ?
Example..( vinegar) why we spell it as ( e ) & ( silent) why we spell it as ( I )..?
I hope you help me. or make a lesson to show the differences between ( I ) and (E)
Thank you
Thanks Ronnie..nice class.
The last question I got wrong, but I think I am right, Ronnie!
It asks “Which expression is “ too formal”, so the answer would be “What a pity”. This expression is too formal. However, I got it wrong because it says that the right answer is : “That sucks.” Nevertheless, that sucks, because “that sucks” is a not too formal at all. It is an informal way of speaking. Am right?
I should’ve gotten 10 out 10, not 9 out 10 LOL
About the last question, I agree with lisa28…
I heard “what a pity” was too formal.
BTW I got 7 correct out of 10. That’s too bad for me.
But I sometimes use “too formal” words. So your lesson was fun. Thank you, Ronnie.
I think nothing more but the word ‘not’ is missing in the question by a mistake. The right question is “Which expression is NOT too formal?”. Than the right answer is “That sucks”.
Sorry, friends! I made a mistake. This is fixed now.
Thanks for uploading the video :)
Jungle of Brazil? This is a prejudiced view about our contry here!
Aren’t there some anyway?
At least our jungles are the best. B-)
The best … The bigger !
I immediately left the office after i got your mail.Excuse me i have to answer this.Are you telling he took off while you were talking?That sucks man!.That was awesome.Thanks Ronny
correction.Are you telling me,i meant.I left(me)
thanks a lot
thanks Ronnie :)
I got 9 correct out of 10, but as lisa28 said, I think there was a mistake in the last question, is this right? You very fun Ronnie, thanks, I love your lessons ♥
How dare you challenge a Teacher you little girl. sorry, just kidding. This is a free world, anybody can voice their opening but what is right always will remain right, and wrong will be wrong, nobody can change that. you little girl your growing up fast say thank you to your mummy and daddy. have fun learning English.
i hot 9 correct ,but one false it’s ok,i’m ok
Nice, I like these new words, and I will used them. Thank you so much Ronnie.
Bonjour mes amis comment faites-vous, vous aimez l’anglais, je vous souhaite le meilleur pour apprendre l’anglais.
merci beaucoup mon ami J’espère que vous êtes heureux et en bonne santé.
Oui, mon ami, je suis en bonne santé vous remercier, je vous souhaite la même chose.
Merci beaucoup.
It is this right?*
is it right?
That’s y I wanna learn
Can I use old school vocabulary in academic writing?
Thank you Ronnie
Hi all, I make a page on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/englishconversationfree) for peaple who want to inprove their English conversation. You click on the Like and find person for conversation via skype for free. I am one of peaple who want to coversation. So add this side, more peaple, more comunication, bigger succes in learn English. Thanks and good luck
Thanks Ronnire.
Ronnie rocks the class!!! thanks a bunch!
thank you for this lesson ronnie..:)
It’s a pleasure to listen to you.Thanks, Ronnie.
“That sucks” instead of “What a pitty”? Doesn’t make sense to me…
Thank you Ronnie =)
Dear Ronnie,
A question. Do you consider British English as ‘old school/too formal’? I’m asking this because in my opinion there is a huge difference between British English and American English if it comes to vocabulary and pronunciation.
i want to travelle and work to british ^_____^ i think it s amazing countrie
Britain is England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. The last two countries are beautiful. However, I am an ESL in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I meant, ESL teacher
oki im student but when i finish the my education i will travelle in british hhhhhhhh and my dream married to austin mahone he is Sing
Hi, kokokawtar1998, It’s too early thinking about marry for you.))
hi…nice to meet you Jakob..im indonsian..
wich one do you use, British english or american english?
btw ESL is too expensive..hihi
and im so happy found this….its free and have a great teacher…i hope my english can be better… ;)
10 aut of 10,yeah
I “received” 10 out of 10 :p
I see what you did there :P
amazing lesson i like it very much thanks teacher love you
hey guys, i wanna practice with someone
if anyone interested, please put your Skype in a comment :)
10 correct out of 10. Many Thanks. I love your action when you teach, this style make me enjoy in every words
Ronnie, you look gorgeous doing these sounds with your mouth.
