Let’s go shopping and talk about money! You don’t need to say something costs “five dollars and ninety-eight cents”! We shorten everything. This basic English vocabulary lesson will teach you how to understand prices, and say them like a native speaker!
You hate shopping, don’t you. Me neither! Haha. Thank you, Ronnie :)
Me too..
Love shopping in Japan:)
That’s funny. I’m starting to buy everything from China, it costs about 50% less than here hahaha Brazil sucks! :P
We brazilians are lost in this shit country!
Oh! I found my mistake.
X Me neither.
O Me too.
Yes, you have to say me too!
I got it! Thank you for teaching me, Ronnie :D
Or she could say—— me either.
well, i’m also confused little bit.
please DO let me know whether or not i’m right!
I also have heard about “me, either.” But I usually use “me, too” and “So do I.” Thank you for your comment, sonu :)
Dear teacher :
Does bargain means a price with discount ?
i love your lessons thanks a lot ;)
sondos alzain
Hi,Miss Ronnie
Could u teach us how to use the words feet and foot ?
thank u in advance
Ow…Ronnie..you hate shopping?..hmmm
aaaa thank you Ronny!!!
Thank you Ronnie..
I have a doubt,inside a building,apartment or a hospital how can we express the way or direct someone
Eg: Go to lift,next corridor, stairs
Yes, you can say go to the lift/elevator, get off on the # floor, turn right/left.
I don’t know that you hate shopping Ronnie!So, who buys you your nice clothes?
Thank you so much for this very useful lesson.
I buy my clothes but I hate doing it!
Thanks Ronnie, I got 83% if you love shopping then I get 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi Abdul,me too. I didn’t pay much attention to what she said at the beginning. I thought she loved shopping.
hehe, i got 83,too..i like shopping..but not with my sisters..because they spend a lot of time to choose clothes
thank you very much
In Arabic after transulation the lesson above
We can say – the price was
Or the cost was
But we don’t say I paid the money… It’s wrong in Arabic like in English
Ronnie, How do you pronounce these words ? :
Would – Wood *
Rap – Wrap *
Here – Hear *
were – we’re
Deer – Dear
Will – We’ll
Not – Knot – Nut
and more…
Mehran Sky
All of the words you have written are “homophones”. Check out my lesson on homophones!
You are correct in what you have written!
Thank you, I’m gonna watch it!
Mehran Sky
Hi dear I’m from iran Can u help me to improve my english language please
9/10 (your shopping) Thank you Ronnie!
You got 6 correct out of 6…….. thanks Ronnie
I got 83% because I had thought you love shopping)
Yeah, me too. I didn’t pay much attention to what she said at the beginning. I thought she loved shopping.
Me too…
I got 6 correct out of 6. Thank you Ronnie! I was suprised to know you don’t like to shop.
I didn’t know that too, but I think that’s exactly what she wanted; see if we’re paying attention or not. :)
Evaldo Mendes
Hey teacher Ronnie, you hate shopping!!? lol
Totally got it, thank you Ronnie and your useful interesting lesson, have a nice day.
Hello Ronnie. you’re the best!. please help me, make a video for my I am a receptionist in a hotel Asian people sometimes come but do not understand their English. tell me what I can do. thank you very much.
thank you i really like your way
What a down-to-earth way of talking about prices!!!
Ronnie, I like your videos because you always focuse on use rather that usage (the way we learned it-the language- in the school).
Have a wonderful day!!!
You’re good Ronnie thank you
Thank you Ronnie, I preciate you work.
Thank u
Thank you Ronnie
This video very help me
Dewi Idris
RONNIE, YOU gave an excellent lessson as always. Please help me, I work in an exchange house in my country and I am trying to make an ad in english, do YOU consider the expression “WE GIVE MORE PESOS FOR YOUR DOLLARS” correct??? (I WANT to mean that It is better to exchange your money in my business, because we give you more local currency for it), please Help!
YES! Your expression is correct! Great work!
YOu could also say we give YOU more pesos for your dollars!
Thanks Ronnie.It is new information for me
Thanks! Maybe you can make another video about slang or auction vocabulary. By the way for me it sounds strange “nineteen seventy one” for 1971.
Thank you very much for this lesson, i didn’t know this before so it’s kind new and really interesting.
Thank you a bunch.
What do you mean you don’t like shopping? Everybody does! ;) I love doing shopping especially when I see a real bargain then I draw some money out and just have to snap it up! But don’t take me wrong. I also tuck some money away (just in an emergency ;))
halo thank you so much
I got 100 in the text!!!!
Could you please explain when we use the past perfect tense i have never seen a video about tenses.thank you so much
i work as teller so it’s very important for me to know how we tell about money.thanks you Ronnie.
Thank u
Tanks for the lesson.Now I know how to talk about price with simple and easy…thank ms Ronnie
Ari Wiyono
thank you ronnie
I have to pay more attention, You don’t like shooping. That was mistake. jaaa amazing.
greetings from Costa Rica. Pura vida
thank u Ronnie
I am new
help me please for the training
Ateeq M. Al-Zahrani
Dear teacher, English sub, pls! :(
i understand 90% – 95%. :) tks you.
you are so funny and lovely. tks u
Me too
thanks for perfect teaching , please can you tell me how can I improve my English conversation , how can I found some friends to talk with for practice ? I am 100% perfect in listing but speak slowly !!!
thanks teacher :)
I always use these sentences such as ‘the price is…. I paid…’…..what a stupid !!!
thanks a lot!
