Do you want to practice speaking English? In this lesson you’ll watch me have a conversation with a kid. Speaking with children is good because they are easy to talk to, have good grammar, and have a lot to say. You also don’t need to feel nervous when you speak with them. I’ll teach you some easy ways to start conversations with kids. I’ll also tell you what kind of behavior kids DON’T like from adults. In this video, my young friend, Mohamed, will have a conversation with me so that you get a real example of what conversations with children are like. Speaking with children can be a great way to practice your English and learn slang!
WWOOOOW.I really got 10 of 10 correct ,and i would like to thank you both … that was useful lesson
Ronnie keep doing funny and smart class like this
I liked too
A lot of good tips in this video, thanks Ronnie! I’ll use them in my next meetings with the kids frequenting the local school here, since i have to organize a series of meetings with them every year. Thanks again.
Thanks Ronnie for another way of practicing speaking English. I’d like to talk to my son but how can I speak to him If I still make o lot of mistakes. Don’t you think I can teach him to speak in incorrect way?
Thanks Ronnie,
Nice video and Nice kid too.
Thanks Ronnie for this lession. I have always practiced English speaking with my son who is studying English as well in kindergarten
can we chat on facebook my link is
Taqveem Ul Haq
Hi. I want chat with you on Facebook,too. But i can’t search Taqveem.arain because it’s not exit.My Link tvl2019
Yes sure, let’s talk on fb….my fb rustam xsm
Rustam xsm
Thank you, Ronnie. Great and fun lesson :)
Thank you Ronnie, I agree with you to practice speaking english with kids I thought I’m not feel shy when I talked to them. It feel comfortable and relax when I speaking.
Thank you, Ronnie!
Do you have account Facebook
Samir hamdy ragab
very interesting video Ronnie,very inspiring,good idea bringing the kid to demonstrate. keep it up.
abdel 88
Great Ronnie!
Ronnie thank you for this lesson. Quiz 9/10
Martin Po
Ronnie, thanks alot. you are the one.
Mahmoud Basheer
thanks a lot roonie, I’m happy learned with you in this channel. I’m a fucking stupid about English,
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson.. I feel this way you have used to teach, getting a person to talk to you, is awesome..
I think the other students will agree with me
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
smart ESL
i am in China. i can’t see any videos on line. it’s strange that engvid doesn’t work well in China.
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson !
It’s absolutely useful & I’ve tried it before… it really worked
I love EngVid Cuz it brings the best way to learn English .
It is really nice. Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Thanks ronnie
Thanks Ronnie and Mohamed ;)
Thanks a lot for this lesson, it was fun.
Oh Ronnie, you’re so funny and cool. I’m looking forward to your new lessons.
Bushra hg
I’m a child! Does someone want to be my pen-pal/pen friend? I really like meeting new people of any age! :)
Stefan Bundalo
Good day, Ronnie! Thanks for a good lesson. I have my own child, he is a 1 year old boy. I want him to learn english earlier than i!
Hello, I’m new here,teache let me say something, you’re so good in your job, you explain a lot of good, thanks for all.
Nice lesson, Ronnie. Thanks
Júlio César L Sousa
Thanks, Ronnie and Mohamed, for this lesson about English conversation!
I perceive it sounds uncomfortable to talk to a strange kid in my country, because parents, with a certain amount of reason, may be a little paranoid about security here. Besides, only a few speak English well, as a second language.
Fortunately, Mohammed, I can understand you quite perfectly, except when you begin to speak this quickly! :) Really, several topics to talk, which I couldn’t ever imagine in this short period of time.
Fabio Cicerre
excelent ronnie good job
Thanks teacher:)
thanks Ronnie and Muhamed. this class is pretty good!
Raquel Humpheys
kamlesh sahu
Hello Ronnie , Hello Mohamed .
Thanks for the tips.
Now , I can’t help thinking why a so clever young guy waste his time being passionate by GTA V and at the same time feeling so concerned by footballers’ health. Weird !
Take care
Thanks you very much
battu srinubabu
ok is very difficult
Thank you so much Ronnie,i really loved that lesson :)
mema s
thanks a lot ronnie and mohamed .mohamed really cute kid
I definitely agree with her. When I was in Canada I was living with India family to have two kids. I talked to them everyday so I could practice my speaking English. Now I think I got my speaking English improved with those kids.
thanks a lot it was amazing lesson
am new
simple to learn english with example
thanks a lot….
I really like your lessons. I always learn something from them.
nice video good start
sheikh sha
Nice for speak but in my country, We don’t have children who can talk English
yeah! Because everyone use Vietnamese to talk together. Haha let’s go to UK live.
It’s funny :D …
Oh my god i cant :-(
Thank you Ronnie.
thank you! it was very useful!
Thanks Ronnie…
Funny and a great lesson thank you miss Ronnie
thank you
Tamer Favas
Thanks :) good advice.and it was a very funny lesson:))
Good job ronnie your lessons are interesting and funny I’d really want to learn speaking your language Best wishes for you
It was a good and dangerous advice. Even though you have only good intentions to talk to them it can easily put you in trouble. In my opinion, if you are a child it is completely fine to talk to them. However, if you are an adult you should first ask their parents. Instead of talking to kids, I prefer talking to elderly (old people). They are often lovely me understand. Be careful!
