Learn how to pronounce the English vowels “I” and “E” correctly in this free English lesson! Spanish and Japanese students especially tend to have difficulties with these sounds, but anyone who is not a native speaker will benefit!
Hi Teacher, I have a little problem with the words “bitch” and “beach”, I guess the same rule applies for this two words, thank you.
beach sounds like BEE-ch, bitch sounds like bi-tch (like the i in “IT”), c
thanks a lot.
Hi, thanks for this super lesson. It’s difficult to all spanish, portuguese and french people to see the difference.
(Cause i’m all of that at once ^^)
Now I know that it’s like the sound “é” in french, spanish and portuguese.
I put “ai zénk darai ém ohosom” in google translate “Spanish to English” than I clicked in the pronunciation button at the spanish side and …
thank alot
a lot :D
I have the same problem since I learn bitch words uggh so annoying LOL. But I’m okay with the word beach and bitch now.
I think pronunciation is very important when you pronounce a foreign language. But sometimes very confusing! Thanks for your help to understand the difference of e and i vowels. Very clear explanation. Now I get it.
Thanks a lot for this lesson :) every time i visit this web site i feel wiser :)
Greeting From Chile :D <3
thanks for your visited
hi… teacher ronnie. how is going? Are you happy? I hope so. I haven’t seen you in ages. because at the moment i’m seeking job. i’m worry about my english because i’m not fluent. you know i can read and write but when someone said to me i can under stand but if speak so fast i can’t understand. you know,How can i improve my listen? give me some suggestions for me. finally if you have freetime i want invite you travel in Thailand. thank you my teacher. have a nice dream.
to improve your listening — watch american or british tv shows with sub-titles in english so you can understand what they are saying!
listen to english music and follow along with
the lyrics (song words).
you can also watch movies with sub-titles!
hope that helps!
I have been to Thailand before – Bangkok, ko Saumi, Ko Phag-gang and another one that I forget the name of! (my spelling is bad too)!
i’m verry agree with you on that? and sure you are spelling,is not bad it’s really beautiful and i like it so much
Your lessons are sooooooooo good mam. Thanks a lot to all the teachers especially to my Ronnie teacher…of course this thanks are not enough to say. :-) :-) :-) waiting for more lessons.
i allways watch english tv shows -series and i lissen english music from young age. But my problem is i cant find anyone to practise.
So when i need to speak english i allways make pronunciation or grammer mistakes.
Its realy nice to watch your lessons but just watching is not solving speaking problem….
thanks for lessons
could you tell me the lesson how to use have been or has been or being I live in brampton (toronto) you mention you give the private lesson i’m interested to take classes pls give me ur contact number
Sorry, I don’t offer lessons on Skype. Please give me your email and since you live near, I can maybe offer you private lessons in Toronto!
Me too, but i guess those words sounds like the same.
Dear All professional teachers in engvid.com
This is very special thanks to this website. However, i have just found it in youtube checking. I found teacher Alex presenting the lesson and start to log into this website. Then i feel very happy about that because i have found s.th in wich i need to know.
Thanks a lot
From Cambodia
Thank you!
This lesson was very helpful for me.
Hi madam, Would you please upload a new video on How to use For,To correctly.. and In,At,On (based on place, not time)
thanks so much for lessons ronnie, do you know my confidence i feel it with you? by for now
Hello..ronnie. You know I’m very excited when you reply to me. Thank you so much my teacher. Thank you for suggestions. Take care yourself.
i need hlep for english wrting…
ketsela hailu
hi im shareef i ned medicl lessons i min that cents whetch dr. nedet
i wouls appreciate if u would ome free english vedio downlaods
that’s more intersting
Hi, What is the world’s average score for IELTS General Training? Please if you know this information let us share it with you. I am dissapointed today because of my IELTS result and I was really expecting a higher score and I might submit a re-mark request soon. I would appreciate your feedback.
Ashraf Adel
I will try my best to learn it better
Thank you
Really now I get it.
Ronnie ,your classes are so cool that we can learn English laughing.I have a big doubt in English, I would like to know what is the difference when we use -ING and TO after LIKE, the meaning changes?
Gerunds (v-ing) and Infitives (to+v) both function as NOUNS, so there is no real difference (grammar wise).
Both answer the questions “WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY?” or “WHAT DO YOU DO ON YOUR FREE TIME?”
Answers could be “I like reading and cooking” or “I like to read and to cook”
Kru Jay from Thailand
Hello my lovely teacher!Im from Moscow. Ill got problems with construct a sentence!!Please more information about it!
hello! Teacher you are awesome i apreciate all that u do haha im learning english… what about Steak?
thaks so much
Sorry for hurry…….
This was good and full clear on E and I words.
Can you please put some of video on when to use there, they and their…. I have confusion on this.
please guide me i can read write even speak but when i speak i confused in grammer.
I just want yor help to improve english conversation please help me out
many thanks,
hi i realy like your way of teaching.
Ronnie, congratulations on the tips! I am an English teacher from Brazil and the lessons on engvid help me and my students a lot. I like to see the videos to get ideas on how to help them learn. As a teacher I am always learning too. Thanks a lot. :) I loved the idea of the “i” sound when you drew an eye! It´s impossible to forget after seeing that!
Hi! Ronnie, Thanks a lot for your advice, now it´s for me
thanks a lot
Hi Ronnie, I really liked so much the lesson about E & I and your way of teaching.
Could you give some tips for the pronunciation of these words: cup, cop, cap?
I hope you give me a hand!!
Nice day:: :)
hi mad..this is a new lesson for me,,, thank you v’ry much
antonio freitas
Hi Ma’am,
I really liked the way you used to express the lesson and I got mostly all the queries answer from the session.
Can you help me on the topic a/ ai / ae and ea/ ei/ I have lot of confusion while using words with the above vowels.
