In this easy English class, you will learn all about the PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE. I’ll teach you how to use it, when to use it, and what mistakes to avoid. This is a full, complete English grammar class for anyone who wants to communicate fluently. You will learn structure, usage, spelling, contractions, questions, and short answers. We’ll go step by step and practice together in a relaxed way. The present simple is one of the most basic tenses in English. However, it does not exist in every language, so it’s important to understand and use it correctly. This video is part of my engVid series on ALL the English verb tenses, from beginner to advanced levels. Watch the next lesson here.
I love this lesson! Very easy and understandable :)!
Tanks Rebecca.
But I have maybe a simple question, someone works (at or in)?? a bank
I guess that the right answer is “in”.
thanks my best teacher, God bless you ???
Deng Lang
Thank You Ma’am !!
Tarak Laha
I also love it, thanks, Rebecca.
I like the way you present the subject and your diction is great to understand word for word.
good lesson
rabab shimey
I got 10/10, although the lesson is quite long but your explaination is well so i can understand everything. Thank Rebecca
nguyen van long
Yes, thank you. These lessons are part of a series and are meant to be complete classes in each of the English tenses, so you can learn everything you need to use the tense confidently. Three new classes in this series will be published every month. I wish you all the best, nguyen!
good lesson
thank you my teacher
Thank you so much for your passion in teaching English.
Thank you for your passion for learning English, sitchon. I wish you the very best!
I kill the test.
I like your explaination. Thanks!
I am a serious student :)
Good for you, Bitaly! You will make strong and steady progress. All the best to you.
Amazing lesson! Very good to back to the basics sometimes. I got 10/10! Thanks!
Yes, thanks, you’re welcome, Weitzel86. Tenses provide structure to our communication and it’s always useful to review the basics and correct any remaining mistakes you may be making. I wish you all the best.
I like your explanation. Thanks!
you are wonderful teacher.
may I thank you for your best work and ability to explain…
yours Mgal
Thank you for your kind words, Mgal. I wish you continued success in mastering English!
I love this class, thank you.
Rita Rubio
Thank you very much
Irfan Quraishi
Sometimes I can not still get the differences
Some of my upcoming lessons also compare the tenses so that should help you to understand more clearly. I wish you much success, semajcire!
Thanks u so much ?
Moung Vathanak
thank u
Easy but flawless and very helpful, thanks Rebecca and best wishes.
So glad you found the class helpful, Canardo. I wish you the very best going forward.
Thank you so much she best teacher and great lacture i injoed
Thanks, 07/10 in 12/01/2020
I love your explanation !!
Thank you so much for teaching…With the best regards.
thank engvid, i think learn is easy
siti sonya s
What incredible class! Thank you very much!!
You’re a great teacher. Thanks.
Roger SJC
It was a nice lecture!
I got 10/10
so, I wanna say thanks a billion
Bendito Gabriel
it´s a pleasure to say, engvid is the best of bests place to learn english. just like this.
thank you alot
Bendito Gabriel
Good explanations! Thanks a lot
ezra ahmed
thank you teacher for your explaning this tense
Thanks to all of you for your feedback. Mastering the English tenses is a powerful way to upgrade your English. Use this opportunity to make strong progress this year! I wish you the very best with your English.
thank you Rebecca .
Thank you Ma’am for your good wishes and for a good encouragement for us.
Thank you so much, Teacher Rebecca…After listening to this I got 10/10…you are my favourite teacher in Eng. Vid….I am in ninth grade but my school doesn’t give much attention to English grammar and all of its rules…that’s why I have come to eng vid to get my basic concepts about each and everything cleared…I hope I will be able to score better after completing your tense series…Thank you…
True. In grade 8 I still haven’t learned the PRESENT SIMPLE. Thanks Rebecca
Woaw, thanks a lot for this lesson, I can’t wait for the next one.
I got 70 score
thank you so mush :)
You got 10 correct out of 10.
:D, thank you teacher.
Fagner tavares
Thank you teacher.
I like your explanation
Thank you very much
Thank you so much Mrs. Rebecca, grettings from México.
nice job … thank you
please I cannot progress to learn the language, I want some advice and help
it helps a lot for me.thnk you
I got all correct at the first attempt. :D
Thank you, Rebecca.
Thank you, Rebecca
Thanks a lot.
My first attempt I got 10/10. Great lesson, and wonderful explanation. Thank you Rebecca
Saed Jama
Thank you. You are a good teacher
Thank you Teacher Rebbeca I got 10/10 :D
Sara Alsaidi
Thank you so much for your teaching but you forgot to mention for s when we use doesn’t we don’t need to add s to the verb.
Really I appreciate it and now I has understand that big problems was.
Thank you so much again.
9/10 Thank you very much!
hello everyone, the lessons are made really interesting and useful I wish you are all the best
Faizi Mukhtar Jan
Thank you very much Rebecca good job
Little bear
I need to study more I didn’t go a lot of well.
Hi… thanks very mush for the class, the class is very good,I was learn thins new.
Thank you very much
merci gracias thank you
Thank you very much
Karthikayini ganesan
10 correct out of 10, Thank you, teacher.
I got 10/10 this lesson helps me alot. Thank you
thank you , you really amazing teacher
Thanks Rebecca, your lessons are really helpfull.
10 correct out of 10.
Thank`s a lot!!
Thanks for you this class. You are good!!!
Harling Jimenez
Thank you so much! Wonderful explanation.
Hi Rebecca,
I am keep watching your teaching some time with my family.
sometime, i have problem starting my writing or presentation.
i need to know and lean, How do it?
Thank you for have in this class.
Hi Rebecca. It was awesome! I’m Russian and I understood lesson! Thanks
You’re good! Thanks! kisses.
Luciana Espindola
Thank you
Hola, me llamo Israel López, de Nicaragua Managua. Voy a iniciar un estudio de inglés, y me recomendaron es excelente. Tengo la meta de hablar el inglés en un período de 3 meses. Los felicito. Saludos fraternos.
Israel Lopez
Que te vaya bien jaja
hello madam, i’m from india.
this lesson is very useful for me.
i know only my mother tounge (tamil).
i ask you one question,does course improve my speak english fluently?
and thanks for your way of teaching madam.
K mythily ramachandran
Congratulations. you are a good teacher
Thanks! You are the first English speaker, whose i understand. It’s so cool!
Brado Brain
Thanks!Your Explanation ist very well. I understood the lesson.
Thank you
9 out 10 thank you very much Ma’am Godbless you always more lessons to teach and more students to come and eager to learn.
Jizel Montalan
thank you Rebecca. I understand finally some things.
Thank you so much! best explanation.
I like your explanation. Thanks!
you are wonderful teacher.
may I thank you for your best work and ability to explain…
Mohamed Elwany
thanx my best teachers
You the best
Thank you so much
i got the full mark . thank you so much my teacher
Thank you for providing me such an adequate lesson.
Zeeshan Ahmed Mallick
Thanks. I’ve learned new things over here.
Lakshmi Narayana Thota
I got 9/10
Lakshmi Narayana Thota
100% correct, thank you, teacher.
