Are you feeling like a day out with a friend? Great! Let me teach you how to arrange a meeting so you can have a chance to practise your English together! In this lesson, I will teach you some of the vocabulary you need to make plans. We will cover all the essential details, such as when, meaning the time of the meeting, and where, meaning the location. After watching, make sure to do the quiz to check your understanding of the lesson. Have a fun day out!
Hi Vitalii
where did you take your profile picture?
it looks great!
Hi, Lemarvillois! Thanks! It is Carpathians mountains in the West Ukraine. Good place for tourism. I like it. Welcome!
Vitalii UA
Interesting video lesson Gill. Making plans/arrangements in English is not that easy,especially for beginners. Your lesson was clear and to the point.
Many thanks.
Looks great! In Poland we have a another piece of Carpathians. Do you have mountain huts in Ukraine Mountain. It’s near the Poland but I do not know Ukrainian language and this mountain are unknown form me and my friends.
Hi, Rafal! Sometimes we found huts, but it were good to hide from rain or storm, not for long staying. Cowboys usually build it in the mountain when they pasture sheeps for all summer. Btw I never visited the Poland part of Carpathians. And often met tourists from Poland in the Ukrainian one.
Vitalii UA
I am №1 today )
Vitalii UA
What a beautiful place and picture. Good for you to be in such a place.
nkh.453, thank you, friend!
Vitalii UA
Hello buddy. How is it going. I’m pleased to see a countryman here.
Kharkiv people are number1 always. I am from Kharkiv too.
Hello Larisa! Nice to meet you here!
Vitalii UA
That’s my favorite website! Nice to meet you.
Seems that EngVid is popular in Kharkiv :)
Ivan UA
Hi! More and more I meeting the ukrainian people on this website and it’s cool. I would like to get some mew information aboute culture of USA or UK. If you would have a free time – please, connect with me. Have a nice day. Goodbye!
thank you, I will try to get excellent score.
Thank you Gill to teach the good English manner to have an appointment with a friend : It’s best to discuss the options gradually…..
Many thanks Gill
Hallo Gill,
Ronnie said in one video of hers, that we don´t use “meet” but “see”, when we want to plan to spent the time with our firends. Meet is used only for the first time, said Ronnie Is is true ?
Hi adrijana — thanks for your question. I think it depends a lot on the context. There are also differences between British English, American English, Canadian English, etc :-)
Hi Gill, does it mean, you are both right ?
Thanks Gill, this lesson was great..
marcos alexandre
Thanks Gill!!!Nice lesson as usual ;)
Hello Gill. It was good. Thanks and nice teaching.
But frankly I liked the last video more than this one. I think it was not as interesting as the last one. I’m just saying it was not so interesting, not useful. This video can be very effective in our life, specially if we have a friend who speak in english. What do you think guys?
Hello nkh.543.
Well, personally, i Iove every single lesson created by Gill at the same way.
Every time, i find something important that i don’t know inside her lessons.
Thanks so so so much Gill. ;-)
Riccardo S
Hi, nkh453! I quite disagree with you about the lesson. It wasn’t just exceptionally useful, but merry as well. And Jill, I like her cunning and kind smile!
It’s great pleasure to listen to her amazing pronunciation of Londoner…
I think you raise this controversial opinion just to make conversation burst.
Am I right? See you.
Dear Natanna, I think we are here to improve our english,so beside these training videos we should communicate with together as we can. As you know it helps us to be better in speaking, writing,etc. And I’m not willing to bother anyone by my comments, if I put a question in my comments or say a different thing, I just wanna make guys to communicate more. That’s it. Thanks for reading my opinion.
Good day, nkh453. Than you for reply. I always read you comments. They are interesting and you speak good English.
I didn’t want to hurt your feelings at all. Sorry, if I did.
Gill is my favorite teacher though I like the other ones. Each of them has so different personality and the way of teaching. But I so appreciate the pronunciation that I vote (l don’t sure of correct usage of the word) for Gill most of all. And do you have any preferences?
