Do you often not understand people or fail to hear what they are saying? Native English speakers often speak unclearly or too fast, making it difficult to understand their words. In this lesson, I will teach you some polite ways of asking people to repeat what they said. You will learn expressions such as pardon, I didn't quite hear you, Could you speak more slowly, please? and more. Never miss a word again and become an even better English speaker with this useful lesson. And if you need me to repeat anything, just replay the video!
Thank you,Gill.Your pronunciation and the way you teach are really good and clear.
I absolutely agree with you Vasil; Gill’s teaching style and pronunciation make the lessons clear and concise.
Excellent weekend!
I do agree with you as well. I like her accent.
Helpful! Thank you, Gill :)
Thanks Gill
Thank you Gill this is really helpful! especially if want to be more polite! =)
Fabula Youcef
Thank you so much, Gill. I love your acent. You sound so kind =)
Your explanation is always excellent…10/10. Thanks again! ☺
Thank you Gill,It is really helpful to me .
Thanks, Gill. You’re amazing!
Diego Fernandes
Thank you, your lecture has many ways to ask people for repeating what they said. Honestly, I really like this sentence “Sorry, I do not know that word, could you please tell me what it means”
Thank you, Gill.
Great lesson Gill, I have learned some new phrases. Thanks
Ricardo Fabrizio
Thanks Gill , Pretty Useful Class and further more I could understand every words you said!
Thank you gill God press you
Thank you Gill, your lesson are very nice. You are very good teacher!!
Thank you so much Gill, now I know more ways to ask people to repeat themselves.
Thank you Gill for this very interesting basic conversation.
winfried koenig
Your lesson is very helpful.
Thank you, Mrs. Gill.
Sorry Mrs.Gill could you repeat this lesson again and again because I love your accent?
Many thanks :)
Thank you Gill I love your material online. It’s useful for me and another people. I got 10 correct out of 10 item.
Very, very useful lesson. Very, very clear. Brava, Gill
Thank you Gill :)
good, very useful
Thank you very much, Gill
Elena Kasyanenko
Very good lesson! Thanks!
Carla Alves
Love this place!
Thank You Gill
Kanittha Tharanut
Thank you Gill.
That lesson was great, Gill. You speak so clearly that makes you a perfect teacher. It’s easy to understand all what you speak.
Thank you so much for good lesson. I learned new things today.
Hi Gill!
Very useful and funny lesson! Thanks a lot!! :)
My first lesson. Thank you Gill, very clear
Gandi 74
Great teaching manner: clear and slow. Thank you
Thank you very much Gill, it’s very good lesson for a beginner like me !
very polite, thanks
thank you.
I don´t need to say Sorry? after the video because your pronunciation and volume are perfect Gill ;)
Thank you for teaching these interesting expressions!
Hello Gill.
Thank a lot!!!
Fabio Lima
Thank you Gill, thank you very much!
Thank you, Gill.
thank you Gill!!! :)
Gracias :)
It’s also enjoyable when I try to learn a new word in other language ;) Greeting from Azerbaijan
bakhtiyar ali
What are you think abou chat with me to improve our english? My Skype is ‘caiofig68′.
I’ll appreciate that.
Thanks a lot!
thanks Gill
Majd Hasweh
thanks Gill!
Wera Dice
Thank you
Great quiz!
i am quite happy by learning this lesson as i got so many options for asking people to repeat something that i didn’t understand. so thank you for this lesson. hope see you in the upcoming videos Gill ma’m.
is very useful this video for me, thanks teacher Gill
Very Useful and Clear,Thank Gill!!
Thank you, Gill.
Thank you, Gill! Your lessons are inspiring! You are agreat teacher!
I beg your pardon, Madam, could you repeat it, please?
Jorge Pedroso
Thank you very much!
Thanks everyone — I’m glad you liked the lesson :-)
very useful i will ask easily to people to repeat if i am not understand..thank you so much..
Thanks dear lovely Gill!
you are the best english teacher for me, i am really happy to learn english, specialfly all of these teacher, that they are teaching for us.
Thank you Gill !! I really appreciate your way of teaching. Keep up the good work !!
very very useful lesson. Thank you.
thank you very much. MA’AM gill polite answers.
Thanks for the lesson! I just have an inquiry: is it right to say “Could you please repeat what you said?” OR should “please” be always at the end of the question?
Thanks in advance :-)
I think it is correct… :D
but it is more informal..
I hope it helped!
Thanks you Gill very interesting
Thank you Gill.
Mounir Al-Otaibi
first of all it is great lesson ;I thought this lesson will help many English students to avoid rudeness and help them to be more polite
Thanks a lot
Hello Gill. I think this is first time to leave a comment on your lesson. Pleased to meet you. The expressions you taught are very useful for me because I don’t think I have good ears to catch well what people say. But maybe I will never use those terms to you, because your way of speaking is very understandable and clear. I’m looking forward to your next video. Thank you.
Thanks, Gill! Your explanations are very detailed!!!
Nice class, Gill. Love you!
