Got a problem? Speak up about it! In this useful lesson, you will learn a simple 3-step process to complain about any issue you have! This lesson is essential for anyone living, travelling, or doing business in an English-speaking country. Whether your hotel room is dirty, your food is cold, or your internet is not working — you need to know how to lodge a complaint! Watch this lesson so that you can stand up for yourself and get the service you deserve!
hell yeah !!!! I got 10 hahahaha LOL I tried to photocpy my ass hahahah that was hilarious !!
Hi, Moldret!
Where did you get “I tried to photocpy my ass”? In my quizz, this sentece didn’t came… hehehehe
omg ! I don’t know where I read that , but I did !
Hi Carol, you’re not complaining about it, aren’t you? Otherwise I advise you to follow Emma’s advice to cope with this situation.
Thanks a lot Rebecca for sharing this practical three-step-process to deal with different unpleasant situations very effectively.
I thought I knew how to complain about a problem in a foreign language, however after watching this video I realized I didn’t.
I always took only the first step, I stated the problem and facial expressions did the rest.
Thanks again, Take Care!
Hi, Regino!
No, I’m not…
It was just a questio to Moldret, because, like I said after this comment: I just found it’s funny and think it’s a good statement for a quizz… I like some funny exercises… ;)
my bad !!!! I didn’t mean to say that ! I am sorry ..I don’t remember where I read it or heard it . :( I am sorry again ..
No problem! I just found it’s funny and think it’s a good statement for a quizz… I like some funny exercises… ;)
“to photocpy”? What does it mean?
make a copy
you are an awesome teacher !!! I tip my hat to you XD
lots of mosquitoes are biting me in that room, it is unacceptable. please transfer me to another room.
I got 9 correct out of 10. BTW our rooms walls are moldy…. Honest to say, it is unacceptable. But it costs an arm and a leg to repair or move to another apartment. So I clean them little by little by myself :( Thank you for your lesson, Rebecca. Helpful :)
Hii everyone!!!
I’m looking for someone who wants practice some english!!!
If you want, just leave the facebook!!
my facebook is 蒋清锋
can you make me the spelling??
Hi Marcellee, it seems to me that a good number of EngVid viewers do really want to practice English with you.
What a lucky woman you are!!!
hi marcellee,
nice to meet you here
you can have english practice with me if you like it
skype: wottgame from istanbul,TR
skype: cadet.perfect
innocent khan
or you could join me on
if you are really interested to improve your english skills.
Please, Count me in too in your casting :
my skype is svt90034751967
proverbial horse
Hi Marcellee!!
I’d like to have some practice with you, if you want to add me on fb, you could find me as Rivas David but if you’re not able to send me a fbf request please leave a message with your fb account and I’ll add you.
I would like to practice with you. If you dont mind,give me friend request in Facebook(prasanth govind)or you can add me in Google+(
Thank you!!
yeah :D i got 9 of 10 :D it’s so useful for me tks
Song Jin Ji
I got 10 :) Thank you, Rebecca. :)
Peter Jeon
Your class is really useful. Thank you Rebecca !
10/10 – oh? my God!!.. EngVid got bonkers, on this quiz since when “the airline is a really shit”. oh Dear, oh dear, what’s happen there? Are we getting nuts?
Jorge Pedroso
hi marcellee i want to practice English too
you will find me in
bye for now.
thank you rebecca it was very useful for me .
Thank you so much, teacher!
This is very useful lesson.
Rebecca you made it very easy and simple to understand how to lodge a complaint by following simple 3 step process.
My pleasure! All the best!
Thax Rebecca.It’s a good lesson.
many thanks
Hi teacher! Thanks a lot!
Hi dorycam,
i want you to be my friend so kindly add me on skype : cadet.perfect
innocent khan
Hi innocent khan, nice to meet you! I just added you to my skype contacts. Bye for now!
Hi dorycam,
I would like to practice my English with you. Feel free to add me on skype (prfsniper). Best regards!
AMS Saraiva
Hi, why don’t you add me too in order to practice english talked? My skipe is: donatello133, if you like I am in witing, best regards
hi dorycam i want to practice English with you
you will find me in
bye for now.
hi how ru
i want to talk with u ,so add me on skype: mahmodarif
or kik: mahmodarif
thanks alot
Hi.Thanks for this lesson.It turned out that I’m a good complainer 10/10
Thanks , Rebecca. I want to ask about 10th question of the quiz. Why does “This is silly” not go ?
proverbial horse
Hii proverbial horse
I think that I can answer you:
“This is silly” is not the right answer because you don’t have just to reclaim, you have to say that is wrong!! So the right answer is “This isn’t right”.