No, I’m not upset at all. Don’t be sorry, you did not hurt my feelings, that’s what I want in engvid: communicate with together as it’s possibl.
Personally, I think Gill is an amazing teacher!!I always looking forward to her next lesson.
Thanks Gill
This lesson was great..
Imad Hasan
good lesson help us to improve our english language with native speakers but unfortuantely i haven’t a native speaker like a freind , i hope soon i will have one. thank you gill.
Hello Gill! Thanks for teaching us how to arrange meetings with friends, that will be useful.
Thank you teacher.
Good website thanks for this
Yogendra Singh
Thank’s Gill
Usefull lesson
Mouhcine tene
Great explanation though I have listened to it twice because I failed the question about making arrangements, starting gradually to find the free time to meet a friend is the right answer but I thought it was about telling your friend all the details before he or she could speak his or her ideas. Thanks a lot, teacher Gill, a very useful lesson, overall with the word “foyer”, the first time I see it and which means “hall”.
Thank’s Gill
I appreciate your effort so much…
Ibidapo Dare
I wish the video had been released some time ago!
I’ve made an acquaintance a few gays recently. And as usual fell short of words while making arrangements. Now I know how to put it right. Thank you , Jill.
Better late than never, nataanna. Now, we have the language tools to make arragentments to meet a friend.
Let me share with you an informal expression that helps to conffirm arrangements:
Peter: Are we still on for a coffee?
Alice: Sure, today around 4, right?
Peter: Okay, see you then.
Hi, Regino! Thank you for advice. I hope it’ll come in handy soon as I’m interested in new English speaking friends. You wrote great and exact words about EngVid in your profile. I quite agree with you. See you.
Guys*, sorry a lot……
I misspelled the word
Thank you for help
Thank you so much for your help.
Thanks Gill. Your lessons are always useful. I am looking forward to seeing you again!
Júlio César L Sousa
Thank you,Ms.Gill! Your lessons are very helpful for me.
Thank you so much! I like your pronunciation
Thanks teacher for you advising, Ill try to get a native English speaker who helps me to improve my English.
I got 100! this subject was essential and practical.
thanks Gill, you are great!
Good for you Pati! Keep up the good work!
Hi Paty I took the liberty of reading and making some comments on your EngVid profile paragraph. Hope you do not mind, my appologies.
Hi, I’m Colombian. I currently (actualmente/en este momento) live in the capital, Bogota City.
I like the English language; I always try to learn something new about this beautiful language. I’m learning by myself.
I am still single, although I am 43 years old. I would like to be engaged with a faithful man / I would like to live with a faithful man on my side. For the meantime (mientras tanto/por el momento), I just want to be happy. That is why, I (try to) smile, do sports, and enjoy watching films every day.
I think I would have been an excellent film critic (creo/pienso que habría sido una excelente critica de cine); I wish my dream had come true (ojalá mi sueño se hubiera hecho realidad), but the fact is that (el hecho es que…) I am just a professional in marketing and advertising.
. . . it is also possible to use the expression “In the meantime,…” instead of “For the meantime,…”.
Good luck on your English Pati!
Bye for now.
Thank you, Regino…..
You are so kind!
Have good night.
Don’t mention it. Have a great week Pati.
See your around!
Thank you so much. These lessons help me to speak English well.
Kerlin Romelus
great,thank you very much.
basheer nasher
hello all :)
sara shata
looking forward to seeing you
I Got 60 ! I so sad for it ….I want to learn english but it’s very hard for me …I read scrooge story today and hope my english be better than Now .
Hello dear compatriot. You mentioned you are willing to improve your english, and it seems you try hard to get your goal. So If you won’t be upset, I like to help you.
I found some mistakes in your top comment.
First:according to the related grammar, you must say or type I’m so sad not I so sad.
Second:if I don’t make a mistake, in the last part of your comment, you wanted to say I hope my english be better from now on. But you typed than now. From now on means after the present moment. I hope you can understand my words. Good luck?
thank you …I Got it ….I try to learn more ..but that need time .
