Want to learn some extremely common verbs for traveling? You’ve come to the right place. They say traveling is the school of life. It is also a great opportunity to improve your English! In this video, I will teach you common phrasal verbs that we use when talking about traveling. But first, I will explain what phrasal verbs are and show you their importance in conversational English. We will look at how to correctly use drop off, see off, take off, get in, check in, and more. Join me, and get ready for a big trip to improve both your life and your English!
Yaay!!!! I am the first one to comment.
Good morning Emma mam. Thank you for this wonderful lesson. I am going for a trip to dehradun. So this lesson came in handy and also it helped me improve my vocabulary. Thank you once again.☺☺☺☺
palakshi nautiyal
how about improving english by speaking it on skype.btw,i’m from haridwar.
I got 100. ☺ That was the very useful lesson and quiz too. I love the clarity of your voice Emma. You are a superb teacher.?
Thank you Emma. It’s very useful for me. I like travel.
hi, nice to see learner from HK here~
hey, hi :) I would like to improve our english together) don’t you mind?
i also want to improve my English Skill
nafees reaz
chingikwok721, I really admire your profile! I love that adorable cat!
hi emma it’s nice to see your vedio
iam anew student aneed to learn more than and fixed my lanuage so if you don’t mind i need to make a conversation with you
Haitham Ahmed
thank you
I got 8 out of 10 so it’s very useful lesson about traveling. I have a question to educator can you explain where we use phrasal verb together and other than breaking in for example I went to railway station to see off my friend.
I drop John off at air port, I look forward to clarification.
Muhammad Abbas
I got 10 out of 10
I thank you so much Emma.
Never before have I learned this way so easy and useful.
Gustavo Nava
hi Emma,
I think you have to supply us with a printable paper for each lesson so we can study and revise it later. Please make sure this is going to happen.
thank you Emma very much
I have got 10 out of 10. Thank you kindly, Miss Emma
Briklend Handersson
Thank you,Emma, for your lessons
Mohsen Tatoo
Thank you very much Emma!!
Nice and interesting lesson about phrasal verbs, that are always so difficult for non-native speakers ;)
Great lesson! Thanks, Emma. Just a note: you can also use “set off” instead of “set out”. They are interchangeable.
Thanks a million
Dear Emma
many thanks to you Emma
you know,Since i met you i realized you are the best teacher i have learned,your act,your smiles.Thanks a lot.
Thanks Emma, I loved this lesson..
marcos alexandre
Thank you Emma.It is a very interesting and useful lesson.I hope that you will make more videos on phrasal verbs.
Thanks Emma.
Kyoto Mix
10/10! Thank you, Emma (^^)/
10/10 thanks Emma! I’d like more examples about phrasal verbs
Thank you Emma I love you ? .
Hi Emma. It was the first time I take one of your classes. I liked it so much ‘cuz to learn pharasal verbs is hard for me. Thanks a lot.
hi friend pleas come in the wathsApp to practice English to gather
good teaching
Ma’am Emma is one of my favourite teachers on Engvid. She teaches very well and to be honest i’ve learnt a lot from her. I’m very very thankful for all the information she provided us through her amazing English videos.
Wish you a very very good day ma’am!
but i’m having an issue to tell you and that is this that you never reply for our comments, we would like you to reply for the same.
Please reply us else we’ll think you never care your students.
Please reply us this will not only make us happy but will increase our interest in English as well.
if you reply us then we’ll be connected with you.
at least tell us what the mistakes are we making in our sentences.
why this redundant comment
Well, for you it’s a redundant but it matters to me a lot.
very good answer Sonu!
Vivant Algérie.
You’re right
Dont take it personally Sonu.
She can’t answer hundreds of comments everyday.
She would have no time to create lessons.
You can however give feedback to each other and help yourselves.
thank you emma for your good lessons
thanks emma
Thanks,Emma for your lessons
I got 100
Mohsen Tatoo
Emma , the question ..
what time does your bus take off or get in ?
i think it may be the same with the difference of meaning
Sherif Elbadawi
In one month, I’ll set out to Australia and your lesson will be useful for me.
Thanks Emma.
thanks ema your the bomb, 10 out of ten
Hi emma thank you for great teaching
And I love your style in teaching I think you have your style and no one could mimic you
thanks Emma
The universe of phrasal verbs is really extensive and complex … Thank you Emma, for making it easier.
:) it is hard for me to know English very well but I will never give up :)
Musarat hussain
tks again Emma!
thank u Teacher,it’s was very useful and easy.I got 10 out of 10
hey hi) could you give me your facebook? I’ll improve our english together :)
ups, I mean “We’ll”
Hello Emma, got 10 out of 10! I enjoyed this lesson. I have planned to travel abroad to take an English course and I am sure your teachings will help me a lot. By the way, when I go I will go to Canada because the trip and course are more affordable than in US or UK for instance. Thank you!
John B
Thank you Emma… I got 9/10, but I got difficulties in Phrasal Verbs… My vocabulary is poor :(… Anyway, I’m going to study it hard and then improve it.
Fernando Moreira
Thanks emma~ this lessoon is very useful for us.
i got 9 from 10. so cool lesson. You make me more happy again dear Emma with your great teaching..it’s very clear. Thanks a lot!!.
polly poohly
congratulation ….
if you really want to improve your English language we a group of English Language there please send me your WathsAPP for the conversation my wathsAPP NUMBER IS +93780720023
Thanks a lot Emma
Thanks, Emma!
Thank you dear Teacher Emma
khurram shahzd toor
thank you <3
very good
hi Emma, thank you very much
Thanks, emma
Thanks Emma , I need this lessons
Emma thanks a lot! Emma is my favorite teacher!
10/10..Thanks Emma! This is a very productive lesson!
Thanks, Emma :)
Like a flight attendant, I love travel. This lesson was very useful for me. Thank you Emma for share with us. I’m glad! =D
I got 09/10 in the quiz.
All of those phrasal verbs are very useful! You’re a great teacher, bye!
Rodrigo Cabral42
thanks Emma, your lesson has been very helpful/useful
Very useful lesson. Thank you!
Júlio César L Sousa
10 on 10….great…Thanks for the lesson…
8/10 Thanks Emma!
Useful lesson Emma! Thanks
Thank you Emma. This Lesson useful for me to repetition.
