Head to engVid for help with vocabulary! In this lesson we will look at phrasal verbs that use the verb head with different prepositions to mean different things. You’ll learn the meaning of head to, head up, head over, and more.
Thanks ! I’ve never heard about this phrasal verbs !
me neither…
*these phrasal verbs
Ohhh, good one!
Many thanks for this useful lesson and your great efforts Adam, the main problem in this verbs is no one can understand them unless the person that you talk with is American native speaker and for the record I did that with many people that I know but unfortunately they were just staring on me hahaha!! One more thing could you please clarify to me what “Knock Off” means? I have heard Simon in British’s got talent TV show saying “Lets knock this off with No” but I couldn’t understand what does it mean!! thanks.
Hi Taharaad. “Knock off” means to stop work. I hope I can help. :)
Hi Tahaaad,
Knock off can also mean finish something. So what Simon said was let’s finish this discussion with a no.
Hope that helps.
Hi Adam..
I’m thankful for the clarification.. now it’s pretty clear to me, One more thing I have heard an expression more than one which is “the day after pill” in TV series and it’s a pill or something like that but I have no idea about it or where this expression came from also it’s not clear enough??
“look at here”vs “look at me”
“keep it coming ” vs “keep coming”
and also while in taxi how can i say to driver if i want him to keep driving slowly and stay on the left or near to kerb
could you please clear my doubt ?
Hello Mr.Adam I’ve question about ur pronunciation lesson u said pronunciation not pronoun,but I think Miss.Ronnie said pronounciation
Farzad B.Basam
hi adam I love your lessons and Im struggling English. I want you to ask about idiom. some words have several meanings. Also even if look up the meaning of words, I cant not understand completely. How should I do to search idiom and to memorize. Im waiting for your respond.
Takahiro Mano
But also means gorgeous
Thank you Adam!! It is not easy to remember, but very useful phrases i hope)).
Thanks for these phrasal verbs, really interesting.
head to = go to/toward
7/10 Thanks,Adam!
Thanks. Now these phrasal verbs are more clear in my….head
7/10 by foolish mistakes, as always.
Gustavo Gouveia
Thanks A lot
Thanks Adam, very interesting lesson!
Adam, good lesson your explanatioon is clear.
greatings from brazil
Thanks teacher Adam, this is a great lesson!!! Now instead of heading out or heading down we, EL students, are going to head for a better understanding of the English language!! :)
If you wanna learn more English tips, head over Adam’s lesson :p
thank you so much .
Good morning sir.Thanks for your lesson.I have one question.Not about this lesson.Are’I am going to do something’and’I am going to be doing something’ same expressions?
Hi Oshada,
Not exactly the same. I am going to do something
means you have a plan for the future.
I am going to be doing something, means you will be busy.
They are similar, but the nuance is a little different.
Hope that helps.
Hello sir,Thanks for answering.It’s made me understand.Good luck with your teaching!
hi..adam,can you mention some example of i’m going to be doing something?
for be my first time, i guess that’s good
Thanks Adam!
I am learning a lot Sir Adam. I got a perfect score and that means you’re a great teacher!
Thanks Adam, It’s useful
Thank you for this lesson!
Thank you sir,i got 7/10. I’ve never heard these type of phrasal verb . I think its totally unique lesson and awesome lessson.
Oh!That is a good lesson!:D
stephen lee
thanks nevr heard about this before nw
Thanks.so useful.
thanks a lot teacher you explain good lesson i real love this lesson
thank you!!!
I have headed back to Eng.Vid as there are kind teachers!
thanks Adam
thanks Adam. u are my favorite teacher. it is very useful and helpful.
can I try again quiz?
As many times as you want :)
so good
Good lesson, thanks
Thanks Adam your lesson is very helpful
Now we have a good head for “head” phrasal verbs. Thanks
I understand, it’s all clear now! Thank you Adam! :)
Hi … Dorycam, Could you accept me as your friend !!
Certainly! Nice to meet you! :)
ciao Italia:)
Ciao!!! :)
hello how are you my new italian friend.Would you mind if you taught me italian?:)
hi dorycam could you accept me as a friend?
Hi feeling87! You are welcome! How are you?
i’m fine thanks and you…
i wonder if you have skype
add me my account is
No, I haven’t Skype at this time. But I’m on twitter, my name is @doryblue2.
Happy weekend! :)
Hi Dory! Well,it seems that you are making success…lol.
Take care.
Marcelo Machado
Yes, it’s true!LOL Haha!
Hi Marcelo! I’m glad to hear you! How are you? What are you doing in the warm Brazil? Right now in Rome, we’re freezing ! :))
Hi dear! I’m doing well, thanks for asking. And not so warm..lol..I don’t live at the warm part of Brazil. Actually, is pretty cold where I live. That’s why my grandparents chose to live here when they came from Italy. Shame on me for not being able to speak Italian…lol. But I will someday and maybe we should exchange our SWIMMING lessons for Italian lessons…do you remember? Glad to see you too and keep up your studies.
Marcelo Machado
Yes, I remember our lessons… at this point, I would like to learn Portuguese and Spanish. :))) We will have a lot to learn! LOL
Great! Your grandparents are Italians! What’s their city of origin?
I hope your studies are going well.
I keep saying that engVid is the best site ever!
Have a great weekend!
Hi! They were from Turin but they are not alive anymore. I hope you learn Portuguese and Spanish and this won’t be so challenging for you because they are very similar. Brazilian Portuguese would be easier for you because we have lots of Italian words in our vocabulary. Take care dear and have a great weekend you too.
Marcelo Machado
I’ve forgotten to mention that you’re absolutely right when you said that Engvid is the best English site on Internet. At least it’s free. Good to know that you are always here improving your English. How long have you been studying?
