engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.
Please ask the department manager to pass ____ this memo to everyone in his office.



Very helpful your lesson your are the best teacher for me thanks a lot

Miguel Jimenéz Agudelo

    Thanks for following my humble piece of advice Miguel;I’d really appreciate it.

    All my best to you for this New Year.



      Hi Adam. it’s me again! Just one comment on your definition of phrasal verbs:

      According to my old grammars a Phrasal Verb is made up of a Verb + a Particle ( which could be either a preposition or an adverb).

      As for the lesson,I must admit that there were some phrasal verbs whose meaning I did not know.The quiz,however, helps to understand much better their usage.By the way, well-designed quiz, Bravo!



        That’s fair enough Regino. It’s just that even the adverbs in phrasal verbs are words that can also be used as prepositions. Down, for example, can be both prep. or adv. I think many students would get confused if I introduced adverbs into the equation.


          Adverbs used as prepositions in phrasal verbs? Wow! I didn’t know this.

          I agree with you Adam, it’s much better to keep it that way, for the sake of simplicity.

          Thanks for your feedback.


Thanks, I learn from your lessons . I am greatful. I have a request, would you please could give a lesson about (quite few, quite bet , quite long).




    Hi Hala,

    IU’ll see what I can do, but for now, ‘quite’ is an adverb of degree. It means “more than a little”. So if someone says “quite a few people came to the party” it means that there was a good number of guests.

    Does this help?


Thanks, teacher Adam. It seemed I didn’t do very well in the quiz, but as I say to my students, it’s good to learn from mistakes.


    Indeed Erick :). and if at first you don’t succeed, try try again.


Hello all,
90 out of 100


Not so bad ! phrasal verbs are not always easy to use .
Thank you Adam


Hi, Adam,
Thank you for this valuable information.
Could you please confirm that we should not use phrasal verbs in IELTS/TOEFL speaking and writing test?
Thiago-from Brasil


    Hi Thiago,

    On the contrary, if you can use them correctly and appropriately (i.e., not forced), then these can actually help you vocab range score.


WoW fantastic!!! We want more Phrasal Verbs Video.

Thank you Adam for this Awesome work.


Thank you ser Adam its so better


Hello…hope to feel fine and healthy all my friends… I am as well as new in this site…so I want ur help dear teachers and students.

Walid Azizi

    Welcome Walid :)




Wonderful !Thanks.


Hello Adam! I got 100 on the quiz, but it was very difficult….. phrasal verbs are very difficult for me….I’ve to study more. Thank you very much, Adam


The helpful lesson, see you soon. thanks, Adam.


Always useful the lessons about phrasal verbs…
Thanks Adam


A wonderful lesson Adam. I learnt a lot today that I feel so great. Thanks a lot. God bless you. :)


Thank you very much.


Thank you very much Adam!!!Nice and clear explanation about such a hard topic like this.
I think I´ll watch the video again tomorrow (and maybe the day after tomorrow)just to make sure I´ve learnt the lesson properly ;)


Thank you very much.


Hello, Adam!

I answered the quiz questions and got 8 out of 10.
Then I decided not to see the right answers, learn the lesson again and then take the quiz, but I don’t know how to clear my first answers.


    Oh, now it’s ok.
    I’ve passed the quiz.


      great , good luck



Rena jackson

Hello I want to see all teachers in one lesson.
can they make a lesson together. after few months Their lessons will be 999. I want to see all teachers in 1000th lesson


    Good idea Pahlavon. I’ll pass that idea on :)


I got 80%. yeah~~~~~~but i’ve gotta take the lesson again. I love u’r all lesson.

eun young cha

I got a 80 out of 100, thanks for this lesson


Hi Adam!!! You’re one of the best teachers!
Please help me! i don’t know which sentence is right:
”Things are closer than never”…or ”Things are closer than ever”…Greetings from Nicaragua! Making a video of this would be great! ;)

Ruben Lezama

    Hi Ruben,

    Things are closer than ever– this is correct. ever means all time, so you can compare something to all the past. Never is no time, so cannot be compared.


Thank you very much, Adam!!! I’ve got 100%

Dmitriy Kharkovsky

Thanks Adam! You are the best teacher!!! ?