Thank you I got 3 out of 6 … becouse I just answer without watching the lesson…
My first time :p
Next time I’ll take full mark .
thank you RONNIE.
interesting! :)
Thanks Ronnie,
I always like your teaching style
you hate shopping?why?
I love shopping, but I need to control myself! Thank you Ronnie!
Thanks !! Ronnie …:)
y oubest teacher because make English very easy
Thank you for this useful lesson. At the quiz, I only had one mistake. It’s about you:
You hate shopping. That is strange because, I beleived that women love to buy many unnecesssary merchandises. (:-D)
The first woman I know who doesn´t like shopping.
thank you Ronnie :) .. your way in teaching is amazing!
Excellent guide.Thanks a lot.
thanks a lot for learning me English especially pronunciation as I feel that it is the basic of English so could you tell me how can I know regarding uh oo sound when I pronounce oo or uh in words like fool foot you feel that they are similar in form .
Also I want to know a site or any way to speak with native american speakers in voice not chat to practice language and improve it
Ronnie, hi!!
I’m going to Toronto to study this year
I hope your lessons will help me there ;)
Diego Lima
When are you coming? I live in Toronto!
thank you, I am try listening to learn english but i think you speak to fast.I am not good in english language.[ grammar,conversation,vacabulary] but I like you.
Hi I am also trying to listening if u want we can speak together
Thanks Ronnie,it is very useful!I got surprised that you hate shopping, i love it, i don´t have much money though..
great thank you so much Ronnie
hi every one
I have some problems in
because I study in Pakistan and there is don’t work youtob I cant get the movies please help me that I get it
hamid khan
You’ll have to use something like Tor or a web proxy.
engVid Moderator
Hi Ronnie! Here in my country people also say the price in a short way, example: é 21 e 35.We do not mention Real and Centavos.
thanks dear
Love You Ronnie, you’re a good teacher
Thank you, Ronnie ;)
Thanks teacher!
Gabriela Souza Jesus
thanks so much, it was very useful for me
thank you very much teacher!
Hi Ronnie
Thanks It was very useful could you please make a video about buy shoes and clothes and reserve a conversion about when you want take a cab.
Thank you,Ronnie!
Hi Ronnie,
What’s the difference between “Live” and “Alive” ?
Mehran Sky
Alive is an adjective. I am alive.
Live is a verb. I live in Canada. I lived in Japan.
thank you so much Ronnie
Thank you, Ronnie!
Ronnie you are the best !!!
funny Andrew
Hi Ronnie,
Am new to here, can yu tell me how to develop my english knowledge nd teach me the way pls if you could?
excellent , this is my first time , like
i love u teacher :D
Rakkiart Rakkwamsuk
i loved your way so much Ronnie thank you
good lesson i goot 6 corret out of 6
i mean i got not goot .
Ronnie you’re a very good teacher, i love your classes!, I have been learning english in my country, but learn english in this page is great! thanks for all!
It was very.. very useful for me when we go for shopping!
Hey Ronnie… Girl you always make me laugh a looooot!! Looove you!!
Please help me!!
Do the verbs “to purchase” and “to buy” have always the same meaning?
Lauro T.
Yes,they have the same meaning. However, we usually don’t use purchase. We always say buy.
OMg , i Got 100% thanks Ronnie , were same i Hate shopping too . haha
R onnie you are amazing!
Marize Mori
Ronnie!!! Where are you? On vacation??? I miss your lessons so much! Kisses from Brazil! It’s melting here!
Sandra Campos
Thank you Ronnie
Mrs Ronnie your lessons are very amazing .thx alot
I really need to improve my english, I am looking for someone to speak with .
my skype ID. is : walkadi
I like shopping looking at all those wonderful things but i don’t like spending to much money.
Hi Ronni i am looking grammar for so do i could you please help me about it
Sameer ga
tanx a lot
hey ronnie. thanks for another valuable lesson. i have a doubt between the words “aren’t” and “ain’t”. In india, we pronounce these words as “aunt”. could u please tell me the difference?
akash kadu
DON’T use the word “ain’t”. It makes you sound stupid. Aren’t is said like R nt!
good morning ronnie
RAFID k abbas
I’m happy with you as a student learning the English language I love to use it in my field
RAFID k abbas
I enjoyed YouTube clips and I intend to study seriously to you
RAFID k abbas
My thanks and gratitude so teacher
RAFID k abbas
Lesson interesting but needed a lot of lessons
RAFID k abbas
I am really happy because i found a best website to learn English. I think i able to understand what you had teach here.
Very good this test, thanks.
thank you Ronnie
Thank you for teaching me :D it seems to be really useful!
Carmen Kim
i am new , i really liked this courses , thank you :)
I consider this video useful. Thanks.
I love it so much ;I love you Ronni.
mogtaba eljily
very good
it is awesome!
Thanks Ronnie. Useful lesson I took 100%
Madamedo ezzat
Thanks Ronni. In my country use big currency, and there is no cents, the smallest smallest denomination is 100.
1st of all mam you are I must say you are terrific mom, II wanna communicate with, you can you please provide me your mail id or Skype Id. It’s just for learning English.
