Need a knockout lesson? This is it. If you’ve wondered why girls get knocked up, men get knocked out, or Prada bags get knocked off, this phrasal verb lesson will help you out.
Hi, I wanna ask you that how can you watch the movies my friend?! Because we are from the same country.
Hi there,
By a powerful VPN.
Wish u luck!
I am the first ……
It’s a quite useful lesson. Thanks!
shame on me, I’ve made three mistake…
Although, many thanks Adam!
…mistakes, for sure :)
Thanks, Adam! O made just two mistakes but a need to watch again.
This quiz knocked me out ;)
thank you. very clear. great lesson
It’s a great lesson!.. Thanks Adam
I don’t know how to prevent from ‘ log out’ . Please help me .
Great! There is no ‘ log out ‘ following me now. Thank you.
thanks for this lesson!!!
You people at are doing a great job. I am getting addicted :)
Great lesson tacher
Ah, what a complete lesson about knock.
thank you Adam, your lessons are always short and sweet, short but very complete and useful….
2 right!
Thanks for the lovely lesson! :)
I really was knocked down)
I got 5 out of 10
these are really confining word
I watched this video again and got 9/10
It was like a game
I am very very very thankful to you.
Adam, what does mean this sentence: ” Knocking off your hat or mooning the judges will not impress anybody.”?
Hi Adyce,
That’s a pretty funny sentence. Not exactly sure what the writer meant, I’d need to have more context. But if I had to guess, I’d say it means clowning around won’t help you. knocking off your hat, might mean hitting it off your head. Mooning is slang for pulling down your pants and showing your bum. Sounds like it might be at some contest.
Funny anyway. :)
Pls anyone help me how i can make this sentence passive —I think, people will forget it very soon—
Hi Lilit,
Hope it’s not too late, but:
I think it will be forgotten very soon. (don’t need to mention the people unless they are specific people.)
Hope that helps
I think, it will be forgotten very soon.
Mr. Adam pls help me how i can make these two sentences passive
1.I think, people will forget it very soon
2. They said, that had finished their work in time
Actually, Sergey got it right except that you don’t need the commas.
1. I think it will be forgotten very soon.
2. They said (that) their work had been finished in time.
mr Adam i cant understand the exact meaning of knockoff and also knock off can you gave me more examples i,ll very thank full to you
Hi Anglina,
I have a Picasso painting in my house. I don’t have millions of dollars, so it must be a knockoff (fake). Some painter knocked off Picasso’s ideas and made paintings to sell cheap.
Although, knock off can also mean finish, like I knocked off work early today.
Does that help?
I absolutely love the meaning for “Knock up”
thanks Adam
got 8 out of 10,but still need for more practice.
Nice lesson,thanks mr.adom
got only 7 corrct answer. still confuse : )
Thank you so much Mr Adam . I really like lessons on phrasal verbs .
Good example!
i got 3 mistakes and then i watched again but i don’t know why for question 7 right answer is “knock off”.
Hi Daogiauvang
If I knock the glass off the table, I basically remove it from the table, make it fall, right? If Bill gates gets knocked off the list, he is removed, he falls from the top ten to a lower number.
Does that explain it?
this lesson is pretty useful. Thank you Adam!
Adam! Can you teach us another useful phrasal verbs in spoken english? like this lesson? We’re waiting for you.
sir Adam, your videos are worth watching…looking forward for more videos.
Thank you very much
Thank you so much Adam for this wonderful lesson.
slang always be a problematic for me as a non-English speaker and I feel really difficult to mix up with my friends who are very good at English.
Nice lesson and it a little bit difficult.
Thanks teacher.
Thank you for this lesson.It helped me a lot.
Please explain me quiz no.7
And also help me to understand with more example.
Hi Arvind
If I knock the glass off the table, I basically remove it from the table, make it fall, right? If Bill gates gets knocked off the list, he is removed, he falls from the top ten to a lower number.
Does that explain it?
Thank you very much, Adam!
Bravo, Adam!
i’m praticing it.tanks.
Thanks Adam
Very good information!
Thanks Adam..that was good for me..
Thank you so much… This is how a education method should be. Love you guyz. Great teaching.
Thank you very much Adam for such useful lesson
Adam, really was an excellent lesson, thank you so much…
Thank you so much
thank you adam great job.
thanks adam – for this quiz
Dear sir please explain about the get how to use it…..
Hi Nayana,
I’ll prepare a lesson about that. Too much for this comment box. :)
Yesterday I see this lesson, but I don’t understand the phrasal verb knock up.
Hi Natobyte,
It’s slang. It means to get a girl pregnant.
Hi Adam,
I read your comment and saw the lesson again. Now I got it the meaning of “knocked up”.
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much Dear Adam
Hey, what wrong with your left forefinger ? You cut yourself with a knife? Hmmm. Well, it’s really terrible.Be more careful Adam.
Wow. That’s a good eye. :)
Thanks, I will be more careful.
“To knock someone up is a slang way of saying to get someone in trouble with her parents” — it could mean this, especially when you are young. xD
Sir Adam I have a question: When we use (such) this word is making me crazy. I wish you will answer my little question. thank you Mr adam.
Hi Emadazzouzi
We use such to give an example or point to something. There are many rich people in the world, such as Bill Gates.
There are other examples. I’ll try to make a lesson for you about it.
thank’s adam
Thanks to everyone’s cooperation and good organization the lessons.
thank you very much .
Thanks Adam, it’s completely useful. I got only 7 correct and I understand I should watch it again.
People, i’m looking for someone who wish to improve english and change Knowledge by the skype. My is Clayton.Grilo see you.
Hi teacher! I did not understand question nine of the quiz. It says: 9. When one boxer punches another and the second one falls down and can’t fight anymore, we call it a ________. According to the quiz, the right answer is “knockout” together, but in the video you said that “knock out” separate, means “put someone unconscious”. So i don’t get it.
Hi Patricia
This one was a bit tricky. Knockout is correct. Here we are asking about the situation (it), so are looking for a noun. IT is called A knockout.
Does that help?
thank you very much
I have the same question!! I don’t understand why know off is the answer… POlease Adam explain us!!
Thanks A lot for the lesson it was useful ^^ i will need this phrasal verbs in my life for sure ;3
I just admire the way you speak. Really interesting lesson!
help me i need to call any one?
HI, Adam.
Could you please tell me about using It, Its, Look or looks
Hi Ko,
Your question is a little too general I’m afraid. Can you tell me more specifically what you want to know?
this is the first time i study with adam and i found him a great teacher, adam you are a KNOCKOUT teacher!thanks a lot.
