(“I had worked”) and the PAST SIMPLE TENSE
(“I worked”) in this advanced English class. We’ll review when to use each tense, how to form it, and what common mistakes to avoid. We’ll also do practice exercises together, so you’ll know which tense to use in conversation, business situations, or on your IELTS or TOEFL. Afterwards, you can take the review quiz on engVid. Then, continue learning more advanced English verb tenses by watching the next lesson in the series, which is on the past perfect continuous tense. Congratulations – you’re doing so well!
thank you very much.
Thank you.
plese it is did I gone or did I went, in aquestion.
This is the best website. Thanks a lot for this content.
Thank you very much you are a great teacher
thank you
I Love your comparative tenses lessons. I got 10 out of 10. Thank you so much!
Thank you for good explanation.
Thank you so much Rebecca I look forword to learning the next topic from you.
10/10 thnx Rebecca
Seeing red. 9 out of 10. In spite of before I passed this quiz I had watched the lesson about Past Perfect time.
Good ;)
Past perfect time? or past perfect tense.
Hi Rebecca,
as always extremely useful and well explained lesson.
I took the quiz, after I’d watched the video.
(I think this sentence above is a tad awkard. “After watching the video, I took the quiz” sounds more common at least to me. What do you think?
I look forward to advanced future tenses ;)
All the best ;)
Thank you Rebecca I had problems with those past form of time since I was a elementary student, but today I completely understood the logic of them and so appreciate your efforts and you are a great perspective.
I hadn’t understood those form of grammar, before I watched this lesson two hours ago.
when you did something before something…
Thank you ever so much!
Thank you for clarifying this timeline. I understood that this tense provides us a way to talk about facts in a more explanatory context, exactly in the order in which they occurred and the form in which the verbs are used definitely has a purpose.
thank you!
10/10 as always after your lessons. Thanks.
Thank you. I need more practice. Excelent!
Thanks, I need to check again the verbs in participle
Thanks so much
Really important fundamental for english
Thank you :)
Thanks,,how to teach you is very easy to understand
Thank you for this lesson
The past perfect is very difficult to me… I need to study more. Thank you, all the best!
Hello… I’m mad keen on brushing my speaking up. Is there anyone who is interested in speaking to me on a regular basis?
My whatsapp number is +8801812788727.
Thank you.
Excelent class!
I am very happy to learn that lesson
I’m troubled that learning english. But, I must learn this lang. My life depends on it.
I HAD WATCHED your grammar lessons of each tenses before I watched this vedio. So it was very easy to understand.very clear lesson. Thank you.
Thank you for the class, really its interesting class
I am very much thank you your teachings are very simple and easy to understand.
Thanks, I had wrong three times.
This lesson is about Past Simple and Past Perfect tenses but in the caption you guys wrote “Past Simple or present perfect”
Thanks, I’m improve my English.
Thank you teachers
i’m so happy to stand here
Excellent, Thank you Rebecca.
Hello Ma’am,
Thank you to teach us such a nice way..
I like the way you teach:)
Thank you! so much The way you explained It was easy for me to understand.
Good content in the test quiz. It was very helpful because that’s the only way to prove if I understand the class.
thank you
Thank you for your teaching!
Great comparision mam.I had watched lesson before I took quiz.
Great comparision mam.I had watched the lesson before took quiz.It’s more informative and very clear.Thanks a lot mam!
i had a huge problem with past perfect before i saw your lesson! Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much! It’s very useful to learn all verb tense
Thank you for this lesson. Before I made the quiz I had watched your video about Past Perfect Tense.
Thank you for clear lesson! :)
thank you
You are a great teacher. Thank you so much!!!!
thank you rebacca
Thank you so much, even if you were smiling to us every time show us something tricky
Thank you.
thanks Rebecca, i got 80 scores
Amazing session Rebecca and I scored 90%. Thank you so much.
It’s An amazing Website for English Learning.
Thank you so much Rebecca 9/10 ?
great video,thank you
I had been confused with the past perfect tense before I watched this video.
Thank you so much. You are a great teacher……
Thx a lot. U r the best team, the best website.
You are right she is my favorite!
Thank you very much!
The awesome teacher to learn English.?
Awesome Understanding explanation. ?
Thank you again for another great lesson.
Thanks a lot . I did one mistake here Alas !! I don’t
Thank you very much teacher, I have scored 100%
i am never understand past perfect tense how could i do.
Thank you so much Miss Rebecca. My English is getting better everyday.You’re an angel.
thank you
Thank you very much Rebecca
Thank you very much Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca!
thanks Rebecca for your lesson.
Thx 4 u My English language is getting better everyday.
Hi there, I need to improve and practice my English and I know the best way is to speak it with other people. Could anyone help me, please?
The number 7 why in this question: We didn’t know what had happened because we __________ the news.
the answer is hadn´t heard and not didn´t heard????
And why in :What time __________ home? the answer is did you go and not did you went??? went does not match with did?
Thank you so much, I learned a lot!
Rebecca, you are good!