Just started to study english for real and i’m really glad that i found this website. Thanks for the fantastic work!
We love you, Rebecca.
Thanks a lot, the lesson is very helpful.
Thank you so-so much.You are wonderful Teacher …I got it.
Very great lesson. Detail explanation and easily understand. It is very useful class and let me practice my grammar skill. Thanks
Thanks for this opportunity. I love the way you teach.
you the best ..thank you
Very helpful and exhaustive, thanks a lot.
belayachi mounir
Thank you very much Rebbeca. Your classes are excellent and very educational. The best teacher!!!
You are a great teacheer, Thanks for helping us to understand the tenses
It very helpful. Thank you very much for your lesson.
excellent class, excellent teacher
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you, I understand that the present refers to some activities that happen in the present that says o refer something right now
Thank you
Anjela Shahemi
Thank you vero much. You are a great teacher, Ilike the way you explain and that’s way I got 100.
Ciao from Venice
Thank you teacher Rebecca. I can always say that watching your lessons are perfect for review. I’ve been learning since day one.
Wonderful lesson Thanks very much
Thank you Rebecca, It’s very helpfull for me
This my second time to watch this video. You helped me a lot Rebecca. Thank you so much!
Hello Rebecca!
I like a lot of your explanation.
Great job!
Antonio Sergio G
100 score
thanks, Rebecca
Thanks, Rebecca!
Thank so much Rebecca.
!yeah 100 thank you !
thank you so much Rebecca ,i got 10/10 ,you are a good teacher
Thank you, Rebecca, you realy help me to improve my English
hello, thank you for your efforts, just I was wondering why you said she enjoys not enjoies ? because based on the rule, y changes to I and then add es?
Hello Rebecca, I still wanted to learn English correctly. Since I saw one of your videos, I’ve been amazed at how easily you explain grammar. From that moment on, I study at least ten lessons a day from you. To be honest, I have a problem when I start study to stop study. Your teaching is well structured, the content is in high quality and professionally presented. You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had. Well Done!
My english skills being better then before.
anuwat sordsri
Your teaching good! Thank’s anyway.
Thank you, Rebecca. Your teaching approach makes me easy to understand English grammar.
Funny for beginner
thanks a lot!
Thank you very much, Rebeka.
Thanks a lott
absolutely explanation was incredible, i got 9 out of 10.
got 9 correct out of 10 thank you so much
Ramzi 1
Hi, I GOT 9 OUT OF 10,
sebin poulose
Which Order we need to watch rebecca madam videos? mainly focusing on grammer/speaking/fluency.
thank you dear teacher
Arlex Leonardo Ruda
thank you, teacher Rebecca. I got 9 out of 10.
thank you
Dereje Kenea
thank you
Thanks Miss. You are great.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for this lesson. I’m starting to learn english and hopefully get fluent by the end of this year. Kindly correct my sentence if there is any mistake. You are a great teacher. ?
I’m abdirahman from Somalia
I Just say this is Wonderful and well-prepared lessons
Thank you, Rebecca
Abdirahman Hassan Hussein
Thank you so much, Rebecca. It’s awesome!
I’m Abdirahman from Somalia, I’m really very happy to be one of your students.
I really enjoy your lessons, videos and I confidently understand and love the way of your methodology of teaching.
Very helpful
Thank you Rebecca, You are a good teacher
Abdirahman Hassan Hussein
in the first time i got 8 out of 10 because i forgot that i shall to put s just in the positive form and when i trying for the second time a got 10 out of 10 thank you teacher rebecca you lesson help me a lot can you please correct my comment if i do some grammar mistake
Thanks for your videos. You are an amazing teacher. I wonder how l’ll know in what order watch the videos?
Why are you add s to the verb enjoy, Firts you said verb ending in consonant or y we should drop out y and add ies
Thank you!. I have got 10 out of 10
Ali Kocaeli
Ali Kocaeli
Thank you so much Miss Rebecca. You made my teaching easy. It helps me a lot. God bless and more power to the team. Stay safe everyone.
ley corvera
Thank you teacher I am so happy to find you and I watch your Movie everyday.
Mohammad @
What a wonderfull teacher!
She speaks very clearly!!
It is appreciated that she takes into account that the students are not native English speakers.
I’m happy, I have 10 out or 10.
Thanks Miss Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca.
Thanks, I’m a Chinese student, your lesson is very useful.
Man Ycan
Thanks lot mam
Thank you so much Rebecca !
Dayse Lima
Thanks for share with us your knowledge… you are changing some lives…
Wow I got full marks .Thanks a lot
Reena Boby
thank you :)
kiki rizky
I got 10..I like the way you teach teacher Rebecca
I got 10/10, although the lesson
Thank you so much for the best class of present simple tense that I had ever seen.
Because of you i started to understand English grammar very well. Thanks so much teacher ?
Aman konjo@
I don’t have much to say Rebecca, but make things easy is an art, you’re great, thanks :)
i got 9 out of 10
Kotha Sai Narasimha Rao
I got 80 out of 100. Thanks for this video series. I am new & beginner. It’s help a lot. Thanks MaM
thanks so much for this class, i hope to keep learning
Ma’am, the way you are teaching is awesome.It is very much helpful to learn the english. Kindly upload more videos for better learning.
thank you now I understand the present simple
10/10 thanks
Thank you mam! I got 10 out of 10! ?
Himanshu Kumar Gupta
thank you these lessons is very important for us
thank you for making it easy to
I Love your classes. Thank you.
im happy to learned with you
You are doing such a great work. My friends and I also start to following each and every lesson because you are the first person who is providing much better than the teacher who charges high. thank you very much mam.
Mohammad Ansari
thank alot
Mohamed Ali Hammad
Thank you very much. İ love your lessons. You teach topics in detail. You are excellent
Loghman Abilzda
thank you¡¡¡
Israel Caro
Thank you for your lessons!
I am loving the page’s Engvid, thank vou very much teacher Rebecca! I Love your lessons!
Thank you veru much!
Hello Rebecca! hope you are ok, well, I just wanted to say thenk you and engvid for the the effort you make for thousand of people in the world, I have a humble feedback for this class, let me know if I am mistaken please, in order to form the simple present there is a rule that says= if the verb ends in x,o,s, sh,ch, z, you ad ES to he, she , it in the affirmative form, I personally think this rule is very precise, in this lesson you do not teach it as I have seen it in many books and from many teachers, you say DO, GO and Have are special, I know to have is a special verb but what I do not understand why you say GO, and DO if they follow the rule I mentioned. Please answer my question, love you all for what you do.
Thanks a lot Teacher Rebecca! Best wishes
Hello Rebecca! hope you are ok, well, I just wanted to say thank you and engvid for the the effort you make for thousand of people in the world, I have a humble feedback for this class, let me know if I am mistaken please, in order to form the simple present there is a rule that says= if the verb ends in x,o,s, sh,ch, z, you ad ES to he, she , it in the affirmative form, I personally think this rule is very precise, in this lesson you do not teach it as I have seen it in many books and from many teachers, you say DO, GO and Have are special, I know to have is a special verb but what I do not understand why you say GO, and DO if they follow the rule I mentioned. Please answer my question, love you all for what you do.
