Be nice in English! Learn how to offer help in formal and informal situations with 4 easy phrases and expressions. Expand yourself by being more helpful in your personal and professional life!
Thanks Rebecca for lesson, I could understand everything :-)
Thanks a lot
Thank you very much!
I realy like the lesson
Thank you Rebecca ^^
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for your good lesson
Thanks Rebecca
Very good lesson!
If you do a lesson on some common proverbs and sayings. Thanks
Thank you so much Rebecca, now i see where i am
Thank you very much , for many help
This is a useful lesson. Thanks Rebecca !
thanks, was helpful.
“I appreciate it” is the another way for accepting and respecting
dear masoud
i have problem for seeing and download in this site ,would u plz help me how i can do it?
or its possible for u to email me files u have downloaded?
it is not so bad
Thank you very much your lesson and can I take your lesson by Skype? Best Regards from Yoyon Kurniawan
Thanks for your interest. However, I do not teach on Skype right now. I wish you all the best with your English.
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks for your reply my message. I hope some day I can speak English very well.
Yoyon Kurniawan
Thanks for your interest. However, I do not teach on Skype right now. I wish you all the best with your English.
Thank you teacher for this helpful lesson.
Thank you very much for this lesson Rebecca. You are an amazing teacher!
you are a good teacher ilike your teaching style
Thank you for your lesson.
thanks a lot , very simple and useful lesson .
thanks alot ./
Thanks dear teacher.
The quiz was so easyyy,i got 10 correct out 0f 10.
thsnks slot dear i get 9 of 10
thankus!i understood.
Dear Emma,
Glad 2 meet u!
Here r some queries by me n I’ll b grateful if u answer;
What do these mean plz?!
1.Get the eye
2.Give the eye
3.Would u mind 2 open the window O would u mind opening the window O both ???!!!
Tx in advance;
:) fatiima!
Thank you very much. This lesson is very good.
Nice lesson!
Excellent lesson
Good lesson. Thank you very much Rebecca.
very useful and thank you so much . i’ll keep study and hope to make friends with all the member here,thanks
Thank you very much Rebecca.
i like
You make your lessons so easy. Thanks a lot for help us.
Just a doubt, how about these expressions to offering help too?
1. May I something…
2. Can I something…
Are those formal or informal?
My regards.
Hi there,
Generally speaking,May is more 4mal than Can.
Thanks for help and be clear how was used.
Yes, Fatima is right. May is more formal than can. All the best to you both.
thank you
Thanks, a nice lesson.
wow… thank you so much
Elmer Merino
Hello Rebecca,
When we say Shall I is it kind of like Should I ?
Or it’s just a formal way ?
Shall I = Do you think it is a good thing for me to do? Do you think it is a good idea for me to do something?
Shall I open the window? Are you feeling hot?
Shall I is more of a polite way to ask something, while should I is more about whether it is the right thing to do.
Do you think I should go to the doctor?
Should I tell his mother what he did?
Hope that helps. All the best to you.
By the way, I love this videos, they are very helpful.
do you mind my opennig the window ? is it true ?
I really thank you for good lessons. :)
nice lesson thanks alot
Thanks a lot :)
10/10 without watching this video.
many thanks
thank you very much
Thank you very much, very helpful .
good explication thank you
Glad you enjoyed the explanation. My best wishes to you.
actually i didn’t watch this video, but i don’t know how i was able to do so
Thank you very much for your perfect lesson
It’s new for me. Thank you very much
I got 10 correct out of 10
Excuse me, I would like to ask Rebecca about some difference between “famous”and”famed”.Thank you very much.
They are basically the same. Famed is a little more formal and academic, while famous is a little more informal and common. All the best to you.
Thank you for your explanation.Now, I can understand clearly the way to use these words. and may I ask another question?Can I say “on Sunday” or “on a Sunday”? which phrase is right? thank Mrs Rebecca very much.
I look forward to your reply.
Thank you vey much, Rebecca!
Good lesson Rebecca! could do a lesson of how to ask politely for help. Thank you.
Good lesson Rebecca! Thank you very much.
Thanks Rebecca, your lesson always make me easily understand.