Thanks Soo much
Thank you so much for the good explanation. As always
clear and useful. I`m happy to watch your lessons!
I’ve got 10 out of 10. Thank you. Rebecca.
Thant you so much Rebecca
Thank you mam.I’ve got 10/10.
Thanku so much ma’am for this lesson. I have scored 10 out of 10.
Thank you so much..
Thanks, teacher for this wonderful lesson.
Amazing lesson, teacher Rebecca. Thanks a lot. (Azores Islands, 05Feb2021);
Have a nice day teacher Rebecca! I’m not very good at English,speaking and writing correct grammar sentences as well. But I’m thankful because I have you as my online teacher.. Thank you so much with love.. ?❤️❤️
I had learned this lesson before I took a test.
Thanks Rebecca
I like you ?
Dear teacher Rebbeca, i was wondering, that when we can use was/were + V.ed?, is this right or wrong ?.
For me this is the best class about this topic. congratulations.
Thank you very much Rebecca, you are un very good teacher, it’s a plesure to improve my English with you
Thank you very much!!
After, I had finished this text, I saw the ?
Why in question 4 you didn’t use ” didn’t?
Igot8/10 i need more practice
Thanks maam,
9/10 woow.. Thank you
Thank you for this class :)
Thank you very much Rebecca. Before I saw this lesson, I hadn’t had deeper understanding about those two tenses usage.
thank you miss rebbeca
Rebeca, thanks a lot.
Great lesson, Rebecca. You are awesome!
Hi I’m from Turkey. I look for speaking partner +905530807851 WhatsApp.
Rebeca y a brilliant.
Thanks Teacher
thanks, I got to learn a lot lesson
Every time I make just a single mistake I make the quiz all over again to make sure that I learned.
Thank you, Rebecca. Great lesson.
Great lesson our teacher thank you .
Thanks again, Rebecca! Your effort is wonderful.
Thanks to you Prof.Rebecca God Bless always!
10 / 10, Thanks again,Rebecca.
I got 9/10 thank u
Hello dear teacher!
Thank you so much for the good explanation.
I got 9 correct out of 10.
8/10 a little it confused
You are so clear!
Thank you madam
I got 100/100
I watched this video twice on August 15, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got ten out of 10.
Thanks Rebecca.
Thanks, Rebbeca.
I got 100/100.
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca
Thank you, Rebbeca
Hello Mam, can you tell me what should be the answer of this:
I don’t know what ……………………… to her. (happened / has happened)
I had made a lot of mistakes in the
I had made a lot of mistakes in the tenses before I watched this lesson.
I’ve got this face 80 (just turn right)
It’s too hard!!!
Dear Rebecca hi even if the lesson seems easy but I did confused in to cases nu.4and5 after reviewing and comparing those 2 with others and having focussed in the rule finally I got the trick and corrected my mistake.anyway thanks of your teaching with your so much efforts.
Thank you so much Rabecca
Thanks Rebecca.
100. It is wonderful for me. Thank you so much.
Before I came to Turkey, I had finished high school. By the time I came, I had worked really hard to learn Turkish. When I started university, I had already known Turkish. Before I got a university diploma I had studied for 4 years.
Before I came to Turkey, I had finished high school. By the time I came, I had worked really hard to learn Turkish. When I started university, I had already known Turkish. Before I got a university diploma I had studied for 4 years.
Thanks Rebecca
Super, I got 10/10. Thanks for lesson!
Thanks Rebecca!
Thank you, Rebecca, you are Perfect teacher.
Yeay… i got 10 out of 10 .. thank you Rebecca, i had learned so much from you
you are awesome
Thanks Rebecca mam
Amazing teacher.. thank you!
Thank you Rebecca .
Terrific work
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca
Good morning! Please, what is right in a question
;did I go or did I went. That iz because the quiz had troubled me.
Thank you for the great explanation!
Before I watched the video it had been hard to understand the difference between these two tenses, but after that, it wasn’t. :-)
Thank you very much Rebecca for comparing these two tense. It is quite useful! :)
Thank you 8/10
Thank you so much. It was helpful.
I got 9/10.tq
I`m sad with me
Thanks Rebeca
for a wonderful class.
Thanks, I liked Rebecca. I´ll continue.
Thank you so much
Not bad
Thank you so much
great job. thanks
Thank you Rebecca!
Lesson completed!
Completed I got 9/10.
Thank you for your sharing.
I would like some help with this sentence, please. According to Mss. Rebecca, when the year is not over yet, our sentence becomes present perfect, but in the case of this sentence that I came across, the answer is simple past. (Have you been aboard this year. Yes I went to Japan in January )
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca!
thank you Rebecca, it was very hard to understand this two tenses, but now it is very useful and great
thanks a lot
Thank you!
Thank you so much i got a 8 of 10 in the quiz, very helpfully explanation!
I am so glad to learn English with you. Thanks a lot.
Thanks a Lot.
Thank you sooooo much!
Thank you so much 9/10
Thanks a lot for your help!!!
You got 9 correct out of 10
It nice lesson, so easy and clear! I’m grateful to you.