Dear Rebaca ma’m,
Hope you are doing well and good,
First thing, Thanks for free teaching service provide.
I liked your teaching of english grammer and easily learned english grammer from you.
Makwana Pintu
Hi Ms.Rebecca
Thanks a lot for another wonderful lesson. You’re a such great teacher with quite lots of talents. Your way of explanation, content and the flow of the lessons are amazing. Many thanks for your effort!
May god bless you
Thank You very Much.
Aslam Mohammad Iqbal
This is the first time i can understand the all of present simple
thank you
Very Good Video Rebecca, In an easy and simple way of teaching and explanation. Very an easy to understand.
Thank you, madam its really help me and I love it when you said motivation in the last class.
Hello Rebecca,Is it true native English speakers often say-what you think? – in informal conversations? I mean without adding ”does”.by the way, thank you for your class.
Thanks! 10/10 I listened this lesson twice. I will listen to the other lessons.
thank you
I got 8/10 it’s difficult for me. Anyway thank you
for your passion.
Thank you for the explanation
abde motalib
I got 8/10 Thank you for the good lessons.
Dear Rebecca, you always explain very well. :)
I’m happy because I found your videos. Thanks, Rebecca.
Thank you so much, Rebecca. I will study hard to master all these English tenses. It gives me a lot of headache, but I will do my best.
Dear Teacher,
Does it necessary to practice tenses before appearing in IELTS test.
Thank you so much
Thanks, teacher! I got it
I kill the test
Mohammed yousuf
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca
Thank you so much teacher.. I really like your teaching method..
Yee Yee Mon
You are great. Thank you so much. I just have a question: If somebody wants to talk about a 6-month stay, she has to say: I am living in …. Or I live in ….?
You’re a great teacher. Thanks!
I make the proggres. I get 100
clartje silvia
For beginners quite a good lesson. Thank you Rebecca
Thank you for your efforts, I wish you all the best, and one day I wish if I have enough time to help you to make your website responsive for a good view on small screens, for free of course.
Muhammad Mahmoud
Thanks a lot, it was great explanation of that tense God bless you
It was great, Thank you so much.
Habibullah shafiq
Thank you, Rebecca! These classes are really helpful to me as I try to teach my kids English at home during this Covid-19 period when they are not able to attend school.
Very Good Lesson Mis Rebecca
wow very good lesson relay i appreciate you.
simenesh Abrar
Thank you very much
I got 9/10 thank you so much Rebecca…
Shubham waghmare
Thank you so much!
I appriciate that ; thank you so much techaer
Great lesson as always)
Igor Kryvoshej
I’m progressing.
Thanks a lot! Sometimes it needs to go back to basics!
Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca. (Azores Islands)
Thank you so much Rebecca. I got 10!
It helps to me
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
You’re the best teacher.
Roman Zalyutynskyy
Thank you teacher for all your efforts
Very easy to understand, i got 10/10. Thank you so much!
I got 10/10.
Thank you very much
Thank you so much
Atilla Bergama
9/10, Thank you so much
Thank you very much!
10/10 Thank you Rebecca you are the Best!
I am so bad in tenses but I hope I will learn slowly.Thank You so much Rebecca for teaching the lesson.
10/10 14/02/21. Thank you Rebecca
great thanks
amr ismaiel
Test 10/10. Thanks for the lesson, Rebecca!
Hello, Ma’am How are you?
This lesson is very nice to explain.
Thanks Rebecca, I love your classes. You are a great teacher.
thanks, Rebecca I like how do you explain the simple present and got 10/10.
Thank you this lesson helps to review )
hello mam,
I would like to thank you for teaching in such a nice way. your smile is great! so keep it.
Thank you so much Mrs. Rebecca <3
Thanks for all
Hi Rebecca I Confuse how to determine The subject like “My son..” and when we mention someone like’Jhony and I…’ or ‘jhony…’ which subject it really is? He,or we We ?. despite I got 80 for the test.
thank you so much.
Thank you Rebecca
I use your lessons and videos in my classes and my students also love your teach. And special thanks for your quizzes
Rebecca, thank you!
I love your lessons. I’m learning a lot with them!!
ingrid diehl
Thank you Rebecca
thank you, rebecca <3
Thank you so much, Teacher Rebecca…After listening to this I got 10/10…you are my favourite teacher in Eng. Vid….I am in ninth grade but my school doesn’t give much attention to English grammar and all of its rules…that’s why I have come to eng vid to get my basic concepts about each and everything cleared…I hope I will be able to score better after completing your tense series…Thank you…
Thanks for your cooperation, please informed that I got 100% correct answer
Thank you, Ms. Rebecca!
Thank you very much
why you write enjoys, not enjoies ?
Ezzat ElNemer
Hello Rebecca, I got 10 correct out of 10.
The credit goes to Rebecca. Thanks for your lesson.
God Bless You.
I guess you’re the best,finally i start to understand.thanks a lot Rebecca
i really appreciate sir.
Zinko Thu
Thanks a lot Rebecca. Great a wonderful job
Thanks a lot, teacher Rebecca. I love your classes.
Thanks Rebecca I like your teaching
Thank you so much, Teacher
Laura alonso
Very thanks, teacher.
waw very thanks teacher Rebecca, I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks Mam
Thank you, Rebecca, I will continue your English tenses complete course. It is really good course for me!
Thanks <3
Larissa Azevedo
09/10 thank you so much rebbeca. Now i already know present simple.
When to use it
How to use it
Short answer
Common errors.
Susanto Lim
thank you so much for this help
Thank you☺️
thank you very much
Rotua Maha
Thanks, you are the best
I got 10/10, although the lesson is quite long but your explanation is well so I can understand everything. Thank Rebecca
Abdul Salam Qaderi
why do we say PRESENT SIMPLE ?
this is the same when i talk man spider
I watched this video twice on August 01, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got ten out of 10.
thank you very much
Thx ????? ?
Ahlam ghayati
The lessons are valued and precious.
Thank you, miss Rebecca!
Maria Assunta Impagliazzo
10 out of 10.
Thank you very much!
Thank for lesson our beloved teacher
Makame Ally
Thank you so much teacher.
Thank you
Amazing !!!!Many times we do not value what we have, this may be due to being a neophyte or simply due to lack of interest. Without knowing that there are people who give us the tools and their knowledge with the sole purpose of helping humanity, and many of those heroes are here on this page, Rebeca God take care of you and your loved ones, thank you very much for the time you dedicate to us, blessings.
Thanks so much!
Thank you Rebecca I learn a lot from you
Kevin Siniku
Thank you Rebecca. I think I can master english very easily with your lesson on tenses.
Kevin Siniku
thank you very much my teacher Rebecca
Thank you very much teacher. ☺
Thank you very much for your classes.
kannanji sampath
Thank you for the clear definition of the Present Simple. However, “I am sad.” or “He is ecstatic!” doesn’t seem to fit in the definition at all, yet I know it’s Present Simple. Can you give me any help so that I can pass it on to my ESL students?