Tatiana Morina

I have only intermediate level, but when I watch your lessons, I understand everything. You have a good pronunciation. Not quickly. It’s good for me ;) Thanks a lot!!!

Tatiana Morina

    Yaah! we all at the same stage.
    want to learn in a group.


      I learn English in a group also.

      Tatiana Morina

        Can you add me in your group


9 of 10 ! i like turtles


I promise that I will never pass up any opportunity to increase my vocabulary. Thank you so much,Adam :)


Hello and thank you very much.

Amin- Iran

I’m lucky today because I don’t pass up this helpful lesson.Thank you teacher


Thanks,Adam.But I think I still need sometime to figure out some phrases,because some of them have similar meaning.

Ariel Yen

    Hi Ariel,

    The best way to learn these and remember the differences is to see them in action. In other words, read a lot ;)


very great lesson Adam.

Thank you that you share it.

I am lucky that I didn’t pass up your lesson.


Thank you so much for your lessons :) i always get confused about phrasal verbs. Can i say like ” you are passing on your knowledge to us”.


    I hope so Thida :)


Hello everyone from engVid team, i am so thankful for all the youtube videos. I would like to request you to do a lesson on “travel by bus and subway”.
It was my first time travelled by bus and subway today and i kind of got lost. Then i asked the people around me, they helped me find out my way back home. Canadian people are really so kind. I am also in toronto. I would like to meet you guys in person one day :)


    I’ll get on that :)


Thank you Adam for your lesson is very useful for me and I often see all these phasal verbs in situations such as on magazines, books , conversation, online material .


Sorry, I had to repeat the quiz in order to better memorize the right phrasal verbs. The first was 6/10 :( but the next day I got full score.


Thank you Adam and happy new year.


    To you as well Pafsilipoclub :)


happy New Year! a thousand thanks for this specific lesson, Adam ( I shall pass it on! ;)


Very useful lesson. looking forward your next lesson with Phrasal verb like get, go ..


Student should share and pass this video around. Lots of useful stuff here, Adam. Nice job!


    I meant “Students” should share and pass this video around. :)


      Useful example
      Thank you sir


    Thanks Alex :)


you are the best teacher. I love your voice, your pronunciation. I like the way you explain phrasal verbs and everythig. it is always nice to watch your lessons. thanks a ton.


thanks helpful lesson


Thank you sir…before these i just knew pass away…hehehe..because the rest phrasal verb didnt know the meaning


Thank you so much for this lesson!


Hello,I’m Harwin. I have a question about pronouns.
Why do we use has or does or s,es at the end of verbs when we use he, she, it as a subject?
Why we don’t use do and have or base form of the verb as we use it with another pronouns?


    Hi Harwin,

    Why is the sky blue? I know there is a technical answer, but the easiest one is “it just is.” Same for some grammar rules. In the third person singular present, add an ‘s’ to the verb. :)


yay! I got 100- 10 out of 10. Thanks Adam


Thanks Adam. Very helpful but not very easy lesson.



Amira Ghezawy

Thnx alot.

Fady maged 345

Thank you so much for your lessons

Amira Ghezawy

useful lesson i really appreciate for your time and energy and anyone who is helping with you as well to pass on these lessons for us and we have to pass up and reach the goal we are gonna head


Good video1 Thanks Sir Adam!


excellent explanation! thank you! But I still get all these phrasal verbs mixed up in my head.I am going to watch this video a few times more and to build my own sentences with these words.


    That’s the best way to do it, Matiola: practice :)


how normal people can save all these words in their minds!!!!!

elsam mohamed

    just by practicing every day ;)



you forgot to say (take off ) like take off clothes
for example
i will take off my jacket

elsam mohamed

    Hi Elsam,

    This lesson is about the verb “pass”. “Take” is in another lesson :)


It’s very important to know these phrasal verbs, Adam. Thank you!

Júlio César L Sousa

Thank you very much sir. You are the great teacher


Thank you. I had got 40 points, but I’m going to study harder. Hugs from Mexico.


good explanation Adam


I can not pass up this class thanks for pass out the information. Kind regards


Thanks so much teacher Adam u helped a lot

Om yazeed

good going adam sir.
keep continue…


great lesson ADAM thanks a lot


awesome lesson ¡¡ keep the good work


Thanks! it was very interesting to me!


interesting lesson. Very clear explanation. Thank you.


