Parallelism or parallel structure is one of the secrets of great writing. It gives greater balance and power to the way you communicate. It will help you get higher grades, improve your job prospects, and look more professional. In this lesson, I explain all about parallelism—what it is and how to use it correctly. This easy but important lesson will take your English to a higher level. Follow up by watching my lesson on the Magic of 3 to strengthen your English even more!
Got 90. You made me free from confusion :) . One of the ever best lesson till yet . You are gorgeous. Thanks a lot ,Rebecca! <3
Thank you kindly for your comments, Jasmine. I am sure you will master English because you really care and are determined to succeed. My best wishes to you.
Thank you Rebecca, for giving me the enlightenments. :)<3
Mohsin ali khan
Thank you so much. You made the lesson useful, understandable and easy.
Abdurraheem Attam
Your lesson on parallelism is clear,informative and helpful.
Thank you mam.
Still a good and kindly lesson before starting the day.Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you! Miss Rebecca, Got 90! But could not understand question No 1 “We need to do the dishes, mop the floor, and make sure to set the table”.
Why is this option correct? could you explain?
Rehan Ahmed
I have the same question to Rebecca.
p.s. thanks for the lesson!
As far as I understand the lesson .This might be because, In the sentence, structure should follows verb along with verb, noun with noun,adjective with adjective etc. Here ,in this sentence ,verb is being used so ,It follows with the verbs. “sure” is an adjective. That’s why ” make sure” didn’t fit here. And as well as you can read the sentence ,it does not sound rhythmic so, that’s inkling towards faulty parallelism .
The question asks which sentence is INCORRECT, therefore the incorrect sentence is the correct answer
If it were correct, this sentence would be:
We need to do the dishes, mop the floor, and set the table.
You needed to choose the answer that was INCORRECT.
All the best to you. Thanks to all for your help.
Awesome lesson! Please keep posting lessons like this. Thanks a lot!
I did it, I got FULL MARKS. thanks, Rebecca for your awesome lesson to improve my writing. THANK YOU SO MUCH
You are a kind, professional, and interesting teacher. Thank you very much!
Jun Shao
Thank you and congratulations! You got the point!
All the best to you, Jun Shao.
This lesson helped my english writing and speaking.
Thanks a lot :)
Not bad as a beginning
Amor M.
I got only 7/10.I need more concentration.very useful lesson.thank u
Thank you Rebecca. I am from Indonesia. I just joined
abdus shomad
Thanks, Rebecca! This is a better lesson you teach for a long time. Extra lessons like this, please.
Could you answer me? The sentence- “Using faulty parallelism is not so serious and will not lower my grades”, is not correct because have the incorrect meaning? Is it grammatically correct?
I got full mark .Than you Rebecca
You are a good teacher.
Thank you so much Rebecca!!!This is by far the most useful lesson I´ve ever watched about writing!!!I think I´d been making all these mistakes for a very long time. Now, everything is much clearer.
However, I´m still a bit confused about when you write prepositions. For example, in the last example of the video you explained that it´s correct to say:
Let´s start by checking your essays and looking for any faulty parellelism.
Would it be correct to say:
Let´s start by checking your essays and BY looking for any faulty parellelism ???
Would it be the same case as in the number 2 of the examples?….TO speak to the manager, (TO) return the cellphone and (TO) get a refund??
It is correct to do it either way. You can repeat the preposition each time, if you wish. However, if each element needs the same preposition, you do not have to repeat the preposition. You can just say / write it once, and it applies to all the elements equally.
Glad you found the lesson helpful. It is really the key to upgrading your English significantly. All the best!
I understood the lecture andd got the full mark
than you very much Rebecca
Thx Rebecca, this lesson help I improve my writing effect! :D
I get confused…got 80.
Manish Shrestha
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much, Rebecca!
I like to watch movies and to travel “abrod”.
Isn’t that “abroad”?
Yes, you are 100% right. I made a mistake, as I was distracted when writing on the board. Sorry about that. Good for you that you caught it! All the best, my friend.
Hi Rebecca,
I got 99 out 100 due to erroneously selections. I thought I selected nouns but wrongly tabbed on Verb.
With that said , I would like to thank you for your remarkable contributions to enhance our engagements in your fabulous English class. Your English classes give me a golden opportunity to optimize my writing skills. More importantly it gives confidence and how to maximize my vocabulary. I strongly recommend your class to other close friends who have limited English grammar. I truly appreciate you for unreserved efforts and courage you have shown me
Got 100% ,Thank you Rebecca ur superb
I have got 100) thank you for the lesson. I like your pronunciation very much
Ruslana Kazymyrovych
Thank you so much ma’am for this new lesson. I love the way of your explanation.
arif alif
I want to know why my phone can not play all the videos.?Anyone help me?
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! Very useful lesson as usually! My result – 90 because I was inattentive in task 1. I should choose INCORRECT sentence…
Thank you Rebecca I like your lesson and it is very useful.
I want to improve my english so i need someone to practice english with him .
Facebook: Reda Saboundji
Got 100. Thank you very much
Thank you so much!I could fix my fault correctly.
