Phrasal verbs often have more than one meaning, and make out is no exception. In this lesson, I cover the seven idiomatic meanings of this important phrasal verb, with definitions and clear examples. I promise that you’ll make it out of this lesson a better and more fluent English speaker!
Alex,can you help me with these questions?
What are you saying? and what you are saying?.
Are they both correct?.
I have wondered that!!
I’m not a native, but I can help you with what I’ve seen so far about this.
Grammatically talking, the first one seems to be the only correct because the necessary inverted position of the verb to be, which is such obligation in questions.
But we see a lot of people questioning without the proper position of subject and verb to be, right? I think that this kinda conversation is real informal, pretty common but, again, grammatically talking: incorrect.
Despite all that, when we use what, who, which, even in informal conversations, I’ve seen that everybody is still using the correct way: What are you saying? Mainly because when you speak it, you can link those words: What’re you saying?
In a even more informal way, they might drop the verb to be, in this case “are” and only say: “What you saying”, and linking the words, it’ll sound like: “Whatcha saying”.
I hope it can help you.
alex you’re awesome
Aaqib ali
Finally, I make the quiz out~ :)
to practice your english with native speakers visit this website
it’s free guys and simple to use, don’t forget to subscribe
thks teacher
Thanks for the Glass, Alex.Without doubts
a made the class out !
Bruno Peçanha
I meant ‘class’, that was because of my celphone auto-correction.
Bruno Peçanha
nice..thank you
Gibson Tambunan
Thnaks very useful)
I was confused a little because I haven’t used “make out.” But I got 8 correct out of 10. Good for me :)
I was surprised “make out” had 7 meanings but if I would be able to use them, “make out” is useful, isn’t it. Thank you for your great lesson, Alex :)
No problem.
hey there , how are you today Moderator ? .. I`m fine ..Well most people are invited for interview to get a job after they succeeded passing related company`s paper exam . Hmmm… I`ve gotta suggestion about making a video involving two of your good teachers,sitting in front of one another , one plays the role of interviewer who asks most common questions and the other plays the role of interviewee who tries to find a position in a company or organization through a real interview and answers questions (then,common mistakes could be corrected after the conversation by Rebbeca or someone else) .Questions are different but Common questions are possible to ask in that video .I hope your attention toward my opinion is positive and please share it with your good teachers if possible .Many of us need to know how to treat,answer and ask questions in a typical interview.How about that ?
amir from Iran
Thanks Sir Alex, this lesson boost up my knowledge, I got 80%
Abdul Qayum
thank you alex
Thank you Alex. I got 90% (:
Hello Alex.
I am absolutely appreciating for you. Yours all English lesson are very clearly to study but I don’t understand some of lesson that depends on my level of English.
So I have question for you. Some English word very difficult to say, particular the pronunciation and different meaning for example. (I have some sentence related the those word). 1)The bandage was wound around the wound. 2) the farm was used to produce produce. 3) we must polish the polish furniture as well as so many words in English. If you have time, could you explain to me this situation.
Hi Alex;-)
Thanks a lot, I got 10/10 ;-). You help me to make that phrasal verb out. You are genius;-)
I’m looking forward to more ;)
Hello Alex
I had no idea that there were so many meanings “TO MAKE OUT”, I thank you for teaching me new things in an understandable way and you help me to progress in my goal of learning more and more English.
A big hug from Barcelona.
I’m happy to hear that you’re progressing.
I have some question unanswered in mind
1) What does language mean to you?
2) How can student articulate their thinking in writing?
3) What is the difference between language and speech?
4) What is PLS or pictological system?
5) I have heard that we have some formula to creat iiregular verbs in English I want know how a verb changes to be an irregular one.
Thanks in advance.
I wonder why your questions don’t have answers in your own language and what English has to do with it, but OK:
1) Language is a cultural system that permits individuals to express themselves and communicate with each other within that cultural system.
2) This process is called cultural adaptation, you have to change (adapt) the (cultural) system you use for thinking to the system you use for writing.
3) Language is a cultural system, speech is a sequence of items (generally spoken words) that convey a meaning in a particular cultural system.
4) Maybe you mean pictorial system: the items of this system are pictures.
5) There is no ‘formula’, it’s the usage of a language that makes it evolve.
I got 9 of 10 Thank you Alex
Thanks Alex!
i got 10 out of 10.