I don’t learn them in the way you try. For example, I heard once an expression “spill the beans”, and I asked a native English speaker for explanation. He tried his best, but I couldn’t understand what that means. And then, suddenly I got it. How? I was watching a movie — there was a scene I understood well, and someone said the phrase. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I think there is no better way to learn stuff like this — you have to listen to native speakers and pay attention to what they do and how they act.
I have some questions:
1. Do we use a preposition “to” when someone wants us to do something? For example:
“join us” — “join to us”
“give dad” — “give to dad”
2. Quantities + people. When we talk about people and we want to express how many entities there are, do we use “of”?
million people — million of people
3. How to pronounce following numbers:
1/3, 2/3, 3/5, etc.
4. How pronounce 0,764 and other similar numbers. Do we only use “point” after zero, or is there other way to say it?
5. When we are talking about time, what does exactly mean “by 10”?
Hi Morfik,
1. Usually when we have both a direct and indirect object, we’ll need the to if it comes between them. (Give it to dad- it-direct ob., dad-ind. obj) However, if the order is reversed, then don’t need it. (Give dad the key vs. Give the key to dad)
2. A million people (one million people). Millions of people. (don’t forget the s.)
3. 1/3- one third, or a third,
2/3- two thirds,
3/5- three fifths (the ths is a bit hard to pronounce, but not as hard as 5/6 five sixths) ;)
4. How pronounce 0,764 and other similar numbers. Do we only use “point” after zero, or is there other way to say it? Nope- zero point seven six four. It’s called a decimal but we always say point. 1.23- one point two three
5. By means on or before. It might be a little confusing to compare by/until, but that might make a good lesson. Anyway, 10:10 is too late. Unless of course I completely misunderstood the question.
Thanks, you and other EngVid teachers have answered to all my questions that I had written in my notebook. xD Now, I have to review them from time to time, but most of the answers I learned almost instantly. Thanks for your time. :) Of course, I will be asking another questions, but now I need some time.
Hi Mr. Adam I know you will read my comment as other student here, a suggestion for all crew of, could you make a special video at 500th video lessons as a celebration, maybe attended by all English teacher here, I think it will be fun and can’t wait for that… thanks ^_^
Hi Ichakushina,
That’s not really up to me, but I’ll pass on the idea :)
Hi, It was a very good video, very clear an interesting. Thank a lot.
Adam, there’s also “knock it off”. I think that most of us know what that means. xD
Good one :)
It means stop it,doesn’t it?!!
Isn’t it?! not Doesn’t it?! :)))
Yeah 10/10
I really like Engvid
Hi Sir Admin, still confuse,, :/ i got 7/10.
Hey Adam, I like ur lessons
Could you please explain the differences between
A little, little, A few and few
Thank you :)
Hey Adam you´re simply the best! You should come to Brazil and teach english for my people. Thanks for help me to improve my englsh. I suggest you to make some videos to teach us how to use the preposition for! I really make a lot of mistakes trying to use it!
Hi Can,
No, the answer ‘knockout’ is correct. It’s a noun.
Hi Алексей Окунев
When we say someone is a knockout, we say he/she is very good looking. It’s an adjective. So, the girl is so good looking that I want to date her.
Does that help?
But in the description of this lesson you used the “knockout” as an adjective to change the word lesson. Which I understand as “super awesome lesson”.
And I left the comment meaning that you are a knockout (super awesome) teacher.
Hi Shad,
This one was a bit tricky. Knockout is correct. Here we are asking about the situation (it), so are looking for a noun. IT is called A knockout.
Does that help?
lol. The only problem is that your sentence can be good or bad. :)
Hi Mario,
There are books dedicated to phrasal verbs and idioms that you can study, but I agree with Morfik– learn by seeing it used in context. When you watch a movie or read something with an expression you don’t know, write it down then try to guess it’s meaning in the context of the conversation. If you can’t guess it then, google it.
good luck :)
Hi Luiza,
If I knock the glass off the table, I basically remove it from the table, make it fall, right? If Bill gates gets knocked off the list, he is removed, he falls from the top ten to a lower number.
Does that explain it?
But, for the same reason, the answer “Knocked down” wouldn’t be correct? In your own words “If Bill Gates gets knocked down the list, he is removed, he falls from the top ten to a lower number.”
Hi Riaz,
It might take some time to get that lesson up, but for now, remember that older can only be used as an adjective and a comparative (old + er). Elder can be used as a noun or an adjective. You should respect your elders (that is, people older than you). Elders here is a plural noun. to compare age, older is more common that elder.
Does that help?
Hi Modu,
I think what you heard is common denominator, which is the the basic thing that is common to everyone/thing in the context.
Does that help?
Hi Claudio,
If I knock the glass off the table, I basically remove it from the table, make it fall, right? If Bill Gates gets knocked off the list, he is removed, he falls from the top ten to a lower number.
Does that explain it?
HI Irina,
Take a look at my list of lessons. It’s there :)
Hi Prati,
Actually, it’s not. Here we are talking about the situation (it), so we need a noun.
Do you see it?
Hi Sahar,
This one was a bit tricky. Knockout is correct. Here we are asking about the situation (it), so are looking for a noun. IT is called A knockout.
Does that help?
Hi Paulo,
Good idea. I’ll try to do something for you. I don’t watch soccer often. I love hockey. :)
Hi Ana,
I will definitely try. For now:
I owe you suggests that you did something for me or gave me something, and now I need to return the effort. You owe me is the same but in reverse.
As for balance, you’ll need to give me a more specific situation. otherwise it just means equal.
Hope that helps :)
Thanks everyone :)
Thank you very much Adam! Your lessons are always so helpful! You were born to be a teacher!
p.s. you are very cute;)
thanks for time….
I learn more today
I like this One, Thanks Adam
Thanks Adam .by the way do you have some APP for your website that work on iPhone ?
I can’t find a suitable word to thank you or to express how grateful I’m
great lesson!, i think review that, in the future.
Thank you very much for lesson))) But i don΄t understand…what is the difference between knock down and knock out?
Thanks for this very interesting lesson!
So, I guess it is related to the reason you explained that in the boxing matches they say “He’s K.O.” when someone falls down unconscious.. isn’it?
Thank you Adam.Very useful tips. You are doing a great job guys
Hello! Everybody! =) kisses!
hi adam
first of all i wanna thank you for this vedio
secondly i wanna ask you why we chose (knockout)
in the sentence no9 and didn’t choose (knock out)
abo abdou
Thanks a lot Adam! It was a great lesson.
How are you doing Adam,
I’m Taha from Iraq, thank you so much for this lesson, but I’ve two words make me confusing in addition to the words that mentioned in this lesson, the first one is “knock around” and the second one “knock back” can you clarify each one of them at your earliest convenience
with deep respect and appreciation
Yours truly,
Thanks a lot Adam! Great job!!!)))