Marcelo Machado
Hi Marcelo, I’m sorry for your grandparents! Even my grandparents are no longer alive. I miss them so much! Turin is a beautiful city.
I knew the Latin languages are very similar, but I didn’t know that Brazilian Portuguese had Italian words in the vocabulary!
Even English vocabulary has a lot of words very similar to ours… Sometimes the world seems really small!! :) I started to study English grammar for about a year, but I’ve known engVid only five months ago. Before then, I knew only the English that I learned by the songs!! :)) Ciao!
Hi Dory! Don’t be sorry for them…lol..I wasn’t even born when they died, but thanks. Congratulations for your English. Having in mind that you started studying just five months ago I’d like to tell that you’ve already reached an excellent level, keep it up. And about the Italian words in our vocabulary, I think it’s due to the large amount of Italian immigrants. Only USA and, perhaps, Argentina, has more italian descendants than us. Ciao Regazza! LOL.
Marcelo Machado
Thanks for the compliments! :) Also your English is good… don’t give up!
It’s true, Italians are a bit everywhere!
Happy new week! Ciao Ragazzo! LOL
thank Adam i think this is very useful lesson but i have never heard this expressions
thanks Adam, it’s a important lesson actually i don’t understand all but i have 7/10
good job teacher
I believe these verbs are coming from the Ship navigation. It might have been good idea if you have given the introduction.
Good tip Viveki,
I don’t think most people would know that.
very interesting lesson! Thanks
Thanks Adam I have learned a lot!
that is so useful .. but can we say that head over had the same meaning with head for?
Farah Jamal
Hi Farah,
Not exactly. Head for is used more to give directions to a specific destination. Head over basically means go to.
Hope that helps.
hi Adam,
then what about “head to” and “head over” aren’t they the same?
you’ve got a good style of teaching
Actually, it looks like “head to” (from the quiz, which also was not mentioned in the video) has the same or similar meaning as “head for” (from the video).
Thank you Adam, you’re a great teacher .
Dorian Garcia
Great class!! Thank you.
thanks good lesson
Lorena Cordova
i got 80 per cent not bad
think you Adam
Very good Lesson Thank you Adam.
amal anas
hi how are u can u add me on your skype or yahooiam ahmed from egypt live in alexandria want to be friend thx ahmed.rabiee.moustafa @skype,com
very interesting lesson Thanx Adam
9 out of 10, thank you Adam, it’s a very useful lesson! Can you make an example with “head for”; I didn’t find it in the quiz. Thank you, bye!
Hi Sario,
If you see a flood coming toward you, head for higher ground where it will be dry.
Hope that helps.
This kind lesson is very important for student but try to add other subject example civics chemistry etc.
Hi Eyulal,
I think most people here are trying to learn basic English. Specific subject matters would help a limited number of people. But if you have specific questions, feel free to ask.
really helpful, all of your lessons are supporting stations for all who want continue with their learning
thanks a lot Adam
I love Roonie by her teaching
Hi Adam!I arealy listen all about your lessons can you have more lessons?:)
stephen lee
Hi Stephen,
All the teachers here are good and we all get a turn, which is good for all the learners here. :)
Thank you :)
Thank you teacher, great lesson.
PS: Good luck with your girlfriends…. ^___^
thanks adam are phrasal verbs are very useful phrases , are difficult but not impossible
Thanks boss :)
I’m gonna head up to Newyork
I got 8/10 ,thanks Adam
Thanks a lot. You’re so a pretty damn good teacher.
Very good!
Marlon Patrick
Tanks Adam, very usefull lesson.
this is very good lesson. thanks Adam
thanks Adam
Now we head inside English Language World, thank you very much Teacher Adam ..
Adam your are a good teacher .thank you so mutch
i have 10.
cheri chimo
I love it!!!! Phrasal Verbs explained in a very simple way. Excellent Adam!!!
thanks very much but i waana say u did not tell us about head to couse that i got wrong
mahmoud fathy
Hi Mahmoud,
Head to basically means go (toward.)
Hope that helps
Thank you , teacher!!
hello my skype is ( balonga22 to practise englis
hi larysa… could you accept me as a friend?
Thank you very much
Thanks Adam
really cool lesson very creative thanks prof for your effort
Actually very useful.
Marcelo Calheira
We can’t head up where very code, so we have to head down. But we need head in/inside this resautrant now to get warm.
If you find in the wrong way, you need head back, and then try other way.
Thanks, Adam.
Thanks Adam!
Thank you so much
Adam I really understand your discussion about phrasal and teaching us very useful tips and i really enjoyed it
Thanks Prof.Adam,
Thnaks Adam
Cool : )
Thanks, Adam! Really a useful lesson!
hello Janilza! Can we be friends?
Thank you, Adam
Thanks Adam;İt’s been very useful for me.
hi meldem,
could you add me on your skype to practice english!!
Thank you, Adam
Great lesson Adam, thank you!
Great lesson indeed. However, I would say phrasal verbs are one of the biggest difficulties the English students have to cope with. At least that’s true for me. In my language (French), each verb has its own precise meaning that nothing can modify (of course some have homonyms with the same spelling but a total different meaning). To help the poor English students th
Help Adam. I left a comment, as a matter of fact several times, but it never appears. Something seems wrong; Thank you.
To help the poor English students that we are, an exhaustive list of the prepositions used in phrasal verbs with the explanations for what they change the verb would be greatly appreciated. EASY, as you often say Adam ;).
Hi Patple,
I’ll see what I can do for you. :)
really good idea patple
Thank you very much!
Love your lessons…thank you Adam!
Thanks Adam
Excellent!!! Thanks a lot!
very nice!
i’m sure i will learn a lot here :)
Thank you so much, Adam. Phrasal verbs are really difficult part of English grammar, we have to learn them by heart and try to use in any kind of conversation.
phrasal verbs are a headache, anyway thanks for the lesson
Thank you
oh my God that was amazing lesson thanks
I’vs got 9 correct out of 10, thank you very much Adam!
