Food, can’t live without it. In this lesson, you will learn common kitchen and cooking vocabulary like fry, saucepan, season, grind, and more. Watch this video to be able to talk about your cooking, and learn an old recipe at the same time. You won’t be tested on your cooking skills, but take the quiz to test your understanding of the lesson!
Useful vocabulary lesson for those interesting in cooking. I used to be, but to tell the truth is time consuming.
mmm…mmm…making mistakes as usual…
“Useful vocabulary lesson for those interestED in cooking. I used to be, but to tell the truth IT’S a time-consuming” activity.”
But this recipe is not very time-consuming. It took only 15-20 minutes.
Yep! You’re right. But this is the exception that proves the rule.
Have an enjoyable weekend!
Yes, it’s true. ^_^ The most delicious dishes require much time. To be honest, that’s why I don’t like cooking. :-) You have to spend much time and then this meal will be eaten and disappear like it never exists. You feel like you’ve spent this time for nothing. ^_^ So I think it’s good only for people who have fun cooking, who likes to cook or make dishes.
Thank you for good wishing. My weekend was really enjoyable. I think it’s too late to wish you the same, because this weekend is over, so I’ll wish you a good day tomorrow. ^-^
Youtube says that the video is private. hehehe
Because there are man and woman and heart-shaped thing for cooking in it. ^__^
Private video, WTF?!?
Leandro Piani
This video is private :-/
Leon BS
First, thanks
Second, I would like to say this new method is very interesting and innovative. I like it.
Finally, teachers all around the world are nice people like you. So thanks again.
Thanks! Very helpful, teacher
Joao Victor
I like this video.
It is very useful.
Thank U
Thank you for posting of real life’s video.
Jahangir Alam
got 10/10….cool!!!
it takes 10 to 15 minutes to cook spaghetti? Are you serious? It’s a crime! No more then 9-10 minutes! Believe me, I’m italian
than….sorry. not then
Great video, thank you very much! My wife also likes to add different herbs in dishes :)
great video,thank you,it is very useful.
Ben, you are a fantastic teacher but today we learnt how to massacre a holy italian recipe! Creme fraiche…why??????? No olive oil….why???? Coriander….why? No parmigiano reggiano…why??
Don’t worry, people visit Italy for tasty food, not the UK. ;)
About the boiling time: they probably use that kind of pasta containing eggs, instead of the much better (and healthier) pasta made of pure durum wheat. The egg-wheat pasta is popular in my country too (unfortunately) and needs more boiling time.
Hi bencebacsi, actually Ben and his friend use normal pasta, not the one with eggs. Usually pasta “all’uovo” (with eggs into the dough) like FETTUCCINE has cooking time shorter than normal pasta. No more than 5 minutes. Fettuccine al ragù (meat sauce) are awesome if
not cooked by Ben’s friend….;))
i like the test, really it helped me so much, it showed me what i have been mislearned. could any of you guys help me to know if it’s correct that word i used above (mislearned)……. words that cheated me ;)
Good cooking video lesson. Thank you Benjamin :)
That’s very important to one that want to live abroad.I am waiting for a vegetarian dish.
Nice lesson! thanks
Thank you very much
Alaa Taha
beautiful lesson and fantastic teacher but “gli spaghetti alla bolognese” are another thing
Thank you Benjamin.
Benjamin, thanks a lot for a live lesson. Who’s that lovely smiling lady? Make more live lessons, it could be your thing!
Thanks for the lesson Benji,
It’s very nice to see a young couple teaching English together.
I don’t like the way this guys talk.. it is confusing.
But we enjoyed of this lesson
Hasib Nasir
Mescal, I must confess we Spanish people (or my family and friends, that’s sure) boil the spaghettis too long (over 10 or more)and finally most people clear them with fresh water (why? we don’t know, but we do. I understand an Italian was horrified. Sorry. The truth is the best pasta and the best pizza and the best ice cream I’ve ever ate in my life are Italian’s.
Benjamin and company: very good job! I’m delighted for the fun lesson. Thank you very much!
A great method to teaching !! Congratulations!
It’s been a beautiful lesson!!! very useful for those who want to work in the restaurant. In italy, the sauce of Bolognese is a little different but i’d like to taste your sauce, too ;)
Now I that I could watch the video, I would like to thank you guys for this awesome video! These following words are new to me: Stir (stirring), hob, sieve, drawer, dollop, season (seasoning the food).