Hi Marcellee, it seems to me that a good number of EngVid viewers do really want to practise English with you.
What a lucky woman you are!!!
this is good opportunity for improve your english not for joke with girl
Marcelle ,
I have the same mistake and I have read your comment but I didn’t understand what did you mean by reclaim . and What is the difference between that’s silly and that’s wrong ??!
Amjad Sobhi
Thank you very much teacher
i thank you all your team because you are helping to people worldwide to learn good english
thanks a lot
This is a great lesson Rebecca ! Could give us some tips on how to get success in CAE, to be more specific, I would love to know how to write effectively each type of text which is requested there.
2/10 thumbs down.
If i were you in that situation, I’d ask for the other leg of the chicken. lol just kidding!
Tks teacher, I tip. my hat to you
It was really simple , to the point and actionable thanks !
Thanks for this lesson)
Hi everyone!
I’m looking for someone who wants practice some english!
If you want, just leave the facebook!
thank you Rebecca :-)
hi watersoul, can I practice my English with you? here’s my skype “naitsirhc.opmac”. or may I know your skype?
I got 9/10 -.-
Hi.Thanks for this lesson.It turned out that I’m a good complainer 10/10
Thanks .It’s very useful
Thank you, Rebecca! It’s helpful lesson as always.
Also I have a question. In sentence “When I have chance to play football I always do (it)” I can’t understand why there is no need to use “it”. What is the rule? Thank you! Can you make lesson for it? Thank you!
Hii ValeraKundas
Can I answer to you?
It’s not a rule. We don’t need use the “it” cause you know that exist, you just don’t need to say.
nice answer………….
Thanks Rebecca for your useful lesson And one more thing , you have a very excellent power to teaching as everyone thought.
Is there anyone who want to add me on facebook to practise English?
Hi Rebecca !
Your lesson was fab., useful and understandable !
At last i found so very right site with so very
clever teachers.
Besides, i like such Bibleical name like Rebecca
Regards !
Thank you very much for this useful lesson, Rebecca!
Now we know how to complain :D :)
Hi Rebecca: Nice lesson, and don’t worry about the chicken. I’ll give you a turkey instead.
thanks rebbeca, great job, you guys are the best by far among others english teaching sites, just for you to know finally I completed all the lessons on this site it feels really great it has been over one year and a half since I watched the first lesson, I am not fluent and make many mistakes but I have learned a lot with you guys so that I am able to keep a conversation totally in english, god will pay you, well and me too when I get a credit card. best wishes
Wow, thanks for your feedback and congratulations to you on your determination to improve and succeed. I am sure you will go far in life with such a positive attitude and such persistence. I wish you all the best!
Thank you Rebecca.
Really excellent course. Thank you so much Rebecca.
hello everyone.
I am Roni and I want to add some friends to practice English.
Leave your Facebook and we improve English together !
Roni Lian
how can i download the lessons
Many thanks Rebecca!
very useful for me, thanks
I got 10 out of 10
Thanks very much Rebecca. It was very interesting and clear.
I can use this lesson every time I book a hotel. My room is dirty, this is ridiculous, please give the royal one right now ! :)
Someone once said,
“In life we don’t get what we deserve, we get what we negotiate.”
Sounds like you are on your way! All the best to you.
it is really a good sentence for life!
Ha-ha! It’s wonderful! Bouboul, you’ve made my day! :-) But I think it will work only in 5* hotels. If a hotel has 3 stars, for example, it usually doesn’t have a royal suite. ^-^ I remembered a funny story: once I noticed a spot on the carpet in a hotel in UAE. I didn’t complain then, just said: “Oh, there’s a spot here”. And they gave me a superior room for free although I didn’t ask them for it (and didn’t intend to ask). It was a nice surprise. So I think if a tourist speaks polite and smiles friendly, hotel employees will help him or her with pleasure.
This my skype if u wanna practice anytime :) jonathan.sanchez.macias
Thank you, teacher. Could you make a lesson about pronunciation “Tr” and “Dr”, please?
Hi everyone ! I’m looking for someone to practice my english skill. I’m seventy five. Could you let me your facebook? :
By the way. YOu’re a very good teacher !. Thank you Rebecca.
I got 10 out of 10 Yahweh!!!
i would be glad if anyone has free time to practice with me on skype, please reply my comment with your ID and i’ll add you as soon as possible.
10/10 Please more advanced lessons!
I’ve got 10!!! Your lesson was very cool! This is so nice, please send others like that!
what a wonderful lesson thank you/Shukran
Thanks a lot!
Rebecca, thank you so much!
It’s very useful in daily life.