No.1. Thank you too.
Thanks Adam! A little bit hard lesson for me :(
Thank you so much
but i’ll getting ahead soon
rani kamel
Thank u so much for this lesson. Now I can use head in many different ways. My friends be ready I’m going to bother you with head phrasal verb ^_*
Hi Adam, your lessons are a Godsend. Although I am a native speaker of the English language, my academic knowledge is very poor. This has become a problem, as I have begun to write fiction and my publisher requires me to submit work to a very high standard. Your explanations are a great help for someone like me that should have worked harder at school. Thank you.
O yes, one more thing. You come across as a really nice guy, a pleasure to listen to that makes it so much easier to pay attention.
Thanks Captain :)
I am also working on a novel now, so know how hard fiction can be. Keep at it.
hi Adam,
when you are finished of that novel you will give the name of your novel to your students to read it.
8 out of 10 wow.
i have been first correct 8~!
thank you for awsome lecture.
thanks a lot. this is very helpful
Thank you ADAM.
Thanks a lot,Adam. Very interesting lesson. :)
hi Valeria,
if you need speaking practice add me on your skype i’m here also
hey i need a speaking partner valeria
ventura simoon
Thanks everybody. I know phrasals are difficult to remember, but it’s just practice. Keep at it.
Hello Adam sir! I am new on Engvid. And I really love this website. Well, I have a request for you. Could you give us a lesson about Causative verbs and their passive forms? Thank You!
Rohit Tinku
thanks Adam looking for more in future as well
Thanks!!! It’s useful as ever!
Thanks Adam!
Hello Adam!
I have a question!
Guilherme Rodrigues
Hello Adam!
I have a question!
If I am at a lower place of a city, and I’m going to go to the higher part, can I use ‘head up’ to express this?
“I’m at the station now, but I’m gonna head up in 5 minutes…” –> Is it ok?
Guilherme Rodrigues
Thanks Adam.
Hello Adam, please can you make a special lesson about thank you amigo for your time!
Abdel Said
about Travelling by plane thank you!
Abdel Said
Thank you very mach!
Hi Adam,
Thanks for the explanation. Could you please explain ” ahead of..” meaning together with context? When do we suppose yo use head instead of ahead?
I like this lesson. Just one remark: you missed “head to” in the video and put it into the quiz. Thanks anyway. Now I head back to work :)
Sergey Umansky
Thank you for your teaching.
thank you
hi, teacher! i wanna ask a question but doesnt concern about this lesson. About non-count nouns, as I know, these nouns are used in the plural form. But sometimes, i see they still write “sorrows, winds, clouds…”. they are non-count Nouns, arent they? but why did they write like that?
Thanks so much Adam for your nice lesson.
Hellow , teacher and students so how are you . i have along time i didn’t visited you okay, now i have 6/10 in score i didn’t (head up) anyway i get well thank you …
Thank you Adam~
I’m sure it is extremly usful but still confused……
Thank you Adam
Ahmed Alqaisi
Thanks for the lesson, just something to point out. In the quiz there is the expression “head to” and you didn’t teach about the meaning of this :P
Hi all … may I use this expressione ?!?
“Lots of University are in the North of Italy and lots of students HEAD UP during winter.”
Thank you. Very useful.
You are a good teacher. I got 8 of 10. Thank you!
very useful lessons, thanks Adam, you are a great teacher
ninuca ninuca
Thanks i got 60%
What is the meaning of head in/inside.
Abdul Qayum
i’m confused what different between head to and head over ??
yassine 0308
Thanks Adam!
i got 10/10.
head up=go north
head down= go south
head out=leave
head in= go in
head off=block
head for=go for/aim for
head back=go back
Rajender Gannu
I love it man
Your classes are spectacular! All of you are excellent teachers!
Thanks Adam :)
I got 90 in this subject.
Thank you Adam !
Thank you teacher.
Thanks Adam, very nice lesson
Hi Adam
What’s difference between “come back and go back”?
Thanks so much for helping me
fantastic lesson.can you please discuss the topic:as opposed to,so much so,and so to speak. thank you
Thanks ADAM
I was reading a novel which consists of several’head’ phrasal verbs,i didn’t understand the meaning.now i got it…Thanks very much Adam.
Thank Adam, it’s really useful, yet phrasal verb is difficult to remember :P
Kim Dung
mobile no plz
Congratulation Adam. You are excellent teacher. I can understand so clear when you explain. I guess I will learn English with you.
Thanks so much for spend your time and preparing classes and sharing with us.
God bless you!
Thank you teacher Adam,I can understand this lesson clearly.
sorry teacher Adam I have some question how different between head off and take off ? Could you please give me an example.Thanks
thanks Adam ! I got 9/10 . and could anyone tell me what different between “head to “and ” head over ” ? i think they’re same right?
I got 6\10 before watching the video, now should watch it until I know my mistakes
keep on :)
Really you are good teacher, I appreciate your way of teaching and your efforts
One thing that I found it’s hard in learning English is Phrasal verbs. But you made it easy for me to digest this time ; ) Thank you Adam!
thanks Doctor your lessons are great :)
Hi Adam!
Thanks again for your efforts.
You didn’t describe in your video construction “head to” so, it’s a little tricky from you to add question no. 7. It was my only mistake :).
Take care.
Adam, I’m studying Phrasal Verbs and your lessons are helping me a lot. Thank you!
Juno Eagle
thank you
A complicated one this time but if we do not expose to things like these we wont learn something new .. Thanks
That’s very good to improve my english…. First time to meet Head in, Out, down and differents meanings
head to :( i did it wrong.thks for this lesson i need to learn more phrasal verbs
What is the difference between ‘head to’ and ‘ head for ‘?