Like : Paint – MS Paint and the hindi word Paint ( clothes ) …
hai madiam you are teaching very well i hope use full the all students for intresting to learn pepole thanks you very much
i’m cannot speaking english
Hello Ronnie (is it from Ronald? I’m not sure …!)
Your lessons are very good but sad to tell you that you speak deeply in your nose and hearing you is the most hard part of your lesson for us as the English leaners from other countries. Please try to understand that we are only beginners in English (not your pals that you meet everyday). I know that you cannot do anything to change your way of speaking therefore I suggest you to put subtitles (closed captions) on your video so it would be a great help to all of us. We love you!
Thanks for this ,and previous lessons ,but if you explain how we can pronunce single “e” for example “bet” it will be good for all students because i can not make difference when I wanna pronunce,”bet”,”beat”,”bit”.
I wiil be thankful to for ever.
Sher Bahader Khan Mashreqi
Kunar Afghanistan.
Sher Bahader Khan Kunar Afghanistan
Nice to meet u.
I’m Japanese.
But I’m in Vancouver now to study English.
Your videos are awesome!!!
I wanna take a lesson on Skype.
Let me know how can I take.
Anyway Merry Christmas and happy Boxingday.
hye ilah
hi, I need to learn english and improve my english
i need learning english
abed salam
is so good hello satoru
bagus sangat lah teacher
bagus lah kan
you push me to say thank you i like the way you make poeple understand thnks again i promise i ll not use shit hhhhhhhh driss from morocco
where’s quiz
that’s good
Châu Nhật Long
Hello Roonie
how i register for your private classes @ skype
thanks you very much teacher for heilping in english.i wanna ask u a very simple questionplz explain it as early as possible.my question is how to introdue ourself in english?
Happy New Year and best wishes. I very like yours lessons. They are very useful and funny. May I connect with you about Skype lessons? Please.
Thank you ….for this video
i just found what a very precious is..tutorial clasess for english learning..thanks a lot
thank you so much, a few days ago I started to see these videos and I think these so great
hi!! laura tu conoces tambien a elena de rusia ? pues ella me recomendo este curso, perdon si te estoy confundiendo con otra prersona. byee!
i can’t thank you enough.
hi teacher.iwould like to thanks u to your the best lesson.that because the prouncation is the most problem faced us as we are the second user of english,sothank u to much
Thank you so much teacher
I have some confusions in pronouncing the vowels “ea”, for exemple beach and real
hey Ronnie!!
-> you are the best teachers thank you about this lesson..<- :)
hiiii Roonie thank you so much you soooooooo good and i loveeeeee you sooooooooo much
ninos esho
Hi!! teacher thanks I learn very much with you :D
Hello my dear teacher,
I like your teahing but I am very weak and how can I improve english very easy?
wow!You teach very well, it is now I’m really learning how to pronounce the words in English..
You are really excellent, all teachers of this site, are wonderful at what they do, congratulations to you all..
ah! my name is Ricardinho and I’m from Brazil
bye,bye.. a big hug..
Ricardinho Britto
thank you for this lesson!
hi tech ,
first of all i want to thank you a lot for this lesson , but what about this word (head)plz reply me ASAP
Thank you teacher so much!
Hi Ronnie,
I’m an ESL teacher and I’m currently tutoring Russians using Skype. They also have a problem with ee and i. Thank you for sharing your lesson. It’s great to see other Canadians teaching ESL. Do you have ideas on how to teach forming the ee and i sound? I have many students that can’t hear the difference….Thanks Shari White
Shari White(shari_tutor)
Hi Ronnie,
I’m in canada now,i wanna know how to use in,on,at,to,by,is,of etc.. thanks george..
george prince
Hey, I’ve got a question, is there anything else except longitude in the difference between these sounds? People don’t often speak slowly sometimes it can be difficult to say “eee” and sometimes it can be opposite “Tiiim” “Where are you, T(iii)m?” I’ve been listening to a pronounciation course for two days,I cannot catch the difference when a person speaks fast. They are both so similar to each other… There’re a lot of schemes of these sounds on the net but unfortunately they didn’t all apeare useful for me. In fact this video is only a beginning of an introduction of these sounds. Please, explain it again.But in this time, show it in the middle of words, at the end,with different letters and speed. And, please, make a good picture… Thanks.
thank you so much for this helpful lesson.
ahmed burr
Hi Ronnie,
Your pronunciation lessons are really helpful. Would you please elaborate how to pronounce mail and male.
Hi Ronnie
I have a big problem with the pronunciation of “ea” I do not understand when ea is like “eee” sound and when is like “e” sound, for explame, why the pronunciation of head is different of mean, or the pronunciation of steak is different of beach. Can you clarify me the exception of the rule.
Thanks you.
There are always exception to the rule. The “ea” in STEAK is pronounce like a long Aa sound as in mate (meit) or wait (weit). There are 3 different sounds of “ea” 1. Long ee as in READ, TEAM; 2. short e as in HEAD (hed), BREAD (bred); 3. eh sound as in BEAR (behr), WEAR (wehr).
I hope this helps!!!!
Kru Jay from Thailand
Ronnie you are amazing!!Thank you, so so much!!!
hi ..Ronnie,could you pleas help me..about the Helping VERB..well you explain it to me,LIKE V,PHRASE..MAIN VERB…HELPING VERB..HOW can I use it?
Basically, HELPING VERBS are verbs which needs another VERB in a sentence. The most commonly used HELPING VERB is the for of BE (is am are). But BE Verbs can be a main verb as well.
BE as MAIN VERB (no other verb in a sentence)
I am a teacher.
She is a cook.
BE as HELPING VERB (there’s another verb in a sentence)
I am teaching.
She is cooking.
There are several HELPING VERBS like HAVE, DO and the MODALS (can, must).
I hope this helps!!!
