It’s time to get off your ass, and pull off some advanced English learning! Learn a whole lot of new phrasal verbs, all using off. Don’t wait. Watch this lesson now… before someone makes off with it!
hahahaha thank you a lot James, I was able to learning new phrasal verbs!
I like the fact that you make funny examples ’cause, I can remember more faster!
Dude if I ever tell somebody that you are not cool, shame on me!!!
Thanks, James.
It’s the best lecture you did ever…we need such lectures because it shows how great you are when going to talk..Thank you so much James
Your the best man.
thanks, it was very useful
Nice lesson James
Very, very good!
Thank you james.I really like you all is helping me.thank you man
Great video!!
Can you also make a video about how to pronounce LEAVE – LIVE and similar words. They are hard to pronoun correctly. :)
nice, thanks James!!!
9 of 10
Great quiz
thanks James, it was very useful and funny lesson
Thanks a hip James :)
thank you James , you really make things seem very simple .
Great job James, this lesson is very helpful.
I cound not stop laughing when i watched this video. James, you are always funny man. ^^
I cound not stop laughing when i watched this video. this’s an interesting lesson.
want to share my language with nguyenluan
EngVid, I need a lesson about differences between ‘Breast’ and ‘Chest’.
I human body, in chicken, and so on. I don’t know when I have to use which one…
So please Ronnie or Valen teach it. thanks a lot.
Thank you!
I’m sorry! I have a question… You have these question in the quiz:
After Valen stole the cookies, police cordoned off the area, so that nobody could get in or out.
Do we need to use past perfect in the first part of these sentence or not?
After Valen had stolen the cookies……
They aren’t interested in the rules in North America, are they?
In this case there’s proper order of events. First Valen stole. Then police cordoned off the area.
For example:
Police cordoned off the area, so that nobody could get in or out after Valen had stolen the cookies.
This case We need to emphosize (by PAST PERFECT) reverse order of events in the sentence.
great lesson James… could you explain to me when to use by and for, or the diference between them?… thank you
Great teacher! I can’t believe I could learn so easily in this way ! Thank you!
I have a cuestion .if round off means make números even , why when i told my friend that word she couldn’t understand? Please tell me something james
Well? Where’s Valen? :)
Good lesson James
Awesome lesson! The uses of these “off” is kinda confusing to me. Thanks for clarifying them!
Thanks a lot
HAHA Mr.James is really funny. I love his sense of humor.
What happened to Valen? I haven’t seen her for ages
You got 8 correct out of 10.
Sir too much info for 1 video lol. It was good, though !
By the way, here in TO there is Police and firetrucks everywhere lol
Thank you.It was a great lesson.I got off on listening it even though memorizing those many may phrasal verbs is a little bit difficult,but I will pull it off.
Thanks James.^^
thanks a bunch!
Great! Thank you!
thanks. but Can I get the translation please
Thank you!!! You´re a great teacher :D
agaaaaaaaaaaain James your style in teaching is unique
thank you for your help
Great,thanks teacher
Thanks for the quiz. unfortunately i’m not able to watch the videos , so i will be thankful if you make some separate pages for extra information about lessons .
Hey there! Why is it you can’t see the videos? Is it all of Youtube or just us? Would love to get this sorted out for you.
engVid Moderator
hi, i think it’s becuase youtube is filtered in iran so we cant access to it without virtual private network :|
Yep, that would explain it :/
engVid Moderator
So am I! :(
I really like it. It’s a hard topic for me, but u have found a right way to teach it.
James, you should make a video with the other guys from Engvid.. I dunno, a meeting among you. Well at least with people who live in Canada.
Best wishes.
Thanks alot. It was really helpful
I like this lesson , thanks :)
I love the way he explains it! :)
your fun, make it run,evry thing about off done.
thank you man
You’re one of the best teachers I’ve ever seen.Greetings from Albania!
your explain is great but I hope that explains slowly in order to understand most of the words
James. I couldn’t pull ten score off. Never…sadddd
Why I could see it?!!