Nice video Madam Gill is one of the oldest teacher in this, so she has been lot of experienced how to taught and give insiration to student.
Muhammad Abbas
Thank you Gill!
I failed the question about making arrangements because I chose the answer in a subjective way. The failure helped me learn more carefully. I learned not only language but also daily life through the lesson.
Thank you so much.
thanks gill it is useful
Gill, I admire your teaching style is very good, am not English speaker, but I need it very much please support me to be well, and i have got 9/9 from this lesson.thank u.
Neway gebre yesus
thanks a lot for the efforts and i wish if you lead us how can to be good in English generally in reading , writing & listening.
ahmed bakry
Great video!!! thank you so much!!!
hello my dear friends I want lern English pls talk and chat with me
Thank you Gill! I hope to watch all your lessons.
Thanks Gill. It is a lesson very useful for me.
Very good tips! Thanks Gill!
John B
Thank you again, Gill! I got 100!
you are like people of India .
Why? I didn’t understand what you meaning it.
forget it …nothing …India people good&kind .
Thank you
You are really a nice teacher. The way how you teach makes everything easy. Thanks for teaching!.
Thank you . Looking forward to next lesson !
thank you ı satısfy to your lesson
Thanks Gill, I’m not good in English language, now I’m taking an English course and I need to study all days, i found this website. Here it’s easy understand the conversation, I can practice the listening but also need training the speaking. Do you can help me, mrs Gill?
thank u my techer
great Score for me ♥ , but i can’t understand your speach is sound difficult for me
Thank you!!!!
What a interesting lesson! Thanks Gill!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Thanks teacher!!
Thank you Gill.I like your lessons.
Thank you Gill. I like your pronunciation and kow you teach lessons.
thank you Gill. It was very interesting lesson for me.
Hi hello I am WATING
Thank you, Gill! Your lesson is very interesting. I want to do better next time. To day I am a little “shy” :it is my first time.
its amazing and very interesting thank you so much
mubarak ali
It is my first test! I have got the useful information! Thank you!
Thank you so much, Gill.
I’m pretty much appreciate with your lessons.
Thanks!! I wanna be your friend!
Thanks a lot !
thank you teacher! keep up the good work.
Thank you very much.
Than you for video :)
Thanks gill shall we meet?
Thank you so much for the video
Naty cv
Thank you for the video! :)
thanks a lot ..
but y do we need to use “up” when we can just use “meet ” ..
how does this “up” affect or serve the meaning of the sentence ?
Good day Gill. Thank you for your lesson. It will help we, when I meet my friend from USA.
it is a good practice to improve the english language.
Thank you Gill !
Thanks alot ^^ .
oho 100 Points thank you gill bapa
Thank you very much !! I have learned a new lesson today.
Thank Gill for this lesson
Hey, guys! I’m glad to be here with you, James is a incredible teacher, i’ve a question, what difference do you make between Great and Okay in terms of usage? Thanks!
Isaac Kalala
It was great and useful as ever from Gill.
Thanks gill
I am very happy to be here, I’ve got a perfect score
Ali hosen
Thanks, Gill! You’re one of the best teachers!
Hi im new here and I need some hep for practicing.
Hi Aloui!
Be welcome to Engvid! If you need some help, you can reckon on us, OK?
Good luck!
Eduardo França
Hello . I’m so happy to be here between international people too
i want to learn English. Because i don’t know English :( help me
Thanks for this lesson.
I love all the videos on Engvid because it helps me a lot when I study English.
Hello, Gill! Thank you so much for this lesson! I really enjoyed of your British accent! It’s only my second day when I start to learn English with EngVid (before I learned it with another sites) and I think it is very good idea to practice English with different teachers! EngVid, you Rock!!! :)
Christina FoX
great lesson , Thank you
Thank you Gill, you’re actually fantastic. Your accent is very beautiful and your pronunciation is very clear too. Particularly, it’s easy to understand a foreign language when the teacher speaks not necessary slowly, but clearly.
Gustavo da Costa Morais
thax alot
First lesson with you Gill. I think you have wonderful accent. Thanks
Hello Gill,
Thanks for your video, I got 10 of 10.