Very useful lesson Gill! By the way, could you do a lesson teaching us the things/words we not should do/say in a job interview?
Isaias Menezes Silva
Hi, Gill! Very interesting lesson! It’ll be very useful! Thank you!
Júlio César L Sousa
Thank you for the lesson, Gill! It is very helpful.
vera ishchenko
yeah it’s so helpful to get the people understandable
bakhtiyar ali
Hi Vera,
What are you think abou chat with me to improve our english? My Skype is ‘caiofig68′.
I’ll appreciate that.
Thanks a lot!
thank you too much ..
Thanks, Gill! I’m looking forward to your next video. All your videos are great.
Thanks so much Gill, I understood everything clearly : ) , In fact your accent is easy to understand.
thank you very much.this lesson very useful for me
Thank you Gill, you speak too much clear. very userful!!!
Breno Caitano
Thank you so much.
Thank you!
Thanks it was very helpfull
Vishal Pant
Thank you, Gill!
Ivan Jankovich
Very Nice!
Bilal Alshareef
I speak English not very well,but when I watch your lesson, my voice is better.
I have a small questions:What different between start and began,the class start or the class began?
Thank you again.
Thanks for this lesson, Gill
I quite understand and learn about what you have said!
Fabio Cicerre
Thank you Gill! Really useful video, we want more :)
Thank you Gill.
I love your lesson.
Your pronunciation is very clear that is appropriate for the beginners.
I will find the new lesson soon. :)
Could you set the quiz harder , please . ^_^
Thank you,teacher gill.
Great lesson Ms Gill!
I’m learning …! easy to understand
Thank you Gill its really usefull lesson (:
Brown Sugar
What are you think abou chat with me to improve our english? My Skype is ‘caiofig68′.
I’ll appreciate that.
Thanks a lot!
Hello Gill
Thank you for this lesson .
Is it polite to say :” sorry I didn’t get you correctly ”
I have one more question . You wrote sentence begining with ” If someone has ” and you used the pronoun “they” further in the sentence , could you explain the rule for that.
Thank you in advanced
To be more precise
Isn’t ” someone ” singular ? Why not using “he” or “she”
Thank you Gill, I love your accent!
exactely peiro ; i thought the sime thing
i think someone is singular
ecactement j’ai posé la même equestion
Thank U Gill
Thank you very much
thank you very much gill
thank you
Thanks Gill :)
Carla Nascimento
had fun but u are old still u can do all that
xoxo nash
thank you dear, you are nice person :)
Very helpful lesson :)Thanks so much
thank you Gill. I am new in this site and I like you. because I understand your speak.
Very nice lesson!
I got 100 on the Quiz!
thanks Jesus!
Excelent lesson Gill, it was very helpful to me
yeah! You got 10 correct out of 10.
:D tanks Gill for your help. your lesson is very important
Thank you Gill for this useful lesson :)
It is very helpfull. thank you Gilly.
What are you think abou chat with me to improve our english? My Skype is ‘caiofig68′.
I’ll appreciate that.
Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much!!! I get it now! :) Thanks!
This lesson is great, I think I learned how to express my opinion with polite way when I talk to my boss. thanks!
Thank you so much gill for this lesson.
Thank you very much Gill)))with help of your lesson i’ve found many interesting and helpful advices that i can use)))
Thanks for your lessons. It is very useful!
Incidentally, I would like to request one thing to make lessons. Could you make a lesson when it comes to “yet” usages, please? As a matter of fact, I’m a bit confused about that.
I looking forward to seeing your next lesson.
Thanks Gill!
Very Helpful lesson! Thank you Gill!
Jane Silva
10/10 thank you very very much
hi everybody
Thank you Gill .
Thank you very much,Gill for so good lesson!
thank you too Natalya,Greeting to you
bakhtiyar ali
What are you think abou chat with me to improve our english? My Skype is ‘caiofig68′.
I’ll appreciate that.
Thanks a lot!
Thank gill
Thank you Gill.
This lesson is very good and very important.
Principally for me. That I’m a beginner.
Davi Cristiano
thank you Gil, you guide me to learn more
thank you Gill . that’s very simple
Anes stefano
thank you Gill
Gamila Ahmed
Thank you Gill. 9/10
Thanks, this was a very good explanation.
thanks Gill
youssef allax
Awesome tearcher! Your pronunciation is clarity.
Thank you very much. through this lessos, I learn to express myself in a proper way.. It was so helpful..
Alvaro Martin Soto
Thank´s so much Gill. I appreciate your time. 10/10
Luis Alberto Rosas
Thank you Gill!
I got 10/10 Thank you my lovely teacher .
Thanks dear Gill. I like the class
Thank you
I really enjoy wathcing your lessons. You explain your topics in such a way, that there is no need to repeat them. Thank you very much. You became my favorite teacher on Engvid.
Great Teacher!
thank you that`s really help and useful lesson
I Like the way to teach maam..thank you so much..U teach in simple english for better understand by all …
Harsh kaur
A great teacher you are
Elomba Ewungwa George
nice guide
Learning,improving: with the international people,share your knowledge.Thank you guys!
bakhtiyar ali
thank you for your teach :)
Thank you, it’s clear & useful .
very useful lesson,thank you so much:)
Tah) it’s a really good material for comprehension.
