Do you like animals? Do you have a pet? Join me and Gizmo and learn to speak about your favorite animals! Asking about pets can be a great conversation starter. So in this lesson, we will answer your most common questions about pets. What do North Americans think of their dogs? What questions can you ask people about their pets? Do we call pets “he”, “she”, or “it”? What sounds do dogs make? What do we call dog and cat hair? Learn the answers to these questions and many more. Take our quiz to practice what you learned in this useful lesson that will teach you not just English vocabulary, but an important aspect of North American culture!
Congratulations again.
You know, I go to school in the morning, so it’s not fair, because my cellphone is not with me.??
And I also don’t have any access to personal computer or laptop.
nkh.453, are you allowed to take your sell phone with you to school, aren’t you?
Is it prohibited? Will you be punished for it?
We can bring them to school, but we can’t speak during the lesson.
No in my country students are not allowed to take cellphone with themselves. But I think in some special schools in IRAN students are allowed to do that. How ever there are some students who disobey. But I disagree with being disobedient.
i think one should be allowed to take the cell phones, one can have emergency too. It is equally important to avoid wasting time on cell phone while attending a class.
M. Ehsan
Good day, M.Ehsan! It’s a very controversial question! Everything depends on the responsibility of students. Many of them are get disturbed easily especially with cellphones. I think there should be some punishment for using phones by students without teacher’s allowance. Maybe even penalty.
I’m glad to meet you. Have a nice day!
You’re right
Yes, it’s not fair at all. But just think about my prize. Now I must eat it!
I don’t like worm.
I don’t like worms. Both are correct, neither to eat, nor to look at.
But I often feed our hens and the rooster with worms in summer. We’ve got country house and do garderning sometimes, and if I find worms I always take them to our birds. They adore worms! And fight for them. Some hens are rather clever: they walk around a person with a shovel and get more delicacy…
Have a nice day!
? you’re right. But unfortunately I don’t know what you should do with your prise. Just forget about it and refuse your prise!!!
And your expression about hens was interesting.Good for them that they can eat worms and they’re also not forced to reject their prise for their fight to be the early bird.
price that someone help me practice English. Because I do not have much time and…
Ty Very Much
U R The Second O’Kotoz
always the same scenario is repeated . congratulation nataanna.
Thank you. SKIKDA! Please, read StruggleForEnglish’s comment to the previous James’s lesson. It is very hilarious! I don’t know how to send you link.
At least I’ve got the idea, why I’ve got the prise, thank to him. You give me way to eat my prize-worms as you prefer something delicious, don’t you?
you’re welcome nataanaa ,regaed your perseverance and your determination you deserve a great prise and i hope it will be achieving your goals in english
There is a website called [speech yard] 2 improve Ur English
and another 1 its name is [story nory]
Don’t be Lackadaisical and try 2 practice over there
hi kotoz your words inspire that you are excellent in english. aren’t you?
Thanks Emma.
What surprised me is that it is possible to call a pet boy or girl, it was very weird for me because in our language boy and girl are two nouns used only for human being.
nataanna and SKIKDA, you are so early today.
Yes, I remember in my english lessons in university our teacher told us that everything, including little babies, call “it”
Pat Hollman
Thanks Emma. Your vídeos are great! I’ve learned so much watching your videos.
What the video it was?
Has Has
Very good topic for me because I am animal doctor. I work with cats and dogs!
Evgeny Gomon
It means that you’re a vet???
That’s awesome ’cause I’m still a pupil and I want to be a vet in a future
9 correct out of 10 sounds good
A very useful lesson. A lot of thanks to Emma.
Zafar Ali Khan
Thanks Emma, very much!
Here in Russia we also pet animals as members of the family. My cat always not only shares my bed, but she lays on! my chest. I sleep very careful not to disturb her.
Because of the same climate our dogs wear clothes outside in winter. It looks funny.
I’m very grateful to Emma not only for this lesson but for revealing some personal details. You show us the member of the family!!! Thank you! Even moeHe’s so cute! He loves you. Even more!
I’m going to break tradition here to share a dog gif, because dogs wearing clothes are funny:
engVid Moderator
Something happened with my cellphone. It submitted unfinished comment, sorry. Thank you, Emma , one more time
Thanks Emma
i answered 7 out of ten .. without watching the vid .. what does this mean ?
I think this mean you have made 3 incorrect answers ;)
Vitalii UA
that means ‘ you answered 7 questions and you don’t complete the other questions.
But i think it means you could answer to seven questions with out watching the video. So it’s great.
This mean that if you had watched the video you would have hit 100%.
Nice lesson, thanks for you Emma and for your dog Gismo! Does Gismo understand commands? And how it say in English correctly? How are main commands for dogs sound in English? Thank you in advance for answers
Vitalii UA
Thank you Emma
hi emma i was wondering, how about if i say ‘ i like your dog ‘ is that mean that ‘ i want to eat your dog’
It’s very good lession ! Thanks Emma, and I just thinking it’ll better when we have a story about our pets like one topic when talking about them. Didn’t it ?
hi emma ‘ does Gizmo speak english’
10/10. Thank you very much Emma. Woof woof
I missed the easiest one.. 9 out of 10
how about the expression ‘ puppy love’ why we related puppy with love wich means ‘fleeting love’ can anyone give his opinion ?
“Puppy love” usually refers to young love, like someone’s first crush. There’s also the term “puppy fat” or “baby fat” for the body fat that babies and children have before they grow up. In both cases “puppy” means being childlike or young.