Hey James,
I’ve already seen a lot of useful videos here. And all the teachers are great but you know what? You are the best! You are just brilliant! Your sense of humor and your way of teaching doesn’t leave anybody indifferent. You can be loved or you can be hated but nobody can remain indifferent to you. I love you, man. You are a born teacher!
Thanks !!good for you!
Thank u so much , i’v a question what does get above mean ?
I got full marks!!!
You are amazing!
Fun !!!
the important thing is to remember these prasal verb !im easy to forget and to be confused !
I’ve completely got the lesson after having done it for the umpteenth time. Thank you James!
nice video, i got full mark for this quiz
I will never be good at phrasal verbs.. ((
Don’t give up so soon! :)
engVid Moderator
I’ve got complete all mark…thanks a lot James
JAMES!!! It is a special day! I got 100% in YOUR quizz!!!! Better: I could understand your explanation, although you were talking fast! I am very happy and motivated! Thank you!!!!!!!
Sally S
Thanks teacher for clarifying that, was very helpful, I have a Question though, please take it with respect. I live by an Area that we call The Jungle,*Selva in Spanish* the Yasuni National Park in Ecuador. Most of the people around the park are missing some teeth. I understand the Don’t have a Dentist close by or the money or technology to get them fixed. on the other had you do have it.. I think you are a good looking person and Excellent teacher, and would look much better with your Tooth fixed.. Sorry if I am been rude…
a did well ths tym
Sorry, but I really don’t like your classes. I think they’re very confusing and the explanations on the board are very desorganized.
Well, I don`t agree with You, do you know? everyone have a way to explain things, and, James tries to make in a funny and interesting way in order to get our attention. .. greetings from Colombia, You should try to enjoy the class :D it is really great!..
Thank youuuhh….it’s really helpful <3
Awesome lesson James keep it up on phrasal verbs and slang!!!
very good
Thanks dude I got 7/10 sorry for 7 next time i’ll get full and love u
90 ou of 100 Thank you James and thank you
Great lesson.I get your lessons off.
Face up to phrasal verbs with James qs he pulled off making the best set of lessons on’em.
thank you thank you and thank you:D ı will become a teacher of english and all those lessons taught me soooo much things ı loveeeee that site:DD
Thank you James. It looks like a Tony Buzan’s mind map. Everything is easy to understand. I like it =)))
James, you all work in a dangerous area. I hear in almost every video police- or ambulance alarm. Hopefully you live in a quieter territory and can mentally get off it.
8 of 10
great quiz….. thanks
What I can say! you pulled this off, thanks James. But I have some comments please, when I was looking for word “round” in Cambridge Dic, I got shocked !!! how much this word has been used.
please share me your opinion about these sentence:
“He used a special machine to round off the corners of the old table”. this was for smoothing, OK.
“To round off her education, her father sent her to a Swiss finishing school”. this was for completing a task successfully. Can you imagine it never mentions the meaning you had explained???
Another note about “write off”, this time they have mentioned this meaning , but in addition they elaborate, (1) override a debt, (2) massive damage. I hope that I haven’t digressed far, but it is essential for me to know your opinion , my great teacher.
thanks, you are great
Wise words, maydelin.
Thank you very much, teacher James, you´re the best.
Greetings from Peru.
Dorian Garcia
Thank you for your help. It’s the first time I’ve listened a phrasal verbs lesson using the particle information. I think it’s useful.
Everyday lesson is a gift James thank you !
… so I need gifts !
Thank you James. I really get off learing english. you give me push to start agian.
I am learning too much than you all
faber f
yhis is the best english page ever. Colombia loves engvid.
faber f
You are a very good teacher!!! Thank you very much for teaching me….Brazil loves engvid.
shirley sousa
what did you say??? you were in a political ____ ??? rank or something… thanks teacher.. this page is truly amazing
A political rant.