I’m so glad to hear it! Thanks, and my best wishes to you.
Thank You For Your Helping hand :D ^^
Well done!
Very usefull.
Thank you.
Thanks Rebecca! Very good!
First i thank this site.. you people doing great job..
Really this is useful..
My wishes to step ahead..
Thank you Rebecca, you helped me a lot
this website very very good thank you staff and teachers working on it..
nice lesson
Hi.Rebecca plz email me ..I need to talk to you..I.m from south korea
i got on 90 score through quiz , thanks many …..
Thank you very much! It does help non-native speakers a lot!
10/10 -Thanks a bunch Rebecca.
God Bless You. -I forgot to say MISSorMRS Rebecca. I’m sorry.
Just Rebecca is fine. Thanks, and all the best to you.
Thank you so much :)
Thank you very much!
Many thanks for the lesson. Quiz are not working¡
it was a good lesson & i always appreciate your lessons & i learnt a lot.Mam i have some problem understanding of using “used to “.for example..if the sentence is…”i used to play piano” then i become confused.then i think what does it mean? does it mean…Before i played piano? or I tried to play piano? could you help me please? Mam ..thank you very much for your good lessons & i always greateful to you.
When you say that you used to play the piano when you were young, it usually means you did it at that time but you don’t do it any more.
Another example:
Sarah used to teach English when she lived in Japan, but now she works in a bank.
My best wishes to you.
Thank you very much.
No Nice Lesson !!! I really like this :)
So Nice Lesson !!! I really like this :)
Thanks!Please watch my lesson on so and such. It will help you too. My best wishes to you.
9 out of ten was correct. so feeling good great to work with the site
good lesson
Hi Mrs.Rebecca ..
Nice to meet you .
i have already saw your video , it’s help me a lot to improve my knowledge ..
but i just little bit confuse when i will use ” Are you ” or ” do you ”?
can you explain to me ?
thanks a lot for your attention :)
This requires a long reply so it’s best to consult a grammar book, but in general “Are you” is part of the verb “to be” and “do you” is used with all other verbs in the present simple tense.
In English, we have the verb to be, which is used in a certain way, and then we have all the other verbs in English, which can be conjugated in the same way. Please check your grammar book for a full explanation, since this is an important point and you don’t want to confuse the two. My best wishes to you.
would you me to go another lesson?
Great! Thank you very much
Thank you very much
tank u so much.
It’s very useful!
I love Japan!
i like your way :)
thank you very much.. <3' !
Thank you very much for this great class!
excuse me , there’s someone want to teach me for speaking english so both of us can improve our speakng ? :)
thank you so very much
thanks nice lesson
thank you very much…. : )
Thanks to all for your feedback. I really admire your efforts at improving your English. My best to you.
Dear Mrs Rebecca
thank a alot for your advice.
I’m very appreciate for that.
I wish one day i can meet you and try to speak english with you.
90%. Thanks a lot. It’s very kind of you.The culture people say these words.
Thank you Very Much i really enjoy this video…
Thank you very much!
thanks miss rebecca i would like to ask you if there is some lessons in business English
thank you again
hello everybody know I learn eng but I want speak with people.WE can fine me ( dj.django ) this is my SKYPE THANKS
Thank you very much! It was very useful video.
thank you its great and useful
Dear Rebecca, thanks a lot for the lesson!
Rebecca, thank you very much….
Thank you Rebecca, the lesson is very useful
What mean the expression: “Let me get the door for you”. It’s:
1) open
2) shut
3) stop the door so the person can go through
Thank you very much, Rebecca!
is necesary be a kindwoman when spoken English.Thats lesson is very important for me.
My best wishes to Rebecca. Thank you for lesson.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much, Rebecca! Your pronunciation, way of teaching are excellent always. I love to view your videos.
Thank you very much, I got 10/10.
please, let me thank you for your interesting lesson.
Thanks Mam Rebecca, I got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks a lot for this lesson.I appreciate your teaching style.
Thanks Rebecca,
It is very productive.
Mam actually when I start conversion with other person before I speak I think first then speak and sometimes fails to get the proper word.Can you please help me.
Interesting lesson. Thanks Rebecca.
I did’t know that “shall” was also used to offer help. Thank you!