Kru Jay from Thailand
I watched the videos in this webpage but I cannot find one video where it can explain about rules of speeling like use “i” before “e”. I will apreciate your help.
Rules in English are never 100% but it is… “i after e, except after c”.
E after I
As in : believe , field , and piece.
1- After C
As in : receipt,receive,and ceiling.
2-When (EI)sounded long (a)like the one you hear in make ,may,and train.
As in :neighbor,weigh,vein,and eight.
3-General exceptions:
leisure,and foreign.
Hi Ronie. I loooovee yours explanations! It makes the difficult sounds easy.
Please help with a doubt from a lot of people here in Brazil – The pronunciation of Word and World. Is it really difficult?
Ronnie you’re perfect! I felt in love in your lessons! They’re great!
i would like u to make a videooo on there are some words that ends with s and im comfused with when i have to put the s….im learning english i dont know if u understand me thanks
thanks Ronnie! i’m kashif you help us to understand pronunciation a lot how can i contact with you if i wan’t to take private classes? i’m from Pakistan but your teaching style is awesome.And i’m very happy to have teacher like you. Thank you
kashif from Pakistan
Sorry, I don’t offer skype lessons right now!
Thanks Ronnie!you’re perfect teacher & you are amazing girl!Thank you, so much!
thank you so much……………..
You are wonderful! Thank you :)
How to pronunce tuesday? Is it choose-day or tue-s-day
it is like “twos-day”!
hey teacher u r great
thx alot u are agreat teacher
u teach beautifully.
can u tel us the difference btw home/house,avenge/revenge/,jail/prison,envision/envisage.
wid regards
Basically, a HOUSE is the structure where you eat, sleep, etc. A HOME is a place that gives you joy and all that mushy stuff.
Revenge is basically a noun and Avenge is a verb. As in
1. Revenge is best served cold. (NOUN, SUBJECT)
2. I will avenge my family. (Verb).
Kru Jay from Thailand
great job ..but why you did not offer vowel transcription lessons ?
Hi teacher. how are you?i hope your fine i have problem of spelling and grammer plz teach me the way i can solve problem thanks
Mohammad Akbar
really thanks a lot you are great
we need more and more
I’m so happy to find your website thanks a lot
Ronnie, you are the best.
this is wonderful site
Islam Kamhawy
thank a lot jaa
Ronnie you are the best. i am very enjoying to attend yours lecture. Please keep it up, and make your name is the list of best teacher.
i am from Pakistan.
ronnie u r doing very well. i m learning so much
thank you for your help in improving my english
That is really great, thanks a lot :)
Hi Ronnie Wanna Say thx alot!! bcoz when i test in english class im so POOR =/ i had listen yr video over & Over it so good i can get to know more really Big Thanks =]
Kate Kim
Hi how are you I thank you Ronnie for you help us for learn english
Hi Roonie
nice to meet you, I’m Venezuela but I’m in Miami Beach now study English. I wanna take a lesson on skype, let me know how can I take.
thank Freddy Pin
nothing word means when some word is rudely…?
you used this word for shi… yes????
thanks my best teacher
How can am i pronounce the letter Z ?
I am pronouncing like Zee….
If i am pronounce either Zee or Zad…. ?
When we use Zee and zad. Plz Explain me!
I admire Your teaching…..
Thank you for reading…….
Vijay Kumar Sriramagiri
You can say it “Zee” or “Zed”. I’ve just put up a video on how to say the letters — watch it!
hi teacher how are u ? i,m watching your video this good for me.i have same problem can you it.
Muhammed zeeshan
iam an egyptian girl and iam so glad by learning from this site thanks a lot i like your teaching way
I would have been.. is past advice. eg…If I were you, I would have been an artist.
I would be.. is future. If I were would, I would be an artist.
sorry, i don’t understood..
hi teacher thanks for your a lot of message i like your message.
hi teacher thank you for your videos which are very interesting.
could you please explain to me what ( or how ) to recognize which e is in a word ? thanks you
ps if you have tips to improve a english accent on a french person …
I WILL TRY TO get info for you!
me too get try to give more info..and actually i heard about you a lot that your way of teaching
very usfull lesson.
i would like to know about ,shall and should, . when can we us shall and when should.???
you are really very good to teaching and to explain, excellnt!!!
Tanks a lot teacher.
Ronnie what is the different between related and concerning?
Related means something that is similar to something else…..eg…skiing is related to snowboarding
Concerning means about, or adding more detail to the same thing!
hi ronnie i realy love the way you teach. and i want to sray in touch with you pls can you give me your facebook or your msn . i realy want to see you and talk . maybe it will help me more to learn english from you . i wish yo will do it for me . thank you ronnie
Thanks Ronnie. Lily from Brazil
i like your teaching style.
hi how are you.
Hi Ronnie , i love your Way of teaching . You are amazing.
rellay you are wonderfull may be I’m not prof in english but i try to immprove my english with you lessons
finally thank you
Hello Ronnie thank you very much but i would ask you about i sound in words like (kite,like, site) so when we pronounce (i letter) as it sound or as eye sound
happy day
mam please let me know how to pronounce hate and hat ? please i am waiting for your kind reply :) regards
nayyar hayat khann
Hate = Hey- t
hat = ha-T
Hi Ronnie
I am enjoying your teaching……. It’so good.
I would like to know the words that is the same in singular and plural, like: sheep, deer…
Thanks a lot.
Tarcisio – from Brazil
Sheep and deer are the same for singular and plural!
Dear Teacher,
I’m Dammy.I’m in Sri lanka.I’ve practiced for ILETS TEST.I saw your great lessons.as well as wy knowledge was improved.so,I would like to Thank you.