Strangely, we don’t say “dog love” to mean grown-up love or say a fat adult has “dog fat”.
engVid Moderator
thaks a lot engvid for this clarification.
Excellent topic for animal lovers. Thank you Emma.
Very, very sweet lesson. Thanks Emma.
You are right Ihasa Apso Papillons Mix are so nice…
Thank you Emma!!Nice lesson and nice dog ;)
Here in Spain, all the children are in love with the cartoons called “Paw Patrol”. Does it happen as well in your countries???
Good lesson.Didn’t know breed paw and fur.Thanks.
Thanks Emma.
Very useful lesson
Thanks for lesson. In Russia we love a pets too, and they are our family members.I had the cat for the 16 years, unfortunately he died in 2011. He was like my little brother, we grew up together. From this time forward i can’t make a pet (am I correct?), ‘cos I miss him very much
Pat Hollman
Hello Emma and Gizmo. Thank you for sharing this very useful English video lesson.
Júlio César L Sousa
thanks Emma!!
Wanderson Tavares
This is my firt time at Engvid,great job,thank you!
Wanderson Tavares
Thanks Emma , interesting video
I also learn one more today.
Hi Emma! You and Gizmo gave a very nice and fun lesson.Thanks.
Gizmo! :) The name reminds me ‘Gizem’ Very popular Turkish name
Hi! Yes, you are right! Names can be very confusing in different cultures. My family had some trouble few years ago. We have a dog. His name is Han. But unfortunately, we don’t know that it’s a very popular name in Azerbaijan, maybe in Turkey as well.
And as you may guess we have a neighbor named the same way!!! In the village! Russian village there is a dog and a man, named Han.
We knew that when our dog was two years old and it was too late to change his name. And it happend while we were looking for our Han and were calling him. But some woman came to my father and asked him: “Do you know my husband, why are you calling him, he isn’t at home…” It wasn’t funny that moment, but we made friends. Now we try not call the dog loudly, though he is old and a bit deaf.
Take care!
What a cool life you have Natanna. All of these things that you mention in your comments are interesting to me, And sometimes they make me laugh.
I live an ordinary life, unfortunately. I have a boring job, I don’t like it. And I try to change my life. I want to be a teacher, so I’m here to study (l haven’t got money or free time to enter the University).
I’ve read recently: find a job you like and you’ll never work again.
I wish you study what makes you happy. And I promise to make you laugh as much as I can!
Thanks for your kindness. Yes, it’s not pleasant to do things that you don’t like, so I hope you can change your life into a better life. I wish you a funner and more pleasant life.
I have a question too. I think you know Mr Bonjour was a constant member here. And he was so active. But newly I’ve not seen him here. Do you know the reason???
Thank you as well. Unfortunately, I haven’t met MrBonjour yet. I will search for him in comments and offer him something he can’t refuse.. I mean English knowledge vitamin.
There wasn’t any new lesson today. So, it’s coming tomorrow… I think. I’m prepared for a fight. What about you?
Who’ll comment the first the next time, he’ll be the top dog!!!!
maybe he will be me . i hope.
You were the top dog, I was the bird with a worm, who`ll be THE BIG FISH?
May be nkh453?
hi Nataanna
Thanks for great explanation !
Pretti Nair
thanks, for your lesson.
Very nice and pleasant lecture about pets!
Thanks Emma for sharing.
I want to practise ;So if you are interested
this is my gmail:
Or we can use other app.
i am also interested
I like this
Thanks for the lesson, Emma. I love pets!
Very nice lesson Emma. Thanks Emma and thanks Gizmo!
John B
Thanks Emma I love your theaching way… And I have a black and white dog, too.
Leonardo Motta
Judging from this lesson, i reckon i must be going.)
I`ve watched every lesson thus far and learned some things i should have learned. Now it`s all the same to me like beating a dead horse).So thank you guys, EngVid is higly worthwhile experience and you`ve all been awesome teachers!Good bye and Good luck!
It has been a quite cute and amused lesson, and besides with a pet named Gizmo which is a nice dog but only I have missed its bark, or maybe his “woof woof” sound because I haven’t listened to him doing his “ruff ruff”, but anyway, it has been a funny and interesting topic about pets and its features in western lands. Thanks a lot, teacher Emma, it was very good to learn with you again.
Sorry, I have realised that Gizmo has barked once but I didn’t have noted it. It’s normal to hear dogs barking and making noise, they lick and smell almost all the time. It has been listening twice the lesson to realise that Gizmo barked, it’s been a curious sensation. Thanks again.
thanks so much!
you from Nghe An.Right?
very nice video and very useful
thanks a lot dear
This lesson was awesome. I have a beautiful dog, actually, a big dog. However I have a question. Do you have a name to dogs without breed? In Brazil we call them of “vira-lata” that means: “turn the can”. I have found: mutt. Is it? Thank you Emma.
Fernando Moreira
Yes, “mutt”! Another word you might see in older works is “mongrel”.
engVid Moderator
Thanks Emma, and your dog is very cute!
It is good lessons for us… thz for your teaching.
Si Thu Hlaing
Thank you Emma:) Gizmo is very nice dog! I dream about German (or maybe Belgian) Shepherd.
I found interesting question in this lesson:
“How long have you had your dog for?” We use ‘for’ because answer could be “I have had my dog for three years.” Is it true?
Dear Emma. NOW I put a comment for you, while I’ve watched the video completely before. I just can tell you an iterative sentence; you’re awesome and thank you a lot
Thanks. You helped me !
hello Emma, this is one of an easiest and funniest lesson for me. I have some kinda friends that match with names you taught us. I really make fun with my friends calling them with these names. :)
Taqveem Ul Haq
10 correct out of 10. Thanks a lot Emma.