Hi Adam,
tanks a lot. Your lessons are always very useful.
Phrasal verbs are confusing for me, but it solves more practice
take care
Hi Adam,
If my colleague ask me to go to his seat, do i need to change come over to go over?eg I should say, I will go over later or i will come over later?
Thank you)
i thought toronto was north :v .
eventually, “I weather that storm” successfully!……
You are very good teacher Adam !
hello Adam i am very happy with your explanation but there are some difficult to understand quickly the meaning what you are advice me ?
I GOT 9 OUT OF 10. i aim 10 out 10 , so I take again
yes perfect 10 out of 10
Thank you.
Dear Alex, the answer to question 7 is “head to”. However, it isn’t included in your explanation. So, I picked the option “head over” because according to the vídeo, it means “go to a place”. Apart from that, the explanation is excellent. Thanks a million.
hello adam…….head off and head for both are still not clear to me….can you make those a bit clear?
Onde more Nice class!
Hello Adam! Does head for and head to mean the same thing ?
Thank adam, great lesson as usual :)
Great lesson !
Thank you for this lesson :)
8 out of 10.. I’m so happy! :)
It’s very good for me!!!!! You are good Teacher!!!!!! Adam
Good as always!! thank you
thank you Adam
David Davani
Thanks a lot.
thank for this lesson Adam)I’ve got 7/10 score.
Thank you Adam.
Thanks a lot Adam. It’s very good explanation.
Thank u Adam.. Ur videos are amazing..
priya srinivasan
you said about girl friend. Do you really have one or two?
Thanks I get 80
zahra abukar
10 out of 10, thanks teacher!
Bruno Lopes
Thank you
Thanks, dear Adam. I have got 9 of 10, but my mistake was in the question No. (7) the correct answer was (head to). Generally, I like your teaching way.
Thanks again.
thank you very much
Hi Adam. I have a question that is not connected with this lesson. I’m just a bit confused about these: I’m going there tomorrow and I’ll be going there tomorrow. Can I use these form of tenses interchangeably? Thanks a lot! :)
thank you sir I like your style most.
sir I waqnt to know how to use ‘however” in english language
thanks Adams you are welcome in my country Colombia. In this quiz I got six corrects aswers out of ten. I have to study and listen too.
manuel hernandez
Great lesson!
Thank you Adam!!!
You are a good teacher. xD
i am very thankfull to engvid specially to sir adam
waheed lehri
im very thankfull with all you.
Hello Adam. Thank you for lessons. I have one question about the quiz.
Sentence: During major storms it is a good idea to head _______ a safe place.
Why is “to” preferable, but not “over”?
Great lesson. Thank you.
I,ll try agin
Thanks a lot for all the helpful tips that you and other teachers have taught. In almost all of them there is something to learn for all 3 levels. Thanks again.
Looks like Adam really hates the winter!! :-)
He aways use examples with cold weather.
It will become worst Adam. “Winter is comming”..!!
thanks a lot
Only got 7 out of 10… better praxtice more about this lesson.. thaks adam…
Thank you Adam.
Thanks you so much!!!
Very big thanks to you my favorite teacher.
hey dear,how many verbal phrases will be enough for a learner?
ventura simoon
Thank you
thank you adam !
thanks a lot. i got no.7 wrong on the ‘head’ phrasal verbs. you didn’t teach on ‘head to’ thank you anyway.
maestro ken
could you please explain the meaning of ‘head to’?
thank you.
maestro ken
are head over , head toward and head to not same. do these not indicate little bit same meaning. don’t these all have possibility to use in same sentence in some case?
TY! good lesson, 9 from 10 :)
Vadim Ostrovoy
Adam. Good morning.
I am confused these phrasal verbs between “head over “and “head to”.
I chose the wrong answer in No.7.
Can you please to let me know the difference?
COOL ! ?Thanks teacher !
Hi, Adam! Thank you very much for the lesson! When must we use preposition “to” after “head+” phrasal verbs and when we mustn’t?
Thank you )
Pavel from Karaganda
Thank you very much, Adam!
thank you very much, Mr Adam, you are the best one
Haryadi nugraha putra
thanks !
Nice test, yet there were not any suggested examples with “head for”
Anyway, Adam, thanks a lot for doing so much for all of us
Keep it up, man!
I did six from ten. May you explain me for expressions in details?
I got 8 out of 10. These lessons about expression are very useful, especially when you read a book or newspaper or some sort of reading in tests. I am greatly appreciated for being a great teacher, Adam.
thank you
aissa el boazzati
Thank you
I got 9 of 10.
I made a mistake in question #7.
Actually, I wanted to answer “head to a safe place” but you did not mention about “head to” in the video. Therefore I have chosen the wrong choice “head over”.
As a result, now I know how to use both of them :))
Thank you so much, Adam. You are a great master!
ı have done the same mistake. So they both have the exact meaning?
these phrasal verbs were not so easy for me… but I’ve been trying…
claudia conti
Good teaching Adam!
Hey Adam.
I’d like to know what it means “hook up”.
bruna santos
to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with someone
Thanks Adam but I guess i need a map before answer one of your answer… ahahah I didnt know where Meksico city is.
Doni Bungaa
Thanks Adam.You are really telling very instructive.
Thank you my best teacher. 9/10 . I like your all lessons
Hi, very helpful lesson.
I don’t know if there are other verbs/phrasal verbs that mean the same as any of this lesson, if so, I have one question: How you determine which one to use?
Thank you ever so much Mr. Adam.
Thanks, Sir.
What a knockout lesson! Thanks Adam
Kingsley Kunda
Thanks Adam.The lesson was really useful.Always look forward to watching your videos.
thanks! very good lesson !
charlan andrade
8/10! Up to now, Adam’s lesson always explains the word I usually made a mistake. It’s very useful.