Great lesson thank you.
thank you Rebecca! 10/10
I enjoy your lessons a lot. they are so clear, simple and useful.
thank you, Rebecca!
Tchin Shi
Are you from China?
Kee Young
Thank you Rebecca ! I love the way you teach.
thank you very much :) :)
sara laassiri
thank you very much Rebecca. your method is really nice. I love your teaching
Mohammad Maisam
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you to bring us your help to speak a nice English.
Best regards.
got 10 out of 10…… any one who is learner can join me to chat in English, no matter if you are a learner, I am also a learner
Dang Cong Trang. Thanks!
Very useful lesson! Highly appreciated. Thank you.
Thanks!! :)
Thank you very much for the lesson, it was a great help.
great lesson
Can you do for me a favor,make more video,i really like your teaching style and your accent too,very clear,every time watch your lesson i understand them all.
Thanks a lot
All best to you
Hoai Manucians
I have get 100thank you techer
9/10 , thanks a lot .
Thank you very much Rebecca
Thanks, Rebecca. Great lesson. I got 100
Thanks a lot Rebecca!
Hi Rebeca! Thank you very much for being with us and teaching us!
Thank you very mucn!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thanks a lot…
M kartal
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Good news
Again 100
thank you very much Rebecca.
9/10, thanks a lot!
Hi Rebecca
its my pleasure to watch your English course.
I believe in Rebecca.
Kindly create a whats app group of your for English pronunciation, and to correct our English grammatic mistakes.
Thank you very much.
M ilyas
In this lesson I have got 9 out of 10
Thank you very much.
M ilyas
That’s very kind of you Rebecca.
Thank you :D
Hello Rebecca
You have exceptional ability to make
LEARNING more interesting.
I have been gaining comprehensive knowledge since
I started following your teaching.
10/10 Kazakhstan, 08Sept2021
Rebecca I really can’t thank you enough ???
I watched this video twice on December 30, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Hello Rebecca,
thanks a lot for your lesson!
I’d like to ask what does the
expression ‘get the door’ mean?
(There is no matching entry
in my dictionary :-(
THANKS, Dr. Rebecca I understand the lesson very well, it was helpful.i am from SOMALIA
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks Rebecca for lesson, I could understand everything :-)
Thanks a lot
Thank you very much!
I realy like the lesson
Thank you Rebecca ^^
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for your good lesson
Thanks Rebecca
Very good lesson!
If you do a lesson on some common proverbs and sayings. Thanks
Thank you so much Rebecca, now i see where i am
Thank you very much , for many help
This is a useful lesson. Thanks Rebecca !
thanks, was helpful.
“I appreciate it” is the another way for accepting and respecting
dear masoud
i have problem for seeing and download in this site ,would u plz help me how i can do it?
or its possible for u to email me files u have downloaded?
it is not so bad
Thank you very much your lesson and can I take your lesson by Skype? Best Regards from Yoyon Kurniawan
Thanks for your interest. However, I do not teach on Skype right now. I wish you all the best with your English.
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks for your reply my message. I hope some day I can speak English very well.
Yoyon Kurniawan
Thanks for your interest. However, I do not teach on Skype right now. I wish you all the best with your English.
Thank you teacher for this helpful lesson.
Thank you very much for this lesson Rebecca. You are an amazing teacher!
you are a good teacher ilike your teaching style
Thank you for your lesson.
thanks a lot , very simple and useful lesson .
thanks alot ./
Thanks dear teacher.
The quiz was so easyyy,i got 10 correct out 0f 10.
thsnks slot dear i get 9 of 10
thankus!i understood.
Dear Emma,
Glad 2 meet u!
Here r some queries by me n I’ll b grateful if u answer;
What do these mean plz?!
1.Get the eye
2.Give the eye
3.Would u mind 2 open the window O would u mind opening the window O both ???!!!
Tx in advance;
:) fatiima!
Thank you very much. This lesson is very good.
Nice lesson!
Excellent lesson
Good lesson. Thank you very much Rebecca.
very useful and thank you so much . i’ll keep study and hope to make friends with all the member here,thanks
Thank you very much Rebecca.
i like
You make your lessons so easy. Thanks a lot for help us.