Thanks, EMMA!
Can you explain the answer in the question: Which sentence means, “The plane arrives at 6 p.m.”?
I selected “The plane gets in at 6 p.m.”, buy it is incorrect. I thought that the plane arrived in the airport.
Hello Delaporte, for me this answer was correct!
“the plane gets in at 6p.m”
For me not :) thanks
To bad.. ;)
Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma.
Rodrigo Ribeiro
Thank u So much Emma, I got 10 out of 10!!
Why have you written “Franck set out” and not “Franck sets out”? Any particular reason for the 3rd person singular not to be applied here?
thank’s a lot teacher emma!=)
Thanks emma you are a great teacher
Atif altaf
Thanks Emma u are a Good and a great teacher so i am just happy for your teaching.
I GOT 100%
Thanks, Emma. :)
Muad Abdiaziz
Very useful lesson!
thank you very much :)
ahma kalaaji
I got 80 …I could have gotten 100 But some of my friends prevented me…Thanks a lot
I got 80 , thank you Emma.
i got 9/10 and this lesson is so interesting!
i get 100 :D , thanks for the lesson ^^
Farida Laarif
Thank you so much Emma!!!
Hello Emma! Tanks a lot for the very useful video ! I hope that I can improve my knowledge about phrasal verbs
Akhmetova 9193
Thank you very much Emma (k)
i ‘ve got 10 correct out of 10. thanks Emma mam a lot :)
I love you Emma
Many thanks to you ! Very useful as usual !
Have a nice day :)
i got 70% only
so amazing! thank you !
thank’s very much emma, it’s vary hepful
Dear Emma!
Your clase is excelente, thank you!
Keep going!
thanks Emma
I got 10/10 . XD
Very good Class, Emma. I learned some new phrasal verbs today. Thank you!!
Thank you, Emma, very much for the great lesson! Surprisingly for myself, I got 10 out of 10.
I had to stop watching this video for few minutes to clear up the difference between “Travel”, “Trip” and “Journey”. While reading the explanation I found online, I came across following:
The journey takes 3 hours by plane or 28 hours by bus.
Why it would be incorrect to say “by a plane/bus”?
I would be very thankful for some explanation here.
Thank you.
Hi svbNY, I think the correction of your sentence is “The journey takes either 3 hours with the plane or 28 hours with the bus.”
so i suggest that, if we could keep in touch via whats-app or any someway else via internet to practice our language together.
Thank you for lesson…..
wao It’s very useful for me..thanks
Thank you, Emma. That’s really helpful.
thank you Emma
mustafa hamdan
Good job!
Valery teacher
Hello Mam,
Your session was useful as much.Please read my comment and replay to my comment.
I would like to set out a journey to travel around the world.
Thank thee Emma !
I got 100 that is exciting. I hope I can get my English better and better.
good for trips
I got 100 making quiz, that is great! Thank you Emma for your useful lesson about a trip! You are a good teacher!
Thank you very much for your lesson!
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot miss.. for this lesson
thank you Emma! you are so great. you teach very interesting.
wow, I got a score of 90. it tolerable for me, because I guess the lesson easier to understand and for the submission of Mrs.Emma was also very nice. thank’s a lot for the science. may always be helpful and assist everyone in learning English
Inayah Basarun
Thank you,Emma, for your lessons
Hello Emma. It is always wonderful to watch your lessons. Let me put forward an idea… Just some idea for Engvid in general. Could you create some kind of podcasts along with videos? I am dead sure that would be of great help, well.. at least for me. Just record audio along with video at the time of doing video and share it in some way… Hopefully one day we could actualize it. Thank you for your effort to educate us. ;)
this is a grate idea I think I agree with you
i am also want to improve my English language Skills if really want to improve your English Skills pleas send me your wathsApp my number is +93780720023 for more conversation
thank you!
Your Welcome
I love travelling and this video is the ideal synthesis of what you need to know when you’re abroad. Thanks Emma and take care.
hey Guys,Is it not possible to talk to each other over here??i am pretty sure that will be helpful for each person,
Emma, thanks for the lesson. It was so important to me for improving.
Vinicius LS
Thank you so much
Great lesson – it help me to much thnka for share :)
hello I find here a few chinese student haha I will follow your class thank u
Thanks Emma, This lesson very useful for me.
katie ho
Thanks Emma, it was interesting lesson
Emma, I have a question. when I told to my friend that to to get out from the hotel, can I say “I would like to check out FROM/OF the hotel.!”
which one is correct, FROM or OF ?
Thank you emma.
Hi,Emma today is my first time to watch your video I like to follow your videos so I don’t stop watching your videos you are a great teacher thanks for your great experience teaching
Hi Emma
This was one of the best classes that I´ve seeing here. Congratulations.
See you.
Thank you Rmma, it was very usefull for us.
Thank you, Emma for your wonderful lesson.
Teaching this way is very effective because it makes me follow each step and eventually remember all phrasal verbs.
Thank you. I got 100 from the quiz.
thanks a lot :dear teacher Emma your lesson is very wonderful me and my all classmate like your lesson we love with your lessons. thanks your student Mr :Fawad.
Fawadahmad heratzai
Thank you, Emma you are amazing
haider alhily
Good class Emma, I love the way you teach, really simple and usefull. I took the advantage to make up and write down new sentences on my notebook based on my own experiences which I could’ve use those phrasal verbs. Thanks for the class!!
Arnaldo Junior
#useful, could’ve used hehehe
Arnaldo Junior
Thanks a lot Emma!
thank you very much
it was very usefull thank you . do we have anyone here who want to talk to me for practicing english conversation ? this is my skype ID:amir kh6990
your are the Best ! !! thank you for all
Thanks Emma. i got 10/10
please see if i understood correctly: the phrasal verb “take off” is only for a plane. but “get in” is not only for a plane but also others. example: bus
Its been while a since i started leaning English here. I must say that Ma’am you are very cool lady as you are providing us with material for free which is in fact costly if someone interested in learning English online. I have been using some other sites though there lesson to purchase and teachers are only available on Skype that cost much. Only one request : Please add skype session for keen students.
emma whenever i seen your video on you tube i cloud 9 thanks for your video
That’s so good lesson, thanks !
i didn’t get it i am sorry i am still lazy^^
Bader Carmali
thanks teacher Emma!!!!