Thank you for teaching me, Ronnie.
Thanks. I can know new things,,,,,,
Damn! I missed the phrase you told that you do not like shopping. Only 83 percent.
You’re great.
Thank you for this classes.
Very interisting.
Thanks Ronnie, I love the way that you teach!
Thank you,but I never know that you hate shopping…my mistake..
thank you easy and clear lesson.
Wael Rashed
Can we say:
How much are there?
Jadir Ferreira
I hate shopping too.Because I am a man.Thanks.
awesome explanation, keep it up!
abdul algarayen
Hi Ronni
im back to your class after almost a year ; o
Hi Ronnie.. I m from INDIA and i fallowing you since few months. My english is not so good but ur lessons are helping me so much. Thank you so much and love you a lot. You are so favorite.
hi dear teacher ronni my name is Rahmatullah want to learn english from basic pleasd help me
Marize Mori
Sorry! I said thanks!
Marize Mori
I’m so sorry Ronnie. I hate a shopping too^^
thank you! that was perfect!!
Hi everyine
Thank you!
Thank you very much!
Thank you!But I love shopping:->
you love shopping but not telling the truth hahahaa
thank you very much , ronnie
You hate shopping?
But in my places,women loves go shopping.
Either 1) not all women like the same things, or 2) the stores are a lot better where you are.
engVid Moderator
thanks for your lesson,but I just get 67,i answer too fast!!I will watch again.
your teaching style is very good speacily your face expression.i have watched many videos but after few minute i got bore but your videos are very intresting because of your teaching style.thanks
100/100 THAT graet, its the first time i see woman hate shoping that make me happy
Great lesson my teacher
mad man
Love the way Ronnie explains her lessons! It is never boring plus lots of useful information!
Victoria Lam
Look at Ronnie. She is so funny and her lesson is so interesting. I love Ronnie
It is a nice try for a beginner, Thank You Ronnie!
I love your videos. You always make me laugh =D
thank u maam
Thank you!
I love Shopping…
I like shoping. Tnk for topic.
excellent Ronnie thanks!
Thank you too much Ronnie ^^
but I love shopping! haha > <
valentina T.
Hi Ronnie!
Is there another way to say 1200,00? I think I have heard something like “how much is it?” and the person said “it is twelve thousand” but it was actually 1.200 dollars.
1200.00 could either be “one thousand two hundred” or “twelve hundred”. (If you’re using “,” for the decimal point!)
engVid Moderator
Thank you!
Nice! :)
Thank you!
Thank you so much. :)
hala sa
Thanks Ronnie.
Vu C. Nguyen
hi ronnie,
i have a problem i don’t have anyone to practace with
actually i have a friend in hamilon,ontario,canada but he won’t to speak english with me because i’m bad in english please helpe me ronnie
The shopping is one choice for relax, thank Ronnie for good lesson.
i hate it too,
to much monney for chopping .
francois davichen
i got 6 correct out of 6 yooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo (dancing)
you are funny
William Shockley
Would anyone tell me
What should i do ?
5/6 very good to me !!!
I am a big fan of you who hates shopping.:)
I love you,Ronnie, I love you lessons, I’m really old,not toad,of course, old woman, I have been learning English since July 2013, and it is difficult for me, and one day I had decided to stop, but,it was a miracle, I found your lessons, and now I can write to you, and I hope, you can understand me. Thank you very much!
Old toad
thanks. It is useful because sometimes I speak that “The price is…” but now I will say “It is….”.
Regards from Poland ;o)
Thank you
Maria Lopez 67
Ronnie, you’re a great teacher :)
1 mistake give me laughing because you don’t like shopping…anyway thank you so much MS.Ronnie=]
I take my time to shop
good lesson
thank you
like it.
Soma Muda
I love shopping when I got the money haha :3 :)
Love you crazzy teacher!
I got that scores is 5 of 6 because i forgot you don’t love Shopping.
eventually,Thanks for giving me knowledge.
thank you very much :D you’re a good teacher. i like your lesson
teacher I tried my best
mohamed abdulla
wao 10/10
Thanks beautiful Ronnie :)
Oh I see!
Thank you!
Thanks Ronnie…i got 5 correct out of 6 (83% ) .. why you hate shopping … this is question was incorrect . :)
Useful lesson.
Thank Ronnie.
شكرا جزيلا
thanks a lot !
Ronnie thanks for your lessons.I and my sister usually watch your video because you are as sweet as honey.Your lessons are catchy and entertaining :)
Thanks for your lesson Ronnie!!
thanks Ronni… u make it very easy
it’s a nicest & best method,,, carry on!!!
thanks for ur lesson!! everything was good to teach me
I love your leassons
Ohh, I found my mistakes , but I am glad to find this site to study all lessons day by day , I belief I can improve my English as soon as possible , if someone help me , if someone help me , i never forget his/her kindness and i really need to learn English again if someone help me please contact me in my Skype ID(kawoossadid) and facebook ID (kawoos sadid)
kawoos sadid
I love you lessons… =)
Vuk ff
I’am sorry, I was thinking “I love your lessons”… =)
Vuk ff
hi Ronnie and everybody. How do I have to say
$200.99 and $299.00 ? for me it’s two hundred nighty nine for both !!!
