present perfect tense
in English. You will learn how to use it to talk about past experiences. For example, when using the verb to drink
in the present perfect, do we say, “Have you ever drank
?” or “Have you ever drunk
?” Watch the video to find out. You will also hear many more examples in conversation with a surprise guest. That’s right! There will be a surprise guest who will also help you to learn and remember the present perfect tense.
☺ Got 100! Thank you so much Emma for that wonderful lesson. <3 you !
Me too ????
I’ve never played that game, but I won the game. :?
The quiz was only about past participle. I’d rather a harder test.
Thanks for your lesson and fun game. Say thanks to your sister from me as well. I have never seen that cute teachers together teaching English.
Best from Poland
Hi, the game was really helpful thank you emma i did it ????
I won! Thanks Emma and Audra for funny game and lesson!
So did I :)
i won Emma. thanks Emma and Audra for a good lesson.
i won Emma. thanks Emma and Audra for a good lesson.
Thanks for the great lesson Emma! If one my one finger left stay up I won? Also I want to say about your pronouncion. It is great and I understand every word :)
Thank you Emma! great lesson.
Thank you. All my fingers are down, so I lost the game.
thank you Please give us a test in order to verify our understand
Thanks for the lesson, I enjoyed it a lot….!!
It was so cool… i enjoyed it a lot…love from Bangladesh
i won…
thanks Emma and Audra
Hi I’m from iraq. Thanks to you for this quiz
Thank you
Thank you Emma, how could I get the list regular and irregular verb as told us in the video?
Sory, the list of regular and irregular verbs as you told us in the video?
Got 100. Thank you Emma. Great lesson with nice tips.
See you in the next video.
I won. Thank you for you class emma. I fun
Unfortunately for me, I’ve never been to Toronto. However, I’ve been to Geneve. And there, it was fun.
By the way, I have had four fingers up. So, I win, I suppose)) Thanks for the excellent lesson and fun play.
I won the game
I won.Thank you Emma! You´re amazing.
It’s nice to see Audria and you together,Emma! This lesson lighted up my doubts about present perfect. Thanks for the fun and useful play!
It’s good for me to study your lesson.
Thanks Emma! It’s a great lesson.
Thanks for the class Emma.
sorry on my typo >>>>I Owe You :)
Thank you Emma Madam!
This lesson has provided a very unique and prodigious communicative way to understand the concept of present perfect tense.
Your lessons are always a remarkable one and helping students to clear their doubts before sitting in an IELTS test specially in my region in India .
Thank you very muuch Emma~
it’s so interesting for this lesson
Emma I won! I kept two fingers up. Thanks Emma and Audra for the game.
this lesson is very useful. Thanks!
thanks emma and audra
Thank you Emma
I won :)
Thank you. Your lesson was very easy to understand.
I won Audra, she gets 0 and I still have five.
I won! Thanks girls, it was really useful game and the lesson!
Good lesson))) Something new is good))
Thank you Emma , I have enjoyed the lesson along with the Practical game to learn the present perfect.
?Great explanation!! You are a great teacher!!
Thank you!!
Nice work
Thanks for such wonderful educational quality served out there
Thanks Emma. Today I watched a perfect lesson.
Thank you Emma <3
so I got 100 and I won the game, I kept only one finger when Audra had 0. That was fun thank you so much! :)
I win jaja thanks
Thanks Emma, it was such fun i did it .
i wons, thank to Emmar and your sister. The lesson was made me interessed
helpful topic,,,,game is intresting
Entertaining game dear Emma my sisters and I spent all night long playing many matches it was really a great lesson and a magnificent way to practice English, we love you for that dear Emma……. anyway geetings from Surco….
Excellent game Emma, good lesson, thanks a lot
I got 7/10 :C I need to study more, the game was really fun but I lose hahaha
I won! Thanks for your expalanation ?
Thank you Emma your teaching.
well done Emma !great lesson thank you!
For helps us!!!
You are the best!!!
Gread leson, bud in my opinion winner is who has his fingers down. It will be better. Thanks for your help with English
hi, the older is Audra. About the game, I do not win.
I agree the winner should be who has the finger down.
Yes, I have won the game! I still have three fingers up! Great lesson Emma.
on Number five it does not make seance please explane it.
Thank Emma is my first time
got 100! but Audra won the game, congratulations to your sister. Nice play of Audra.
nice, I got 8 from 10
I won by 5 fingers
I got, 70, well next time I will be better.
I got 70 , I need to study more and more.
I liked the game Emma it’s very interesting.
I won the game, it’s so fun! I very like your lesson. Thanks Emma
good job
great Emma! I love your classes!!;)
Emma this lesson help me how to use present prefect and i always watch your lesson and i have request for you could you make video about noun clause becuase i dont understand well
Yes, I won
I have loved your lesson. Ihave enjoyed so much. Thanks.
Best from Brazil.
P.S I got all questions
Good job
Thanks Emma. Good exercise for practice and learning
Got 8 out of 10. I think it is a good start.
Thanks Emma
9/10 thank you :)
I won the game with Adra
Great and fun lesson, Emma. Thanks. Nice to meet you Audra.
thanks a lot
I won the game :) i enjoyed it a lot! 10/10 :D
I won the game.