Thanks Emma, 9 out of 10, not bad…
Thanks for the lesson.It is beneficial for me.
Thanks Emma. It was useful.
Thanks Emma. I’d like to see Vietnamese hereeeee
who would to speak with me ?
Saleh Alwaer
Thank you Emma it’s clear for me !
Hello Emma! Thanks again!
I’m always checking EngVid for these new interesting lessons about vocabulary and expressions. I’m grateful for your time and effort in providing us these videos!
Fabio Cicerre
Thank you Emma!
Kozykaiyr Suat
Hey Emma ma’am I m new student.. I want to improve my english
Kajal wadhwani
Emma ma’am I m new student.. I want to improve my english
Kajal wadhwani
how is my 7 out of ten……? if good thn y i am not +ve abut my English plzzz help me.
kaif alam
gdmrng every body……..
kaif alam
I love this lesson
thank you very much
What is the difference between droff off and pick up
In both of them we take someone to somewhere else
Mohd farhan
i got high score in second try thank you
think you for this lesson very interesting.
I am really thankful for this lesson.
well 8 to 10 is not good but i’m going to study more and thank you Emma
I am really thankful for this lesson u are good teacher; well i got 9 to 10 thank u by teaching is a good lesson for me;its my interesting.
I didn’t cash what the different between drop off and set out,can u explain once again? i love the way when you are teaching , i want to improve my English above all by teaching and watching engVid vidéo.
hi dear Emma its been amazing lesson form me and maybe for all of us . i had always problem with phrasal verb
mean its give me tough time in my way of learning so i will be thankful to …….
I am glad that why I came By this way to thank you my dear teacher… Emma.
I would like to asking you your contact.
I Hope You are great.
Oceano B.Q. Na-Ritche
Thank you very much Emma I would like to be your student because I understand very well from your accent.
thanks a lot :)
Karrar Essam Akram
really nice explaining
Thank you
Mohammad Jawhar
Hello Emma ! This was a great lesson !Thanks a lot !
I got 9/10, who can teach me why the answer is 3, not 2?
6. Which sentence means, “We paid for our hotel room and left the hotel.”?
(1)We checked over the hotel.
X(2)We checked out of the hotel.
V(3)We checked off of the hotel.
(4)We checked in to the hotel.
Checked out means “leave” or they will check that it’s OK to leave.
Checked off means “controlled off(someone)”.
hello emma you are the best and learning with you one the best experience i have done to learn english ..
could I asked you for lesson about tips to remember phrasal verb easily
Thank you. Emma.
Thanks a lot, Emma. I like your lessons so much. There are useful and understandable.
Thank Emma, good lesson. I got it. 10/10 sentences
i got 9/10 on my first try. Haha thanks Emma
well i got 7/10
Thank’s Theacher.
thank you emma i got 10 out of 10 its exciting to learn english
thanks, dear Emma, you explained it in most easy way.
I can’t view this video ,what should I do?
Hi! It looks like you’re posting from China. Your government, ISP (internet service provider) or phone carrier may be blocking YouTube, where all our videos are hosted. You might have to use a VPN or proxy to watch YouTube.
engVid Moderator
thank you so much it is very useful for me and ı will suggest my friends :D
100% bien ctm!!
Great lesson dear Emma, thank you so much!!!
thank you Emma you aregreate
Emma,many thanks for the great lesson!! ten out of ten)
Very nice
Wonderful this lesson. Thank you
Walid Toghlobi
Thanks Emma very much your vedios are so useful
Thank you very much. I had never learned these idioms.
No, of course you haven’t, they are not idioms.:)
thank Emma so much!
useful lesson i got 10/10 thank you Emma
Thanks Thanks Thanks ???
thank you Emma
Thank you Emma for this lesson ,and it will be helpful for me:)
Thank u Emma for such a wonderful lesson. I got 10 out of 10. thanks…
Vikram Batra
80/100 thank miss Emma
Tayseer Murad
it is good
mohit rai mehmi
80/100 thanks I love English
I like phrasal verbs it makes language more natural
Thank you for lesson
Yeaahhh I got 9 score to this lesson
Its very funny
I like it very very much
Its so help me to learn english very well
Thank you for the lesson
Thank you Mrs. Emma
Emma mam thanks for the lesson. I got 8 out of 10.
All the best….
Very important video .. thanks for sharing
Thanks! Emma. Your pronunciation is really good to understand.
thank you for the lesson, it was helpful.
Thank you for English you taught me providing insight.
Could you kindly review Question No.9 if it is ambiguous?
merci Emma thanks a lot
laz yac
Wow…got 10 out of 10..!!! Thanks Emma for the lesson.really it helps a lot ?
Thank you !! i got 9\10
Dark flame Master
thank you
Thalía you so much
Thanks you so much
Thanks Emma I like listen when you teach
9/10 thank u a lot Emma, it was interesting!
Sonia B
Emma, you are the best. thank you
hi all ,
congratulation to you for your succeed.Emma is pretty teacher . we have a great improvement.
thank Emma
Tks so much!
kaio duarte
Tks so much!
excellent class!
kaio duarte
Good lesson!
Thank you,Emma, for your lessons
Thanks Emma!
Thank you so much ^^
Omg I got 100 %
Thank you Emma! You are good ticher!
Thank you Emma
Hi Emma, thank you for your lessons, I got 100.
9/10. Thanks.
I Loved this video
Thank You a lot Mrs.Emma. It helped me much))
Thanks Emma
I got 9/10.
Thank you so much Emma, this lesson help me a lot.
Eder Paula
Thank you very much, Emma
Hello! I would like to know why “Frank set out” – “set” without “s”. Thank you!
yes,me too I don’t know why?
Jolie Nguyenhoa
Thanks Emma I got 90..
I am improving …I got 100
It was interesting.Thanks Emma.
Many thanks.
I started to watching videos last week and they are suitable for me. Thank you
Hello teacher. I have seen twice this video. But i am still confusing on some of them. Anyway i would like to try.
In 2006, we saw my uncle off at the airport. He went to Turkey. His friend drop off us. His plane took off on time. First day He check in Ankara hotel. He stayed there for 2 days. Then he check out and went to his sister. He got in his journey at train station. Because his major is driver of train. At last he came back to Mongolia a half month later. I picked him up.