Phrasal verbs are very dificult for me. I need study them much.
I´m Diana, I love this page. I would like to know people from another country. I speak Spanish, but I need to improve y English. Contact me
hi adam why we don’t learn diagramming to make our sentence more sytematically and grammatically
wooow thanks, teacher adam your the best teacher
Thanks Adam ^^
It’s very useful to learn some use of phrasal verbs because it’s not that easy to get access to them. Thanks a lot!
hi teacher Adam..i want you to give me a lot of examples about every word..knock over and knock out.. and i want you to make a lesson about the verb when he followed by up..cause any verb had meaning but when it followed by up completely the meaning will be changed or increased..
example (wake)not like(wake up)not like(wake them up)..and get not like get up not like get them i really want you to explain this point..thanks
hussein syd
hi again..i want you to explain this sentence ..
(if you hadn’t put your kids in foster care they would’ve knocked six months off your sentence..
please i really in hurry to know the meaning..from (knocked)to(sentence)
hussein syd
and i want you to make a lesson that explain the meaning of bargain
hussein syd
the quiz was so difficult. it was a really knockout for me ((((
Hi adam,
thank you very much for your explanation ….
Thanks Adam. I am from Ukrain and I can easily learn english, although I dont like internet lessons)
Thanks ADAM.
I’ve just lost one Q.~~BY mistake!!!
You’re very good teacher for me.`
Prof Adam Excellent Lesson
I only Have one question knock off means to make something falls but on purpose as well as knock down ?
I like the phrasal Knock Up
Adam:Hello teacher,i think u spoke too fast.I`d like to suggest u speak slower than this,and give us many easy examples to understand. However your lesson is so interesting,and thank for your teaching.Bye teacher..
Such a funny lesson Adam, I liked it so much and I learnt something new.
Thanks again!
Hi, Tanks for you’re lessons!!!
Today I were Tinking about why people sometimes say: I gonna….(read a book) and sometimes they say gotta? can u explein me that I have asked to my teacher, but she doesn’t did not how to explein me that….
“Gonna” is short for “going to”, and “gotta” is short for “got to” — so “I gotta read a book” means “I have got to read a book”, or “I must read a book”. Hope that helps!
engVid Moderator
thanx Adam that was pretty helpful! :)
Thank you so much
Dear Adam, Thanks for your effective lessons………I am trying to check you up……Can you please teach us about be, being ……..thanks…….
thank you 70% correct
Thanks a a lot Adam
I have a question for you.What does I don’t wanna be ya mean?
Hi. Adam can you confirm to me this exercise.
Whem a boxer punches another opponent.
we call it a knock out right (the word is separated),And the exercise sad to me (knockout is together. Please can you explain. The question is 9.Thank you.
knockout is a noun. that’s all
10 out of 10 Correct!!! Very Happy… Thanks Adam. Your teaching videos always interesting and useful.
Thank you very much! :)))
hello Adam thanks a lot for today’s lesson that is great i’ve get to usnedstanding some about that i wish that for all have good luck….
Hi Adam. The other day, I came across a knockout girl and I was eager to talk to her. Unfortunately, as soon as I started talking to her, I found myself on the ground knocked down by a kind of gorilla, her so-called boyfriend (she would be better off with me as a boyfriend). The monster was wearing knockoff Hugo Boss suit and Church shoes and a Rolex watch. I wanted to knock him out but, you see, I’m so tender that I didn’t. I had just enough time to tell him next time I would meet the girl I’d knock her up, I saw thousands of stars being knocked out I don’t know why. Life isn’t smart!!
hi adam
i don’t understand answer 9. knockout means a beautiful woman. why is that correct?
Thank you for very interesting lesson.
thanks you so much, learn something news form your lesson
thank you Adam.simple mithod with a lot of informations
Hi professor! I confess that I leaned a lot with your class!
I hope to learn more and more
You explain phrasal verbs excellently. I look forward to watching more of your phrasal-verbs lessons.
Thank you very much!
thank tou
I failed at the 9th question! :) Very helpful lesson (can I say “very helpful lesson, though”? What would be the meaning of the sentence with “though” at the end?) Thank you.
It’d be much appreciated if you could kindly explain the difference usage of idea and ideas. And also, idea for, idea about. Thank you.
May Oo Khaing
Hello Adam i want to ask one question
What is the meaning of “hang out”
Thanks Adam
For this lesson
Thanks Adam
Adam I have one doubt but not about this topic. what’s the difference between words AMONG and BETWEEN? thanks
Hi Fernando. I guess the diference is: when you use between, it means that you are talking about two things/places/people. For example: I must to choose between these shirts (I must to choose one of these two shirts). Otherwise, when you use among, you’re talking about three or more things. For instance, “My socks were among hers”. I hope you get it.
Thiago Justen Teixeira
Hi Thiago. Thanks for the help one more doubt has ended!!
thanks. very helpful.
hi Adam thank you for easy ways of teaching us ,blessed
I got 60%
Abdul Qayum
Hi, guys!
I couldnt find appropriate place to put my thoughts on.
Could you give me a short explanation why its so easy – to understand Adams’ lessons. And at other hand, i cant understand even 10% of what native english speakers talk about. I mean Discovery channel, news on TV, etc.
Are these lessons (hopefully not) are used to improve students, who are really good with english daily talking already? Thanks.
I’m very happy that i understood everything in this lesson.But, of course there are a lot of things to learn(in English).
Thanks! I want to say that all your lessons are useful! thanks again. I’m gonna to watch another lesson)
please recheck answer of question no.9, i found it wrong
adam is the best.. yeaaaaa!!!!
I really love Canadian teachers…
Hi,adam. thanks for lesson. I dont understand question 9. what does this sentence mean?
thanks alot
asmaa yassin 7
dont let the life give you a knockout
it’s too bad i only scored 70%
oh really thanks , adam ! you are my favorite teacher !!!!
arum aprillia
Thank you!
Thanks for the lesson Adam. But I don’t
understand why the 7.question answer can’t be knock DOWN. Can you explain me?
Thanks Adam for your great lecture. Yesterday, a friend of mine ask me which preposition to fit in this sentence: “Although I practise a lot, I don’t often win …… tennis.” I have been looking for the answer but haven’t found one. Could you please help me? Thank you a lot in advance.
Hello sir. I have a question for you. Please answer me if you have time.
I really don’t know exactly this phrasal verb ” knock out ” which means ” put out of order”. And I really don’t understand the example below ” Bill Gates may never be knocked off the list of the top ten richest people in the world. Thanks for reading !
it’ s too hard.I got only 40%.
thanks a lot my best ,
it’s the best example Adam
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
Thank you very much for this video :)
thanks adam I like your teaching style.