Hi Rebecca.
I really appreciate your job. Your way to explain is superb!. If is possible, could you seggest me some websites to practice the parallelism?
Daniel A.
A little confused because you need know nouns, verbs, adverbs and so one but anyway I’m improving my skills and be much better day by day, thanks to Rebecca!
Yes, you are right. You do need to be able to identify the various parts of speech. We have various engVid lessons that explain these points. I wish you all the best.
What’s wrong with the following sentence and what part of grammar does it belong to? ‘If it was not going to work, I would’ve told you’.
Hi Rebecca.
The lesson was great for my. It helps me to understand english languaje. One question, in the lesson, there is the next sentence:
I like to watch movies and to travel “abrod”. Is correct “abrod” ? or it will be “abroad” ?
Dear EngVid, can you make a video about putting the verb “to be” in a sentence. I am talking exactly about “Clauses” I think it is called so. For example: I don^t know what IS her name and I don^t know what her name IS. What is the difference between them. And what am I supposrd to use in order to sound more like a native. Please let James to mske this video. He is the best teacher ever by far. Thank you EngVid. I really appreciate it!!!! And you guys are the best
My lesson on embedded or indirect questions will help you understand this point.
I really enjoyed this lesson. It was very rich in content and useful, to improve some grammatical issues.
Once Again, I got a wonderful lesson of English.. I scored 100 marks in this quiz.. Thank you Ma’am..
I got 10 answers correct.
During your truly appreciated lesson, I tried to predict the correction of the parallelism as the following:
1- managerial ability to others and global working experience. Does the parallelism still remain correct preserving original words (to others and working)?
2- I replaced (finding) instead of (looking for) where the original is (to look). Is it acceptable as per the question to correct the faulty parallelism?
Thank you.
One more please: Is it correct to say highly appreciate?
10/10! You’re the best teacher in the world!
Apparently, you are the best student! I wish you continued success with your English, Frax90.
Hi Rebecca!
It was very interesting and educative subject and I really enjoy your lessons too.
I have learned and understand a lot of them.
Best regards.
Great lesson. Thanks.
OOHH i loved this lesson. You speaking it’s very undertandble thank you so much
Hello Rebecca! I was able to note that in sentences with word sequences, before the last word antecipated by the word ‘and’ you put a comma. In Portuguese in these cases we do not put a comma before the last word in a sequence anticipated by ‘and’. Is this correct for the written English language?
John B
Thank you so much Rebecca
Hi Rebecca, thank you very much for your vitality, clarity and simplicity in your presentations.
However this lesson gets a problem for me.
Can I ask to you the following question ?
If Janet just sings but not dances and if my decision is only founded on two view points and not three ? What happens with the style ?
The academic cercles considers this like a mistake but what about my honesty and my ability to look things as they are ?
No problem Serge T. You should maintain the parallelism, even if you have only two examples. You do not have to give three examples. All the best to you.
Thanks a lot Rebecca
Richard hamdi
I got 90, not bad ?, you know, you’re special, Good and amazing
îkrãm chãllãl
Thanks, Rebecca for explaining parallelism.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca…it’s a very helpful lesson
Thank you. it was a good opportunity. I got 7 out 10
Thanks for a great ,informative and interesting lecture.
–topic recomendation —
Hello Rebecca
You are great at this job. Thanks for the lessons. I just would like to recomend a topic that I believe in that it is really challenging for the most of English students. The topic is when we should use “which” and “that”and even “those” as a conjucture in the sentences.
Thank you in advance
ESL students are so lucky to have you ,Rebecca.I love the way you teach as you turn complicated lessons into much more easier ones.can you please make a video on the present perfect tense? I am having a hard time using it. thanks in advance !
sarah ali ali
Thanks for your kind words Sarah. Here are a few lessons on the present perfect:
i need anyone to talk to you in english in sometime
Thank you, Rebecca, I got 90
from testing and great lesson to improve my English.
neng nao
Hi Rebecca! The lesson was meaningful, fruitful and helpful for us. I couldn’t get right the first MCQ of the quiz. Do the dishes, mop the floor and set the table looked parallel but it turned out to be wrong. Need some explanation on it. Thanks
You were supposed to choose the sentence that was wrong. The correct sentence would have been:
We need to do the dishes, mop the floor, and set the table.
All the best, Ashifa.
Thank you for the lecture at least i have learnt something new today
Emeka Ifeanyi
Yeah! So glad you did, Emeka!
Hi Rebecca, In the last example of parallelism “Let’s start by checking your essay and look for any faulty parallelism”, wouldn’t it be better to just say “Let’s start by checking your essay for any faulty parallelism?” Isn’t checking considered to already look after mistakes? Thank you so much!
Hi, Rebecca, thank you for this helpful lesson, I did the quiz and got 90. The NO.8 “Chloe’s work requires concentration, accuracy, and patience.” Would you help me out with correct it to parallelism, I’m confused.
Yajing Wang
Not sure why you got it wrong. Maybe you marked the wrong answer by mistake? I did the test just now and got it right.