200.99 is Two hundred 99, and 299 is two ninety-nine :-). Thanks Ronnie!!!
sad. i got 4 out 6 :-(
i forgot you hate shopping Ronnie
ann ann
Ronnie I have one question for you :)
Do you have a test for citizenship? I’m living in Wisconsin and started the english class in Literacy Network, is just 2hrs the class for two days and I’m very sad because my english is very bad. I’m very shy person. I’m loving study grammar, but sometimes I need talk with my parents in law I do a lot errors. Now my husband started with process for american citizen, because I need the regular situation for work here. I worked in Brazil for nine years as teacher, and now, I don’t know what I can do here. If you have some tip or test, please send for me: jaque.limalr@hotmail.com.
Sorry for my mistakes here, my first time writing without the google translate. I love your lessons, thanks. :))
I love u Ronnie l love Ur lessons
And l love shopping 2 :D
Elie. P
thank you ronnie I follow you from you tube
but today I know you have a page to give to your student more kind help thank you very much we hate shoping but we love u
abd el-karim
It’s easy for me because here in Mexico we talk about prices in the same way than in the United States or in Canada.
Thanks Ronnie.
Great Ronnie!! Thanks for the lesson!!
thank you Ronnie!!!
thks a lot ronnie for this
so i am reda from morocco so i am so happy to be a member in this group and i wanna get some of help in my english language maybe it isn’t bad but in same isn’t enough to say it is good.i find diffficult in pronunciation some words or some senences
so!what can i do to growth it??? thks
Thak you Ronnie.
how to differentiate between $2.50 n $250?
Thanks, you’re so funny, I love it!
carlos 2138
Do you know why we hate shopping 9. Because we do not money.
Luiz Moreira
6/6 excellent
Omar-AL Hadeithy
thank u Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie You gave pratical information :)
I like this teacher!!!!!
i like shopping but i dislike try on clothes:D
nice lesson.
Ha ha ha :-) it is a awesome lesson.
Ronni I invite you to visit Egypt, it is very lovely
good $.$
Thank you for teaching me,,,, Ronnie
Useful lesson Ronnie. I hate shopping too but my wife love it.
thank you ms.ronnie . i really like all of your videos. you are funny teacher that i haven’t seen before. you make me feel comfortable when i learning english. <3
love u so much and i will support u :)
thank you ms.ronnie . i really like all of your videos. you are funny teacher that i haven’t seen before. you make me feel comfortable when i learning english.
i had 100% in quiz
thanks ronnie you are a perfect teacher .
youssef allax
I very appreciate your lesson.
Thanks for your funny tips.
thank you so much. I love shopping but I have no a lot of money .
Hi, Ronnie, I also hate going shoping, thanks for the class….bye
Thank you for the good lesson
our teacher hate shopping
Hello! I am your new student. Nice to meet you.
i’m not a big fan of shopping but sometimes it’s necessary! :3
Thank tou so much!
love you!
Nguyen Van Hau
Hello Mrs. Ronnie
I follow your lessons about one month ago and I am so interested in them …
I hope a good life for you and your family …
By your videos , I knew the difference between test and exam
My Qs. to you is:
whats the difference between exam and examination?Best Regards
I love shopping
But I don’t have much money, lol
thank you ronnie
thanks Ronnie
mahmoud 0000145
I prefer your taught you have a proper and simple way to teach us, so each video has many benefits. I really admire you.
thanks very lot
I love this lessen
i love it and i love you ronnie <3
i love shopping so much :)
hello Ronnie; thank for your lession; that’s great and i like it.
Salim_from VietNam
Thanks! Ronnie
Good joke!)))Thanks Ronnie)
Ronnie you’re really funny, love you.
Thanks for your lesions.
Sucks i got 2 :(
You got 4 correct out of 6.
It’s so nice:)
wow perfect
Hello thank you so much for all ,but i need something. talking about hospitality and tourism.and thank you again
Hasnae flower
thanks ronnie
I really appreciate all lessons. Congratulations!
ronnie i like you than your lessons . is this correct sentens ? :)
okay sorry ronnie for not understanding you
thank u so much. it’s very helpful to me. but I love shopping
Hey Ronnie or someone.. teach us how do we say $10.05… in the las time i did not undertand when said me prices like these… (i hope understand me, my english is not good… ?)
I am very thankful to you
mohamed elagamy
I love to go shopping, I dunno why Ronnie hates to.
Acaua Galmarine
I am very thankful and very appreciate to you
Thank Ronnie is very interesting.
You got 4 correct out of 6.
M kartal
I love your videos and quizzes, Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson.By the way,although you hate shopping,I love it.
S Chit Chit Win
Hello dear Ronnie I just to wanna thank for your amazing vídeos i wish to meet you someday greetings from surco
marc anthony
Dear Ronnie eveytime i watch your superb vídeos I learn more and more please be always the same never changes ….greetings from surco.
marc anthony
Yes, Ronnie. Do you like shopping
thanks ronnie you are the best
Ronnie, Thanks so much!
In my country, we really say “ten dollars and XX…”.
I feel interesting and fun when I saw your video.
hassan amessird
hi!. thanks
Ise Mj
Great lesson thanks for you.
Mustafs subhi
But why do you hate shopping !
you hate shopping.
I hate shopping too. because it took lots of time and I couldn’t choose my clothes.