I like you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got 10 of 10.Let’s do this again sometimes, shall we???
thank you Ronnie!
great lesson, very helpful
I’ve not known ” what’s a pity” is old fashioned.
Did you say “that’s browse” when you were explaining “that’s sucks”
Masaki, ” what a pity” is very British and very formal. Actually, Ronnie should have explained that the expressions “that sucks” and “that blows” are not completely polite. Much better would be to say “that’s too bad”.
10/10 ! That was my first test here, Good !
Teacher Ronnie I think you are completely out of mind!! ^_____^’
But I do think that you are one of the best teacher in the whole world!!
Your lessons are merely great!!
Work it!!
I like it. :)
you are the best
Thanks :)
hahahhaha thank you very much I got 9
I love you Ronnie ! :*
And by the way i got 10 out of 10 :)
thanks ronnie
Thank you, it is useful lesson :-)
wanna practice nitcha, please ?
Ronnie rules!
Hello Ronnie.is there any kinds of lesson about romancing?lets to know what woman like and prefered?im a good student of you and i pprecaited your higher services and assistance.
I got 10 correct out of 10 :)
We cann’t read and understand ancient chinese language, If we read ancient books we need learning ancient language at first. Ancient Chinese is very different with modern Chinese, more older more different. Does the same with English situation? I think so. Just guess.
Thanks Ronnie.
Ronnie, I participate in a lot of conference calls in my job and everybody says “I joined the meeting” when is online… So, should
we use I went to the meeting?
90% no bad ! I like it!!
I got 8 correct out of 10 :(
a good refresher. Thanks Ronnie
my beloved teacher..thank u :)
Once again, thank you very much! :)
Thank you, Ronnie ^_^
Hi people, my skype ID : mursaleen_1
Hi people.
My English stinks. Could anyone help me. I wants to pass English proficiency test.
hi Ronnie, I know you made a lesson about to and for. Could you please make another one, it’s still confusing. For example why do we say: “would you like to go out to dinner tonight”? Why we don’t say for dinner?
In my opinion, you have to know more about prepositions, for example:
What do we have for dinner? (What has in it)
Let’s go out to dinner. (To implies movement).
Just study the difference between for and to and their meanings as well, ok? Bye!
would you like to go to out for dinner. :)
Dear mohade3. What I said, I exactly saw in an English book. It was written: would you like to go out to dinner tonight?
Mohade3: Who you want to go out for dinner?
Hi Ronnie, I really love your lessons, you are soo cool!
I have a doubt: if shall is old-school, which word could I use for making suggestions like: Shall we go to the cinema? Or Shall I put the plant here?
I have been trying to comment directly to Ronnie but it seems it doesn’t work. Yes, shall is very old-fashioned and rarely used these days. You should say ” would you like to go to the cinema/movies”? “Should I put the plant here?” And actually, the word “shall” is used in legal documents, not for simple rules.
As far as I’m concerned, the interrogative form of suggestion like: let’s go to the cinema or let me put the plant here would be those that I mentioned, right?
You look marvelous Ronnie: (Excellent, extraordinary, amazing, great, wonderful, brilliant, fantastic, smashing.) Could be marvelous an old word?
Great work Ronnie. Thanks for throw light into my old vocabulary
That’ s useful.I’ve learned a lot.
Thank for your Video, I listen to them everyday!
thank you so much.this lesson is very useful.i’ll practise it every day
As she had said “practise” too old…but here we can,t replace it by “play” so,should we use “study” or what??
Thank you very much for the lesson. It really helpful.
But I have some problems,
1. sometimes we use ‘join’to ‘can I join you?’. but it’s not about the membership.
2. can we use ‘shall we’ in daily life?
3. ‘I participated the meeting yesterday’ or ‘I took part in that event’. Are these two sentences right and not too old school?