8. Chloe’s work requires concentration, accuracy, and patience.
This sentence is parallel.
Good for you that you care and are paying attention. All the best to you, Yajing Wang.
Superb lessons for tonight! I got 90 and Flattered with my result. You’re such an angel in disguise. I never thought it would be as easy as that! salute to you Rebecca.
Thank you for your very kind words. So glad you found the lesson helpful. This one change can make a big difference in the quality of your writing. Thanks for watching and recognizing that. All the best to you, JulietRN.
Thanks for this another useful lesson Rebecca!
I enjoy your thoroughness and clarity.
Hi Rebecca.
I really appreciate your job. Your way to explain is Excellent,thank you so much.
You made the lesson useful, understandable, and easy
Thanks for your great comment in perfect English. All the best to you, abdotam.
thank you so much
Thank you Rebecca! It was very interesting!
I’ve been teaching E for 18 years. Today I understand what’s meant by PARALLELISM.
Thanks a lot
You are brilliant
You’re brilliant for getting it and being open to learning all your life. That’s not just brilliant, but also wise. Hats off to you, my friend.
Thank you for helping me understand parallelism.
What’s the correct way to say question 8?
lutisia taylor
My best wishes to all of you who took this lesson seriously. Applying the principle of parallelism while speaking and writing will make a huge difference in the quality of your English.
thanks for your effort, God bless you
Hi Rebecca. I am just getting back to Engvid after a couple of months of busy work. I felt I needed to. Even though I can keep things that I have learned in mind, it is important to go over some topics to get a better, more accurate, and more consistent English.
Thanks for your work. Kind regards.
Albeiro Ruiz
This lesson is awesome Rebecca, I really want more this kind of lesson.
sam rizal
Scored 100 , thank God . I thank Miss Rebecca for her class, and the way she did . Too good!
got 10 out of 10 but can i get more quizz or link, to practice.
You really made this lesson so easier than it ever was… I really enjoyed doing this lesson.. Good job!! ??
Great lesson. thank you so much Rebecca.
Thank you Miss Rebecca
Thanks you Rebecca, finally the secret was revelead :)
Thank you Miss Rebecca, your lessons are very interesting and useful.
Hello Rebecca. Why we did’nt use: I usually having dinner, watching TV, and falling asleep.
Thanks for your help.
You are amazing.I am loving your teaching style.I hope your lessons will solve my problems:)
Thank you:)
Zainab Sakrani
10/10. great lesson!
Thank you very much and hope to see more new lessons.
very usefull. thank you so much!
simona bereznicu
9 of 10 Thank you so much.I really apreciate all your time .I was looking how to improve my English , and I foun it.
Thanks a lot , you are awesome ?????
Thank you
Thank you… Hehehe… Q1, I miss careful reading.
why “We need to do the dishes, mop the floor, and set the table” is incorrect?
Ms. Rebecca you are excellent teacher and your teaching is awesome. I wish to follow more lectures like this. Thank you.
thank you Rebecca
Thanks a lot Rebecca! Your explanation about Parallelism was clear,parallel and great.As for me it was a secret revealed too.Keep up the good work!
Oooh to bad only get 60, thanks Maam
Mind blown. I often use this but i didn’t know how to name it up until now. Paralleling is so much fun and mastering it pays off. Bye!!!
Got 100 :) you are the best Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca i realy appriciate your teaching system i like it.Thank you again.
thank you so much for your help. you are serious and able understanding
Thank you Rebecca. I like this lesson. You made it clearly, perspicuous, effective.
Thank you all engVid senseis.
Ken JP
??Would you like to make a lecture on legal research article?
Mam, Please, make a lecture on ‘how to write a research article’?
Sravan Kumar Kotluri
I got it. Your description is so easy. I am still confused. But with practice I can master it.
Thankyou Mam
A very good lesson.
I shall have to watch this video again.
very good lesson
Hi Rebecca, Thank you immensely for your marvellous lesson. Today I learn the Parallelism. Writing in this way is very beautiful, marvellous and magic ❤️
You make things easier
Robby 2000
Though I knew that rule, I did not realize how I often use faulty parallelism in my writing. You gave us good examples, especially the 5th one. Best wishes Rebecca. Btw, if someone is searching for a conversation partner to improve speaking skills, feel free to message me! Bye-bye.
I got 100 , thanks for a good explanation..!!
Wow! It’s so pleasure to learn English in your voice.
Thank you, teacher. I enjoy your lessons.
very informative lectures.
zeeshan hayat
10/10 thank you Rebecca, your teaching is excellent!
Got 100!!!!
Thank you Rebecca;you ease complicated things..
Thank you
I got 100!!!
Thank you Rebecca. You are Awesome. Taught the concept in a pleasant way.
I learned a lot about parallelism
Thank you Rebecca! It’s cool…
Thank you Rebecca. It is very helpful!
I got 100, thanks
Yeaaah I got 100. Thank you so much Rebecca.
i scored 10/10. thank you so much. looking forward for more videos
Hi Rebeca,
I got 100.!!!