Very usef ul lesson!
Thank you Emma! Great lesson and Gizmo is adorable!
I do like you and your prounciation
many thanks
Interesting!! Thanks!!
70, it’s good for me, now :)
Hello emma.How are you?
Thank you for helping me emma. I want to be a teacher. And you are my teacher.
10/10 thank you very much Emma:)
hello ,my friends
amr ismaiel
thank you very much Emma.
really it was very useful.
Thanks Emma! You are a great teacher! Muito obrigada :)
Hello Emma, nice lesson, I got 10/10. Thank you so much.
loved 70% correct
Procura por JamesESL ! He’s a great teacher too!
hi to every body and dear Emma
ma tankful for ur lesson…
i would ask a question,that question is “What is the differences of “what is this called” and “what is this named”?
Oh,I didn’t know that you have a dog.He’s so cute!
Hello Gizmo!Nice to meet you!=)
I’ve got 10/10.Thank you Gizmo and Ms.Emma for helping me on this lesson.
thank you Emma . I have got 100 points.
it’s cool
Alexia 75
Hi, Emma. It seems there is a mistake in the question 5. The site said that the correct answer is not “bark”. The site think that is “roar”. Could you fix the problem?
Thanks for this lesson!
Hi everyone thank you Emma, great lessonthat i knocked my teenage, at that time i have had a dog that name billo.If i compare my dog with Gizmo i would say my billo is so clevar then gizmo. Gizmo,was looking so weak.
Muhammad Abbas
Hi Emma, thanks for this lesson, it was very interesting. Of course, talking about pets is quite fun, it can make people have nice conversations while practicing english.
I’m not fan of dogs but you shoud’ve picked up a tiger. they’re more cute
Maybe an engVid teacher should take a trip to the zoo!
engVid Moderator
thank you so much for teaching and explanation
Global King
Hi. I think it’s better we redo the exercises every season!
redo was interesting for me …..It’s like = restart….recycle…..return..remind…re=agian :)
nice dog,thenk you for cute example Emma
thenk not correct ….thank you .
Hi Emma,thank you very much,I love your videos so much.It’s a really fun way to study. I hope more students can study from your videos, but in China it is not allowed to play YOUTUBE videos, can I transfer your videos to another kind of video player and put on a Chinese website?
Thank you very much!
It’s quite true that pets are ours family members and everyone of them has his own character and mood. Moreover they all are personalities and sometimes we must account their symphaties and inclinations.
Tymchenko Andrii
Thank you Emma~ I am very interested in animals. It is a good lesson.
Tks Emma!!!!
100 :D
Thank you very much.
Suggestion: Dog lesson number 2:
I’m working like a dog. (working hard)
Can I say: I’m studying English like a dog = (studying hard)
a dog in the manger
a dog’s breakfast
the dog’s bollocks
a dog’s life
done up/dressed up like a dog’s dinner
every dog has its day
give a dog a bad name
go to the dogs
let sleeping dogs lie
put on the dog
why keep a dog and bark yourself?
you can’t teach an old dog new tricks
we need every one its meaning, can you?
Thank you Emma:)
thank u so much, you’re my best teacher
Hi, Emma. I enjoyed this video lesson a lot! Thank you, for sharing with us your love for dogs, especially for Gizmo! Here in my country, Brazil, the dogs’ sound is: Au, Au. It’s very funny, isn’t it? Bye, bye!
thank u , my best teacher
thanks so much, Emma
So when i say “I love dog, it means: I love eating dog.
Well, i should take care of this because people eat dog in my country but me.
So how do you guys think about eating dog ?
Btw, thank you Emma :D
In a lot of countries it can be mean or eventually banned,but in some countries it is absolutely normal(in our country,for example) so I think eating dog is okay and it’s a bright proof for cultural diversity among countries around the world
Ashley Pei
well done
Gizmo is so cute!! I loved this lesson!
Great lesson and a cute dog! Thank s lot, Emma. Still I’m a bit embarrassed with placing American first lady’s name among the answer options for question 4. Obvious connotation to a stray dog. Maybe, you did it for fun?
Svyatoslav 1
Thanks Emma
Hi all i am Pramod From India i want a friend how can chat with me in English
my phone no +91 9716585203
my mail id
with skype app if you want
thank u so much :)
Thanks for lesson..
Eduardo Oak
Thank you for the lessons:-) I appreciate it :) 10 correct
Like this way to learn English!!!
Excelent topic!!!…
Hey, Emma your lesson was really helpful and interesting. Could you recommend some tips on how to remember what You are studying?
Gizmo is so cute! How cute!
I have a cat and she is also cute XD From now on, I’ll be careful not to say “I like dog” instead of dogs.
thank you for lessons
Thank you for an interesting video!
thanks for this lesson
Ms. Emma, thanks you very much. you are a great teacher. I like you lessons very much.
I like your lessons very much. Many thanks,
Thank you Emma. Excelent lesson.
Hello my name is muhammad Munir abbasi form to Pakistan
Hi everyone! I am Tran Thu. I am from Viet Nam. I want a friend to practice English. Please help me.
My email:
its okay
Thanks Emma. About your class, I’m improving my understanding.
A funny lesson :)
Thank you Emma
Thanks Emma ! Everybody like pets! =)
it’s very easy thanks for your effort
ahmed bakry
can i take gizmooo :)
thanks emma
Yasemin Senol
Thank you! It’s very interesting lesson, and your dog is pretty pretty dog!