Thank you, i like your classes. You are good teacher
thank you i want more exercie to practice
Mohammed dj
Nice class, thank you!
Can I use ‘it’ for transgender people?
Ananya D
No, this is generally considered very offensive.
engVid Moderator
Good lesson Thanks
Thank you so much Rebecca.I really like your teaching style. You are the best!.
Realy nice i got 100. You are amazing.
Thank you I am Ahmed from Egypt
Ahmed Ftooh
Thank you so much, Rebbeca. You have an awesome teaching style that makes understanding very easy for no native speakers. I have signed up at one of the prominent universities in Toronto to learn about grammar, they were not able to trench the information as you did.
Nairy Markarian
I love these classes
Thank you very much!
you are grate!Lesson is very transparent. lesson with you is a pleasure
Great lesson. Thanks Rebecca
Thank You so much
Wonderful lesson…
Tanks Rebecca
10/10.You are amazing.
I take the quiz first I scored 8/10, your explanation is good. I understand everything. but due to the lack of internet connection, I didn’t watch the lesson.
thank you so much, teacher
Thank you, teacher.
I learn carefully, Everyone of us learns carefully.
Am I right?
leo gphs
A lot of thanks to you….
Sangeeta roy
Thank you Rebbeca!
Than you ma’am.
Jaydy Mayme
I like your teaching methodology.
I understood simple present very clearly which was explained by Rebecca madam. Thank you so much madam.
ı think you are a good teacher
hi miss Rebeca.thank you so much.The way your teacheing and method is very easy to understand.befof i hate English but after wach your teaching i love to learn English.
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you, Rebecca.
I got 10, thank you teacher!
Thanks teacher for your professional teaching I learn more and improve my English day by day your really awesome, if have any class for pronunciation it will be good
Thanks Again
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca for thi lección you are a good teacher? Thank you for teaching us ……
she teaches very well
Andres Orta
Thank you
Thank you so much mam
Thank you teacher, after I watched the first lesson video, it help me lot. Especially the interested part is the common mistake section, after go through this section, I realized that me often makes the same mistake. LOL… I already planned the schedule for sitting the lessons. Thanks again.
Ivan Alexander
Thanks, that a great sound!
Moha Baba
thanks you
Thank you, teacher, now I understand the present simple tense.
hnin pwint kabyar
thank you so much
mohamed laid
yeah I have scored 10 out of 10
i got 10 correct out of 10
thanks a alot
I have 10/10 because you are great teacher
Serhii Rehuretskyi
I like your way of teaching, 9/10 scored
Palanisamy c
am sorry my teacher, i got 80, i promise next quiz i will do the best.
mawejje innocent
I got 10 out of 10 thank you . Tomorrow is my English test I am watching your videos for a quick review of all the tenses.
thanks a millon rebecca i got 100 in this test
Really thanks, you give to me the hope and confident.
Thank you so much for nice teaching ma’am.
Do you have any question sheets to practice more?
thank you
Hi This is Anil From India, I got 7 correct out of 10. I work in the Customer relationship and want to learn English very Seriously. May growth are stuck because of i am not good in english.
fabulous teaching
Hi ma’am This is Honey Kataria from India, i work in Automobile Industry and i wnat to improve my English Grammatically. Love you ma’am, i got 10/10
Thanks for lesson!
All the best for you.
Ali Abdelaal
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for letting us learn English for Free. I am getting in love with English Subject. I got 10/10.
Thanks teacher Rebecca,you’re the best.
Hi Rebecca
I’ve listened to your 1st lecture on English grammar tenses. So helpful for me to understand tenses more eaisly. Thank you once again.
Rishab rastogi
Thank you so much for your tutorial videos Rebecca.
thank you
Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for helping to improve my English, I really appreciate all your lessons and I already learned a lot. Thanks
Thank you so mutsh!!
thank you for the nice lesson.
ajo peppi
Thanks very much …….
Joseph Wachira
really excellent madam
method of approach and teaching is appreciable
francis xavier
Thank you so much Maam.. I love your videos..
Thank you for your lesson. It was easy to understand this topic with your support.
Thank you for your great lesson)
Iryna Vidoniak
thank you very match
ahmed ismail abdalla
u are the best i Progress Very Welle thank u
Your presentation is exceptional and very concise. Keep it up
I follow this course
every day my brother also follows these videos
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
thanks a lot I AM very happy to got 10\10 and I wish all of you them for bright days and have a great day
cabdiraxmaan axmed
Thank you, teacher Rebecca. You really helped me understand the verb tenses very well which I couldn’t during my schooling.
thank you very much, Rebecca.
thank miss
mohammed halely
Thank you very much, Rebecca, for the lesson. You can explain grammar rules in a simply way.
It helps me remember more easily. :)
thank you
Thank you ! :)
good exercise
Thanks for this lesson!
Thanks a lot teacher. I am very happy this course because it is course easy. I got 10/10 the exam. thanks, my dear teacher Rebecca.
Hufan Abdi
Thank you Ms. Ezekiel.
Thank you Teacher Rebecca for this wonderful lesson, I feel now more confident about how to use the simple present tense. I wish you the best from DR.
Wow i got 10/10
Thank you so much! you have no idea how much I have struggled to learn this tens and finally, I have mastered it.
Hasan Amouna
Thanks Rebecca for the class. You have a great way to teach and make more easy the verb tenses.
Ary Trull
Thank you a lot teacher Rebecca, you made me correct a lot of issues
Thanks a lot, my dear Rebecca
Thank you so much Mam.
I really appreciate your teaching
It is useful lesson for me thanks lot madam
M.R.T. Nadheer
Thanks a lot
Bruno Consani
It is very interesting
Thanks, Rebecca
your explanation is great. Thank you.
Thanks Rebecca and your explanation is absolutely great.
Hello, Rebecca. I am brand new to this site. I enjoy your lessons and your teaching style. I’m an American and I teach English at a high school in Taiwan. They need help with lots of things, especially writing in tenses. I can see you have a lesson listed for each tense. Is there a link where I can access all of them? Is there a lesson that reviews the different tenses? My students studied this, but I think they need a refresher. Thanks soooo much!
Thanks for the great lesson. Where in the sentence must put the adverb of frequency? Especially for the questions?
Praise be to Allah who gave me the chance to find a wonderful teacher like Rebecca and then thanks alot to you my teacher Rebecca
Thank you so much, Rebecca! You are amazing!
Thaynara Flosi
thank you
tamer m h
Thank you very much
The way you used to teach us is very simple so we can easily catch up with you :)
Rawan Janna
very good teacher
Thank for sharing!
Thanks dear from your teaching. I hope for good luck and health.
Thank you Mrs.Rebecca. You’re working out your way to see the world speaking English obviously and fluently. In fact, your way of teaching is agreeable and understandable.
Thank you for such a recommendable work.
Thank you so much mam
Lesson completed!
Wow, I got 10/10.
Thanks, Dear Rebecca.
Maruf Chaudharyy
Amen Ishag
Thank you I got a 10
I got 9/10 .
Thank’s teacher Rebecca <3
Evellyn Maria
Thank you very much teacher.
Malik Gamage
I got 10/10 thank you so much
Ashur Bak
Thank you.