Thanks a lot for teaching us this useful and helpful topic.
I got 90, super happy
Great lecture, Robecca. I’m so sorry to ask you again about the names of a few books to read to improve my reading and writing skills. I ‘m new to the website, I don’t know how to check the answers to my questions.
Thank you for your time!
Thank you, Rebeca, This lesson is interesting, educational and fuitful.
Thanks very much
9/10, thank you very much!
thank you so much
Thanks a lot for clarification.
Wow thanks to your lesson I finally got 100% after watching it two times!
Lily Ha Tran
thank you Rebecca, you merit a present.
Thank you Rebecca.
Got also 90. I just listen to the lesson one time, so the teacher is good :). I’m a French Canadian living in France, supporting a small group of English-speaking people. is a very good site to learn how to speak English, indeed.
Thank you very much, Rebecca.
I got hundred
Matin khalili
Question no.1, have selected option-2 as the answer, but it is incorrect. Could you please correct me, Rebecca? We need to do the dishes, mop the floor, and set the table. Is it not?
I revisited the question and found the fault. Thank you, Rebecca. Great learning.
I got 10/10. Thanks Rebecca, great lesson!
Thanks, Rebecca! You’re a great teacher!
Thank you Rebecca
Oh!thats a great and an effective lesson.This is the first time,I got 10 out of 10.
Md Rahat Hasan
I got a 100! Thank you Rebecca for teaching Parallelism. I really enjoyed it!
Get 100! Quite nice quiz! Rebecca you’re a great professor!
Thanks a million mam for the lesson of knowing a difference in writing and speaking through parallelism.This lesson was clear,informative and useful.I haven’t known the meaning of parallelism before especially in speaking and writing in are amazing,great and wonderful mam.I love your lesson as make every complicated lesson into easier once.
You make every complicated lesson into much more easier one.
it’s very helpful lesson, thank you rebecca.
medard ray
really good lesson
Thank you, Rebecca.
I felt my Quiz only 6/10
I got 10 out of 10. Thank you so much Rebecca!
Thank You, Rebecca Madam. May God bless you for your noble service.
sriram Jayaram
thought I selected nouns but wrongly tabbed on Verb.
With that said , I would like to thank you for your remarkable contributions to enhance our engagements in your fabulous English class. Your English classes give me a golden opportunity to optimize my writing skills. More importantly it gives confidence and how to maximize my vocabulary. I strongly recommend your class to other close friends who have limited English grammar. I truly appreciate you for unreserved efforts and courage you have shown me. May God bless your wisdom and talent. Thank you very much!
Great lesson! Very useful. Thanks a lot
carmen froes
Thanks Rebecca for your great lesson. I have a question:
In your example:
The lightbulbs are in the cabinet, on the table or under the kitchen sink.
Isn’t neccesary to put a comma before or?. Please your comments. I would really appreciate them, since I am trying to understand when to use a comma and when not to use it. Thanks so much.
Abigail Falcon
I got 100%. Finally I understand the famous paralelism. Thank you so much Rebecca. You are the best!
Abigail Falcon
Hello Rebecca,
I hope you can read this message. I just want you to know that I was so amazed the way to taught English. You made it more simple in a way that all of us, who wanted to learnt this language wholeheartedly. Thank you for letting us access this website for free. Your are all amazing teacher. We really appreciate all your effort. It means a lot to us learners.
Thanks a lot dear teacher. You guided me perfectly!I owe you.
80%… I think it is good.
Hashim Hassan
Got 100?
Tamana Tamana
Thank you madam,
Score 8 out of 10. I know, I’ll be practised regularly is important.
Narayanan V
I am in love with this website! The quiz is so much useful. Thank you, Teacher Rebeca!
Thank you Rebbeca
@Rebecca Can’t we write “To fly will be better than to drive”?
Varun Chenna
Omg i am the new user ..and by seeing the comment totally amzed..its so cool to leave comment…thats why im writting
i got all correct but except for this one:
Parallelism says that you should match nouns with ______, for example.
i marked verbs..while the answer was noun???
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 23Sept2021);
I love watching your lessons.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. This lesson is amazing.(Azores Islands, 23sept2021);
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. I just got a 100 in the TOEFL!
This lesson is essential.
I watched this video twice on June 29, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Amazing teacher thanks very much
Babar Aldeen Ibrahim Adam
Received 90, thanks for giving us such a good knowledge.
tanks a lot
Yildiz Okuturlar
10/10 thanks ma’am Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca10/10
Ahmad Abushawish
Many thanks, teacher Rebeca. I got 10/10.
Hello Rebecca,
Hope you’re doing good.
I really enjoy your YouTube videos; I have learnt a lot. Thank you, the technique of your teaching is really helpful to learn the English language.
Fina Jasmine
Thank you so much Rebecca..
zaara shaikh
Great lesson! I already feel like I’m more advanced.
Thanks for this explanation.
Hi Rebecca, thank you very much for your generous wisdom. Also, I’d really appreciate it if you could tell me if this sentence is correct: I like to read, dance, and travel the world.