Jerry Gu
Thanks Adam
Thanks! It really helped me!
Júlia Gama
Adam in question 7 you say head [to] but in your video you didn’t say head [to] but why we don’t use over ?
please comment come fast With my sincere regards
thanks for the quiz, i answered all correctly
hello! ı have a quesiton. while doing the test, relaised something. what’s the difference between “head to” and ” head over”? “head over” is to go to a specific place as Adam taught in the video. what about “head to”? are they same?
I think there isn’t any question about head for in quiz
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you
Thanks ! I’ve never heard about this phrasal verbs !
me neither…
*these phrasal verbs
Ohhh, good one!
Many thanks for this useful lesson and your great efforts Adam, the main problem in this verbs is no one can understand them unless the person that you talk with is American native speaker and for the record I did that with many people that I know but unfortunately they were just staring on me hahaha!! One more thing could you please clarify to me what “Knock Off” means? I have heard Simon in British’s got talent TV show saying “Lets knock this off with No” but I couldn’t understand what does it mean!! thanks.
Hi Taharaad. “Knock off” means to stop work. I hope I can help. :)
Hi Tahaaad,
Knock off can also mean finish something. So what Simon said was let’s finish this discussion with a no.
Hope that helps.
Hi Adam..
I’m thankful for the clarification.. now it’s pretty clear to me, One more thing I have heard an expression more than one which is “the day after pill” in TV series and it’s a pill or something like that but I have no idea about it or where this expression came from also it’s not clear enough??
“look at here”vs “look at me”
“keep it coming ” vs “keep coming”
and also while in taxi how can i say to driver if i want him to keep driving slowly and stay on the left or near to kerb
could you please clear my doubt ?
Hello Mr.Adam I’ve question about ur pronunciation lesson u said pronunciation not pronoun,but I think Miss.Ronnie said pronounciation
hi adam I love your lessons and Im struggling English. I want you to ask about idiom. some words have several meanings. Also even if look up the meaning of words, I cant not understand completely. How should I do to search idiom and to memorize. Im waiting for your respond.
But also means gorgeous
Thank you Adam!! It is not easy to remember, but very useful phrases i hope)).
Thanks for these phrasal verbs, really interesting.
head to = go to/toward
7/10 Thanks,Adam!
Thanks. Now these phrasal verbs are more clear in my….head
7/10 by foolish mistakes, as always.
Thanks A lot
Thanks Adam, very interesting lesson!
Adam, good lesson your explanatioon is clear.
greatings from brazil
Thanks teacher Adam, this is a great lesson!!! Now instead of heading out or heading down we, EL students, are going to head for a better understanding of the English language!! :)
If you wanna learn more English tips, head over Adam’s lesson :p
thank you so much .
Good morning sir.Thanks for your lesson.I have one question.Not about this lesson.Are’I am going to do something’and’I am going to be doing something’ same expressions?
Hi Oshada,
Not exactly the same. I am going to do something
means you have a plan for the future.
I am going to be doing something, means you will be busy.
They are similar, but the nuance is a little different.
Hope that helps.
Hello sir,Thanks for answering.It’s made me understand.Good luck with your teaching!
hi..adam,can you mention some example of i’m going to be doing something?
for be my first time, i guess that’s good
Thanks Adam!
I am learning a lot Sir Adam. I got a perfect score and that means you’re a great teacher!
Thanks Adam, It’s useful
Thank you for this lesson!
Thank you sir,i got 7/10. I’ve never heard these type of phrasal verb . I think its totally unique lesson and awesome lessson.
Oh!That is a good lesson!:D
thanks nevr heard about this before nw
Thanks.so useful.
thanks a lot teacher you explain good lesson i real love this lesson
thank you!!!
I have headed back to Eng.Vid as there are kind teachers!
thanks Adam
thanks Adam. u are my favorite teacher. it is very useful and helpful.
can I try again quiz?
As many times as you want :)
so good
Good lesson, thanks
Thanks Adam your lesson is very helpful
Now we have a good head for “head” phrasal verbs. Thanks
I understand, it’s all clear now! Thank you Adam! :)
Hi … Dorycam, Could you accept me as your friend !!
Certainly! Nice to meet you! :)
ciao Italia:)
Ciao!!! :)
hello how are you my new italian friend.Would you mind if you taught me italian?:)
hi dorycam could you accept me as a friend?
Hi feeling87! You are welcome! How are you?
i’m fine thanks and you…
i wonder if you have skype
add me my account is
No, I haven’t Skype at this time. But I’m on twitter, my name is @doryblue2.
Happy weekend! :)
Hi Dory! Well,it seems that you are making success…lol.
Take care.
Yes, it’s true!LOL Haha!
Hi Marcelo! I’m glad to hear you! How are you? What are you doing in the warm Brazil? Right now in Rome, we’re freezing ! :))
Hi dear! I’m doing well, thanks for asking. And not so warm..lol..I don’t live at the warm part of Brazil. Actually, is pretty cold where I live. That’s why my grandparents chose to live here when they came from Italy. Shame on me for not being able to speak Italian…lol. But I will someday and maybe we should exchange our SWIMMING lessons for Italian lessons…do you remember? Glad to see you too and keep up your studies.
Yes, I remember our lessons… at this point, I would like to learn Portuguese and Spanish. :))) We will have a lot to learn! LOL
Great! Your grandparents are Italians! What’s their city of origin?
I hope your studies are going well.
I keep saying that engVid is the best site ever!
Have a great weekend!
Hi! They were from Turin but they are not alive anymore. I hope you learn Portuguese and Spanish and this won’t be so challenging for you because they are very similar. Brazilian Portuguese would be easier for you because we have lots of Italian words in our vocabulary. Take care dear and have a great weekend you too.