I want to ask you can I use knockout for things? e.g oh what a knockout flowers.
this video has a racist conotation.
hi people i’m glad to join with you
great video mr adam
mo-sub abdullah
I’m knock out by this lesson.
Very good teacher, good job :)
I’m knockED out …
You are a knockout teacher.
Hello Adam. Mary Christmas. I really like your lessons. It really works. I enjoy all the lesson. Want to know is there any android app on your lesson? If there is any please share the link. Thanks. Have a nice day. Bye
Ranhraa Yousafzai
I bit you’ll have a knockout girlfriend because your good looking man Adam..
Anyway, I have question for you? Do you have a lesson about” bet and bit” I’m not really sure if my sentence is right or wrong, because I’m so confused “the bit and bet” Thanks for your time reading my comment..
Hi Adam
At the end of this lesson you said” hopefully you use them (you mean those phrasal verbs) well down the road”. What does it mean? specially the last part.
Thanks Adam.
i like this lesson but i want to get more example about knockoff pls i didn’t undrestand it very well thnx
sarah zahra
Hello Adam,
Could you please tell me which sentence is correct?
-do you know what’s the cause of this trouble?
-do you know what the cause of the trouble is?
Nice work adam!
Your lesson makes me, love English as well.
Thank u adam.
Singh Ji
Hello Mr Adam. I’m a new student in English department, and I wanted to ask you. What co does mean when it lies in the beginning of the words and where it came from . I have perfect lecturers in my university, just like you . But I don’t have the ability to them about every thing. May I have your answer, please.
Armin Barker
i am too confused about the question number 9 . you said that knockout means out of order and knock out means to hit and beat someone. could you please clarify that to me
Mossab Mahmoud
I am boastful to say I got 10/10 in first attempt. However, I watched this video 3 times before taking the quiz.
Thank you Sir Adam! :)
Very useful. Thanks, Adam.
hai sir thank you very much for this lesson but i have a doubt what is the usage of ‘knock-on’ which i heard and got confused several times
Sarang s
Very interesting and useful lesson, Mr. Adam!!!
Hi teacher could you plz maka a video about phrasal verb “Carry”
Thank You!
Thank you, Adam!
Dani Mereles
Thank you for your lesson.
Terrible. 60%. Good teacher , bad student:)
thanks a lot mu best teacher..But there is another meaning of “knock up” an example.. The players have a couple of minutes to knock up before the match start…. Is it mean to “warm up”?
samir yehia
I looked it up, and apparently you’re right — for sports played with racquets, like tennis, it means to hit the ball around for practice before a match. However, as someone who knows very little about sports, if I heard that I would assume the players had to very quickly get some people pregnant!
engVid Moderator
Most of these are new to me. Many thanks.
Florence Lim
thank you Adam.
Good one. Thank you.
hello, “knock out” means “Nakavt” in Turkish.
Finally i got a passing score, i got 9 out of 10, i’ve made a mistake at question #9.. thanks adam..
8 right answers )
Onegin Evgeniy
thank you Adam.
Thks Adam
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
thanks teacher.
Nguyen Van Hau
yeah I heard knock up the firts time in a son by kings of leon ( my favorite band :v) Knocked up c:
Hi Adam :)
explain about derivative please, I still dont understand about it :(
Thanks Adam :)
Hi, but there is alsO knockEd out (KO) in sports (Box). ISNT IT ?
Thank you,Adam!
thank you mr adam are you great techer
mohanad ali
I got 10 out of 10,Thank you Adam.
I got 9 out of ten.. please enlighten me more about the question number 9..
my answer is knock out..
but the correct answer is knockout..
thank you!
Thanks a lot, this is very useful
Alan Cabezas
I would never have thought that the “knock up” means to make someone pregnant.
Me too lol.
Most interesting I complement my knowledge with online dictionary and one meaning that is important (I know you can’t review the thousands of different meaning) for know over is “to make a strong often positive impression” The band performance knocked me over completely.
I am super duper fan of your teaching Adam.
I really find it interesting and enjoy learning. I would definitely like to meet you in future. I am
It is pleasure for me to watch your lessons. Thank you!
Elena S.
Hello,Adam! Thank you for your excellent lesson! But I do not understand one of my mistakes. It is a sentence 7 about Bill Gates. Why is “knock off” used there?
As I understand “knock off” means “steal”. So, how could Bill Gates steal the list of the top ten richest people in the world. I think he is not a thief.
Also, before Adam defined it as to steal he said that, for instance, you can knock off something from the table. Типа, смахнул крошки со стола. You should listen very carefully to his explanations.
Thanks for your video and test!!
There was a girl in my class who got knocked ______ and had to quit. It’s too bad.
I couldn’t understand this question can you explain me
Shivank awasthi
Add «share-button» for result testing for twitter. Pleaaase
Andrey Alekseev
That’s a good idea, I’ll see what I can do.
engVid Moderator
Excellent and most importantly very easy and understandable lesson. Thanks Adam for your lessons
Thanks, Adam!
This is the very useful lesson for me.
Hi Adam. Thanks for your efforts about teaching, first of all.
Can we say about question 7,
knock down means fall off table etc.
knock off means drop to the bottom of the list…
so knock down uses about physical, tangible and knock off intangible things
And you have said that
knockout means very very beautiful
but in Question 9, knockout have used for noun of knock out
Am I wrong
thanks for your’s good job
As always, very useful. Thanks, Adam!! You´re the best!
Thanks, Adam!
well this is a great list of new words in our vocabulary it means that our vocabulary is growing quicker because the teacher help i helps us to understand the exercises easily. i had heard about it before nowaday i can use them successfully even more.
Luis Alberto Mateo
Hello Adam it is a nice video.. still lot to do on my english… Can you please make a video on does ,do,did, didnt, dont , doesn’t. Tq…
Kamal Sharma
I remember my first acquiantance with “Knock up” It was in FRIENDS, the episode where Rachel’s father finds out that his daughter gets knocked up by Ross and then Ross gets a lot of hard time afterwards xD
Marshall the spitter
Hello i’d like to know how do i can make pratique?
I made two mistakes…not bad :)
Thank you Adam!
Hi Adam,
I don’t understand the sentence with Bill Gates in the quiz.
How he can be “knock off” from the list?
It means for me that he was steal from the list.
Could you please help me with this?
Adam, you knock it out of the park! :)
appreciate alot your lesson and i learn even though i got 7 out off 10 thanks
8/10! I meet a girl which was a knock at 11 years before. A knockoff present was given when I was a poor guy. We married after one years later, then I changed a really diamond ring for her.
Jerry Gu
Good theacher! Word, meaning and examples!