Muhsin Khan D
Upendo Kaluzi
Thanks a lot mam. Your video on parallelism helped me learning, understanding and using the concept of parallelism.
I got 100 marks in the very first attempt. I am very grateful to you for this.
Muhammad Saad Ur Rehman
I got 80.
I listened to your class patiently, carefully and attentively.
what is score, pls? Rebecca,I am impressed.
Thanks to you.
johnson ogunbowale
100 .it’s make me glad .
Shamima Alam Sathi
Thank you. I am lucky to have found this. It is so helpful.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Got 90. You made me free from confusion :) . One of the ever best lesson till yet . You are gorgeous. Thanks a lot ,Rebecca! <3
Thank you kindly for your comments, Jasmine. I am sure you will master English because you really care and are determined to succeed. My best wishes to you.
Thank you Rebecca, for giving me the enlightenments. :)<3
Thank you so much. You made the lesson useful, understandable and easy.
Abdurraheem Attam
Your lesson on parallelism is clear,informative and helpful.
Thank you mam.
Still a good and kindly lesson before starting the day.Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you! Miss Rebecca, Got 90! But could not understand question No 1 “We need to do the dishes, mop the floor, and make sure to set the table”.
Why is this option correct? could you explain?
I have the same question to Rebecca.
p.s. thanks for the lesson!
As far as I understand the lesson .This might be because, In the sentence, structure should follows verb along with verb, noun with noun,adjective with adjective etc. Here ,in this sentence ,verb is being used so ,It follows with the verbs. “sure” is an adjective. That’s why ” make sure” didn’t fit here. And as well as you can read the sentence ,it does not sound rhythmic so, that’s inkling towards faulty parallelism .
The question asks which sentence is INCORRECT, therefore the incorrect sentence is the correct answer
If it were correct, this sentence would be:
We need to do the dishes, mop the floor, and set the table.
You needed to choose the answer that was INCORRECT.
All the best to you. Thanks to all for your help.
Awesome lesson! Please keep posting lessons like this. Thanks a lot!
I did it, I got FULL MARKS. thanks, Rebecca for your awesome lesson to improve my writing. THANK YOU SO MUCH
You are a kind, professional, and interesting teacher. Thank you very much!
Thank you and congratulations! You got the point!
All the best to you, Jun Shao.
This lesson helped my english writing and speaking.
Thanks a lot :)
Not bad as a beginning
I got only 7/10.I need more concentration.very useful lesson.thank u
Thank you Rebecca. I am from Indonesia. I just joined
Thanks, Rebecca! This is a better lesson you teach for a long time. Extra lessons like this, please.
Could you answer me? The sentence- “Using faulty parallelism is not so serious and will not lower my grades”, is not correct because have the incorrect meaning? Is it grammatically correct?
I got full mark .Than you Rebecca
You are a good teacher.
Thank you so much Rebecca!!!This is by far the most useful lesson I´ve ever watched about writing!!!I think I´d been making all these mistakes for a very long time. Now, everything is much clearer.
However, I´m still a bit confused about when you write prepositions. For example, in the last example of the video you explained that it´s correct to say:
Let´s start by checking your essays and looking for any faulty parellelism.
Would it be correct to say:
Let´s start by checking your essays and BY looking for any faulty parellelism ???
Would it be the same case as in the number 2 of the examples?….TO speak to the manager, (TO) return the cellphone and (TO) get a refund??
It is correct to do it either way. You can repeat the preposition each time, if you wish. However, if each element needs the same preposition, you do not have to repeat the preposition. You can just say / write it once, and it applies to all the elements equally.
Glad you found the lesson helpful. It is really the key to upgrading your English significantly. All the best!
I understood the lecture andd got the full mark
than you very much Rebecca
Thx Rebecca, this lesson help I improve my writing effect! :D
I get confused…got 80.
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much, Rebecca!
I like to watch movies and to travel “abrod”.
Isn’t that “abroad”?
Yes, you are 100% right. I made a mistake, as I was distracted when writing on the board. Sorry about that. Good for you that you caught it! All the best, my friend.
Hi Rebecca,
I got 99 out 100 due to erroneously selections. I thought I selected nouns but wrongly tabbed on Verb.
With that said , I would like to thank you for your remarkable contributions to enhance our engagements in your fabulous English class. Your English classes give me a golden opportunity to optimize my writing skills. More importantly it gives confidence and how to maximize my vocabulary. I strongly recommend your class to other close friends who have limited English grammar. I truly appreciate you for unreserved efforts and courage you have shown me
Got 100% ,Thank you Rebecca ur superb
I have got 100) thank you for the lesson. I like your pronunciation very much
Thank you so much ma’am for this new lesson. I love the way of your explanation.
I want to know why my phone can not play all the videos.?Anyone help me?
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! Very useful lesson as usually! My result – 90 because I was inattentive in task 1. I should choose INCORRECT sentence…
Thank you Rebecca I like your lesson and it is very useful.
I want to improve my english so i need someone to practice english with him .
