Want to know how to do well on tests and interviews? In this video, I will give you a simple but powerful tip that will improve your speaking. You will learn about power poses, a technique that is proven to work. Use these power poses quickly before and exam or interview, or any time you need to speak confidently in front of people!
i get my confidence by smoking weed before every job interview or any exams
thank you!!! Emma!!!
jairo Bale
Interesting topic for a lesson Emma, it was a complete revelation to me.
Body language tells you a lot about an individual and the way s/he feels.
So we should be aware of this fact especially for job interviews or tests.
Until next time, take care.
el masreyeeen na2seeen fadaye7 :O( emotion_beyshno2_nafso)
hhhhhhhhhhh ya masri walahi dhkt ana
Lol, nice try dude!
Before I take exams, I read books about English. Maybe weak pose…? When I take interviews, I feel really nervous, and my body became like a rock…haha ^^; Thank you for your interesting lesson, Emma. I wish you a happy 2015 :)
Emma, I wish you a happy 2015(^_^)/
hello Happy04! how was your test? I had an interview several months ago. but I was super nervous and failed. interviewer told me “it’s okay, just relax” but I just couldn’t. I’ve never had interview and spoken English so much like that before. Emma gives us really helpful tips. thank you so much :)
Hi BaoChau :) When I had an interview (maybe about 20 years ago) in English, I was super nervous. So I couldn’t pass the test…haha ^^;
wow! really long time ago. to me, interview in English is really great experiment although I was failed. nice to meet you!!!
I am looking for a speaking partner anyone who’s interested?
When I started watching this video I remembered Amy Cuddy and her speech on Ted talks that I saw it the other day. Very very interesting, thank you Emma!
On 1st Jan I was taken an interview for a job, I tried to do all these. Lets see what would be the result!!! Hoping for the best…
Thanks Emma by the way.
What if the person feel ashamed?
Thanks emma…..
Hi friend!
I think you do not have to feel ashamed, if you are prepared, if you have the qualifications in your CV, if you are well dressed and so on…etc..
just relax after seeing that is all ok with you and be confident!
No shame!!
Thanks my friend. For given me this advances. Your words supported me .
Absolutely right, especially about the bigger space Thanks Emma, bathroom/mirror part before the session also helps a lot. Thanks Emma, and all of you precious lovely people.
Thank you Emma for your Wonderful lessons
I saw Amy Cuddy’s Lecture at Ted Talk . so i’m really impressed about her ideas . I hope your lesson and her lecture affect others too . this is Amy’s profile at Harvard business school
First of all thank you very much for this video.It made me understand how important our behavior affects our thougts.But let me excuse I realised something in your quiz and it made me disurb that last question’s options are including “Emma’s dog!” to question of who Amy Cubby is.Maybe just Amy you say in the question is acceptable but you are talking about a “person”.I hope you can fix this mistake.
Sincerely yours..
thank you for this lesson. i think the eye contact is vital and essential.
Mena Abdelmalak
Hello.Thanks Emma. When i speak with someone, i starting to feel nervousi. Now i will do a power pose every time.
Very useful. Thanks
I don’t know why zhe vidio can’t be seen?
If you are visiting the site from China, Youtube is blocked! You might have to use a VPN.
engVid Moderator
I can writ AR AL
Thank you
Thanks for you Emma, i like you so much.
thank you very much emma ….this way is one of the best ways to do it when we take an exam or job interview…that was so helpful to me ^__^
Which is the name Emma’s dog?
Amat victoria curam. Thank you Emma!)
I’m practicing my poses already!
Antonio Jimenez
my english so baddddddddd… :(
pease help me
Good Lesson!
Thanks Emma!
JEsus bless you more and more!
In my case I get confident by praying to God in Jesus’name before the challenges…
but this tip is very useful, it is one more help for me..!
Thanks for the interesting lesson Emma! I love your smile!
Thank You Emma you are very funny.
Thank teacher.
I am wating for another Lesson.
I hope we will see you soon.
Ted Yoo
Thanks Emma
Hi Emma! I am studying for TOELF and IELTS test and I am very nervous about it! I couldn’t realize, but I was in a weak pose while watching your video. When I decided to change it, i started to feel a little more confortable! I’ll do the test in August. Thank you so much! :D
Thank you Emma. Your classes help me.
Hi,thanks Emma.
I listen to Amy Cuddy’s speech on TED before this lesson.I learn to change my body and it will be change my mind to make me more confidences.
tammy chun
emma, what if he has real big muscles and still feel unconfident what to do then ?!!
…Talk to a therapist?
engVid Moderator
thanks for ur lesson I will try ur to do power pose when I will take a test. This is actually a nice idea.
I got 7 out of 8 that means I am learning! :)
Thanks Emma. I will follow all your advices !
That’s PNL and if we follow this instructions we’ll get better results not only in the interiews, but in life.
sandra maia
Sorry, what’s PNL?
Thanks Emma. This has been studied scientifically, mainly with gorillas, and is called the behaivor of the alpha male.