Thanks, Adam.
But I want to ask
If there is a question needs us to describe the data shown in diagrams or table, the answer should be ‘The diagram/table shows that…’ or ‘The diagram/table showed that…’?
Which tense should we use? or both correct?
Besides, after ‘show that’ the verb we should use which tense?
e.g. ‘The table shows/ed that it is increasing’ or ‘The table shows/ed that it was increasing’?
I’m so confused.
Thanks in advance.


    Hi Sophie,

    As the table doesn’t change, it always shows something. What it shows can be information about the past (that prices increased from 1970-19990) or the future (The diagram predicts that prices will return to current levels by 2025).

    Does this help?


      So that means use present tense?
      e.g. “The diagram or table shows….” right?


        Yes :)


7 out of 10 not bad for rookie:)


    Welcome Naturalfiji :) Not bad at all.


Really good video for learning common phrasal verbs.
Thanks a lot Adam!


Thank you, Adam. A very helpful lesson.


Thank u Adam!?


It’s very helpful for a begging learner English like me, thank you so much.


huge thanks sir ,,,, i wish one day you will pass down your language to me hhhhhhhh


Thanks Adam, I can clearly understand your lesson,but temporarily,I can’t remember all of them, so I just get 8/10 points.

Chau Le

“Five little monkeys jumping on the bed…”

Hi Adam! Is that present or past, that line of a famous song?(because the next lines written in past- jumped, bumped etc) And there’s no TO BE verb after monkeys?
Thank you.


    Hi Katrin,

    I’ll have to guess it’s the past. But it’s probably a participle. Don’t think of the -ing as a sign of a present tense– it’s a sign of an active participle.

    Does that help?


      Sorry Adam, I’m just a fool!!! It’s a very big help!!!


Thank you so much, Adam! It is useful and interesting lesson. I love the way you explain phrasal verbs. Unfortunately, I got only 7 correct out of 10. These verbs confuse me. I should watch this lesson again and again.


thank you so much Adam you are a great teacher :-)

Nadia Tahir

Adam, what does ONE TO MANY mean?
For instance in the song of CUTTING CREW(i just died in your arms tonight).


    By the way, there’s a line in that song:
    – On the (surface/service) i’m a name on a list-
    But I can’t catch (SURFACE or SERVICE). Please help Adam. Thanks. Bye.


    One too many suggests that you didn’t want any. So if even only 1 came, that’s too many (by 1).

    On the surface– superficial, without a deeper meaning.


      So, is it kinda “third wheel”!?(I mean “One too many”).
      Thank you Adam.


        3rd wheel suggests that there is a couple and one more that makes the couple uncomfortable. We usually use this for people. So if a guy and a girl want to go on a date, but the girl’s friend comes too, she might feel like a third wheel (unwanted and not needed).


After watching your lesson second time I got 10 correct out of 10 :) Wow! Eventually, phrasal verbs are not so difficult with you :) Thank you again, Adam!


Thanks Bro!


Adam i know it has nothing to do with this subject but i am really curious . Are you from Europe or smth like that? because there are theories going around about you . I will be very happy if you reply :)


    Hi Merve,

    Hmmm… now I’m curious too :) What kinds of theories?

    My parents are formerly European ;)


Hi again Adam! There’s a kid song “driving in my car…”. What does it mean? Is that “I’m driving in my car”?


    Jack be nimble. Juck be quick.(kid’s song)

    Does it mean that somebody says to Jack that the Jack must be nimble and quick. (Or maybe that means that Jack is nimble and quick already???)

    Thank you Adam!


      I’m guessing it’s the imperative (command).


    Just driving, really. In my car, not someone else’s car. Unless you’re asking why there’s no subject. Keep in mind that songs don’t necessarily follow proper grammar rules. They’re great for listening practice and maybe vocab, but I would not recommend studying grammar from them ;)


      Thank you Adam. That’s clear.


      I thought about participle at first!
      (driving in my car)



        Good idea :)


i got 10 :-) thank you Adam , you are the best teacher


Adam, you are one of the best teacher. your lessons are always useful and I like your manner of explanation.