Hello, Emma!
I want to thank you for your lesson. Just want to ask you do not speaking as quick as you do in your lessons. My husband is beginner and he couldn’t understand you well. Anyway, thank you a lot for this lesson. :)
Christina FoX
anything else? i need more exercise please
i got 10/10 for my first lesson on engvid :D good teacher thank u
Thank you I’m useful when l attend your lesson l understand very well. Actually you are a excellent teacher
thanks Emma.
zach ayoub
Excellent I like how you teach.
Thank you very much Emmmaa. I am a linguistics student from pakistan. I need some lessons about phonetics IPA and linguistics. Can anybody help us in it?
thank you … very usful lesson
Thank you
You’re fantastic Emma. I’d love to have individual lessons with you.
Thank you. I really studying more with your video.
Thanks Emma
Mohammed Talib
thank you so much
vicky tam
I like dog/dogs, I never realize this mistake
Thank you Emma
Hi, Emma!
Thank you for this lesson. It is quite interesting. You have a beautiful and nice dog! Congratulations! I love dogS (not eating them, of course!).
I have had two poodles, but both of them have already died of senility… What a pity. I miss them… They were very important in my life, especially for me who was an only child. In my opinion, all the children should have a pet. They are great!!
Until next time!
Eduardo França
Hi everyone!
I have found out an extension to Google Chrome which corrects our spelling and grammar mistakes wherever we write on the Internet. Besides, it is free! This is the link
Eduardo França
10/10 taraaaaaan!!!
i need ur guidence for ielts
Gizmo is so cute. Thank you Emma.
Gizmo and Emma, thank u both…
claudia conti
thank you so much, :)
Our people eat dogs,but I don’t. Usually men are eating a dog, not women.
Very Useful !
This lesson was amazing
Irani Silva
Beautiful, I like dogs
My dog Camilla says thank you to you..because now I know the right words to use with other dog’s owners..
It’s very. I got 100 in this topic
Josua Korompis
Thank you a lot about your expression of the lesson, But you did not say what religions have been raising dogs only you talk your religion about dogs.
iidle aadan
It’s a very important lessen; thank you)))
Has Has
It’s very informative
Thanks a lot
cool. nice lesson for conversations about pets.
thank you so much for making such a video with practice exercise.
Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma.
When a cat feels well, they make a particular sound, what’s its name?
Thanks Emma.
I like you
you are excellent teacher .
Interesting topic. Thanks Emma.
The best teacher!
Bruno Pinheiro
Thank you so much
Congratulations again.
You know, I go to school in the morning, so it’s not fair, because my cellphone is not with me.??
very good lesson…
thanks a lot,teacher
Emma is better teacher here
I got 9/10! Thanks Emma for your beautiful lesson! I love pets too! I have got six cats! Bye!
I have two dogs. one is very naughty , her name is oddy and my other dog is very calm , his name is chispa . I love my dogs.
I love Emma’s voice
Merida Huyen
Good lesson.
i continue learning thanks to you. :)
Wera Dice
thank you Emmaa
you have a very beautiful dog :D i love pets, i have two cats now
Melek Laabidi
Than you it’s very helpful
THANK YOU EMMA , I get 10 .
1. “I like duck” means:I like to eat ducks. i do not get this , duck has plural,it should be the same as dog. so i like dog means i like dog as pets. is it correct ?
“I love ducks as pets” should be the answer ,cos i only got 9 out of 10. not happy about this! anyway thank u EMMA !
good lesson
Thanks Emma you are amazing as always.
Amira Abo Amrow
Hi, i found a great website about learning english for kids.Here is the link:
thank again emma
thanks you emma
My son likes dogs.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thanks member of engvid team.
thanks emma, i enjoy with u
Thank you Emma and Gizmo :)
Cindy Venisia
first day. i find it interesting. thankyou
thank you
yasen alshekh
thanks Emma
Thanks Emma. You are the best
Mohamed Achraf
Thank you Teacher Emma.
Ye Yint Aung
Thank you so much, Emma
Anna amal
Thank you so much. :)
Thank u, I like dogs
ya!I got 100%,thx Emma
Tks Emma I enjoy learning with yours vídeos
thank you so much teacher :)
Best teacher :)
Krenar Kepuska
great your dog have a good paws and a beautiful fur
Cool i got 90
Really I felt better in this class.
Hi Emma Thank you very much. It´s have been very useful
Great teacher. Congratulations. Now I’m going to learn English.
Ottoni Ferreira Filho
Hy Emma, I want to thank you a lot for helping us a lot
I love dogs, thanks for the lesson!
Thanks, I got 100. I love to feed stray dogs, I have a stray dog as my pet even though he don’t live in my home, he my best friend. When I started to give him my biscuits we were strangers for each other but now we like friends. Every morning and evening he comes to me to have some biscuits.
Wow i got 90.That really good for me .i love this website and thx u everybody sir
Zaw win naing
be careful at midnight….. not express
how about the expression “I ruff you” ?
What is Gizmo’s breed?
This lesson is so useful
Thanh Dam
Thank you Emma. this was very useful topic for me
Oh my God! 90 percent! Thank you so much Emma! Your lessons are really awesome!!!
I'm Manuel
Hi Emma, thank you again for this lessons, are very helpful for me..until next video, bye..
Thanks a lot. It’ll helpful for us.
hi Emma
al willis
Honestly ,I love dogs so much !
I am caring for 3 dogs right now.
They have already become part of our family.