If you can, please help me to improve my english speaking skills.
thanks alot
faten aziz
For people from Spanish speaking countries I can say that it’s really hard for us to distinguish between these two sounds, but I could say the sound for ‘ea’ and “ee” is like the “i” in Spanish and the “i” used in ‘fit’ or ‘shit’ sounds more like the ‘e’ in Spanish, but not exactly.
Hi Ronnie,
Gr8 video! Thank you very much! I’m having a bit problem with ‘work’ and ‘walk’, also ‘Sun’,’Son’,’song’. Do you have any tips could help me out? Really appreciate:)
Work sounds like WERE-K
Walk sounds like WAH-K (open your mouth to say WAH!)
Sun and son are exactly the same! And song is saw+ng!
Brilliant! Thank you so much!:)
Dear Ronnie, i have learnt lots from your videos. Thanks you very much.
Ronnie, what’s the difference between the pronunciation of the words’ light’, ‘ right’, and ‘write’?
I look forward to hearing from your reply. Thanks in advanced.
Speaking of pronunciation, Ronnie, im confused what the pronunciation /d / in the special cases like the word ‘ used’, ‘ loved’ and so on. I knew the pronunciation / d/, but im no sure the pronunciation /use-d/ same as /used/. Is it correct?
Second question is IS it we should use pronunciation /t/ in all of the words which have ‘t’ like the words ‘yogurt’,’commitment’ and etc?. Am i right?
I need your help. Your apply is appreciated. Thanks again, Ronnie.
With regards,
Yes, /use-d/ is the same as /used/.
yes, you should use pronunciation /t/ in all of the words which have ‘t’ like the words ‘yogurt’,’commitment’!!!!
Thanks a million, Ronnie~ Your answered my questions every times~Thanks again, Ronnie~I am very grateful to you~^_^
hi mam ronnie can you help me please how to speak french hope you do vedeo english translet french thanks a alot your so nice teacher i like you so much the way you teach
mercy desuyo
Thanks a lot teacher….I’m learning…Looking forward for more!!!!God bless you!
hi teacher ronnie . can you give me your english teaching CD. I’m sorry because i cant effort the net bill & i cant buy any book . I am from Bangladesh. well i use a computer but this is not my.don’t mined if you don’t send that.i don’t mined.if you want that’s my add- ka-115’South Badda,Gulshan Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh. & this is my email- tanjirahmed85@gmail.com. again i am sorry but i need it. oh your teaching system is so good & understandable .
Sorry, I do not have a cd!
Hello teacher Roni, I love your classes, my English is really bad, but I need to learn because I will go to USA in December.
Geice Roballo
Hi, dear Ronnie
Whey does the letter (I)in some words like (Christine) sounds like long( E)
as in( meet )rather than long (I) as in( time ) or even thort (I) as in (tin)?
Hi! Ronni, can you tell where to use word “apartment”and where “the house”.
Adil phulpoto
Apartment is a unit in a building that you rent. It has no yard.
A house is a separate dwelling that has a yard or property around it.
Hi Ms. Ronnie,
Why do all these(I) above sound long(E) as in(meet),not long (I)as in (line),or even short (I)as in (tin)?
By the way, congratulation the new R lesson and the new blouse,It has a unique colour.
thank you Ronnie ^^
thank u really much
thats helped me allot
hiii teacher i have a little problem i couldn`t making a sentence correctly
you are explan all the confused word in our language very nice ot do it
Thank you a lot. Do you have more tips for Spanish speakers?
Hello Ronnie
Thank you very much. I live in Toronto. I really really want to improve my English. I really want to take some lesson with you. I have been studying grammar books for long time. But i need the right guidance from you. my email address venpa2000@gmail.com.
Thanks in advance.
hello ronni
i just went to ask what does shit means
thanks a lot … i really like ur lessons …
Hi Ronnie. Thank you for your excellent video. Could you provide some information about how to practice the stressed and unstressed words in a sentence and how to know which words should be pronounced as stressed or unstressed? Thank you very much.
Many thanks to clarify my English
Thaks a lot! I love your lessons!
Mell Bento
In Romanian language, the two vowels sound(audible)is very similar, but “with the observation” it is pronounced exactly the opposite.
Iliescu Cornel
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot, your lessons are amazing
Hi ronnie, your lessons are amazing! jst started learning about the pronunciation. I always have a problem with the letter E & I, G & J. I really want to learn these letters. Help me to improve my pronunciation please. Thanks :)
hi..Ronnie …i am learning British accent ..if i watch movies or videos comes with American accent ,will it affect my learning??
Yes, /use-d/ is the same as /used/.
yes, you should use pronunciation /t/ in all of the words which have ‘t’ like the words ‘yogurt’,’commitment’!!!!
thanks teacher ronnie !!!!!!
Before, i was confused because my native language is spanish but now i get!
hi,my teacher:)it was very good lesson.thank you so much:)
Hi Ronnie. This lesson was very good to me because I have much difficulty with these two letters, but my biggest difficulty is to know when I use an open I, as in the word life, that sounds as lífe (with accentuation), and when I use a close I, like in the word live. So this is my difficulty, someone said me that It’s just possible with listening, because each word has their own sound, but I would like If you have any clue or technic (or video already done), share with me please.
hallo ronnie, thank you for your help, i’m so confused about the pronunciation of the vowel i, i would like to know why we pronunce it some times eye, and some times eee?
thank you
So Helpful, Thanks Ronnie!
Hi, ronnie, you are a great teacher I often follow your lessons. here I have got a question about the pronunciation of the word head. it should be like heed. am I right? thanks
Hamidullah Hakimi
thanks again ronnie.
cesar leal
thanks a lot…
uncle eddy
You Helped Me A lot Ronnie <3 I love you so Much
thanks a lot
I know i am very late in posting the comment… but!
Madam Ronnie you are simply cool …and
thank you verry much for the lesson!
it was intresting! as always…
Thank you Ronnie
You are awesome
Nawal mohamed
Hi Ma’am
I am ur new student, help me plz.