Got 100 :)
thanks it was useful
hi i’m looking for those people who are interested in learning moroccan dialect or even arabic language i’m as well interested in learning english what are you waiting for add me on skype mohssinex.mohssine
Glad to know so many of you found the lesson practical and useful. I hope the three-step technique helps you to speak up for yourself when and if things go wrong. Knowing what to say and do gives you more confidence and power. My best wishes to you!
Thank you ma’am!
I’m so please to visit this site again.
I have again some other question which I hope you could answer them well
What is the deference between linguistic competence and linguistic performance?
What is the distinction between descriptive and prescriptive grammar?
What is the distinction between constitutive and regulative rules in English?
Thanks indeed between teachewrs just you and Adam answer my questions thanks for every thing .
Thanks Rebecca
Thanks Maryam for telling about this website
Thanks Rebecca. The quiz is hilarious by the way. I got 10. Bye!
Hi Rebeca… Are you from Brazil? I can understand every word you say… like you were speaking portuguese…. Beijos.
i goy 9/10 :) not bad for me :))
I got 10 !! :)
I got 9 :'(
Thank you.
good quiz thanks a lot
thanks for this lesson can you give me your email ????
good staff
Makiwa Peter
Hi Rebecca
I very glad today your lesson it was series for me because interested. my teacher Rebecca could tell me your browser at Facebook, because i wanna to one of students around the world
so please ad you or tell your face book
thanks my dear teachers for engVid
asha a.mohamed
Thanks for your lesson. Very clear .
Hello teacher thanks
I like this s very interesting.
Rebecca , very , very wellllllllll¡¡¡¡
Thanks Rebecca this lesson is useful.And always you do good work rebecca.
thank you so much mis Rebecca ,,can i call you by skype please?,,,this is my skype’s name ; mykeskype88 ,or send you skype’s name please.. but if you can and available.. thanks again///
Myke Bridge Manurung
Hi, Rebecca, thanks a lot for your lesson.
You are gorgeous. I am not good at speaking English how can I improve it. Thanks
Guys, Is this ok?
Oh, That is disgussting! I orderd a whole chicken, however his leg had been eaten
I have waiting for the order more than 2 hours! That is redicolous, please bring my order right away
you know what, I ordered a hot choclate, however it is a cooled coffee. This is unacceptable. Please change this order with mine.
1. The seat that I have reserved has been given to another one.
2. This is reduclus.
3. Please give me a new seat right away
oh thanks a lot miss rebecca I like the way u teach.
oh! thanks a lot miss rebecca I like the way u teach.
Thank you very much, Rebecca. These problems usually happen, we can’t always avoid them, so we’d better complain when necessary and more importantly, in the right way.
Tiago de Souza da Silva
This is a good one but what if you are a employee and the customer wants to take advance of some mistake how can we handle. If there a video than we can see??
You can say: “Excuse me! We will solve your problem right now”. And then do what they want if it’s possible. Sometimes customers can cavil because they have a bad mood. :-) If Rebecca maid a video about employee’s behaviour and answers, I’d like to watch it too.
It ‘s wonderful syntax. Good
my grandfather is distrubing me in my room, it is unaccepatable me because my future may damage , i need the next room
the great teacher till today in engvid.
it is really a good lessen that can make my speaking skills improved a lot. so i just want to stick to learn your lesson everyday from today!thank you!
Hi!!!! I’ve got 10/10!!!! By the way… what does the expression “I TIP MY HAT TO YOU” mean?
It means that you admire and respect someone for something they have done.
Interesting lesson … thanks teacher
Thank you Rebecca. It is really good lession.
Thank you very much!
I’ve got 9/10 this lesson very useful thank you teacher
tks rebeca, you have good voice, i’m beginer and i have 8/10
Yes, you right. She has very beautiful soft voice. :-) I think Rebecca is a nice and polite person in real life too.
good lesson
very good lesson.thanks rebecca.
jeffson gomez
7. ____________ This is causing a lot of trouble for us. Please send your technician as soon as possible.
a:I bought a new photocopier from your store.
b:Our new photocopier has stopped working.
c:The photocopier was very expensive.
a and b both are true, aren’t they?
10. The seat I reserved has been given to another passenger. ____________. Please give me another aisle seat.
a:This is fun
b:This is silly
c:This isn’t right
d:This is fine with me
b and c both are right, why would we chose “c”, why not “b”?
7. You have to tell about your problem first. If you say that photocopier has stopped working, they will understand what is wrong with it. It doesn’t work. :-) And if you say “I bought a new photocopier from your store. This is causing a lot of trouble for us”, it will sound like a process of buying this photocopier in their store caused a lot of trouble for you and your family. :-) “Oh my God! How could I bought a photocopier in this store? I hate this store! It’s a big trouble”. :-)
10. In this question “c” sounds more polite than “b”. :-) If you say that this was silly, they can feel hurt and give you an aisle seat in the last row near the toilets. It will be not very nice flight. :-)
Yes, that’s an excellent explanation.