It’s been a while watching your videos James here and there in Youtube and EngVid. It’s indeed one of the bestest experienced got to know about your cool classes of yours here, I was amazed with this lecture of phrasal verb , like you said it’s a new way to start learning from the particle part of the phrasal verbs itself. and I was amazed with my quick quiz here that I could scored 10 correct answer out of 10 kind of pulled it off at my first attempt. so lucky to have you here man..keep it up dear James. Best of Luck to you :)
Alex Delboske
Great result! Thank you James. I like your lessons.
thanks james you are great.
Homo mekanikus
thank you so much James, it is so nessecery for me. I like your lesson,. I want to learn more.
thanks for lesson
karan kumar
James,at last, AT LAST I get it! Phrasal verbs, a nightmare for me ;/ Thanks for elaborating it the other way ;)
Thank you, James :) I got 6 correct out of 10. But it was nice for me. Because I was very confused. I need to review.
hello Mr.james i really appreciate your work
would you do me a favour and make a video of future perfect usage and e video of anoun and noun like asleep and sleep thanks again
love you(as my brother)
Thanks Sir James, I got 90%. You often talk about Valen in your lessons, I think you are a fan of Valen. Why did she leave engVid.
Abdul Qayum
I liked it, It was such a long time I haven’t visited this site. Glad to see you all
God, It’s very difficult for me…….I will try…Thanks James!
Elena Campos
thanks it makes me improve i my English speaking
Thanks a lot Mr Alex am very grateful
I always struggle to learn phrasal verbs but your helping me out a lot! james is the best teacher on this website, thanks man, you’re great, keep it up
8 of 10
not bad :) thanks james , im geting off on your lesson ;)
Dear James, you’re unbelievable ;) I love your way of teaching :) Thanks a lot :)
Dear James,Thanks for this lessons I learn a lot from this lessons.
HOORAY!! i got 10
Jessica Lin
Hello James.This seems tricky to me.I need more of this,although I got 7.
phrasal verbs are nightmares for me to learn….thank u James for making them easier
I got 10 out of 10. thank you james!
Thanks for the video James!!!
Thanks a lot James.But I’m got 70,I need to review this lesson again
i pulled it off well :)
AWESOME JAMES! i always get off watching your videos. you always pull it off :D
‘to get across to somebody’ could you explain what that means please? perhaps give some examples of using it. Cheers!
Thank u, James! You are the best teacher on the phrasal verbs’ topic)) Your lesson was definitely useful.
thank you for explaining so many “off”phrasal verbs here
it is really help me lot!
i can not even find some of these phrasal on the dictionary !
Ten out of ten! I pulled it off!!!! THANKS :)
I have liked how the teacher teaches us.
It’s a really nice less. Thank you. I could use them, I’m going in London soon!
Thank you,James. I am studying Phrasal verb. But I use it do not good.
There aren’t exercises for “set off”, “piss off”, “fence off” and “write off”. “Fence off” is a synonym for “cordon off”, isn’t it?
Thank you. I like this lesson. It is a very useful lesson for me.
Hey people, I’m living with three Canadian roomates (two of whom are frat boys), and one of them usually say “I’m taking off now” when he is about to leave. Is it a proper way to say you want to go? Because in the language I learned before it can only be applied to the departure of planes. Help?
And there is another thing: I always hear people in Canada say somebody is so “pissed” instead of somebody is so “pissed off”. And another guy said “ditching your friend is so pissed off”.
My question is do pissed and pissed mean the same thing?
Can we say something which is annoying is “pissed off”?
U r the funniest and the best teacher ever, James :)
all your lessons are interesting because u draw the smile on our faces when we watching your videos :D
Keep going James … always support us with your great information in English … we really get off on studying with u
hey james….thaks a lot..great work..u made my day.
rajeev raj
Thanks a lot James!