Rajender Gannu
9 of 10 , Thank you Alex. :)
thnx teacher i got it
I liked this :)
THX U :)
Thank you so much Alex, the lesson was great as same as before.
I got 9 of 10
Thanks Alex
Always thought that “make out” is only related to kissing, Nice lesson, learnt a lot.
Michal -
I got 10/10 :D Thanks Alex, it was a useful lesson.
Alex,you’re good teacher!!God bless you!!!
thnx Alex :)
Abdallah Omran
Excellent class like always. I made it out. Tks
Thank you for your lesson Alex. It’s very useful. I got 10 of 10 :)
I made out the lesson! Thanks Alex
Thank you ever so much for your lesson, Alex.It’s helping me very well.In addition,I would like to thank for all engvid group,and keep it up.Alex,I got a question for you.I got writing problem about essay introduction,and It is complicated for me to write an introduction about one topic,but I have seen all the lesson that has been given by engvid about it
Good lesson Alex. Thank you…
Alex,your teaching system is easy to me to understand,and that’s whay I need this lesson from you ,so could you give me more easy example please?
can you tell me what’s meaning, another and other, please thank you.
I got 7 of 10 questions. Thank you alex :)
nice :) i have a lot of ideas learned, I am from philippines i want to learn more.
I did the quiz my score is 10 thanks ALex
tell me use of ‘to be’
Ciao Alex! Your English is so easy and clear, you are great. Thanks.
got a perfect score,,wow..awesome..
thank you my dear teacher Alex, i got 100 of 100 in quiz but i did not know the different between the 1 and 7 sentence.
great! thx!
Thans Alex.I got 10 correct out of 10.
Are there any other meanings of ” Make Out “
No words to thank You Alex for this great lesson.
Learning some phrasal verbs are always defiant, I think. So that it requires to get a quite practice daily!
Hi mr. Teacher .. you can say that make out in the sentence about the party means “kissing and touching sexually”
10/10. Thanks teacher
Thanks a lot
thank alex I made out the lesson
So useful class :), thanks a lot for that…
Ooohohoooooowwwwww! One hundred percent are correct!!!
Thank you Alex. Very useful lesson. Is a good idea practice it daily.
Thanks, Alex. Very useful!
Alex I can´t watch vídeos on EngVid. appears on screen that the video playback is prohibited. What I do now?
Thank you so much Mr. Alex. It’s really nice and useful lesson. Also I wanted to thank you for your previous lesson or the Academic World List. The list is like a treasure for me and thanks a lot for your effort. Really, I’ve been so happy for the huge information and vocabulary and I worked hard for several days to have complete advantage from it. I hope that will be more useful lists.
Maytham Almashhadi
I’m glad you’re using the list and that it’s helping you to improve! :) That’s what it’s for.
Hello Engvid’s guys.
Your website’s video not working on last few days but same video keep going on What happened on web or my device?
I didn’t know that make out there are many meant thank you alex hugs
Phrasal verbs always give real headaches to students specially those with different meanings like the one taught in this lesson.
Practice makes perfect, that is the only way to master them.
You were clear concise and to the point, as usuall Alex. Thanks for this video-lesson.
No problem.
Very interesting and useful lesson on “make out”. But I’ve got confused with question 6: What does “B. Andicoot” mean?
I suppose it is something like a signature.
I can’t make out what “It is gross” means. Even after the looking up it in the dictionary. It is the cause why I have got 9 of 10. Can anyone explain me? Thanks a lot!
In this case I think it means “It is disgusting”
thank u Alex so much i get 10/10 i hope if u could learn us more phrasal verbs
We are learning new things and need to learn much more.I got 1oo.I’m really happy.Thanks, Alex.
I got 10/10. thanks Alex
Hi Alex,
Appricaiate if you could make a leasson explaining the differences between:
1. Licence and License
2. Advice and Advise
3. Practice and Practise
It will be great if you add few more words in your lesson lying under this category.
A big thank from India!
Hi Alex! :)
Does your English name Alex come from Polish Aleksander (Olek)? :) You’ve mentioned you come from Poland, that’s why I was curious about that.
Do you and your family visit relatives in Poland? :))
Thanks for replying :)
Take care,
Ala (Alice)
Thanks a million Alex, very usefull lesson
teacher, how can we pronounce can and can not, in fact, it is similar, thanks so much!
