English pronunciation can be tough, but immersing yourself in language and having fun with it can make a big difference. By learning to read poetry with tone and rhythm, you can make your spoken English come alive!
Of course. Nice to talk to you,too. But my E isn’t good. Have you got skype ?
Thanks indeed for a vital lesson in English.
what a way to have fun, great work Jon.at the end I was dizzy without drinking any beer. it was a pretty damn topic, hell yeah. so long.
Hi guys! ^^ I’m from Brazil.. and I loved this site!
mmmmmmm i like u way in teaching .You have a great way of teaching thanks for this lesson john
reham is absolutely right … i agree with her
i`m with you :)
do you have skype? maybe we can study…
I do actually. I am pleased you liked this lesson
Hi Renhan I’m Colombian, would you like to practice speaking (English) with me?
i heard u recommented about vietnamese. yeah, i agree that it’s very difficult to learn vietnames. but i feel it’s easy cuz i’m vietnames person lol.
I guess it’s all relative…
I love your lessons, they are funny and explain every thing that i need, thanks jon.
Do you teach only in the internet??
i think this is very useful lessons for all other than indians since our administration language is english we cab speak like you
i am indian
hi, Jon ! it’s very great.u explained very clearly thanks a lot!
You’re welcome
hi my friend
I really love your lessons. In fact, you have an excellent way in teaching so I’ve loved english lessons thank you so much
Eng. Ameen Bash
ameen bash
It´s possible download this episode?
Isac Alves
I am not sure.
it is very usefull what i have leant
I beg your pardon. Busy: Not with ‘shwa’ but with ‘I’, isn’t it?
thank u it is useful can u make alesson about telling people about my personalty
As a matter of fact, I have already put up a lesson using adjectives to describe a person. YOu might find it helpful.
hi, one question :what is “spon”? or something like that you say here,… and thanks for your time, is so ussefull for us. Hey, anybody who wants to practice English: my Skype is jenniferguadarismo.
i like this lesson very useful thanks jon
u know what i have rhyme words:
thanks for jon
from qobiljon …….. lol
Thank you very much
it’s very useful
The poet is Dutch!
Really? That’s good to know. Thanks
Because VietNamese people from the north, south and central areas have diffirence voices. Did you disapointed when you come to VietNam? Did you have the unforgettable memories in Viet Nam? The gap of language is the most difficult…..
I had a fantastic time in Vietnam. The people were so nice and it is an absolutely gorgeous country…especially the countryside. I rode a motorbike from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City and that was very exciting.
Wow, I wish that i can go to Vietnam also… I have a lot of friends there and i like their foods.
this is a good activity when you are free .
thank you
alina rashid
Yes, of course I have enjoyed. This lesson is helpful and at the same time is cool. (Well, I hope my written here has been right) hahaha…
You’re fantastic. Thank you teacher.
Hi John!!! I ‘m brazilian intermidiate English student!!! I love all teachers this site. It’s very interesting and funny too.I suggest for you try to do one class talkink about the diference between British and Americam English..
See you soon!!
joão batista
Well done Jon, many thanks. I’m Polish and interested in differences between American and British English. I’m lucky I’ve found this website, I am gonna visit you as often as I can,all the best :)
Thank you for your suggestion, I will try to incoroporate that into my next lesson.
hi all i am mohammed from sudan Ihaven,t any words to thank all teachers in this site
well it’s a cool way indeed and like this we’ll increase our vocabluary at the same we’re having fun lol for sure anyway, neat!
thanks teacher Jon
nice lesson, thanks <(
thank u teacher
thank you sir jon. im done with all your videos. more lesson please. ;)
I will try to get a few more up shortly.
nope i think that’s good :)
For those who are interested, I write here belong the name of the poet (for the spelling!!!) GERARD NOLST TRENITE.(He wasn’t french but dutch!) The passage of the video is from the poem “THE CHAOS”
Thanks for the correction.
Sorry Jon, but french is great! The proof?! They are so many french words used in English:
« Entrée, amuse-bouche, hors d’œuvre , fiancé, liaison , billet doux, rendez-vous… » hum ! Are all these words about food and love ? Ok, let’s try other ones : « trompe-l’œil, déjà-vu, faux-pas »
and « toilette »… Oups! Basically, maybe you weren’t so wrong…
Fábio Demarchi
I´m writing just to tell you how muchh I´m pleased to find this wibsite and specially your lessons. They´re really great.
