), prepositions (for
, by
, to
, in
…), conjunctions (and
, but
, when
, if
…), and pronouns (he
, it
, these
, all
…). Learn exactly what each of these elements of the sentence do and how they interact with the other parts of the sentence. Once you’ve watched this video and understood it, make sure you watch my classes about other parts of speech: nouns and adjectives, and verbs and adverbs.
Gosh, I’ve been waiting for your new lesson for many long days!
Thank you so much for your efforts
Great lesson Adam, thank you!!
where is the content?
its not playing with me
Can you see any other YouTube videos?
Thank you so much Adam! I love your videos, you explain everything clearly and precisely.
Thank you Adam. It’s very hard lesson for me because I’m not good in grammar even in my own language !!!! But thank you anyway.
tank you
Thank you for this lesson. I really appreciate it because this help me to know which part or grammar I need to improve. I really like your lessons. Thank you so much Adam, you’re a great teacher.
Thank you. It could be a good start to me
Always watch all classes! You’re amazing! Thank you so much!!!!!????
Thanks Alex, your advice about where we have to start study English was very important. You always give us great lesson.
thankyou Rebecca
Great lesson. Thank you so much.
Thanks a lot.
thanks sir for your english
Well-done, Adam, Thanks for never ending support.
I would like to use al of these parts of speech in this commen, but i think it won´t be possible. And i should say that this lesson was fine.
Thank you Adam
Thanks for your lesson i have a lot of learn from your topic ❤️i appreciate your effort ❤️
thanks, sir adam
Hi Adam! So NHLers allowed to come to the Olimpics, so Canada might be champion ??? ))) Or somebody will take opposition your team ???
Well Ashurov, it’s become an international sport, so the Russians, the Americans, the Swedes all have a good shot too. It should be a good games ;)
It’s a bit difficult but I enjoy watching your lessons, Thank you Teacher.
this makes me confused. maybe I don’t have enough knowledge to understand
That’s ok, Hoangbao. With practice, it gets easier. Keep trying :)
I got 90 out of 100, Thank you Adam
eligibility creteria. eligibility which parts of speech?
It’s a noun, but when used in a compound with another noun it acts as an adjective.
(the usual adjective is eligible)
Thank you
Thanks everyone :)
Woow I tried my hands on de quiz and I did well 8/10.
This was a really good lesson.
Thank you, Adam. This video really helped me.
mine date 5 November2021 from Kazakhstan
best regards,Adam
Thanks Adam love your video
thanks adam
thank you
is there any grammar books you would recommend?
Thank you
Thank you Adam
ENG VID is the G.O.A.T!
Thank you so much for your lessons. They are so effective.
I got 9/10
Much obliged.
Thanks for this video, even though is hard to me learn this…
so poor i,m in english
How that is a pronoun?
And how its is an adjective but hers is not?
Thank u
9/10! Good! It’s easy to understand. I was confused by parts of speech when I was a student. If I watched this lesson, I would have good English learning.
Adam you are completely right we have to study grammar.
I got 9 from 10 . Thank You Sir.
thank you sir.
Thank you ADAM!
Hello! I`ve got 80! Some of them are tricky one. :D
Muito obrigada!
Wow! very intwresting video!Where can I find more videos about conjunctions?
Hi Adam,
if you please could you kindly explain me the difference:
“Laughing on it” vs “Laughing at it ” ?
Thanks ADAM
It’s ReallY HelPul mr….!!!
Please suggest a good grammar book for beginners and children.I want for my daughter in 4th grade
Thanks a lot for your lessons, Adam.
I wonder if that would be possible to get some lessons on “coordinate conjunctions”, “correlative conjunctions”, and “subordinate conjunctions”.
Thanks a lot for your lessons, Adam.
I wonder if that would be possible to get some lessons on “indefinite pronouns”. About where they are used in the singular form, where they are used in the plural form, where they are followed by nouns, where they are followed by adjectives, where they are followed by countable nouns, where they are followed by uncountable nouns, and all the points related to them.
Thank you so much for your lessons
thanks abunch
Adam, thx a lot for the episode!
I`m so glad that I watched this video.
Thank you, Mr.Adam.
thank you so much
Wow, i apreciate for that.
Thank you!
9/10 . Thanks very much Adam teacher
Thank you for the lesson, Adam!
Thanks Adam, It looks confuse, but I can recognize one by one as keep going practices
thanks you!!
Excelent class Thanks you Adam