Thanx alot
tnx alex
now i can make out what you teach clearly..thanx
elmajzoob is unbelievable cuz i didnt watch the video and started to answer them all and got 10.i didnt think that even i would get 7,thank you .
good lecture alex…thank you
Hamedullah Darwazi
That is just an other ultra super lesson.
I love the way you teach . I can easly make it out what you are saying . :))
I´ve been making out this lesson!!
Marcio Ap. Massarelli
thank Alex, i can hear your voice clearly and understand all of your lesson.
Thanks for teaching.:-D
I can understand the meaning.
i can’t make out(understand ) why some boys and girls just keep making out(kiss passionately) without any make out(progress) in their relation.perhaps they just make out(pretend) they love each other
that`s the way it is mi amiga ^_^
amir from Iran
Merry Christmas, Alex :)
Thank you so much! I have 10/10!!
Hey Alex!
Thank you for sharing nicely presented english classes. You are one if the best among the teachers. I hope all the best for you ! May 2014 be your best year.
Lots of thanks,
I got 9/10.Thanks you teacher .to teach clearly
Emmanuel Pierre
Merry Christmas! Thanks for the useful lesson!
Very interesting lesson! I got 100/100 on the test, that means I made out all the meanings. ;)
Thank you so much. your lession is very useful for me and people studying English as a second language.
Hi, Alex! Thank you for a really useful lesson! In the test there was a sentence “It’s gross”. Does it mean “It’s vulgar” or what? I have also got a question about using passive with such constuctions as “make an appointment”, “do a favour”, etc. Can we say “she was made an appointment at 3pm” meaning her potential employer invited her to an interview?
Thanx in advance!
Hugs from Russia!
Galina from Russia
Hi Galina, well as you may know, “gross” has several meanings. As an adjective it means very rude/umpleasant, among some others.
As for the word “appointment”, you can say. . . she HAS an appointment WITH Mr. X at 3 p.m. If she HAD the interview, then we can say that she KEPT the appointment or HAD a job interview with . . .
Hope this may help.
Very useful and interesting lesson. Thanks a lot, Alex! I got 10, and I’m very surprised =)
Hot hugs from rainy Saint-Petersburg :)
thanks Alex , your teaching way is good .
I just heard about your website this morning. I and my wife realy need such excellent lessons to imporve our English. Thanks a lot!
Kamil Al-Shaheen
Hi Kamil, this is an excellent site for those of us who are interested in learning more about the English language.
10/10 again
That was very useful. Thanks a lot.
hi Alex. i love the way that u teach, u speak slowly, it’s easy for me to listen and understand. after listen ur lecture and look at the dictionary i got 90/10.tks so much.
Interesting Phrasal Verb! Alex you explained clearly as always :-)
I think you are the best teacher ever.
Thanks for this lesson.
I start to make out quite good on english test..100% cheers Alex:)
Good for you Tittilee!
Keep on the good work!!!
Have a great week!
Thanks teacher Alex. I still have much to learn, the result is 50%
thanks a lot, good lesson;)
result – 10/10;)
nice video 10/10
Thank you Alex, I’m in a good way
thank u Alex for the nice Lesson.I got only 70 is it good or not.
thks alex
Thank you Alex it help me alot
I wish if can make a video on these exprestion
Take the cake-barking up the wrong tree- more than one can chew-you can say it again-touch wood-burn the midnight oil-bite the dust
Although a lot of us make quiz 10/10 , make out what you are talking about ,without using phrasal verb in daily conversation it is easy to forget .
Excellent explanation Alex. Thanks a lot
Thank you Alex. It was very interesting, helpful lesson. I got 9\10
Dmitriy Rodin
Thanks Alex
I got a good score
I got 10 out of 10 before I watched this video~!
감사합니다.(Gam-sa-hap-ni-da) = Thanks!
haysss! 8/10 hmmm! its ok i think its not bad for me , anyway thankyou alex for this topic i’ve got a new learned yessss!
thx , Alex , i got 100 , i a m i genius , or defenitely english man , can i say tht ?
i wake out quickly !!!lol
Moulay Ahmed
i got 10.thanks
i understood.
i got 10 out of 10.
thanks Alex
I got 100%!
And I swear I am not making out!
Thank you Alan!
Lorena Kelly
Alex many thanks for the lesson!!
I didn’t know that “make out” has so many different meanings, so now I’ll try to put this phrasal verb in use in my routine conversations. If you meet me in the future don’t forget to ask me “how is your English making out!!”