It really works for other situations too, as for a business interview.
thank you,Emma
I like the way you are teaching
this way depends no taking about a topic and learning
the language at the same time
love you, thanks again
Thanks Emma for the great lesson.
Power poses seem to be effective.
I was wondering if the same concept of space also applies to “bigger house”, “bigger car”, and so on.
This sounds a bit American …
Your classes are always interesting and useful.
Thank you Emma, I’ll try this technique!
Ksenia Rybka
hey, are you ok? if you want improve your english, we can to train.
my Skype is ailton.rios90
see you next time!
Boy Rios
Hi! Nice to meet you! I’ll add you to my contact list in Skype :)
Ksenia Rybka
Hi Ksenia Rybka, I’m looking for someone for speaking and It would be useful and nice if you add me as a contact, we can speak English with one another.this is my Skype ID : arsinr rabiee
Hi Arsinr! That’s a good idea! I’ll be glad to practise English with you :)
Ksenia Rybka
My skype ID: luminianis
Hi. If you want, you can add me too. We could improve our english togheter ;) Have a good day!
Hi! I think it is a good idea to practice english by skype too …can i add your skpe? :D thanks
hi,Paiiridy,if you like,we can practice english together,let help each other in our spare time,my skype:919512836@qq.com
little town
Skype opukhan24
hi nice to meet u :)
Thank you so much emma it real was an amazing lesson to boost my confidence
Amar Amor
thanks it was very nice lecture
wish you all the best my dear teacher emma
abdirahman adam
Thank you Emma. This tip will help us to be more confident in tests or whatever situations more. You are a great teacher. That is good to learn from here not just English, but also things releated to life in general. Thank u dear
Thanks Emma its a very good lesson for everyone who is nervous before interview.
thanks.. Emma.
chulho kim
nice topic and good teacher
That’s really works!!!!!!!!! 100 point for me.
Hi! dear Emma
many thanks. power poses!!! that’s funny to do thank you again
8/8 hi Emma. You are right about that, but the truth is when you take a winner pose isn’t not only in your English exam that you will win, but in all your life. In all sort of situations.
Jorge Pedroso
Thank you Emma. You are a very good teacher.
Good Night, dear Emma! I am very happy, because I have a interesting teacher now! You spoke of confidence of way so special, that I learned it easily. My congratulations! This is the way! You are a teacher very essential for us! Thank yuo for oportunity! You are a star of education! The end it’s 8/8.
Thank you!
Mia Lee
This site is very useful. Everybody has do it and develop,improove his knowledge and experience. Thanks very much
abu xadice
100% this day is perfect! XD
Boas dicas, Emma! Você fala muito bem e com gestos perfeitos para levar a mensagem. Parabéns, Teacher!
This was a highly useful lesson since it pertains to mental and bodily comfort for interview or test takers. All the performance during an examination associates with the thinking ability and confidence on physical and knowledge competence. Hats off for the double hit with one stone! :)
I got 5 correct out of 8 , I try to learn more.
Thank you for teaching.
Cheer up! Don’t let it get you down!
Making mistakes is an excellent learning too.
Good luck with your English Morgan.
Bye for now.
You see? I made a mistake, as usual, but I learned a bit more.
CORRECTION: ” . . . an excellent learning TOOL”.
thank you Emma mam
Thanks a lot Emma. The lesson very clear.
thanks emma for all you did for us
Hi Emma. The lack of confidence on myself didn´t allow me improve my English speaking, but right now it´s changed definitly. Very useful advices. Thank You.
thank u emma mam!!
dis is my first test,even i am newly sing up in ur web,tanq tanq tanq i will prepare my skill in ur lesson’s.
Navin chandu
Just first time for EngVid.
Let start
Emma thank you so much! I got 8out of8 in the quiz! I did what you have told us in the lesson before. Consequently, I am going to try this in my next test and I am sure it will works then.
You know ,this is what i have been waiting for.Such as this lesson. Have a good day
It is a little difficult, If I try to keep a pose or different poses, I feel more nervous and the other person can see it.
Thanks Ema
Oh my God ,it’s so awesome :)
thanks Emma!
I’ll try what i learned from you in my Exams Inshaallah.
could you tell me how can be a good writers please????
I’m sorry about my English mistakes :)
i cannot watch the videos… :(
erum azam
cool thanks Emms
thank you Emms
thanks Emma
thanks Emma
thanks so much, was very interesting.
itI think the most effective for to feel confident it’s tray to control our mind and our fears
I feel more powerful after watching this lesson!!
Thank you!
Thank you !! I will pose before go out for apply my job!
thank you
Hi, teacher, sometimes happend the same to me, I prepare all the information that I need to explain and finally I got nervus, what happend?
Victor Lopez
Thanks Emma for this secret and your way of teaching is so friendly, during watching video I felt that she’s my family member.
Good work and keep it up with new and nice things.
Have a nice day.
I Got It :)
Kristy Belle
good lesson…thank you so much Emma…
Thank you so much
Duong Lieu
Good lesson for learn about body language
Very good!
hallo emma i like you very much i want too meet you one days
it’s very helpful. Thanks Emma for wonderful teaching.
rahim badsha
thanks a lot
no offense Emm, but I think to be confident you should prepare more
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
Thank you, Emma! Very useful information. Will try
Thank you, Emma!