Dear Ronnie,
Fist I would like to say thank you so much for this lesson,
I have got pretty good ideas from it.
Thanks a lot :)
thx UR so funny in UR explain
Milad Lotfy
I really like watching your lessons!awesome!
Great lesson. Thank you!
I’ve got 10/10.IvMohammed’m so happy.Thanks Ms.Ronnie and Mohammed.
Awesome! I just got 8/10.
hello everybody guys, lets chat in english if you want to improve your english by talking you may contact me +998979928848 (Imo, telegram, Whatsapp available) Facebook: ayun davronov. please be sure you know english good enough and want to increase your english knowledge. good luck and i will be waiting for you on social networks
that kid is funny jaja thanks great video great advice!!
Jose obregon
Keep go on Ronnie,,,I love you…
Thanks a lot, teacher, Ronnie.
Very nice class with Mohamed, thanks Ronnie!
hello there, thank you very much for the pieces of advice you shared.
Could make a lesson in which you explain the difference between a phrase, sentence and a clause?
that’s cool , thanks Ronnie , I have a qustion whaich is about grammar , please answer my question I feel confused when I want to say I had and I have , I know that had in past and have in present but the difference between these sentences not clear , I had bought a car I have bought a car , does first mean that I havent the car now and the second one that I still have it , what is the difference between past perfect and present perfect , and thank you , I LOOOVE YOUUUU Ronnie
I had a lot of fun.
Dear Ronnie,
Thanks a lot, really its amazing to improve our English.
very fun..
Tariq Shawkat
Thanks Ronnie teacher
thank you Ronnie^~ This is the first time to leave message here. It’s pleasure to meet you~
Minsu Park
thanks teacher. hi everyone. i want to practice my english by speaking with everyone. my Skype lehduc153. Add friend and talk. thanks.
New way of teaching Ronnie,I like it!
hi we can talk each other .due to the fact that i will be fine for our speaking
shahriyar agamammadov
kamlesh sahu
It’s very interisting!
Nice video
Thanks :)
marvelous teacher.I want to teach like her one day
That was a very nice class!Ronnie is the best!
Daniel Dandy
Nice class! :D
Juan Manuel Casanova
thanks ronnie for this amazing class.
It’s great!! Ronnie.
Gilson Serafim
I GOT 10/10
thank you teacher ronie ,
ive learned a lot from you in your videos .. keep it up, good day
it’s nice lesson. i also got 10/10..
any one want to have speaking practice. you can contact me on skype (dilawar.lashari)
Thank´s Ronnie! you are the best!! If someone are interested in speak in English for improve the language my Skype is: Juan Casanova. My photo is the same :D
Juan Manuel Casanova
Ronnie I like so much your lessons you are so cute and funny you make me laugh every time specially when you teach us about slang words
I loooooooove you
Ronnie, that`s amazing! Very smart and interesting, thank you!:)
Thank you!
It is easy to understand.
10 correct answers from 10 questions, I guess not bad for a start. ;-)
Thanks ronnie
Amazing, lesson! It gave me another idea to improve my English skills! Thank you!
Hi,I am searching for person who wanna talk with me on skype for exsample? Do you wanna talk with me to improve my english?
Hi, I would like to improve my english. If you r interested then we can practice through skype. My skype id is nidhi.narain13.
yes we can talk… id is
name is sanjeev jangid
hi i would like to improve my speaking with you
if you want we can speak on the skype
shahriyar agamammadov
Hi, I would like to improve my English. If you want speak with me.
Phone:+9647702914199 Viber / whatsapp
I would like. My skype is daniel.locomotive.
Daniel Messerschmitt
yes we can talk… id is
name is sanjeev jangid
yes i wish to talk u in english ant want to improve english
kamlesh sahu
that is amazing josie.
Thank you for this video, it help me
Thank You Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie!
Do Thanh Quan
I like kids, but its difficult to find them here, who can speak english. but its okay. I hope I can meet the kids like Mohammed, he is so cute :D
thank you
chic eadrom
Hi Ronnie! i am very interested in a very difficult gamma, for example. so do i, neither do i. my neither, could you make a video about that please.
Thanks, Ronnie…!!!
Good video
I feel I can improve my listen skill
Love this channel… Teaching me a lot thanks
10/10 Thanks
thank you Ronnie. Very interesting lesson!
Ronnie. You are “Unique” great lesson..!
Hi,I am searching for person who wanna talk with me to improve my english on skype ?
yasmena . k
Hi. I can talk you
I have not account on skype
i have account on facebook
you accept please
mohamed mido
skype I don’t have skype but I got an acount in facebook you can contact me rodrigo wolfgang pereda ok see ya soon!
thank you Ronnie
Very interested lesson I liked
Muhammad Abbas
thank you Ronnie =D
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Funny and I get a new method to practice English.
You have a very very good sense of humor. Thank you Ronnie. And Mohamed
Thanks Ronnie you are good and funny. I understood everything you made it easy!
That’s true.
Very Good!