I got 10 out of 10… :)
yeah!!!! 10 :-) thank you
yes, I got (not received) 10 of 10…cheers for me…
i got a 100% thanks to RONNIE, she’s so nice and funny, I like her class.
Hello Evii.
I like to learn from you some thing about writing
if you have books about it.
thanks Ronnie.
that’s good lesson!!
My score is 80… :D
Thank you Ronnie
Thanks a lot Ronnie
Thanks a lot, I didn’t know that I have overused “received” so much :)
You’re so funny, Ronnie.
I really love the way you teach us.
Thanks so much for the lesson, it’s very useful.
You’re so funny!!! Thanks!
easy busy.. 10 out 10.. Very helpful and funny this lesson! love ur lessons, Ronnie =)
Thanks for your way to teach us. I think you have better way to reach the meaning of words to us.
Dear Ronnie i dont know we should trust to which books?!!! in my previous book (Four corner 2 page 118) for reacting to bad news, “That’s a shame” is written!
thanks for being helpful ;)
Dear Ronnie ,i don’t know which book we should trust to ?!!! in my previous book (Four corner 2 page 118) for reacting to bad news, “That’s a shame” is written!
thanks for being helpful ;)
hello everybody
I want get many friends for help me of English
because I want spiking English
Thanks for this lesson. Very funny!!!
i like your lesson very much! Good luck for you!
Thank you Ronnie, I liked it a lot.
thank you Ronnie, i’am a french speaking man and i like what you help us to learn improve our english level.
useful lesson
Im improving,thanks
I got 10\10 :) Yaaaay
Ronnie for president!
thanks!! Ronnie your very good-
I have a problem with my fluency in English , I wanna get over this problem please help me Ronnie.I really like your way of teaching.
Gracias, buenísima lección
Thanks, Ronnie! I like your way, how you explaining this lesson!!!
thank you very much ronnie!! i really liked that sounds you’ve done with your mouth as well as your drunk mimic!!!
Thank you so much Ronnie! I enjoy all your videos, they are very helpful!
Thanks Ronnie!!! You are a good and pretty teacher.
Hello Ronnie. Are you can make a lesson with words like though, throughout, ougth, through and others TERRIBLES words like that? I hate THEN!
Where can be download?
Thanks a lot.I appreciate your perspective but I believe not all native English speakers specially Britons would agree with that.
ooohhh yes, this is fun!!!
it’s nice ronnie
Hi everybody…
I have a small fight with my friend…He says the verb SHALL we use like other else…4ex.
I’m sitting and I ask…Can I open the window?
and then I stand up and going to open it(or not)
I’m near by the window and my hand is reaches out…Shall I open the window??
and I’m saying to him…thats bullshit (sorry :D) if I’m near the window…it’s no need to saying “open the window”…I just say “Can I?”…or “Don’t U mind?”…
Who is right?
PS:If I have some mistakes, please write me…
Dear Ronnie! Thanks a lot for your lesson!
I have a question.
Our teacher teaches us we must use “shall” in one case: when you in polite manner propose your help for somebody, for example: “Shall I bring water for you? Shall I do these copies?” Do you use “shall” in this way, or is it still olde school?
Thank you
Thanks. Ronnie
Hi Miss Ronnie. I am from Iraq.I am english teacher in small secondary school in my village. I always need your answers about my questions. Thank you my bset friends .
I’m happy – I got 100%!!! :)
Thank Ronnie. I love your humor
Hi Ronnie,
This lesson was very funny. I invite you to know our jungle, our beaches, our fields and the Brazilians people too. I love yr classes.Thanks.
I got 9 out of 10
maybe good =))
i got 10 of 10
i´m in progress !!
Thank *100 for your lessons!
You are really talented teacher,
and I like your sense humor.
truly – is this word olde school to?
Or I can use it , for example:
You are truly talented teacher.
I really like this class =) thank you
I got 100/100.
Thank you so much. Very useful lesson :)
Dear Ronnie, happy Teacher’s Day! Thank you so much for all you do for us!
Very useful lesson!
