have been
working” and “I had been
working”? In this English class, we will compare the PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS tense and the PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS tense. After watching, you won’t be confused ever again on when you should use each of these tenses. We’ll review when to use each tense, how to form them, and what common mistakes to avoid. We’ll also do practice exercises together, so you can be correct and confident when speaking and writing in English. This video is part of my engVid series on English verb tenses, which can upgrade your general, business, or academic English, including for exams like the IELTS or TOEFL. The next class in this series is .
Rebecca!!! Thank you for your lesson.
Thank you kindly! All the best to you, pavanut2.
Good morning Nepal. your lesson is super understandable. thank you.
Hi Mam,
I love your teaching styles, the way you teach is fabulous.
I want to learn more, please teach me 🙏 so that I speak English fluently
Thank you a lot!!!
Tenses are one of the most important grammar in English. I refresh my memory by watching Rebecca’s video and my English seems to be improving little by little every day. Thank you so much!
You’re so right, Insoo Yeo. The verb tenses are the backbone of our communication. So glad the videos have helped you move forward steadily. My best wishes to you!
You have prepared very good lessons.
I liked it, it was useful.
Thanks a lott.
Hi Rebecca. Thank you for this wonderful lesson. Nice video and I got 100/100. Thank you so much!
Good for you! Congratulations, palakshi nautiyal.
May you continue to progress powerfully. All the best.
Ms Rebecce Thank you. You lesson. Nice video is the bast 100/100.thank you so much
Thank you very much Rebecca ,you are really great teacher.
thank you Robeca
Thank you so much, Rebecca I have been studying all of the lesson from you and EngVid.com, so I am gotten 100 point.
I had been doing this quiz for 10 min. before I got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi Rebecca, Thank u for the lesson. I’ve got 10 out of 10. You’re the best teacher in the world. I understand your lessons it can help me improve my english level. Once again Thank u Rebecca Mam….
Thanks so much Rebecca.
Great lesson.
Thanks to each one of you for taking the time to leave your comments. Sorry I cannot reply individually, but I do read all your comments. I wish you continued success.
Daer miss thank you so much for all this lessons I’m so happy to be here and learning English. ?
An amazing class. Now I can say that I understand both of the tenses.
Big thank you Rebecca,
Rebeca excellent
Thank you for the class, it was very clear and a pleasure to listen to.
Thanks madam
What a useful lesson. Clear and nice as always.
Thank you.
Hi, Rebecca.
I had been studying English for a last couple years so I understood all you said.
Thank you.
Thank so much Rebecca
I am very happy
Thank you madam.
thank you so much
you are an excellent teacher
To be honest, I’m not really good in English. I can understand the language but I’m afraid to speak it in public. I’m not confident because I don’t know how to use the correct verbs when constructing sentences. Luckily I had found your channel in youtube and it helps me a lot.
I feel you. We’re the same.
Thank you Rebecca! This lesson is a good opportunity for the consolidation knowledge about perfect tenses. Just for practice: I have been waiting my first trip after quarantine so I am very happy. I hadn’t been traveling anywhere during last months so I was very upset last two weeks.
Merci beaucoup.c ‘est très compréhensif
Dear Mamdam,
Is Below sentence example for Past perfect tense?
She had wanted to watch the movie, but she didn’t have money for the ticket.
Hi Rebecca , I just wanted to thank you , you are really a great teacher
it is so clearly, thank you very much.
Dear Rebecca I got 9 correct out of 10 but unfortunately, I have been trying to learn English Tenses But I am tired.
10/10.. Thankyou Rebicca..
Rebecca, thankyou very much for this excellent way to make someone understood. I had always been confused between these two tenses, finally my doubts are cleared.i have got 9 out of 10 in the quiz.
thank you so mutch for the lesson it has been a
fun watching your videos
thank very much teacher I got 100%
I think I have got a clear vision of these two major tenses now. Thank You.
Thaaaaks rebecca!!!!
Hello there Miss Rebeca, those had been being the best 20 minutes invested for this topic so far. Then, I have been wondering how can be the best way to thank you for clarify the matter in such a wonderful way, until this very moment. So, I wrote these lines in this particular way just to emphasize that before I hadn’t been seeing it clear, but along with your explanation, all my doubts had been vanishing nicely. I hope I had written the sentences correctly. Therefore, I have to keep practicing the use of both tenses. Thank you very much indeed. Greetings from Peru.
Hi Rebecca,
as always extremely useful and great lesson. It’s pleasure to watch those lessons. I still wait for lessons of advances future tenses made by you.
By for now.
All the best with your English fellas. :)
Excellent, thank you
Thankyou so much rebecca. Your lessons so helpful
Thank you so much Rebecca, I got 100%
perfect …. thank you
Thsnk you Rebecca. I got 9 of 10
Thank you so much for everything Rebecca. I got 10 of 10
Hello, I’m weak in language, what should I do? Sorre Im Iranian
learn all fourm of tenses like have been doing.
I did not get answer for my comment
Great! Thank you .
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca! It’s a big help…Lovelots from Philippines!???