Thank u Ronnie
Very Good! Thanks.
i like this kid
Thank u ronie i really like you and the way u teach us I really appreciate for your effort that you make every lesson very understandable for us thank you once again
um sami
Thank you very much for this lesson
but i think that talking with others whos learning this language is more nice to that,and i need some of you to talk with them and practice what we learne
Thanks a lot for this exciting lesson.
Good lesson. Talk to children ever funny >< Thanks Ronnie
Dominick Galdino
Thanks Ronnie!!
Thanks ronnie and i’m proud of you & canada :) <3
Nice tips! Thanks.
very good. I am improving my English with you, Ronnie.
I got 9 out of 10.But it was pretty good.
Thanks Ronnie this video is very good and there are useful tips about kids in it ; I like it
i got 8 out of 10. and inshallah i will get 10 out of 10
if some one want to add me at facebook this is my Facebook ID name.
Hamayoun khogyani khogyani
most welcome my dear friend.
and thanks for your lesson Ronnie
Thanks a lot.
It’s fun. Love it!
very good lesson
Thank you Ronnier for this lesson.
I try to practice with my older daughter because she learns in a bilingual school.
many thanks, I enjoyed so much to see and listen this amazing video
its fun
Great ! I love it.
Isabella Trinh
Yahoo! Got perfect score!!
thx a lot ronnie,because of you i learnt some new words and im tryin’to get slang words you know im in iraq in my country people say funny things if i speak english actually that sucks anyway thx again
Thanks Mrs. Thanks Muhammed
Ronnie,you are amazing!!!?????????
Yana Popovich
Thanks I think it is good lesson
Vugar Beshirov
I fun this lesson!! Thank you Ronnie you´re a great teacher :) :)
out of 10 i got 8 correct answers thank ypu ronnie:)
that is not bad for me. because english is hard for filipino people
who want to help me to improve my english pls… help me. thank you
Thanks Ronnie.
thanks a lot
It makes fun to watch the Video. Keep on going Ronnie. I love it…
That is nice
thanks teacher !!
thanks it was a really good and important lesson…but am in a country that the english id not the first language…and that lead as to the kids do not speak english…i want to ask you what about chat rooms ist good to improve my speaking? and thanks
yousif babiker
thank you for lesson today. like this will become easy :)
rifal rahmaddan
finally i have understand the lesson and got 80% marks thanks ronine
Very good!
Ronaldo Ramos
Thank you very much
Its very good. Thanks Roonie
Thx a lot Ronnie, I really enjoyed myself watching you kidding with mohammed ,the kids idea to learn more English and being more confortable while you speak English is pretty much useful,althought kids sometimes pick up a very stranger topics to talk about hahaha , but it’s okay when you realize that you are more older than them . Thx again .
azzou sovereign
Thank you very much. I got 10 correct out of 10.
i like it
ibrahim saeed
oohhhoo good !! thanks you so much
Thanks Ronnie. Perfect.
Daniel Chagas
need a friend
Thank you Ronnie,
That lesson Washington very fun. Thanks both.
You are great people
Thank you
Marta Lopez
i think that’s good idea to talk with a children, but in my case i live in contry like morocco where the second language is French so it’s difficultly to find some kid to speack with him, thk Ronnie
amazing !!! thanks Ronnie and mohameed
It was an excellent idea!!
wooow good idea and you are good teacher thank you Ronnie
thamer sa
thanks ronnie
Thanks Ronnie .
Hello Ronnie! I would like to suggest that you or other person in EngVid make videos to children. I have two children in my home and I think very intersting to show this type videos to them. If is possible could you please open new Section – Topic KIDS. Thanks in advance. Regards
she is really awesome XD
this is a great idea !
I like lestining to kids so I can hear thier grammar very well .
thank you so much for making this type of funny lessons which is a rear thing .
i love the way you tell its awsum
aditya garg
Loving and funny class. Very good idea talk to kids, specially if they are clever and intelligent like Mohammed. This is a pleasant way to learn about new vocabulary and interact with them.
Thanks Ronnie!
I like the way you teach
Thanks Ronnie!
Nice class Ronnie!
an amazing conversation
thank you teacher
Thanks Ronnie for give a good idea! We really could learn a lot of great things with kids
very good lesson
Alejandro Rivera
i got 10/10
its very useful , thank you ronnie
abdalrezzg jwan
I really liked your orange color, and the kid. I don’t like too much routine, and everything that’s different takes my attention.
bugger off!
i really like the way of Mrs Ronnie she is the best
Thank you Ronnie for interesting lesson. Mohamed, you’re so cool guy! Nice sunglasses! I also like baseball. BlueJays are one of most dangerous team offensively. Jose Bautista, Josh Donaldson, Edwin Encarnacion, Troy Tulowizki, and more. I saw many times that Japanese pitchers allowed home runs to them.
Thank you, Engvid! I think that I’ll learn very!
Thanks Ronnie ,its really amazing U Lots.
this lesson very helpful, thanks ronnie
100) thanks!!!
Thank Ronnie you are like a genius!! It’s absolutely amazing to learn with you. Thank.
As teacher it is important realize what types of children or teenagers you work with, as you have said, my wonderful teacher, this will become more tolerated and fun our classes and we can learn each other as much as we can! I love working with these real humans!