Thank you very much Gill. It was a very usefull lesson…And I have to recognize that your pronunciaton is perfect without any accents.
It was a very usefull lesson…And I have to recognize that your pronunciaton is perfect without any accents.
Thank you.
Thanks for help,
Could you tell me the difference between “can” and “could” in the polite sentences?
Thank you very much Gill, it’s very helpful for a beginner like me !
thank you! You were very clear in your explanation!
Denise R S dos Santos
thanks, good lesson
Thank you Gill, your lessons very helpful
Erasyl Abenov
Gill, I love your lesson!
Thank you so much!!!
Thank you very much for your efforts .
Thank you Gill for helping me to understand the basic words
Yasmeen Farrukh
Thank you Gill, I love your accent!
Hello Gill!
Could I ask you, what about “excuse me” ?
I thought that “sorry” we use only after something what happened.
how do i know , i m using correct tense ?
thanks..your proniunciation very good.
elma islam
Hello Gill, you’re an excelent teacher, I like a lot to watch your videos. Your pronunciation is perfect for who is trying to improve the English.
Thanks you very much
Hello! I’m Angela from Uruguay. Thank you so so much! It helped me a lot. Greetings from a singer :)
great. thanks
Thank you very much! I find your lessons awesome :)
thank you very much
Thank you Gill, your clear and beautiful British accent made me to think about changing my opinion about British English accent
Excellent teacher !!!
thanks for teaching
Hello Gill,
I would like you to teach us about the difference between ‘quick/quickly’ and ‘quicker/more quickly’.
Also I would be grateful if you tell us what is correct: ‘not to do something’ or ‘to not do something’.
P.S. You’re an amazing teacher. I would like to watch more lessons of yours.
Thank you!
Fist time i see one of your prestation: thank you a lot for this lesson. So happy to see diversity of people on Engvid (country, accent, age, personnality, etc…), as the real life of English world.
Thank you very much.
English is not my first language but Ms. Gil made it easy for me to understand. Thanks a lot !
very good thank you
taha fikry
Thank you very much.
thank you Ms. Gill i like your accent thats heard so brithis
Hi, is very useful lesson.clear explanation thank you
Very nice, thank you.
Hi Gil, You are a fantastic teacher. I got 10 of 10 about your lesson and I am very happy for having a teacher like you!!
I like to listen to your class, clear and easy to understand. In English-based bad, I can understand your lectures, I am really grateful to you.
Dear Ms Gill, Greetings from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America! … I really appreciate your methodology and way of teaching: I love it ! : Thanks a lot! … and I love more your speech: Your British accent sounds very beatifully for my ears! … I understand the most part of the words you pronounce! … I’ve learnt a lot of English language issues with you and the rest of excellent teachers of … My Best Wishes! … Congratulations !
Thank you for this great lesson. Such a kind teacher :)
A more relaxed way of teaching and I like it.
Thank you,Gill.
I love your lesson it easy to understand.
Thanks. I’ve done!
Hi Gill, Could you make more lesson, please
i got 10/10 hehe thank you lots teacher you’re amazing ^^
very good teacher
Thank you very much!
Abisso Rain
Thanks you Gill .
thanks you I learned new things.
Thanks you mistress gill, you teach me things which I really need to comunicate to other people that speak english as your primary language, thank you and I hopeful than you upload more vidios, about explanation in english of all matter or anything do you considerate that help us, thank you and I hope that to be you fine of health thank you again
I am edgar osmin maldonado arita of honduras. excuseme fo r do not leave my name
Thank you Gill. It’s really helpful to me.
Thanks Gill!!! You are is very polite!!!
Fernando Mateus
Thanks Gil, I got perfect score…
thank you for everthink
murat erhan
Thanks Gill!
Lili Ruscan
Thanks gill. Your lesson it was amazing. I glad your presence
Great teacher!!
Thank you Gill. I got it!!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Fantastic teacher. Thank you
Welcome to the Engvid World, Gill.
Loved your accent.
Thank you.
You are nice teacher!
A good lesson, thank you!
Hi Gill
Good lesson, thank you
I got 10 correct out of 10!
Gill’s class is clear and very sophisticated even though doesn’t it seem. It is learn english with natural and common expressions that make me feel much more comfortable and native speaker.
many thanks!
thanks madam :D
your accent and the way you talk are amazing.
Qusay Hussein
The most understandeble and detailed explanation from Gill for such “high level” students as I am.
Thank you , Gill .
Thank you,Gill.Your pronunciation and the way you teach are really good and clear.
You are the best teacher.
thank you Gill that was such a good lesson,guys i want someone to practice English with.
Thank you,Gill! You’re a great and cute teacher!!!
Could you explain the kinds of conditional…zero, first, second and third? I’m mixing them up!
Thank you very much in advance.