Thank u.
Kaneez Fatima waheed
Thank you.
you re amazing
Hi teacher , i’m trying to know the different of pronounceof hem and him !! I couldn’t get it ?
Learn English for free with 2162 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi Teacher, I have a little problem with the words “bitch” and “beach”, I guess the same rule applies for this two words, thank you.
beach sounds like BEE-ch, bitch sounds like bi-tch (like the i in “IT”), c
thanks a lot.
Hi, thanks for this super lesson. It’s difficult to all spanish, portuguese and french people to see the difference.
(Cause i’m all of that at once ^^)
Now I know that it’s like the sound “é” in french, spanish and portuguese.
I put “ai zénk darai ém ohosom” in google translate “Spanish to English” than I clicked in the pronunciation button at the spanish side and …
thank alot
a lot :D
I have the same problem since I learn bitch words uggh so annoying LOL. But I’m okay with the word beach and bitch now.
I think pronunciation is very important when you pronounce a foreign language. But sometimes very confusing! Thanks for your help to understand the difference of e and i vowels. Very clear explanation. Now I get it.
Thanks a lot for this lesson :) every time i visit this web site i feel wiser :)
Greeting From Chile :D <3
thanks for your visited
hi… teacher ronnie. how is going? Are you happy? I hope so. I haven’t seen you in ages. because at the moment i’m seeking job. i’m worry about my english because i’m not fluent. you know i can read and write but when someone said to me i can under stand but if speak so fast i can’t understand. you know,How can i improve my listen? give me some suggestions for me. finally if you have freetime i want invite you travel in Thailand. thank you my teacher. have a nice dream.
to improve your listening — watch american or british tv shows with sub-titles in english so you can understand what they are saying!
listen to english music and follow along with
the lyrics (song words).
you can also watch movies with sub-titles!
hope that helps!
I have been to Thailand before – Bangkok, ko Saumi, Ko Phag-gang and another one that I forget the name of! (my spelling is bad too)!
i’m verry agree with you on that? and sure you are spelling,is not bad it’s really beautiful and i like it so much
Your lessons are sooooooooo good mam. Thanks a lot to all the teachers especially to my Ronnie teacher…of course this thanks are not enough to say. :-) :-) :-) waiting for more lessons.
i allways watch english tv shows -series and i lissen english music from young age. But my problem is i cant find anyone to practise.
So when i need to speak english i allways make pronunciation or grammer mistakes.
Its realy nice to watch your lessons but just watching is not solving speaking problem….
thanks for lessons
could you tell me the lesson how to use have been or has been or being I live in brampton (toronto) you mention you give the private lesson i’m interested to take classes pls give me ur contact number
Sorry, I don’t offer lessons on Skype. Please give me your email and since you live near, I can maybe offer you private lessons in Toronto!
mn_munkhochir@yahoo.com can you give me your email
Me too, but i guess those words sounds like the same.
Dear All professional teachers in engvid.com
This is very special thanks to this website. However, i have just found it in youtube checking. I found teacher Alex presenting the lesson and start to log into this website. Then i feel very happy about that because i have found s.th in wich i need to know.
Thanks a lot
From Cambodia
Thank you!
This lesson was very helpful for me.
Hi madam, Would you please upload a new video on How to use For,To correctly.. and In,At,On (based on place, not time)
Hi there. We already have that English lesson! Here it is:
Prepositions of Place – AT, ON, IN
thanks so much for lessons ronnie, do you know my confidence i feel it with you? by for now
Hello..ronnie. You know I’m very excited when you reply to me. Thank you so much my teacher. Thank you for suggestions. Take care yourself.
i need hlep for english wrting…
hi im shareef i ned medicl lessons i min that cents whetch dr. nedet
i wouls appreciate if u would ome free english vedio downlaods
that’s more intersting
Hi, What is the world’s average score for IELTS General Training? Please if you know this information let us share it with you. I am dissapointed today because of my IELTS result and I was really expecting a higher score and I might submit a re-mark request soon. I would appreciate your feedback.
I will try my best to learn it better
Thank you
Really now I get it.
Ronnie ,your classes are so cool that we can learn English laughing.I have a big doubt in English, I would like to know what is the difference when we use -ING and TO after LIKE, the meaning changes?
Gerunds (v-ing) and Infitives (to+v) both function as NOUNS, so there is no real difference (grammar wise).
Both answer the questions “WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY?” or “WHAT DO YOU DO ON YOUR FREE TIME?”
Answers could be “I like reading and cooking” or “I like to read and to cook”
Hello my lovely teacher!Im from Moscow. Ill got problems with construct a sentence!!Please more information about it!
hello! Teacher you are awesome i apreciate all that u do haha im learning english… what about Steak?
thaks so much
Sorry for hurry…….
This was good and full clear on E and I words.
Can you please put some of video on when to use there, they and their…. I have confusion on this.
please guide me i can read write even speak but when i speak i confused in grammer.
I just want yor help to improve english conversation please help me out
many thanks,
hi i realy like your way of teaching.
Ronnie, congratulations on the tips! I am an English teacher from Brazil and the lessons on engvid help me and my students a lot. I like to see the videos to get ideas on how to help them learn. As a teacher I am always learning too. Thanks a lot. :) I loved the idea of the “i” sound when you drew an eye! It´s impossible to forget after seeing that!
Hi! Ronnie, Thanks a lot for your advice, now it´s for me
thanks a lot
Hi Ronnie, I really liked so much the lesson about E & I and your way of teaching.
Could you give some tips for the pronunciation of these words: cup, cop, cap?
I hope you give me a hand!!
Nice day:: :)
hi mad..this is a new lesson for me,,, thank you v’ry much
Hi Ma’am,
I really liked the way you used to express the lesson and I got mostly all the queries answer from the session.