Bill Gates may never be knocked ______ the list of the top ten richest people in the world.
You said “knock off” means “steal” and it almost like “knock over”. SO, why the answer of this question is “knock off”?
in the Quiz question NO.9 what is the correct answer 3 or 4 and why?
It’s too late to meet your vedio,thanks about teaching.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi dear Adam,
Hope all’s well with u.
Hi Fatiima, I think I know you! Hugs
Hi there,
Any way…
Nice meeting u;
Warm regards,
Thank you :)
Hi, I wanna ask you that how can you watch the movies my friend?! Because we are from the same country.
Hi there,
By a powerful VPN.
Wish u luck!
I am the first ……
It’s a quite useful lesson. Thanks!
shame on me, I’ve made three mistake…
Although, many thanks Adam!
…mistakes, for sure :)
Thanks, Adam! O made just two mistakes but a need to watch again.
This quiz knocked me out ;)
thank you. very clear. great lesson
It’s a great lesson!.. Thanks Adam
I don’t know how to prevent from ‘ log out’ . Please help me .
Great! There is no ‘ log out ‘ following me now. Thank you.
thanks for this lesson!!!
You people at are doing a great job. I am getting addicted :)
Great lesson tacher
Ah, what a complete lesson about knock.
thank you Adam, your lessons are always short and sweet, short but very complete and useful….
2 right!
Thanks for the lovely lesson! :)
I really was knocked down)
I got 5 out of 10
these are really confining word
I watched this video again and got 9/10
It was like a game
I am very very very thankful to you.
Adam, what does mean this sentence: ” Knocking off your hat or mooning the judges will not impress anybody.”?
Hi Adyce,
That’s a pretty funny sentence. Not exactly sure what the writer meant, I’d need to have more context. But if I had to guess, I’d say it means clowning around won’t help you. knocking off your hat, might mean hitting it off your head. Mooning is slang for pulling down your pants and showing your bum. Sounds like it might be at some contest.
Funny anyway. :)
Pls anyone help me how i can make this sentence passive —I think, people will forget it very soon—
Hi Lilit,
Hope it’s not too late, but:
I think it will be forgotten very soon. (don’t need to mention the people unless they are specific people.)
Hope that helps
I think, it will be forgotten very soon.
Mr. Adam pls help me how i can make these two sentences passive
1.I think, people will forget it very soon
2. They said, that had finished their work in time
Actually, Sergey got it right except that you don’t need the commas.
1. I think it will be forgotten very soon.
2. They said (that) their work had been finished in time.
mr Adam i cant understand the exact meaning of knockoff and also knock off can you gave me more examples i,ll very thank full to you
Hi Anglina,
I have a Picasso painting in my house. I don’t have millions of dollars, so it must be a knockoff (fake). Some painter knocked off Picasso’s ideas and made paintings to sell cheap.
Although, knock off can also mean finish, like I knocked off work early today.
Does that help?
I absolutely love the meaning for “Knock up”
thanks Adam
got 8 out of 10,but still need for more practice.
Nice lesson,thanks mr.adom
got only 7 corrct answer. still confuse : )
Thank you so much Mr Adam . I really like lessons on phrasal verbs .
Good example!
i got 3 mistakes and then i watched again but i don’t know why for question 7 right answer is “knock off”.
Hi Daogiauvang
If I knock the glass off the table, I basically remove it from the table, make it fall, right? If Bill gates gets knocked off the list, he is removed, he falls from the top ten to a lower number.
Does that explain it?
this lesson is pretty useful. Thank you Adam!
Adam! Can you teach us another useful phrasal verbs in spoken english? like this lesson? We’re waiting for you.
sir Adam, your videos are worth watching…looking forward for more videos.
Thank you very much
Thank you so much Adam for this wonderful lesson.
slang always be a problematic for me as a non-English speaker and I feel really difficult to mix up with my friends who are very good at English.
Nice lesson and it a little bit difficult.
Thanks teacher.
Thank you for this lesson.It helped me a lot.
Please explain me quiz no.7
And also help me to understand with more example.
Hi Arvind
If I knock the glass off the table, I basically remove it from the table, make it fall, right? If Bill gates gets knocked off the list, he is removed, he falls from the top ten to a lower number.
Does that explain it?
Thank you very much, Adam!
Bravo, Adam!
i’m praticing it.tanks.
Thanks Adam
Very good information!
Thanks Adam..that was good for me..
Thank you so much… This is how a education method should be. Love you guyz. Great teaching.
Thank you very much Adam for such useful lesson
Adam, really was an excellent lesson, thank you so much…
Thank you so much
thank you adam great job.
thanks adam – for this quiz
Dear sir please explain about the get how to use it…..
Hi Nayana,
I’ll prepare a lesson about that. Too much for this comment box. :)
Yesterday I see this lesson, but I don’t understand the phrasal verb knock up.
Hi Natobyte,
It’s slang. It means to get a girl pregnant.
Hi Adam,
I read your comment and saw the lesson again. Now I got it the meaning of “knocked up”.
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much Dear Adam
Hey, what wrong with your left forefinger ? You cut yourself with a knife? Hmmm. Well, it’s really terrible.Be more careful Adam.
Wow. That’s a good eye. :)
Thanks, I will be more careful.
“To knock someone up is a slang way of saying to get someone in trouble with her parents” — it could mean this, especially when you are young. xD
Sir Adam I have a question: When we use (such) this word is making me crazy. I wish you will answer my little question. thank you Mr adam.
Hi Emadazzouzi
We use such to give an example or point to something. There are many rich people in the world, such as Bill Gates.
There are other examples. I’ll try to make a lesson for you about it.
thank’s adam
Thanks to everyone’s cooperation and good organization the lessons.
thank you very much .
Thanks Adam, it’s completely useful. I got only 7 correct and I understand I should watch it again.
People, i’m looking for someone who wish to improve english and change Knowledge by the skype. My is Clayton.Grilo see you.
Hi teacher! I did not understand question nine of the quiz. It says: 9. When one boxer punches another and the second one falls down and can’t fight anymore, we call it a ________. According to the quiz, the right answer is “knockout” together, but in the video you said that “knock out” separate, means “put someone unconscious”. So i don’t get it.
Hi Patricia
This one was a bit tricky. Knockout is correct. Here we are asking about the situation (it), so are looking for a noun. IT is called A knockout.
Does that help?
thank you very much
I have the same question!! I don’t understand why know off is the answer… POlease Adam explain us!!
Thanks A lot for the lesson it was useful ^^ i will need this phrasal verbs in my life for sure ;3
I just admire the way you speak. Really interesting lesson!
help me i need to call any one?
HI, Adam.