I always love to see them and to play with them because they make me happy.
grate video>>> i love a dogs
shayma tarif
tq emma
Good Leasson, Tnx Emma
My cat speaks Russian. He says Myau, Myau.
And Russian dogs say Gav, Gav.
Thank you Ms. Emma. You have a very cute dog.
10/10! keep going! I’ve watched 50 more Emma’s video. Reading is easy than before.
Jerry Gu
I like gizmo, ıt is very cute :)
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thanks Emma
gizmo so cute I love him
Thanks a lot Emma.
Hasan Soledad
well, in eastern culture we don’t have dogs in our homes ;cats may be.
Farhan Osman Jimale
8 correct out of 10. does not bad.Right?
100% but i dont’have a dog
Thanks Emma! I’m 9/10!
Thank you Teacher Emma.
many thanks for your good lessons. thees are very useful for me.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Well, well, well. 2-0-0-0!
Congratulations again.
You know, I go to school in the morning, so it’s not fair, because my cellphone is not with me.??
And I also don’t have any access to personal computer or laptop.
nkh.453, are you allowed to take your sell phone with you to school, aren’t you?
Is it prohibited? Will you be punished for it?
We can bring them to school, but we can’t speak during the lesson.
No in my country students are not allowed to take cellphone with themselves. But I think in some special schools in IRAN students are allowed to do that. How ever there are some students who disobey. But I disagree with being disobedient.
i think one should be allowed to take the cell phones, one can have emergency too. It is equally important to avoid wasting time on cell phone while attending a class.
Good day, M.Ehsan! It’s a very controversial question! Everything depends on the responsibility of students. Many of them are get disturbed easily especially with cellphones. I think there should be some punishment for using phones by students without teacher’s allowance. Maybe even penalty.
I’m glad to meet you. Have a nice day!
You’re right
Yes, it’s not fair at all. But just think about my prize. Now I must eat it!
I don’t like worm.
I don’t like worms. Both are correct, neither to eat, nor to look at.
But I often feed our hens and the rooster with worms in summer. We’ve got country house and do garderning sometimes, and if I find worms I always take them to our birds. They adore worms! And fight for them. Some hens are rather clever: they walk around a person with a shovel and get more delicacy…
Have a nice day!
? you’re right. But unfortunately I don’t know what you should do with your prise. Just forget about it and refuse your prise!!!
And your expression about hens was interesting.Good for them that they can eat worms and they’re also not forced to reject their prise for their fight to be the early bird.
price that someone help me practice English. Because I do not have much time and…
Ty Very Much
U R The Second O’Kotoz
always the same scenario is repeated . congratulation nataanna.
Thank you. SKIKDA! Please, read StruggleForEnglish’s comment to the previous James’s lesson. It is very hilarious! I don’t know how to send you link.
At least I’ve got the idea, why I’ve got the prise, thank to him. You give me way to eat my prize-worms as you prefer something delicious, don’t you?
you’re welcome nataanaa ,regaed your perseverance and your determination you deserve a great prise and i hope it will be achieving your goals in english
There is a website called [speech yard] 2 improve Ur English
and another 1 its name is [story nory]
Don’t be Lackadaisical and try 2 practice over there
hi kotoz your words inspire that you are excellent in english. aren’t you?
Thanks Emma.
What surprised me is that it is possible to call a pet boy or girl, it was very weird for me because in our language boy and girl are two nouns used only for human being.
nataanna and SKIKDA, you are so early today.
Yes, I remember in my english lessons in university our teacher told us that everything, including little babies, call “it”
Thanks Emma. Your vídeos are great! I’ve learned so much watching your videos.
What the video it was?
Very good topic for me because I am animal doctor. I work with cats and dogs!
It means that you’re a vet???
That’s awesome ’cause I’m still a pupil and I want to be a vet in a future
9 correct out of 10 sounds good
A very useful lesson. A lot of thanks to Emma.
Thanks Emma, very much!
Here in Russia we also pet animals as members of the family. My cat always not only shares my bed, but she lays on! my chest. I sleep very careful not to disturb her.
Because of the same climate our dogs wear clothes outside in winter. It looks funny.
I’m very grateful to Emma not only for this lesson but for revealing some personal details. You show us the member of the family!!! Thank you! Even moeHe’s so cute! He loves you. Even more!
I’m going to break tradition here to share a dog gif, because dogs wearing clothes are funny:
Something happened with my cellphone. It submitted unfinished comment, sorry. Thank you, Emma , one more time
Thanks Emma
i answered 7 out of ten .. without watching the vid .. what does this mean ?
I think this mean you have made 3 incorrect answers ;)
that means ‘ you answered 7 questions and you don’t complete the other questions.
But i think it means you could answer to seven questions with out watching the video. So it’s great.
This mean that if you had watched the video you would have hit 100%.
Nice lesson, thanks for you Emma and for your dog Gismo! Does Gismo understand commands? And how it say in English correctly? How are main commands for dogs sound in English? Thank you in advance for answers
Thank you Emma
hi emma i was wondering, how about if i say ‘ i like your dog ‘ is that mean that ‘ i want to eat your dog’
It’s very good lession ! Thanks Emma, and I just thinking it’ll better when we have a story about our pets like one topic when talking about them. Didn’t it ?
hi emma ‘ does Gizmo speak english’
10/10. Thank you very much Emma. Woof woof
I missed the easiest one.. 9 out of 10
how about the expression ‘ puppy love’ why we related puppy with love wich means ‘fleeting love’ can anyone give his opinion ?