Yay! I got 9… thanks alot jill… i can use this on my everyday life… now i know how to use it in a more polite way…
I really like the way you teach, could you do more videos please?
thanks a lot. i got 8 from 10.
frhad haj mahmoud
thanks you !!
Nguyen Van Hau
Thank you so much, it is really useful.
Marta Lopez
“And if you need me to repeat anything, just replay the video!” :-) Gill, you are the best. So Funny ! Thank you !
Thank you Gill.
Amazing Gill!!!! Like you so much!
You are great Madam.Thanks for sharing such a beautiful topic And I have got all the things
Arijit Nandi
Thank you Gill! :)
Thank you very much Mrs Gill
Thank you Gil very much for your lessons!
thank you mis Gill this video make me a way to speak polite thank you so much
hello larie 16 i also hope to emprove my level in english , i am a self learner; i want to be fluent in english ,because it w’ll make me a pretty fluent in english i want to tell you that i am also from el bahia city of oran ; i am from bir el jir ; and i hope to fond you happy in you live ; good day
hi gill Ilove you so much teacher like you and Iam very happy for having teacher like you
Great explanation – all of your lessons. Thank you very much!
Thank you Gill, great explanation!
From Guatemala , thanks Gill! You are great!
Jose Lazzo
Thanks Gill for this wonderful lesson.
I like your accent, I can understand you better.
It’s a pleasure see your videos.
Very usefull lesson for me. Thank you
Thank you Gill!
Thank you, Gill! It is always a pleasure to see and hear your lessons!
Thank you so much!)
Thank you so much Gill
This lesson was very good! Thanks
Gill is such a great teacher! Thanks a lot :)
Hey Gill Thank You Soooo much
Kirtisinh Jadeja
Hello,Jail!I’m a teacher of English.l have been teaching since 2013.Few days ago l had the same lesson with my learners who are middle school learners by the way.l told them to use pardon?.sorry?.beg your pardon?.could you repeat that? please? and l haven’t quite get what you have just said.Most of them found beg your pardon is funny and old.l would love to teach them some of what you have just mentioned but unfortunetly as a teacher l’m stick to the planning.
hasna taibi
Thank you so much Gill, so usefull
Very useful, thank you Mrs Gill !
thank you very useful lessonse
Thank you so much, teacher Gill. I enjoyed this lesson. I am now using it in my daily life, even though I’ve understood what the speaker said.
Thanks a million, teacher Gill. You’re such a great teacher. :-)
If I had had the theachers as Gill at my university I would have spoken perfectly today.
thank you so much Gill .. every thing is good, but we have not a practice in English daily! I’m living in Turkey
Omar Jassam
I love your lesson Gill! Thanks so much for your effort!!!
Thank you for your lesson. I hope it will help me to understand the English speech better.
Thank you Gill,i love your is really helpful,We Chinese learning english from middle school,plus high school 3 years and university 4 hours normally,our teacher never teach us what is the difference about the content you have told us.that is why,when we go Western Countries,they all find out our Chinese are very is horrible without knowledge.thank you so much
Thank you, Gill :)
Thanks Gill…
Thank you, Gill. Other than grammar, we learn from you good manners as well.
Thank you, Gill.
Thank you for the class. It was very nice
It’s a good lesson!! Thank you Gill!!! ;)
Matos Junior
Many thanks Gill, I am glad to be a student to learn by you for improving my speaking and writing in English.
You are doing very well teacher , thanks again I’ve got full mark.
thank you so much!
Hello, Gill
Thank you so much for your lessons.
They are all very helpful for me to learn English and understand more about Britain.
I am interested in learning conversational English in particular topic related in Hospital settings like admitting to a general ward of a hospital, attending AED unit in an urgent situation.
Would you mind teaching us about it?
I will be grateful. Thank you very much
I got 9/10! Thanks for the lesson!!
Fantastic, Gill! thank you :) now I know how to ask for what the hell someone has said! Ops, sorry, saying “what the hell” is not polite I suppose :P ;)
Thanks again,Gill,for another great lesson.Actually,
I watched it twice. Simply great.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you engvid.
M kartal
Thanks a lot Gill i admire your lessons
Thank you Gill, I always mistake one question. lol
Thank you Gill. Your accent and pace to speak is so great.
Yc S
thank you gill, you make me like English more and more
Thank you Gill!
Thank you Gill .. I’m following your lessons like a holy television’s show
Osman Hamed
Thank you Gill it helped me a lot
Nedy Rodriguez
Thanks a lot Gill, now I can be very polite when speaķing English.
Nedy Rodriguez
Thank you so much for your lessons.
Thanks Gill, you’re an amazing teacher!
Dear Gill thaks a lot
10? thank you, Gill
Thank you so much Gill, you are a great teacher, I love the way how you pronounce each and every word and make it so easy for us to understand and impliment what I have learnt from you in my daily life, I am so glad that I accidentally found your videos and started watching those, I admire you a lot, I would love to speak like you one day, Thank you so much for being part of my life
Thank you for your nice lesson!
Thanks Gill ! J’adore votre accent, c’est le vrai accent anglais ! Vous êtes très pédagogue et vous me donnez envie de reprendre l’étude de l’anglais.