Could you please tell me about using It, Its, Look or looks
Hi Ko,
Your question is a little too general I’m afraid. Can you tell me more specifically what you want to know?
this is the first time i study with adam and i found him a great teacher, adam you are a KNOCKOUT teacher!thanks a lot.
I don’t learn them in the way you try. For example, I heard once an expression “spill the beans”, and I asked a native English speaker for explanation. He tried his best, but I couldn’t understand what that means. And then, suddenly I got it. How? I was watching a movie — there was a scene I understood well, and someone said the phrase. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I think there is no better way to learn stuff like this — you have to listen to native speakers and pay attention to what they do and how they act.
I have some questions:
1. Do we use a preposition “to” when someone wants us to do something? For example:
“join us” — “join to us”
“give dad” — “give to dad”
2. Quantities + people. When we talk about people and we want to express how many entities there are, do we use “of”?
million people — million of people
3. How to pronounce following numbers:
1/3, 2/3, 3/5, etc.
4. How pronounce 0,764 and other similar numbers. Do we only use “point” after zero, or is there other way to say it?
5. When we are talking about time, what does exactly mean “by 10”?
Hi Morfik,
1. Usually when we have both a direct and indirect object, we’ll need the to if it comes between them. (Give it to dad- it-direct ob., dad-ind. obj) However, if the order is reversed, then don’t need it. (Give dad the key vs. Give the key to dad)
2. A million people (one million people). Millions of people. (don’t forget the s.)
3. 1/3- one third, or a third,
2/3- two thirds,
3/5- three fifths (the ths is a bit hard to pronounce, but not as hard as 5/6 five sixths) ;)
4. How pronounce 0,764 and other similar numbers. Do we only use “point” after zero, or is there other way to say it? Nope- zero point seven six four. It’s called a decimal but we always say point. 1.23- one point two three
5. By means on or before. It might be a little confusing to compare by/until, but that might make a good lesson. Anyway, 10:10 is too late. Unless of course I completely misunderstood the question.
Thanks, you and other EngVid teachers have answered to all my questions that I had written in my notebook. xD Now, I have to review them from time to time, but most of the answers I learned almost instantly. Thanks for your time. :) Of course, I will be asking another questions, but now I need some time.
Hi Mr. Adam I know you will read my comment as other student here, a suggestion for all crew of, could you make a special video at 500th video lessons as a celebration, maybe attended by all English teacher here, I think it will be fun and can’t wait for that… thanks ^_^
Hi Ichakushina,
That’s not really up to me, but I’ll pass on the idea :)
Hi, It was a very good video, very clear an interesting. Thank a lot.
Adam, there’s also “knock it off”. I think that most of us know what that means. xD
Good one :)
It means stop it,doesn’t it?!!
Isn’t it?! not Doesn’t it?! :)))
Yeah 10/10
I really like Engvid
Hi Sir Admin, still confuse,, :/ i got 7/10.
Hey Adam, I like ur lessons
Could you please explain the differences between
A little, little, A few and few
Thank you :)
Hey Adam you´re simply the best! You should come to Brazil and teach english for my people. Thanks for help me to improve my englsh. I suggest you to make some videos to teach us how to use the preposition for! I really make a lot of mistakes trying to use it!
Hi Can,
No, the answer ‘knockout’ is correct. It’s a noun.
Hi Алексей Окунев
When we say someone is a knockout, we say he/she is very good looking. It’s an adjective. So, the girl is so good looking that I want to date her.
Does that help?
But in the description of this lesson you used the “knockout” as an adjective to change the word lesson. Which I understand as “super awesome lesson”.
And I left the comment meaning that you are a knockout (super awesome) teacher.
Hi Shad,
This one was a bit tricky. Knockout is correct. Here we are asking about the situation (it), so are looking for a noun. IT is called A knockout.
Does that help?
lol. The only problem is that your sentence can be good or bad. :)
Hi Mario,
There are books dedicated to phrasal verbs and idioms that you can study, but I agree with Morfik– learn by seeing it used in context. When you watch a movie or read something with an expression you don’t know, write it down then try to guess it’s meaning in the context of the conversation. If you can’t guess it then, google it.
good luck :)
Hi Luiza,
If I knock the glass off the table, I basically remove it from the table, make it fall, right? If Bill gates gets knocked off the list, he is removed, he falls from the top ten to a lower number.
Does that explain it?
But, for the same reason, the answer “Knocked down” wouldn’t be correct? In your own words “If Bill Gates gets knocked down the list, he is removed, he falls from the top ten to a lower number.”
Hi Riaz,
It might take some time to get that lesson up, but for now, remember that older can only be used as an adjective and a comparative (old + er). Elder can be used as a noun or an adjective. You should respect your elders (that is, people older than you). Elders here is a plural noun. to compare age, older is more common that elder.
Does that help?
Hi Modu,
I think what you heard is common denominator, which is the the basic thing that is common to everyone/thing in the context.
Does that help?
Hi Claudio,
If I knock the glass off the table, I basically remove it from the table, make it fall, right? If Bill Gates gets knocked off the list, he is removed, he falls from the top ten to a lower number.
Does that explain it?
HI Irina,
Take a look at my list of lessons. It’s there :)
Hi Prati,
Actually, it’s not. Here we are talking about the situation (it), so we need a noun.
Do you see it?
Hi Sahar,
This one was a bit tricky. Knockout is correct. Here we are asking about the situation (it), so are looking for a noun. IT is called A knockout.
Does that help?
Hi Paulo,
Good idea. I’ll try to do something for you. I don’t watch soccer often. I love hockey. :)
Hi Ana,
I will definitely try. For now:
I owe you suggests that you did something for me or gave me something, and now I need to return the effort. You owe me is the same but in reverse.
As for balance, you’ll need to give me a more specific situation. otherwise it just means equal.
Hope that helps :)
Thanks everyone :)
Thank you very much Adam! Your lessons are always so helpful! You were born to be a teacher!
p.s. you are very cute;)
thanks for time….
I learn more today
I like this One, Thanks Adam
Thanks Adam .by the way do you have some APP for your website that work on iPhone ?
I can’t find a suitable word to thank you or to express how grateful I’m
great lesson!, i think review that, in the future.
Thank you very much for lesson))) But i don΄t understand…what is the difference between knock down and knock out?
Thanks for this very interesting lesson!
So, I guess it is related to the reason you explained that in the boxing matches they say “He’s K.O.” when someone falls down unconscious.. isn’it?
Thank you Adam.Very useful tips. You are doing a great job guys
Hello! Everybody! =) kisses!
hi adam
first of all i wanna thank you for this vedio
secondly i wanna ask you why we chose (knockout)
in the sentence no9 and didn’t choose (knock out)
Thanks a lot Adam! It was a great lesson.