100% for first time . in all other quiz test i had got 70% or some time 80%.
You are a good teacher, thank you
I got 10/10, Thanks Rebecca.
many thanks, Rebecca. but if say I was going to the gym every day; it is similar to this phrase, I had been going to the gym every day every day
I’ve been studying about grammar since I was young. but I still was confused and didn’t understand it well. Thanks you for your videos so much. I got it all now.
I got 100, Thanks Rebecca for you excellent lesson
Thank you very much Rebecca for explaining the differences which made me to understand clearly
My dear teacher Rebecca I have finished all your tenses and practiced all of them in (Engvid.com).
I want to move step by step to master grammar courses in a few weeks.
I am requiring your advice. What is the next step that I can go forward after completing all tenses.
I’m waiting your response. Give me a guideline to follow.
Last week, you had been distinguishing between These two tenses. I really admired for your technical skills.
Every one can understand your clear explanation.
woow that was great. 10 correct out of 10. your explanation was fantastic.
Thanks a lot dear ticher.
Thank you so much!!!! I love the way you teach, I’m able to understand and keep up.
thanks so so much
Thank you for your lesson.your teaching style is excellent.
Thanks alots
Hi Rebecca. Thank you very much for every single class. I have been learning a lot with your classes. I need to be prepared for the TOEFL test. It is a big challenge for me, because is a very hard test and I need to practice a lot.
Thank you very much Rebecca
thanks too much
Thank you so much, ma’am Rebbecca.
Thanks alots
I am learning a lot from you teacher Rebecca. Thank you so much!!!
Thanks a lot for this wonderful lesson, my English skills improving from day to others.
Hi Rebecca, thank you very much for this lesson.
It is clear and easy to understand.
I got 10/10 from the quiz.
Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for this wonderful session and I scored 100%
Hello Rebecca, I’m really grateful to you for your lessons. I’d been always cofusing about these two tenses, now I understand everything. I hope I use these tenses correctly all time.
Thank you very much for your class, Ms Rebeca! Every minute that i have been listening to your lesson makes me fun.
Thank you Rebecca I have been watching your lessons for last last 6/7 months. It is very helpful to learn English in a more effective way.
Thank you Rebeca you’re a fabulous teacher
Thank you Rebecca for your excellent work
Mam Shall I get more exercise to practice.
I really love it this class! Thank you so much, I could understand everything. :) I’m so happy
Hello Rebecca, Thank you for being such a amazing teacher and explaining it so clearly.
thank you so much Ms. Rebecca for your time and effort to give us an amazing lesson. I really enjoyed it.
Thank you very much for making English grammar easy for beginners.
I will remember this way..
We would known what we have connecting it on the past event to present event is present perfect continuous..
Thank you very much!
Thank you so much! God bless
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much for your wonderful teaching. Your accent is so clear, your explanation is so precise, your examples are exactly what we need to understand what you want to convey to us. Thank you!
Very helpful lesson. Thank you, Rebecca.
Teacher,,,,,, your the best teacher
Thank you Rebbeca …
I got 10/10
Dear Rebbeca im appreciate you for great teaching .
Thank you very much.Now I understand what differences between those tenses.
good video Rebecca!
Rebecca, you did a beautiful job with this contrast! meaning present perfect continues and past present continues!
I’ve got 10 out of 10, thank you Rebecca, I even don’t supposed such result
Thank you so much! I’ve got 10/10!
Thank you Ma’am Rebecca. My english grammar has been improving since I started watching your videos. More videos to watch.
Thank you very much. I have got 10 out of 10. I am very grateful to you, madam Rebecca.
Thank you for the lesson. I got 10/10. If I am not wrong, tenses are the most important in grammar and English.
thank you for the lesson. I got 10/10 but i have a question to ask.
what is the difference between ‘i have been working’ and ‘i have worked’?
Rebecca, you are an excellent teacher. Thank you
Excellent lesson, teacher Rebecca. Thanks a lot.(Azores Islands, 02Feb2021);
Thank you Ma’am I got 10/10
Thank Rebeca
I have been watching your lecture for a month, so i understand your teaching methoud.
I had been watching your lecture for two months, so I understood your lecture
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca.. May Jehovah God continue to shower his blessings upon you.. ??
I had been watching the soccer game before electricity has gone.
Thanks Rebecca I liked
thanks Becca .. thanks for this insight
You are the best teacher ever!!!!!
Best teacher ever!!
Hi Rebecca.Thank you a lot!
I love your classes. Thank you so much
Rebecca you are amazing, such a good teacher!
Thank so much Teacher
I got all answers correct! I made it! Thanks Rebecca. You’re a blessing to me from God?
thank you Madam because of you i have improved my English
I am happy I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you, Rebecca.
Darling Rebecca,
You are an amazing teacher!!!!
I am looking at a lot of videos with different languages, about this tense, and steel does not understand. Only one time have been watching your video lesson. I understand and have a quiz 100 %.
Thanks a lot!!!!!!
Thanks miss Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca its help full for me in this lesson because i am so ill in this language so i hope i will cover up as soon as
I loved this ❤❤❤
Useful Lesson. Thank you!