I agree with you, it’s important to use power poses in dirrerent situations.
Thank you,it is very helpful.
100% thanks emma
Emma, It is Amazing!!!!
Thanks Emma. I got 90%.
Thank You Emma. 75
I agree with you, body langague is very important! Thanks for video Emma, for the first time I whatched it without sub and I got 100 :)
Thank you Emma ! I like your lessons =)
Hello, Emma, this topic sounds interesting. Exactly, body languages can reveal a person’s inner thoughts and moods. But I seldom notice myself in body language. Thanks, Emma, for your reminding.
hello Emma! thanks a lot!
6 correct :)
bigger better stronger. Thanks
You always have exciting lessons Emma :)
Thanks Emma you are a good teacher
amr elsayd
Thank you Emma. Very good lesson.
Emma Dog? LoL
i wanna a name for any pronunciation program and promote my pronunce , please and thanks in advance
thank you Emma for helping us
Ali Mothana
That’s great! Very important observations. Thank you!
I agreed with you …
You are welcome dear Elena :) I hope you are going to get your lovely dreams which are Balalaika,Vodka and a sweet home :) Greeting from AZERBAIJAN :)
bakhtiyar ali
You got 8 correct out of 8.
Thanks Emma, very helpful lesson.
Thank you so much i learn much,i got 8 out of 8
Today’s lesson was very funny and interesting! Your body languages were splendid.
I feel I am able to confident. Thank you so much Emma!
Yutaka Endo
this is my first quiz and its nice
This is amazing, I can’t wait, I will start to practice this at home!!!!!
So nice!!!!
Thank you so much, teacher Emma, I will never forget about it! :)
Thank you so much !!!!!
Thanks Emma
Emma thnk you to mach but how can speaking englisg like you
Thank you for your advises. Tomorrow I’ll have the writing, reading and interview test. I’ll use your advise to make me more confident.
Thank you Emma but this wont work in my country .
when you go the high school final test police will be around the school and they search us for any weapons or cheating papers.. though many people pass but it will scare the shit out of you !! sorry i just wanted to do the past lesson of yours !!
Thanks Emma!
Thank you Emma, It’s a good advice.
Alan Ortega
Thank you Teacher Emma :D
Hi Emma your lesson was greatfull, thanks a lot of, you have a kind of magic to teach, see you son at the next lesson
Amy Cuddy’s story is amazing.
i would like to add someone to more practice
skype : kaaammal
So good lesson, this even helps me to enswer questions of this video … hahaaaaaaaa
this my first comment. all i want to say ” thanks you are the best”
altejani adam
Great.. I can solve all questions correctly. Thanks Ms. Emma for Video n Quiz today
now I understand
emma you really good teacher
I got 8 correct out of 8. Perfect score!
Thanks for teaching teacher Emma.
just you are simple that’s all )
bakhtiyar ali
Thanks a lot Emma
Thanks.. Emma
Thanks emma :-)
I’ll push myself further
Good Lesson! I’m gonna take an interview, I feel strong!
hi, thanks too match , its the biggest a problem happened in my live , after graduation from university i mead a lot of interview but i can not pass because i was very nervous during the interview . i tried to pose more power and confident
saeed alamri
Nice job !!!
i´m enjoy the way what you do the class! you´re very expresive and that help us too much. cool
Thanks Emma
its really interesting and useful
for me thank u Emma
vinu n p
thanks Emma
I don’t agree about the result on question 6!
i’ll try for my next job interview ;)
I answered emma’s dog just for fun
I cannot find where I can download the videos.
That’s because you can’t.
engVid Moderator
Thank you
can you tell me some information about indirect question
Thank You
thanks lot
emma you rock ¡¡¡
Good topic! … thank you Emma :)
Power poses are so special ways to increse my confidence before making a presentation or taking an interview,thanks Emma~
thanks, Emma.
That was a great hint Emma..thank you!
emma you,re amazing
amany hussein
any body help…where is the video i did,t find it
it’s possible practice English by facebook?
Thanks Emma!! Power Emma, Power English!!
Thanks Emma ,i’m fresh graduated and i’m looking for ajob ,your advices ‘re useful for me
Thank you Emma.
I don’t need to do some power poses,It’s enough to look at your appearance ;) Emma you are great teacher ever seen.Kiss you and Hugs :*
bakhtiyar ali
i love this kind of topic Emma;) thank you so much
Thanks. very intersting tips/
Wonderful lesson in self development before learning anything . Tnx Emma
It’s very nice lesson Emma,I got confidence from this video.i will speak English fluency . Thank u Emma
Ravi San
thank you emma
Redouane saidi
8/8,Very good Interview tips Emma, Thank you very much.
Hareesh A
8/8. Simple tips but very useful. Thanks to this Miss Emma.