I got 100. Thanks Emma for wonderful lesson.
I won ?
thank u ;)
I won. Thank you Emma
Great! I am learning with your lessons! Thank you!!
7/10 thanks a lot
a big thank to Emma and Odra as well.
Thanks Emma. Your pronunciation and way of explanation is great. Thanks a lot.
Thank you. I won. Two fingers left. It is interesting that the person who has less experiences would win.
Thank you Emma & Audra .. this game was helpful.
It’s relly such a complicated topic for all of us – english learners. But I really hope that in the near future it won’t be a problem for us at all, case we’ll do our best!
Honestly, I don’t understand the point of the game in the end of the video. More precisely, of course I do understand, but I didn’t catch the usage of it for us as learners of language. It would be more useful if we have to answer to these questions from the video out loud.
thanks a lot emma, you are great, and Have you ever sung in front of an audience?
Thank you !
I have 4 fingers left.
I won! Thanks Emma and Audra for funny game and lesson!
thank you Emma. I got 100. :D
10 correct out of 10
superb lesson and practice…. let me ask who is elder…
I guess Audra is elder one. haha
I got 9/10, Thanks
8 correct out of 10 and I won the game.
90% correct – thanks that’s one of the best classes I have ever seen, I needed to review PP. by the way your sister has future as a youtuber.
thank you so much EMMA
thanks for the lesson, i loose the game but was verry great
Thanks Emma
I got 100!!! Thanks, for your wonderful lesson, Emma. for the game, I got 5 fingers, so I win
You are very sweet Emma?.i like your pronunciation style.i love it?
thank you for the test
Thank you Emma.
Hi Emma. I won the game. Ahah!! I had three fingers left. Thank you so much for your great lesson. The game was a good way to memorize/understand the lesson.
Keep doing these fun lessons.
Thanks for help Emma ?
I just loved the class, have a nice day guys.
it is excellent
Yes! I got 90. Thank you so much Emma.
excelent lesson. thank you for your practice…..
Thank you for the questions.
I have not ever played this game before.
I have never played this game before. This is better.
I have watched your lesson ears ago. And now I am back.
Your style of teatching is the best one .
thanks a lot. It was a great pleasure to do the quiz
Awesome explanation!
Thank you!
Great lesson!
If I ask for my friend about Have you deleted those files?
The answer is I have or Yes I did?
Please explain more about it!!!! Thank you
What a fun lesson. Thanks
great job
Hey anybody help me please
I lose the match.i got 9 out of ten.thank you emma and her sis adra.
Thank you
I’ve won the test. thanks, it’s a good strategy to learn grammar.
Thank you emma I got best level and good results
Thanks for the wonderful lessons,,
Thanks for the wonderful lessons,, Best lessons ever!
HI Emma, thank you very much for your efforts to teach us the present perfect,please pass my regards to your sister Audre.
thanks Emma… it was a good lesson.
Yeah!!!! I won the game
Really fun game. I literally had 1 finger left,so I won!!!!! Lols
I am from Brazil and I’m learning English. This lesson was so good. It was too practice as well
Thanks! The way you have recommended is really funny!)
o need to practice
Nice classes you are amazing Emma
Thanks for helping us
I’ve got 90. And, in my case, the game has ended in tie.
oh boy oh boy, I got correct 9 out of 10. I made a mistake in question number 9. How dare I!!!
I don’t master all irregular participles that’s why i made mistake.
However i think, there is no point in crying over spilled milk. I’m going to learn a lesson. I’ll try to avoid in the further.
Best wishes to all of us. :)
I got 80!
I got 9 out of 10. Thanks teacher Emma for very interesting topic about grammar and some example of funny game that related on this lesson. I salute you!
One of the best and favorite teacher on Engvid.
thank you was a wonderful lesson
thank you for your great lesson and the nice we played by the way I won the game and also got 100 in the quiz thanks!
I have got 90, it’s too bad.
i really want to learn english
Fun to practice daily
Thank you very much ?
I didn’t do very well!
It’s a my first test in engVid, and won of course.
I’ve enjoyed it. Thank you Emma san!
It’s a first test in engVid, and I won! It’s interesting.
Thank you Emma san!
Thank you , I won the game
Thank you very much for this incredible class! It opened my mind rsrs
thank you
so usful
you are brilliant;)
Hello. You made a mistake on 7:45. You said: ” Have you ever reading….” I think this is correctly : ” Have you ever read… ” What can you say about this?
She said – Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle?
Ride – rode – ridden.
Also you asked your sister not correct questions:” have you ever ate…”. And and “have you ever going”
She said – Have you ever eaten an octopus or a squid?
Also, you click on the CC icon in the right lower corner in order to read what Emma is talking about.
It really helps.
Thank you very much. It is clear now
Thanks Emma
Only seven my finger fell down.
Thanks EMMA!
I have learnt a lot from you and you know i won the game because my three fingers up
Thanks Emma ! I got 90 and I win.
Thank you this lesson Ma’am.
Thanks I have gotten 10 /10
Thank you Emma i have got 10/10.
I’m so glad!!!