Hi Rebecca, you are the best English teacher in the world. I enjoy and appreciate your lessons.
Hi, Rebeca!
Oh, I was confused about the 6th question in the quiz.
The questions start with “She and I …” and that is confusing. Because on the one hand we have “She” which should used with “s” – “She writes”, right? But on the second hand we have “I” which should used without “s” – “I write”. Well, I answered correctly, but I did not understand why.
Oh, holly jolly… I got it. So in this case “She and I” means “We”, than we should use “We write”. Isn’t it?
Thank you.
Shamsullah Shams
You are amazing! Thank you so very much for all the effort.
Thank you so much!!
I get 100%.
i like the teacher too much.
Hi Rebecca, thanks for your excelent class. I have a question. Why you say : She enjoys instead off enjoies?
i really appreciate what you done for us i want to explain how can i use this words in present simple books, birds , sun , moon , family , people , parants
Mukhtar Mirgani Ali
Thank you
Thank you so much.
Javid Agha
You method to teching is amazing! Thank you very much.
Douglas Sebastiao
Thanks Teacher Rebecca
thank you for your video
I can’t believe I got 7 haha. I’m not good at grammar T__T
This is advance level of grammar to help our language.
I love this lessonnn:)
Thanks a ton Rebecca
It’s very lucky when i find out your lessons on Youtube. I’m a English beginner student, and your lessons is easier for me understand and study. Thank you so much, my English teacher Rebecca.
Thank you a lot Madam. I really appreciate your lessons and your way of teaching. I also enjoyed this quiz.
Great effort.Many thanks
thank you so mach rebecca you are good teacher
thank you so mach rebecca you are good teacher really
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
You’re welcome! All the best to you.
I love this lesson! Very easy and understandable :)!
Tanks Rebecca.
But I have maybe a simple question, someone works (at or in)?? a bank
I guess that the right answer is “in”.
thanks my best teacher, God bless you ???
Thank You Ma’am !!
I also love it, thanks, Rebecca.
I like the way you present the subject and your diction is great to understand word for word.
good lesson
I got 10/10, although the lesson is quite long but your explaination is well so i can understand everything. Thank Rebecca
Yes, thank you. These lessons are part of a series and are meant to be complete classes in each of the English tenses, so you can learn everything you need to use the tense confidently. Three new classes in this series will be published every month. I wish you all the best, nguyen!
good lesson
thank you my teacher
Thank you so much for your passion in teaching English.
Thank you for your passion for learning English, sitchon. I wish you the very best!
I kill the test.
I like your explaination. Thanks!
I am a serious student :)
Good for you, Bitaly! You will make strong and steady progress. All the best to you.
Amazing lesson! Very good to back to the basics sometimes. I got 10/10! Thanks!
Yes, thanks, you’re welcome, Weitzel86. Tenses provide structure to our communication and it’s always useful to review the basics and correct any remaining mistakes you may be making. I wish you all the best.
I like your explanation. Thanks!
you are wonderful teacher.
may I thank you for your best work and ability to explain…
yours Mgal
Thank you for your kind words, Mgal. I wish you continued success in mastering English!
I love this class, thank you.
Thank you very much
Sometimes I can not still get the differences
Some of my upcoming lessons also compare the tenses so that should help you to understand more clearly. I wish you much success, semajcire!
Thanks u so much ?
thank u
Easy but flawless and very helpful, thanks Rebecca and best wishes.
So glad you found the class helpful, Canardo. I wish you the very best going forward.
Thank you so much she best teacher and great lacture i injoed
Thanks, 07/10 in 12/01/2020
I love your explanation !!
Thank you so much for teaching…With the best regards.
thank engvid, i think learn is easy
What incredible class! Thank you very much!!
You’re a great teacher. Thanks.
It was a nice lecture!
I got 10/10
so, I wanna say thanks a billion
it´s a pleasure to say, engvid is the best of bests place to learn english. just like this.
thank you alot
Good explanations! Thanks a lot
thank you teacher for your explaning this tense
Thanks to all of you for your feedback. Mastering the English tenses is a powerful way to upgrade your English. Use this opportunity to make strong progress this year! I wish you the very best with your English.
thank you Rebecca .
Thank you Ma’am for your good wishes and for a good encouragement for us.
Thank you so much, Teacher Rebecca…After listening to this I got 10/10…you are my favourite teacher in Eng. Vid….I am in ninth grade but my school doesn’t give much attention to English grammar and all of its rules…that’s why I have come to eng vid to get my basic concepts about each and everything cleared…I hope I will be able to score better after completing your tense series…Thank you…
True. In grade 8 I still haven’t learned the PRESENT SIMPLE. Thanks Rebecca
Woaw, thanks a lot for this lesson, I can’t wait for the next one.
I got 70 score
thank you so mush :)
You got 10 correct out of 10.
:D, thank you teacher.
Thank you teacher.
I like your explanation
Thank you very much
Thank you so much Mrs. Rebecca, grettings from México.
nice job … thank you
please I cannot progress to learn the language, I want some advice and help
it helps a lot for me.thnk you
I got all correct at the first attempt. :D
Thank you, Rebecca.
Thank you, Rebecca
Thanks a lot.
My first attempt I got 10/10. Great lesson, and wonderful explanation. Thank you Rebecca
Thank you. You are a good teacher
Thank you Teacher Rebbeca I got 10/10 :D
Thank you so much for your teaching but you forgot to mention for s when we use doesn’t we don’t need to add s to the verb.
Really I appreciate it and now I has understand that big problems was.
Thank you so much again.
9/10 Thank you very much!
hello everyone, the lessons are made really interesting and useful I wish you are all the best
Thank you very much Rebecca good job
I need to study more I didn’t go a lot of well.
Hi… thanks very mush for the class, the class is very good,I was learn thins new.
Thank you very much
merci gracias thank you
Thank you very much
10 correct out of 10, Thank you, teacher.
I got 10/10 this lesson helps me alot. Thank you
thank you , you really amazing teacher
Thanks Rebecca, your lessons are really helpfull.
10 correct out of 10.
Thank`s a lot!!
Thanks for you this class. You are good!!!
Thank you so much! Wonderful explanation.
Hi Rebecca,
I am keep watching your teaching some time with my family.
sometime, i have problem starting my writing or presentation.
i need to know and lean, How do it?
Thank you for have in this class.
Hi Rebecca. It was awesome! I’m Russian and I understood lesson! Thanks
You’re good! Thanks! kisses.
Thank you
Hola, me llamo Israel López, de Nicaragua Managua. Voy a iniciar un estudio de inglés, y me recomendaron es excelente. Tengo la meta de hablar el inglés en un período de 3 meses. Los felicito. Saludos fraternos.
Que te vaya bien jaja
hello madam, i’m from india.
this lesson is very useful for me.
i know only my mother tounge (tamil).
i ask you one question,does course improve my speak english fluently?
and thanks for your way of teaching madam.
Congratulations. you are a good teacher
Thanks! You are the first English speaker, whose i understand. It’s so cool!
Thanks!Your Explanation ist very well. I understood the lesson.