Thanks Ronnie, as usual you rock!
Be well! bye bye!
nice video but I always forget words what should I do ?
What a surprise the kid!
good way
juma porgees
I try it but… all of them speak spanish :(
I got a perfect score. thanks for this lesson..
fantastic lesson
you are the best teacher very funny.
keep going
by bye
thank u
Mahmoud Mohamed Zaky
I am Enjoy with learning English with Ronny .. she teacher Good
Doralus Junior
I love this lesson and ronnie.thank you so much runnie mam….
josim uddin
Nine of ten!
Thank you
thank you very much.
Alaa salim
How i would speak like canadian speaker ?
How to be confident in speaking English on stage?
Thank U it wad really funny
That’s true… But, in my country is difficult to implement that because only several people know the English
nice i wish a partner which talk me in english.
kamlesh sahu
Kids like me can be really usful.
Anyway, thanks teacher.
Thanks both of you! Great and funny lesson!
Jose Lazzo
Thanks both of you, but I´ve a question. Im from Argentina, my country has a lot of brilliant an celebrities in “football” (Maradona, Messi,Kun Aguero, Tevez,Icardi ) I know american’s says : Soccer. But english says “football” as I do (fútbol). I don´t know in Canada how is the wright word to describe this sport. Thanks all of you.
We say “soccer”!
engVid Moderator
thank you so much
itis amazing
rafal redha
Thanks Ronnie and Mohamed ^__^
thanks RONNIE and mohamed i really got him some new slang
fahad mohamed ali
Thank you again! Awesome hint!
that lesson is great
good idea, good teacher,smart boy
i got 10/10
keep on going
i search about person for speak with you,becouse improve my laungue english in skype
Thanks again Ronnie for your lessons and thank you for Mohamed
Mohsen Tatoo
Thanks teacher and boy. I wish you all the best
this is a nice lesson with me….i am going to improve a lot of english skill thought these lessons…tks teacher :)
Mrs Ngoc Anh
Hahahaha this is my first to get 100 points!
I will practice my English everyday!
I need to prectice this lesson again because 70
I really need to improve my speaking !!
I got 90% I really need to improve my speaking
cool, I like this lessons. Your tips are realy useful
Then, I try to talk Joshua many times.
Woow I scored 10 out of 10
it is a very interesting english programs ,i really like it
TEN OVER TEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Ronnie you are a great teacher
This video is kind of different, Ronnie! Creative! I like it! And Mohammed seems a good guy! Thanks.
Thanks a lot Ronnie for such a amazing lesson .Its a good idea that you give to us . And i hope you will present more video like this in upcoming days also. Once again thanks a lot.
We can also use this method to learn another language. Thanks Ronnie, you’re a great teacher!
Thanks Ms Ronnie
I like it
Pwint Phyu Thant
good! Thanks.
Help!why cannot i see the vedio ?
Thanks Ms Ronnie
I am also from Libya ^_^
Yes I got 9 out of 10. I like it
thank you Ronnie
Thanks M’s Ronnie :)
thank you
anir mouh
thank u ronnie
thats interesting video. thankyou for ronnie and mohamaed.
Great lesson!!!
Jakub Alvarez
I liked it….!!
Jakub Alvarez
thanks for your advice,Ronnie! But in my town very hard to find kids who can to speak english and I don’t know what should I do
Arapoglu Ekrem
Thanks Ronnie and Mohammad! Good lesson, i like it very much!
thanks Ronnie , and welcome to my cousin Mohammed from Libya
yasser Daoud
I didn’t think about that need to talk with kids for improving my English. That’s good idea. But, Ronnie, there is no any kid who can speak English near my environment. Please advice how should I do ? :(
Very good Idea!!!!
Ronnie you are very funny! Thanks for your videos and lessons.
I forgot to tell you that you are my namesake, since my name is ronni also on other sides I thank you for this lessons are very interesting
It was helpful lesson. Because of my Libyan nationality,I have a comment about the weather in our country.It’s hot in the summer but in the winter quite cold,you can’t go swim.
Mohamed Houman
thanks ronnie that amazing
oumayma jerbouai
It’s cool
Thank you.
i can’t find mohamed youtube channel
Great lesson! You’re amazing!!
You got 9 correct out of 10.
M kartal
Thank you so much, but I can’t find like Mohamed because I live in an Arabic country :(
Mohamed is an Arabic kid, but he is probably living in an English speaking country.
Everybody in my country speaks Arabic not English.
What can I do?
Abdullah Alshamiri
Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks a lot Mrs. Ronnie!
Thanks Mrs.Ronnie
8 out 10 its not bad
Mai yehia@91
Mrs: you are good how to explain in English with kids because the kids don’t need to speak anyone to speak other kids thank you see you again, could you please help me how to meet you, when we are meeting what I’d like to increase more about in the English language, if you want to meet me just you can call me. Ok, I’d like to relate to you. Goodbye, for now, let’s keep in touch.
It’s great!! Thank YouTube!
Awsome, thank you Ronnie
Always I don’t understand actually kids how they are talking is too fast so I confused it
Amiin mike
You´re wonderful. thanks for these classes.