I know meeting friends is a good idea for improving the language. But I can’t make friends and I’m so shy. And my language is not very good the people in here are fluent and they don’t want to spend their time with me because I can’t speak English very well. Some people are nice but I think I’m boring for them.
What should I do?
Thanks a lot for your free English lesson , you re great
Ricardo Pizarro
Shall I leave a comment :)
Very nice and helpful website, i’m feeling improvement in my English, thank you teacher you all are very good and loving teachers.
Hello everybody!
It was more a great lesson. Thanks Gil.
I Would like to invite learners to join me in an english practice.
If you can do that, send me an e-email to :
We can become friends and talk About culture, etc.
See you.
Fabio Skywalker
thank u so much! its a great lesson
Very good for now
Hello Gill!
Thank you very much for one more nice lesson. You are one of my favourite Engvid teachers, and I am really glad because you have joined the staff.
Unfortunately, I don’t have foreign friends to have a physical meeting, but I can use those expressions you have just thought us to arrange virtual appoitments on Skype since I’ve got many Engvid pen pals. I agree with with you: talking to foreigners in English is one of the best ways to improve our English. Besides, it is quite amusing!
Looking forward to seeing you again!
Eduardo França
Really good lesson Gill!
Great lesson!
Great.. Thanks Gill…
Hi Gill, thank you for this second lesson, very clear and enjoyable.
I just want to know as a beginner if there is a specific order of how to follow the
lessons? Thank you
Hi Gill, can you please give me some advice on what to listen to improve my understanding of listening to English? Many thanks
Hi Gill! Great lesson but I have a doubt: why say “cafe” instead of “coffee”?
Denise Berning Lopes
Hi Denise! Giil said cafe because there is the place where you drink coffee.
I got 9/10! Very good lesson! Thanks very much!
I am happy
thank are great teacher
Great teacher and usfull lesson Thanks
thank you
Rabah Chaim
that is a perfect lesson
Thanks Gill!!!
thanks a lot gill:)
kw november
Thanks Gill, this lesson was realy great..
Thank you gill your lesson are good
Azeem osman
Through these lessons I am improving my English
I like so much how you have explained me this lesson, really, very happy with my discovery. today by first time heard some of videos from you and must say that i love it
lie diaz
Very good lesson.Thank you!
Thank you Gill! You are amazing teacher, each day I can learn new things with your lessons.
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you, Gill! All your lessons are helpful!
Hi Vitalii
where did you take your profile picture?
it looks great!
Hi, Lemarvillois! Thanks! It is Carpathians mountains in the West Ukraine. Good place for tourism. I like it. Welcome!
Interesting video lesson Gill. Making plans/arrangements in English is not that easy,especially for beginners. Your lesson was clear and to the point.
Many thanks.
Looks great! In Poland we have a another piece of Carpathians. Do you have mountain huts in Ukraine Mountain. It’s near the Poland but I do not know Ukrainian language and this mountain are unknown form me and my friends.
Hi, Rafal! Sometimes we found huts, but it were good to hide from rain or storm, not for long staying. Cowboys usually build it in the mountain when they pasture sheeps for all summer. Btw I never visited the Poland part of Carpathians. And often met tourists from Poland in the Ukrainian one.
I am №1 today )
What a beautiful place and picture. Good for you to be in such a place.
nkh.453, thank you, friend!
Hello buddy. How is it going. I’m pleased to see a countryman here.
Kharkiv people are number1 always. I am from Kharkiv too.
Hello Larisa! Nice to meet you here!
That’s my favorite website! Nice to meet you.
Seems that EngVid is popular in Kharkiv :)
Hi! More and more I meeting the ukrainian people on this website and it’s cool. I would like to get some mew information aboute culture of USA or UK. If you would have a free time – please, connect with me. Have a nice day. Goodbye!
thank you, I will try to get excellent score.
Thank you Gill to teach the good English manner to have an appointment with a friend : It’s best to discuss the options gradually…..