Oh yeah…Can’t believe it I got 10! I better write those “off” down in my notes and review it later. Thank you James…..You are the best!!
you are the best
Nice lesson James
I really got off this video class! Awesome! Tks!
there are hundreds and more comments…anyway…i’d like to thank Mr. E and James :)
I love to look at your videos :) I’d rather be learning with you in Canada :D I have a lot of fun and you’re making me smile every time, I feel you’re a part of my life :)
Thanks so much!!!!
Thank you.
Thank James! I got 10 correct out of 10. Really get off on your teaching style ^^
thanks James
it was a very useful lesson
please keep teaching this kind of lesson
my best regards.
osama osama
So far and by far you are leading man,keep up the
good work,thanks a lot.
such difficult lesson that I do the wrong a lot
Anyway thanks for pulling me off a stupid
best regard!
Thank you James.
Nice lesson for me somehow…
Good one. Thank you.
very useful james¡¡ Gracias¡¡
Thanks. :)
David,my English teacher loves you and i love your lessons and the way you teacher man!
Thank you
Dark flame Master
Thanks for your amazing videos, James! I love them!
Natalia Carmona
Thank you so much for a very nice video :)
Nice :)
Thank you for classroom
You are a great teacher, James! I have a question, though because I´m a little confused. It is correct to say this both ways or just one of them is correct?: “To write someone off” “To write off someone”
Thanks a lot james.
To be honest, this topic of the phrasal verbs is one of the most difficult questions we have to afford with because the meaning is so different when you add the particle besides you can be very confused with the real concept of the word if you don’t have a right idea about the phrasal verb you are using at the moment. Anyway, thanks a lot, teacher James, a difficult but interesting lesson to learn as always.
how are you
I can’t belive how fast I’ve learned this phrasal verbs, by only one watching to Jameses video. I’m fascinated! Thank you James ??
always 90 horrrr mdr
10 of 10
thanks :)
You got 8 correct out of 10.
M kartal
Hi James thanks for this lecture and I really like your method of teaching.
Thank you!
make these exams harder dude!!!! :D show off… ;)
got 8 out 10 great video
Jerry Hardy
I just got 10 outta 10.
Yay 100%!!
Thanks! Mr James for this new lesson.Even if I was scaring off when you was shouting.
James you are the best!!!
I got 90/100, but maybe I write this off and rounding it off to 100/100. Right?!
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
All of the best 4 all !
thank you for this useful video james
hahahaha thank you a lot James, I was able to learning new phrasal verbs!
I like the fact that you make funny examples ’cause, I can remember more faster!
Dude if I ever tell somebody that you are not cool, shame on me!!!
Thanks, James.
It’s the best lecture you did ever…we need such lectures because it shows how great you are when going to talk..Thank you so much James
Your the best man.
thanks, it was very useful
Nice lesson James
Very, very good!
Thank you james.I really like you all is helping me.thank you man
Great video!!
Can you also make a video about how to pronounce LEAVE – LIVE and similar words. They are hard to pronoun correctly. :)
nice, thanks James!!!
9 of 10
Great quiz
thanks James, it was very useful and funny lesson
Thanks a hip James :)
thank you James , you really make things seem very simple .
Great job James, this lesson is very helpful.
I cound not stop laughing when i watched this video. James, you are always funny man. ^^
I cound not stop laughing when i watched this video. this’s an interesting lesson.
want to share my language with nguyenluan
EngVid, I need a lesson about differences between ‘Breast’ and ‘Chest’.
I human body, in chicken, and so on. I don’t know when I have to use which one…
So please Ronnie or Valen teach it. thanks a lot.
Thank you!
I’m sorry! I have a question… You have these question in the quiz:
After Valen stole the cookies, police cordoned off the area, so that nobody could get in or out.
Do we need to use past perfect in the first part of these sentence or not?
After Valen had stolen the cookies……
They aren’t interested in the rules in North America, are they?
In this case there’s proper order of events. First Valen stole. Then police cordoned off the area.
For example:
Police cordoned off the area, so that nobody could get in or out after Valen had stolen the cookies.