Thank you
9 out 10 thank you very much Ma’am Godbless you always more lessons to teach and more students to come and eager to learn.
thank you Rebecca. I understand finally some things.
Thank you so much! best explanation.
I like your explanation. Thanks!
you are wonderful teacher.
may I thank you for your best work and ability to explain…
thanx my best teachers
You the best
Thank you so much
i got the full mark . thank you so much my teacher
Thank you for providing me such an adequate lesson.
Thanks. I’ve learned new things over here.
I got 9/10
100% correct, thank you, teacher.
Just started to study english for real and i’m really glad that i found this website. Thanks for the fantastic work!
We love you, Rebecca.
Thanks a lot, the lesson is very helpful.
Thank you so-so much.You are wonderful Teacher …I got it.
Very great lesson. Detail explanation and easily understand. It is very useful class and let me practice my grammar skill. Thanks
Thanks for this opportunity. I love the way you teach.
you the best ..thank you
Very helpful and exhaustive, thanks a lot.
Thank you very much Rebbeca. Your classes are excellent and very educational. The best teacher!!!
You are a great teacheer, Thanks for helping us to understand the tenses
It very helpful. Thank you very much for your lesson.
excellent class, excellent teacher
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you, I understand that the present refers to some activities that happen in the present that says o refer something right now
Thank you
Thank you vero much. You are a great teacher, Ilike the way you explain and that’s way I got 100.
Ciao from Venice
Thank you teacher Rebecca. I can always say that watching your lessons are perfect for review. I’ve been learning since day one.
Wonderful lesson Thanks very much
Thank you Rebecca, It’s very helpfull for me
This my second time to watch this video. You helped me a lot Rebecca. Thank you so much!
Hello Rebecca!
I like a lot of your explanation.
Great job!
100 score
thanks, Rebecca
Thanks, Rebecca!
Thank so much Rebecca.
!yeah 100 thank you !
thank you so much Rebecca ,i got 10/10 ,you are a good teacher
Thank you, Rebecca, you realy help me to improve my English
hello, thank you for your efforts, just I was wondering why you said she enjoys not enjoies ? because based on the rule, y changes to I and then add es?
Hello Rebecca, I still wanted to learn English correctly. Since I saw one of your videos, I’ve been amazed at how easily you explain grammar. From that moment on, I study at least ten lessons a day from you. To be honest, I have a problem when I start study to stop study. Your teaching is well structured, the content is in high quality and professionally presented. You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had. Well Done!
My english skills being better then before.
Your teaching good! Thank’s anyway.
Thank you, Rebecca. Your teaching approach makes me easy to understand English grammar.
Funny for beginner
thanks a lot!
Thank you very much, Rebeka.
Thanks a lott
absolutely explanation was incredible, i got 9 out of 10.
got 9 correct out of 10 thank you so much
Hi, I GOT 9 OUT OF 10,
Which Order we need to watch rebecca madam videos? mainly focusing on grammer/speaking/fluency.
thank you dear teacher
thank you, teacher Rebecca. I got 9 out of 10.
thank you
thank you
Thanks Miss. You are great.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for this lesson. I’m starting to learn english and hopefully get fluent by the end of this year. Kindly correct my sentence if there is any mistake. You are a great teacher. ?
I’m abdirahman from Somalia
I Just say this is Wonderful and well-prepared lessons
Thank you, Rebecca
Thank you so much, Rebecca. It’s awesome!
I’m Abdirahman from Somalia, I’m really very happy to be one of your students.
I really enjoy your lessons, videos and I confidently understand and love the way of your methodology of teaching.
Very helpful
Thank you Rebecca, You are a good teacher
in the first time i got 8 out of 10 because i forgot that i shall to put s just in the positive form and when i trying for the second time a got 10 out of 10 thank you teacher rebecca you lesson help me a lot can you please correct my comment if i do some grammar mistake
Thanks for your videos. You are an amazing teacher. I wonder how l’ll know in what order watch the videos?
Why are you add s to the verb enjoy, Firts you said verb ending in consonant or y we should drop out y and add ies
Thank you!. I have got 10 out of 10
Thank you so much Miss Rebecca. You made my teaching easy. It helps me a lot. God bless and more power to the team. Stay safe everyone.
Thank you teacher I am so happy to find you and I watch your Movie everyday.
What a wonderfull teacher!
She speaks very clearly!!
It is appreciated that she takes into account that the students are not native English speakers.
I’m happy, I have 10 out or 10.
Thanks Miss Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca.
Thanks, I’m a Chinese student, your lesson is very useful.
Thanks lot mam
Thank you so much Rebecca !
Thanks for share with us your knowledge… you are changing some lives…
Wow I got full marks .Thanks a lot
thank you :)
I got 10..I like the way you teach teacher Rebecca
I got 10/10, although the lesson
Thank you so much for the best class of present simple tense that I had ever seen.
Because of you i started to understand English grammar very well. Thanks so much teacher ?
I don’t have much to say Rebecca, but make things easy is an art, you’re great, thanks :)
i got 9 out of 10
I got 80 out of 100. Thanks for this video series. I am new & beginner. It’s help a lot. Thanks MaM
thanks so much for this class, i hope to keep learning
Ma’am, the way you are teaching is awesome.It is very much helpful to learn the english. Kindly upload more videos for better learning.
thank you now I understand the present simple
10/10 thanks
Thank you mam! I got 10 out of 10! ?
thank you these lessons is very important for us
thank you for making it easy to
I Love your classes. Thank you.
im happy to learned with you
You are doing such a great work. My friends and I also start to following each and every lesson because you are the first person who is providing much better than the teacher who charges high. thank you very much mam.
thank alot
Thank you very much. İ love your lessons. You teach topics in detail. You are excellent
thank you¡¡¡
Thank you for your lessons!
I am loving the page’s Engvid, thank vou very much teacher Rebecca! I Love your lessons!
Thank you veru much!
Hello Rebecca! hope you are ok, well, I just wanted to say thenk you and engvid for the the effort you make for thousand of people in the world, I have a humble feedback for this class, let me know if I am mistaken please, in order to form the simple present there is a rule that says= if the verb ends in x,o,s, sh,ch, z, you ad ES to he, she , it in the affirmative form, I personally think this rule is very precise, in this lesson you do not teach it as I have seen it in many books and from many teachers, you say DO, GO and Have are special, I know to have is a special verb but what I do not understand why you say GO, and DO if they follow the rule I mentioned. Please answer my question, love you all for what you do.
Thanks a lot Teacher Rebecca! Best wishes
Hello Rebecca! hope you are ok, well, I just wanted to say thank you and engvid for the the effort you make for thousand of people in the world, I have a humble feedback for this class, let me know if I am mistaken please, in order to form the simple present there is a rule that says= if the verb ends in x,o,s, sh,ch, z, you ad ES to he, she , it in the affirmative form, I personally think this rule is very precise, in this lesson you do not teach it as I have seen it in many books and from many teachers, you say DO, GO and Have are special, I know to have is a special verb but what I do not understand why you say GO, and DO if they follow the rule I mentioned. Please answer my question, love you all for what you do.