Can you help me on the topic a/ ai / ae and ea/ ei/ I have lot of confusion while using words with the above vowels.
Like : Paint – MS Paint and the hindi word Paint ( clothes ) …
hai madiam you are teaching very well i hope use full the all students for intresting to learn pepole thanks you very much
i’m cannot speaking english
Hello Ronnie (is it from Ronald? I’m not sure …!)
Your lessons are very good but sad to tell you that you speak deeply in your nose and hearing you is the most hard part of your lesson for us as the English leaners from other countries. Please try to understand that we are only beginners in English (not your pals that you meet everyday). I know that you cannot do anything to change your way of speaking therefore I suggest you to put subtitles (closed captions) on your video so it would be a great help to all of us. We love you!
Thanks for this ,and previous lessons ,but if you explain how we can pronunce single “e” for example “bet” it will be good for all students because i can not make difference when I wanna pronunce,”bet”,”beat”,”bit”.
I wiil be thankful to for ever.
Sher Bahader Khan Mashreqi
Kunar Afghanistan.
Nice to meet u.
I’m Japanese.
But I’m in Vancouver now to study English.
Your videos are awesome!!!
I wanna take a lesson on Skype.
Let me know how can I take.
Anyway Merry Christmas and happy Boxingday.
hye ilah
hi, I need to learn english and improve my english
i need learning english
is so good hello satoru
bagus sangat lah teacher
bagus lah kan
you push me to say thank you i like the way you make poeple understand thnks again i promise i ll not use shit hhhhhhhh driss from morocco
where’s quiz
that’s good
Hello Roonie
how i register for your private classes @ skype
thanks you very much teacher for heilping in english.i wanna ask u a very simple questionplz explain it as early as possible.my question is how to introdue ourself in english?
Happy New Year and best wishes. I very like yours lessons. They are very useful and funny. May I connect with you about Skype lessons? Please.
Thank you ….for this video
i just found what a very precious is..tutorial clasess for english learning..thanks a lot
thank you so much, a few days ago I started to see these videos and I think these so great
hi!! laura tu conoces tambien a elena de rusia ? pues ella me recomendo este curso, perdon si te estoy confundiendo con otra prersona. byee!
i can’t thank you enough.
hi teacher.iwould like to thanks u to your the best lesson.that because the prouncation is the most problem faced us as we are the second user of english,sothank u to much
Thank you so much teacher
I have some confusions in pronouncing the vowels “ea”, for exemple beach and real
hey Ronnie!!
-> you are the best teachers thank you about this lesson..<- :)
hiiii Roonie thank you so much you soooooooo good and i loveeeeee you sooooooooo much
Hi!! teacher thanks I learn very much with you :D
Hello my dear teacher,
I like your teahing but I am very weak and how can I improve english very easy?
wow!You teach very well, it is now I’m really learning how to pronounce the words in English..
You are really excellent, all teachers of this site, are wonderful at what they do, congratulations to you all..
ah! my name is Ricardinho and I’m from Brazil
bye,bye.. a big hug..
thank you for this lesson!
hi tech ,
first of all i want to thank you a lot for this lesson , but what about this word (head)plz reply me ASAP
Thank you teacher so much!
Hi Ronnie,
I’m an ESL teacher and I’m currently tutoring Russians using Skype. They also have a problem with ee and i. Thank you for sharing your lesson. It’s great to see other Canadians teaching ESL. Do you have ideas on how to teach forming the ee and i sound? I have many students that can’t hear the difference….Thanks Shari White
Hi Ronnie,
I’m in canada now,i wanna know how to use in,on,at,to,by,is,of etc.. thanks george..
Hey, I’ve got a question, is there anything else except longitude in the difference between these sounds? People don’t often speak slowly sometimes it can be difficult to say “eee” and sometimes it can be opposite “Tiiim” “Where are you, T(iii)m?” I’ve been listening to a pronounciation course for two days,I cannot catch the difference when a person speaks fast. They are both so similar to each other… There’re a lot of schemes of these sounds on the net but unfortunately they didn’t all apeare useful for me. In fact this video is only a beginning of an introduction of these sounds. Please, explain it again.But in this time, show it in the middle of words, at the end,with different letters and speed. And, please, make a good picture… Thanks.
thank you so much for this helpful lesson.
Hi Ronnie,
Your pronunciation lessons are really helpful. Would you please elaborate how to pronounce mail and male.
Hi Ronnie
I have a big problem with the pronunciation of “ea” I do not understand when ea is like “eee” sound and when is like “e” sound, for explame, why the pronunciation of head is different of mean, or the pronunciation of steak is different of beach. Can you clarify me the exception of the rule.
Thanks you.
There are always exception to the rule. The “ea” in STEAK is pronounce like a long Aa sound as in mate (meit) or wait (weit). There are 3 different sounds of “ea” 1. Long ee as in READ, TEAM; 2. short e as in HEAD (hed), BREAD (bred); 3. eh sound as in BEAR (behr), WEAR (wehr).
I hope this helps!!!!
Ronnie you are amazing!!Thank you, so so much!!!
hi ..Ronnie,could you pleas help me..about the Helping VERB..well you explain it to me,LIKE V,PHRASE..MAIN VERB…HELPING VERB..HOW can I use it?
Basically, HELPING VERBS are verbs which needs another VERB in a sentence. The most commonly used HELPING VERB is the for of BE (is am are). But BE Verbs can be a main verb as well.
BE as MAIN VERB (no other verb in a sentence)
I am a teacher.
She is a cook.
BE as HELPING VERB (there’s another verb in a sentence)
I am teaching.
She is cooking.
There are several HELPING VERBS like HAVE, DO and the MODALS (can, must).
I hope this helps!!!
I watched the videos in this webpage but I cannot find one video where it can explain about rules of speeling like use “i” before “e”. I will apreciate your help.