Forgive my mistakes.:P
Thanks a lot!
Debby Wang
Great class! Thank you Emma!
thank you, madam!
thanks emma for such a wonder ful website
thanx emma
thanx emma to help me
fabulous lecture of phrase of verb…..
Thank you Emma. Now I’m ready to take off to Boston. I set out my journey more easier. Regards. Patrick
Thans a lot
byungmin park
thanks..you are the best
Thank you emma
thanks…you are amazing
love u so much from MT. EVEREST NEPAL
thanks Ema for other precious lesson.
Thank you Emma, this is awesome
I have a question…those pharsal verbs can I use them in past too?
Good job!!!
Great lesson!
perfect thanks
I got 8/10! The phrasal verbs are a little difficult for me! Thanks for the lesson Emma!
Video and lesson practice link is awesome (7/10).If I did’t learn this phrasal that could left me in horrible place. Thanks for the lesson Emma.
Emma my score is 10/10.my success in this lesson is yours.
Thank you Emma~
i got 9/10 :)
Emma thank you for this vidéo you helped me a lot :)
Melek Laabidi
10/10 thank you emma. ıt is very useful lesson
thx u EMMA. I like you
Harun gozler
so good
Hellos Emma, I am new here!, i would like to say you, thanks a lot! you are an excellent teacher
i’ve got 10 thanks
Thank you very much Emma,Very usefull lesson.
I got high score in first try, when I don´t have time to take a book I use EngVid instead.
Come to think of it, I love Phrasal Verbs for TRAVEL, Because I´m from Venezuela and nowdays we have a dificul political situation; So alot of guys are learning English to travel and found a safe place where to live.
Let me send to all you my bigest whishes.
with love Ender Moncada.
Julio 2017
Thanks a lot:)
Its very usful.
thank you Emma, I GOT 90
Y O U A R E P E R F E C T !
Emma is my favorite English teacher in this website
Leo Meng
Thank Emma.i got 90¤%
Thank you Emma, thank to you I will improving my English, Your are simply wonderful.
I like it
Sana naas
I have gotten full mark. Thank you!
You are the best English teacher I have ever met. Thank you for your job!!!
Hi Emma
I got 100% , this is once of the most important thing in English because help to reduce the mistakes in the sentences and let everything easy for yourself
Pavel Diaz
Thanks a lot Emma.
I’d like to improve my English
Emma muchas gracias
Ricardo Pizarro
Thank you Emma :)
Cindy Venisia
You got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you especially for using different sentences but same meaning
nice leasson
Thank you for the useful expressions.
thanks Emma
Thanks Emma!I got 100% I can’t believe it!
thanks. your classes are really nice.
Hi Emma, would you please explain the difference between “drop off” and “pick up”.
Thank Emma you are an amazing teacher
Thanks Emma
It’s very helpful for me :)
Unfortunately I had one mistake = 90 %. Next will be better. Thanks for your help once again
Thanks again Emma. I appreciate your classes, I love this site and your YouTube channel. Good Idea, if you create a online course where you can Speaking with us in real time. Congratulations!
thank you teacher
I got 100%. Thank you Emma again and again.
You are one of the best English teacher in the World.
what time does your bus take off or get in ?
Sherif Elbadawi
Amisha Das Mou
may i use ”take off ” in bus ,train,boat etc travelling thing ???
Amisha Das Mou
No, we can use take off only for plane. Because take off means (plan goes up into the sky).
Thnaks Emma was very interesting keep up you good work
Emil Barreno
Got 100%. Your way of teaching is excellent Thanks Miss. Emma.
Wonderful lesson. Thanks
Thank you so much Emma! Awesome explanation!
Thank you for your lesson. It was so interesting.
Maksim @1969
LOL i got 9:(
usefull lesson like always .THANKS
Thank you very much Emma!
Emma, I’m really into this lesson.
Thank you.
Emma, I really appreaciate your explanation
Thanks a lot Emma. I really loved it!
Ronnie Cunha
I really ingested the lesson, but I have question? we can use the phrasal verbs check in and check out in the hospital for example I can say for the patient please can you check in at the clerk area, or check out after he gets the treatment and saw the doctor.
I got 10. Thanks a lot Emma…
today I met your website and joined yours. it was very usefull for me.
Thanks I got 90 and it is a great lecture with filled with new vocabulary
I got 10 out of 10 ! :D
Thanks Emma!… ❤
at first i want to give my heartiest thanks to Emma, she is my favourit teacher. i leart from her a lot..
i need to improve my speaking English.
Is there anybody to practise Speaking English with me,,??
my whatsapp:+8801991797942
Tanim chowdhury
Thank you so much Emma. You are great. I always like to watch your lessons.
i got 80s.
I get 90
Uma maiza
amazing lesson, easy and clear
I GOT 100
Mahen 1@
I got 100. Thank you Emma!
I have got 90. Thanks a lot, Miss Emma.
emma i understand your teaching way.
Hi Emma, I like your simple and wonderful way in learning English. thank you.
Thanks Miss Enma, i feel happy learning english with you. I try use other english lessons, but really you atre the number one. Tanks
Many thanks , it’s useful lesson as usually
a bunch of thanks to Emma for the presentation regarding preposition. which made me easy and free on these prepositions. certainly you are havimg a good teaching method for that i am your big fan from Bangladesh…
Ripan Das
thanks ema
Thank you teacher emma
Tnx Emma, U are a great Teacher
yeay finally got 100, thank you Emma
Very helpful lesson. It’s good for every student to be able to test oneself at the end of each session to grade the amount of information been gotten from the lesson. Besides, the test forces to go over the concepts studied.
Very nice very beneficial
Ehab elgohary
I got 100.
thanks a lot, mam
Hi Emma
Your lessons are always nice and useful.
I have got 100
Ahmed saleh81
10/10. I want set out at next month, but will still learning Emma’s video for English study.
Jerry Gu
Thank you very much I got 100%
Damene Molla
Thank you so much!!!
Crisval AN
Very nice!
Unbelievable clarity in nice form!!!
Wilson Barrera
thinks emma for the lesson , I’m happy because i can improve my English with such good professor .