I would like to watch more videos like these, if possible. Again, thanks for taking your time and teaching us! :)
Great l!!! But, careful with her hair, it must fall in the frying pan. Congratulations for the amazing job!!
The video is nice and clear and is really helpful. Thank you.
Lesson was perfect as always! But please! Spaghetti alla Bolognese are very very different :)
i like the way that you teach thanks
Very nice lesson! 9/10.
Very good tool to improve our listening…!
Thanks a lot for the good topic))
Thank you
What a lovely couple! Congrats!
carlos 2138
Thanks, for teaching me.
I like so much!!!
Thank you both, Benjamin and mate, for this lesson. This kind of contextual teaching seems to help to talk about new concepts on the run – it is very interesting.
This kind of food is prepared here using much tomato salce, with onions and herbs.
Fabio Cicerre
waooo muy bueno aprendí varias palabras nuevas. me gusta esta forma de aprender es mas fácil para nosotros que aprendemos el ingles como segunda lengua.
You are so awsome!!!! .I love your video, your method is innovative and funny.
Congratulations, and thanks again for the excellent video.
About the dish, mmmm… it doesn’t matter if it is or not the exact recipe, so just have fun and learn….
wow i can do 10/10 ,m i
Thank you very much
Thanks for both of you, it’s a very necessary lesson for every English learners. I have got 90 score out of 10 questions, it shows that I have 10 % learned this lesson.
Have a nice day,
Hasib, Kabul, Afghanistan
Hasib Nasir
Hasib Nasir
Pretty well! I’m already waiting for another one, about vegetarian food!
Fortunately this is an English lesson!
this kind of vocabulary are so interesting for student thanks
I have learned a lot of words from this video, thank you the video is great
awesome! Great real lession. Thanks teacher. it reminded me a lot of vocabulary that I was not often used in everyday communication.
Oh, you are so nice that even your spaghetti are acceptable…!! I like your lessons a lot. Thank you
great video, I din´t know many words of the vocabulary, thanks
It’s useful method to learn . I got 100 . I like your beatiful friend
You should teach together . You are great pair to teach
Thank you. Really, this video is a better way to learn vocabulary and listen the pronunciation.
Very good lesson, thanks.
Excelent lesson! Congratulations to the theachers!
Thanks, Benjamin. I have watched the video for three times because I would like to remember all vocabularies in this lesson.
Hi,I’m brazilian and I love your videos!
I would like to see the video “Speak English like James Bond”, but it is protected… :(
I loved the new class, this modern version in an environment of our day to day. Congratulations to all the team involved in this project. I’ll make some videos of these in Brazil to teach Portuguese! … Lol … just kidding …
so useful.. Thanks for the video Benjamin.
kumz sek
I think a thing at 2.59 is not a sieve. It’s a colander. ^-^
Thank you for useful and interesting lesson, Benji.. sorry, Benjamin. ^_^ Your girlfriend is very cute. Or she is not your girlfriend? But she has a heart-shaped saucepan. It’s a gentle hint.
great lesson!
Jesus bless you all!
Thank you for your lesson
I just loved this new method of explaining vocabulary.You both explained it very well.I think it is effective way of making difficult things easier to understand and remember.Thanks a million for this video Benjamin.
very thankful to the website and its inventors..
cyril j padiyathu
Hello, first I would like to thank all of you” Engvid staff”… you have been really helpful..I just got my IELTS result..I got 6.5 .. I am not surprised because I was expecting this good result thanks to your help & support…I wish you all good luck. :)
8/10 my mistakes. First ,avoid to garlic burn, not fry the garlic. Second, Creme fraiche, more healthier than Creme, not, Creme fresh.
About the recipe, in fact it looks yummy.
Jorge Pedroso
thanks a lot
zezo ali
Thank you so much for teaching us in real life video/lesson. this is so great :) and if it possible I would like to watch more video teaching like this. ( common situation ,everyday life situation )
and Thanks again for the test !! I got 10/10 ^^
thanks Benjamin… great idea for teaching vocabulary.this real teaching method is really useful.
than you.
Very useful for beginners. Thank you Benjamin.
i learn so many thing from this video, thank you to both of you.
friends be added to demon_idc Skype
we will try to talk with each other
It’s a very nice lesson thanks !!!
I confess that I love cooking but not food I love cooking desserts, like cakes, pies, puddings, etc. It was a brilliant and so real lesson. Congrats Benjamin, to your great cook friend and your guests who were recording your lesson and a delicious recipe and of course, at the end they were hungry!!!