Just a doubt, how about these expressions to offering help too?
1. May I something…
2. Can I something…
Are those formal or informal?
My regards.
Hi there,
Generally speaking,May is more 4mal than Can.
Thanks for help and be clear how was used.
Yes, Fatima is right. May is more formal than can. All the best to you both.
thank you
Thanks, a nice lesson.
wow… thank you so much
Hello Rebecca,
When we say Shall I is it kind of like Should I ?
Or it’s just a formal way ?
Shall I = Do you think it is a good thing for me to do? Do you think it is a good idea for me to do something?
Shall I open the window? Are you feeling hot?
Shall I is more of a polite way to ask something, while should I is more about whether it is the right thing to do.
Do you think I should go to the doctor?
Should I tell his mother what he did?
Hope that helps. All the best to you.
By the way, I love this videos, they are very helpful.
do you mind my opennig the window ? is it true ?
I really thank you for good lessons. :)
nice lesson thanks alot
Thanks a lot :)
10/10 without watching this video.
many thanks
thank you very much
Thank you very much, very helpful .
good explication thank you
Glad you enjoyed the explanation. My best wishes to you.
actually i didn’t watch this video, but i don’t know how i was able to do so
Thank you very much for your perfect lesson
It’s new for me. Thank you very much
I got 10 correct out of 10
Excuse me, I would like to ask Rebecca about some difference between “famous”and”famed”.Thank you very much.
They are basically the same. Famed is a little more formal and academic, while famous is a little more informal and common. All the best to you.
Thank you for your explanation.Now, I can understand clearly the way to use these words. and may I ask another question?Can I say “on Sunday” or “on a Sunday”? which phrase is right? thank Mrs Rebecca very much.
I look forward to your reply.
Thank you vey much, Rebecca!
Good lesson Rebecca! could do a lesson of how to ask politely for help. Thank you.
Good lesson Rebecca! Thank you very much.
Thanks Rebecca, your lesson always make me easily understand.
I’m so glad to hear it! Thanks, and my best wishes to you.
Thank You For Your Helping hand :D ^^
Well done!
Very usefull.
Thank you.
Thanks Rebecca! Very good!
First i thank this site.. you people doing great job..
Really this is useful..
My wishes to step ahead..
Thank you Rebecca, you helped me a lot
this website very very good thank you staff and teachers working on it..
nice lesson
Hi.Rebecca plz email me ..I need to talk to you..I.m from south korea
i got on 90 score through quiz , thanks many …..
Thank you very much! It does help non-native speakers a lot!
10/10 -Thanks a bunch Rebecca.
God Bless You. -I forgot to say MISSorMRS Rebecca. I’m sorry.
Just Rebecca is fine. Thanks, and all the best to you.
Thank you so much :)
Thank you very much!
Many thanks for the lesson. Quiz are not working¡
it was a good lesson & i always appreciate your lessons & i learnt a lot.Mam i have some problem understanding of using “used to “.for example..if the sentence is…”i used to play piano” then i become confused.then i think what does it mean? does it mean…Before i played piano? or I tried to play piano? could you help me please? Mam ..thank you very much for your good lessons & i always greateful to you.
When you say that you used to play the piano when you were young, it usually means you did it at that time but you don’t do it any more.
Another example:
Sarah used to teach English when she lived in Japan, but now she works in a bank.
My best wishes to you.
Thank you very much.
No Nice Lesson !!! I really like this :)
So Nice Lesson !!! I really like this :)
Thanks!Please watch my lesson on so and such. It will help you too. My best wishes to you.
9 out of ten was correct. so feeling good great to work with the site
good lesson
Hi Mrs.Rebecca ..
Nice to meet you .
i have already saw your video , it’s help me a lot to improve my knowledge ..
but i just little bit confuse when i will use ” Are you ” or ” do you ”?
can you explain to me ?
thanks a lot for your attention :)
This requires a long reply so it’s best to consult a grammar book, but in general “Are you” is part of the verb “to be” and “do you” is used with all other verbs in the present simple tense.