Honestly, I also don’t like to shopping.It’s took a lot of time but sometimes for my basic needed I had to go for shopping. I guess online shopping is good. Because it saves my time.
That was useful. Thank you
I hate shopping, unless is online XD
Andy SG
good class,thank you
zunayed ahmed
:))) Who answered the 5th question wrong like me :))) I need your hand. I’m sorry but I like shopping when I have money :D
Vincente Than
5/6! Ronnie hates shopping! Let’s go shopping!
Jerry Gu
It means that if i say , How much does it coast ?
is it wrong?
This is good app,I am gad.
I got full mark! ? :D
thanks a lot,Ms.Ronnie
Happy New Year!
Greetings from Kazakhstan 26 Dec2o21
Thank you for lesson.
very usefull class
I love your classes miss Ronnie, thank you very much.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
i hate too
i love shopping
You hate shopping, don’t you. Me neither! Haha. Thank you, Ronnie :)
Me too..
Love shopping in Japan:)
That’s funny. I’m starting to buy everything from China, it costs about 50% less than here hahaha Brazil sucks! :P
We brazilians are lost in this shit country!
Oh! I found my mistake.
X Me neither.
O Me too.
Yes, you have to say me too!
I got it! Thank you for teaching me, Ronnie :D
Or she could say—— me either.
well, i’m also confused little bit.
please DO let me know whether or not i’m right!
I also have heard about “me, either.” But I usually use “me, too” and “So do I.” Thank you for your comment, sonu :)
Dear teacher :
Does bargain means a price with discount ?
i love your lessons thanks a lot ;)
Hi,Miss Ronnie
Could u teach us how to use the words feet and foot ?
thank u in advance
Ow…Ronnie..you hate shopping?..hmmm
aaaa thank you Ronny!!!
Thank you Ronnie..
I have a doubt,inside a building,apartment or a hospital how can we express the way or direct someone
Eg: Go to lift,next corridor, stairs
Yes, you can say go to the lift/elevator, get off on the # floor, turn right/left.
I don’t know that you hate shopping Ronnie!So, who buys you your nice clothes?
Thank you so much for this very useful lesson.
I buy my clothes but I hate doing it!
Thanks Ronnie, I got 83% if you love shopping then I get 100%.
Hi Abdul,me too. I didn’t pay much attention to what she said at the beginning. I thought she loved shopping.
hehe, i got 83,too..i like shopping..but not with my sisters..because they spend a lot of time to choose clothes
thank you very much
In Arabic after transulation the lesson above
We can say – the price was
Or the cost was
But we don’t say I paid the money… It’s wrong in Arabic like in English
Ronnie, How do you pronounce these words ? :
Would – Wood *
Rap – Wrap *
Here – Hear *
were – we’re
Deer – Dear
Will – We’ll
Not – Knot – Nut
and more…
All of the words you have written are “homophones”. Check out my lesson on homophones!
You are correct in what you have written!
Thank you, I’m gonna watch it!
Hi dear I’m from iran Can u help me to improve my english language please
9/10 (your shopping) Thank you Ronnie!
You got 6 correct out of 6…….. thanks Ronnie
I got 83% because I had thought you love shopping)
Yeah, me too. I didn’t pay much attention to what she said at the beginning. I thought she loved shopping.
Me too…
I got 6 correct out of 6. Thank you Ronnie! I was suprised to know you don’t like to shop.
I didn’t know that too, but I think that’s exactly what she wanted; see if we’re paying attention or not. :)
Hey teacher Ronnie, you hate shopping!!? lol
Totally got it, thank you Ronnie and your useful interesting lesson, have a nice day.
Hello Ronnie. you’re the best!. please help me, make a video for my I am a receptionist in a hotel Asian people sometimes come but do not understand their English. tell me what I can do. thank you very much.
thank you i really like your way
What a down-to-earth way of talking about prices!!!
Ronnie, I like your videos because you always focuse on use rather that usage (the way we learned it-the language- in the school).
Have a wonderful day!!!
You’re good Ronnie thank you
Thank you Ronnie, I preciate you work.
Thank u
Thank you Ronnie
This video very help me
RONNIE, YOU gave an excellent lessson as always. Please help me, I work in an exchange house in my country and I am trying to make an ad in english, do YOU consider the expression “WE GIVE MORE PESOS FOR YOUR DOLLARS” correct??? (I WANT to mean that It is better to exchange your money in my business, because we give you more local currency for it), please Help!
YES! Your expression is correct! Great work!
YOu could also say we give YOU more pesos for your dollars!
Thanks Ronnie.It is new information for me
Thanks! Maybe you can make another video about slang or auction vocabulary. By the way for me it sounds strange “nineteen seventy one” for 1971.
Thank you very much for this lesson, i didn’t know this before so it’s kind new and really interesting.
Thank you a bunch.
What do you mean you don’t like shopping? Everybody does! ;) I love doing shopping especially when I see a real bargain then I draw some money out and just have to snap it up! But don’t take me wrong. I also tuck some money away (just in an emergency ;))
halo thank you so much
I got 100 in the text!!!!
Could you please explain when we use the past perfect tense i have never seen a video about tenses.thank you so much
thank you Ronny for this beautiful lesson
“Ronnie LOVES shopping.” I thought it was true!
i work as teller so it’s very important for me to know how we tell about money.thanks you Ronnie.