Thank you, Ronnie.
Modern World. Thank you so much Ronnie.
You´re great!
Have a nice weekend.
Ronnie, you have a very nice job!!! I hope you enjoy with the monkeys. lol
Thank you so much!! I learn a lot in your classes.
Thanks Ronnie..nice class.
Really a good lesson! But I have a question. Why do you use only past tense with verbs?
Ronnie,I learn a lot in your class.
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you so much!
that’s good thank you
thank you
You’re so cool.
Thank you so much Ronnie.
10 /10 Good score !
Thanks Ronnie, your classes are so great.
You used two expressions in this lesson, I would like to know when will be use it in English?
1- Give your head a shake.
2- God rest her soul.
please give me an example, thanks again
Thanks Ronnie…..
I just want to know if you can say “I got sucks”, when you make a horrible mistake.
Thanks for the class.
You’re an excellent teacher Ronnie,but please stop with bullying against Brazil…hahaha, we do not live in the middle of jungle,besides, the Amazon forest is located in the north of country, far away from where we live and yes, we do preserve the nature and you should learn with us.You guys are blame for global warming..hahahahahaha.
shes amazing!
I got 8 correct out of 10. It is good to start.
Greetings dear Ronnie, I am ever so thankful you have chosen doing eng.vid videos as part of your vocation, I do find them ever so delightful. Seriously, you’re terrific and I am so happy to have discovered this site and you in particular. I’m also American, giving English courses in Luxembourg. You’re so laid-back, honest, and thoroughly entertaining .. you make it fun. I hereby wish to express my opinion that you deserve a substantial hike in your renumeration, whatever it may be. I’ll be commenting again I’m sure!
I got 8 correct out of 10 , Thanks Dear :)
Thanks Ron, im happy coz ive been knowing the better words to use!
People that speak a language based on latin usually use words like these oldies at the elementary level.
“…I am undercover spy a secret agent for the monkeys in a jungles of brazil…” Incredible, when someone think about brazil in the top of your head comes always jungles, monkeys, hahahaha… brazil it´s a funny rude place.
Your way of teaching is very nice and funny. So, your explanation stucks in my head very well. Thank you very much, it’s really helpful and very interesting.
9 from 10 -i think it’s good =)
9 aaaa great
Hi Ronnie! I heard this expression: “Shall I begin?”. It was in an informal conversation. A guy asked a bus driver to come in. It was in Norway.
Hello Ronnie! When I was Thailand I used all of old vocabulary. Then when I used them in Ireland people always laugh and told me the new vocabulary same as you teach. Thank you. ^_^
iv got 100
thank you
Thank you ,Ronnie.
I laughed more than studying!!!Thank you ,Ronnie!!!
Hahahahahaha, thanks Ronnie, that was a real funny lesson, I was using (abusing) of the “what a pity” expression, never more ;)
10/10 :D WOow
Ronnie Thank you very much
I received :D oops! got 10/10
you`re amazing ronnie. :)
I love the way you teach <3
Thank you Ronnie very fun lesson
i got it. Thanks Ronnie.
Really I like your teaching way, thanks Ronnie :)
you helped me a lot understanding English
i got 10 out of 10 wow it is super the lesson
great vid
I do always watch Ronie’s short videoes, to be frank, they are really usful and exciting:)
Thank you Ronnie.
You taught me the Real English ..:)
Hi, man. If you use the past tense “taught” in this case it means you are not gonna learn Ms.Ronnie’s lessons anymore or Ms.Ronnie cannot teach you anymore… :p
Pardon me , can I get a coffee ? Hahahaha
Thanks so much on the lesson and ur teach
youre my favorite!
Thank you Ronnie.
I know how to use “join” now, requires membership, otherwise, just use went to. Thanks!
Thanks ronnie! you’re the best :)
I don’t say fluenty in English and I’d like to improve my English. if you want to help me invite you to my skype: bondek12
I got a full mark :)
Ronnie you are awesome..
I got 10/10, thank you Ronnie, your classes are fun and we learn
excuse me Ronnie, what dose the phrase “Give your hand a shake” in this video mean?