“Puppy love” usually refers to young love, like someone’s first crush. There’s also the term “puppy fat” or “baby fat” for the body fat that babies and children have before they grow up. In both cases “puppy” means being childlike or young.
Strangely, we don’t say “dog love” to mean grown-up love or say a fat adult has “dog fat”.
thaks a lot engvid for this clarification.
Excellent topic for animal lovers. Thank you Emma.
Very, very sweet lesson. Thanks Emma.
You are right Ihasa Apso Papillons Mix are so nice…
Thank you Emma!!Nice lesson and nice dog ;)
Here in Spain, all the children are in love with the cartoons called “Paw Patrol”. Does it happen as well in your countries???
Good lesson.Didn’t know breed paw and fur.Thanks.
Thanks Emma.
Very useful lesson
Thanks for lesson. In Russia we love a pets too, and they are our family members.I had the cat for the 16 years, unfortunately he died in 2011. He was like my little brother, we grew up together. From this time forward i can’t make a pet (am I correct?), ‘cos I miss him very much
Hello Emma and Gizmo. Thank you for sharing this very useful English video lesson.
thanks Emma!!
This is my firt time at Engvid,great job,thank you!
Thanks Emma , interesting video
I also learn one more today.
Hi Emma! You and Gizmo gave a very nice and fun lesson.Thanks.
Gizmo! :) The name reminds me ‘Gizem’ Very popular Turkish name
Hi! Yes, you are right! Names can be very confusing in different cultures. My family had some trouble few years ago. We have a dog. His name is Han. But unfortunately, we don’t know that it’s a very popular name in Azerbaijan, maybe in Turkey as well.
And as you may guess we have a neighbor named the same way!!! In the village! Russian village there is a dog and a man, named Han.
We knew that when our dog was two years old and it was too late to change his name. And it happend while we were looking for our Han and were calling him. But some woman came to my father and asked him: “Do you know my husband, why are you calling him, he isn’t at home…” It wasn’t funny that moment, but we made friends. Now we try not call the dog loudly, though he is old and a bit deaf.
Take care!
What a cool life you have Natanna. All of these things that you mention in your comments are interesting to me, And sometimes they make me laugh.
I live an ordinary life, unfortunately. I have a boring job, I don’t like it. And I try to change my life. I want to be a teacher, so I’m here to study (l haven’t got money or free time to enter the University).
I’ve read recently: find a job you like and you’ll never work again.
I wish you study what makes you happy. And I promise to make you laugh as much as I can!
Thanks for your kindness. Yes, it’s not pleasant to do things that you don’t like, so I hope you can change your life into a better life. I wish you a funner and more pleasant life.
I have a question too. I think you know Mr Bonjour was a constant member here. And he was so active. But newly I’ve not seen him here. Do you know the reason???
Thank you as well. Unfortunately, I haven’t met MrBonjour yet. I will search for him in comments and offer him something he can’t refuse.. I mean English knowledge vitamin.
There wasn’t any new lesson today. So, it’s coming tomorrow… I think. I’m prepared for a fight. What about you?
Who’ll comment the first the next time, he’ll be the top dog!!!!
maybe he will be me . i hope.
You were the top dog, I was the bird with a worm, who`ll be THE BIG FISH?
May be nkh453?
hi Nataanna
Thanks for great explanation !
thanks, for your lesson.
Very nice and pleasant lecture about pets!
Thanks Emma for sharing.
I want to practise ;So if you are interested
this is my gmail:
Or we can use other app.
i am also interested
I like this
Thanks for the lesson, Emma. I love pets!
Very nice lesson Emma. Thanks Emma and thanks Gizmo!
Thanks Emma I love your theaching way… And I have a black and white dog, too.
Judging from this lesson, i reckon i must be going.)
I`ve watched every lesson thus far and learned some things i should have learned. Now it`s all the same to me like beating a dead horse).So thank you guys, EngVid is higly worthwhile experience and you`ve all been awesome teachers!Good bye and Good luck!
It has been a quite cute and amused lesson, and besides with a pet named Gizmo which is a nice dog but only I have missed its bark, or maybe his “woof woof” sound because I haven’t listened to him doing his “ruff ruff”, but anyway, it has been a funny and interesting topic about pets and its features in western lands. Thanks a lot, teacher Emma, it was very good to learn with you again.
Sorry, I have realised that Gizmo has barked once but I didn’t have noted it. It’s normal to hear dogs barking and making noise, they lick and smell almost all the time. It has been listening twice the lesson to realise that Gizmo barked, it’s been a curious sensation. Thanks again.
thanks so much!
you from Nghe An.Right?
very nice video and very useful
thanks a lot dear
This lesson was awesome. I have a beautiful dog, actually, a big dog. However I have a question. Do you have a name to dogs without breed? In Brazil we call them of “vira-lata” that means: “turn the can”. I have found: mutt. Is it? Thank you Emma.
Yes, “mutt”! Another word you might see in older works is “mongrel”.
Thanks Emma, and your dog is very cute!
It is good lessons for us… thz for your teaching.
Thank you Emma:) Gizmo is very nice dog! I dream about German (or maybe Belgian) Shepherd.
I found interesting question in this lesson:
“How long have you had your dog for?” We use ‘for’ because answer could be “I have had my dog for three years.” Is it true?
Dear Emma. NOW I put a comment for you, while I’ve watched the video completely before. I just can tell you an iterative sentence; you’re awesome and thank you a lot
Thanks. You helped me !
hello Emma, this is one of an easiest and funniest lesson for me. I have some kinda friends that match with names you taught us. I really make fun with my friends calling them with these names. :)
10 correct out of 10. Thanks a lot Emma.