This case We need to emphosize (by PAST PERFECT) reverse order of events in the sentence.
great lesson James… could you explain to me when to use by and for, or the diference between them?… thank you
Great teacher! I can’t believe I could learn so easily in this way ! Thank you!
I have a cuestion .if round off means make números even , why when i told my friend that word she couldn’t understand? Please tell me something james
Well? Where’s Valen? :)
Good lesson James
Awesome lesson! The uses of these “off” is kinda confusing to me. Thanks for clarifying them!
Thanks a lot
HAHA Mr.James is really funny. I love his sense of humor.
What happened to Valen? I haven’t seen her for ages
You got 8 correct out of 10.
Sir too much info for 1 video lol. It was good, though !
By the way, here in TO there is Police and firetrucks everywhere lol
Thank you.It was a great lesson.I got off on listening it even though memorizing those many may phrasal verbs is a little bit difficult,but I will pull it off.
Thanks James.^^
thanks a bunch!
Great! Thank you!
thanks. but Can I get the translation please
Thank you!!! You´re a great teacher :D
agaaaaaaaaaaain James your style in teaching is unique
thank you for your help
Great,thanks teacher
Thanks for the quiz. unfortunately i’m not able to watch the videos , so i will be thankful if you make some separate pages for extra information about lessons .
Hey there! Why is it you can’t see the videos? Is it all of Youtube or just us? Would love to get this sorted out for you.
hi, i think it’s becuase youtube is filtered in iran so we cant access to it without virtual private network :|
Yep, that would explain it :/
So am I! :(
I really like it. It’s a hard topic for me, but u have found a right way to teach it.
James, you should make a video with the other guys from Engvid.. I dunno, a meeting among you. Well at least with people who live in Canada.
Best wishes.
Thanks alot. It was really helpful
I like this lesson , thanks :)
I love the way he explains it! :)
your fun, make it run,evry thing about off done.
thank you man
You’re one of the best teachers I’ve ever seen.Greetings from Albania!
your explain is great but I hope that explains slowly in order to understand most of the words
James. I couldn’t pull ten score off. Never…sadddd
Why I could see it?!!
Hey James,
I’ve already seen a lot of useful videos here. And all the teachers are great but you know what? You are the best! You are just brilliant! Your sense of humor and your way of teaching doesn’t leave anybody indifferent. You can be loved or you can be hated but nobody can remain indifferent to you. I love you, man. You are a born teacher!
Thanks !!good for you!
Thank u so much , i’v a question what does get above mean ?
I got full marks!!!
You are amazing!
Fun !!!
the important thing is to remember these prasal verb !im easy to forget and to be confused !
I’ve completely got the lesson after having done it for the umpteenth time. Thank you James!
nice video, i got full mark for this quiz
I will never be good at phrasal verbs.. ((
Don’t give up so soon! :)
I’ve got complete all mark…thanks a lot James
JAMES!!! It is a special day! I got 100% in YOUR quizz!!!! Better: I could understand your explanation, although you were talking fast! I am very happy and motivated! Thank you!!!!!!!
Thanks teacher for clarifying that, was very helpful, I have a Question though, please take it with respect. I live by an Area that we call The Jungle,*Selva in Spanish* the Yasuni National Park in Ecuador. Most of the people around the park are missing some teeth. I understand the Don’t have a Dentist close by or the money or technology to get them fixed. on the other had you do have it.. I think you are a good looking person and Excellent teacher, and would look much better with your Tooth fixed.. Sorry if I am been rude…
a did well ths tym
Sorry, but I really don’t like your classes. I think they’re very confusing and the explanations on the board are very desorganized.
Well, I don`t agree with You, do you know? everyone have a way to explain things, and, James tries to make in a funny and interesting way in order to get our attention. .. greetings from Colombia, You should try to enjoy the class :D it is really great!..
Thank youuuhh….it’s really helpful <3
Awesome lesson James keep it up on phrasal verbs and slang!!!
very good
Thanks dude I got 7/10 sorry for 7 next time i’ll get full and love u
90 ou of 100 Thank you James and thank you
Great lesson.I get your lessons off.