How are you doing Adam,
I’m Taha from Iraq, thank you so much for this lesson, but I’ve two words make me confusing in addition to the words that mentioned in this lesson, the first one is “knock around” and the second one “knock back” can you clarify each one of them at your earliest convenience
with deep respect and appreciation
Yours truly,
Thanks a lot Adam! Great job!!!)))
Phrasal verbs are very dificult for me. I need study them much.
I´m Diana, I love this page. I would like to know people from another country. I speak Spanish, but I need to improve y English. Contact me
hi adam why we don’t learn diagramming to make our sentence more sytematically and grammatically
wooow thanks, teacher adam your the best teacher
Thanks Adam ^^
It’s very useful to learn some use of phrasal verbs because it’s not that easy to get access to them. Thanks a lot!
hi teacher Adam..i want you to give me a lot of examples about every word..knock over and knock out.. and i want you to make a lesson about the verb when he followed by up..cause any verb had meaning but when it followed by up completely the meaning will be changed or increased..
example (wake)not like(wake up)not like(wake them up)..and get not like get up not like get them i really want you to explain this point..thanks
hi again..i want you to explain this sentence ..
(if you hadn’t put your kids in foster care they would’ve knocked six months off your sentence..
please i really in hurry to know the meaning..from (knocked)to(sentence)
and i want you to make a lesson that explain the meaning of bargain
the quiz was so difficult. it was a really knockout for me ((((
Hi adam,
thank you very much for your explanation ….
Thanks Adam. I am from Ukrain and I can easily learn english, although I dont like internet lessons)
Thanks ADAM.
I’ve just lost one Q.~~BY mistake!!!
You’re very good teacher for me.`
Prof Adam Excellent Lesson
I only Have one question knock off means to make something falls but on purpose as well as knock down ?
I like the phrasal Knock Up
Adam:Hello teacher,i think u spoke too fast.I`d like to suggest u speak slower than this,and give us many easy examples to understand. However your lesson is so interesting,and thank for your teaching.Bye teacher..
Such a funny lesson Adam, I liked it so much and I learnt something new.
Thanks again!
Hi, Tanks for you’re lessons!!!
Today I were Tinking about why people sometimes say: I gonna….(read a book) and sometimes they say gotta? can u explein me that I have asked to my teacher, but she doesn’t did not how to explein me that….
“Gonna” is short for “going to”, and “gotta” is short for “got to” — so “I gotta read a book” means “I have got to read a book”, or “I must read a book”. Hope that helps!
thanx Adam that was pretty helpful! :)
Thank you so much
Dear Adam, Thanks for your effective lessons………I am trying to check you up……Can you please teach us about be, being ……..thanks…….
thank you 70% correct
Thanks a a lot Adam
I have a question for you.What does I don’t wanna be ya mean?
Hi. Adam can you confirm to me this exercise.
Whem a boxer punches another opponent.
we call it a knock out right (the word is separated),And the exercise sad to me (knockout is together. Please can you explain. The question is 9.Thank you.
knockout is a noun. that’s all
10 out of 10 Correct!!! Very Happy… Thanks Adam. Your teaching videos always interesting and useful.
Thank you very much! :)))
hello Adam thanks a lot for today’s lesson that is great i’ve get to usnedstanding some about that i wish that for all have good luck….
Hi Adam. The other day, I came across a knockout girl and I was eager to talk to her. Unfortunately, as soon as I started talking to her, I found myself on the ground knocked down by a kind of gorilla, her so-called boyfriend (she would be better off with me as a boyfriend). The monster was wearing knockoff Hugo Boss suit and Church shoes and a Rolex watch. I wanted to knock him out but, you see, I’m so tender that I didn’t. I had just enough time to tell him next time I would meet the girl I’d knock her up, I saw thousands of stars being knocked out I don’t know why. Life isn’t smart!!
hi adam
i don’t understand answer 9. knockout means a beautiful woman. why is that correct?
Thank you for very interesting lesson.
thanks you so much, learn something news form your lesson
thank you Adam.simple mithod with a lot of informations
Hi professor! I confess that I leaned a lot with your class!
I hope to learn more and more
You explain phrasal verbs excellently. I look forward to watching more of your phrasal-verbs lessons.
Thank you very much!
thank tou
I failed at the 9th question! :) Very helpful lesson (can I say “very helpful lesson, though”? What would be the meaning of the sentence with “though” at the end?) Thank you.
It’d be much appreciated if you could kindly explain the difference usage of idea and ideas. And also, idea for, idea about. Thank you.
Hello Adam i want to ask one question
What is the meaning of “hang out”
Thanks Adam
For this lesson
Thanks Adam
Adam I have one doubt but not about this topic. what’s the difference between words AMONG and BETWEEN? thanks
Hi Fernando. I guess the diference is: when you use between, it means that you are talking about two things/places/people. For example: I must to choose between these shirts (I must to choose one of these two shirts). Otherwise, when you use among, you’re talking about three or more things. For instance, “My socks were among hers”. I hope you get it.
Hi Thiago. Thanks for the help one more doubt has ended!!
thanks. very helpful.
hi Adam thank you for easy ways of teaching us ,blessed
I got 60%
Hi, guys!
I couldnt find appropriate place to put my thoughts on.
Could you give me a short explanation why its so easy – to understand Adams’ lessons. And at other hand, i cant understand even 10% of what native english speakers talk about. I mean Discovery channel, news on TV, etc.
Are these lessons (hopefully not) are used to improve students, who are really good with english daily talking already? Thanks.
I’m very happy that i understood everything in this lesson.But, of course there are a lot of things to learn(in English).
Thanks! I want to say that all your lessons are useful! thanks again. I’m gonna to watch another lesson)
please recheck answer of question no.9, i found it wrong
adam is the best.. yeaaaaa!!!!
I really love Canadian teachers…
Hi,adam. thanks for lesson. I dont understand question 9. what does this sentence mean?
thanks alot
dont let the life give you a knockout
it’s too bad i only scored 70%
oh really thanks , adam ! you are my favorite teacher !!!!
Thank you!
Thanks for the lesson Adam. But I don’t
understand why the 7.question answer can’t be knock DOWN. Can you explain me?
Thanks Adam for your great lecture. Yesterday, a friend of mine ask me which preposition to fit in this sentence: “Although I practise a lot, I don’t often win …… tennis.” I have been looking for the answer but haven’t found one. Could you please help me? Thank you a lot in advance.
Hello sir. I have a question for you. Please answer me if you have time.