A great thanks for your excellent lesson mam!It’s so useful,very clear, and more informative.I love your lesson as always.you are amazing,great,and elegant mam.I have learnt a lot of English through this site.A very thankful to all teachers on the engvid.com for their endless support to us.
Thanks a lot Emma, I like travel too.
Hasan Soledad
I just love Emma,
always get a nice score.
i am ready for a journey- i hope it
Thank you
Ahmed eldaly
thanks a lot Emma,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 23Sept2021)
You are the best?
9/10 Thank you a lot
thank you Emma fore your great lessons ,my name ataa from sudan
Hello great teacher Emma, I got 100. I’m very happy with your teaching: clear explanation and you always showed some examples for understanding. Thanks a lot and keep going!
Thank you, it’s Great ?
Thank you Emma!
The lesson was perfect.
well done
All the best dear teacher
Dler Umer
Thanks Emma.
Thanks for your wonderful class on Phrasal verb.
Thank you! got 9/10
Emmanuel mweemba
Excelente lesson, thanks Emma
Francisco Sarabia
Tks Emma. 6/10 :(
Thanks a lot Emma, you are amazing! (Azores Islands, 26Dec2023);
Thanks a million sweet Emma for this clear explanation
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Yaay!!!! I am the first one to comment.
Good morning Emma mam. Thank you for this wonderful lesson. I am going for a trip to dehradun. So this lesson came in handy and also it helped me improve my vocabulary. Thank you once again.☺☺☺☺
how about improving english by speaking it on skype.btw,i’m from haridwar.
I got 100. ☺ That was the very useful lesson and quiz too. I love the clarity of your voice Emma. You are a superb teacher.?
Thank you Emma. It’s very useful for me. I like travel.
hi, nice to see learner from HK here~
hey, hi :) I would like to improve our english together) don’t you mind?
i also want to improve my English Skill
chingikwok721, I really admire your profile! I love that adorable cat!
hi emma it’s nice to see your vedio
iam anew student aneed to learn more than and fixed my lanuage so if you don’t mind i need to make a conversation with you
thank you
I got 8 out of 10 so it’s very useful lesson about traveling. I have a question to educator can you explain where we use phrasal verb together and other than breaking in for example I went to railway station to see off my friend.
I drop John off at air port, I look forward to clarification.
I got 10 out of 10
I thank you so much Emma.
Never before have I learned this way so easy and useful.
hi Emma,
I think you have to supply us with a printable paper for each lesson so we can study and revise it later. Please make sure this is going to happen.
thank you Emma very much
I have got 10 out of 10. Thank you kindly, Miss Emma
Thank you,Emma, for your lessons
Thank you very much Emma!!
Nice and interesting lesson about phrasal verbs, that are always so difficult for non-native speakers ;)
Great lesson! Thanks, Emma. Just a note: you can also use “set off” instead of “set out”. They are interchangeable.
Thanks a million
Dear Emma
many thanks to you Emma
you know,Since i met you i realized you are the best teacher i have learned,your act,your smiles.Thanks a lot.
Thanks Emma, I loved this lesson..
Thank you Emma.It is a very interesting and useful lesson.I hope that you will make more videos on phrasal verbs.
Thanks Emma.
10/10! Thank you, Emma (^^)/
10/10 thanks Emma! I’d like more examples about phrasal verbs
Thank you Emma I love you ? .
Hi Emma. It was the first time I take one of your classes. I liked it so much ‘cuz to learn pharasal verbs is hard for me. Thanks a lot.
hi friend pleas come in the wathsApp to practice English to gather
good teaching
Ma’am Emma is one of my favourite teachers on Engvid. She teaches very well and to be honest i’ve learnt a lot from her. I’m very very thankful for all the information she provided us through her amazing English videos.
Wish you a very very good day ma’am!
but i’m having an issue to tell you and that is this that you never reply for our comments, we would like you to reply for the same.
Please reply us else we’ll think you never care your students.
Please reply us this will not only make us happy but will increase our interest in English as well.
if you reply us then we’ll be connected with you.
at least tell us what the mistakes are we making in our sentences.
why this redundant comment
Well, for you it’s a redundant but it matters to me a lot.
very good answer Sonu!
Vivant Algérie.
You’re right
Dont take it personally Sonu.
She can’t answer hundreds of comments everyday.
She would have no time to create lessons.
You can however give feedback to each other and help yourselves.
thank you emma for your good lessons
thanks emma
Thanks,Emma for your lessons
I got 100
Emma , the question ..
what time does your bus take off or get in ?
i think it may be the same with the difference of meaning
In one month, I’ll set out to Australia and your lesson will be useful for me.
Thanks Emma.
thanks ema your the bomb, 10 out of ten
Hi emma thank you for great teaching
And I love your style in teaching I think you have your style and no one could mimic you
thanks Emma
The universe of phrasal verbs is really extensive and complex … Thank you Emma, for making it easier.
:) it is hard for me to know English very well but I will never give up :)
tks again Emma!
thank u Teacher,it’s was very useful and easy.I got 10 out of 10
hey hi) could you give me your facebook? I’ll improve our english together :)
ups, I mean “We’ll”
Hello Emma, got 10 out of 10! I enjoyed this lesson. I have planned to travel abroad to take an English course and I am sure your teachings will help me a lot. By the way, when I go I will go to Canada because the trip and course are more affordable than in US or UK for instance. Thank you!
Thank you Emma… I got 9/10, but I got difficulties in Phrasal Verbs… My vocabulary is poor :(… Anyway, I’m going to study it hard and then improve it.
Thanks emma~ this lessoon is very useful for us.
i got 9 from 10. so cool lesson. You make me more happy again dear Emma with your great teaching..it’s very clear. Thanks a lot!!.
congratulation ….
if you really want to improve your English language we a group of English Language there please send me your WathsAPP for the conversation my wathsAPP NUMBER IS +93780720023
Thanks a lot Emma
Thanks, Emma!
Thank you dear Teacher Emma
thank you <3
very good
hi Emma, thank you very much
Thanks, emma
Thanks Emma , I need this lessons
Emma thanks a lot! Emma is my favorite teacher!
10/10..Thanks Emma! This is a very productive lesson!
Thanks, Emma :)
Like a flight attendant, I love travel. This lesson was very useful for me. Thank you Emma for share with us. I’m glad! =D
I got 09/10 in the quiz.