These wrong answers are for more interesting and amusing.
thanks.. Emma.
helpful thank Emma
Miguel Frontado
thank you Emma,for share us your knowledge
little town
Thank you Emma!! Feeling powerful.. :)
thanks so much
nice muscles emma!
Emma you are so nice, thank you, I love it. I love it. All your lessons are very useful.
Marta Lopez
Emma <3
thank you so much, i’m really terrified of speaking,
but now it is more better!! :)
Nguyen Van Hau
, i’m really terrified of speaking,
but now it is more better!! :)thanks
Nguyen Van Hau
Thank you Emma!Your lessons is wonderful!
Thanks . Just a want mention one things how we can download this videos plz plz tell me guys .in cellphone
Khyber shaheed
Thank you Emma!Your lessons is wonderful! and i understood, thanks
Mustapha Bin Adam
thank you emma
It is amazing, By the way it is useful about power poses. Thumbs Up!
Thanks a lot Emma
Tarcisio Lima
thank you, Emma.
thanks Emma for your lessons, I really appreciate this
this lesson is making me with more confident and power pose
Thanks Emma <3
shaimaa madkour
Good advice..
Thank you Emma, fantastic lesson
Thanks Emma, wonderful lesson.
I almost put Emma’s dog in the last quetion of the quiz for Amy Cuddy… rsrsrs. I’m joking.
Excellent video teacher Emma. Thank you.
Antonio Madrid Ruiz
Emma, You’re AMAZING! You are helping me A LOT with my improvement! TKS SOOOO MUCH! ♥
Dear teacher,
I got 88 marks.
Hi Teacher,I got 88/100 score equivalent 7/8 answers are true.
Thank so much.I still understanding about that,Maybe I will re-hear this lesson.:D
Nguyen Dinh Son
thank you emma….your videos are fabulous
Shaik Mohammed
I got 7 correct of out 8, Thank Emma.
Great Thank you very much!!
Thank u Emma you are the best.
Well I studied for more than 5 years actor´s career in a very important place that is certified by the State. The pose and gestures are very important to the mind and the watcher, so Emma Im very agree with you, now im looking up on google who is Amy Cuddy . Of course in exam spite of all of gestures the key is that you have to study, but the look of the other, and how the character moves and feels is very important. Well think about the politics and famous persons who are guided by counselors.
I liked this lesson, thanks Emma.
Thank you.
Ekral patwary
Thanks Emma,a great practice to get more confidence.
Micky Mi
i got 88%
Thanks, Emma. I have watched all of teachers in Engvid.com. But i think you are the best teacher who i have ever learnt. Your voice is a standard British native speaker. Although i feel American accent is easier to listen and understand. However i really like your voice and your lecture.
Thanks, Emma.If think about my body’s positioning
how I think about the exam.
Thanx Emma
Ramah tarig
Thank you. It was a very useful lesson.
dageg hade3
Thanks Emma for your valuable tips!!!
Thank you..Emma
Thank you emma, nice lesson.
thanks Emma it was useful.
8 out of 8
What a wonderful information!
I’ll try high power poses every time I feel nervous.
Thank you Emma.
Thank you Emma :)
Cindy Venisia
thank you so much
You got 8 correct out of 8
thank you for your effort
I got 7/8! Thanks for your lesson!
you’re the best English teacher I’ve ever met)
Nice lesson..Just be optimistic, positive yourself and workout on regular basis can us more confidence always..Good luck everyone with your English..ALL the best
thanks for these information.
thank you emma
hi Emma,i’ve learned a lot of your very special lessons and topics, i also like the way you explain the idea. but your lesson for today was for me a piece of cacke (easy peasy).. thanks a lot and take care..
Thank you very much Teacher Emma. Now I want to sharing about power pose. Have you heard about The Serama (Malay Ayam Serama), also called the Malaysian Serama is a bantam breed chicken. It’s has power pose and normally many events have been organized for competition. The competition similar with beauty contest. For more details you can check on google.
Habib Rahman
I just looked it up. That is one confident chicken!
engVid Moderator
Thanks Emma appreciate your effort
Talal osman
Thanks Teache Emma I have confident to test myself of this quiz?
Mariceltomolin@Engvid. Com
Thank you, Emma.
Jesan Chuang
I got 100 scores, thank a lot for Emma
I feel that it,s superb about my personality. Thanks a lot Dearest Teacher
Interesting! Confident body language. Thanks, Emma
Thank you for this lesson, I hope you are well.
Thanks a lot. Emma.
Very good teaching.
Byeong jin Jo
Thanks a lot Emma!
Amazing Class!
very thank you about this video . the best way to take a power and be confidence is to ask (ALLAH = THE GOD) to help. because he have all real power in this world
Thank you very much Ms. Emma especially for funny quiz.
thanks a lot for this series of videos.
Thank you Emma !!!!
Hasan Soledad
ahhh good i got more convidence…
I’d like to inceraise my speaking up. Is there anyone who is interested in speaking with me on a regular basis? i m wiating for
My whatsapp number is +62 81912935573
Thank you. Amos
Amus Mauleky
I got 100! Thank you for your teaching!
thanks s lot Emma. your lessons are very useful. bye bye
This lesson is Significant and kind of funny.