Joao Batista Jr
I forgot the signal “?” in the previous commentary hehehe… but I scored 10/10. I guess that it was possible because of Alex explanation, and it is always clear to me!
Best regards!
Joao Batista Jr
Hello Alex
First of all, thank you for teaching me :) All videos are helping me a lot!
Anyway, would you don’t mind if I ask is English subscript correct? Because unfortunately, Korean subscript is not correct. :( I try to develop my grammar so I read English subscript after listening enough. If it is correct, I don’t care about Korean subscript :)
Thank you for teaching me and helping me a lot.
I will trying to learning.
I’ve got perfect score,and I understood the lesson, but could you please check if these sentences are correct.
I’m married to my husband for nearly three years now, but I can’t make him out.
What you do is making out like you know everything when you don’t.
My classmates and I can’t really make out of his lessons.
I just like to know, if I’m using the phrasal verb “make out” right.
Bel Linwood
Thanks a lot Alex.
You’re a great teacher and your lessons are useful. EngVid helps me improve my English.
take care
Thank you so mutch Alex, you are very good teacher
Hi Alex! This lesson was really helpful to me. It was easy to make out what you were saying :) I mean, as always, your explanation was pretty clear. How did I make out at the quiz? 100%. Thank you so much!
Daniela Pereira
thanks for this alex another words that i always heard in a english movie, specially british people..two thumps up for u.
thanks Alex this lesson very helpful
Very useful.Can we do also conversation?
Thank you Alex for your lesson.
brilliant! i got a perfect score. Thank you for this lesson, it’s really helpful for me.
Hi, thanks for the lesson! I tried to do the quiz but when I clicked for the next question available, it did not show the next question, I am wondering if I am the only one having this problem, or if it happened to somebody else? Please let me know! Thank you
The quiz does not work properly :-(
The quiz does not work properly :-(
Thank you!
Thanks Alex.
i was looking for this lesson. :D
Got 9 out of 10:)
not bad.. thanks Alex
Thank you! Great!
Ooh it is very good
thanks Alex
thaks Alex
My test was okay.I got 10.
How did i make out?
Thanks Alex.
I got 50%, i don’t realy understand it.
great! You are a very good Teacher!Thank you!
Thanks Alex .. your explanation was very clear so made out all words you said in the lesson .
Thank you, very helpful
Hi Alex,your lesson is very helpful and informative also.It pushes me that keep visiting to this site the way you teach us.Thank you a million.
9/10 thanks Alex , your teaching is good!
Alex thanks a lot.Almost everyyhing has been said already.Just everytime I see your vid-lesson I know for sure that Im gonna learn something very useful,practical,etc.I love you Alex!
thank you so much it helps me alot :)
fine i got 10 over 10
all off that is due to my good concentrating and serious listening
ahjij abdelhafid
it’s a good English lesson. 10Q alex i got 8 out of 10
Hi Alex. I have a question about the first meaning of MAKE OUT you wrote on the board. Does it generally mean UNDERSTAND, too? Can I use it when one of my students isn’t very clear in his speaking? I mean, even if I can see and hear him clearly but his speech is a kind of muddled and confused because of mistakes in the language?
Thanks a lot.
I think that’s only about the ability of seeing or hearing something properly.
Hey,i can’t make out the sentence “i made the check out to the president”, maybe i don’t know the simple meaning of this sentence, can you tell me what does it mean?
Thank a lot Alex
10/10. Thank you Alex.
ann ann
Got 8 out of 10. Good lesson as always alex.and thank you.
Great Great Great Great!! I have put it in my mind forever!!
Thanks a lot. This lesson is very useful.
You are the best, you know? Thank you!
sandra maia
Thanks a lot!!! I only knew that “make out” means “do the sexual things” before this class!!! Thanks for teaching!!!
Thank you, Alex.It is a very useful lesson.
Sonny Hsu
Thank you Alex
Could you explain the usages of the phrasal verb make up as well
Thank you
Thanks Alex, great lesson.
Thank you Alex, this is very helpful for me, I’m so happy because I found this page to learn English.
Excellent lesson,Alex. Phrasal verbs are very
important and necessary.So,the more the merrier.
Thanks a lot.
So good! Thanks!
Jonathas Wilhem
Hi Alex,
I don’t really understand the second sentence. Would you make it more clear for me? Can you give me one more example?
Thanks in advance.