Hi , how are you ?
Firdaws Azraf
I got 10/10!!! It’s for the first time!! Yey;)
i got full marks. Thank you, Ronnie.
Julia Zin
Amazing. It was very useful
Thank you Ronnie. I will try with my kids.
thank you teacher
Hello. Can somebody help me? My question is about kid’s playing with cars. I don’t know how to say as a kid makes a car go to some where BY HIS HAND (for example to another kid). Which verb do you use? Push? Move? launch? drive? roll …? I looked for that everywhere but I found nothing.
Thank hou teacher
9/10! Good! Mohamed is a cute boy! He is good at talking with strangers. I want my son to also can talk easily with strangers. My son is so shaming.
Jerry Gu
Thank you Ronnie and Mohamed. Ronnie you are the best and you my favourite :)
Good tip Ronnie, Thank you!
ilike your metode
I like it
Bouhamidi aicha
Dear Ronny, you and Mohammed are a good team!
A very special conversation between an intelligent woman and a clever boy. Thanks to both of you.
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
i like it
Thank you!
ooh finally i saw someone from iraq xD lol
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) thanks
Very good! Thanks
WWOOOOW.I really got 10 of 10 correct ,and i would like to thank you both … that was useful lesson
Ronnie keep doing funny and smart class like this
I liked too
A lot of good tips in this video, thanks Ronnie! I’ll use them in my next meetings with the kids frequenting the local school here, since i have to organize a series of meetings with them every year. Thanks again.
Thanks Ronnie for another way of practicing speaking English. I’d like to talk to my son but how can I speak to him If I still make o lot of mistakes. Don’t you think I can teach him to speak in incorrect way?
Thanks Ronnie,
Nice video and Nice kid too.
Thanks Ronnie for this lession. I have always practiced English speaking with my son who is studying English as well in kindergarten
can we chat on facebook my link is
Hi. I want chat with you on Facebook,too. But i can’t search Taqveem.arain because it’s not exit.My Link tvl2019
Yes sure, let’s talk on fb….my fb rustam xsm
Thank you, Ronnie. Great and fun lesson :)
Thank you Ronnie, I agree with you to practice speaking english with kids I thought I’m not feel shy when I talked to them. It feel comfortable and relax when I speaking.
Thank you, Ronnie!
Do you have account Facebook
very interesting video Ronnie,very inspiring,good idea bringing the kid to demonstrate. keep it up.
Great Ronnie!
Ronnie thank you for this lesson. Quiz 9/10
Ronnie, thanks alot. you are the one.
thanks a lot roonie, I’m happy learned with you in this channel. I’m a fucking stupid about English,
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson.. I feel this way you have used to teach, getting a person to talk to you, is awesome..
I think the other students will agree with me
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
i am in China. i can’t see any videos on line. it’s strange that engvid doesn’t work well in China.
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson !
It’s absolutely useful & I’ve tried it before… it really worked
I love EngVid Cuz it brings the best way to learn English .
It is really nice. Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Thanks ronnie
Thanks Ronnie and Mohamed ;)
Thanks a lot for this lesson, it was fun.
Oh Ronnie, you’re so funny and cool. I’m looking forward to your new lessons.
I’m a child! Does someone want to be my pen-pal/pen friend? I really like meeting new people of any age! :)
Good day, Ronnie! Thanks for a good lesson. I have my own child, he is a 1 year old boy. I want him to learn english earlier than i!
Hello, I’m new here,teache let me say something, you’re so good in your job, you explain a lot of good, thanks for all.
Nice lesson, Ronnie. Thanks
Thanks, Ronnie and Mohamed, for this lesson about English conversation!
I perceive it sounds uncomfortable to talk to a strange kid in my country, because parents, with a certain amount of reason, may be a little paranoid about security here. Besides, only a few speak English well, as a second language.
Fortunately, Mohammed, I can understand you quite perfectly, except when you begin to speak this quickly! :) Really, several topics to talk, which I couldn’t ever imagine in this short period of time.
excelent ronnie good job
Thanks teacher:)
thanks Ronnie and Muhamed. this class is pretty good!
Hello Ronnie , Hello Mohamed .
Thanks for the tips.
Now , I can’t help thinking why a so clever young guy waste his time being passionate by GTA V and at the same time feeling so concerned by footballers’ health. Weird !
Take care
Thanks you very much
ok is very difficult
Thank you so much Ronnie,i really loved that lesson :)
thanks a lot ronnie and mohamed .mohamed really cute kid
I definitely agree with her. When I was in Canada I was living with India family to have two kids. I talked to them everyday so I could practice my speaking English. Now I think I got my speaking English improved with those kids.
thanks a lot it was amazing lesson
am new
simple to learn english with example
thanks a lot….
I really like your lessons. I always learn something from them.
nice video good start
Nice for speak but in my country, We don’t have children who can talk English
yeah! Because everyone use Vietnamese to talk together. Haha let’s go to UK live.
It’s funny :D …
Oh my god i cant :-(
Thank you Ronnie.
thank you! it was very useful!