I agree with you
All the best to you
Hahhhahhh , I got , 10 score it is very helpful
Great lesson. Thanks so much.
I want to practice skype hernadvt
thank you very much
evil666live, maybe, c) is more polite..
Aleciano Lobo Jr
Dear Rebecca,
Your lessons are excellente.
We cannot complain us about your interventions.
Please, keep it up.
Best regards.
1:15 “So if you really want action, make sure you ask for what you want someone to do to fix your problem.”
Can you please explain, why there is no an article ‘an’ before ‘action’. Is it a verb form here? Also, why is no article in “Ask for action”?
Maybe it’s a set phrase. :-) I don’t understand too. And nobody wants to explain it for us.
There’s a hair in my soup! ____
This is quite disgusting.________ Please bring me another bowl.
but for me, if it was quite disgusting, I just can’t order anything else, and will leave Immediately ))))))))))
Me too! ^-^ Because they can on purpose throw something in your second soup for revenge. :-)
10 out of 10.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for your great lessons!
Now, I have an eye for filling the blanks easily.
Good lesson….
Great lesson Rebbeca! You’re an excellent teacher!
Wellington Porto Brito
Very good lesson, and very funny answers!!! :D Of course, I knew the correct ones.
Sasha J.
i like it
thank teacher.
hahaha… i`m happy for the result… thanks.. Ms. Rebecca for another fruitful lecture… :)
abraham richard
I got 10 correct.This is great.You are a good teacher.
Mahmoud Anwer
Thank you
I got 9 out of 10 hehehe
Thank you, Rebecca! Your lessons are always very informative, understandable and interesting. I watched this one with a pleasure. Now I know how to complain! Yahoo! It’s great! Very wise advises – like I’ve heard a psychologist’s opinion too. ^-^ Yes, you’re right. It’s better to say people what you want them to do. When I was watching this video, I thought: “How happy are people that live in a normal civilized countries!” Our country is crazy. If you find that somebody has eaten a leg of your chicken and complain about it, managers in a supermarket will say: “How can I know that it wasn’t you? Maybe you have eaten that leg!” They never make excuses, they can only be rude. A month ago I watched on TV that one customer found a mouse in a supermarket and filmed it. The mouse ran on bread and pastries. It’s not normally for our country. Usually we don’t have mice in supermarkets and in houses. :-) But nobody apologized and nobody were fined for it. “Yes, we know. It was a mouse here. But now it’s gone, – said a manager. – We’ve exterminated it”.
Woo 100
She is speaking lovely and easy to listening.
Yeaaa..I got 9 :-)
Thank you, Rebecca! I’ll make this 3 steps. Regards.
Could you tell me the meaning of ‘please credit me for the last hours’?
thank you this is so
thanks rebeeca!
The 3 steps are important to get the right response. Great lesson!
Thank you rebeca this is really u interesting quiz
Great lesson! Thank you so much
wow amazing explain
have a nice Rebecca
mancef 1611
this lesson is very helping to boost confident to speak out in any problem .. hehe good thing there’s no chicken in the quiz lol
It was interesting and useful.
You speak very quickly but it is a kind of challenge for me.
Thank you.
Useful more than I think ! Thanks a lot.
Sorry, Rebeca. I answered correctly 7 questions from ten. But this topic was very interesting
Thanks for this lesson, Rebecca^^ the quiz is quite helpful too. I’ll use this lesson tonight for my Boss’ English lesson^^
Hello Rebecca, we are thankful to bring such as constructive to lesson. You are awesome. I appreciate that to guide students how to complain in such a professional way in this lesson. I like your chicken story that happened to you and it was quite shocking but the way you handle it more learning experience for all of us. Thanks and best regards.
Thank You.. It Was Very Informative & So Helpful.
This Video Really Helps Me How To Complain About A Problem .. :)
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you…
M kartal
I got 80% that not bad
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Thank u for your lecture.
JD kim
I got 10 out 10 . Thank you Rebecca
I had no idea about the lesson but managed to get 6/10
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 12Sept2021);
I really can’t thank you enough ???
100 thanks
Ali Kocaeli
I liked this exercise! thanks
Angelina Nava
I got 9/10.
Thank you! =)
Thanks a lot Rebecca! You are amazing. (Azores Islands, 12Sept2024;
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
hell yeah !!!! I got 10 hahahaha LOL I tried to photocpy my ass hahahah that was hilarious !!
Hi, Moldret!