Thank u
Tanks for the lesson.Now I know how to talk about price with simple and easy…thank ms Ronnie
thank you ronnie
I have to pay more attention, You don’t like shooping. That was mistake. jaaa amazing.
greetings from Costa Rica. Pura vida
thank u Ronnie
I am new
help me please for the training
Dear teacher, English sub, pls! :(
i understand 90% – 95%. :) tks you.
you are so funny and lovely. tks u
Me too
thanks for perfect teaching , please can you tell me how can I improve my English conversation , how can I found some friends to talk with for practice ? I am 100% perfect in listing but speak slowly !!!
thanks teacher :)
I always use these sentences such as ‘the price is…. I paid…’…..what a stupid !!!
thanks a lot!
Thank you I got 3 out of 6 … becouse I just answer without watching the lesson…
My first time :p
Next time I’ll take full mark .
thank you RONNIE.
interesting! :)
Thanks Ronnie,
I always like your teaching style
you hate shopping?why?
I love shopping, but I need to control myself! Thank you Ronnie!
Thanks !! Ronnie …:)
y oubest teacher because make English very easy
Thank you for this useful lesson. At the quiz, I only had one mistake. It’s about you:
You hate shopping. That is strange because, I beleived that women love to buy many unnecesssary merchandises. (:-D)
The first woman I know who doesn´t like shopping.
thank you Ronnie :) .. your way in teaching is amazing!
Excellent guide.Thanks a lot.
thanks a lot for learning me English especially pronunciation as I feel that it is the basic of English so could you tell me how can I know regarding uh oo sound when I pronounce oo or uh in words like fool foot you feel that they are similar in form .
Also I want to know a site or any way to speak with native american speakers in voice not chat to practice language and improve it
Ronnie, hi!!
I’m going to Toronto to study this year
I hope your lessons will help me there ;)
When are you coming? I live in Toronto!
thank you, I am try listening to learn english but i think you speak to fast.I am not good in english language.[ grammar,conversation,vacabulary] but I like you.
Hi I am also trying to listening if u want we can speak together
Thanks Ronnie,it is very useful!I got surprised that you hate shopping, i love it, i don´t have much money though..
great thank you so much Ronnie
hi every one
I have some problems in
because I study in Pakistan and there is don’t work youtob I cant get the movies please help me that I get it
You’ll have to use something like Tor or a web proxy.
Hi Ronnie! Here in my country people also say the price in a short way, example: é 21 e 35.We do not mention Real and Centavos.
thanks dear
Love You Ronnie, you’re a good teacher
Thank you, Ronnie ;)
Thanks teacher!
thanks so much, it was very useful for me
thank you very much teacher!
Hi Ronnie
Thanks It was very useful could you please make a video about buy shoes and clothes and reserve a conversion about when you want take a cab.
Thank you,Ronnie!
Hi Ronnie,
What’s the difference between “Live” and “Alive” ?
Alive is an adjective. I am alive.
Live is a verb. I live in Canada. I lived in Japan.
thank you so much Ronnie
Thank you, Ronnie!
Ronnie you are the best !!!
Hi Ronnie,
Am new to here, can yu tell me how to develop my english knowledge nd teach me the way pls if you could?
excellent , this is my first time , like
i love u teacher :D
i loved your way so much Ronnie thank you
good lesson i goot 6 corret out of 6
i mean i got not goot .
Ronnie you’re a very good teacher, i love your classes!, I have been learning english in my country, but learn english in this page is great! thanks for all!
It was very.. very useful for me when we go for shopping!
Hey Ronnie… Girl you always make me laugh a looooot!! Looove you!!
Please help me!!
Do the verbs “to purchase” and “to buy” have always the same meaning?
Yes,they have the same meaning. However, we usually don’t use purchase. We always say buy.
OMg , i Got 100% thanks Ronnie , were same i Hate shopping too . haha
R onnie you are amazing!
Ronnie!!! Where are you? On vacation??? I miss your lessons so much! Kisses from Brazil! It’s melting here!
Thank you Ronnie
Mrs Ronnie your lessons are very amazing .thx alot
I really need to improve my english, I am looking for someone to speak with .
my skype ID. is : walkadi
I like shopping looking at all those wonderful things but i don’t like spending to much money.
Hi Ronni i am looking grammar for so do i could you please help me about it
tanx a lot
hey ronnie. thanks for another valuable lesson. i have a doubt between the words “aren’t” and “ain’t”. In india, we pronounce these words as “aunt”. could u please tell me the difference?
DON’T use the word “ain’t”. It makes you sound stupid. Aren’t is said like R nt!
good morning ronnie
I’m happy with you as a student learning the English language I love to use it in my field
I enjoyed YouTube clips and I intend to study seriously to you
My thanks and gratitude so teacher
Lesson interesting but needed a lot of lessons
I am really happy because i found a best website to learn English. I think i able to understand what you had teach here.
Very good this test, thanks.
thank you Ronnie
Thank you for teaching me :D it seems to be really useful!
i am new , i really liked this courses , thank you :)
I consider this video useful. Thanks.
I love it so much ;I love you Ronni.
very good
it is awesome!
Thanks Ronnie. Useful lesson I took 100%
Thanks Ronni. In my country use big currency, and there is no cents, the smallest smallest denomination is 100.