I’ve forgotten to mention that you’re absolutely right when you said that Engvid is the best English site on Internet. At least it’s free. Good to know that you are always here improving your English. How long have you been studying?
Hi Marcelo, I’m sorry for your grandparents! Even my grandparents are no longer alive. I miss them so much! Turin is a beautiful city.
I knew the Latin languages are very similar, but I didn’t know that Brazilian Portuguese had Italian words in the vocabulary!
Even English vocabulary has a lot of words very similar to ours… Sometimes the world seems really small!! :) I started to study English grammar for about a year, but I’ve known engVid only five months ago. Before then, I knew only the English that I learned by the songs!! :)) Ciao!
Hi Dory! Don’t be sorry for them…lol..I wasn’t even born when they died, but thanks. Congratulations for your English. Having in mind that you started studying just five months ago I’d like to tell that you’ve already reached an excellent level, keep it up. And about the Italian words in our vocabulary, I think it’s due to the large amount of Italian immigrants. Only USA and, perhaps, Argentina, has more italian descendants than us. Ciao Regazza! LOL.
Thanks for the compliments! :) Also your English is good… don’t give up!
It’s true, Italians are a bit everywhere!
Happy new week! Ciao Ragazzo! LOL
thank Adam i think this is very useful lesson but i have never heard this expressions
thanks Adam, it’s a important lesson actually i don’t understand all but i have 7/10
good job teacher
I believe these verbs are coming from the Ship navigation. It might have been good idea if you have given the introduction.
Good tip Viveki,
I don’t think most people would know that.
very interesting lesson! Thanks
Thanks Adam I have learned a lot!
that is so useful .. but can we say that head over had the same meaning with head for?
Hi Farah,
Not exactly. Head for is used more to give directions to a specific destination. Head over basically means go to.
Hope that helps.
hi Adam,
then what about “head to” and “head over” aren’t they the same?
you’ve got a good style of teaching
Actually, it looks like “head to” (from the quiz, which also was not mentioned in the video) has the same or similar meaning as “head for” (from the video).
Thank you Adam, you’re a great teacher .
Great class!! Thank you.
thanks good lesson
i got 80 per cent not bad
think you Adam
Very good Lesson Thank you Adam.
hi how are u can u add me on your skype or yahooiam ahmed from egypt live in alexandria want to be friend thx ahmed.rabiee.moustafa @skype,com
very interesting lesson Thanx Adam
9 out of 10, thank you Adam, it’s a very useful lesson! Can you make an example with “head for”; I didn’t find it in the quiz. Thank you, bye!
Hi Sario,
If you see a flood coming toward you, head for higher ground where it will be dry.
Hope that helps.
This kind lesson is very important for student but try to add other subject example civics chemistry etc.
Hi Eyulal,
I think most people here are trying to learn basic English. Specific subject matters would help a limited number of people. But if you have specific questions, feel free to ask.
really helpful, all of your lessons are supporting stations for all who want continue with their learning
thanks a lot Adam
I love Roonie by her teaching
Hi Adam!I arealy listen all about your lessons can you have more lessons?:)
Hi Stephen,
All the teachers here are good and we all get a turn, which is good for all the learners here. :)
Thank you :)
Thank you teacher, great lesson.
PS: Good luck with your girlfriends…. ^___^
thanks adam are phrasal verbs are very useful phrases , are difficult but not impossible
Thanks boss :)
I’m gonna head up to Newyork
I got 8/10 ,thanks Adam
Thanks a lot. You’re so a pretty damn good teacher.
Very good!
Tanks Adam, very usefull lesson.
this is very good lesson. thanks Adam
thanks Adam
Now we head inside English Language World, thank you very much Teacher Adam ..
Adam your are a good teacher .thank you so mutch
i have 10.
I love it!!!! Phrasal Verbs explained in a very simple way. Excellent Adam!!!
thanks very much but i waana say u did not tell us about head to couse that i got wrong
Hi Mahmoud,
Head to basically means go (toward.)
Hope that helps
Thank you , teacher!!
hello my skype is ( balonga22 to practise englis
hi larysa… could you accept me as a friend?
Thank you very much
Thanks Adam
really cool lesson very creative thanks prof for your effort
Actually very useful.
We can’t head up where very code, so we have to head down. But we need head in/inside this resautrant now to get warm.
If you find in the wrong way, you need head back, and then try other way.
Thanks, Adam.
Thanks Adam!
Thank you so much
Adam I really understand your discussion about phrasal and teaching us very useful tips and i really enjoyed it
Thanks Prof.Adam,
Thnaks Adam
Cool : )
Thanks, Adam! Really a useful lesson!
hello Janilza! Can we be friends?
Thank you, Adam
Thanks Adam;İt’s been very useful for me.
hi meldem,
could you add me on your skype to practice english!!
Thank you, Adam
Great lesson Adam, thank you!
Great lesson indeed. However, I would say phrasal verbs are one of the biggest difficulties the English students have to cope with. At least that’s true for me. In my language (French), each verb has its own precise meaning that nothing can modify (of course some have homonyms with the same spelling but a total different meaning). To help the poor English students th
Help Adam. I left a comment, as a matter of fact several times, but it never appears. Something seems wrong; Thank you.
To help the poor English students that we are, an exhaustive list of the prepositions used in phrasal verbs with the explanations for what they change the verb would be greatly appreciated. EASY, as you often say Adam ;).
Hi Patple,
I’ll see what I can do for you. :)
really good idea patple
Thank you very much!
Love your lessons…thank you Adam!