Very usef ul lesson!
Thank you Emma! Great lesson and Gizmo is adorable!
I do like you and your prounciation
many thanks
Interesting!! Thanks!!
70, it’s good for me, now :)
Hello emma.How are you?
Thank you for helping me emma. I want to be a teacher. And you are my teacher.
10/10 thank you very much Emma:)
hello ,my friends
thank you very much Emma.
really it was very useful.
Thanks Emma! You are a great teacher! Muito obrigada :)
Hello Emma, nice lesson, I got 10/10. Thank you so much.
loved 70% correct
Procura por JamesESL ! He’s a great teacher too!
hi to every body and dear Emma
ma tankful for ur lesson…
i would ask a question,that question is “What is the differences of “what is this called” and “what is this named”?
Oh,I didn’t know that you have a dog.He’s so cute!
Hello Gizmo!Nice to meet you!=)
I’ve got 10/10.Thank you Gizmo and Ms.Emma for helping me on this lesson.
thank you Emma . I have got 100 points.
it’s cool
Hi, Emma. It seems there is a mistake in the question 5. The site said that the correct answer is not “bark”. The site think that is “roar”. Could you fix the problem?
Thanks for this lesson!
Hi everyone thank you Emma, great lessonthat i knocked my teenage, at that time i have had a dog that name billo.If i compare my dog with Gizmo i would say my billo is so clevar then gizmo. Gizmo,was looking so weak.
Hi Emma, thanks for this lesson, it was very interesting. Of course, talking about pets is quite fun, it can make people have nice conversations while practicing english.
I’m not fan of dogs but you shoud’ve picked up a tiger. they’re more cute
Maybe an engVid teacher should take a trip to the zoo!
thank you so much for teaching and explanation
Hi. I think it’s better we redo the exercises every season!
redo was interesting for me …..It’s like = restart….recycle…..return..remind…re=agian :)
nice dog,thenk you for cute example Emma
thenk not correct ….thank you .
Hi Emma,thank you very much,I love your videos so much.It’s a really fun way to study. I hope more students can study from your videos, but in China it is not allowed to play YOUTUBE videos, can I transfer your videos to another kind of video player and put on a Chinese website?
Thank you very much!
It’s quite true that pets are ours family members and everyone of them has his own character and mood. Moreover they all are personalities and sometimes we must account their symphaties and inclinations.
Thank you Emma~ I am very interested in animals. It is a good lesson.
Tks Emma!!!!
100 :D
Thank you very much.
Suggestion: Dog lesson number 2:
I’m working like a dog. (working hard)
Can I say: I’m studying English like a dog = (studying hard)
a dog in the manger
a dog’s breakfast
the dog’s bollocks
a dog’s life
done up/dressed up like a dog’s dinner
every dog has its day
give a dog a bad name
go to the dogs
let sleeping dogs lie
put on the dog
why keep a dog and bark yourself?
you can’t teach an old dog new tricks
we need every one its meaning, can you?
Thank you Emma:)
thank u so much, you’re my best teacher
Hi, Emma. I enjoyed this video lesson a lot! Thank you, for sharing with us your love for dogs, especially for Gizmo! Here in my country, Brazil, the dogs’ sound is: Au, Au. It’s very funny, isn’t it? Bye, bye!
thank u , my best teacher
thanks so much, Emma
So when i say “I love dog, it means: I love eating dog.
Well, i should take care of this because people eat dog in my country but me.
So how do you guys think about eating dog ?
Btw, thank you Emma :D
In a lot of countries it can be mean or eventually banned,but in some countries it is absolutely normal(in our country,for example) so I think eating dog is okay and it’s a bright proof for cultural diversity among countries around the world
well done
Gizmo is so cute!! I loved this lesson!
Great lesson and a cute dog! Thank s lot, Emma. Still I’m a bit embarrassed with placing American first lady’s name among the answer options for question 4. Obvious connotation to a stray dog. Maybe, you did it for fun?
Thanks Emma
Hi all i am Pramod From India i want a friend how can chat with me in English
my phone no +91 9716585203
my mail id
with skype app if you want
thank u so much :)
Thanks for lesson..
Thank you for the lessons:-) I appreciate it :) 10 correct
Like this way to learn English!!!
Excelent topic!!!…
Hey, Emma your lesson was really helpful and interesting. Could you recommend some tips on how to remember what You are studying?
Gizmo is so cute! How cute!
I have a cat and she is also cute XD From now on, I’ll be careful not to say “I like dog” instead of dogs.
thank you for lessons
Thank you for an interesting video!
thanks for this lesson
Ms. Emma, thanks you very much. you are a great teacher. I like you lessons very much.
I like your lessons very much. Many thanks,
Thank you Emma. Excelent lesson.
Hello my name is muhammad Munir abbasi form to Pakistan
Hi everyone! I am Tran Thu. I am from Viet Nam. I want a friend to practice English. Please help me.
My email:
its okay
Thanks Emma. About your class, I’m improving my understanding.
A funny lesson :)
Thank you Emma
Thanks Emma ! Everybody like pets! =)
it’s very easy thanks for your effort
can i take gizmooo :)
thanks emma
Thank you! It’s very interesting lesson, and your dog is pretty pretty dog!
Hello, Emma!
I want to thank you for your lesson. Just want to ask you do not speaking as quick as you do in your lessons. My husband is beginner and he couldn’t understand you well. Anyway, thank you a lot for this lesson. :)
anything else? i need more exercise please
i got 10/10 for my first lesson on engvid :D good teacher thank u
Thank you I’m useful when l attend your lesson l understand very well. Actually you are a excellent teacher
thanks Emma.