Rules in English are never 100% but it is… “i after e, except after c”.
E after I
As in : believe , field , and piece.
1- After C
As in : receipt,receive,and ceiling.
2-When (EI)sounded long (a)like the one you hear in make ,may,and train.
As in :neighbor,weigh,vein,and eight.
3-General exceptions:
leisure,and foreign.
Hi Ronie. I loooovee yours explanations! It makes the difficult sounds easy.
Please help with a doubt from a lot of people here in Brazil – The pronunciation of Word and World. Is it really difficult?
word = “were d”
world = “were -ld” or “whirl-d”
wow it is great
i want to discusion with anyone for practice english this is my email thanks zondnki_zondkiyi@hotmail.com
Ronnie you’re perfect! I felt in love in your lessons! They’re great!
i would like u to make a videooo on there are some words that ends with s and im comfused with when i have to put the s….im learning english i dont know if u understand me thanks
thanks Ronnie! i’m kashif you help us to understand pronunciation a lot how can i contact with you if i wan’t to take private classes? i’m from Pakistan but your teaching style is awesome.And i’m very happy to have teacher like you. Thank you
Sorry, I don’t offer skype lessons right now!
Thanks Ronnie!you’re perfect teacher & you are amazing girl!Thank you, so much!
thank you so much……………..
You are wonderful! Thank you :)
How to pronunce tuesday? Is it choose-day or tue-s-day
it is like “twos-day”!
hey teacher u r great
thx alot u are agreat teacher
u teach beautifully.
can u tel us the difference btw home/house,avenge/revenge/,jail/prison,envision/envisage.
wid regards
Basically, a HOUSE is the structure where you eat, sleep, etc. A HOME is a place that gives you joy and all that mushy stuff.
Revenge is basically a noun and Avenge is a verb. As in
1. Revenge is best served cold. (NOUN, SUBJECT)
2. I will avenge my family. (Verb).
great job ..but why you did not offer vowel transcription lessons ?
Hi teacher. how are you?i hope your fine i have problem of spelling and grammer plz teach me the way i can solve problem thanks
really thanks a lot you are great
we need more and more
I’m so happy to find your website thanks a lot
Ronnie, you are the best.
this is wonderful site
thank a lot jaa
Ronnie you are the best. i am very enjoying to attend yours lecture. Please keep it up, and make your name is the list of best teacher.
i am from Pakistan.
ronnie u r doing very well. i m learning so much
thank you for your help in improving my english
That is really great, thanks a lot :)
Hi Ronnie Wanna Say thx alot!! bcoz when i test in english class im so POOR =/ i had listen yr video over & Over it so good i can get to know more really Big Thanks =]
Hi how are you I thank you Ronnie for you help us for learn english
Hi Roonie
nice to meet you, I’m Venezuela but I’m in Miami Beach now study English. I wanna take a lesson on skype, let me know how can I take.
thank Freddy Pin
nothing word means when some word is rudely…?
you used this word for shi… yes????
thanks my best teacher
How can am i pronounce the letter Z ?
I am pronouncing like Zee….
If i am pronounce either Zee or Zad…. ?
When we use Zee and zad. Plz Explain me!
I admire Your teaching…..
Thank you for reading…….
You can say it “Zee” or “Zed”. I’ve just put up a video on how to say the letters — watch it!
hi teacher how are u ? i,m watching your video this good for me.i have same problem can you it.
iam an egyptian girl and iam so glad by learning from this site thanks a lot i like your teaching way
I would have been.. is past advice. eg…If I were you, I would have been an artist.
I would be.. is future. If I were would, I would be an artist.
sorry, i don’t understood..
hi teacher thanks for your a lot of message i like your message.
hi teacher thank you for your videos which are very interesting.
could you please explain to me what ( or how ) to recognize which e is in a word ? thanks you
ps if you have tips to improve a english accent on a french person …
I WILL TRY TO get info for you!
me too get try to give more info..and actually i heard about you a lot that your way of teaching
very usfull lesson.
i would like to know about ,shall and should, . when can we us shall and when should.???
you are really very good to teaching and to explain, excellnt!!!
Tanks a lot teacher.
Ronnie what is the different between related and concerning?
Related means something that is similar to something else…..eg…skiing is related to snowboarding
Concerning means about, or adding more detail to the same thing!
hi ronnie i realy love the way you teach. and i want to sray in touch with you pls can you give me your facebook or your msn . i realy want to see you and talk . maybe it will help me more to learn english from you . i wish yo will do it for me . thank you ronnie
Thanks Ronnie. Lily from Brazil
i like your teaching style.
hi how are you.
Hi Ronnie , i love your Way of teaching . You are amazing.
rellay you are wonderfull may be I’m not prof in english but i try to immprove my english with you lessons
finally thank you
Hello Ronnie thank you very much but i would ask you about i sound in words like (kite,like, site) so when we pronounce (i letter) as it sound or as eye sound
mam please let me know how to pronounce hate and hat ? please i am waiting for your kind reply :) regards
Hate = Hey- t
hat = ha-T
Hi Ronnie
I am enjoying your teaching……. It’so good.
I would like to know the words that is the same in singular and plural, like: sheep, deer…
Thanks a lot.
Tarcisio – from Brazil
Sheep and deer are the same for singular and plural!
Dear Teacher,
I’m Dammy.I’m in Sri lanka.I’ve practiced for ILETS TEST.I saw your great lessons.as well as wy knowledge was improved.so,I would like to Thank you.
If you can, please help me to improve my english speaking skills.
thanks alot
For people from Spanish speaking countries I can say that it’s really hard for us to distinguish between these two sounds, but I could say the sound for ‘ea’ and “ee” is like the “i” in Spanish and the “i” used in ‘fit’ or ‘shit’ sounds more like the ‘e’ in Spanish, but not exactly.