Hey. I´ve read that you´ve been in Brazil. I´d like to know in which city have you been.
I love Canada. I´m sure I will study there one day.
Thanks and all the best. You are the best teacher of this wibsite.
I lived in Recife for about 6 months. Hmmm….porto de galinha, feijoada, and all the rest. What a fantastic country!
i´d be great if you replied my comments and make any corrections..
replied ‘to’ my comments. Prepositions are very difficult. However, I think your writing is very good.
thanks for this interesting video-class, i’m so pleased to find out this page.i’ll keep in touch!!!!!
You are so cool!!!! I loved this lesson!!! You can’t imagine how thankful I am!!! Thank you very much!!!! :D!!
You are a great teacher. I really like your teaching style. I wish all the best for the brilliant teacher.
you were awesome
thanks! this is my favorite page I like to learn English.greetings from El Salvador
jon tancks for teacher us your lessen
great lesson i really liked :) thanks man !
Jhon, why pronunciation have 5 syllables ?
Pro-nun-ci-a-tion. That’s why.
thanks thanks thanks a lot Jon
I love the English language, so I’m so happy to listen to these lessons
hi my name is shiref and Iam 18 years old
I’m VietNamese I understand how difficult you were when you tried our language.. :D
hi teacher jon
thanks so mutch nad i like your danceing when you teach yhank jon
alnaji ismail
thanks jon for all your lessons . but i am blame you because you did not read my comments .in fact i saw some of your lessons and i found it very usefule but i need from you to read my comments because it contains some qustion for you to help me pleeeeeeesa jon
Ok thanks so much..i’ll learn more..i need spoken the english to high level..i like it..thanks
i think i’ve catch this website to late, i love everyting on it. i would like to take talking class with you, could i?.
Email me to let me know the terms if it’s possible.
thank m always loving ur videos
hi i really like to see your videos and in this lesson i didn’t understand what syllable is.. can u explain it a little bit?
thank u
john you are my brave since this day i am so happy that i have found this website ) u made me love english more thanks
it seems that I’m late to open this lesson, but it’s great… it is very good. I noticed also Sir Jon that his not only good in poetry but also in dancing.
Congrats Jon, awsome lesson! I really enjoy this lesson a lot. It was hard for me to realize why “pronunciation” has 5 syllables, cause I tend to make one with …-cia-…
Well.I Liked iT.Even Tho Sometimes Twas Not That Clear.I Guess The Guy Speaking Is Not A Real Teacher So Thats Why He Finds It Hard To Make Himself Clompletely Clear.Things Like PRAYER-TO PRAY.Noun -Verb.I Like The Accent! Thanx
Hi Jon! I’m Vietnamese.^^I think the lesson is great and useful. Therefore, I think you should to collect many poetry to teach. Especially, many poetry have the same syllables (such as She sells sea shells on the sea shore…) because most of people confuse them. Thanks you so much about your lesson!^^
I’m Vietnamese too :) that’s our language
very funny very clever Jon.
you really made English as a piece of cake for me.
i’m very happy to follow up your great videos.
waiting for more interesting videos from you.
please, how could i know if you upload a new video “what should i do to receive such a notification or message to keep me posted all the time?”
thanks Jon.
very usefull lesson ! thanks a lot :)
This is so eiticxng! I can’t wait for the next installment!!! Really, it IS fascinating but I am wondering if the students speak English well enough that they can understand sentences like the one in the article or do speak to them in Chinese?
funny and useful lessons!!;)
Maru( Argentina)
give some comments regarding how to speak clearly as my voice doesnt comes clear
My comment is not a subject of this lesson. But mjderators please don’t remove this one? god bless your job. I wonder if you add a lesson about what IPA sounds spelling I’ve already ask Ronnie about this For exampe upset down e is schwa. That is not so usefull but how can we explain to self some notion even if we know its defenition we don’t know word itself. This is pilosophical question but i’m not PHD))))))))))
Victor Adamenja
You are so funny.Thank.s
Hi!I´m from Costa Rica. And I´m gonna tell you that this lesson was very useful for me. Thanks for created it.
Hi! John
Thank you very much!The lesson is very useful and your explanation is excellent.