All of those phrasal verbs are very useful! You’re a great teacher, bye!
thanks Emma, your lesson has been very helpful/useful
Very useful lesson. Thank you!
10 on 10….great…Thanks for the lesson…
8/10 Thanks Emma!
Useful lesson Emma! Thanks
Thank you Emma. This Lesson useful for me to repetition.
Thanks, EMMA!
Can you explain the answer in the question: Which sentence means, “The plane arrives at 6 p.m.”?
I selected “The plane gets in at 6 p.m.”, buy it is incorrect. I thought that the plane arrived in the airport.
Hello Delaporte, for me this answer was correct!
“the plane gets in at 6p.m”
For me not :) thanks
To bad.. ;)
Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma.
Thank u So much Emma, I got 10 out of 10!!
Why have you written “Franck set out” and not “Franck sets out”? Any particular reason for the 3rd person singular not to be applied here?
thank’s a lot teacher emma!=)
Thanks emma you are a great teacher
Thanks Emma u are a Good and a great teacher so i am just happy for your teaching.
I GOT 100%
Thanks, Emma. :)
Very useful lesson!
thank you very much :)
I got 80 …I could have gotten 100 But some of my friends prevented me…Thanks a lot
I got 80 , thank you Emma.
i got 9/10 and this lesson is so interesting!
i get 100 :D , thanks for the lesson ^^
Thank you so much Emma!!!
Hello Emma! Tanks a lot for the very useful video ! I hope that I can improve my knowledge about phrasal verbs
Thank you very much Emma (k)
i ‘ve got 10 correct out of 10. thanks Emma mam a lot :)
I love you Emma
Many thanks to you ! Very useful as usual !
Have a nice day :)
i got 70% only
so amazing! thank you !
thank’s very much emma, it’s vary hepful
Dear Emma!
Your clase is excelente, thank you!
Keep going!
thanks Emma
I got 10/10 . XD
Very good Class, Emma. I learned some new phrasal verbs today. Thank you!!
Thank you, Emma, very much for the great lesson! Surprisingly for myself, I got 10 out of 10.
I had to stop watching this video for few minutes to clear up the difference between “Travel”, “Trip” and “Journey”. While reading the explanation I found online, I came across following:
The journey takes 3 hours by plane or 28 hours by bus.
Why it would be incorrect to say “by a plane/bus”?
I would be very thankful for some explanation here.
Thank you.
Hi svbNY, I think the correction of your sentence is “The journey takes either 3 hours with the plane or 28 hours with the bus.”
so i suggest that, if we could keep in touch via whats-app or any someway else via internet to practice our language together.
Thank you for lesson…..
wao It’s very useful for me..thanks
Thank you, Emma. That’s really helpful.
thank you Emma
Good job!
Hello Mam,
Your session was useful as much.Please read my comment and replay to my comment.
I would like to set out a journey to travel around the world.
Thank thee Emma !
I got 100 that is exciting. I hope I can get my English better and better.
good for trips
I got 100 making quiz, that is great! Thank you Emma for your useful lesson about a trip! You are a good teacher!
Thank you very much for your lesson!
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot miss.. for this lesson
thank you Emma! you are so great. you teach very interesting.
wow, I got a score of 90. it tolerable for me, because I guess the lesson easier to understand and for the submission of Mrs.Emma was also very nice. thank’s a lot for the science. may always be helpful and assist everyone in learning English
Thank you,Emma, for your lessons
Hello Emma. It is always wonderful to watch your lessons. Let me put forward an idea… Just some idea for Engvid in general. Could you create some kind of podcasts along with videos? I am dead sure that would be of great help, well.. at least for me. Just record audio along with video at the time of doing video and share it in some way… Hopefully one day we could actualize it. Thank you for your effort to educate us. ;)
this is a grate idea I think I agree with you
i am also want to improve my English language Skills if really want to improve your English Skills pleas send me your wathsApp my number is +93780720023 for more conversation
thank you!
Your Welcome
I love travelling and this video is the ideal synthesis of what you need to know when you’re abroad. Thanks Emma and take care.
hey Guys,Is it not possible to talk to each other over here??i am pretty sure that will be helpful for each person,
Emma, thanks for the lesson. It was so important to me for improving.
Thank you so much
Great lesson – it help me to much thnka for share :)
hello I find here a few chinese student haha I will follow your class thank u
Thanks Emma, This lesson very useful for me.
Thanks Emma, it was interesting lesson
Emma, I have a question. when I told to my friend that to to get out from the hotel, can I say “I would like to check out FROM/OF the hotel.!”
which one is correct, FROM or OF ?
Thank you emma.
Hi,Emma today is my first time to watch your video I like to follow your videos so I don’t stop watching your videos you are a great teacher thanks for your great experience teaching
Hi Emma
This was one of the best classes that I´ve seeing here. Congratulations.
See you.
Thank you Rmma, it was very usefull for us.
Thank you, Emma for your wonderful lesson.
Teaching this way is very effective because it makes me follow each step and eventually remember all phrasal verbs.
Thank you. I got 100 from the quiz.
thanks a lot :dear teacher Emma your lesson is very wonderful me and my all classmate like your lesson we love with your lessons. thanks your student Mr :Fawad.
Thank you, Emma you are amazing
Good class Emma, I love the way you teach, really simple and usefull. I took the advantage to make up and write down new sentences on my notebook based on my own experiences which I could’ve use those phrasal verbs. Thanks for the class!!
#useful, could’ve used hehehe
Thanks a lot Emma!
thank you very much
it was very usefull thank you . do we have anyone here who want to talk to me for practicing english conversation ? this is my skype ID:amir kh6990
your are the Best ! !! thank you for all
Thanks Emma. i got 10/10
please see if i understood correctly: the phrasal verb “take off” is only for a plane. but “get in” is not only for a plane but also others. example: bus
Its been while a since i started leaning English here. I must say that Ma’am you are very cool lady as you are providing us with material for free which is in fact costly if someone interested in learning English online. I have been using some other sites though there lesson to purchase and teachers are only available on Skype that cost much. Only one request : Please add skype session for keen students.
emma whenever i seen your video on you tube i cloud 9 thanks for your video
That’s so good lesson, thanks !
i didn’t get it i am sorry i am still lazy^^
thanks teacher Emma!!!!