Face up to phrasal verbs with James qs he pulled off making the best set of lessons on’em.
thank you thank you and thank you:D ı will become a teacher of english and all those lessons taught me soooo much things ı loveeeee that site:DD
Thank you James. It looks like a Tony Buzan’s mind map. Everything is easy to understand. I like it =)))
James, you all work in a dangerous area. I hear in almost every video police- or ambulance alarm. Hopefully you live in a quieter territory and can mentally get off it.
8 of 10
great quiz….. thanks
What I can say! you pulled this off, thanks James. But I have some comments please, when I was looking for word “round” in Cambridge Dic, I got shocked !!! how much this word has been used.
please share me your opinion about these sentence:
“He used a special machine to round off the corners of the old table”. this was for smoothing, OK.
“To round off her education, her father sent her to a Swiss finishing school”. this was for completing a task successfully. Can you imagine it never mentions the meaning you had explained???
Another note about “write off”, this time they have mentioned this meaning , but in addition they elaborate, (1) override a debt, (2) massive damage. I hope that I haven’t digressed far, but it is essential for me to know your opinion , my great teacher.
thanks, you are great
Wise words, maydelin.
Thank you very much, teacher James, you´re the best.
Greetings from Peru.
Thank you for your help. It’s the first time I’ve listened a phrasal verbs lesson using the particle information. I think it’s useful.
Everyday lesson is a gift James thank you !
… so I need gifts !
Thank you James. I really get off learing english. you give me push to start agian.
I am learning too much than you all
yhis is the best english page ever. Colombia loves engvid.
You are a very good teacher!!! Thank you very much for teaching me….Brazil loves engvid.
what did you say??? you were in a political ____ ??? rank or something… thanks teacher.. this page is truly amazing
A political rant.
It’s been a while watching your videos James here and there in Youtube and EngVid. It’s indeed one of the bestest experienced got to know about your cool classes of yours here, I was amazed with this lecture of phrasal verb , like you said it’s a new way to start learning from the particle part of the phrasal verbs itself. and I was amazed with my quick quiz here that I could scored 10 correct answer out of 10 kind of pulled it off at my first attempt. so lucky to have you here man..keep it up dear James. Best of Luck to you :)
Great result! Thank you James. I like your lessons.
thanks james you are great.
thank you so much James, it is so nessecery for me. I like your lesson,. I want to learn more.
thanks for lesson
James,at last, AT LAST I get it! Phrasal verbs, a nightmare for me ;/ Thanks for elaborating it the other way ;)
Thank you, James :) I got 6 correct out of 10. But it was nice for me. Because I was very confused. I need to review.
hello Mr.james i really appreciate your work
would you do me a favour and make a video of future perfect usage and e video of anoun and noun like asleep and sleep thanks again
love you(as my brother)
Thanks Sir James, I got 90%. You often talk about Valen in your lessons, I think you are a fan of Valen. Why did she leave engVid.
I liked it, It was such a long time I haven’t visited this site. Glad to see you all
God, It’s very difficult for me…….I will try…Thanks James!
thanks it makes me improve i my English speaking
Thanks a lot Mr Alex am very grateful
I always struggle to learn phrasal verbs but your helping me out a lot! james is the best teacher on this website, thanks man, you’re great, keep it up
8 of 10
not bad :) thanks james , im geting off on your lesson ;)
Dear James, you’re unbelievable ;) I love your way of teaching :) Thanks a lot :)
Dear James,Thanks for this lessons I learn a lot from this lessons.
HOORAY!! i got 10
Hello James.This seems tricky to me.I need more of this,although I got 7.
phrasal verbs are nightmares for me to learn….thank u James for making them easier
I got 10 out of 10. thank you james!
Thanks for the video James!!!
Thanks a lot James.But I’m got 70,I need to review this lesson again
i pulled it off well :)
AWESOME JAMES! i always get off watching your videos. you always pull it off :D
‘to get across to somebody’ could you explain what that means please? perhaps give some examples of using it. Cheers!