Excellent I like how you teach.
Thank you very much Emmmaa. I am a linguistics student from pakistan. I need some lessons about phonetics IPA and linguistics. Can anybody help us in it?
thank you … very usful lesson
Thank you
You’re fantastic Emma. I’d love to have individual lessons with you.
Thank you. I really studying more with your video.
Thanks Emma
thank you so much
I like dog/dogs, I never realize this mistake
Thank you Emma
Hi, Emma!
Thank you for this lesson. It is quite interesting. You have a beautiful and nice dog! Congratulations! I love dogS (not eating them, of course!).
I have had two poodles, but both of them have already died of senility… What a pity. I miss them… They were very important in my life, especially for me who was an only child. In my opinion, all the children should have a pet. They are great!!
Until next time!
Hi everyone!
I have found out an extension to Google Chrome which corrects our spelling and grammar mistakes wherever we write on the Internet. Besides, it is free! This is the link
10/10 taraaaaaan!!!
i need ur guidence for ielts
Gizmo is so cute. Thank you Emma.
Gizmo and Emma, thank u both…
thank you so much, :)
Our people eat dogs,but I don’t. Usually men are eating a dog, not women.
Very Useful !
This lesson was amazing
Beautiful, I like dogs
My dog Camilla says thank you to you..because now I know the right words to use with other dog’s owners..
It’s very. I got 100 in this topic
Thank you a lot about your expression of the lesson, But you did not say what religions have been raising dogs only you talk your religion about dogs.
It’s a very important lessen; thank you)))
It’s very informative
Thanks a lot
cool. nice lesson for conversations about pets.
thank you so much for making such a video with practice exercise.
Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma.
When a cat feels well, they make a particular sound, what’s its name?
Thanks Emma.
I like you
you are excellent teacher .
Interesting topic. Thanks Emma.
The best teacher!
Thank you so much
Congratulations again.
You know, I go to school in the morning, so it’s not fair, because my cellphone is not with me.??
very good lesson…
thanks a lot,teacher
Emma is better teacher here
I got 9/10! Thanks Emma for your beautiful lesson! I love pets too! I have got six cats! Bye!
I have two dogs. one is very naughty , her name is oddy and my other dog is very calm , his name is chispa . I love my dogs.
I love Emma’s voice
Good lesson.
i continue learning thanks to you. :)
thank you Emmaa
you have a very beautiful dog :D i love pets, i have two cats now
Than you it’s very helpful
THANK YOU EMMA , I get 10 .
1. “I like duck” means:I like to eat ducks. i do not get this , duck has plural,it should be the same as dog. so i like dog means i like dog as pets. is it correct ?
“I love ducks as pets” should be the answer ,cos i only got 9 out of 10. not happy about this! anyway thank u EMMA !
good lesson
Thanks Emma you are amazing as always.
Hi, i found a great website about learning english for kids.Here is the link:
thank again emma
thanks you emma
My son likes dogs.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thanks member of engvid team.
thanks emma, i enjoy with u
Thank you Emma and Gizmo :)
first day. i find it interesting. thankyou
thank you
thanks Emma
Thanks Emma. You are the best
Thank you Teacher Emma.
Thank you so much, Emma
Thank you so much. :)
Thank u, I like dogs
ya!I got 100%,thx Emma
Tks Emma I enjoy learning with yours vídeos
thank you so much teacher :)
Best teacher :)
great your dog have a good paws and a beautiful fur
Cool i got 90
Really I felt better in this class.
Hi Emma Thank you very much. It´s have been very useful
Great teacher. Congratulations. Now I’m going to learn English.
Hy Emma, I want to thank you a lot for helping us a lot
I love dogs, thanks for the lesson!
Thanks, I got 100. I love to feed stray dogs, I have a stray dog as my pet even though he don’t live in my home, he my best friend. When I started to give him my biscuits we were strangers for each other but now we like friends. Every morning and evening he comes to me to have some biscuits.
Wow i got 90.That really good for me .i love this website and thx u everybody sir
be careful at midnight….. not express
how about the expression “I ruff you” ?
What is Gizmo’s breed?
This lesson is so useful
Thank you Emma. this was very useful topic for me
Oh my God! 90 percent! Thank you so much Emma! Your lessons are really awesome!!!
Hi Emma, thank you again for this lessons, are very helpful for me..until next video, bye..
Thanks a lot. It’ll helpful for us.
hi Emma
Honestly ,I love dogs so much !
I am caring for 3 dogs right now.
They have already become part of our family.
I always love to see them and to play with them because they make me happy.
grate video>>> i love a dogs
tq emma
Good Leasson, Tnx Emma
My cat speaks Russian. He says Myau, Myau.
And Russian dogs say Gav, Gav.
Thank you Ms. Emma. You have a very cute dog.
10/10! keep going! I’ve watched 50 more Emma’s video. Reading is easy than before.
I like gizmo, ıt is very cute :)
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thanks Emma
gizmo so cute I love him
Thanks a lot Emma.
well, in eastern culture we don’t have dogs in our homes ;cats may be.
8 correct out of 10. does not bad.Right?
100% but i dont’have a dog
Thanks Emma! I’m 9/10!
Thank you Teacher Emma.
many thanks for your good lessons. thees are very useful for me.
We in PSG love your dog, especially messi
that’s geart Emma
I enjoy English learning with you.thank you alots