Thanks Emma, 9 out of 10, not bad…
Thanks for the lesson.It is beneficial for me.
Thanks Emma. It was useful.
Thanks Emma. I’d like to see Vietnamese hereeeee
who would to speak with me ?
Thank you Emma it’s clear for me !
Hello Emma! Thanks again!
I’m always checking EngVid for these new interesting lessons about vocabulary and expressions. I’m grateful for your time and effort in providing us these videos!
Thank you Emma!
Hey Emma ma’am I m new student.. I want to improve my english
Emma ma’am I m new student.. I want to improve my english
how is my 7 out of ten……? if good thn y i am not +ve abut my English plzzz help me.
gdmrng every body……..
I love this lesson
thank you very much
What is the difference between droff off and pick up
In both of them we take someone to somewhere else
i got high score in second try thank you
think you for this lesson very interesting.
I am really thankful for this lesson.
well 8 to 10 is not good but i’m going to study more and thank you Emma
I am really thankful for this lesson u are good teacher; well i got 9 to 10 thank u by teaching is a good lesson for me;its my interesting.
I didn’t cash what the different between drop off and set out,can u explain once again? i love the way when you are teaching , i want to improve my English above all by teaching and watching engVid vidéo.
hi dear Emma its been amazing lesson form me and maybe for all of us . i had always problem with phrasal verb
mean its give me tough time in my way of learning so i will be thankful to …….
I am glad that why I came By this way to thank you my dear teacher… Emma.
I would like to asking you your contact.
I Hope You are great.
Thank you very much Emma I would like to be your student because I understand very well from your accent.
thanks a lot :)
really nice explaining
Thank you
Hello Emma ! This was a great lesson !Thanks a lot !
I got 9/10, who can teach me why the answer is 3, not 2?
6. Which sentence means, “We paid for our hotel room and left the hotel.”?
(1)We checked over the hotel.
X(2)We checked out of the hotel.
V(3)We checked off of the hotel.
(4)We checked in to the hotel.
Checked out means “leave” or they will check that it’s OK to leave.
Checked off means “controlled off(someone)”.
hello emma you are the best and learning with you one the best experience i have done to learn english ..
could I asked you for lesson about tips to remember phrasal verb easily
Thank you. Emma.
Thanks a lot, Emma. I like your lessons so much. There are useful and understandable.
Thank Emma, good lesson. I got it. 10/10 sentences
i got 9/10 on my first try. Haha thanks Emma
well i got 7/10
Thank’s Theacher.
thank you emma i got 10 out of 10 its exciting to learn english
thanks, dear Emma, you explained it in most easy way.
I can’t view this video ,what should I do?
Hi! It looks like you’re posting from China. Your government, ISP (internet service provider) or phone carrier may be blocking YouTube, where all our videos are hosted. You might have to use a VPN or proxy to watch YouTube.
thank you so much it is very useful for me and ı will suggest my friends :D
100% bien ctm!!
Great lesson dear Emma, thank you so much!!!
thank you Emma you aregreate
Emma,many thanks for the great lesson!! ten out of ten)
Very nice
Wonderful this lesson. Thank you
Thanks Emma very much your vedios are so useful
Thank you very much. I had never learned these idioms.
No, of course you haven’t, they are not idioms.:)
thank Emma so much!
useful lesson i got 10/10 thank you Emma
Thanks Thanks Thanks ???
thank you Emma
Thank you Emma for this lesson ,and it will be helpful for me:)
Thank u Emma for such a wonderful lesson. I got 10 out of 10. thanks…
80/100 thank miss Emma
it is good
80/100 thanks I love English
I like phrasal verbs it makes language more natural
Thank you for lesson
Yeaahhh I got 9 score to this lesson
Its very funny
I like it very very much
Its so help me to learn english very well
Thank you for the lesson
Thank you Mrs. Emma
Emma mam thanks for the lesson. I got 8 out of 10.
All the best….
Very important video .. thanks for sharing
Thanks! Emma. Your pronunciation is really good to understand.
thank you for the lesson, it was helpful.
Thank you for English you taught me providing insight.
Could you kindly review Question No.9 if it is ambiguous?
merci Emma thanks a lot
Wow…got 10 out of 10..!!! Thanks Emma for the lesson.really it helps a lot ?
Thank you !! i got 9\10
thank you
Thalía you so much
Thanks you so much
Thanks Emma I like listen when you teach
9/10 thank u a lot Emma, it was interesting!
Emma, you are the best. thank you
hi all ,
congratulation to you for your succeed.Emma is pretty teacher . we have a great improvement.
thank Emma
Tks so much!
Tks so much!
excellent class!
Good lesson!
Thank you,Emma, for your lessons
Thanks Emma!
Thank you so much ^^
Omg I got 100 %
Thank you Emma! You are good ticher!
Thank you Emma
Hi Emma, thank you for your lessons, I got 100.
9/10. Thanks.
I Loved this video
Thank You a lot Mrs.Emma. It helped me much))
Thanks Emma
I got 9/10.
Thank you so much Emma, this lesson help me a lot.
Thank you very much, Emma
Hello! I would like to know why “Frank set out” – “set” without “s”. Thank you!
yes,me too I don’t know why?
Thanks Emma I got 90..
I am improving …I got 100
It was interesting.Thanks Emma.
Many thanks.
I started to watching videos last week and they are suitable for me. Thank you
Hello teacher. I have seen twice this video. But i am still confusing on some of them. Anyway i would like to try.
In 2006, we saw my uncle off at the airport. He went to Turkey. His friend drop off us. His plane took off on time. First day He check in Ankara hotel. He stayed there for 2 days. Then he check out and went to his sister. He got in his journey at train station. Because his major is driver of train. At last he came back to Mongolia a half month later. I picked him up.
Forgive my mistakes.:P
Thanks a lot!
Great class! Thank you Emma!
thank you, madam!
thanks emma for such a wonder ful website
thanx emma
thanx emma to help me
fabulous lecture of phrase of verb…..
Thank you Emma. Now I’m ready to take off to Boston. I set out my journey more easier. Regards. Patrick
Thans a lot
thanks..you are the best
Thank you emma
thanks…you are amazing
love u so much from MT. EVEREST NEPAL
thanks Ema for other precious lesson.