Hi Ronnie,
Gr8 video! Thank you very much! I’m having a bit problem with ‘work’ and ‘walk’, also ‘Sun’,’Son’,’song’. Do you have any tips could help me out? Really appreciate:)
Work sounds like WERE-K
Walk sounds like WAH-K (open your mouth to say WAH!)
Sun and son are exactly the same! And song is saw+ng!
Brilliant! Thank you so much!:)
Dear Ronnie, i have learnt lots from your videos. Thanks you very much.
Ronnie, what’s the difference between the pronunciation of the words’ light’, ‘ right’, and ‘write’?
I look forward to hearing from your reply. Thanks in advanced.
Spelling and Pronunciation of Silent Letters in English
Thanks a lot, Ronnie.
Speaking of pronunciation, Ronnie, im confused what the pronunciation /d / in the special cases like the word ‘ used’, ‘ loved’ and so on. I knew the pronunciation / d/, but im no sure the pronunciation /use-d/ same as /used/. Is it correct?
Second question is IS it we should use pronunciation /t/ in all of the words which have ‘t’ like the words ‘yogurt’,’commitment’ and etc?. Am i right?
I need your help. Your apply is appreciated. Thanks again, Ronnie.
With regards,
Yes, /use-d/ is the same as /used/.
yes, you should use pronunciation /t/ in all of the words which have ‘t’ like the words ‘yogurt’,’commitment’!!!!
Thanks a million, Ronnie~ Your answered my questions every times~Thanks again, Ronnie~I am very grateful to you~^_^
hi mam ronnie can you help me please how to speak french hope you do vedeo english translet french thanks a alot your so nice teacher i like you so much the way you teach
Thanks a lot teacher….I’m learning…Looking forward for more!!!!God bless you!
hi teacher ronnie . can you give me your english teaching CD. I’m sorry because i cant effort the net bill & i cant buy any book . I am from Bangladesh. well i use a computer but this is not my.don’t mined if you don’t send that.i don’t mined.if you want that’s my add- ka-115’South Badda,Gulshan Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh. & this is my email- tanjirahmed85@gmail.com. again i am sorry but i need it. oh your teaching system is so good & understandable .
Sorry, I do not have a cd!
Hello teacher Roni, I love your classes, my English is really bad, but I need to learn because I will go to USA in December.
Hi, dear Ronnie
Whey does the letter (I)in some words like (Christine) sounds like long( E)
as in( meet )rather than long (I) as in( time ) or even thort (I) as in (tin)?
Hi! Ronni, can you tell where to use word “apartment”and where “the house”.
Apartment is a unit in a building that you rent. It has no yard.
A house is a separate dwelling that has a yard or property around it.
Hi Ms. Ronnie,
Why do all these(I) above sound long(E) as in(meet),not long (I)as in (line),or even short (I)as in (tin)?
By the way, congratulation the new R lesson and the new blouse,It has a unique colour.
thank you Ronnie ^^
thank u really much
thats helped me allot
hiii teacher i have a little problem i couldn`t making a sentence correctly
you are explan all the confused word in our language very nice ot do it
Thank you a lot. Do you have more tips for Spanish speakers?
Hello Ronnie
Thank you very much. I live in Toronto. I really really want to improve my English. I really want to take some lesson with you. I have been studying grammar books for long time. But i need the right guidance from you. my email address venpa2000@gmail.com.
Thanks in advance.
hello ronni
i just went to ask what does shit means
thanks a lot … i really like ur lessons …
Hi Ronnie. Thank you for your excellent video. Could you provide some information about how to practice the stressed and unstressed words in a sentence and how to know which words should be pronounced as stressed or unstressed? Thank you very much.
Many thanks to clarify my English
Thaks a lot! I love your lessons!
In Romanian language, the two vowels sound(audible)is very similar, but “with the observation” it is pronounced exactly the opposite.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot, your lessons are amazing
Hi ronnie, your lessons are amazing! jst started learning about the pronunciation. I always have a problem with the letter E & I, G & J. I really want to learn these letters. Help me to improve my pronunciation please. Thanks :)
hi..Ronnie …i am learning British accent ..if i watch movies or videos comes with American accent ,will it affect my learning??
Yes, /use-d/ is the same as /used/.
yes, you should use pronunciation /t/ in all of the words which have ‘t’ like the words ‘yogurt’,’commitment’!!!!
thanks teacher ronnie !!!!!!
Before, i was confused because my native language is spanish but now i get!
hi,my teacher:)it was very good lesson.thank you so much:)
Hi Ronnie. This lesson was very good to me because I have much difficulty with these two letters, but my biggest difficulty is to know when I use an open I, as in the word life, that sounds as lífe (with accentuation), and when I use a close I, like in the word live. So this is my difficulty, someone said me that It’s just possible with listening, because each word has their own sound, but I would like If you have any clue or technic (or video already done), share with me please.
hallo ronnie, thank you for your help, i’m so confused about the pronunciation of the vowel i, i would like to know why we pronunce it some times eye, and some times eee?
thank you
So Helpful, Thanks Ronnie!
Hi, ronnie, you are a great teacher I often follow your lessons. here I have got a question about the pronunciation of the word head. it should be like heed. am I right? thanks
thanks again ronnie.
thanks a lot…
You Helped Me A lot Ronnie <3 I love you so Much
thanks a lot
I know i am very late in posting the comment… but!
Madam Ronnie you are simply cool …and
thank you verry much for the lesson!
it was intresting! as always…
Thank you Ronnie
You are awesome
Hi Ma’am
I am ur new student, help me plz.
Thank u.
Thank you.
you re amazing
Hi teacher , i’m trying to know the different of pronounceof hem and him !! I couldn’t get it ?
Thanks a lot , November 2nd 2k19
Thank you very match,November 26nd 2k19
She is so fun.