Thanks Ronnie…
Funny and a great lesson thank you miss Ronnie
thank you
Thanks :) good advice.and it was a very funny lesson:))
Good job ronnie your lessons are interesting and funny I’d really want to learn speaking your language Best wishes for you
It was a good and dangerous advice. Even though you have only good intentions to talk to them it can easily put you in trouble. In my opinion, if you are a child it is completely fine to talk to them. However, if you are an adult you should first ask their parents. Instead of talking to kids, I prefer talking to elderly (old people). They are often lovely me understand. Be careful!
Dear Ronnie,
Fist I would like to say thank you so much for this lesson,
I have got pretty good ideas from it.
Thanks a lot :)
thx UR so funny in UR explain
I really like watching your lessons!awesome!
Great lesson. Thank you!
I’ve got 10/10.IvMohammed’m so happy.Thanks Ms.Ronnie and Mohammed.
Awesome! I just got 8/10.
hello everybody guys, lets chat in english if you want to improve your english by talking you may contact me +998979928848 (Imo, telegram, Whatsapp available) Facebook: ayun davronov. please be sure you know english good enough and want to increase your english knowledge. good luck and i will be waiting for you on social networks
that kid is funny jaja thanks great video great advice!!
Keep go on Ronnie,,,I love you…
Thanks a lot, teacher, Ronnie.
Very nice class with Mohamed, thanks Ronnie!
hello there, thank you very much for the pieces of advice you shared.
Could make a lesson in which you explain the difference between a phrase, sentence and a clause?
that’s cool , thanks Ronnie , I have a qustion whaich is about grammar , please answer my question I feel confused when I want to say I had and I have , I know that had in past and have in present but the difference between these sentences not clear , I had bought a car I have bought a car , does first mean that I havent the car now and the second one that I still have it , what is the difference between past perfect and present perfect , and thank you , I LOOOVE YOUUUU Ronnie
I had a lot of fun.
Dear Ronnie,
Thanks a lot, really its amazing to improve our English.
very fun..
Thanks Ronnie teacher
thank you Ronnie^~ This is the first time to leave message here. It’s pleasure to meet you~
thanks teacher. hi everyone. i want to practice my english by speaking with everyone. my Skype lehduc153. Add friend and talk. thanks.
New way of teaching Ronnie,I like it!
hi we can talk each other .due to the fact that i will be fine for our speaking
It’s very interisting!
Nice video
Thanks :)
marvelous teacher.I want to teach like her one day
That was a very nice class!Ronnie is the best!
Nice class! :D
thanks ronnie for this amazing class.
It’s great!! Ronnie.
I GOT 10/10
thank you teacher ronie ,
ive learned a lot from you in your videos .. keep it up, good day
it’s nice lesson. i also got 10/10..
any one want to have speaking practice. you can contact me on skype (dilawar.lashari)
Thank´s Ronnie! you are the best!! If someone are interested in speak in English for improve the language my Skype is: Juan Casanova. My photo is the same :D
Ronnie I like so much your lessons you are so cute and funny you make me laugh every time specially when you teach us about slang words
I loooooooove you
Ronnie, that`s amazing! Very smart and interesting, thank you!:)
Thank you!
It is easy to understand.
10 correct answers from 10 questions, I guess not bad for a start. ;-)
Thanks ronnie
Amazing, lesson! It gave me another idea to improve my English skills! Thank you!
Hi,I am searching for person who wanna talk with me on skype for exsample? Do you wanna talk with me to improve my english?
Hi, I would like to improve my english. If you r interested then we can practice through skype. My skype id is nidhi.narain13.
yes we can talk… id is
name is sanjeev jangid
hi i would like to improve my speaking with you
if you want we can speak on the skype
Hi, I would like to improve my English. If you want speak with me.
Phone:+9647702914199 Viber / whatsapp
I would like. My skype is daniel.locomotive.
yes we can talk… id is
name is sanjeev jangid
yes i wish to talk u in english ant want to improve english
that is amazing josie.
Thank you for this video, it help me
Thank You Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie!
I like kids, but its difficult to find them here, who can speak english. but its okay. I hope I can meet the kids like Mohammed, he is so cute :D
thank you
Hi Ronnie! i am very interested in a very difficult gamma, for example. so do i, neither do i. my neither, could you make a video about that please.
Thanks, Ronnie…!!!
Good video
I feel I can improve my listen skill
Love this channel… Teaching me a lot thanks
10/10 Thanks
thank you Ronnie. Very interesting lesson!
Ronnie. You are “Unique” great lesson..!
Hi,I am searching for person who wanna talk with me to improve my english on skype ?
Hi. I can talk you
I have not account on skype
i have account on facebook
you accept please
skype I don’t have skype but I got an acount in facebook you can contact me rodrigo wolfgang pereda ok see ya soon!
thank you Ronnie
Very interested lesson I liked
thank you Ronnie =D
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Funny and I get a new method to practice English.
You have a very very good sense of humor. Thank you Ronnie. And Mohamed
Thanks Ronnie you are good and funny. I understood everything you made it easy!
That’s true.
Very Good!
Thank u Ronnie
Very Good! Thanks.
i like this kid
Thank u ronie i really like you and the way u teach us I really appreciate for your effort that you make every lesson very understandable for us thank you once again
Thank you very much for this lesson
but i think that talking with others whos learning this language is more nice to that,and i need some of you to talk with them and practice what we learne
Thanks a lot for this exciting lesson.