Thank you gill!
Thanks for the essential lesson you made.The way of your teaching is truly imitating. Wish you long live.
I got 100! This lesson it’s very usefull, thank you Gill :)
Mati Vald
Thanks. It is very useful information
I got 09/10
Thanks Gill!
thank u mam, ur pronunciation and way of teaching is superb and ease to understand…
really awesome….
haritha reddy mp
I got full score! ? :D
Thanks a lot,Ms.Gill
New Year Greetings from Kazakhstan o2 Jan2o22
Very good learning today.
Angelina Nava
Thank you Gill your lessons are really useful
Thanks Gill.
Thank you very much! And Happy new year!
Thank you Gill. You are very polite & kind .
I am here just to say thank you Teacher. yours classes values me a lot due to your valuable tutorials I am able to crack my job interviews last year’s for one of the reputed company & it’s client named as Lumen Technologies…. Thank you again.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you,Gill.Your pronunciation and the way you teach are really good and clear.
I absolutely agree with you Vasil; Gill’s teaching style and pronunciation make the lessons clear and concise.
Excellent weekend!
I do agree with you as well. I like her accent.
Helpful! Thank you, Gill :)
Thanks Gill
Thank you Gill this is really helpful! especially if want to be more polite! =)
Thank you so much, Gill. I love your acent. You sound so kind =)
Your explanation is always excellent…10/10. Thanks again! ☺
Thank you Gill,It is really helpful to me .
Thanks, Gill. You’re amazing!
Thank you, your lecture has many ways to ask people for repeating what they said. Honestly, I really like this sentence “Sorry, I do not know that word, could you please tell me what it means”
Thank you, Gill.
Great lesson Gill, I have learned some new phrases. Thanks
Thanks Gill , Pretty Useful Class and further more I could understand every words you said!
Thank you gill God press you
Thank you Gill, your lesson are very nice. You are very good teacher!!
Thank you so much Gill, now I know more ways to ask people to repeat themselves.
Thank you Gill for this very interesting basic conversation.
Your lesson is very helpful.
Thank you, Mrs. Gill.
Sorry Mrs.Gill could you repeat this lesson again and again because I love your accent?
Many thanks :)
Thank you Gill I love your material online. It’s useful for me and another people. I got 10 correct out of 10 item.
Very, very useful lesson. Very, very clear. Brava, Gill
Thank you Gill :)
good, very useful
Thank you very much, Gill
Very good lesson! Thanks!
Love this place!
Thank You Gill
Thank you Gill.
That lesson was great, Gill. You speak so clearly that makes you a perfect teacher. It’s easy to understand all what you speak.
Thank you so much for good lesson. I learned new things today.
Hi Gill!
Very useful and funny lesson! Thanks a lot!! :)
My first lesson. Thank you Gill, very clear
Great teaching manner: clear and slow. Thank you
Thank you very much Gill, it’s very good lesson for a beginner like me !
very polite, thanks
thank you.
I don´t need to say Sorry? after the video because your pronunciation and volume are perfect Gill ;)
Thank you for teaching these interesting expressions!
Hello Gill.
Thank a lot!!!
Thank you Gill, thank you very much!
Thank you, Gill.
thank you Gill!!! :)
Gracias :)
It’s also enjoyable when I try to learn a new word in other language ;) Greeting from Azerbaijan
What are you think abou chat with me to improve our english? My Skype is ‘caiofig68′.
I’ll appreciate that.
Thanks a lot!
thanks Gill
thanks Gill!
Thank you
Great quiz!
i am quite happy by learning this lesson as i got so many options for asking people to repeat something that i didn’t understand. so thank you for this lesson. hope see you in the upcoming videos Gill ma’m.
is very useful this video for me, thanks teacher Gill
Very Useful and Clear,Thank Gill!!
Thank you, Gill.
Thank you, Gill! Your lessons are inspiring! You are agreat teacher!
I beg your pardon, Madam, could you repeat it, please?
Thank you very much!
Thanks everyone — I’m glad you liked the lesson :-)
very useful i will ask easily to people to repeat if i am not understand..thank you so much..
Thanks dear lovely Gill!
you are the best english teacher for me, i am really happy to learn english, specialfly all of these teacher, that they are teaching for us.
Thank you Gill !! I really appreciate your way of teaching. Keep up the good work !!
very very useful lesson. Thank you.
thank you very much. MA’AM gill polite answers.
Thanks for the lesson! I just have an inquiry: is it right to say “Could you please repeat what you said?” OR should “please” be always at the end of the question?
Thanks in advance :-)
I think it is correct… :D
but it is more informal..
I hope it helped!
Thanks you Gill very interesting
Thank you Gill.
first of all it is great lesson ;I thought this lesson will help many English students to avoid rudeness and help them to be more polite
Thanks a lot
Hello Gill. I think this is first time to leave a comment on your lesson. Pleased to meet you. The expressions you taught are very useful for me because I don’t think I have good ears to catch well what people say. But maybe I will never use those terms to you, because your way of speaking is very understandable and clear. I’m looking forward to your next video. Thank you.