Many thanks Gill
Hallo Gill,
Ronnie said in one video of hers, that we don´t use “meet” but “see”, when we want to plan to spent the time with our firends. Meet is used only for the first time, said Ronnie Is is true ?
Hi adrijana — thanks for your question. I think it depends a lot on the context. There are also differences between British English, American English, Canadian English, etc :-)
Hi Gill, does it mean, you are both right ?
Thanks Gill, this lesson was great..
Thanks Gill!!!Nice lesson as usual ;)
Hello Gill. It was good. Thanks and nice teaching.
But frankly I liked the last video more than this one. I think it was not as interesting as the last one. I’m just saying it was not so interesting, not useful. This video can be very effective in our life, specially if we have a friend who speak in english. What do you think guys?
Hello nkh.543.
Well, personally, i Iove every single lesson created by Gill at the same way.
Every time, i find something important that i don’t know inside her lessons.
Thanks so so so much Gill. ;-)
Hi, nkh453! I quite disagree with you about the lesson. It wasn’t just exceptionally useful, but merry as well. And Jill, I like her cunning and kind smile!
It’s great pleasure to listen to her amazing pronunciation of Londoner…
I think you raise this controversial opinion just to make conversation burst.
Am I right? See you.
Dear Natanna, I think we are here to improve our english,so beside these training videos we should communicate with together as we can. As you know it helps us to be better in speaking, writing,etc. And I’m not willing to bother anyone by my comments, if I put a question in my comments or say a different thing, I just wanna make guys to communicate more. That’s it. Thanks for reading my opinion.
Good day, nkh453. Than you for reply. I always read you comments. They are interesting and you speak good English.
I didn’t want to hurt your feelings at all. Sorry, if I did.
Gill is my favorite teacher though I like the other ones. Each of them has so different personality and the way of teaching. But I so appreciate the pronunciation that I vote (l don’t sure of correct usage of the word) for Gill most of all. And do you have any preferences?
No, I’m not upset at all. Don’t be sorry, you did not hurt my feelings, that’s what I want in engvid: communicate with together as it’s possibl.
Personally, I think Gill is an amazing teacher!!I always looking forward to her next lesson.
Thanks Gill
This lesson was great..
good lesson help us to improve our english language with native speakers but unfortuantely i haven’t a native speaker like a freind , i hope soon i will have one. thank you gill.
Hello Gill! Thanks for teaching us how to arrange meetings with friends, that will be useful.
Thank you teacher.
Good website thanks for this
Thank’s Gill
Usefull lesson
Great explanation though I have listened to it twice because I failed the question about making arrangements, starting gradually to find the free time to meet a friend is the right answer but I thought it was about telling your friend all the details before he or she could speak his or her ideas. Thanks a lot, teacher Gill, a very useful lesson, overall with the word “foyer”, the first time I see it and which means “hall”.
Thank’s Gill
I appreciate your effort so much…
I wish the video had been released some time ago!
I’ve made an acquaintance a few gays recently. And as usual fell short of words while making arrangements. Now I know how to put it right. Thank you , Jill.
Better late than never, nataanna. Now, we have the language tools to make arragentments to meet a friend.
Let me share with you an informal expression that helps to conffirm arrangements:
Peter: Are we still on for a coffee?
Alice: Sure, today around 4, right?
Peter: Okay, see you then.
Hi, Regino! Thank you for advice. I hope it’ll come in handy soon as I’m interested in new English speaking friends. You wrote great and exact words about EngVid in your profile. I quite agree with you. See you.
Guys*, sorry a lot……
I misspelled the word
Thank you for help
Thank you so much for your help.
Thanks Gill. Your lessons are always useful. I am looking forward to seeing you again!
Thank you,Ms.Gill! Your lessons are very helpful for me.
Thank you so much! I like your pronunciation
Thanks teacher for you advising, Ill try to get a native English speaker who helps me to improve my English.
I got 100! this subject was essential and practical.
thanks Gill, you are great!
Good for you Pati! Keep up the good work!