Thanks Adam
Excellent!!! Thanks a lot!
very nice!
i’m sure i will learn a lot here :)
Thank you so much, Adam. Phrasal verbs are really difficult part of English grammar, we have to learn them by heart and try to use in any kind of conversation.
phrasal verbs are a headache, anyway thanks for the lesson
Thank you
oh my God that was amazing lesson thanks
I’vs got 9 correct out of 10, thank you very much Adam!
No.1. Thank you too.
Thanks Adam! A little bit hard lesson for me :(
Thank you so much
but i’ll getting ahead soon
Thank u so much for this lesson. Now I can use head in many different ways. My friends be ready I’m going to bother you with head phrasal verb ^_*
Hi Adam, your lessons are a Godsend. Although I am a native speaker of the English language, my academic knowledge is very poor. This has become a problem, as I have begun to write fiction and my publisher requires me to submit work to a very high standard. Your explanations are a great help for someone like me that should have worked harder at school. Thank you.
O yes, one more thing. You come across as a really nice guy, a pleasure to listen to that makes it so much easier to pay attention.
Thanks Captain :)
I am also working on a novel now, so know how hard fiction can be. Keep at it.
hi Adam,
when you are finished of that novel you will give the name of your novel to your students to read it.
8 out of 10 wow.
i have been first correct 8~!
thank you for awsome lecture.
thanks a lot. this is very helpful
Thank you ADAM.
Thanks a lot,Adam. Very interesting lesson. :)
hi Valeria,
if you need speaking practice add me on your skype i’m here also
hey i need a speaking partner valeria
Thanks everybody. I know phrasals are difficult to remember, but it’s just practice. Keep at it.
Hello Adam sir! I am new on Engvid. And I really love this website. Well, I have a request for you. Could you give us a lesson about Causative verbs and their passive forms? Thank You!
thanks Adam looking for more in future as well
Thanks!!! It’s useful as ever!
Thanks Adam!
Hello Adam!
I have a question!
Hello Adam!
I have a question!
If I am at a lower place of a city, and I’m going to go to the higher part, can I use ‘head up’ to express this?
“I’m at the station now, but I’m gonna head up in 5 minutes…” –> Is it ok?
Thanks Adam.
Hello Adam, please can you make a special lesson about thank you amigo for your time!
about Travelling by plane thank you!
Thank you very mach!
Hi Adam,
Thanks for the explanation. Could you please explain ” ahead of..” meaning together with context? When do we suppose yo use head instead of ahead?
I like this lesson. Just one remark: you missed “head to” in the video and put it into the quiz. Thanks anyway. Now I head back to work :)
Thank you for your teaching.
thank you
hi, teacher! i wanna ask a question but doesnt concern about this lesson. About non-count nouns, as I know, these nouns are used in the plural form. But sometimes, i see they still write “sorrows, winds, clouds…”. they are non-count Nouns, arent they? but why did they write like that?
Thanks so much Adam for your nice lesson.
Hellow , teacher and students so how are you . i have along time i didn’t visited you okay, now i have 6/10 in score i didn’t (head up) anyway i get well thank you …
Thank you Adam~
I’m sure it is extremly usful but still confused……
Thank you Adam
Thanks for the lesson, just something to point out. In the quiz there is the expression “head to” and you didn’t teach about the meaning of this :P
Hi all … may I use this expressione ?!?
“Lots of University are in the North of Italy and lots of students HEAD UP during winter.”
Thank you. Very useful.
You are a good teacher. I got 8 of 10. Thank you!
very useful lessons, thanks Adam, you are a great teacher
Thanks i got 60%
What is the meaning of head in/inside.
i’m confused what different between head to and head over ??
Thanks Adam!
i got 10/10.
head up=go north
head down= go south
head out=leave
head in= go in
head off=block
head for=go for/aim for
head back=go back
I love it man
Your classes are spectacular! All of you are excellent teachers!
Thanks Adam :)
I got 90 in this subject.
Thank you Adam !
Thank you teacher.
Thanks Adam, very nice lesson
Hi Adam
What’s difference between “come back and go back”?
Thanks so much for helping me
fantastic lesson.can you please discuss the topic:as opposed to,so much so,and so to speak. thank you
Thanks ADAM
I was reading a novel which consists of several’head’ phrasal verbs,i didn’t understand the meaning.now i got it…Thanks very much Adam.
Thank Adam, it’s really useful, yet phrasal verb is difficult to remember :P
mobile no plz
Congratulation Adam. You are excellent teacher. I can understand so clear when you explain. I guess I will learn English with you.
Thanks so much for spend your time and preparing classes and sharing with us.
God bless you!
Thank you teacher Adam,I can understand this lesson clearly.
sorry teacher Adam I have some question how different between head off and take off ? Could you please give me an example.Thanks
thanks Adam ! I got 9/10 . and could anyone tell me what different between “head to “and ” head over ” ? i think they’re same right?
I got 6\10 before watching the video, now should watch it until I know my mistakes
keep on :)
Really you are good teacher, I appreciate your way of teaching and your efforts
One thing that I found it’s hard in learning English is Phrasal verbs. But you made it easy for me to digest this time ; ) Thank you Adam!
thanks Doctor your lessons are great :)
Hi Adam!
Thanks again for your efforts.
You didn’t describe in your video construction “head to” so, it’s a little tricky from you to add question no. 7. It was my only mistake :).
Take care.
Adam, I’m studying Phrasal Verbs and your lessons are helping me a lot. Thank you!
thank you
A complicated one this time but if we do not expose to things like these we wont learn something new .. Thanks
That’s very good to improve my english…. First time to meet Head in, Out, down and differents meanings
head to :( i did it wrong.thks for this lesson i need to learn more phrasal verbs
What is the difference between ‘head to’ and ‘ head for ‘?
Hi Adam,
tanks a lot. Your lessons are always very useful.