Thank u, James! You are the best teacher on the phrasal verbs’ topic)) Your lesson was definitely useful.
thank you for explaining so many “off”phrasal verbs here
it is really help me lot!
i can not even find some of these phrasal on the dictionary !
Ten out of ten! I pulled it off!!!! THANKS :)
I have liked how the teacher teaches us.
It’s a really nice less. Thank you. I could use them, I’m going in London soon!
Thank you,James. I am studying Phrasal verb. But I use it do not good.
There aren’t exercises for “set off”, “piss off”, “fence off” and “write off”. “Fence off” is a synonym for “cordon off”, isn’t it?
Thank you. I like this lesson. It is a very useful lesson for me.
Hey people, I’m living with three Canadian roomates (two of whom are frat boys), and one of them usually say “I’m taking off now” when he is about to leave. Is it a proper way to say you want to go? Because in the language I learned before it can only be applied to the departure of planes. Help?
And there is another thing: I always hear people in Canada say somebody is so “pissed” instead of somebody is so “pissed off”. And another guy said “ditching your friend is so pissed off”.
My question is do pissed and pissed mean the same thing?
Can we say something which is annoying is “pissed off”?
U r the funniest and the best teacher ever, James :)
all your lessons are interesting because u draw the smile on our faces when we watching your videos :D
Keep going James … always support us with your great information in English … we really get off on studying with u
hey james….thaks a lot..great work..u made my day.
Thanks a lot James!
Oh yeah…Can’t believe it I got 10! I better write those “off” down in my notes and review it later. Thank you James…..You are the best!!
you are the best
Nice lesson James
I really got off this video class! Awesome! Tks!
there are hundreds and more comments…anyway…i’d like to thank Mr. E and James :)
I love to look at your videos :) I’d rather be learning with you in Canada :D I have a lot of fun and you’re making me smile every time, I feel you’re a part of my life :)
Thanks so much!!!!
Thank you.
Thank James! I got 10 correct out of 10. Really get off on your teaching style ^^
thanks James
it was a very useful lesson
please keep teaching this kind of lesson
my best regards.
So far and by far you are leading man,keep up the
good work,thanks a lot.
such difficult lesson that I do the wrong a lot
Anyway thanks for pulling me off a stupid
best regard!
Thank you James.
Nice lesson for me somehow…
Good one. Thank you.
very useful james¡¡ Gracias¡¡
Thanks. :)
David,my English teacher loves you and i love your lessons and the way you teacher man!
Thank you
Thanks for your amazing videos, James! I love them!
Thank you so much for a very nice video :)
Nice :)
Thank you for classroom
You are a great teacher, James! I have a question, though because I´m a little confused. It is correct to say this both ways or just one of them is correct?: “To write someone off” “To write off someone”
Thanks a lot james.
To be honest, this topic of the phrasal verbs is one of the most difficult questions we have to afford with because the meaning is so different when you add the particle besides you can be very confused with the real concept of the word if you don’t have a right idea about the phrasal verb you are using at the moment. Anyway, thanks a lot, teacher James, a difficult but interesting lesson to learn as always.
how are you
I can’t belive how fast I’ve learned this phrasal verbs, by only one watching to Jameses video. I’m fascinated! Thank you James ??
always 90 horrrr mdr
10 of 10
thanks :)
You got 8 correct out of 10.
Hi James thanks for this lecture and I really like your method of teaching.
Thank you!
make these exams harder dude!!!! :D show off… ;)
got 8 out 10 great video
I just got 10 outta 10.
Yay 100%!!
Thanks! Mr James for this new lesson.Even if I was scaring off when you was shouting.
James you are the best!!!
I got 90/100, but maybe I write this off and rounding it off to 100/100. Right?!
It was so difficult but I pulled off and got 9/10
Holy shit!!!! I got 100 ❤️🩹