Thanks, Gill! Your explanations are very detailed!!!
Nice class, Gill. Love you!
Very useful lesson Gill! By the way, could you do a lesson teaching us the things/words we not should do/say in a job interview?
Hi, Gill! Very interesting lesson! It’ll be very useful! Thank you!
Thank you for the lesson, Gill! It is very helpful.
yeah it’s so helpful to get the people understandable
Hi Vera,
What are you think abou chat with me to improve our english? My Skype is ‘caiofig68′.
I’ll appreciate that.
Thanks a lot!
thank you too much ..
Thanks, Gill! I’m looking forward to your next video. All your videos are great.
Thanks so much Gill, I understood everything clearly : ) , In fact your accent is easy to understand.
thank you very much.this lesson very useful for me
Thank you Gill, you speak too much clear. very userful!!!
Thank you so much.
Thank you!
Thanks it was very helpfull
Thank you, Gill!
Very Nice!
I speak English not very well,but when I watch your lesson, my voice is better.
I have a small questions:What different between start and began,the class start or the class began?
Thank you again.
Thanks for this lesson, Gill
I quite understand and learn about what you have said!
Thank you Gill! Really useful video, we want more :)
Thank you Gill.
I love your lesson.
Your pronunciation is very clear that is appropriate for the beginners.
I will find the new lesson soon. :)
Could you set the quiz harder , please . ^_^
Thank you,teacher gill.
Great lesson Ms Gill!
I’m learning …! easy to understand
Thank you Gill its really usefull lesson (:
What are you think abou chat with me to improve our english? My Skype is ‘caiofig68′.
I’ll appreciate that.
Thanks a lot!
Hello Gill
Thank you for this lesson .
Is it polite to say :” sorry I didn’t get you correctly ”
I have one more question . You wrote sentence begining with ” If someone has ” and you used the pronoun “they” further in the sentence , could you explain the rule for that.
Thank you in advanced
To be more precise
Isn’t ” someone ” singular ? Why not using “he” or “she”
Thank you Gill, I love your accent!
exactely peiro ; i thought the sime thing
i think someone is singular
ecactement j’ai posé la même equestion
Thank U Gill
Thank you very much
thank you very much gill
thank you
Thanks Gill :)
had fun but u are old still u can do all that
thank you dear, you are nice person :)
Very helpful lesson :)Thanks so much
thank you Gill. I am new in this site and I like you. because I understand your speak.
Very nice lesson!
I got 100 on the Quiz!
thanks Jesus!
Excelent lesson Gill, it was very helpful to me
yeah! You got 10 correct out of 10.
:D tanks Gill for your help. your lesson is very important
Thank you Gill for this useful lesson :)
It is very helpfull. thank you Gilly.
What are you think abou chat with me to improve our english? My Skype is ‘caiofig68′.
I’ll appreciate that.
Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much!!! I get it now! :) Thanks!
This lesson is great, I think I learned how to express my opinion with polite way when I talk to my boss. thanks!
Thank you so much gill for this lesson.
Thank you very much Gill)))with help of your lesson i’ve found many interesting and helpful advices that i can use)))
Thanks for your lessons. It is very useful!
Incidentally, I would like to request one thing to make lessons. Could you make a lesson when it comes to “yet” usages, please? As a matter of fact, I’m a bit confused about that.
I looking forward to seeing your next lesson.
Thanks Gill!
Very Helpful lesson! Thank you Gill!
10/10 thank you very very much
hi everybody
Thank you Gill .
Thank you very much,Gill for so good lesson!
thank you too Natalya,Greeting to you
What are you think abou chat with me to improve our english? My Skype is ‘caiofig68′.
I’ll appreciate that.
Thanks a lot!
Thank gill
Thank you Gill.
This lesson is very good and very important.
Principally for me. That I’m a beginner.
thank you Gil, you guide me to learn more
thank you Gill . that’s very simple
thank you Gill
Thank you Gill. 9/10
Thanks, this was a very good explanation.
thanks Gill
Awesome tearcher! Your pronunciation is clarity.
Thank you very much. through this lessos, I learn to express myself in a proper way.. It was so helpful..
Thank´s so much Gill. I appreciate your time. 10/10
Thank you Gill!
I got 10/10 Thank you my lovely teacher .
Thanks dear Gill. I like the class
Thank you
I really enjoy wathcing your lessons. You explain your topics in such a way, that there is no need to repeat them. Thank you very much. You became my favorite teacher on Engvid.
Great Teacher!
thank you that`s really help and useful lesson
I Like the way to teach maam..thank you so much..U teach in simple english for better understand by all …
A great teacher you are
nice guide
Learning,improving: with the international people,share your knowledge.Thank you guys!
thank you for your teach :)
Thank you, it’s clear & useful .
very useful lesson,thank you so much:)
Tah) it’s a really good material for comprehension.
Thank you very much Gill. It was a very usefull lesson…And I have to recognize that your pronunciaton is perfect without any accents.
It was a very usefull lesson…And I have to recognize that your pronunciaton is perfect without any accents.