1st of all mam you are I must say you are terrific mom, II wanna communicate with, you can you please provide me your mail id or Skype Id. It’s just for learning English.
Thank you for teaching me, Ronnie.
Thanks. I can know new things,,,,,,
Damn! I missed the phrase you told that you do not like shopping. Only 83 percent.
You’re great.
Thank you for this classes.
Very interisting.
Thanks Ronnie, I love the way that you teach!
Thank you,but I never know that you hate shopping…my mistake..
thank you easy and clear lesson.
Can we say:
How much are there?
I hate shopping too.Because I am a man.Thanks.
awesome explanation, keep it up!
Hi Ronni
im back to your class after almost a year ; o
Hi Ronnie.. I m from INDIA and i fallowing you since few months. My english is not so good but ur lessons are helping me so much. Thank you so much and love you a lot. You are so favorite.
hi dear teacher ronni my name is Rahmatullah want to learn english from basic pleasd help me
Sorry! I said thanks!
I’m so sorry Ronnie. I hate a shopping too^^
thank you! that was perfect!!
Hi everyine
Thank you!
Thank you very much!
Thank you!But I love shopping:->
you love shopping but not telling the truth hahahaa
thank you very much , ronnie
You hate shopping?
But in my places,women loves go shopping.
Either 1) not all women like the same things, or 2) the stores are a lot better where you are.
thanks for your lesson,but I just get 67,i answer too fast!!I will watch again.
your teaching style is very good speacily your face expression.i have watched many videos but after few minute i got bore but your videos are very intresting because of your teaching style.thanks
100/100 THAT graet, its the first time i see woman hate shoping that make me happy
Great lesson my teacher
Love the way Ronnie explains her lessons! It is never boring plus lots of useful information!
Look at Ronnie. She is so funny and her lesson is so interesting. I love Ronnie
It is a nice try for a beginner, Thank You Ronnie!
I love your videos. You always make me laugh =D
thank u maam
Thank you!
I love Shopping…
I like shoping. Tnk for topic.
excellent Ronnie thanks!
Thank you too much Ronnie ^^
but I love shopping! haha > <
Hi Ronnie!
Is there another way to say 1200,00? I think I have heard something like “how much is it?” and the person said “it is twelve thousand” but it was actually 1.200 dollars.
1200.00 could either be “one thousand two hundred” or “twelve hundred”. (If you’re using “,” for the decimal point!)
Thank you!
Nice! :)
Thank you!
Thank you so much. :)
Thanks Ronnie.
hi ronnie,
i have a problem i don’t have anyone to practace with
actually i have a friend in hamilon,ontario,canada but he won’t to speak english with me because i’m bad in english please helpe me ronnie
The shopping is one choice for relax, thank Ronnie for good lesson.
i hate it too,
to much monney for chopping .
i got 6 correct out of 6 yooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo (dancing)
you are funny
Would anyone tell me
What should i do ?
5/6 very good to me !!!
I am a big fan of you who hates shopping.:)
I love you,Ronnie, I love you lessons, I’m really old,not toad,of course, old woman, I have been learning English since July 2013, and it is difficult for me, and one day I had decided to stop, but,it was a miracle, I found your lessons, and now I can write to you, and I hope, you can understand me. Thank you very much!
thanks. It is useful because sometimes I speak that “The price is…” but now I will say “It is….”.
Regards from Poland ;o)
Thank you
Ronnie, you’re a great teacher :)
1 mistake give me laughing because you don’t like shopping…anyway thank you so much MS.Ronnie=]
I take my time to shop
good lesson
thank you
like it.
I love shopping when I got the money haha :3 :)
Love you crazzy teacher!
I got that scores is 5 of 6 because i forgot you don’t love Shopping.
eventually,Thanks for giving me knowledge.
thank you very much :D you’re a good teacher. i like your lesson
teacher I tried my best
wao 10/10
Thanks beautiful Ronnie :)
Oh I see!
Thank you!
Thanks Ronnie…i got 5 correct out of 6 (83% ) .. why you hate shopping … this is question was incorrect . :)
Useful lesson.
Thank Ronnie.
شكرا جزيلا
thanks a lot !
Ronnie thanks for your lessons.I and my sister usually watch your video because you are as sweet as honey.Your lessons are catchy and entertaining :)
Thanks for your lesson Ronnie!!
thanks Ronni… u make it very easy
it’s a nicest & best method,,, carry on!!!
thanks for ur lesson!! everything was good to teach me
I love your leassons
Ohh, I found my mistakes , but I am glad to find this site to study all lessons day by day , I belief I can improve my English as soon as possible , if someone help me , if someone help me , i never forget his/her kindness and i really need to learn English again if someone help me please contact me in my Skype ID(kawoossadid) and facebook ID (kawoos sadid)
I love you lessons… =)
I’am sorry, I was thinking “I love your lessons”… =)
hi Ronnie and everybody. How do I have to say
$200.99 and $299.00 ? for me it’s two hundred nighty nine for both !!!
200.99 is Two hundred 99, and 299 is two ninety-nine :-). Thanks Ronnie!!!
sad. i got 4 out 6 :-(
i forgot you hate shopping Ronnie
Ronnie I have one question for you :)
Do you have a test for citizenship? I’m living in Wisconsin and started the english class in Literacy Network, is just 2hrs the class for two days and I’m very sad because my english is very bad. I’m very shy person. I’m loving study grammar, but sometimes I need talk with my parents in law I do a lot errors. Now my husband started with process for american citizen, because I need the regular situation for work here. I worked in Brazil for nine years as teacher, and now, I don’t know what I can do here. If you have some tip or test, please send for me: jaque.limalr@hotmail.com.