9-10 thanks Alex )))
Thanks you Mr. Alex for a nice explanations and examples.
THX Alex…It was awesome
would you mind answering this question……after “handle” should we use any prepositions??
for instance “”a teacher should handle ( with) many students”” or “”a teacher should handle many students””
which one is correct??
THX again
reihaneh mohammadi
I watched this video twice on April 26, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 10 correct out of 10.
Fahd Nasser
Thanks a million for this flabbergasted lesson dear Alex aka John Ritter from Toronto
Learn English for free with 2159 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thx alex thats good
You’re welcome.
Alex,can you help me with these questions?
What are you saying? and what you are saying?.
Are they both correct?.
I have wondered that!!
I’m not a native, but I can help you with what I’ve seen so far about this.
Grammatically talking, the first one seems to be the only correct because the necessary inverted position of the verb to be, which is such obligation in questions.
But we see a lot of people questioning without the proper position of subject and verb to be, right? I think that this kinda conversation is real informal, pretty common but, again, grammatically talking: incorrect.
Despite all that, when we use what, who, which, even in informal conversations, I’ve seen that everybody is still using the correct way: What are you saying? Mainly because when you speak it, you can link those words: What’re you saying?
In a even more informal way, they might drop the verb to be, in this case “are” and only say: “What you saying”, and linking the words, it’ll sound like: “Whatcha saying”.
I hope it can help you.
alex you’re awesome
Finally, I make the quiz out~ :)
to practice your english with native speakers visit this website
it’s free guys and simple to use, don’t forget to subscribe
thks teacher
Thanks for the Glass, Alex.Without doubts
a made the class out !
I meant ‘class’, that was because of my celphone auto-correction.
nice..thank you
Thnaks very useful)
I was confused a little because I haven’t used “make out.” But I got 8 correct out of 10. Good for me :)
I was surprised “make out” had 7 meanings but if I would be able to use them, “make out” is useful, isn’t it. Thank you for your great lesson, Alex :)
No problem.
hey there , how are you today Moderator ? .. I`m fine ..Well most people are invited for interview to get a job after they succeeded passing related company`s paper exam . Hmmm… I`ve gotta suggestion about making a video involving two of your good teachers,sitting in front of one another , one plays the role of interviewer who asks most common questions and the other plays the role of interviewee who tries to find a position in a company or organization through a real interview and answers questions (then,common mistakes could be corrected after the conversation by Rebbeca or someone else) .Questions are different but Common questions are possible to ask in that video .I hope your attention toward my opinion is positive and please share it with your good teachers if possible .Many of us need to know how to treat,answer and ask questions in a typical interview.How about that ?
Thanks Sir Alex, this lesson boost up my knowledge, I got 80%
thank you alex
Thank you Alex. I got 90% (:
Hello Alex.
I am absolutely appreciating for you. Yours all English lesson are very clearly to study but I don’t understand some of lesson that depends on my level of English.
So I have question for you. Some English word very difficult to say, particular the pronunciation and different meaning for example. (I have some sentence related the those word). 1)The bandage was wound around the wound. 2) the farm was used to produce produce. 3) we must polish the polish furniture as well as so many words in English. If you have time, could you explain to me this situation.
Hi Alex;-)
Thanks a lot, I got 10/10 ;-). You help me to make that phrasal verb out. You are genius;-)
I’m looking forward to more ;)
Hello Alex
I had no idea that there were so many meanings “TO MAKE OUT”, I thank you for teaching me new things in an understandable way and you help me to progress in my goal of learning more and more English.
A big hug from Barcelona.
I’m happy to hear that you’re progressing.
I have some question unanswered in mind
1) What does language mean to you?
2) How can student articulate their thinking in writing?
3) What is the difference between language and speech?
4) What is PLS or pictological system?
5) I have heard that we have some formula to creat iiregular verbs in English I want know how a verb changes to be an irregular one.
Thanks in advance.
I wonder why your questions don’t have answers in your own language and what English has to do with it, but OK:
1) Language is a cultural system that permits individuals to express themselves and communicate with each other within that cultural system.
2) This process is called cultural adaptation, you have to change (adapt) the (cultural) system you use for thinking to the system you use for writing.
3) Language is a cultural system, speech is a sequence of items (generally spoken words) that convey a meaning in a particular cultural system.
4) Maybe you mean pictorial system: the items of this system are pictures.
5) There is no ‘formula’, it’s the usage of a language that makes it evolve.