Very nice
Thank´s Emma. I won. I´ve never played this game. It was very nice!!
yes i have 8 fingers thanks
I got 9 correct out of 10!!!!
Excellent videeeoo!!!!!!
Great Video and I won the game!!!! Thanks a lot Emma!!!
Thank you Ms. Emma. I have no fingers left in the game.
thanks from algeria
Thank you both Emma and Oudra!
i won. i have two fingers left.
I got 5 of 10 points.but i’m not give up i’ll learn and practice more grammar,Thank you for lesson.
Got 100! (but I cheated only some past participles of verbs :) )
Thank you Emma !
Thank you, Emma, I won the game and it was a great learning experience because I was able to track the past participles that you used in the sentences.
Highly appreciated )
I won the game
yeeeh i got 100
I got 90 percent But I want to be better so I need to practice more.
It was pretty funny.
My congratulations to both of you.
I won the game.
Thank you for the lesson
I won,Thanks
great! wonderful girls!!
Clear grammar introductions. Thanks
i get 100
Our big draw! Emma
Thank you Emma By the way I loose the match?9/10
I go 8 fingers up and 100 thank you
thank you emma did not know you have sister
not from uk from singapore thank you i will be with you and never miss a viedio
I’ve gotten 10 out of ten . Thank you Emma and your sis for the funny game .
I won and have 100 thank you emma
I won and have 100 thank you emma and audara
2 fingers
my score was100
I won the game, i was with three fingers haha
hello, i liked this class, how i can to practice my hear??
2 fingers, I won
I have won
I won 6 fingers up
I lost this game, but I had fun. Thahks!
Thank you profoundly meaning.
I meant thank you profoundly.
I got 7 correct out of 10.
Thank you Emma
Hi Iam new here
Thanks a lot Emma and Audra.
I win the game
Thank you so much rebacca, I have learnt a lot
Hey! I have won the game but just one of my fingers has stayed up)))). Quiz score is 10/10. Dear Emma and your team, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
I won Thank You Emma and Audra
I have won the game with 9 fingers up.
I got 100????
I got 90 , Thank you Emma
thank you ms/Emma.
it was a perfect lesson and i and i have got a really big beneficial and the game was so excited.
9/10 smth forgotten((
thanks for the game… I had 7 fingers up!
I finished at the same time as Audra. She put down 10 fingers and me, however I had a little bit different experience. Thkank you Emma, it was cool.
Have you ever gotten a hundred from an exam?
Yes, I have ;)
Great Teacher Emma! I have been loved your classes! Has your sister joined frequently with you?
My results: QUIZ: 100You got 10 correct out of 10. :D !!!!!
I understand how past participle is formed. Thank you Emma for all the great lessons.
I do not socialize that much I won the game.
I’ve never seen such weird game. Good one=)
Watched with a score of 10 out of 10.
Wow this gonna help me alot.
Nice, that was very helpful!
I won the game^^
wow..this was an awesome lecture. I have never watched such lecture. I have got 100/100. thanks emma
I won the game with six fingers up.
I’ve never played that game, but I won the game. :?
Emma, You are one of the most natural teachers I have ever seen in my life.
I have won the game!! I have three fingers left.
Thanks Emma and Audra for a informative game. I have learned a lot about present perfect tense. Now I am confident to write or use present perfect tense in my writing or speaking. There was two fingers left. I scored 100% in Quiz.
I got 60% :(
I got 9/10. I need to learn more about this tense
i have 2 fingers in the end of the game
I’ve got 10 out of 10. Thank you very much for
the explanation of the material. It’s really useful for me )))
Amazing. Very nice her explanation. She has taught very well.
Emma, i love the way you teach…
Thanks a lot Emma. You are amazing. Hugs.(Azores Islands, 25Dec2021);
No fingers i losssssse
9/10 great.
i have won the game.
I have 4 fingers up…Hee”
Thank you very much for this beautiful lesson on
present perfect tense and I won the game with 6 fingers.
Thank you very much for this beautiful lesson on
practicing present perfect tense and I won the game with 6 fingers.
I got 10 correct out of 10.
I lost the game (:
thanke you emma
Thanks for the wonderful lesson emma. i learned a lot of things through your channel.
The class learned is very important, I love it in this video, it is practically a game and it is where one, the content fits better, thank you
I love the video learning systeem at least I understand faste.
Hi, I have losed the game.
I like the game
Helpful lessons
Thank you
It was so much fun and very interesting for me.
Thank you for the video and your explanation 🤗
It’s simple and clear. Cheers.
Thank you. I have learned a lot from you and I will practice more about it.
Thank you Emma, I enjoyed the lesson a lot. I won the game;)
Thank you Emma for your wonderful lesson. I got 10 out of 10. The game was very fun and interesting.
Thank you Emma for the simple explanation of this important topic. You’re an amazing tutor! Looking forward to your next videos.
Thank you for the lesson. I got 10 of 10. I still had 3 fingers.
Thanks both your sister and you Emma from Toronto for this lesson greetings from Surco Lima
Thanks again for your help.
I’ve never played this game and, It has been fun. Thank you Emma!!!
thank you teacher