Hi. Usefull lesson, but we never put chorrizo in the actual recipe of spaghetti bolognese but ground beef! You made an other recipe, probably pretty good: we could call it the spanish spaghetti, you know!
It was my second lesson with you, 2 times 10/10!
10/10 soo proud
Mariam jaafar
I loved this video. A great method to learning. I would like to watch more videos like this. Thank you, Benjamin.
Sheyla Cunha
It is very interesting video. Thank you Benjamin.
Thanks. 100%. I’m very glad)))
haha i like the way you said “drawer”!
a very nice video!
A “tasty” class, thank you.
Awesome teamwork! :)
Benjamin,you are teacher by vocation! you are teacher in all situation…drawer”:):)…..
Great Lesson!
Andres Felipe Arias Mosquera
Thanks a lot. The video is very interesting and clear to understand.
Ms. Rosy
ı think it was so useful for me….9/10
thanks Benjamin, a very useful lesson.
cool!!!!they are very good teacherы
So cooool! Thank you!
Igor Alexandre
“Bon appétit” and “Crème fraîche”are french words.
Thanks. I’m craving after this video ^^
rin olive
9 out of 10
Imam Tawqer
Awesome!Very clear!Thank you so much
Thanks for good video.
I love it. Real situation that you teach in video is very great.
I can understand when you show the real things.
This is usefull and “tasty” lesson.Thanks=)
In this video, presentation of cooking a food, it is very professional art way, whom don’t about such kitchen or food/cooking related word then it is very helpful for understanding and learning. . Thank you Mr. Benjamin
done …. and done good ….woooo
yummi yummi done
i make 100 point. oh my! lollll
Metharat Wongsomnuk
Thank you I got some hint to kook my lunch.
thank you Benjamin , best regards for you
Mo7ammed-A7emd @Hafiz-Bastawisi
Good lesson, tkank you very much.
9/10,very useful & interesting. thx
Very nice lesson 10/10 :) thank you
Hi Bejamin! You are advising to watch the lesson “Speak like James Bond”, but that video is not available. Could you fix that problem?
I got 8 to 10.. Lesson was useful..
Beyond to learn english, we learned how to cook a spaghetti bolognese! Thanks Benjamin!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Thanks, Ben. I’d like to get recipe some other famous dishes from around the world. It would be better to learn some vegetables names and how to use them in recipe “Afiyet olsun” means for Bon appetite in Turkish language.
Thank you.Very usefull lesson.
Thank you so much for this excellent video.
Thank you.^-^
Thank you Benjamin. It’s really useful for me and for my students to understand some vocabulary about cooking and kitchen.
Lastri Yanika
Thnax man, now I do better in English and spaghetti ;)
thank you
Thank you so much, it has been very useful to remember in the daily life, thanks
Marta Lopez
When I serve up the dish for my children, I always season it with a little salt and peper. It giving the food different FLAVOURS.
9/10 thank you Benji.
Thanks for the lesso!!!!!!!
Brought water in my mouth.
Aamer Hamdani
thanks so much, what a useful lesson from you. very reality i can use these right a way. thanks again
Nguyen Van Hau
Great video … but awful recife … You don’t have to call this “spaghetti bolognese” that’s very different thing … !
However thanks , the goal is ok
of course … recipe … not recife ..Sorry
Have you made love with her in the kitchen? <3
Lorcy Gabriel
I love this kind of videos are more funny than the others with just the blackboard…
Useful explanation! Unfortunately, that’s not the way to cook “spaghetti alla bolognesa” but was very funny how English people cook!
After this lesson I’m hungry!
Thanks Benjamin
Very Useful, thanks a lot!
Hope there will be more lesson relating to cooking, food or cuisine in the near future.
Thank you.
Thanks for the video
Thanks, Benjamin I learned a lot of new words
This is really helpful for knowing all of the words,thanks Benjamin
Thank you a lot teacher you’re best one ???
muhamad best
Benji…you arevery smart…..thank you
thank you very much. (^_^)
Thanks for good lesson. I`m so sorry, but i`ve thought, the thing for draining must be called colander, is not it? not sieve.
very helpful thanks a lot
Wao! As far as I’m concerned, this is the most dynamic video on the vocabulary section that I have ever seen, I truly loved it, if you ask me, all the vocabulary which could be illustrated it like this one, should be record this way. Unquestionably! Good job!
I got 9/10. Thanks for the lesson! Bon appetite!
Thank you so much Benji it was really brilliant idea kitchen vocabulary was really very very useful.