I really don’t know exactly this phrasal verb ” knock out ” which means ” put out of order”. And I really don’t understand the example below ” Bill Gates may never be knocked off the list of the top ten richest people in the world. Thanks for reading !
it’ s too hard.I got only 40%.
thanks a lot my best ,
it’s the best example Adam
Thank you very much for this video :)
thanks adam I like your teaching style.
I want to ask you can I use knockout for things? e.g oh what a knockout flowers.
this video has a racist conotation.
hi people i’m glad to join with you
great video mr adam
I’m knock out by this lesson.
Very good teacher, good job :)
I’m knockED out …
You are a knockout teacher.
Hello Adam. Mary Christmas. I really like your lessons. It really works. I enjoy all the lesson. Want to know is there any android app on your lesson? If there is any please share the link. Thanks. Have a nice day. Bye
I bit you’ll have a knockout girlfriend because your good looking man Adam..
Anyway, I have question for you? Do you have a lesson about” bet and bit” I’m not really sure if my sentence is right or wrong, because I’m so confused “the bit and bet” Thanks for your time reading my comment..
Hi Adam
At the end of this lesson you said” hopefully you use them (you mean those phrasal verbs) well down the road”. What does it mean? specially the last part.
Thanks Adam.
i like this lesson but i want to get more example about knockoff pls i didn’t undrestand it very well thnx
Hello Adam,
Could you please tell me which sentence is correct?
-do you know what’s the cause of this trouble?
-do you know what the cause of the trouble is?
Nice work adam!
Your lesson makes me, love English as well.
Thank u adam.
Hello Mr Adam. I’m a new student in English department, and I wanted to ask you. What co does mean when it lies in the beginning of the words and where it came from . I have perfect lecturers in my university, just like you . But I don’t have the ability to them about every thing. May I have your answer, please.
i am too confused about the question number 9 . you said that knockout means out of order and knock out means to hit and beat someone. could you please clarify that to me
I am boastful to say I got 10/10 in first attempt. However, I watched this video 3 times before taking the quiz.
Thank you Sir Adam! :)
Very useful. Thanks, Adam.
hai sir thank you very much for this lesson but i have a doubt what is the usage of ‘knock-on’ which i heard and got confused several times
Very interesting and useful lesson, Mr. Adam!!!
Hi teacher could you plz maka a video about phrasal verb “Carry”
Thank You!
Thank you, Adam!
Thank you for your lesson.
Terrible. 60%. Good teacher , bad student:)
thanks a lot mu best teacher..But there is another meaning of “knock up” an example.. The players have a couple of minutes to knock up before the match start…. Is it mean to “warm up”?
I looked it up, and apparently you’re right — for sports played with racquets, like tennis, it means to hit the ball around for practice before a match. However, as someone who knows very little about sports, if I heard that I would assume the players had to very quickly get some people pregnant!
Most of these are new to me. Many thanks.
thank you Adam.
Good one. Thank you.
hello, “knock out” means “Nakavt” in Turkish.
Finally i got a passing score, i got 9 out of 10, i’ve made a mistake at question #9.. thanks adam..
8 right answers )
thank you Adam.
Thks Adam
Thanks you so much.
thanks teacher.
yeah I heard knock up the firts time in a son by kings of leon ( my favorite band :v) Knocked up c:
Hi Adam :)
explain about derivative please, I still dont understand about it :(
Thanks Adam :)
Hi, but there is alsO knockEd out (KO) in sports (Box). ISNT IT ?
Thank you,Adam!
thank you mr adam are you great techer
I got 10 out of 10,Thank you Adam.
I got 9 out of ten.. please enlighten me more about the question number 9..
my answer is knock out..
but the correct answer is knockout..
thank you!
Thanks a lot, this is very useful
I would never have thought that the “knock up” means to make someone pregnant.
Me too lol.
Most interesting I complement my knowledge with online dictionary and one meaning that is important (I know you can’t review the thousands of different meaning) for know over is “to make a strong often positive impression” The band performance knocked me over completely.
I am super duper fan of your teaching Adam.
I really find it interesting and enjoy learning. I would definitely like to meet you in future. I am
It is pleasure for me to watch your lessons. Thank you!
Hello,Adam! Thank you for your excellent lesson! But I do not understand one of my mistakes. It is a sentence 7 about Bill Gates. Why is “knock off” used there?
As I understand “knock off” means “steal”. So, how could Bill Gates steal the list of the top ten richest people in the world. I think he is not a thief.
Also, before Adam defined it as to steal he said that, for instance, you can knock off something from the table. Типа, смахнул крошки со стола. You should listen very carefully to his explanations.
Thanks for your video and test!!
There was a girl in my class who got knocked ______ and had to quit. It’s too bad.
I couldn’t understand this question can you explain me
Add «share-button» for result testing for twitter. Pleaaase
That’s a good idea, I’ll see what I can do.
Excellent and most importantly very easy and understandable lesson. Thanks Adam for your lessons
Thanks, Adam!
This is the very useful lesson for me.
Hi Adam. Thanks for your efforts about teaching, first of all.
Can we say about question 7,
knock down means fall off table etc.
knock off means drop to the bottom of the list…
so knock down uses about physical, tangible and knock off intangible things
And you have said that
knockout means very very beautiful
but in Question 9, knockout have used for noun of knock out
Am I wrong
thanks for your’s good job
As always, very useful. Thanks, Adam!! You´re the best!
Thanks, Adam!
well this is a great list of new words in our vocabulary it means that our vocabulary is growing quicker because the teacher help i helps us to understand the exercises easily. i had heard about it before nowaday i can use them successfully even more.
Hello Adam it is a nice video.. still lot to do on my english… Can you please make a video on does ,do,did, didnt, dont , doesn’t. Tq…
I remember my first acquiantance with “Knock up” It was in FRIENDS, the episode where Rachel’s father finds out that his daughter gets knocked up by Ross and then Ross gets a lot of hard time afterwards xD
Hello i’d like to know how do i can make pratique?
I made two mistakes…not bad :)
Thank you Adam!
Hi Adam,
I don’t understand the sentence with Bill Gates in the quiz.
How he can be “knock off” from the list?
It means for me that he was steal from the list.
Could you please help me with this?
Adam, you knock it out of the park! :)
appreciate alot your lesson and i learn even though i got 7 out off 10 thanks
8/10! I meet a girl which was a knock at 11 years before. A knockoff present was given when I was a poor guy. We married after one years later, then I changed a really diamond ring for her.
Good theacher! Word, meaning and examples!
Bill Gates may never be knocked ______ the list of the top ten richest people in the world.
You said “knock off” means “steal” and it almost like “knock over”. SO, why the answer of this question is “knock off”?
in the Quiz question NO.9 what is the correct answer 3 or 4 and why?
It’s too late to meet your vedio,thanks about teaching.
Thank you, it`s really useful.