Juju, it means to congratulate yourself, you did a good job.
Thank you, Ronnie.
Your lesson is funny.
I’m an undercover spy, a secret agent, working for the monkeys in the jungels of Brazil :D Ronnie, your the best teacher ever.
Another one lost !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got 8 correct out of 10 :)
Why I always take this mark :(
I got 10 of 10 :)
thanks a lot:)))))
wonderful lesson!!!Thanks very much.
Thank you for your interesting lessons.You are a good teacher . I have two notices :
1 Do not fart while explaining your lessons.
2 Pay attention while writing the letter R in the middle of a word.
finally,could you give us a lesson about education and school supplies ,please?.
Thanks ronnie you’re the best i <3 u
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Like the way you teach.Could you plz make a video on showing us how to make a perfect sentence
what does it mean?? Let’s got wasted
Amazing! Thank you!
Great lesson!
Thanks Ronnie!!,, You’re an awesome teacher!, I like you!. :)
thanks Ronnie!! it’s a great lesson.
and hi guys, if you wanna practice your english, knock me over skype: zamirsskype.
I am looking forward to hear from you :)
9/10 Yay!!!!
Gandalf said “You Shall not pass”!!
I feel sorry to say but in Brazil today almost there are not forests!
jaja you are so funny love you :), I know someone who use Pardon me, so funny afterward this videoRegards from mexico
I like This teacher so much. Lovable!!!!
Very funny. Thanks a lot!!!!
Good lesson
I did only one mistake ;-)Thank you very much Ronnie for your lessons! Always pleasant to watch them. You’re very funny!
Thanks a ever such alot Ronnie Tacher. I’m 17 year student and i live now in Netherlands, but we dont havent any english teacher nowadays. so i can join every moment with beautiful lesons Thans ENGVID :)
Good lesson! Good result! 10/10 :)
I just love your nutty style!
Very useful lesson thank you Ronnie
Thx Ronnie. My refrigerator is too small. What a pity. I never say like that.
Thank you very much Ronnie. I admire the way you teach English.
Ronnie, you are the best! Tanks!
Why when I choose the answer it’s infinla to another?
I think cool your classes,I’d like to know about the differences from vocabulary to harass/to bother/to worry/to pester
Wohoo, I got 10 correct answers out of 10! Thanks much, Ronnie my fave. ;)
Hello Ronnie!
Thanks for your useful lesson.
Could you tell me where I can find the olde vocabulary list?
Wow, I love you Ronnie!
The way you teach is amazing!
Isn’t she the best teacher here? ;)
claro q siiii es adorable aguante ronnie
Thank you Ronnie for your amazing lesson! In Russia we have lots of old and formal expressions and when somebody talks this way, it looks strange))
I don’t say fluenty in English and I’d like to improve my English. if you want to help me invite you to my skype: opa_erick
Junges of Brasil is old school , baby.
thnks ronnie a great lesson
thanks Ronnie. I got it well.
i got 10
So we can’t use ‘shall’ at all? Or is it possible to use it in sentences like: ‘shall I carry your bag?” “Shall I take it?”
To Ronnie,
What about a TELE?
tank you ronnie you are a best teacher
Nice Ronne.I like to learn .
“Olde” School best class ever ahahhahah ronnie you’re the best!!! :D
Thank u Ronnie it’s useful
alright guys i can give you a advice just one thing formal english is ok but i always speak engilsh with foreigners and trust me,they never speak formal ways to say something so you ought to speak in informal ways like that sucks and whatever you want to do and thank you a lot teacher you are my hero
Thanks for good lesson.
Thanks Ronnie. VERY VERY useful
I got a 10. Thanks Ronnie! U r the best!
i got 10 too
80 omg
Thank you ,RONNIE! A LOTS OF LOVE :))
Nice lesson! It’s my first time with this teacher and I liked. I would like know people who speak english for practice. Add my whatsapp 809-678-4597.
Good job. Don`t occupation. Thank you.