Manoj Kumar
Good Jon
Abdul Qayum
jon can i get you skype id pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hi Jon…keep doing ur good work. I’ve already knew this poem from CHAOS, but it’s a very long poem and some of the words are very difficult to pronounce…so I sugeest, if you don’t mind, to read more of this poem. If we know all the difficults words of the poem we are able to speak english very well. Thanks a lot for your great lesson. Bye from Portugal. I hope one day you visit my country…it’s a beautiful country with a very nice people
Thank you for all your useful lessons))
Thank you for all your useful lessons!))
hi too bad i can not get access to your lesson because of bad network but i am dying to listen to your leisure…
I am Vietnamese :) but still difficult to choose the right words, hihi ^v^
Linh PS
nice saturday every one
Thiis lesson is very nice :) Could you suggest me other similar examples ? Learn pronunciation with Poetry is fantastic !:)
Mariella Parra
Thanks! I like your videos. Great lesson! I speak spanish but I learning English because I love it! Please, please, can you upload more videos? I WANT MORE LIKE THIS. Sorry, if I wrote wrong.
Very interesting! Thanks
thank you JON
Hi every body i like this lesson it’s very interesting.
thanks JON
thanks John, ur way of teaching is interesting .
thank you
thks mr jon
thank u so much jon i have learnt a lot from u
justin k
I’m confused. Why we write CORPS but we speak COR? It’s strange. I thought I misheard so I checked in the dictionary. The pronounciation is like COR.
Because that’s how it’s pronounced in French, which “corps” comes from! No, it doesn’t make much sense…but that’s how it is.
engVid Moderator
O Captain! My Captain!
Hi Jon
I would like you to explain how north Americans pronounce the following:
get to go
got it
it hard for me to hear the how they say them
Thanks Jon, It’s easy, sure 100 %.
Hi John, how are you? it’s my pieasure learning English with you. Thanks a lot…
I like the way you teach us ! thank you.
Hi Jon. Thanks for poettry. It’s à Nice way to learn and memorise.
I must disable my french spell-checker. Sorry for the mistakes in my previous comment.
This was a very important lesson! Thanks John!
Isaias Menezes Silva
What a fun way to introduce syllables and the fact that English is not completely phonetic.
These are 3 other words in the first stanza that have two syllables:
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I’m Vietnamese :)
hi, Tunggtpvn,
nice to talk to you if you can.
Of course. Nice to talk to you,too. But my E isn’t good. Have you got skype ?
Thanks indeed for a vital lesson in English.
what a way to have fun, great work Jon.at the end I was dizzy without drinking any beer. it was a pretty damn topic, hell yeah. so long.
Hi guys! ^^ I’m from Brazil.. and I loved this site!
mmmmmmm i like u way in teaching .You have a great way of teaching thanks for this lesson john
reham is absolutely right … i agree with her
i`m with you :)
do you have skype? maybe we can study…
I do actually. I am pleased you liked this lesson
Hi Renhan I’m Colombian, would you like to practice speaking (English) with me?
i heard u recommented about vietnamese. yeah, i agree that it’s very difficult to learn vietnames. but i feel it’s easy cuz i’m vietnames person lol.
I guess it’s all relative…
I love your lessons, they are funny and explain every thing that i need, thanks jon.
Do you teach only in the internet??
i think this is very useful lessons for all other than indians since our administration language is english we cab speak like you
hi, Jon ! it’s very great.u explained very clearly thanks a lot!
You’re welcome
hi my friend
I really love your lessons. In fact, you have an excellent way in teaching so I’ve loved english lessons thank you so much
Eng. Ameen Bash
It´s possible download this episode?
I am not sure.
it is very usefull what i have leant
I beg your pardon. Busy: Not with ‘shwa’ but with ‘I’, isn’t it?
thank u it is useful can u make alesson about telling people about my personalty
As a matter of fact, I have already put up a lesson using adjectives to describe a person. YOu might find it helpful.
hi, one question :what is “spon”? or something like that you say here,… and thanks for your time, is so ussefull for us. Hey, anybody who wants to practice English: my Skype is jenniferguadarismo.
i like this lesson very useful thanks jon
u know what i have rhyme words:
thanks for jon
from qobiljon …….. lol
Thank you very much
it’s very useful
The poet is Dutch!
Really? That’s good to know. Thanks
Because VietNamese people from the north, south and central areas have diffirence voices. Did you disapointed when you come to VietNam? Did you have the unforgettable memories in Viet Nam? The gap of language is the most difficult…..