I do appreciate your efforts and I’d like you to give us some information about verb”CRY” phrasel verbs and idioms including CRY. Many thanks,Adam.

Ismael Ibrahim

    I’ll get on that Ismael :)


don’t let us pass this lesson over/////


Hi, Adam.
First of all, I wanna say thank you, because of all your efforts.
Second, in my opinion, I think you should teach vocabulary as well, not only grammar or IELTS.
All of your lessons are either about grammar or IELTS.
There is a tutor on youtube named “Niharika”, she is teaching a lot of vocabulary in a way that we don’t forget. but unfortunately, she is not native English speaker.
It would be great if at least one of you great native teachers teaches us that things in that way.
Best regards.
Mohsen Barati.

Mohsen Barati

    Hi Mohsen,

    Look around the site a bit; there are actually many vocabulary lessons here.


Hi Adam,

missing your lessons!
could you pls,ease the different between Kind And sort.
Huge Greeting from Iraq ;)


    Hi Pride,

    They are pretty much the same and mean a type. You can use them interchangeably, though kind seems to be a little more popular.


Thanks for this lesson, Adam!

I never pass by your videos. They are important and require attention.

Fabio Cicerre

dear Adam, I have a question about “pass down”. I have built my own sentence with it:”Two days ago I bottomed my house. I sorted out my clothes and found out that I did not wear many of them (even brand new clothes) so I decided to pass them down them to my cousin since she wears the same size as me.”But American friend of mine told me: It may be correct, but we usually only use this(e.g.pass something down) in passive voice. For example:”This family heirloom has been passed down in our family for many generations”. Now I am wondering if it is regional differences between Canadian and American English or I got something wrong… How is it better to use it? Thank you!


    Hi Matiola,

    Your friend has a point. Technically, we can pass something down to others, but if we are discussing a direct action we’d simply say “give”. But, if you buy new clothes and your friend asks what will you do with them when you are bored of them, then you can tell your friend that you will pass them down to your younger cousin who can then use them. When we talk in the first person (I, me) about something given to us, then we commonly use the passive (it was passed down to me by…)

    Does this help?


oh! I have written “them” twice, sorry


Omg Adam is very good and charismatic teacher! :)

Lala Q

    I’m not bad either ;)

    Mir Murad

Thanks everyone :) Remember, it’s not easy, but with practice it can become so.


Hello Adam,
I’ve just subscribed to engvid. I love English very much and I really want to brush it up. I like your teaching the most. I like the way you teach. It’s great and easy to understand!
Best Wishes,


    Welcome Boonpa :) Thanks


Hi Adm,

I request a lesson about:
Quit few
Quite long
Quite a bit
Quit many

I would like to learn via your lessons please in your convinant time.
Thanks I appreciate your help.


    Hi Umghadeer,

    I’ll get on that, but in the meantime, all the examples you gave need the word quite.

    Quit means to give up, surrender, or to leave one’s job.


Thanks, Adam. it’s not easy for me but your lessons are very helpful ! Thanks.


Hi Adam and thanks for your answer to my early request.
Actually I’ve lessened to about 70 percent of 7 great teachers here including you.
And I agree with you that there are a lot of vocabulary lessons here. But what I ment was I wish vocabulary lessons were more than IELTS Lessons.
Anyway I always appreciate what you and other great teachers do here.
I wish you all the best. God bless you all.

Mohsen Barati

Hi, Adam!!! Thank you very much for Phrasal Verb explanation. You do it perfectly for comprehension. Please make a video lesson about Phrasal Verb: COME and CARRY. Thank you in advance.


    Will do Katrin :) Thanks


Hi Adam! thank you for you useful lesson! You’ve got no idea of how much you’ve taught me.

I am studying English at a Colombian university but you really kick my teachers’ asses. (Sorry if that sounds rough).
Just thanks a lot. I’m your fan.


    lol. Thanks David :)


Hello, Adam!

Thanks for your great lessons. They are very useful!

Could you also prepare the lesson about questions with phrasal verbs and explain when prepositions go to the end of sentence?

Thanks in advance!