HHHHHHHH work it Emma.
thank you so much teacher i hope to you happy
Am I looking confident now
Sigit malik
Hi, Emma
Really, you are fabulous.
Thank you very much and appreciate your effort.
It’s about drive, it’s about power
We stay hungry, we devour
Put in the work, put in the hours and take what’s ours (ahoo)
Black and Samoan in my veins
My culture bangin’ with Strange
I change the game, so what’s my motherfuckin’ name (Rock)
(What they gonna get though?)
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
i get my confidence by smoking weed before every job interview or any exams
thank you!!! Emma!!!
Interesting topic for a lesson Emma, it was a complete revelation to me.
Body language tells you a lot about an individual and the way s/he feels.
So we should be aware of this fact especially for job interviews or tests.
Until next time, take care.
el masreyeeen na2seeen fadaye7 :O( emotion_beyshno2_nafso)
hhhhhhhhhhh ya masri walahi dhkt ana
Lol, nice try dude!
Before I take exams, I read books about English. Maybe weak pose…? When I take interviews, I feel really nervous, and my body became like a rock…haha ^^; Thank you for your interesting lesson, Emma. I wish you a happy 2015 :)
Emma, I wish you a happy 2015(^_^)/
hello Happy04! how was your test? I had an interview several months ago. but I was super nervous and failed. interviewer told me “it’s okay, just relax” but I just couldn’t. I’ve never had interview and spoken English so much like that before. Emma gives us really helpful tips. thank you so much :)
Hi BaoChau :) When I had an interview (maybe about 20 years ago) in English, I was super nervous. So I couldn’t pass the test…haha ^^;
wow! really long time ago. to me, interview in English is really great experiment although I was failed. nice to meet you!!!
I am looking for a speaking partner anyone who’s interested?
When I started watching this video I remembered Amy Cuddy and her speech on Ted talks that I saw it the other day. Very very interesting, thank you Emma!
On 1st Jan I was taken an interview for a job, I tried to do all these. Lets see what would be the result!!! Hoping for the best…
Thanks Emma by the way.
What if the person feel ashamed?
Thanks emma…..
Hi friend!
I think you do not have to feel ashamed, if you are prepared, if you have the qualifications in your CV, if you are well dressed and so on…etc..
just relax after seeing that is all ok with you and be confident!
No shame!!
Thanks my friend. For given me this advances. Your words supported me .
Absolutely right, especially about the bigger space Thanks Emma, bathroom/mirror part before the session also helps a lot. Thanks Emma, and all of you precious lovely people.
Thank you Emma for your Wonderful lessons
I saw Amy Cuddy’s Lecture at Ted Talk . so i’m really impressed about her ideas . I hope your lesson and her lecture affect others too . this is Amy’s profile at Harvard business school
First of all thank you very much for this video.It made me understand how important our behavior affects our thougts.But let me excuse I realised something in your quiz and it made me disurb that last question’s options are including “Emma’s dog!” to question of who Amy Cubby is.Maybe just Amy you say in the question is acceptable but you are talking about a “person”.I hope you can fix this mistake.
Sincerely yours..
thank you for this lesson. i think the eye contact is vital and essential.
Hello.Thanks Emma. When i speak with someone, i starting to feel nervousi. Now i will do a power pose every time.
Very useful. Thanks
I don’t know why zhe vidio can’t be seen?
If you are visiting the site from China, Youtube is blocked! You might have to use a VPN.
I can writ AR AL
Thank you
Thanks for you Emma, i like you so much.
thank you very much emma ….this way is one of the best ways to do it when we take an exam or job interview…that was so helpful to me ^__^
Which is the name Emma’s dog?
Amat victoria curam. Thank you Emma!)
I’m practicing my poses already!
my english so baddddddddd… :(
pease help me
Good Lesson!
Thanks Emma!
JEsus bless you more and more!
In my case I get confident by praying to God in Jesus’name before the challenges…
but this tip is very useful, it is one more help for me..!
Thanks for the interesting lesson Emma! I love your smile!
Thank You Emma you are very funny.
Thank teacher.
I am wating for another Lesson.
I hope we will see you soon.
Thanks Emma
Hi Emma! I am studying for TOELF and IELTS test and I am very nervous about it! I couldn’t realize, but I was in a weak pose while watching your video. When I decided to change it, i started to feel a little more confortable! I’ll do the test in August. Thank you so much! :D
Thank you Emma. Your classes help me.
Hi,thanks Emma.
I listen to Amy Cuddy’s speech on TED before this lesson.I learn to change my body and it will be change my mind to make me more confidences.
emma, what if he has real big muscles and still feel unconfident what to do then ?!!
…Talk to a therapist?
thanks for ur lesson I will try ur to do power pose when I will take a test. This is actually a nice idea.
I got 7 out of 8 that means I am learning! :)
Thanks Emma. I will follow all your advices !
That’s PNL and if we follow this instructions we’ll get better results not only in the interiews, but in life.
Sorry, what’s PNL?