I got 9 of 10 Thank you Alex
Thanks Alex!
i got 10 out of 10.
9 of 10 , Thank you Alex. :)
thnx teacher i got it
I liked this :)
THX U :)
Thank you so much Alex, the lesson was great as same as before.
I got 9 of 10
Thanks Alex
Always thought that “make out” is only related to kissing, Nice lesson, learnt a lot.
I got 10/10 :D Thanks Alex, it was a useful lesson.
Alex,you’re good teacher!!God bless you!!!
thnx Alex :)
Excellent class like always. I made it out. Tks
Thank you for your lesson Alex. It’s very useful. I got 10 of 10 :)
I made out the lesson! Thanks Alex
Thank you ever so much for your lesson, Alex.It’s helping me very well.In addition,I would like to thank for all engvid group,and keep it up.Alex,I got a question for you.I got writing problem about essay introduction,and It is complicated for me to write an introduction about one topic,but I have seen all the lesson that has been given by engvid about it
Good lesson Alex. Thank you…
Alex,your teaching system is easy to me to understand,and that’s whay I need this lesson from you ,so could you give me more easy example please?
can you tell me what’s meaning, another and other, please thank you.
I got 7 of 10 questions. Thank you alex :)
nice :) i have a lot of ideas learned, I am from philippines i want to learn more.
I did the quiz my score is 10 thanks ALex
tell me use of ‘to be’
Ciao Alex! Your English is so easy and clear, you are great. Thanks.
got a perfect score,,wow..awesome..
thank you my dear teacher Alex, i got 100 of 100 in quiz but i did not know the different between the 1 and 7 sentence.
great! thx!
Thans Alex.I got 10 correct out of 10.
Are there any other meanings of ” Make Out “
No words to thank You Alex for this great lesson.
Learning some phrasal verbs are always defiant, I think. So that it requires to get a quite practice daily!
Hi mr. Teacher .. you can say that make out in the sentence about the party means “kissing and touching sexually”
10/10. Thanks teacher
Thanks a lot
thank alex I made out the lesson
So useful class :), thanks a lot for that…
Ooohohoooooowwwwww! One hundred percent are correct!!!
Thank you Alex. Very useful lesson. Is a good idea practice it daily.
Thanks, Alex. Very useful!
Alex I can´t watch vídeos on EngVid. appears on screen that the video playback is prohibited. What I do now?
Thank you so much Mr. Alex. It’s really nice and useful lesson. Also I wanted to thank you for your previous lesson or the Academic World List. The list is like a treasure for me and thanks a lot for your effort. Really, I’ve been so happy for the huge information and vocabulary and I worked hard for several days to have complete advantage from it. I hope that will be more useful lists.
I’m glad you’re using the list and that it’s helping you to improve! :) That’s what it’s for.
Hello Engvid’s guys.
Your website’s video not working on last few days but same video keep going on What happened on web or my device?
I didn’t know that make out there are many meant thank you alex hugs
Phrasal verbs always give real headaches to students specially those with different meanings like the one taught in this lesson.
Practice makes perfect, that is the only way to master them.
You were clear concise and to the point, as usuall Alex. Thanks for this video-lesson.
No problem.
Very interesting and useful lesson on “make out”. But I’ve got confused with question 6: What does “B. Andicoot” mean?
I suppose it is something like a signature.
I can’t make out what “It is gross” means. Even after the looking up it in the dictionary. It is the cause why I have got 9 of 10. Can anyone explain me? Thanks a lot!
In this case I think it means “It is disgusting”
thank u Alex so much i get 10/10 i hope if u could learn us more phrasal verbs
We are learning new things and need to learn much more.I got 1oo.I’m really happy.Thanks, Alex.
I got 10/10. thanks Alex
Hi Alex,
Appricaiate if you could make a leasson explaining the differences between:
1. Licence and License
2. Advice and Advise
3. Practice and Practise
It will be great if you add few more words in your lesson lying under this category.
A big thank from India!
Hi Alex! :)
Does your English name Alex come from Polish Aleksander (Olek)? :) You’ve mentioned you come from Poland, that’s why I was curious about that.
Do you and your family visit relatives in Poland? :))
Thanks for replying :)
Take care,
Ala (Alice)
Thanks a million Alex, very usefull lesson
teacher, how can we pronounce can and can not, in fact, it is similar, thanks so much!