Facebook: Reda Saboundji
Got 100. Thank you very much
Thank you so much!I could fix my fault correctly.
Hi Rebecca.
I really appreciate your job. Your way to explain is superb!. If is possible, could you seggest me some websites to practice the parallelism?
A little confused because you need know nouns, verbs, adverbs and so one but anyway I’m improving my skills and be much better day by day, thanks to Rebecca!
Yes, you are right. You do need to be able to identify the various parts of speech. We have various engVid lessons that explain these points. I wish you all the best.
What’s wrong with the following sentence and what part of grammar does it belong to? ‘If it was not going to work, I would’ve told you’.
Hi Rebecca.
The lesson was great for my. It helps me to understand english languaje. One question, in the lesson, there is the next sentence:
I like to watch movies and to travel “abrod”. Is correct “abrod” ? or it will be “abroad” ?
Dear EngVid, can you make a video about putting the verb “to be” in a sentence. I am talking exactly about “Clauses” I think it is called so. For example: I don^t know what IS her name and I don^t know what her name IS. What is the difference between them. And what am I supposrd to use in order to sound more like a native. Please let James to mske this video. He is the best teacher ever by far. Thank you EngVid. I really appreciate it!!!! And you guys are the best
My lesson on embedded or indirect questions will help you understand this point.
All the best to you!
Dear Rebecca;
I really enjoyed this lesson. It was very rich in content and useful, to improve some grammatical issues.
Once Again, I got a wonderful lesson of English.. I scored 100 marks in this quiz.. Thank you Ma’am..
I got 10 answers correct.
During your truly appreciated lesson, I tried to predict the correction of the parallelism as the following:
1- managerial ability to others and global working experience. Does the parallelism still remain correct preserving original words (to others and working)?
2- I replaced (finding) instead of (looking for) where the original is (to look). Is it acceptable as per the question to correct the faulty parallelism?
Thank you.
One more please: Is it correct to say highly appreciate?
10/10! You’re the best teacher in the world!
Apparently, you are the best student! I wish you continued success with your English, Frax90.
Hi Rebecca!
It was very interesting and educative subject and I really enjoy your lessons too.
I have learned and understand a lot of them.
Best regards.
Great lesson. Thanks.
OOHH i loved this lesson. You speaking it’s very undertandble thank you so much
Hello Rebecca! I was able to note that in sentences with word sequences, before the last word antecipated by the word ‘and’ you put a comma. In Portuguese in these cases we do not put a comma before the last word in a sequence anticipated by ‘and’. Is this correct for the written English language?
Thank you so much Rebecca
Hi Rebecca, thank you very much for your vitality, clarity and simplicity in your presentations.
However this lesson gets a problem for me.
Can I ask to you the following question ?
If Janet just sings but not dances and if my decision is only founded on two view points and not three ? What happens with the style ?
The academic cercles considers this like a mistake but what about my honesty and my ability to look things as they are ?
No problem Serge T. You should maintain the parallelism, even if you have only two examples. You do not have to give three examples. All the best to you.
Thanks a lot Rebecca
I got 90, not bad ?, you know, you’re special, Good and amazing
Thanks, Rebecca for explaining parallelism.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca…it’s a very helpful lesson
Thank you. it was a good opportunity. I got 7 out 10
Thanks for a great ,informative and interesting lecture.
–topic recomendation —
Hello Rebecca
You are great at this job. Thanks for the lessons. I just would like to recomend a topic that I believe in that it is really challenging for the most of English students. The topic is when we should use “which” and “that”and even “those” as a conjucture in the sentences.
Thank you in advance
You might wish to watch these videos:
All the best to you,cengizyucel!
ESL students are so lucky to have you ,Rebecca.I love the way you teach as you turn complicated lessons into much more easier ones.can you please make a video on the present perfect tense? I am having a hard time using it. thanks in advance !
Thanks for your kind words Sarah. Here are a few lessons on the present perfect:
All the best to you, my friend.
i need anyone to talk to you in english in sometime
Thank you, Rebecca, I got 90
from testing and great lesson to improve my English.
Hi Rebecca! The lesson was meaningful, fruitful and helpful for us. I couldn’t get right the first MCQ of the quiz. Do the dishes, mop the floor and set the table looked parallel but it turned out to be wrong. Need some explanation on it. Thanks
You were supposed to choose the sentence that was wrong. The correct sentence would have been:
We need to do the dishes, mop the floor, and set the table.
All the best, Ashifa.
Thank you for the lecture at least i have learnt something new today
Yeah! So glad you did, Emeka!
Hi Rebecca, In the last example of parallelism “Let’s start by checking your essay and look for any faulty parallelism”, wouldn’t it be better to just say “Let’s start by checking your essay for any faulty parallelism?” Isn’t checking considered to already look after mistakes? Thank you so much!
Hi, Rebecca, thank you for this helpful lesson, I did the quiz and got 90. The NO.8 “Chloe’s work requires concentration, accuracy, and patience.” Would you help me out with correct it to parallelism, I’m confused.
Not sure why you got it wrong. Maybe you marked the wrong answer by mistake? I did the test just now and got it right.