Sorry for my mistakes here, my first time writing without the google translate. I love your lessons, thanks. :))
I love u Ronnie l love Ur lessons
And l love shopping 2 :D
thank you ronnie I follow you from you tube
but today I know you have a page to give to your student more kind help thank you very much we hate shoping but we love u
It’s easy for me because here in Mexico we talk about prices in the same way than in the United States or in Canada.
Thanks Ronnie.
Great Ronnie!! Thanks for the lesson!!
thank you Ronnie!!!
thks a lot ronnie for this
so i am reda from morocco so i am so happy to be a member in this group and i wanna get some of help in my english language maybe it isn’t bad but in same isn’t enough to say it is good.i find diffficult in pronunciation some words or some senences
so!what can i do to growth it??? thks
Thak you Ronnie.
how to differentiate between $2.50 n $250?
Thanks, you’re so funny, I love it!
Do you know why we hate shopping 9. Because we do not money.
6/6 excellent
thank u Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie You gave pratical information :)
I like this teacher!!!!!
i like shopping but i dislike try on clothes:D
nice lesson.
Ha ha ha :-) it is a awesome lesson.
Ronni I invite you to visit Egypt, it is very lovely
good $.$
Thank you for teaching me,,,, Ronnie
Useful lesson Ronnie. I hate shopping too but my wife love it.
thank you ms.ronnie . i really like all of your videos. you are funny teacher that i haven’t seen before. you make me feel comfortable when i learning english. <3
love u so much and i will support u :)
thank you ms.ronnie . i really like all of your videos. you are funny teacher that i haven’t seen before. you make me feel comfortable when i learning english.
i had 100% in quiz
thanks ronnie you are a perfect teacher .
I very appreciate your lesson.
Thanks for your funny tips.
thank you so much. I love shopping but I have no a lot of money .
Hi, Ronnie, I also hate going shoping, thanks for the class….bye
Thank you for the good lesson
our teacher hate shopping
Hello! I am your new student. Nice to meet you.
i’m not a big fan of shopping but sometimes it’s necessary! :3
Thank tou so much!
love you!
Hello Mrs. Ronnie
I follow your lessons about one month ago and I am so interested in them …
I hope a good life for you and your family …
By your videos , I knew the difference between test and exam
My Qs. to you is:
whats the difference between exam and examination?Best Regards
I love shopping
But I don’t have much money, lol
thank you ronnie
thanks Ronnie
I prefer your taught you have a proper and simple way to teach us, so each video has many benefits. I really admire you.
thanks very lot
I love this lessen
i love it and i love you ronnie <3
i love shopping so much :)
hello Ronnie; thank for your lession; that’s great and i like it.
Salim_from VietNam
Thanks! Ronnie
Good joke!)))Thanks Ronnie)
Ronnie you’re really funny, love you.
Thanks for your lesions.
Sucks i got 2 :(
You got 4 correct out of 6.
It’s so nice:)
wow perfect
Hello thank you so much for all ,but i need something. talking about hospitality and tourism.and thank you again
thanks ronnie
I really appreciate all lessons. Congratulations!
ronnie i like you than your lessons . is this correct sentens ? :)
okay sorry ronnie for not understanding you
thank u so much. it’s very helpful to me. but I love shopping
Hey Ronnie or someone.. teach us how do we say $10.05… in the las time i did not undertand when said me prices like these… (i hope understand me, my english is not good… ?)
I am very thankful to you
I love to go shopping, I dunno why Ronnie hates to.
I am very thankful and very appreciate to you
Thank Ronnie is very interesting.
You got 4 correct out of 6.
I love your videos and quizzes, Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson.By the way,although you hate shopping,I love it.
Hello dear Ronnie I just to wanna thank for your amazing vídeos i wish to meet you someday greetings from surco
Dear Ronnie eveytime i watch your superb vídeos I learn more and more please be always the same never changes ….greetings from surco.
Yes, Ronnie. Do you like shopping
thanks ronnie you are the best
Ronnie, Thanks so much!
In my country, we really say “ten dollars and XX…”.
I feel interesting and fun when I saw your video.
hi!. thanks
Great lesson thanks for you.
But why do you hate shopping !
you hate shopping.
I hate shopping too. because it took lots of time and I couldn’t choose my clothes.
Honestly, I also don’t like to shopping.It’s took a lot of time but sometimes for my basic needed I had to go for shopping. I guess online shopping is good. Because it saves my time.
That was useful. Thank you
I hate shopping, unless is online XD
good class,thank you
:))) Who answered the 5th question wrong like me :))) I need your hand. I’m sorry but I like shopping when I have money :D
5/6! Ronnie hates shopping! Let’s go shopping!
It means that if i say , How much does it coast ?
is it wrong?
This is good app,I am gad.
I got full mark! ? :D
thanks a lot,Ms.Ronnie
Happy New Year!
Greetings from Kazakhstan 26 Dec2o21
Thank you for lesson.
very usefull class
I love your classes miss Ronnie, thank you very much.