    I’ll get on that Olga :)


Thanks a lot
It was very helpful
I got 70


You are a good teacher ,And your accent is very clear i like it

Abdulaziz Alkhatib

Thanks. A great lesson. Could you please make a lesson about phrasal verbs with the verb “come”? Thanks beforehand)


hallo all..i,m new member here.. i hope can learn english with all of you in all over the world


Great explanation as always.
Thank You Very Much Adam.


I got 100 out of 100 :)


How should I say: I will pass this information on to them OR Iwill pass on this information to them?thank you in advance!



Thank you for the lesson. Currently, I’m studying English and I find really difficult to learn the phrasal verbs. I’m trying to remember a few of them at least, although I hope that I’ll know a lots of them
I like the way you learn and make explanations; they are quite clear.
Also I like your pronunciation …Could I ask you something? I would like to know if your pronunciation is the common Canadian one or not. (Really I thought that you were British when I listened you for the first time. But I read in your profile you’re living in Toronto). Sorry, I don’t pretend to be impolite, it’s just a curiosity ;) ;)

I would like to make you one suggestion. There are A LOT OF phrasal verbs and it’s very hard for a non native English speaker to remember all of them, even more difficult for students. Could you tell us what are the most important or common? I mean you could emphasise in your lessons the most used phrasal verbs; in this way we could try to learn the most important ones at the begining. In my opinión it could be useful for us.

Well, thanks a lot!!! (and I’m sorry for my writing, but I have tried my best)

Regards from the Canary Islands :)


I got 100%!!! Thanks!!


thenk u adm

anter athmani

\\thanks Adam for these lesson! Very good!


Phrasal verbs are certainly the ultimate thing to master, and I find it really difficult as well as many others. One simple verb + so many prepositions that change the meaning from the root as if we are learning a new word each time the different preposition is used, and to make it even worse, it can have several meanings with the same preposition.


The phrasal verb always is difficult for me, but at the same time they are very important to learn, I try, thanks.


Thanks Adam.


WoW I got 80% on the Quiz :)
Thank you teacher, I learn so much with your lessons.


A very good lesson.



i still don’t understand wha’t the difference between ‘pass out’ and ‘ pass around ???? you said candies CAN PASS OUT OR PASS AROUD
these two phrases are same or different?


    Pass out = faint, black out.
    Pass away= die,die out.
    Pass around = is pass one thing to other people:
    “The photos were passed around for all the students
    take a look at them.’
    ” A tray with delicious sandwiches was passed around’.
    Okay? Hope this helps.


Hi techer, great lesson. According to your class is there any differences in the order of the subject? i.e. Pass the opportunity up or pass up the oportunity. Both are corrects? and same question for all others phrasal. Thanks for your atention. Regards from Colombia.


Thanks. Very useful)))


10 correct out of 10!!!
Thanks teacher :)


90 out of 100. Thank You Adam for your lessons!


Respected Adam ,
Please give me some task 2 conclusion tips



thanks Adam

Mohamed Sedky

adam you are my favorite teacher! I really enjoy your classes! Thanks!


Hello Adam!Your lesson very help for me to be stron in English!Thanks!


Great explanation, thank you


Hello Adam! Thank you so much for your lessons! They’re absolutely amazing, watching them i get a lot. And it’s a special pleasure to do your classes because of your performing – so charming, artistic and smart.

You’re definitely a star! And i’m a big fan of you, teacher Adam:-)
And I apologize for mistakes i’ve made in my text))

Anna D.

thank you for this lesson mr Adam.i want to know if pass down related only with clothes or any thing ,from generation to another :) =D

mohamed hanafy

    sorry MR Adam i asked you before the test so pass down not only related with clothes :) :)

    mohamed hanafy

Thank You Adam for the useful lesson.


Now it 90%. I`ll try it once more.


Now it`s 100%. Real good lesson!


Hello, Could someone help with this ?On my way home I usually________ the store for milk and bread.
pass by
stop by


Have got 90%
Thank you!


I’m not good at these, but I’ll try. Thank you, Adam


60%… But even so it was a good lesson!

Thank you, Adam!