Thanks Emma. This has been studied scientifically, mainly with gorillas, and is called the behaivor of the alpha male.
It really works for other situations too, as for a business interview.
thank you,Emma
I like the way you are teaching
this way depends no taking about a topic and learning
the language at the same time
love you, thanks again
Thanks Emma for the great lesson.
Power poses seem to be effective.
I was wondering if the same concept of space also applies to “bigger house”, “bigger car”, and so on.
This sounds a bit American …
Your classes are always interesting and useful.
Thank you Emma, I’ll try this technique!
hey, are you ok? if you want improve your english, we can to train.
my Skype is ailton.rios90
see you next time!
Hi! Nice to meet you! I’ll add you to my contact list in Skype :)
Hi Ksenia Rybka, I’m looking for someone for speaking and It would be useful and nice if you add me as a contact, we can speak English with one another.this is my Skype ID : arsinr rabiee
Hi Arsinr! That’s a good idea! I’ll be glad to practise English with you :)
My skype ID: luminianis
Hi. If you want, you can add me too. We could improve our english togheter ;) Have a good day!
Hi! I think it is a good idea to practice english by skype too …can i add your skpe? :D thanks
hi,Paiiridy,if you like,we can practice english together,let help each other in our spare time,my skype:919512836@qq.com
Skype opukhan24
hi nice to meet u :)
Thank you so much emma it real was an amazing lesson to boost my confidence
thanks it was very nice lecture
wish you all the best my dear teacher emma
Thank you Emma. This tip will help us to be more confident in tests or whatever situations more. You are a great teacher. That is good to learn from here not just English, but also things releated to life in general. Thank u dear
Thanks Emma its a very good lesson for everyone who is nervous before interview.
thanks.. Emma.
nice topic and good teacher
That’s really works!!!!!!!!! 100 point for me.
Hi! dear Emma
many thanks. power poses!!! that’s funny to do thank you again
8/8 hi Emma. You are right about that, but the truth is when you take a winner pose isn’t not only in your English exam that you will win, but in all your life. In all sort of situations.
Thank you Emma. You are a very good teacher.
Good Night, dear Emma! I am very happy, because I have a interesting teacher now! You spoke of confidence of way so special, that I learned it easily. My congratulations! This is the way! You are a teacher very essential for us! Thank yuo for oportunity! You are a star of education! The end it’s 8/8.
Thank you!
This site is very useful. Everybody has do it and develop,improove his knowledge and experience. Thanks very much
100% this day is perfect! XD
Boas dicas, Emma! Você fala muito bem e com gestos perfeitos para levar a mensagem. Parabéns, Teacher!
This was a highly useful lesson since it pertains to mental and bodily comfort for interview or test takers. All the performance during an examination associates with the thinking ability and confidence on physical and knowledge competence. Hats off for the double hit with one stone! :)
I got 5 correct out of 8 , I try to learn more.
Thank you for teaching.
Cheer up! Don’t let it get you down!
Making mistakes is an excellent learning too.
Good luck with your English Morgan.
Bye for now.
You see? I made a mistake, as usual, but I learned a bit more.
CORRECTION: ” . . . an excellent learning TOOL”.
thank you Emma mam
Thanks a lot Emma. The lesson very clear.
thanks emma for all you did for us
Hi Emma. The lack of confidence on myself didn´t allow me improve my English speaking, but right now it´s changed definitly. Very useful advices. Thank You.
thank u emma mam!!
dis is my first test,even i am newly sing up in ur web,tanq tanq tanq i will prepare my skill in ur lesson’s.
Just first time for EngVid.
Let start
Emma thank you so much! I got 8out of8 in the quiz! I did what you have told us in the lesson before. Consequently, I am going to try this in my next test and I am sure it will works then.
You know ,this is what i have been waiting for.Such as this lesson. Have a good day
It is a little difficult, If I try to keep a pose or different poses, I feel more nervous and the other person can see it.
Thanks Ema
Oh my God ,it’s so awesome :)
thanks Emma!
I’ll try what i learned from you in my Exams Inshaallah.
could you tell me how can be a good writers please????
I’m sorry about my English mistakes :)
i cannot watch the videos… :(
cool thanks Emms
thank you Emms
thanks Emma
thanks Emma
thanks so much, was very interesting.
itI think the most effective for to feel confident it’s tray to control our mind and our fears
I feel more powerful after watching this lesson!!
Thank you!
Thank you !! I will pose before go out for apply my job!
thank you
Hi, teacher, sometimes happend the same to me, I prepare all the information that I need to explain and finally I got nervus, what happend?
Thanks Emma for this secret and your way of teaching is so friendly, during watching video I felt that she’s my family member.
Good work and keep it up with new and nice things.
Have a nice day.
I Got It :)
good lesson…thank you so much Emma…
Thank you so much
Good lesson for learn about body language
Very good!
hallo emma i like you very much i want too meet you one days
thanks emma mam
Amazing lesson, thank you Emma
Thank you so much Emma,your lessons are amazing
Emma, thanks for your lessons.