Good lesson. Talk to children ever funny >< Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie!!
Thanks ronnie and i’m proud of you & canada :) <3
Nice tips! Thanks.
very good. I am improving my English with you, Ronnie.
I got 9 out of 10.But it was pretty good.
Thanks Ronnie this video is very good and there are useful tips about kids in it ; I like it
i got 8 out of 10. and inshallah i will get 10 out of 10
if some one want to add me at facebook this is my Facebook ID name.
Hamayoun khogyani khogyani
most welcome my dear friend.
and thanks for your lesson Ronnie
Thanks a lot.
It’s fun. Love it!
very good lesson
Thank you Ronnier for this lesson.
I try to practice with my older daughter because she learns in a bilingual school.
many thanks, I enjoyed so much to see and listen this amazing video
its fun
Great ! I love it.
Yahoo! Got perfect score!!
thx a lot ronnie,because of you i learnt some new words and im tryin’to get slang words you know im in iraq in my country people say funny things if i speak english actually that sucks anyway thx again
Thanks Mrs. Thanks Muhammed
Ronnie,you are amazing!!!?????????
Thanks I think it is good lesson
I fun this lesson!! Thank you Ronnie you´re a great teacher :) :)
out of 10 i got 8 correct answers thank ypu ronnie:)
that is not bad for me. because english is hard for filipino people
who want to help me to improve my english pls… help me. thank you
Thanks Ronnie.
thanks a lot
It makes fun to watch the Video. Keep on going Ronnie. I love it…
That is nice
thanks teacher !!
thanks it was a really good and important lesson…but am in a country that the english id not the first language…and that lead as to the kids do not speak english…i want to ask you what about chat rooms ist good to improve my speaking? and thanks
thank you for lesson today. like this will become easy :)
finally i have understand the lesson and got 80% marks thanks ronine
Very good!
Thank you very much
Its very good. Thanks Roonie
Thx a lot Ronnie, I really enjoyed myself watching you kidding with mohammed ,the kids idea to learn more English and being more confortable while you speak English is pretty much useful,althought kids sometimes pick up a very stranger topics to talk about hahaha , but it’s okay when you realize that you are more older than them . Thx again .
Thank you very much. I got 10 correct out of 10.
i like it
oohhhoo good !! thanks you so much
Thanks Ronnie. Perfect.
need a friend
Thank you Ronnie,
That lesson Washington very fun. Thanks both.
You are great people
Thank you
i think that’s good idea to talk with a children, but in my case i live in contry like morocco where the second language is French so it’s difficultly to find some kid to speack with him, thk Ronnie
amazing !!! thanks Ronnie and mohameed
It was an excellent idea!!
wooow good idea and you are good teacher thank you Ronnie
thanks ronnie
Thanks Ronnie .
Hello Ronnie! I would like to suggest that you or other person in EngVid make videos to children. I have two children in my home and I think very intersting to show this type videos to them. If is possible could you please open new Section – Topic KIDS. Thanks in advance. Regards
she is really awesome XD
this is a great idea !
I like lestining to kids so I can hear thier grammar very well .
thank you so much for making this type of funny lessons which is a rear thing .
i love the way you tell its awsum
Loving and funny class. Very good idea talk to kids, specially if they are clever and intelligent like Mohammed. This is a pleasant way to learn about new vocabulary and interact with them.
Thanks Ronnie!
I like the way you teach
Thanks Ronnie!
Nice class Ronnie!
an amazing conversation
thank you teacher
Thanks Ronnie for give a good idea! We really could learn a lot of great things with kids
very good lesson
i got 10/10
its very useful , thank you ronnie
I really liked your orange color, and the kid. I don’t like too much routine, and everything that’s different takes my attention.
bugger off!
i really like the way of Mrs Ronnie she is the best
I GOT 100….. YUPIII!!!
I like it :)
thanks ronnie
if you want to talk with me.
my email is
my phone number is 0912417660
Thank you Ronnie for interesting lesson. Mohamed, you’re so cool guy! Nice sunglasses! I also like baseball. BlueJays are one of most dangerous team offensively. Jose Bautista, Josh Donaldson, Edwin Encarnacion, Troy Tulowizki, and more. I saw many times that Japanese pitchers allowed home runs to them.
Thank you, Engvid! I think that I’ll learn very!
Thanks Ronnie ,its really amazing U Lots.
this lesson very helpful, thanks ronnie
100) thanks!!!
Thank Ronnie you are like a genius!! It’s absolutely amazing to learn with you. Thank.
As teacher it is important realize what types of children or teenagers you work with, as you have said, my wonderful teacher, this will become more tolerated and fun our classes and we can learn each other as much as we can! I love working with these real humans!
Thanks Ronnie, as usual you rock!
Be well! bye bye!
nice video but I always forget words what should I do ?
What a surprise the kid!
good way
I try it but… all of them speak spanish :(
I got a perfect score. thanks for this lesson..
fantastic lesson
you are the best teacher very funny.
keep going
by bye
thank u
I am Enjoy with learning English with Ronny .. she teacher Good
I love this lesson and ronnie.thank you so much runnie mam….