Hi Paty I took the liberty of reading and making some comments on your EngVid profile paragraph. Hope you do not mind, my appologies.
Hi, I’m Colombian. I currently (actualmente/en este momento) live in the capital, Bogota City.
I like the English language; I always try to learn something new about this beautiful language. I’m learning by myself.
I am still single, although I am 43 years old. I would like to be engaged with a faithful man / I would like to live with a faithful man on my side. For the meantime (mientras tanto/por el momento), I just want to be happy. That is why, I (try to) smile, do sports, and enjoy watching films every day.
I think I would have been an excellent film critic (creo/pienso que habría sido una excelente critica de cine); I wish my dream had come true (ojalá mi sueño se hubiera hecho realidad), but the fact is that (el hecho es que…) I am just a professional in marketing and advertising.
. . . it is also possible to use the expression “In the meantime,…” instead of “For the meantime,…”.
Good luck on your English Pati!
Bye for now.
Thank you, Regino…..
You are so kind!
Have good night.
Don’t mention it. Have a great week Pati.
See your around!
Thank you so much. These lessons help me to speak English well.
great,thank you very much.
hello all :)
looking forward to seeing you
I Got 60 ! I so sad for it ….I want to learn english but it’s very hard for me …I read scrooge story today and hope my english be better than Now .
Hello dear compatriot. You mentioned you are willing to improve your english, and it seems you try hard to get your goal. So If you won’t be upset, I like to help you.
I found some mistakes in your top comment.
First:according to the related grammar, you must say or type I’m so sad not I so sad.
Second:if I don’t make a mistake, in the last part of your comment, you wanted to say I hope my english be better from now on. But you typed than now. From now on means after the present moment. I hope you can understand my words. Good luck?
thank you …I Got it ….I try to learn more ..but that need time .
Nice video Madam Gill is one of the oldest teacher in this, so she has been lot of experienced how to taught and give insiration to student.
Thank you Gill!
I failed the question about making arrangements because I chose the answer in a subjective way. The failure helped me learn more carefully. I learned not only language but also daily life through the lesson.
Thank you so much.
thanks gill it is useful
Gill, I admire your teaching style is very good, am not English speaker, but I need it very much please support me to be well, and i have got 9/9 from this lesson.thank u.
thanks a lot for the efforts and i wish if you lead us how can to be good in English generally in reading , writing & listening.
Great video!!! thank you so much!!!
hello my dear friends I want lern English pls talk and chat with me
Thank you Gill! I hope to watch all your lessons.
Thanks Gill. It is a lesson very useful for me.
Very good tips! Thanks Gill!
Thank you again, Gill! I got 100!
you are like people of India .
Why? I didn’t understand what you meaning it.
forget it …nothing …India people good&kind .
Thank you
You are really a nice teacher. The way how you teach makes everything easy. Thanks for teaching!.
Thank you . Looking forward to next lesson !
thank you ı satısfy to your lesson
Thanks Gill, I’m not good in English language, now I’m taking an English course and I need to study all days, i found this website. Here it’s easy understand the conversation, I can practice the listening but also need training the speaking. Do you can help me, mrs Gill?
thank u my techer
great Score for me ♥ , but i can’t understand your speach is sound difficult for me
Thank you!!!!
What a interesting lesson! Thanks Gill!
Thanks teacher!!
Thank you Gill.I like your lessons.
Thank you Gill. I like your pronunciation and kow you teach lessons.
thank you Gill. It was very interesting lesson for me.
Hi hello I am WATING
Thank you, Gill! Your lesson is very interesting. I want to do better next time. To day I am a little “shy” :it is my first time.
its amazing and very interesting thank you so much
It is my first test! I have got the useful information! Thank you!
Thank you so much, Gill.
I’m pretty much appreciate with your lessons.
Thanks!! I wanna be your friend!
Thanks a lot !
thank you teacher! keep up the good work.
Thank you very much.
Than you for video :)
Thanks gill shall we meet?
Thank you so much for the video
Thank you for the video! :)
thanks a lot ..
but y do we need to use “up” when we can just use “meet ” ..
how does this “up” affect or serve the meaning of the sentence ?