I had a fantastic time in Vietnam. The people were so nice and it is an absolutely gorgeous country…especially the countryside. I rode a motorbike from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City and that was very exciting.
Wow, I wish that i can go to Vietnam also… I have a lot of friends there and i like their foods.
this is a good activity when you are free .
thank you
Yes, of course I have enjoyed. This lesson is helpful and at the same time is cool. (Well, I hope my written here has been right) hahaha…
You’re fantastic. Thank you teacher.
Hi John!!! I ‘m brazilian intermidiate English student!!! I love all teachers this site. It’s very interesting and funny too.I suggest for you try to do one class talkink about the diference between British and Americam English..
See you soon!!
Well done Jon, many thanks. I’m Polish and interested in differences between American and British English. I’m lucky I’ve found this website, I am gonna visit you as often as I can,all the best :)
Thank you for your suggestion, I will try to incoroporate that into my next lesson.
hi all i am mohammed from sudan Ihaven,t any words to thank all teachers in this site
well it’s a cool way indeed and like this we’ll increase our vocabluary at the same we’re having fun lol for sure anyway, neat!
thanks teacher Jon
nice lesson, thanks <(
thank u teacher
thank you sir jon. im done with all your videos. more lesson please. ;)
I will try to get a few more up shortly.
nope i think that’s good :)
For those who are interested, I write here belong the name of the poet (for the spelling!!!) GERARD NOLST TRENITE.(He wasn’t french but dutch!) The passage of the video is from the poem “THE CHAOS”
Thanks for the correction.
Sorry Jon, but french is great! The proof?! They are so many french words used in English:
« Entrée, amuse-bouche, hors d’œuvre , fiancé, liaison , billet doux, rendez-vous… » hum ! Are all these words about food and love ? Ok, let’s try other ones : « trompe-l’œil, déjà-vu, faux-pas »
and « toilette »… Oups! Basically, maybe you weren’t so wrong…
I´m writing just to tell you how muchh I´m pleased to find this wibsite and specially your lessons. They´re really great.
Hey. I´ve read that you´ve been in Brazil. I´d like to know in which city have you been.
I love Canada. I´m sure I will study there one day.
Thanks and all the best. You are the best teacher of this wibsite.
I lived in Recife for about 6 months. Hmmm….porto de galinha, feijoada, and all the rest. What a fantastic country!
i´d be great if you replied my comments and make any corrections..
replied ‘to’ my comments. Prepositions are very difficult. However, I think your writing is very good.
thanks for this interesting video-class, i’m so pleased to find out this page.i’ll keep in touch!!!!!
You are so cool!!!! I loved this lesson!!! You can’t imagine how thankful I am!!! Thank you very much!!!! :D!!
You are a great teacher. I really like your teaching style. I wish all the best for the brilliant teacher.
you were awesome
thanks! this is my favorite page I like to learn English.greetings from El Salvador
jon tancks for teacher us your lessen
great lesson i really liked :) thanks man !
Jhon, why pronunciation have 5 syllables ?
Pro-nun-ci-a-tion. That’s why.
thanks thanks thanks a lot Jon
I love the English language, so I’m so happy to listen to these lessons
hi my name is shiref and Iam 18 years old
I’m VietNamese I understand how difficult you were when you tried our language.. :D
hi teacher jon
thanks so mutch nad i like your danceing when you teach yhank jon
thanks jon for all your lessons . but i am blame you because you did not read my comments .in fact i saw some of your lessons and i found it very usefule but i need from you to read my comments because it contains some qustion for you to help me pleeeeeeesa jon
Ok thanks so much..i’ll learn more..i need spoken the english to high level..i like it..thanks
i think i’ve catch this website to late, i love everyting on it. i would like to take talking class with you, could i?.
Email me to let me know the terms if it’s possible.
thank m always loving ur videos
hi i really like to see your videos and in this lesson i didn’t understand what syllable is.. can u explain it a little bit?
thank u
john you are my brave since this day i am so happy that i have found this website ) u made me love english more thanks
Charming man!
WHat is Syllable???
Syllable is a unit of spoken language that consists of one or more vowel sounds alone, a syllabic consonant alone, or any of these with one or more consonant sounds
eg. table = ta-ble
Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
it seems that I’m late to open this lesson, but it’s great… it is very good. I noticed also Sir Jon that his not only good in poetry but also in dancing.