Where did you get “I tried to photocpy my ass”? In my quizz, this sentece didn’t came… hehehehe
omg ! I don’t know where I read that , but I did !
Hi Carol, you’re not complaining about it, aren’t you? Otherwise I advise you to follow Emma’s advice to cope with this situation.
Thanks a lot Rebecca for sharing this practical three-step-process to deal with different unpleasant situations very effectively.
I thought I knew how to complain about a problem in a foreign language, however after watching this video I realized I didn’t.
I always took only the first step, I stated the problem and facial expressions did the rest.
Thanks again, Take Care!
Hi, Regino!
No, I’m not…
It was just a questio to Moldret, because, like I said after this comment: I just found it’s funny and think it’s a good statement for a quizz… I like some funny exercises… ;)
my bad !!!! I didn’t mean to say that ! I am sorry ..I don’t remember where I read it or heard it . :( I am sorry again ..
No problem! I just found it’s funny and think it’s a good statement for a quizz… I like some funny exercises… ;)
“to photocpy”? What does it mean?
make a copy
you are an awesome teacher !!! I tip my hat to you XD
lots of mosquitoes are biting me in that room, it is unacceptable. please transfer me to another room.
I got 9 correct out of 10. BTW our rooms walls are moldy…. Honest to say, it is unacceptable. But it costs an arm and a leg to repair or move to another apartment. So I clean them little by little by myself :( Thank you for your lesson, Rebecca. Helpful :)
Hii everyone!!!
I’m looking for someone who wants practice some english!!!
If you want, just leave the facebook!!
my facebook is 蒋清锋
can you make me the spelling??
Hi Marcellee, it seems to me that a good number of EngVid viewers do really want to practice English with you.
What a lucky woman you are!!!
hi marcellee,
nice to meet you here
you can have english practice with me if you like it
skype: wottgame from istanbul,TR
skype: cadet.perfect
or you could join me on
if you are really interested to improve your english skills.
My skipe is
edubetim I’m from Brazil too
sure i would like to practice some English as well:
hi marcellee i want to practice English too
you will find me in
bye for now.
add me on skype
ID: skmjhon552
I love to communicate for practicing english!!!
Hi, I also interested in Cisco network devices. I sent you an invitation to Skype. I’ll be glad if we talk
facebook:Prisevca Galina,i want to practice english
hi! we can practice together , no problem! , i will add you
I also wanna improve my English.If somebody wants to practise English with me can tell me .I will leave my Facebook.
Is there anyone who want to add me on facebook to practise English?
Hi!!! I’d like to have somebody to speak with.
skype: furlan1822
Hi there! Let’s talk!!!
Skype: furlan1822
hi! i want to practice it too
see yaa!
My fb Ahmed H. Alsakkaf
Hello there , Marcellee
Add me on
Ahmad Elsayed
Please, Count me in too in your casting :
my skype is svt90034751967
Hi Marcellee!!
I’d like to have some practice with you, if you want to add me on fb, you could find me as Rivas David but if you’re not able to send me a fbf request please leave a message with your fb account and I’ll add you.
Hii Marcellee!!
I would like to practice with you. If you dont mind,give me friend request in Facebook(prasanth govind)or you can add me in Google+(
Thank you!!
Hello Marcelle!i really needs some one to practice my English that’s my facebook if you are interesting.
orgs69 my skype
my facebook is leenguyen( to meet you ,Marcellee
yes i want
Yes Marcellee I would like to practice English with you very much and my facebook number is
me i want !
this my facebook
What’s app : +201273510995
Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you, I was useful for me.
yeah :D i got 9 of 10 :D it’s so useful for me tks
I got 10 :) Thank you, Rebecca. :)
Your class is really useful. Thank you Rebecca !
10/10 – oh? my God!!.. EngVid got bonkers, on this quiz since when “the airline is a really shit”. oh Dear, oh dear, what’s happen there? Are we getting nuts?
hi marcellee i want to practice English too
you will find me in
bye for now.
thank you rebecca it was very useful for me .
Thank you so much, teacher!
This is very useful lesson.
Rebecca you made it very easy and simple to understand how to lodge a complaint by following simple 3 step process.
My pleasure! All the best!
Thax Rebecca.It’s a good lesson.
many thanks
Hi teacher! Thanks a lot!
Hi dorycam,
i want you to be my friend so kindly add me on skype : cadet.perfect
Hi innocent khan, nice to meet you! I just added you to my skype contacts. Bye for now!
Hi dorycam,
I would like to practice my English with you. Feel free to add me on skype (prfsniper). Best regards!