Good day Gill. Thank you for your lesson. It will help we, when I meet my friend from USA.
it is a good practice to improve the english language.
Thank you Gill !
Thanks alot ^^ .
oho 100 Points thank you gill bapa
Thank you very much !! I have learned a new lesson today.
Thank Gill for this lesson
Hey, guys! I’m glad to be here with you, James is a incredible teacher, i’ve a question, what difference do you make between Great and Okay in terms of usage? Thanks!
It was great and useful as ever from Gill.
Thanks gill
I am very happy to be here, I’ve got a perfect score
Thanks, Gill! You’re one of the best teachers!
Hi im new here and I need some hep for practicing.
Hi Aloui!
Be welcome to Engvid! If you need some help, you can reckon on us, OK?
Good luck!
Hello . I’m so happy to be here between international people too
i want to learn English. Because i don’t know English :( help me
Thanks for this lesson.
I love all the videos on Engvid because it helps me a lot when I study English.
Hello, Gill! Thank you so much for this lesson! I really enjoyed of your British accent! It’s only my second day when I start to learn English with EngVid (before I learned it with another sites) and I think it is very good idea to practice English with different teachers! EngVid, you Rock!!! :)
great lesson , Thank you
Thank you Gill, you’re actually fantastic. Your accent is very beautiful and your pronunciation is very clear too. Particularly, it’s easy to understand a foreign language when the teacher speaks not necessary slowly, but clearly.
thax alot
First lesson with you Gill. I think you have wonderful accent. Thanks
Hello Gill,
Thanks for your video, I got 10 of 10.
I know meeting friends is a good idea for improving the language. But I can’t make friends and I’m so shy. And my language is not very good the people in here are fluent and they don’t want to spend their time with me because I can’t speak English very well. Some people are nice but I think I’m boring for them.
What should I do?
Thanks a lot for your free English lesson , you re great
Shall I leave a comment :)
Very nice and helpful website, i’m feeling improvement in my English, thank you teacher you all are very good and loving teachers.
Hello everybody!
It was more a great lesson. Thanks Gil.
I Would like to invite learners to join me in an english practice.
If you can do that, send me an e-email to :
We can become friends and talk About culture, etc.
See you.
thank u so much! its a great lesson
Very good for now
Hello Gill!
Thank you very much for one more nice lesson. You are one of my favourite Engvid teachers, and I am really glad because you have joined the staff.
Unfortunately, I don’t have foreign friends to have a physical meeting, but I can use those expressions you have just thought us to arrange virtual appoitments on Skype since I’ve got many Engvid pen pals. I agree with with you: talking to foreigners in English is one of the best ways to improve our English. Besides, it is quite amusing!
Looking forward to seeing you again!
Really good lesson Gill!
Great lesson!
Great.. Thanks Gill…
Hi Gill, thank you for this second lesson, very clear and enjoyable.
I just want to know as a beginner if there is a specific order of how to follow the
lessons? Thank you
Hi Gill, can you please give me some advice on what to listen to improve my understanding of listening to English? Many thanks
Hi Gill! Great lesson but I have a doubt: why say “cafe” instead of “coffee”?
Hi Denise! Giil said cafe because there is the place where you drink coffee.
I got 9/10! Very good lesson! Thanks very much!
I am happy
thank are great teacher
Great teacher and usfull lesson Thanks
thank you
that is a perfect lesson
Thanks Gill!!!
thanks a lot gill:)
Thanks Gill, this lesson was realy great..
Thank you gill your lesson are good
Through these lessons I am improving my English
I like so much how you have explained me this lesson, really, very happy with my discovery. today by first time heard some of videos from you and must say that i love it
Very good lesson.Thank you!
Thank you Gill! You are amazing teacher, each day I can learn new things with your lessons.
This amazing teaching
Thnak you Mrs Gill!
Thank you..very much…nice lesson
Thank You
I got 10/10//. Thanks Gill
Thank you very much for this lesson.