Dear Rebaca ma’m,
Hope you are doing well and good,
First thing, Thanks for free teaching service provide.
I liked your teaching of english grammer and easily learned english grammer from you.
Hi Ms.Rebecca
Thanks a lot for another wonderful lesson. You’re a such great teacher with quite lots of talents. Your way of explanation, content and the flow of the lessons are amazing. Many thanks for your effort!
May god bless you
Thank You very Much.
This is the first time i can understand the all of present simple
thank you
Very Good Video Rebecca, In an easy and simple way of teaching and explanation. Very an easy to understand.
Thank you, madam its really help me and I love it when you said motivation in the last class.
Hello Rebecca,Is it true native English speakers often say-what you think? – in informal conversations? I mean without adding ”does”.by the way, thank you for your class.
Thanks! 10/10 I listened this lesson twice. I will listen to the other lessons.
thank you
I got 8/10 it’s difficult for me. Anyway thank you
for your passion.
Thank you for the explanation
I got 8/10 Thank you for the good lessons.
Dear Rebecca, you always explain very well. :)
I’m happy because I found your videos. Thanks, Rebecca.
Thank you so much, Rebecca. I will study hard to master all these English tenses. It gives me a lot of headache, but I will do my best.
Dear Teacher,
Does it necessary to practice tenses before appearing in IELTS test.
Thank you so much
Thanks, teacher! I got it
I kill the test
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca
Thank you so much teacher.. I really like your teaching method..
You are great. Thank you so much. I just have a question: If somebody wants to talk about a 6-month stay, she has to say: I am living in …. Or I live in ….?
You’re a great teacher. Thanks!
I make the proggres. I get 100
For beginners quite a good lesson. Thank you Rebecca
Thank you for your efforts, I wish you all the best, and one day I wish if I have enough time to help you to make your website responsive for a good view on small screens, for free of course.
Thanks a lot, it was great explanation of that tense God bless you
It was great, Thank you so much.
Thank you, Rebecca! These classes are really helpful to me as I try to teach my kids English at home during this Covid-19 period when they are not able to attend school.
Very Good Lesson Mis Rebecca
wow very good lesson relay i appreciate you.
Thank you very much
I got 9/10 thank you so much Rebecca…
Thank you so much!
I appriciate that ; thank you so much techaer
Great lesson as always)
I’m progressing.
Thanks a lot! Sometimes it needs to go back to basics!
Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca. (Azores Islands)
Thank you so much Rebecca. I got 10!
It helps to me
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
You’re the best teacher.
Thank you teacher for all your efforts
Very easy to understand, i got 10/10. Thank you so much!
I got 10/10.
Thank you very much
Thank you so much
9/10, Thank you so much
Thank you very much!
10/10 Thank you Rebecca you are the Best!
I am so bad in tenses but I hope I will learn slowly.Thank You so much Rebecca for teaching the lesson.
10/10 14/02/21. Thank you Rebecca
great thanks
Test 10/10. Thanks for the lesson, Rebecca!
Hello, Ma’am How are you?
This lesson is very nice to explain.
Thanks Rebecca, I love your classes. You are a great teacher.
thanks, Rebecca I like how do you explain the simple present and got 10/10.
Thank you this lesson helps to review )
hello mam,
I would like to thank you for teaching in such a nice way. your smile is great! so keep it.
Thank you so much Mrs. Rebecca <3
Thanks for all
Hi Rebecca I Confuse how to determine The subject like “My son..” and when we mention someone like’Jhony and I…’ or ‘jhony…’ which subject it really is? He,or we We ?. despite I got 80 for the test.
thank you so much.
Thank you Rebecca
I use your lessons and videos in my classes and my students also love your teach. And special thanks for your quizzes
Rebecca, thank you!
I love your lessons. I’m learning a lot with them!!
Thank you Rebecca
thank you, rebecca <3
Thank you so much, Teacher Rebecca…After listening to this I got 10/10…you are my favourite teacher in Eng. Vid….I am in ninth grade but my school doesn’t give much attention to English grammar and all of its rules…that’s why I have come to eng vid to get my basic concepts about each and everything cleared…I hope I will be able to score better after completing your tense series…Thank you…
Thanks for your cooperation, please informed that I got 100% correct answer
Thank you, Ms. Rebecca!
Thank you very much
why you write enjoys, not enjoies ?
Hello Rebecca, I got 10 correct out of 10.
The credit goes to Rebecca. Thanks for your lesson.
God Bless You.
I guess you’re the best,finally i start to understand.thanks a lot Rebecca
i really appreciate sir.
Thanks a lot Rebecca. Great a wonderful job
Thanks a lot, teacher Rebecca. I love your classes.
Thanks Rebecca I like your teaching
Thank you so much, Teacher
Very thanks, teacher.
waw very thanks teacher Rebecca, I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks Mam
Thank you, Rebecca, I will continue your English tenses complete course. It is really good course for me!
Thanks <3
09/10 thank you so much rebbeca. Now i already know present simple.
When to use it
How to use it
Short answer
Common errors.
thank you so much for this help
Thank you☺️
thank you very much
Thanks, you are the best
I got 10/10, although the lesson is quite long but your explanation is well so I can understand everything. Thank Rebecca
why do we say PRESENT SIMPLE ?
this is the same when i talk man spider
I watched this video twice on August 01, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got ten out of 10.
thank you very much
Thx ????? ?
The lessons are valued and precious.
Thank you, miss Rebecca!
10 out of 10.
Thank you very much!
Thank for lesson our beloved teacher
Thank you so much teacher.
Thank you
Amazing !!!!Many times we do not value what we have, this may be due to being a neophyte or simply due to lack of interest. Without knowing that there are people who give us the tools and their knowledge with the sole purpose of helping humanity, and many of those heroes are here on this page, Rebeca God take care of you and your loved ones, thank you very much for the time you dedicate to us, blessings.
Thanks so much!
Thank you Rebecca I learn a lot from you
Thank you Rebecca. I think I can master english very easily with your lesson on tenses.
thank you very much my teacher Rebecca
Thank you very much teacher. ☺
Thank you very much for your classes.
Thank you for the clear definition of the Present Simple. However, “I am sad.” or “He is ecstatic!” doesn’t seem to fit in the definition at all, yet I know it’s Present Simple. Can you give me any help so that I can pass it on to my ESL students?
Thank you, i like your classes. You are good teacher
thank you i want more exercie to practice
Nice class, thank you!
Can I use ‘it’ for transgender people?
No, this is generally considered very offensive.
Good lesson Thanks
Thank you so much Rebecca.I really like your teaching style. You are the best!.
Realy nice i got 100. You are amazing.
Thank you I am Ahmed from Egypt
Thank you so much, Rebbeca. You have an awesome teaching style that makes understanding very easy for no native speakers. I have signed up at one of the prominent universities in Toronto to learn about grammar, they were not able to trench the information as you did.
I love these classes
Thank you very much!
you are grate!Lesson is very transparent. lesson with you is a pleasure
Great lesson. Thanks Rebecca
Thank You so much
Wonderful lesson…
Tanks Rebecca
10/10.You are amazing.