Hi, why don’t you add me too in order to practice english talked? My skipe is: donatello133, if you like I am in witing, best regards
hi dorycam i want to practice English with you
you will find me in
bye for now.
hi how ru
i want to talk with u ,so add me on skype: mahmodarif
or kik: mahmodarif
thanks alot
Hi.Thanks for this lesson.It turned out that I’m a good complainer 10/10
Thanks , Rebecca. I want to ask about 10th question of the quiz. Why does “This is silly” not go ?
Hii proverbial horse
I think that I can answer you:
“This is silly” is not the right answer because you don’t have just to reclaim, you have to say that is wrong!! So the right answer is “This isn’t right”.
Hi Marcellee, it seems to me that a good number of EngVid viewers do really want to practise English with you.
What a lucky woman you are!!!
this is good opportunity for improve your english not for joke with girl
Marcelle ,
I have the same mistake and I have read your comment but I didn’t understand what did you mean by reclaim . and What is the difference between that’s silly and that’s wrong ??!
Thank you very much teacher
i thank you all your team because you are helping to people worldwide to learn good english
thanks a lot
This is a great lesson Rebecca ! Could give us some tips on how to get success in CAE, to be more specific, I would love to know how to write effectively each type of text which is requested there.
2/10 thumbs down.
If i were you in that situation, I’d ask for the other leg of the chicken. lol just kidding!
Tks teacher, I tip. my hat to you
It was really simple , to the point and actionable thanks !
Thanks for this lesson)
Hi everyone!
I’m looking for someone who wants practice some english!
If you want, just leave the facebook!
thank you Rebecca :-)
hi watersoul, can I practice my English with you? here’s my skype “naitsirhc.opmac”. or may I know your skype?
I got 9/10 -.-
Hi.Thanks for this lesson.It turned out that I’m a good complainer 10/10
Thanks .It’s very useful
Thank you, Rebecca! It’s helpful lesson as always.
Also I have a question. In sentence “When I have chance to play football I always do (it)” I can’t understand why there is no need to use “it”. What is the rule? Thank you! Can you make lesson for it? Thank you!
Hii ValeraKundas
Can I answer to you?
It’s not a rule. We don’t need use the “it” cause you know that exist, you just don’t need to say.
nice answer………….
Thanks Rebecca for your useful lesson And one more thing , you have a very excellent power to teaching as everyone thought.
Is there anyone who want to add me on facebook to practise English?
Hi Rebecca !
Your lesson was fab., useful and understandable !
At last i found so very right site with so very
clever teachers.
Besides, i like such Bibleical name like Rebecca
Regards !
Thank you very much for this useful lesson, Rebecca!
Now we know how to complain :D :)
Hi Rebecca: Nice lesson, and don’t worry about the chicken. I’ll give you a turkey instead.
thanks rebbeca, great job, you guys are the best by far among others english teaching sites, just for you to know finally I completed all the lessons on this site it feels really great it has been over one year and a half since I watched the first lesson, I am not fluent and make many mistakes but I have learned a lot with you guys so that I am able to keep a conversation totally in english, god will pay you, well and me too when I get a credit card. best wishes
Wow, thanks for your feedback and congratulations to you on your determination to improve and succeed. I am sure you will go far in life with such a positive attitude and such persistence. I wish you all the best!
Thank you Rebecca.
Really excellent course. Thank you so much Rebecca.
hello everyone.
I am Roni and I want to add some friends to practice English.
Leave your Facebook and we improve English together !
how can i download the lessons
Many thanks Rebecca!
very useful for me, thanks
I got 10 out of 10
Thanks very much Rebecca. It was very interesting and clear.
I can use this lesson every time I book a hotel. My room is dirty, this is ridiculous, please give the royal one right now ! :)
Someone once said,
“In life we don’t get what we deserve, we get what we negotiate.”
Sounds like you are on your way! All the best to you.
it is really a good sentence for life!
Ha-ha! It’s wonderful! Bouboul, you’ve made my day! :-) But I think it will work only in 5* hotels. If a hotel has 3 stars, for example, it usually doesn’t have a royal suite. ^-^ I remembered a funny story: once I noticed a spot on the carpet in a hotel in UAE. I didn’t complain then, just said: “Oh, there’s a spot here”. And they gave me a superior room for free although I didn’t ask them for it (and didn’t intend to ask). It was a nice surprise. So I think if a tourist speaks polite and smiles friendly, hotel employees will help him or her with pleasure.
This my skype if u wanna practice anytime :) jonathan.sanchez.macias
Thank you, teacher. Could you make a lesson about pronunciation “Tr” and “Dr”, please?
Hi everyone ! I’m looking for someone to practice my english skill. I’m seventy five. Could you let me your facebook? :
By the way. YOu’re a very good teacher !. Thank you Rebecca.