In English, we have the verb to be, which is used in a certain way, and then we have all the other verbs in English, which can be conjugated in the same way. Please check your grammar book for a full explanation, since this is an important point and you don’t want to confuse the two. My best wishes to you.
would you me to go another lesson?
Great! Thank you very much
Thank you very much
tank u so much.
It’s very useful!
I love Japan!
i like your way :)
thank you very much.. <3' !
Thank you very much for this great class!
excuse me , there’s someone want to teach me for speaking english so both of us can improve our speakng ? :)
thank you so very much
thanks nice lesson
thank you very much…. : )
Thanks to all for your feedback. I really admire your efforts at improving your English. My best to you.
Dear Mrs Rebecca
thank a alot for your advice.
I’m very appreciate for that.
I wish one day i can meet you and try to speak english with you.
90%. Thanks a lot. It’s very kind of you.The culture people say these words.
Thank you Very Much i really enjoy this video…
Thank you very much!
thanks miss rebecca i would like to ask you if there is some lessons in business English
thank you again
hello everybody know I learn eng but I want speak with people.WE can fine me ( dj.django ) this is my SKYPE THANKS
Thank you very much! It was very useful video.
thank you its great and useful
Dear Rebecca, thanks a lot for the lesson!
Rebecca, thank you very much….
Thank you Rebecca, the lesson is very useful
What mean the expression: “Let me get the door for you”. It’s:
1) open
2) shut
3) stop the door so the person can go through
Thank you very much, Rebecca!
is necesary be a kindwoman when spoken English.Thats lesson is very important for me.
My best wishes to Rebecca. Thank you for lesson.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much, Rebecca! Your pronunciation, way of teaching are excellent always. I love to view your videos.
Thank you very much, I got 10/10.
please, let me thank you for your interesting lesson.
Thanks Mam Rebecca, I got 90%.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks a lot for this lesson.I appreciate your teaching style.
Thanks Rebecca,
It is very productive.
Mam actually when I start conversion with other person before I speak I think first then speak and sometimes fails to get the proper word.Can you please help me.
Interesting lesson. Thanks Rebecca.
I did’t know that “shall” was also used to offer help. Thank you!
Great lesson thank you.
thank you Rebecca! 10/10
I enjoy your lessons a lot. they are so clear, simple and useful.
thank you, Rebecca!
Are you from China?
Thank you Rebecca ! I love the way you teach.
thank you very much :) :)
thank you very much Rebecca. your method is really nice. I love your teaching
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you to bring us your help to speak a nice English.
Best regards.
got 10 out of 10…… any one who is learner can join me to chat in English, no matter if you are a learner, I am also a learner
Dang Cong Trang. Thanks!
Very useful lesson! Highly appreciated. Thank you.
Thanks!! :)
Thank you very much for the lesson, it was a great help.
great lesson
Can you do for me a favor,make more video,i really like your teaching style and your accent too,very clear,every time watch your lesson i understand them all.
Thanks a lot
All best to you
I have get 100thank you techer
9/10 , thanks a lot .
Thank you very much Rebecca
Thanks, Rebecca. Great lesson. I got 100
Thanks a lot Rebecca!
Hi Rebeca! Thank you very much for being with us and teaching us!
Thank you very mucn!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thanks a lot…
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Good news
Again 100
thank you very much Rebecca.
9/10, thanks a lot!
Hi Rebecca
its my pleasure to watch your English course.
I believe in Rebecca.
Kindly create a whats app group of your for English pronunciation, and to correct our English grammatic mistakes.
Thank you very much.
In this lesson I have got 9 out of 10
Thank you very much.
That’s very kind of you Rebecca.
Thank you :D
Hello Rebecca
You have exceptional ability to make
LEARNING more interesting.
I have been gaining comprehensive knowledge since
I started following your teaching.
10/10 Kazakhstan, 08Sept2021
Rebecca I really can’t thank you enough ???
I watched this video twice on December 30, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Hello Rebecca,
thanks a lot for your lesson!
I’d like to ask what does the
expression ‘get the door’ mean?
(There is no matching entry
in my dictionary :-(
THANKS, Dr. Rebecca I understand the lesson very well, it was helpful.i am from SOMALIA
Thank you very much
Thank you so much, teacher. It is clear.