8. Chloe’s work requires concentration, accuracy, and patience.
This sentence is parallel.
Good for you that you care and are paying attention. All the best to you, Yajing Wang.
Superb lessons for tonight! I got 90 and Flattered with my result. You’re such an angel in disguise. I never thought it would be as easy as that! salute to you Rebecca.
Thank you for your very kind words. So glad you found the lesson helpful. This one change can make a big difference in the quality of your writing. Thanks for watching and recognizing that. All the best to you, JulietRN.
Thanks for this another useful lesson Rebecca!
I enjoy your thoroughness and clarity.
Hi Rebecca.
I really appreciate your job. Your way to explain is Excellent,thank you so much.
You made the lesson useful, understandable, and easy
Thanks for your great comment in perfect English. All the best to you, abdotam.
thank you so much
Thank you Rebecca! It was very interesting!
I’ve been teaching E for 18 years. Today I understand what’s meant by PARALLELISM.
Thanks a lot
You are brilliant
You’re brilliant for getting it and being open to learning all your life. That’s not just brilliant, but also wise. Hats off to you, my friend.
Thank you for helping me understand parallelism.
What’s the correct way to say question 8?
My best wishes to all of you who took this lesson seriously. Applying the principle of parallelism while speaking and writing will make a huge difference in the quality of your English.
thanks for your effort, God bless you
Hi Rebecca. I am just getting back to Engvid after a couple of months of busy work. I felt I needed to. Even though I can keep things that I have learned in mind, it is important to go over some topics to get a better, more accurate, and more consistent English.
Thanks for your work. Kind regards.
This lesson is awesome Rebecca, I really want more this kind of lesson.
Scored 100 , thank God . I thank Miss Rebecca for her class, and the way she did . Too good!
got 10 out of 10 but can i get more quizz or link, to practice.
You really made this lesson so easier than it ever was… I really enjoyed doing this lesson.. Good job!! ??
Great lesson. thank you so much Rebecca.
Thank you Miss Rebecca
Thanks you Rebecca, finally the secret was revelead :)
Thank you Miss Rebecca, your lessons are very interesting and useful.
Hello Rebecca. Why we did’nt use: I usually having dinner, watching TV, and falling asleep.
Thanks for your help.
You are amazing.I am loving your teaching style.I hope your lessons will solve my problems:)
Thank you:)
10/10. great lesson!
Thank you very much and hope to see more new lessons.
very usefull. thank you so much!
9 of 10 Thank you so much.I really apreciate all your time .I was looking how to improve my English , and I foun it.
Thanks a lot , you are awesome ?????
Thank you
Thank you… Hehehe… Q1, I miss careful reading.
why “We need to do the dishes, mop the floor, and set the table” is incorrect?
Ms. Rebecca you are excellent teacher and your teaching is awesome. I wish to follow more lectures like this. Thank you.
thank you Rebecca
Thanks a lot Rebecca! Your explanation about Parallelism was clear,parallel and great.As for me it was a secret revealed too.Keep up the good work!
Oooh to bad only get 60, thanks Maam
Mind blown. I often use this but i didn’t know how to name it up until now. Paralleling is so much fun and mastering it pays off. Bye!!!
Got 100 :) you are the best Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca i realy appriciate your teaching system i like it.Thank you again.
thank you so much for your help. you are serious and able understanding
Thank you Rebecca. I like this lesson. You made it clearly, perspicuous, effective.
Thank you all engVid senseis.
Ken JP
??Would you like to make a lecture on legal research article?
Mam, Please, make a lecture on ‘how to write a research article’?
I got it. Your description is so easy. I am still confused. But with practice I can master it.
Thankyou Mam
A very good lesson.
I shall have to watch this video again.
very good lesson
Hi Rebecca, Thank you immensely for your marvellous lesson. Today I learn the Parallelism. Writing in this way is very beautiful, marvellous and magic ❤️
You make things easier
Though I knew that rule, I did not realize how I often use faulty parallelism in my writing. You gave us good examples, especially the 5th one. Best wishes Rebecca. Btw, if someone is searching for a conversation partner to improve speaking skills, feel free to message me! Bye-bye.
I got 100 , thanks for a good explanation..!!
Wow! It’s so pleasure to learn English in your voice.
Thank you, teacher. I enjoy your lessons.
very informative lectures.
10/10 thank you Rebecca, your teaching is excellent!
Got 100!!!!
Thank you Rebecca;you ease complicated things..
Thank you
I got 100!!!
Thank you Rebecca. You are Awesome. Taught the concept in a pleasant way.
I learned a lot about parallelism
Thank you Rebecca! It’s cool…
Thank you Rebecca. It is very helpful!
I got 100, thanks
Yeaaah I got 100. Thank you so much Rebecca.
i scored 10/10. thank you so much. looking forward for more videos
Hi Rebeca,
I got 100.!!!
Thanks a lot for teaching us this useful and helpful topic.