Congrats Jon, awsome lesson! I really enjoy this lesson a lot. It was hard for me to realize why “pronunciation” has 5 syllables, cause I tend to make one with …-cia-…
Well.I Liked iT.Even Tho Sometimes Twas Not That Clear.I Guess The Guy Speaking Is Not A Real Teacher So Thats Why He Finds It Hard To Make Himself Clompletely Clear.Things Like PRAYER-TO PRAY.Noun -Verb.I Like The Accent! Thanx
Hi Jon! I’m Vietnamese.^^I think the lesson is great and useful. Therefore, I think you should to collect many poetry to teach. Especially, many poetry have the same syllables (such as She sells sea shells on the sea shore…) because most of people confuse them. Thanks you so much about your lesson!^^
I’m Vietnamese too :) that’s our language
very funny very clever Jon.
you really made English as a piece of cake for me.
i’m very happy to follow up your great videos.
waiting for more interesting videos from you.
please, how could i know if you upload a new video “what should i do to receive such a notification or message to keep me posted all the time?”
thanks Jon.
very usefull lesson ! thanks a lot :)
This is so eiticxng! I can’t wait for the next installment!!! Really, it IS fascinating but I am wondering if the students speak English well enough that they can understand sentences like the one in the article or do speak to them in Chinese?
funny and useful lessons!!;)
give some comments regarding how to speak clearly as my voice doesnt comes clear
My comment is not a subject of this lesson. But mjderators please don’t remove this one? god bless your job. I wonder if you add a lesson about what IPA sounds spelling I’ve already ask Ronnie about this For exampe upset down e is schwa. That is not so usefull but how can we explain to self some notion even if we know its defenition we don’t know word itself. This is pilosophical question but i’m not PHD))))))))))
You are so funny.Thank.s
Hi!I´m from Costa Rica. And I´m gonna tell you that this lesson was very useful for me. Thanks for created it.
Hi! John
Thank you very much!The lesson is very useful and your explanation is excellent.
Good Jon
jon can i get you skype id pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hi Jon…keep doing ur good work. I’ve already knew this poem from CHAOS, but it’s a very long poem and some of the words are very difficult to pronounce…so I sugeest, if you don’t mind, to read more of this poem. If we know all the difficults words of the poem we are able to speak english very well. Thanks a lot for your great lesson. Bye from Portugal. I hope one day you visit my country…it’s a beautiful country with a very nice people
Thank you for all your useful lessons))
Thank you for all your useful lessons!))
hi too bad i can not get access to your lesson because of bad network but i am dying to listen to your leisure…
I am Vietnamese :) but still difficult to choose the right words, hihi ^v^
nice saturday every one
Thiis lesson is very nice :) Could you suggest me other similar examples ? Learn pronunciation with Poetry is fantastic !:)
Thanks! I like your videos. Great lesson! I speak spanish but I learning English because I love it! Please, please, can you upload more videos? I WANT MORE LIKE THIS. Sorry, if I wrote wrong.
Very interesting! Thanks
thank you JON
Hi every body i like this lesson it’s very interesting.
thanks JON
thanks John, ur way of teaching is interesting .
thank you
thks mr jon
thank u so much jon i have learnt a lot from u
I’m confused. Why we write CORPS but we speak COR? It’s strange. I thought I misheard so I checked in the dictionary. The pronounciation is like COR.
Because that’s how it’s pronounced in French, which “corps” comes from! No, it doesn’t make much sense…but that’s how it is.
O Captain! My Captain!
Hi Jon
I would like you to explain how north Americans pronounce the following:
get to go
got it
it hard for me to hear the how they say them
Thanks Jon, It’s easy, sure 100 %.
Hi John, how are you? it’s my pieasure learning English with you. Thanks a lot…
I like the way you teach us ! thank you.
Hi Jon. Thanks for poettry. It’s à Nice way to learn and memorise.
I must disable my french spell-checker. Sorry for the mistakes in my previous comment.
This was a very important lesson! Thanks John!
What a fun way to introduce syllables and the fact that English is not completely phonetic.
These are 3 other words in the first stanza that have two syllables:
Thank you for that fun lesson, Jon.
Thank you Jon
Thank you Jon
Thank you very much Jon!