Nice lesson.Thank you, Emma. 您辛苦…
Interesting topic! I heard about Amy on Ted, she’s amazing. Here is the video https://www.ted.com/speakers/amy_cuddy
That’s good i like it and i’ll try for do it
it’s very helpful. Thanks Emma for wonderful teaching.
thanks a lot
no offense Emm, but I think to be confident you should prepare more
Thank you, Emma! Very useful information. Will try
Thank you, Emma!
I agree with you, it’s important to use power poses in dirrerent situations.
Thank you,it is very helpful.
100% thanks emma
Emma, It is Amazing!!!!
Thanks Emma. I got 90%.
Thank You Emma. 75
I agree with you, body langague is very important! Thanks for video Emma, for the first time I whatched it without sub and I got 100 :)
Thank you Emma ! I like your lessons =)
Hello, Emma, this topic sounds interesting. Exactly, body languages can reveal a person’s inner thoughts and moods. But I seldom notice myself in body language. Thanks, Emma, for your reminding.
hello Emma! thanks a lot!
6 correct :)
bigger better stronger. Thanks
You always have exciting lessons Emma :)
Thanks Emma you are a good teacher
Thank you Emma. Very good lesson.
Emma Dog? LoL
i wanna a name for any pronunciation program and promote my pronunce , please and thanks in advance
thank you Emma for helping us
That’s great! Very important observations. Thank you!
I agreed with you …
You are welcome dear Elena :) I hope you are going to get your lovely dreams which are Balalaika,Vodka and a sweet home :) Greeting from AZERBAIJAN :)
You got 8 correct out of 8.
Thanks Emma, very helpful lesson.
Thank you so much i learn much,i got 8 out of 8
Today’s lesson was very funny and interesting! Your body languages were splendid.
I feel I am able to confident. Thank you so much Emma!
this is my first quiz and its nice
This is amazing, I can’t wait, I will start to practice this at home!!!!!
So nice!!!!
Thank you so much, teacher Emma, I will never forget about it! :)
Thank you so much !!!!!
Thanks Emma
Emma thnk you to mach but how can speaking englisg like you
Thank you for your advises. Tomorrow I’ll have the writing, reading and interview test. I’ll use your advise to make me more confident.
Thank you Emma but this wont work in my country .
when you go the high school final test police will be around the school and they search us for any weapons or cheating papers.. though many people pass but it will scare the shit out of you !! sorry i just wanted to do the past lesson of yours !!
Thanks Emma!
Thank you Emma, It’s a good advice.
Thank you Teacher Emma :D
Hi Emma your lesson was greatfull, thanks a lot of, you have a kind of magic to teach, see you son at the next lesson
Amy Cuddy’s story is amazing.
i would like to add someone to more practice
skype : kaaammal
So good lesson, this even helps me to enswer questions of this video … hahaaaaaaaa
this my first comment. all i want to say ” thanks you are the best”
Great.. I can solve all questions correctly. Thanks Ms. Emma for Video n Quiz today
now I understand
emma you really good teacher
I got 8 correct out of 8. Perfect score!
Thanks for teaching teacher Emma.
just you are simple that’s all )
Thanks a lot Emma
Thanks.. Emma
Thanks emma :-)
I’ll push myself further
Good Lesson! I’m gonna take an interview, I feel strong!
hi, thanks too match , its the biggest a problem happened in my live , after graduation from university i mead a lot of interview but i can not pass because i was very nervous during the interview . i tried to pose more power and confident
Nice job !!!
i´m enjoy the way what you do the class! you´re very expresive and that help us too much. cool
Thanks Emma
its really interesting and useful
for me thank u Emma
thanks Emma
I don’t agree about the result on question 6!
i’ll try for my next job interview ;)
I answered emma’s dog just for fun
I cannot find where I can download the videos.
That’s because you can’t.
Thank you
can you tell me some information about indirect question
Thank You
thanks lot
emma you rock ¡¡¡
Good topic! … thank you Emma :)
Power poses are so special ways to increse my confidence before making a presentation or taking an interview,thanks Emma~
thanks, Emma.
That was a great hint Emma..thank you!
emma you,re amazing
any body help…where is the video i did,t find it
it’s possible practice English by facebook?
Thanks Emma!! Power Emma, Power English!!
Thanks Emma ,i’m fresh graduated and i’m looking for ajob ,your advices ‘re useful for me
Thank you Emma.
I don’t need to do some power poses,It’s enough to look at your appearance ;) Emma you are great teacher ever seen.Kiss you and Hugs :*
i love this kind of topic Emma;) thank you so much
Thanks. very intersting tips/
Wonderful lesson in self development before learning anything . Tnx Emma
It’s very nice lesson Emma,I got confidence from this video.i will speak English fluency . Thank u Emma
thank you emma
8/8,Very good Interview tips Emma, Thank you very much.
8/8. Simple tips but very useful. Thanks to this Miss Emma.
These wrong answers are for more interesting and amusing.
thanks.. Emma.
helpful thank Emma
thank you Emma,for share us your knowledge
Thank you Emma!! Feeling powerful.. :)
thanks so much
nice muscles emma!