Thank you Emma, this is awesome
I have a question…those pharsal verbs can I use them in past too?
Good job!!!
Great lesson!
perfect thanks
I got 8/10! The phrasal verbs are a little difficult for me! Thanks for the lesson Emma!
Video and lesson practice link is awesome (7/10).If I did’t learn this phrasal that could left me in horrible place. Thanks for the lesson Emma.
Emma my score is 10/10.my success in this lesson is yours.
Thank you Emma~
i got 9/10 :)
Emma thank you for this vidéo you helped me a lot :)
10/10 thank you emma. ıt is very useful lesson
thx u EMMA. I like you
so good
Hellos Emma, I am new here!, i would like to say you, thanks a lot! you are an excellent teacher
i’ve got 10 thanks
Thank you very much Emma,Very usefull lesson.
I got high score in first try, when I don´t have time to take a book I use EngVid instead.
Come to think of it, I love Phrasal Verbs for TRAVEL, Because I´m from Venezuela and nowdays we have a dificul political situation; So alot of guys are learning English to travel and found a safe place where to live.
Let me send to all you my bigest whishes.
with love Ender Moncada.
Julio 2017
Thanks a lot:)
Its very usful.
thank you Emma, I GOT 90
Y O U A R E P E R F E C T !
Emma is my favorite English teacher in this website
Thank Emma.i got 90¤%
Thank you Emma, thank to you I will improving my English, Your are simply wonderful.
I like it
I have gotten full mark. Thank you!
You are the best English teacher I have ever met. Thank you for your job!!!
Hi Emma
I got 100% , this is once of the most important thing in English because help to reduce the mistakes in the sentences and let everything easy for yourself
Thanks a lot Emma.
I’d like to improve my English
Emma muchas gracias
Thank you Emma :)
You got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you especially for using different sentences but same meaning
nice leasson
Thank you for the useful expressions.
thanks Emma
Thanks Emma!I got 100% I can’t believe it!
thanks. your classes are really nice.
Hi Emma, would you please explain the difference between “drop off” and “pick up”.
Thank Emma you are an amazing teacher
Thanks Emma
It’s very helpful for me :)
Unfortunately I had one mistake = 90 %. Next will be better. Thanks for your help once again
Thanks again Emma. I appreciate your classes, I love this site and your YouTube channel. Good Idea, if you create a online course where you can Speaking with us in real time. Congratulations!
thank you teacher
I got 100%. Thank you Emma again and again.
You are one of the best English teacher in the World.
what time does your bus take off or get in ?
may i use ”take off ” in bus ,train,boat etc travelling thing ???
No, we can use take off only for plane. Because take off means (plan goes up into the sky).
Thnaks Emma was very interesting keep up you good work
Got 100%. Your way of teaching is excellent Thanks Miss. Emma.
Wonderful lesson. Thanks
Thank you so much Emma! Awesome explanation!
Thank you for your lesson. It was so interesting.
LOL i got 9:(
usefull lesson like always .THANKS
Thank you very much Emma!
Emma, I’m really into this lesson.
Thank you.
Emma, I really appreaciate your explanation
Thanks a lot Emma. I really loved it!
I really ingested the lesson, but I have question? we can use the phrasal verbs check in and check out in the hospital for example I can say for the patient please can you check in at the clerk area, or check out after he gets the treatment and saw the doctor.
I got 10. Thanks a lot Emma…
today I met your website and joined yours. it was very usefull for me.
Thanks I got 90 and it is a great lecture with filled with new vocabulary
I got 10 out of 10 ! :D
Thanks Emma!… ❤
at first i want to give my heartiest thanks to Emma, she is my favourit teacher. i leart from her a lot..
i need to improve my speaking English.
Is there anybody to practise Speaking English with me,,??
my whatsapp:+8801991797942
Thank you so much Emma. You are great. I always like to watch your lessons.
i got 80s.
I get 90
amazing lesson, easy and clear
I GOT 100
I got 100. Thank you Emma!
I have got 90. Thanks a lot, Miss Emma.
emma i understand your teaching way.
Hi Emma, I like your simple and wonderful way in learning English. thank you.
Thanks Miss Enma, i feel happy learning english with you. I try use other english lessons, but really you atre the number one. Tanks
Many thanks , it’s useful lesson as usually
a bunch of thanks to Emma for the presentation regarding preposition. which made me easy and free on these prepositions. certainly you are havimg a good teaching method for that i am your big fan from Bangladesh…
thanks ema
Thank you teacher emma
Tnx Emma, U are a great Teacher
yeay finally got 100, thank you Emma
Very helpful lesson. It’s good for every student to be able to test oneself at the end of each session to grade the amount of information been gotten from the lesson. Besides, the test forces to go over the concepts studied.
Very nice very beneficial
I got 100.
thanks a lot, mam
Hi Emma
Your lessons are always nice and useful.
I have got 100
10/10. I want set out at next month, but will still learning Emma’s video for English study.
Thank you very much I got 100%
Thank you so much!!!
Very nice!
Unbelievable clarity in nice form!!!
thinks emma for the lesson , I’m happy because i can improve my English with such good professor .
A great thanks for your excellent lesson mam!It’s so useful,very clear, and more informative.I love your lesson as always.you are amazing,great,and elegant mam.I have learnt a lot of English through this site.A very thankful to all teachers on the engvid.com for their endless support to us.
Thanks a lot Emma, I like travel too.
I just love Emma,
always get a nice score.
i am ready for a journey- i hope it
Thank you
thanks a lot Emma,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 23Sept2021)
You are the best?
9/10 Thank you a lot
thank you Emma fore your great lessons ,my name ataa from sudan
Hello great teacher Emma, I got 100. I’m very happy with your teaching: clear explanation and you always showed some examples for understanding. Thanks a lot and keep going!
Thank you, it’s Great ?
Thank you Emma!
The lesson was perfect.
well done
All the best dear teacher
Thanks Emma.
Thanks for your wonderful class on Phrasal verb.
Thank you! got 9/10
Excelente lesson, thanks Emma
Tks Emma. 6/10 :(
Thanks a lot Emma, you are amazing! (Azores Islands, 26Dec2023);
Thanks a million sweet Emma for this clear explanation