That was a greater lesson


hello Adam.I tried to find you on facebook, but I couldn’t. Please tell me how to find you.:))))))))


Thank you very much for the lesson!


dear Sir,
many thx for your lesson, so, can I say “pass down, over or up information” that means to share information with superiors, workmates and subordinates as well


dear Adam
i scored 60% so it means that
i still have a lot of things to do..
what can you help as an advise???


hi Adam, now i realized that nothing is impossible while willing it, i am mozambican, african one and i love english but now i just want to conglatulate you for being my little god in explanation


i got correct answers nice thing


Thank you Adam, you are a really good teacher and your videos are really helpful to me. I’m writing you from Italy! ????


Hi Adam please never pass up an opportunity to eat roasted pig even if you are vegetarian :)

wool sweater

Hi Adam! This is Geronimo, this is my first time that I enter to ENGVID.COM and it es very helpful.
I am very thankful with you and I don’t know why but I like your way to teach, your my favorite teacher en the web!
Thank you again and I will be in touch.


to be honest , i hate phrasal verbs , i got 6 out of 10.. it is a disaster < any way thanks Adam

yasser Daoud

Hi Adam. Thank you for passing on such important information.
Did i say that correctly?


OMG, I have got 10/10 at once!


I got 10 correct out of 10, but being honest, phrasal verbs are catastrophic to me, at least the verb to pass was easy!


I got 90% , i am regreted to pass up 10%


thank you these pharassal verbs are the most confussed but but from now i know them
i got 9 out of 10 it is nice any way


Hi Adam, ” I won’t probably know ” or ” I probably won’t know” What one is true ? Thank you so much for the lecture.


I made three mistakes for lack of attention.I’m so disappointed about this.


Why cant I pass the quiz? I push the button to the next question and it doesnt seem to work at all.


hi adam
i`ve also heard hand-me-down instead of pass-me-down
which one is more common?


Thank you Adam:
I need studied more, it is hard to me to remember all the phrasal of verbs.


I hear the mp3-version of your classes while driving (usually two or three times on [on/in, I’m not sure] long trips) and when I come back home I watch the video again. It’s a great way of learning and you’re an amazing teacher.


I’ve watched the video twice to catch and remember the meaning of all “pass” phrasal verbs. Great video! Thanks, Adam!


70%. I am frustrated and disappointed! Need to pass over this lesson again:((


Great lesson. Thank you very much!


Each lesson in Engvid is so useful.I love all of teachers in this web.Thanks so much for creating free English website to help English learners all over the world.


You are awesome Adam, a great teacher!

Anieszka F

10 out of 10, olé!


Hi, lesson is great, you’re amazing teacher. May I ask you one question which worry me? What differents do phrasal verbs pass by and pass through exist? Both mean “stay for very short time”.


Excellent lesson. Thank you Adam. I got 9 out of 10… I didn’t catch “pass on” meaning. I am a little bit confused. May it be similar to pass out (distribute)?

Juan Carlos Zapata Garcia

absolutely excellent lesson. thank you very much Adam.
i still did not get the meaning of “pass around”


    It means to “move from person to person”. Say, I have chocolate coins and pass it around to my classmates. Hopefully it’s helpful.

    A. N. Woof

Pretty helpful and a bit confusing. I got a 90.

A. N. Woof

I’ve got full marks 100%, it’s my first time got a great score on this lesson. Thank you, Mr. David


By taking notes when I watched the video, I could get 10 out of 10. If I didn’t take notes, phrasal verbs are always confusing and I would get less than 50% of the quiz. To recap, I copied the explanations below:
“Pass around” means “keep moving” or “move from person to person”.
“Pass away” means “die”.
“Pass by” means temporary, short term, or will leave after a short time.
“Pass down” means “give to the next generation or someone following”.
“Pass off” means “pretend” or “convince”.
“Pass on” means “transfer” or “spread”.
“Pass out” means “faint” or “lose consciousness”.
“Pass over” means “skip” or “ignore”.
“Pass through” means “to not stop” or “to stop for a very short period of time”
“Pass up” means “let an opportunity go”.

Insoo Yeo

9. Please place your donation in the plate and then pass it over.

Isn’t it possible the same sentence with “around” here?


By the way Adam, an excellent lesson as usual.


Hi, Adam! Many thanks for the lesson!
Pass on and Pass around in terms of distribution are equal? I didn’t catch the difference))

Ilya 73

BTW. There’s one more phrase “Smb. pass for smb.”

Ilya 73

I made a 100! It’s not the first time =]

Bruno Kogl
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