I got 10 out of 10 Yahweh!!!
i would be glad if anyone has free time to practice with me on skype, please reply my comment with your ID and i’ll add you as soon as possible.
10/10 Please more advanced lessons!
I’ve got 10!!! Your lesson was very cool! This is so nice, please send others like that!
what a wonderful lesson thank you/Shukran
Thanks a lot!
Rebecca, thank you so much!
It’s very useful in daily life.
Got 100 :)
thanks it was useful
hi i’m looking for those people who are interested in learning moroccan dialect or even arabic language i’m as well interested in learning english what are you waiting for add me on skype mohssinex.mohssine
Glad to know so many of you found the lesson practical and useful. I hope the three-step technique helps you to speak up for yourself when and if things go wrong. Knowing what to say and do gives you more confidence and power. My best wishes to you!
Thank you ma’am!
I’m so please to visit this site again.
I have again some other question which I hope you could answer them well
What is the deference between linguistic competence and linguistic performance?
What is the distinction between descriptive and prescriptive grammar?
What is the distinction between constitutive and regulative rules in English?
Thanks indeed between teachewrs just you and Adam answer my questions thanks for every thing .
Thanks Rebecca
Thanks Maryam for telling about this website
Thanks Rebecca. The quiz is hilarious by the way. I got 10. Bye!
Hi Rebeca… Are you from Brazil? I can understand every word you say… like you were speaking portuguese…. Beijos.
i goy 9/10 :) not bad for me :))
I got 10 !! :)
I got 9 :'(
Thank you.
good quiz thanks a lot
thanks for this lesson can you give me your email ????
good staff
Hi Rebecca
I very glad today your lesson it was series for me because interested. my teacher Rebecca could tell me your browser at Facebook, because i wanna to one of students around the world
so please ad you or tell your face book
thanks my dear teachers for engVid
Thanks for your lesson. Very clear .
Hello teacher thanks
I like this s very interesting.
Rebecca , very , very wellllllllll¡¡¡¡
Thanks Rebecca this lesson is useful.And always you do good work rebecca.
thank you so much mis Rebecca ,,can i call you by skype please?,,,this is my skype’s name ; mykeskype88 ,or send you skype’s name please.. but if you can and available.. thanks again///
Hi, Rebecca, thanks a lot for your lesson.
You are gorgeous. I am not good at speaking English how can I improve it. Thanks
Guys, Is this ok?
Oh, That is disgussting! I orderd a whole chicken, however his leg had been eaten
I have waiting for the order more than 2 hours! That is redicolous, please bring my order right away
you know what, I ordered a hot choclate, however it is a cooled coffee. This is unacceptable. Please change this order with mine.
1. The seat that I have reserved has been given to another one.
2. This is reduclus.
3. Please give me a new seat right away
oh thanks a lot miss rebecca I like the way u teach.
oh! thanks a lot miss rebecca I like the way u teach.
Thank you very much, Rebecca. These problems usually happen, we can’t always avoid them, so we’d better complain when necessary and more importantly, in the right way.
This is a good one but what if you are a employee and the customer wants to take advance of some mistake how can we handle. If there a video than we can see??
You can say: “Excuse me! We will solve your problem right now”. And then do what they want if it’s possible. Sometimes customers can cavil because they have a bad mood. :-) If Rebecca maid a video about employee’s behaviour and answers, I’d like to watch it too.
It ‘s wonderful syntax. Good
my grandfather is distrubing me in my room, it is unaccepatable me because my future may damage , i need the next room
the great teacher till today in engvid.
it is really a good lessen that can make my speaking skills improved a lot. so i just want to stick to learn your lesson everyday from today!thank you!
Hi!!!! I’ve got 10/10!!!! By the way… what does the expression “I TIP MY HAT TO YOU” mean?
It means that you admire and respect someone for something they have done.
Interesting lesson … thanks teacher
Thank you Rebecca. It is really good lession.
Thank you very much!
I’ve got 9/10 this lesson very useful thank you teacher
My Skype:
I’d like practice English with you !
thank you very much,ı have got 10/10 :)
tks rebeca, you have good voice, i’m beginer and i have 8/10
Yes, you right. She has very beautiful soft voice. :-) I think Rebecca is a nice and polite person in real life too.
good lesson
very good lesson.thanks rebecca.
7. ____________ This is causing a lot of trouble for us. Please send your technician as soon as possible.
a:I bought a new photocopier from your store.
b:Our new photocopier has stopped working.
c:The photocopier was very expensive.
a and b both are true, aren’t they?
10. The seat I reserved has been given to another passenger. ____________. Please give me another aisle seat.
a:This is fun
b:This is silly
c:This isn’t right
d:This is fine with me
b and c both are right, why would we chose “c”, why not “b”?