Ronnie, what if to say “pardon me” meaning “I didn’t get it. Will you say it again?” Or “exuse me?
Thank you very much! Very interesting and instructive!
Ronnie, congratulations. Today I laughed too much. Your class is very fun. I learned many meanings and subjects interesting. Thanks for your class.
is it important must we think about grammer and try to speak with rules.
Hi Ronnie, thanks for it! I got a question. I work for an American company and we often use “join” to ask if someone is going to join a meeting we organized…it is used also by English native speakers so I assume it’s ok…is there a more informal way of saying it or is it acceptable? Thanks
A less formal way might be “Is [person] going to come to the meeting?”, but “join” is acceptable too!
thanks Ronnie. all time i got great marks after your lessons :)
pardon is normal word in my language (Slovak)
but also almost everyone is use “sorry” :D
Love it so much!! Thanks
Thanks Ronnie :) I think I’m old person,I love using to olde words.What a shame,huh?
love the lesson
thank you Ronie
You are great, Ronie!
10 out of 10 ;) It’s a goal! I really like this ‘Modern School’! ))
This lesson was very funny! Thank you Ronie! :)
Thank you very much
I like it
I´m here just to say: I love her English class, It´s so funny lol lol
thanks Ronie you are wonderful teacher
i got 9 out of 10 :) thank you Ronnie
wow it was very hard for me
we got 10 correct!!!!wWE LOVE YOU RONNIEEEEEE WE REALLY DO!!! GENIA!!!you are very very very very funny
i got 8 out of 10 amazing!!!!!!!!!
thanks,Ronnie you’r Amazing teachers
LOL : )
10 out of ten. Thanks a lot!
Hi Ronnie i just want to say thanks you so you are best teacher I ever have had
thank you for a nice lesson
If we had the monkeys at the government and you were a spy, this country would be better, definitely…
Thanks Ronnie
Yay .. my first 10/10 on beginner lesson , thanks :D
You’re so funny Ronnie! i love your way of teaching. the last part of this video (13:56) makes me laugh hahaha
Ronnie! that’s helpful thanks ^^ but what about ‘ thy ‘ and ‘thou’ !! I’ve heard they’re old Use
like thy = yours & thou = you …. also Hast = have ?? I’m confused! ughh! is that right ?
I love you Ronnie! Thanks a lot for all lessons and made my day. :*
I joined EngVid!
thanks ronnie!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi Ronnie, I got 9 correct out of 10, thanks for the lesson
Thank you
I got 10/10. Shall I tell my mother ?
I hear a lot of people say I entered the house, this is strange. am I correct ronnie?
thank you, teacher!!
Hi r onnie, thsnks a lot for this lesson. Long live you!
Thanks, Ronnie! You’re amazing! Like your lessons so much :)
thank :)
i received 90 lol
Ronnie, I wanna clarify.. Formal words are changing only if I talking with friends & peers or in conversation with all people without exception?
Good lesson !
Thank you. I found it very good.
From now onwards I won’t be OG (old generation) type
but Rather I would try to use some of the NG’s which are or might be new for me after this lesson…
Thank you madam Ronnie.
Oh, she is my favorite teacher. Adore heeer! Perfect! Well done!
Ronnie, I love your lessons, so funny and I learn a lot.
Thank you Ranny I liked and I passed the test I get 90% for one question nu 9 felt thanks
hi to my fav teacher ~ ronnie ~ its so hard to study english but some day i will do it perfectly
i learned a lot,thanks:”)
That’s cool. Thank you so much Ronnie!
good lesson
pardon me! when I first herd it I was like excuse me what did you said?
I got 9/10
You are my favorite teacher, with you all the topics are clear to me!
It was cool…
thanks it helps a lot
I like this video soo much, can we use SHALL in questions like: Shall we dance?
10/10! Great! I learned these words when I was a student. Now, I know some of these words are too formal to use them.
Thanks for the lessons.
thanks a lot Ronnie for explanation, very clear, and i understand what did u said, and i got 100 for this test!