Nine of ten!
Thank you
thank you very much.
How i would speak like canadian speaker ?
How to be confident in speaking English on stage?
Thank U it wad really funny
That’s true… But, in my country is difficult to implement that because only several people know the English
nice i wish a partner which talk me in english.
Kids like me can be really usful.
Anyway, thanks teacher.
Thanks both of you! Great and funny lesson!
Thanks both of you, but I´ve a question. Im from Argentina, my country has a lot of brilliant an celebrities in “football” (Maradona, Messi,Kun Aguero, Tevez,Icardi ) I know american’s says : Soccer. But english says “football” as I do (fútbol). I don´t know in Canada how is the wright word to describe this sport. Thanks all of you.
We say “soccer”!
thank you so much
itis amazing
Thanks Ronnie and Mohamed ^__^
thanks RONNIE and mohamed i really got him some new slang
Thank you again! Awesome hint!
that lesson is great
good idea, good teacher,smart boy
i got 10/10
keep on going
i search about person for speak with you,becouse improve my laungue english in skype
Thanks again Ronnie for your lessons and thank you for Mohamed
Thanks teacher and boy. I wish you all the best
this is a nice lesson with me….i am going to improve a lot of english skill thought these lessons…tks teacher :)
Hahahaha this is my first to get 100 points!
I will practice my English everyday!
I need to prectice this lesson again because 70
I really need to improve my speaking !!
I got 90% I really need to improve my speaking
cool, I like this lessons. Your tips are realy useful
Then, I try to talk Joshua many times.
Woow I scored 10 out of 10
it is a very interesting english programs ,i really like it
TEN OVER TEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Ronnie you are a great teacher
This video is kind of different, Ronnie! Creative! I like it! And Mohammed seems a good guy! Thanks.
Thanks a lot Ronnie for such a amazing lesson .Its a good idea that you give to us . And i hope you will present more video like this in upcoming days also. Once again thanks a lot.
We can also use this method to learn another language. Thanks Ronnie, you’re a great teacher!
Thanks Ms Ronnie
I like it
good! Thanks.
Help!why cannot i see the vedio ?
Thanks Ms Ronnie
I am also from Libya ^_^
Yes I got 9 out of 10. I like it
thank you Ronnie
Thanks M’s Ronnie :)
thank you
thank u ronnie
thats interesting video. thankyou for ronnie and mohamaed.
Great lesson!!!
I liked it….!!
thanks for your advice,Ronnie! But in my town very hard to find kids who can to speak english and I don’t know what should I do
Thanks Ronnie and Mohammad! Good lesson, i like it very much!
thanks Ronnie , and welcome to my cousin Mohammed from Libya
I didn’t think about that need to talk with kids for improving my English. That’s good idea. But, Ronnie, there is no any kid who can speak English near my environment. Please advice how should I do ? :(
Very good Idea!!!!
Ronnie you are very funny! Thanks for your videos and lessons.
I forgot to tell you that you are my namesake, since my name is ronni also on other sides I thank you for this lessons are very interesting
It was helpful lesson. Because of my Libyan nationality,I have a comment about the weather in our country.It’s hot in the summer but in the winter quite cold,you can’t go swim.
thanks ronnie that amazing
It’s cool
Thank you.
i can’t find mohamed youtube channel
Great lesson! You’re amazing!!
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you so much, but I can’t find like Mohamed because I live in an Arabic country :(
Mohamed is an Arabic kid, but he is probably living in an English speaking country.
Everybody in my country speaks Arabic not English.
What can I do?
Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks a lot Mrs. Ronnie!
Thanks Mrs.Ronnie
8 out 10 its not bad
Mrs: you are good how to explain in English with kids because the kids don’t need to speak anyone to speak other kids thank you see you again, could you please help me how to meet you, when we are meeting what I’d like to increase more about in the English language, if you want to meet me just you can call me. Ok, I’d like to relate to you. Goodbye, for now, let’s keep in touch.
It’s great!! Thank YouTube!
Awsome, thank you Ronnie
Always I don’t understand actually kids how they are talking is too fast so I confused it
You´re wonderful. thanks for these classes.
Hi , how are you ?
I got 10/10!!! It’s for the first time!! Yey;)
i got full marks. Thank you, Ronnie.
Amazing. It was very useful
Thank you Ronnie. I will try with my kids.
thank you teacher
Hello. Can somebody help me? My question is about kid’s playing with cars. I don’t know how to say as a kid makes a car go to some where BY HIS HAND (for example to another kid). Which verb do you use? Push? Move? launch? drive? roll …? I looked for that everywhere but I found nothing.
Thank hou teacher
9/10! Good! Mohamed is a cute boy! He is good at talking with strangers. I want my son to also can talk easily with strangers. My son is so shaming.
Thank you Ronnie and Mohamed. Ronnie you are the best and you my favourite :)
Good tip Ronnie, Thank you!
ilike your metode
I like it
Dear Ronny, you and Mohammed are a good team!
A very special conversation between an intelligent woman and a clever boy. Thanks to both of you.