I got 10/10 I owe you all that.
Bet wishes,
sarah fausi
I’m falling in love!
Its wonderful lesson learn.
Regina Bawila
It’s pretty useful, thank you:)
Thanks Benjamin..all the best
Perfect !!!
It’s cool!!!
Benjamin, thank you for the very creatie lesson!
Thank you very much Benjamin
I’ve found this lesson so interesting and fun to learn ! Thank you so much
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Useful vocabulary lesson for those interesting in cooking. I used to be, but to tell the truth is time consuming.
mmm…mmm…making mistakes as usual…
“Useful vocabulary lesson for those interestED in cooking. I used to be, but to tell the truth IT’S a time-consuming” activity.”
But this recipe is not very time-consuming. It took only 15-20 minutes.
Yep! You’re right. But this is the exception that proves the rule.
Have an enjoyable weekend!
Yes, it’s true. ^_^ The most delicious dishes require much time. To be honest, that’s why I don’t like cooking. :-) You have to spend much time and then this meal will be eaten and disappear like it never exists. You feel like you’ve spent this time for nothing. ^_^ So I think it’s good only for people who have fun cooking, who likes to cook or make dishes.
Thank you for good wishing. My weekend was really enjoyable. I think it’s too late to wish you the same, because this weekend is over, so I’ll wish you a good day tomorrow. ^-^
Youtube says that the video is private. hehehe
Because there are man and woman and heart-shaped thing for cooking in it. ^__^
Private video, WTF?!?
This video is private :-/
First, thanks
Second, I would like to say this new method is very interesting and innovative. I like it.
Finally, teachers all around the world are nice people like you. So thanks again.
Thanks! Very helpful, teacher
I like this video.
It is very useful.
Thank U
Thank you for posting of real life’s video.
got 10/10….cool!!!
it takes 10 to 15 minutes to cook spaghetti? Are you serious? It’s a crime! No more then 9-10 minutes! Believe me, I’m italian
than….sorry. not then
Great video, thank you very much! My wife also likes to add different herbs in dishes :)
great video,thank you,it is very useful.
Ben, you are a fantastic teacher but today we learnt how to massacre a holy italian recipe! Creme fraiche…why??????? No olive oil….why???? Coriander….why? No parmigiano reggiano…why??
Don’t worry, people visit Italy for tasty food, not the UK. ;)
About the boiling time: they probably use that kind of pasta containing eggs, instead of the much better (and healthier) pasta made of pure durum wheat. The egg-wheat pasta is popular in my country too (unfortunately) and needs more boiling time.
Hi bencebacsi, actually Ben and his friend use normal pasta, not the one with eggs. Usually pasta “all’uovo” (with eggs into the dough) like FETTUCCINE has cooking time shorter than normal pasta. No more than 5 minutes. Fettuccine al ragù (meat sauce) are awesome if
not cooked by Ben’s friend….;))
i like the test, really it helped me so much, it showed me what i have been mislearned. could any of you guys help me to know if it’s correct that word i used above (mislearned)……. words that cheated me ;)
Good cooking video lesson. Thank you Benjamin :)
That’s very important to one that want to live abroad.I am waiting for a vegetarian dish.
Nice lesson! thanks
Thank you very much
beautiful lesson and fantastic teacher but “gli spaghetti alla bolognese” are another thing
Thank you Benjamin.
Benjamin, thanks a lot for a live lesson. Who’s that lovely smiling lady? Make more live lessons, it could be your thing!
Thanks for the lesson Benji,
It’s very nice to see a young couple teaching English together.
I don’t like the way this guys talk.. it is confusing.
But we enjoyed of this lesson
Mescal, I must confess we Spanish people (or my family and friends, that’s sure) boil the spaghettis too long (over 10 or more)and finally most people clear them with fresh water (why? we don’t know, but we do. I understand an Italian was horrified. Sorry. The truth is the best pasta and the best pizza and the best ice cream I’ve ever ate in my life are Italian’s.
Benjamin and company: very good job! I’m delighted for the fun lesson. Thank you very much!
A great method to teaching !! Congratulations!
It’s been a beautiful lesson!!! very useful for those who want to work in the restaurant. In italy, the sauce of Bolognese is a little different but i’d like to taste your sauce, too ;)
Now I that I could watch the video, I would like to thank you guys for this awesome video! These following words are new to me: Stir (stirring), hob, sieve, drawer, dollop, season (seasoning the food).