Thank you for your lesson, Ms. Rebecca! It really helps me a lot to improve my english. You’re heaven-sent. :)
Rebeka! You are the best teacher. Thank you so much.
Thank you!
GOD Bless and Thank you so much Prof. Rebecca
for this lesson i just got 7/10
need to be more careful
Rebecca youre still the best
Thank you so much I improve my English since I start following you teachers special thx to teacher Rebecca and Ronnie.
WOOW again I’ve got 10/10 amazing.
now I know how to use present perfect continuous and past perfect continuous. thanks teacher.
is there anyone who get 10/10?
Hello dear teacher!
As always extremely useful and great lesson. I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you for your lesson
I had been watching an English language tutorial video from mam Rebecca for the past 3 weeks, So I was a bit better at my English knowledge.
I watched this video twice on August 16, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got ten out of 10.
Thank you madam, you are my best teacher….
thanks Rebecca I got 90.
Rebecca thank you so for this leson,It’s very useful
Thank You Ms. Rebecca, The way you’re teaching has been working a’lot for me.
Thank you so much, madam Rebecca
Thank you so much
Thanks a lot, I have enjoyed it.
thank you very much,Rebeca.may God bless you a lot!
What a lesson, Rebeca.Excellent!
Thanks, Rebecca 10/9 I liked
thank you so much Rabecca.
I have been learning how to use English from you rebecca and I see progress in me little by little. Thank you for the privilege rebecca ?
Alhamdulillah.10 out of 10.
Rebecca,Thank you for your lesson.
Yeay … i got score 100 :) Thanks Rebecca, you have been teaching me a lot until now .. I hope my English improve everyday .. Thank you … God bless you
Thank you Rebecca. I had been exciting when I was listening to your teaching this lesson.
This lesson is good Thank you Rebecca
Thanks for your all lessons on tenses I have been listening your all lectures and I understand them clearly
Thank you Rebecca for the clarity of your teaching. It really builds up confidence.Many thanks and I promise to take great care of my English.
Thank you rebecca ,everything is so clear now . I really feel that I am improving and I love speaking in English.
Thank you Rebecca!
You are the best!
Rebecca, this is tremendous
thank you so much Rebecca!
Rebecca, you are an amazing teacher. So easy to follow.
Rebecca, you can’t even imagine, how helpful your lessons are. Thank you :)!
Thanks Rebbeca. It classes has been working a lot for me.
Tks! Teacher Rebecca
finally, I got a perfect score on this quiz so I have to say thank you very much again, I really appreciate the methods of your teaching.
100 :)))))
What is the difference between saying
I was doing and I had been doing.
10 out of 10
It’s great 👍
Thank you very much Rebecca!
It was very useful to compare two continuous tenses.
thank you so much, Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for these lessons. They are very helpful but I have a little confusion. Please try to understand my question. I’m waiting patiently for your answer:)
Had been working hard all day, so I was tired. (It means I was working in the past and I was tired in the past)
I have been working hard all day, so I am tired. ( It means I started work in the past but the work is still continue and I’m feeling tired)
How will say if want to say:
I worked hard in the past. The work is complete now . Its not continue but I’m feeling tired now, in the present?
Thank you 8/10
When I started English, That time I didn’t know how to use tense. I had been speaking only Hindi language before I watched this lesson. I have been trying English speaking since 2019. Now, I feel, I know lots of things about Tense. And I am trying to speak in English now. You know what, You bring my confidence level up. Thank you so much, Mam.
Thank you so much
Thank you very mush it was very helpful
Thanks, Rebecca, You have been explaining so well, I liked her English class.
The video is gone. Please return it, I keep studying the tenses until I master it. I appreciate Ms. Rebecca’s lessons. Thank you and more power to all the people behind this program.
well done
Nice teacher nice smile ; l got 100/100
Lesson completed!
I had been learning English for several days. Your teaching methods was amazing. It can help me and improve my English, a litle by litle. Much appreciated, thank you
thank so much.
Thanks Rebecca. I have been trying to play this video for a few days, but it doesn’t work.
Thank you!
good job !!!!!!!!
Thank you Rebecca, you have been making English tenses easy to understand
excelente trabajo
I’m happy with the explanation. It makes sense. We need part 2.
Rebecca, you are one of the pest instructor I have ever seen.
Best regards..
Dear Teacher,
Thank you so much for your very helpful and insightful lessons on English grammar. I have almost completed the section on tenses, with only three lessons remaining to fully finish it. Thankfully, I have been able to achieve high scores in recent exams, usually between 80 and 90, and today I even managed to get a perfect score of 100. I deeply appreciate your excellent teaching.
I wanted to ask if the other English lessons on your YouTube channel, like those on tenses, are organized in a proper sequence. Also, after completing the tenses section, which topic would you recommend I focus on next?
Thank you so much for your guidance.
100You got 10 correct out of 10.
The methods of your teaching is above and beyond. Thank you.
Rebecca, I have been studying English for many time, so I understand this class.
Thank you!