I take the quiz first I scored 8/10, your explanation is good. I understand everything. but due to the lack of internet connection, I didn’t watch the lesson.
thank you so much, teacher
Thank you, teacher.
I learn carefully, Everyone of us learns carefully.
Am I right?
A lot of thanks to you….
Thank you Rebbeca!
Than you ma’am.
I like your teaching methodology.
I understood simple present very clearly which was explained by Rebecca madam. Thank you so much madam.
ı think you are a good teacher
hi miss Rebeca.thank you so much.The way your teacheing and method is very easy to understand.befof i hate English but after wach your teaching i love to learn English.
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you, Rebecca.
I got 10, thank you teacher!
Thanks teacher for your professional teaching I learn more and improve my English day by day your really awesome, if have any class for pronunciation it will be good
Thanks Again
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca for thi lección you are a good teacher? Thank you for teaching us ……
she teaches very well
Thank you
Thank you so much mam
Thank you teacher, after I watched the first lesson video, it help me lot. Especially the interested part is the common mistake section, after go through this section, I realized that me often makes the same mistake. LOL… I already planned the schedule for sitting the lessons. Thanks again.
Thanks, that a great sound!
thanks you
Thank you, teacher, now I understand the present simple tense.
thank you so much
yeah I have scored 10 out of 10
i got 10 correct out of 10
thanks a alot
I have 10/10 because you are great teacher
I like your way of teaching, 9/10 scored
am sorry my teacher, i got 80, i promise next quiz i will do the best.
I got 10 out of 10 thank you . Tomorrow is my English test I am watching your videos for a quick review of all the tenses.
thanks a millon rebecca i got 100 in this test
Really thanks, you give to me the hope and confident.
Thank you so much for nice teaching ma’am.
Do you have any question sheets to practice more?
thank you
Hi This is Anil From India, I got 7 correct out of 10. I work in the Customer relationship and want to learn English very Seriously. May growth are stuck because of i am not good in english.
fabulous teaching
Hi ma’am This is Honey Kataria from India, i work in Automobile Industry and i wnat to improve my English Grammatically. Love you ma’am, i got 10/10
Thanks for lesson!
All the best for you.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for letting us learn English for Free. I am getting in love with English Subject. I got 10/10.
Thanks teacher Rebecca,you’re the best.
Hi Rebecca
I’ve listened to your 1st lecture on English grammar tenses. So helpful for me to understand tenses more eaisly. Thank you once again.
Thank you so much for your tutorial videos Rebecca.
thank you
Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for helping to improve my English, I really appreciate all your lessons and I already learned a lot. Thanks
Thank you so mutsh!!
thank you for the nice lesson.
Thanks very much …….
really excellent madam
method of approach and teaching is appreciable
Thank you so much Maam.. I love your videos..
Thank you for your lesson. It was easy to understand this topic with your support.
Thank you for your great lesson)
thank you very match
u are the best i Progress Very Welle thank u
Your presentation is exceptional and very concise. Keep it up
I follow this course
every day my brother also follows these videos
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
thanks a lot I AM very happy to got 10\10 and I wish all of you them for bright days and have a great day
Thank you, teacher Rebecca. You really helped me understand the verb tenses very well which I couldn’t during my schooling.
thank you very much, Rebecca.
thank miss
Thank you very much, Rebecca, for the lesson. You can explain grammar rules in a simply way.
It helps me remember more easily. :)
thank you
Thank you ! :)
good exercise
Thanks for this lesson!
Thanks a lot teacher. I am very happy this course because it is course easy. I got 10/10 the exam. thanks, my dear teacher Rebecca.
Thank you Ms. Ezekiel.
Thank you Teacher Rebecca for this wonderful lesson, I feel now more confident about how to use the simple present tense. I wish you the best from DR.
Wow i got 10/10
Thank you so much! you have no idea how much I have struggled to learn this tens and finally, I have mastered it.
Thanks Rebecca for the class. You have a great way to teach and make more easy the verb tenses.
Thank you a lot teacher Rebecca, you made me correct a lot of issues
Thanks a lot, my dear Rebecca
Thank you so much Mam.
I really appreciate your teaching
It is useful lesson for me thanks lot madam
Thanks a lot
It is very interesting
Thanks, Rebecca
your explanation is great. Thank you.
Thanks Rebecca and your explanation is absolutely great.
Hello, Rebecca. I am brand new to this site. I enjoy your lessons and your teaching style. I’m an American and I teach English at a high school in Taiwan. They need help with lots of things, especially writing in tenses. I can see you have a lesson listed for each tense. Is there a link where I can access all of them? Is there a lesson that reviews the different tenses? My students studied this, but I think they need a refresher. Thanks soooo much!
Thanks for the great lesson. Where in the sentence must put the adverb of frequency? Especially for the questions?
Praise be to Allah who gave me the chance to find a wonderful teacher like Rebecca and then thanks alot to you my teacher Rebecca
Thank you so much, Rebecca! You are amazing!
thank you
Thank you very much
The way you used to teach us is very simple so we can easily catch up with you :)
very good teacher
Thank for sharing!
Thanks dear from your teaching. I hope for good luck and health.
Thank you Mrs.Rebecca. You’re working out your way to see the world speaking English obviously and fluently. In fact, your way of teaching is agreeable and understandable.
Thank you for such a recommendable work.
Thank you so much mam
Lesson completed!
Wow, I got 10/10.
Thanks, Dear Rebecca.
Thank you I got a 10
I got 9/10 .
Thank’s teacher Rebecca <3
Thank you very much teacher.
I got 10/10 thank you so much
Thank you.
Hi Rebecca, you are the best English teacher in the world. I enjoy and appreciate your lessons.
Hi, Rebeca!
Oh, I was confused about the 6th question in the quiz.
The questions start with “She and I …” and that is confusing. Because on the one hand we have “She” which should used with “s” – “She writes”, right? But on the second hand we have “I” which should used without “s” – “I write”. Well, I answered correctly, but I did not understand why.
Oh, holly jolly… I got it. So in this case “She and I” means “We”, than we should use “We write”. Isn’t it?
Thank you.
You are amazing! Thank you so very much for all the effort.
Thank you so much!!
I get 100%.
i like the teacher too much.
Hi Rebecca, thanks for your excelent class. I have a question. Why you say : She enjoys instead off enjoies?
i really appreciate what you done for us i want to explain how can i use this words in present simple books, birds , sun , moon , family , people , parants
Thank you
Thank you so much.
You method to teching is amazing! Thank you very much.
Thanks Teacher Rebecca
thank you for your video
I can’t believe I got 7 haha. I’m not good at grammar T__T
This is advance level of grammar to help our language.
I love this lessonnn:)
Thanks a ton Rebecca
It’s very lucky when i find out your lessons on Youtube. I’m a English beginner student, and your lessons is easier for me understand and study. Thank you so much, my English teacher Rebecca.
Thank you a lot Madam. I really appreciate your lessons and your way of teaching. I also enjoyed this quiz.
Great effort.Many thanks
thank you so mach rebecca you are good teacher
thank you so mach rebecca you are good teacher really