I would like to watch more videos like these, if possible. Again, thanks for taking your time and teaching us! :)
Great l!!! But, careful with her hair, it must fall in the frying pan. Congratulations for the amazing job!!
The video is nice and clear and is really helpful. Thank you.
Lesson was perfect as always! But please! Spaghetti alla Bolognese are very very different :)
i like the way that you teach thanks
Very nice lesson! 9/10.
Very good tool to improve our listening…!
Thanks a lot for the good topic))
Thank you
What a lovely couple! Congrats!
Thanks, for teaching me.
I like so much!!!
Thank you both, Benjamin and mate, for this lesson. This kind of contextual teaching seems to help to talk about new concepts on the run – it is very interesting.
This kind of food is prepared here using much tomato salce, with onions and herbs.
waooo muy bueno aprendí varias palabras nuevas. me gusta esta forma de aprender es mas fácil para nosotros que aprendemos el ingles como segunda lengua.
You are so awsome!!!! .I love your video, your method is innovative and funny.
Congratulations, and thanks again for the excellent video.
About the dish, mmmm… it doesn’t matter if it is or not the exact recipe, so just have fun and learn….
wow i can do 10/10 ,m i
Thank you very much
Thanks for both of you, it’s a very necessary lesson for every English learners. I have got 90 score out of 10 questions, it shows that I have 10 % learned this lesson.
Have a nice day,
Hasib, Kabul, Afghanistan
Pretty well! I’m already waiting for another one, about vegetarian food!
Fortunately this is an English lesson!
this kind of vocabulary are so interesting for student thanks
Thanks for lesson, very useful. I think that eating spaghetti with fork and spoon is better and easier, isn’t it?
I have learned a lot of words from this video, thank you the video is great
awesome! Great real lession. Thanks teacher. it reminded me a lot of vocabulary that I was not often used in everyday communication.
Oh, you are so nice that even your spaghetti are acceptable…!! I like your lessons a lot. Thank you
great video, I din´t know many words of the vocabulary, thanks
It’s useful method to learn . I got 100 . I like your beatiful friend
You should teach together . You are great pair to teach
Thank you. Really, this video is a better way to learn vocabulary and listen the pronunciation.
Very good lesson, thanks.
Excelent lesson! Congratulations to the theachers!
Thanks, Benjamin. I have watched the video for three times because I would like to remember all vocabularies in this lesson.
Hi,I’m brazilian and I love your videos!
I would like to see the video “Speak English like James Bond”, but it is protected… :(
I loved the new class, this modern version in an environment of our day to day. Congratulations to all the team involved in this project. I’ll make some videos of these in Brazil to teach Portuguese! … Lol … just kidding …
so useful.. Thanks for the video Benjamin.
I think a thing at 2.59 is not a sieve. It’s a colander. ^-^
Thank you for useful and interesting lesson, Benji.. sorry, Benjamin. ^_^ Your girlfriend is very cute. Or she is not your girlfriend? But she has a heart-shaped saucepan. It’s a gentle hint.
great lesson!
Jesus bless you all!
Thank you for your lesson
I just loved this new method of explaining vocabulary.You both explained it very well.I think it is effective way of making difficult things easier to understand and remember.Thanks a million for this video Benjamin.
very thankful to the website and its inventors..
Hello, first I would like to thank all of you” Engvid staff”… you have been really helpful..I just got my IELTS result..I got 6.5 .. I am not surprised because I was expecting this good result thanks to your help & support…I wish you all good luck. :)
8/10 my mistakes. First ,avoid to garlic burn, not fry the garlic. Second, Creme fraiche, more healthier than Creme, not, Creme fresh.
About the recipe, in fact it looks yummy.
thanks a lot
Thank you so much for teaching us in real life video/lesson. this is so great :) and if it possible I would like to watch more video teaching like this. ( common situation ,everyday life situation )
and Thanks again for the test !! I got 10/10 ^^
thanks Benjamin… great idea for teaching vocabulary.this real teaching method is really useful.
than you.
Very useful for beginners. Thank you Benjamin.
i learn so many thing from this video, thank you to both of you.
friends be added to demon_idc Skype
we will try to talk with each other
It’s a very nice lesson thanks !!!
I confess that I love cooking but not food I love cooking desserts, like cakes, pies, puddings, etc. It was a brilliant and so real lesson. Congrats Benjamin, to your great cook friend and your guests who were recording your lesson and a delicious recipe and of course, at the end they were hungry!!!