Thanx alot
tnx alex
now i can make out what you teach clearly..thanx is unbelievable cuz i didnt watch the video and started to answer them all and got 10.i didnt think that even i would get 7,thank you .
good lecture alex…thank you
That is just an other ultra super lesson.
I love the way you teach . I can easly make it out what you are saying . :))
I´ve been making out this lesson!!
thank Alex, i can hear your voice clearly and understand all of your lesson.
Thanks for teaching.:-D
I can understand the meaning.
i can’t make out(understand ) why some boys and girls just keep making out(kiss passionately) without any make out(progress) in their relation.perhaps they just make out(pretend) they love each other
that`s the way it is mi amiga ^_^
Merry Christmas, Alex :)
Thank you so much! I have 10/10!!
Hey Alex!
Thank you for sharing nicely presented english classes. You are one if the best among the teachers. I hope all the best for you ! May 2014 be your best year.
Lots of thanks,
I got 9/10.Thanks you teacher .to teach clearly
Merry Christmas! Thanks for the useful lesson!
Very interesting lesson! I got 100/100 on the test, that means I made out all the meanings. ;)
Thank you so much. your lession is very useful for me and people studying English as a second language.
Hi, Alex! Thank you for a really useful lesson! In the test there was a sentence “It’s gross”. Does it mean “It’s vulgar” or what? I have also got a question about using passive with such constuctions as “make an appointment”, “do a favour”, etc. Can we say “she was made an appointment at 3pm” meaning her potential employer invited her to an interview?
Thanx in advance!
Hugs from Russia!
Hi Galina, well as you may know, “gross” has several meanings. As an adjective it means very rude/umpleasant, among some others.
As for the word “appointment”, you can say. . . she HAS an appointment WITH Mr. X at 3 p.m. If she HAD the interview, then we can say that she KEPT the appointment or HAD a job interview with . . .
Hope this may help.
Very useful and interesting lesson. Thanks a lot, Alex! I got 10, and I’m very surprised =)
Hot hugs from rainy Saint-Petersburg :)
thanks Alex , your teaching way is good .
I just heard about your website this morning. I and my wife realy need such excellent lessons to imporve our English. Thanks a lot!
Hi Kamil, this is an excellent site for those of us who are interested in learning more about the English language.
10/10 again
That was very useful. Thanks a lot.
hi Alex. i love the way that u teach, u speak slowly, it’s easy for me to listen and understand. after listen ur lecture and look at the dictionary i got 90/10.tks so much.
Interesting Phrasal Verb! Alex you explained clearly as always :-)
I think you are the best teacher ever.
Thanks for this lesson.
I start to make out quite good on english test..100% cheers Alex:)
Good for you Tittilee!
Keep on the good work!!!
Have a great week!
Thanks teacher Alex. I still have much to learn, the result is 50%
thanks a lot, good lesson;)
result – 10/10;)
nice video 10/10
Thank you Alex, I’m in a good way
thank u Alex for the nice Lesson.I got only 70 is it good or not.
thks alex
Thank you Alex it help me alot
I wish if can make a video on these exprestion
Take the cake-barking up the wrong tree- more than one can chew-you can say it again-touch wood-burn the midnight oil-bite the dust
Although a lot of us make quiz 10/10 , make out what you are talking about ,without using phrasal verb in daily conversation it is easy to forget .
Excellent explanation Alex. Thanks a lot
Thank you Alex. It was very interesting, helpful lesson. I got 9\10
Thanks Alex
I got a good score
I got 10 out of 10 before I watched this video~!
감사합니다.(Gam-sa-hap-ni-da) = Thanks!
haysss! 8/10 hmmm! its ok i think its not bad for me , anyway thankyou alex for this topic i’ve got a new learned yessss!
thx , Alex , i got 100 , i a m i genius , or defenitely english man , can i say tht ?
i wake out quickly !!!lol
i got 10.thanks
i understood.
i got 10 out of 10.
thanks Alex
I got 100%!
And I swear I am not making out!
Thank you Alan!
Alex many thanks for the lesson!!
I didn’t know that “make out” has so many different meanings, so now I’ll try to put this phrasal verb in use in my routine conversations. If you meet me in the future don’t forget to ask me “how is your English making out!!”
I forgot the signal “?” in the previous commentary hehehe… but I scored 10/10. I guess that it was possible because of Alex explanation, and it is always clear to me!
Best regards!