I got 90, super happy
Great lecture, Robecca. I’m so sorry to ask you again about the names of a few books to read to improve my reading and writing skills. I ‘m new to the website, I don’t know how to check the answers to my questions.
Thank you for your time!
Thank you, Rebeca, This lesson is interesting, educational and fuitful.
Thanks very much
9/10, thank you very much!
thank you so much
Thanks a lot for clarification.
Wow thanks to your lesson I finally got 100% after watching it two times!
thank you Rebecca, you merit a present.
Thank you Rebecca.
Got also 90. I just listen to the lesson one time, so the teacher is good :). I’m a French Canadian living in France, supporting a small group of English-speaking people. is a very good site to learn how to speak English, indeed.
Thank you very much, Rebecca.
I got hundred
Question no.1, have selected option-2 as the answer, but it is incorrect. Could you please correct me, Rebecca? We need to do the dishes, mop the floor, and set the table. Is it not?
I revisited the question and found the fault. Thank you, Rebecca. Great learning.
I got 10/10. Thanks Rebecca, great lesson!
Thanks, Rebecca! You’re a great teacher!
Thank you Rebecca
Oh!thats a great and an effective lesson.This is the first time,I got 10 out of 10.
I got a 100! Thank you Rebecca for teaching Parallelism. I really enjoyed it!
Get 100! Quite nice quiz! Rebecca you’re a great professor!
Thanks a million mam for the lesson of knowing a difference in writing and speaking through parallelism.This lesson was clear,informative and useful.I haven’t known the meaning of parallelism before especially in speaking and writing in are amazing,great and wonderful mam.I love your lesson as make every complicated lesson into easier once.
You make every complicated lesson into much more easier one.
it’s very helpful lesson, thank you rebecca.
really good lesson
Thank you, Rebecca.
I felt my Quiz only 6/10
I got 10 out of 10. Thank you so much Rebecca!
Thank You, Rebecca Madam. May God bless you for your noble service.
thought I selected nouns but wrongly tabbed on Verb.
With that said , I would like to thank you for your remarkable contributions to enhance our engagements in your fabulous English class. Your English classes give me a golden opportunity to optimize my writing skills. More importantly it gives confidence and how to maximize my vocabulary. I strongly recommend your class to other close friends who have limited English grammar. I truly appreciate you for unreserved efforts and courage you have shown me. May God bless your wisdom and talent. Thank you very much!
Great lesson! Very useful. Thanks a lot
Thanks Rebecca for your great lesson. I have a question:
In your example:
The lightbulbs are in the cabinet, on the table or under the kitchen sink.
Isn’t neccesary to put a comma before or?. Please your comments. I would really appreciate them, since I am trying to understand when to use a comma and when not to use it. Thanks so much.
I got 100%. Finally I understand the famous paralelism. Thank you so much Rebecca. You are the best!
Hello Rebecca,
I hope you can read this message. I just want you to know that I was so amazed the way to taught English. You made it more simple in a way that all of us, who wanted to learnt this language wholeheartedly. Thank you for letting us access this website for free. Your are all amazing teacher. We really appreciate all your effort. It means a lot to us learners.
Thanks a lot dear teacher. You guided me perfectly!I owe you.
80%… I think it is good.
Got 100?
Thank you madam,
Score 8 out of 10. I know, I’ll be practised regularly is important.
I am in love with this website! The quiz is so much useful. Thank you, Teacher Rebeca!
Thank you Rebbeca
@Rebecca Can’t we write “To fly will be better than to drive”?
Omg i am the new user ..and by seeing the comment totally amzed..its so cool to leave comment…thats why im writting
i got all correct but except for this one:
Parallelism says that you should match nouns with ______, for example.
i marked verbs..while the answer was noun???
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 23Sept2021);
I love watching your lessons.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. This lesson is amazing.(Azores Islands, 23sept2021);
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. I just got a 100 in the TOEFL!
This lesson is essential.
I watched this video twice on June 29, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Amazing teacher thanks very much
Received 90, thanks for giving us such a good knowledge.
tanks a lot
10/10 thanks ma’am Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca10/10
Many thanks, teacher Rebeca. I got 10/10.
Hello Rebecca,
Hope you’re doing good.
I really enjoy your YouTube videos; I have learnt a lot. Thank you, the technique of your teaching is really helpful to learn the English language.
Thank you so much Rebecca..
Great lesson! I already feel like I’m more advanced.
Thanks for this explanation.
Hi Rebecca, thank you very much for your generous wisdom. Also, I’d really appreciate it if you could tell me if this sentence is correct: I like to read, dance, and travel the world.
Thanks a lot mam. Your video on parallelism helped me learning, understanding and using the concept of parallelism.
I got 100 marks in the very first attempt. I am very grateful to you for this.
I got 80.
I listened to your class patiently, carefully and attentively.
what is score, pls? Rebecca,I am impressed.
Thanks to you.
100 .it’s make me glad .
Thank you. I am lucky to have found this. It is so helpful.
The lesson helped me a lot and I’m grateful.
Thank you ma’am, from Nigeria
Thank you teacher Rebecca, I got one mistake.
Great lesson!!!