Hi. Usefull lesson, but we never put chorrizo in the actual recipe of spaghetti bolognese but ground beef! You made an other recipe, probably pretty good: we could call it the spanish spaghetti, you know!
It was my second lesson with you, 2 times 10/10!
10/10 soo proud
I loved this video. A great method to learning. I would like to watch more videos like this. Thank you, Benjamin.
It is very interesting video. Thank you Benjamin.
Thanks. 100%. I’m very glad)))
haha i like the way you said “drawer”!
a very nice video!
A “tasty” class, thank you.
Awesome teamwork! :)
Benjamin,you are teacher by vocation! you are teacher in all situation…drawer”:):)…..
Great Lesson!
Thanks a lot. The video is very interesting and clear to understand.
ı think it was so useful for me….9/10
thanks Benjamin, a very useful lesson.
cool!!!!they are very good teacherы
So cooool! Thank you!
“Bon appétit” and “Crème fraîche”are french words.
Thanks. I’m craving after this video ^^
9 out of 10
Awesome!Very clear!Thank you so much
Thanks for good video.
I love it. Real situation that you teach in video is very great.
I can understand when you show the real things.
This is usefull and “tasty” lesson.Thanks=)
In this video, presentation of cooking a food, it is very professional art way, whom don’t about such kitchen or food/cooking related word then it is very helpful for understanding and learning. . Thank you Mr. Benjamin
done …. and done good ….woooo
yummi yummi done
i make 100 point. oh my! lollll
Thank you I got some hint to kook my lunch.
thank you Benjamin , best regards for you
Good lesson, tkank you very much.
9/10,very useful & interesting. thx
Very nice lesson 10/10 :) thank you
Hi Bejamin! You are advising to watch the lesson “Speak like James Bond”, but that video is not available. Could you fix that problem?
I got 8 to 10.. Lesson was useful..
Beyond to learn english, we learned how to cook a spaghetti bolognese! Thanks Benjamin!
Thanks, Ben. I’d like to get recipe some other famous dishes from around the world. It would be better to learn some vegetables names and how to use them in recipe “Afiyet olsun” means for Bon appetite in Turkish language.
Thank you.Very usefull lesson.
Thank you so much for this excellent video.
Thank you.^-^
Thank you Benjamin. It’s really useful for me and for my students to understand some vocabulary about cooking and kitchen.
Thnax man, now I do better in English and spaghetti ;)
thank you
Thank you so much, it has been very useful to remember in the daily life, thanks
When I serve up the dish for my children, I always season it with a little salt and peper. It giving the food different FLAVOURS.
9/10 thank you Benji.
Thanks for the lesso!!!!!!!
Brought water in my mouth.
thanks so much, what a useful lesson from you. very reality i can use these right a way. thanks again
Great video … but awful recife … You don’t have to call this “spaghetti bolognese” that’s very different thing … !
However thanks , the goal is ok
of course … recipe … not recife ..Sorry
Have you made love with her in the kitchen? <3
I love this kind of videos are more funny than the others with just the blackboard…
Useful explanation! Unfortunately, that’s not the way to cook “spaghetti alla bolognesa” but was very funny how English people cook!
After this lesson I’m hungry!
Thanks Benjamin
Very Useful, thanks a lot!
Hope there will be more lesson relating to cooking, food or cuisine in the near future.
Thank you.
Thanks for the video
Thanks, Benjamin I learned a lot of new words
This is really helpful for knowing all of the words,thanks Benjamin
Thank you a lot teacher you’re best one ???
Benji…you arevery smart…..thank you
thank you very much. (^_^)
Thanks for good lesson. I`m so sorry, but i`ve thought, the thing for draining must be called colander, is not it? not sieve.
very helpful thanks a lot
Wao! As far as I’m concerned, this is the most dynamic video on the vocabulary section that I have ever seen, I truly loved it, if you ask me, all the vocabulary which could be illustrated it like this one, should be record this way. Unquestionably! Good job!
I got 9/10. Thanks for the lesson! Bon appetite!
Thank you so much Benji it was really brilliant idea kitchen vocabulary was really very very useful.
I got 10/10 I owe you all that.
Bet wishes,
I’m falling in love!
Its wonderful lesson learn.
It’s pretty useful, thank you:)
Thanks Benjamin..all the best
Perfect !!!
It’s cool!!!
Benjamin, thank you for the very creatie lesson!
Thank you very much Benjamin
I’ve found this lesson so interesting and fun to learn ! Thank you so much
thank you