Phrasal verbs are confusing for me, but it solves more practice
take care
Hi Adam,
If my colleague ask me to go to his seat, do i need to change come over to go over?eg I should say, I will go over later or i will come over later?
Thank you)
i thought toronto was north :v .
eventually, “I weather that storm” successfully!……
You are very good teacher Adam !
hello Adam i am very happy with your explanation but there are some difficult to understand quickly the meaning what you are advice me ?
I GOT 9 OUT OF 10. i aim 10 out 10 , so I take again
yes perfect 10 out of 10
Thank you.
Dear Alex, the answer to question 7 is “head to”. However, it isn’t included in your explanation. So, I picked the option “head over” because according to the vídeo, it means “go to a place”. Apart from that, the explanation is excellent. Thanks a million.
hello adam…….head off and head for both are still not clear to me….can you make those a bit clear?
Onde more Nice class!
Hello Adam! Does head for and head to mean the same thing ?
Thank adam, great lesson as usual :)
Great lesson !
Thank you for this lesson :)
8 out of 10.. I’m so happy! :)
It’s very good for me!!!!! You are good Teacher!!!!!! Adam
Good as always!! thank you
thank you Adam
Thanks a lot.
thank for this lesson Adam)I’ve got 7/10 score.
Thank you Adam.
Thanks a lot Adam. It’s very good explanation.
Thank u Adam.. Ur videos are amazing..
you said about girl friend. Do you really have one or two?
Thanks I get 80
10 out of 10, thanks teacher!
Thank you
Thanks, dear Adam. I have got 9 of 10, but my mistake was in the question No. (7) the correct answer was (head to). Generally, I like your teaching way.
Thanks again.
thank you very much
Hi Adam. I have a question that is not connected with this lesson. I’m just a bit confused about these: I’m going there tomorrow and I’ll be going there tomorrow. Can I use these form of tenses interchangeably? Thanks a lot! :)
thank you sir I like your style most.
sir I waqnt to know how to use ‘however” in english language
thanks Adams you are welcome in my country Colombia. In this quiz I got six corrects aswers out of ten. I have to study and listen too.
Great lesson!
Thank you Adam!!!
You are a good teacher. xD
i am very thankfull to engvid specially to sir adam
im very thankfull with all you.
Hello Adam. Thank you for lessons. I have one question about the quiz.
Sentence: During major storms it is a good idea to head _______ a safe place.
Why is “to” preferable, but not “over”?
Great lesson. Thank you.
I,ll try agin
Thanks a lot for all the helpful tips that you and other teachers have taught. In almost all of them there is something to learn for all 3 levels. Thanks again.
Looks like Adam really hates the winter!! :-)
He aways use examples with cold weather.
It will become worst Adam. “Winter is comming”..!!
thanks a lot
Only got 7 out of 10… better praxtice more about this lesson.. thaks adam…
Thank you Adam.
Thanks you so much!!!
Very big thanks to you my favorite teacher.
hey dear,how many verbal phrases will be enough for a learner?
Thank you
thank you adam !
thanks a lot. i got no.7 wrong on the ‘head’ phrasal verbs. you didn’t teach on ‘head to’ thank you anyway.
could you please explain the meaning of ‘head to’?
thank you.
are head over , head toward and head to not same. do these not indicate little bit same meaning. don’t these all have possibility to use in same sentence in some case?
TY! good lesson, 9 from 10 :)
Adam. Good morning.
I am confused these phrasal verbs between “head over “and “head to”.
I chose the wrong answer in No.7.
Can you please to let me know the difference?
COOL ! ?Thanks teacher !
Hi, Adam! Thank you very much for the lesson! When must we use preposition “to” after “head+” phrasal verbs and when we mustn’t?
Thank you )
Thank you very much, Adam!
thank you very much, Mr Adam, you are the best one
thanks !
Nice test, yet there were not any suggested examples with “head for”
Anyway, Adam, thanks a lot for doing so much for all of us
Keep it up, man!
I did six from ten. May you explain me for expressions in details?
I got 8 out of 10. These lessons about expression are very useful, especially when you read a book or newspaper or some sort of reading in tests. I am greatly appreciated for being a great teacher, Adam.
thank you
Thank you
I got 9 of 10.
I made a mistake in question #7.
Actually, I wanted to answer “head to a safe place” but you did not mention about “head to” in the video. Therefore I have chosen the wrong choice “head over”.
As a result, now I know how to use both of them :))
Thank you so much, Adam. You are a great master!
ı have done the same mistake. So they both have the exact meaning?
these phrasal verbs were not so easy for me… but I’ve been trying…
Good teaching Adam!
Hey Adam.
I’d like to know what it means “hook up”.
to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with someone
Thanks Adam but I guess i need a map before answer one of your answer… ahahah I didnt know where Meksico city is.
Thanks Adam.You are really telling very instructive.
Thank you my best teacher. 9/10 . I like your all lessons
Hi, very helpful lesson.
I don’t know if there are other verbs/phrasal verbs that mean the same as any of this lesson, if so, I have one question: How you determine which one to use?
Thank you ever so much Mr. Adam.
Thanks, Sir.
What a knockout lesson! Thanks Adam
Thanks Adam.The lesson was really useful.Always look forward to watching your videos.
thanks! very good lesson !
8/10! Up to now, Adam’s lesson always explains the word I usually made a mistake. It’s very useful.
Thanks Adam
Thanks! It really helped me!
Adam in question 7 you say head [to] but in your video you didn’t say head [to] but why we don’t use over ?
please comment come fast With my sincere regards
thanks for the quiz, i answered all correctly
hello! ı have a quesiton. while doing the test, relaised something. what’s the difference between “head to” and ” head over”? “head over” is to go to a specific place as Adam taught in the video. what about “head to”? are they same?
I think there isn’t any question about head for in quiz
Tanks a lot