Emma you are so nice, thank you, I love it. I love it. All your lessons are very useful.
Emma <3
thank you so much, i’m really terrified of speaking,
but now it is more better!! :)
, i’m really terrified of speaking,
but now it is more better!! :)thanks
Thank you Emma!Your lessons is wonderful!
Thanks . Just a want mention one things how we can download this videos plz plz tell me guys .in cellphone
Thank you Emma!Your lessons is wonderful! and i understood, thanks
thank you emma
It is amazing, By the way it is useful about power poses. Thumbs Up!
Thanks a lot Emma
thank you, Emma.
thanks Emma for your lessons, I really appreciate this
this lesson is making me with more confident and power pose
Thanks Emma <3
Good advice..
Thank you Emma, fantastic lesson
Thanks Emma, wonderful lesson.
I almost put Emma’s dog in the last quetion of the quiz for Amy Cuddy… rsrsrs. I’m joking.
Excellent video teacher Emma. Thank you.
Emma, You’re AMAZING! You are helping me A LOT with my improvement! TKS SOOOO MUCH! ♥
Dear teacher,
I got 88 marks.
Hi Teacher,I got 88/100 score equivalent 7/8 answers are true.
Thank so much.I still understanding about that,Maybe I will re-hear this lesson.:D
thank you emma….your videos are fabulous
I got 7 correct of out 8, Thank Emma.
Great Thank you very much!!
Thank u Emma you are the best.
Well I studied for more than 5 years actor´s career in a very important place that is certified by the State. The pose and gestures are very important to the mind and the watcher, so Emma Im very agree with you, now im looking up on google who is Amy Cuddy . Of course in exam spite of all of gestures the key is that you have to study, but the look of the other, and how the character moves and feels is very important. Well think about the politics and famous persons who are guided by counselors.
I liked this lesson, thanks Emma.
Thank you.
Thanks Emma,a great practice to get more confidence.
i got 88%
Thanks, Emma. I have watched all of teachers in Engvid.com. But i think you are the best teacher who i have ever learnt. Your voice is a standard British native speaker. Although i feel American accent is easier to listen and understand. However i really like your voice and your lecture.
Thanks, Emma.If think about my body’s positioning
how I think about the exam.
Thanx Emma
Thank you. It was a very useful lesson.
Thanks Emma for your valuable tips!!!
Thank you..Emma
Thank you emma, nice lesson.
thanks Emma it was useful.
8 out of 8
What a wonderful information!
I’ll try high power poses every time I feel nervous.
Thank you Emma.
Thank you Emma :)
thank you so much
You got 8 correct out of 8
thank you for your effort
I got 7/8! Thanks for your lesson!
you’re the best English teacher I’ve ever met)
Nice lesson..Just be optimistic, positive yourself and workout on regular basis can us more confidence always..Good luck everyone with your English..ALL the best
thanks for these information.
thank you emma
hi Emma,i’ve learned a lot of your very special lessons and topics, i also like the way you explain the idea. but your lesson for today was for me a piece of cacke (easy peasy).. thanks a lot and take care..
Thank you very much Teacher Emma. Now I want to sharing about power pose. Have you heard about The Serama (Malay Ayam Serama), also called the Malaysian Serama is a bantam breed chicken. It’s has power pose and normally many events have been organized for competition. The competition similar with beauty contest. For more details you can check on google.
I just looked it up. That is one confident chicken!
Thanks Emma appreciate your effort
Thanks Teache Emma I have confident to test myself of this quiz?
Thank you, Emma.
I got 100 scores, thank a lot for Emma
I feel that it,s superb about my personality. Thanks a lot Dearest Teacher
Interesting! Confident body language. Thanks, Emma
Thank you for this lesson, I hope you are well.
Thanks a lot. Emma.
Very good teaching.
Thanks a lot Emma!
Amazing Class!
very thank you about this video . the best way to take a power and be confidence is to ask (ALLAH = THE GOD) to help. because he have all real power in this world
Thank you very much Ms. Emma especially for funny quiz.
thanks a lot for this series of videos.
Thank you Emma !!!!
ahhh good i got more convidence…
I’d like to inceraise my speaking up. Is there anyone who is interested in speaking with me on a regular basis? i m wiating for
My whatsapp number is +62 81912935573
Thank you. Amos
I got 100! Thank you for your teaching!
thanks s lot Emma. your lessons are very useful. bye bye
This lesson is Significant and kind of funny.
HHHHHHHH work it Emma.
thank you so much teacher i hope to you happy
Am I looking confident now
Hi, Emma
Really, you are fabulous.
Thank you very much and appreciate your effort.
It’s about drive, it’s about power
We stay hungry, we devour
Put in the work, put in the hours and take what’s ours (ahoo)
Black and Samoan in my veins
My culture bangin’ with Strange
I change the game, so what’s my motherfuckin’ name (Rock)
(What they gonna get though?)
Excellent lesson!
Thanks, I have got 100%.
Thanks teacher
Every time you make me more confident thanks Emma
Great lesson Emma!