7. You have to tell about your problem first. If you say that photocopier has stopped working, they will understand what is wrong with it. It doesn’t work. :-) And if you say “I bought a new photocopier from your store. This is causing a lot of trouble for us”, it will sound like a process of buying this photocopier in their store caused a lot of trouble for you and your family. :-) “Oh my God! How could I bought a photocopier in this store? I hate this store! It’s a big trouble”. :-)
10. In this question “c” sounds more polite than “b”. :-) If you say that this was silly, they can feel hurt and give you an aisle seat in the last row near the toilets. It will be not very nice flight. :-)
Yes, that’s an excellent explanation.
I agree with you
All the best to you
Hahhhahhh , I got , 10 score it is very helpful
Great lesson. Thanks so much.
I want to practice skype hernadvt
thank you very much
evil666live, maybe, c) is more polite..
Dear Rebecca,
Your lessons are excellente.
We cannot complain us about your interventions.
Please, keep it up.
Best regards.
1:15 “So if you really want action, make sure you ask for what you want someone to do to fix your problem.”
Can you please explain, why there is no an article ‘an’ before ‘action’. Is it a verb form here? Also, why is no article in “Ask for action”?
Maybe it’s a set phrase. :-) I don’t understand too. And nobody wants to explain it for us.
There’s a hair in my soup! ____
This is quite disgusting.________ Please bring me another bowl.
but for me, if it was quite disgusting, I just can’t order anything else, and will leave Immediately ))))))))))
Me too! ^-^ Because they can on purpose throw something in your second soup for revenge. :-)
10 out of 10.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for your great lessons!
Now, I have an eye for filling the blanks easily.
Good lesson….
Great lesson Rebbeca! You’re an excellent teacher!
Very good lesson, and very funny answers!!! :D Of course, I knew the correct ones.
i like it
thank teacher.
hahaha… i`m happy for the result… thanks.. Ms. Rebecca for another fruitful lecture… :)
I got 10 correct.This is great.You are a good teacher.
Thank you
I got 9 out of 10 hehehe
Thank you, Rebecca! Your lessons are always very informative, understandable and interesting. I watched this one with a pleasure. Now I know how to complain! Yahoo! It’s great! Very wise advises – like I’ve heard a psychologist’s opinion too. ^-^ Yes, you’re right. It’s better to say people what you want them to do. When I was watching this video, I thought: “How happy are people that live in a normal civilized countries!” Our country is crazy. If you find that somebody has eaten a leg of your chicken and complain about it, managers in a supermarket will say: “How can I know that it wasn’t you? Maybe you have eaten that leg!” They never make excuses, they can only be rude. A month ago I watched on TV that one customer found a mouse in a supermarket and filmed it. The mouse ran on bread and pastries. It’s not normally for our country. Usually we don’t have mice in supermarkets and in houses. :-) But nobody apologized and nobody were fined for it. “Yes, we know. It was a mouse here. But now it’s gone, – said a manager. – We’ve exterminated it”.
Woo 100
She is speaking lovely and easy to listening.
Yeaaa..I got 9 :-)
Thank you, Rebecca! I’ll make this 3 steps. Regards.
Could you tell me the meaning of ‘please credit me for the last hours’?
thank you this is so
thanks rebeeca!
The 3 steps are important to get the right response. Great lesson!
Thank you rebeca this is really u interesting quiz
Great lesson! Thank you so much
wow amazing explain
have a nice Rebecca
this lesson is very helping to boost confident to speak out in any problem .. hehe good thing there’s no chicken in the quiz lol
It was interesting and useful.
You speak very quickly but it is a kind of challenge for me.
Thank you.
Useful more than I think ! Thanks a lot.
Sorry, Rebeca. I answered correctly 7 questions from ten. But this topic was very interesting
Thanks for this lesson, Rebecca^^ the quiz is quite helpful too. I’ll use this lesson tonight for my Boss’ English lesson^^
Hello Rebecca, we are thankful to bring such as constructive to lesson. You are awesome. I appreciate that to guide students how to complain in such a professional way in this lesson. I like your chicken story that happened to you and it was quite shocking but the way you handle it more learning experience for all of us. Thanks and best regards.
Thank You.. It Was Very Informative & So Helpful.
This Video Really Helps Me How To Complain About A Problem .. :)
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you…
I got 80% that not bad
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Thank u for your lecture.
I got 10 out 10 . Thank you Rebecca
I had no idea about the lesson but managed to get 6/10
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 12Sept2021);
I really can’t thank you enough ???
100 thanks
I liked this exercise! thanks
I got 9/10.
Thank you! =)
Thanks a lot Rebecca! You are amazing. (Azores Islands, 12Sept2024;