Thank you.
Thanks for help,
Could you tell me the difference between “can” and “could” in the polite sentences?
Thank you very much Gill, it’s very helpful for a beginner like me !
thank you! You were very clear in your explanation!
thanks, good lesson
Thank you Gill, your lessons very helpful
Gill, I love your lesson!
Thank you so much!!!
Thank you very much for your efforts .
Thank you Gill for helping me to understand the basic words
Thank you Gill, I love your accent!
Hello Gill!
Could I ask you, what about “excuse me” ?
I thought that “sorry” we use only after something what happened.
how do i know , i m using correct tense ?
thanks..your proniunciation very good.
Hello Gill, you’re an excelent teacher, I like a lot to watch your videos. Your pronunciation is perfect for who is trying to improve the English.
Thanks you very much
Hello! I’m Angela from Uruguay. Thank you so so much! It helped me a lot. Greetings from a singer :)
great. thanks
Thank you very much! I find your lessons awesome :)
thank you very much
Thank you Gill, your clear and beautiful British accent made me to think about changing my opinion about British English accent
Excellent teacher !!!
thanks for teaching
Hello Gill,
I would like you to teach us about the difference between ‘quick/quickly’ and ‘quicker/more quickly’.
Also I would be grateful if you tell us what is correct: ‘not to do something’ or ‘to not do something’.
P.S. You’re an amazing teacher. I would like to watch more lessons of yours.
Thank you!
Fist time i see one of your prestation: thank you a lot for this lesson. So happy to see diversity of people on Engvid (country, accent, age, personnality, etc…), as the real life of English world.
Thank you very much.
English is not my first language but Ms. Gil made it easy for me to understand. Thanks a lot !
very good thank you
Thank you very much.
thank you Ms. Gill i like your accent thats heard so brithis
Hi, is very useful lesson.clear explanation thank you
Very nice, thank you.
Hi Gil, You are a fantastic teacher. I got 10 of 10 about your lesson and I am very happy for having a teacher like you!!
I like to listen to your class, clear and easy to understand. In English-based bad, I can understand your lectures, I am really grateful to you.
Dear Ms Gill, Greetings from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America! … I really appreciate your methodology and way of teaching: I love it ! : Thanks a lot! … and I love more your speech: Your British accent sounds very beatifully for my ears! … I understand the most part of the words you pronounce! … I’ve learnt a lot of English language issues with you and the rest of excellent teachers of … My Best Wishes! … Congratulations !
Thank you for this great lesson. Such a kind teacher :)
A more relaxed way of teaching and I like it.
Thank you,Gill.
I love your lesson it easy to understand.
Thanks. I’ve done!
Hi Gill, Could you make more lesson, please
i got 10/10 hehe thank you lots teacher you’re amazing ^^
very good teacher
Thank you very much!
Thanks you Gill .
thanks you I learned new things.
Thanks you mistress gill, you teach me things which I really need to comunicate to other people that speak english as your primary language, thank you and I hopeful than you upload more vidios, about explanation in english of all matter or anything do you considerate that help us, thank you and I hope that to be you fine of health thank you again
I am edgar osmin maldonado arita of honduras. excuseme fo r do not leave my name
Thank you Gill. It’s really helpful to me.
Thanks Gill!!! You are is very polite!!!
Thanks Gil, I got perfect score…
thank you for everthink
Thanks Gill!
Thanks gill. Your lesson it was amazing. I glad your presence
Great teacher!!
Thank you Gill. I got it!!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Fantastic teacher. Thank you
Welcome to the Engvid World, Gill.
Loved your accent.
Thank you.
You are nice teacher!
A good lesson, thank you!
Hi Gill
Good lesson, thank you
I got 10 correct out of 10!
Gill’s class is clear and very sophisticated even though doesn’t it seem. It is learn english with natural and common expressions that make me feel much more comfortable and native speaker.
many thanks!
thanks madam :D
your accent and the way you talk are amazing.
The most understandeble and detailed explanation from Gill for such “high level” students as I am.
Thank you , Gill .
Thank you,Gill.Your pronunciation and the way you teach are really good and clear.
You are the best teacher.
thank you Gill that was such a good lesson,guys i want someone to practice English with.
Thank you,Gill! You’re a great and cute teacher!!!
Could you explain the kinds of conditional…zero, first, second and third? I’m mixing them up!
Thank you very much in advance.
Yay! I got 9… thanks alot jill… i can use this on my everyday life… now i know how to use it in a more polite way…
I really like the way you teach, could you do more videos please?
thanks a lot. i got 8 from 10.
thanks you !!
Thank you so much, it is really useful.
“And if you need me to repeat anything, just replay the video!” :-) Gill, you are the best. So Funny ! Thank you !
Thank you Gill.
Amazing Gill!!!! Like you so much!