Hello Alex
First of all, thank you for teaching me :) All videos are helping me a lot!
Anyway, would you don’t mind if I ask is English subscript correct? Because unfortunately, Korean subscript is not correct. :( I try to develop my grammar so I read English subscript after listening enough. If it is correct, I don’t care about Korean subscript :)
Thank you for teaching me and helping me a lot.
I will trying to learning.
I’ve got perfect score,and I understood the lesson, but could you please check if these sentences are correct.
I’m married to my husband for nearly three years now, but I can’t make him out.
What you do is making out like you know everything when you don’t.
My classmates and I can’t really make out of his lessons.
I just like to know, if I’m using the phrasal verb “make out” right.
Thanks a lot Alex.
You’re a great teacher and your lessons are useful. EngVid helps me improve my English.
take care
Thank you so mutch Alex, you are very good teacher
Hi Alex! This lesson was really helpful to me. It was easy to make out what you were saying :) I mean, as always, your explanation was pretty clear. How did I make out at the quiz? 100%. Thank you so much!
thanks for this alex another words that i always heard in a english movie, specially british people..two thumps up for u.
thanks Alex this lesson very helpful
Very useful.Can we do also conversation?
Thank you Alex for your lesson.
brilliant! i got a perfect score. Thank you for this lesson, it’s really helpful for me.
Hi, thanks for the lesson! I tried to do the quiz but when I clicked for the next question available, it did not show the next question, I am wondering if I am the only one having this problem, or if it happened to somebody else? Please let me know! Thank you
The quiz does not work properly :-(
The quiz does not work properly :-(
Thank you!
Thanks Alex.
i was looking for this lesson. :D
Got 9 out of 10:)
not bad.. thanks Alex
Thank you! Great!
Ooh it is very good
thanks Alex
thaks Alex
My test was okay.I got 10.
How did i make out?
Thanks Alex.
I got 50%, i don’t realy understand it.
great! You are a very good Teacher!Thank you!
Thanks Alex .. your explanation was very clear so made out all words you said in the lesson .
Thank you, very helpful
Hi Alex,your lesson is very helpful and informative also.It pushes me that keep visiting to this site the way you teach us.Thank you a million.
9/10 thanks Alex , your teaching is good!
Alex thanks a lot.Almost everyyhing has been said already.Just everytime I see your vid-lesson I know for sure that Im gonna learn something very useful,practical,etc.I love you Alex!
thank you so much it helps me alot :)
fine i got 10 over 10
all off that is due to my good concentrating and serious listening
it’s a good English lesson. 10Q alex i got 8 out of 10
Hi Alex. I have a question about the first meaning of MAKE OUT you wrote on the board. Does it generally mean UNDERSTAND, too? Can I use it when one of my students isn’t very clear in his speaking? I mean, even if I can see and hear him clearly but his speech is a kind of muddled and confused because of mistakes in the language?
Thanks a lot.
I think that’s only about the ability of seeing or hearing something properly.
Hey,i can’t make out the sentence “i made the check out to the president”, maybe i don’t know the simple meaning of this sentence, can you tell me what does it mean?
Thank a lot Alex
10/10. Thank you Alex.
Got 8 out of 10. Good lesson as always alex.and thank you.
Great Great Great Great!! I have put it in my mind forever!!
Thanks a lot. This lesson is very useful.
You are the best, you know? Thank you!
Thanks a lot!!! I only knew that “make out” means “do the sexual things” before this class!!! Thanks for teaching!!!
Thank you, Alex.It is a very useful lesson.
Thank you Alex
Could you explain the usages of the phrasal verb make up as well
Thank you
Thanks Alex, great lesson.
Thank you Alex, this is very helpful for me, I’m so happy because I found this page to learn English.
Excellent lesson,Alex. Phrasal verbs are very
important and necessary.So,the more the merrier.
Thanks a lot.
So good! Thanks!
Hi Alex,
I don’t really understand the second sentence. Would you make it more clear for me? Can you give me one more example?
Thanks in advance.
9-10 thanks Alex )))
Thanks you Mr. Alex for a nice explanations and examples.
THX Alex…It was awesome
would you mind answering this question……after “handle” should we use any prepositions??
for instance “”a teacher should handle ( with) many students”” or “”a teacher should handle many students””
which one is correct??
THX again
I watched this video twice on April 26, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks a million for this flabbergasted lesson dear Alex aka John Ritter from Toronto