You are great Madam.Thanks for sharing such a beautiful topic And I have got all the things
Thank you Gill! :)
Thank you very much Mrs Gill
Thank you Gil very much for your lessons!
thank you mis Gill this video make me a way to speak polite thank you so much
hello larie 16 i also hope to emprove my level in english , i am a self learner; i want to be fluent in english ,because it w’ll make me a pretty fluent in english i want to tell you that i am also from el bahia city of oran ; i am from bir el jir ; and i hope to fond you happy in you live ; good day
hi gill Ilove you so much teacher like you and Iam very happy for having teacher like you
Great explanation – all of your lessons. Thank you very much!
Thank you Gill, great explanation!
From Guatemala , thanks Gill! You are great!
Thanks Gill for this wonderful lesson.
I like your accent, I can understand you better.
It’s a pleasure see your videos.
Very usefull lesson for me. Thank you
Thank you Gill!
Thank you, Gill! It is always a pleasure to see and hear your lessons!
Thank you so much!)
Thank you so much Gill
This lesson was very good! Thanks
Gill is such a great teacher! Thanks a lot :)
Hey Gill Thank You Soooo much
Hello,Jail!I’m a teacher of English.l have been teaching since 2013.Few days ago l had the same lesson with my learners who are middle school learners by the way.l told them to use pardon?.sorry?.beg your pardon?.could you repeat that? please? and l haven’t quite get what you have just said.Most of them found beg your pardon is funny and old.l would love to teach them some of what you have just mentioned but unfortunetly as a teacher l’m stick to the planning.
Thank you so much Gill, so usefull
Very useful, thank you Mrs Gill !
thank you very useful lessonse
Thank you so much, teacher Gill. I enjoyed this lesson. I am now using it in my daily life, even though I’ve understood what the speaker said.
Thanks a million, teacher Gill. You’re such a great teacher. :-)
If I had had the theachers as Gill at my university I would have spoken perfectly today.
thank you so much Gill .. every thing is good, but we have not a practice in English daily! I’m living in Turkey
I love your lesson Gill! Thanks so much for your effort!!!
Thank you for your lesson. I hope it will help me to understand the English speech better.
Thank you Gill,i love your is really helpful,We Chinese learning english from middle school,plus high school 3 years and university 4 hours normally,our teacher never teach us what is the difference about the content you have told us.that is why,when we go Western Countries,they all find out our Chinese are very is horrible without knowledge.thank you so much
Thank you, Gill :)
Thanks Gill…
Thank you, Gill. Other than grammar, we learn from you good manners as well.
Thank you, Gill.
Thank you for the class. It was very nice
It’s a good lesson!! Thank you Gill!!! ;)
Many thanks Gill, I am glad to be a student to learn by you for improving my speaking and writing in English.
You are doing very well teacher , thanks again I’ve got full mark.
thank you so much!
Hello, Gill
Thank you so much for your lessons.
They are all very helpful for me to learn English and understand more about Britain.
I am interested in learning conversational English in particular topic related in Hospital settings like admitting to a general ward of a hospital, attending AED unit in an urgent situation.
Would you mind teaching us about it?
I will be grateful. Thank you very much
I got 9/10! Thanks for the lesson!!
Fantastic, Gill! thank you :) now I know how to ask for what the hell someone has said! Ops, sorry, saying “what the hell” is not polite I suppose :P ;)
Thanks again,Gill,for another great lesson.Actually,
I watched it twice. Simply great.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you engvid.
Thanks a lot Gill i admire your lessons
Thank you Gill, I always mistake one question. lol
Thank you Gill. Your accent and pace to speak is so great.
thank you gill, you make me like English more and more
Thank you Gill!
Thank you Gill .. I’m following your lessons like a holy television’s show
Thank you Gill it helped me a lot
Thanks a lot Gill, now I can be very polite when speaķing English.
Thank you so much for your lessons.
Thanks Gill, you’re an amazing teacher!
Dear Gill thaks a lot
10? thank you, Gill
Thank you so much Gill, you are a great teacher, I love the way how you pronounce each and every word and make it so easy for us to understand and impliment what I have learnt from you in my daily life, I am so glad that I accidentally found your videos and started watching those, I admire you a lot, I would love to speak like you one day, Thank you so much for being part of my life
Thank you for your nice lesson!
Thanks Gill ! J’adore votre accent, c’est le vrai accent anglais ! Vous êtes très pédagogue et vous me donnez envie de reprendre l’étude de l’anglais.
Thank you gill!
Thanks for the essential lesson you made.The way of your teaching is truly imitating. Wish you long live.
I got 100! This lesson it’s very usefull, thank you Gill :)
Thanks. It is very useful information
I got 09/10
Thanks Gill!
thank u mam, ur pronunciation and way of teaching is superb and ease to understand…
really awesome….
I got full score! ? :D
Thanks a lot,Ms.Gill
New Year Greetings from Kazakhstan o2 Jan2o22
Very good learning today.
Thank you Gill your lessons are really useful
Thanks Gill.
Thank you very much! And Happy new year!
Thank you Gill. You are very polite & kind .
I am here just to say thank you Teacher. yours classes values me a lot due to your valuable tutorials I am able to crack my job interviews last year’s for one of the reputed company & it’s client named as Lumen Technologies…. Thank you again.