Sometimes when you are trying to speak English, you just don’t know what to say! Because you are still learning, maybe you need some extra time to think of the correct words. Watch this lesson and learn how English speakers use “hesitation” sounds like erm, mmm and phrases such as you know to keep the conversation alive. I’ll also teach you some phrases you can easily add to the beginning of sentences to give yourself more time. No more awkward silence!
Useful discourse devices to keep a conversation going.
Fillers are important conversational tools to be learned.
Regards to all EngVid viewers.
Would you mind to add me on skype to improve our English?
eyad babtji
eyad babtji
can I add you on skype, i’m i beginner and i wanna improve my English. could you help?
hey! I got 7/7 :D
Thank you very much! You are a good teacher and this lesson was awesome.
hello, jeffersoncn
I am from bangladesh ,my english is very poor.
so, i need help. could u help me?
my skype id abdullah_rti.
plz add me.
Seven out of seven huh? Mmm, that’s a really nice score. Thank you, Benjamin.
But the thing is, it’s annoying when people overuse those “noises” in conversation.
Evaldo Mendes
Let me think, You’re have got a good accent. I’d like to talk like you. Thanks for teaching, Sir!
Thank you for the class!
I got 6 correct out of 7 :) urgh…useful! Thank you, Benjamin :)
Questions 1 and 2, are not phrases on the lesson
Thanks Ben…
jajaja I also got 7/7
I like ur video Ben,thanks a lot
Thanks Ben
I got only 4 correct from 7 I don’t know what was that?
thanks Ben
Thanks got 57%.
Abdul Qayum
Thank, Ajarn Benjamin you are a good mater and you speak very clear English speaking. I like your accent. I understand totally what you said.
Thanks you very much. If someone wnat to share me knowlege english language. Please add me a skype : ukrit_2011 thanks you everyone.
Thanks teacher .. l’m suffering from this problem … but after I had watched your lesson everything become better :)
My regards .
hum, thamks,
Thnks…Benjamin are you londoner?
I love your accent, Is it London accent?
His accent is a British one, I love it more than the American accent. I can speak both, but I prefer the British one.
Rayan Dejavu
Thanks!)I got 10/10
Abisso Rain
oh no! I was mistaken 7/7)
By the to remove incorrect comment??
Abisso Rain
There is no such option. (For users of course :)
thank you!
Abisso Rain
there’s no way to delete the comment.. come on, don’t be shy .you got 7/7 . it is the same with 10/10
this means no mistakes in your answer..:D
thank you!
Abisso Rain
I tried to remove my comment in order to say you how to do it, but I think it’s impossible
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
thank you!now I will know!
Abisso Rain
It’s doesn’t matter anyway, you got full mark 100/100
Thanks Ben!
4/7 , Thanks very much
I’ve got only 4, but thanks a lot in any case.
i got 7/7
mmmm it’s like this . you see that your lesson is great.. lol:D
Thank you
Great and unusual lesson, but very useful. Thank you teacher
there placement test before the study in british institute could you tell me about that exam and how can I get a high score because I want to study from intermediate
thank you a lot you are a great teacher.
you know…it was cool
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
Great lesson as always , Thanks Benji you’re awesome
Well…I did good on the firt lesson, letme see if I’ll keep me score. 100%. :D
Islene Santos
Thanks a lot! 7/7
Mmm 5/7
wilson Costa
Great lesson Benjamin thank you so much
wilson Costa
I very funny lesson
My I wasn’t expecting 7 over 7 but I got success.
Sonam Ghising
Mmmm, thanks :)
Very original and funny lesson! Thanks Benjamin:)
6/7. The sixth I failed. I thought the correct answer to use was “its” not “it’s”
I was wrong. By the way, exist one expression in French which I think it’s delicious, they used to say ” Ça vat….hein” anytime they gave one opinion they end with it “ça vat …. hein”
Jorge Pedroso
very interesting.I used to hear this(you know) specially in movies,the thing is,it’s annoying sometimes because they say it in every sentence.
Anyway I got 6 out of 7…………………….
I love your accent Ben ♥
if you want to practice English with me voice chat you are welcome
would you consider to help me too?
Hi Takwa I’m brazilian and I have dificult to understand , can you help me? My Skype is adilson.veber, thanks
Adilson Veber Moreira
It was a really funny video. I really enjoyed it.
thanks you
Joe Khuyen
thanks for the useful lesson Benjamin.. I got 5/7.. It’s a great lesson
I need more practice in improve my skill.Somebody can help me about that.
What do you need help for?
it was really interesting this video. thanks.
4/7 thanks, the lesson is good
My skype; name : ali.abdullah.2011
everyone can come to me ti pracyic english
Very good, Tks Benj !!!
Marcio Fagundes
Hi , i’m new .i liked … it was so simple but successful !!!
thank you ” Benjamin”
good one
I got 6 out of 7 :D
mmmm you see it is not bad
Thank you
Marwah Ehab
mmm i got 4
thanks teacher. very good advices :)
thanks so much my dear it is very helpful
yousaf hussainpor
These are some fantastic and very effective hesitation devices i could say.
I enjoyed watching this video.THANK YOU AGAIN BENJAMIN :-)
good i like the lesson
Muhammad Zailani
thanks you. good
ho bao hoa
What the hell is “a single” in this context?..
Thanks Benjamin. Now I’m really interest in know what is ‘a single’.
Thiago Lino
I think this is a one-way ticket which allows to travel only to your destination, without returning.
and btw i got 7/7 :) thanks Benjamin.
Thank you Benjamin.Teach me how to speak like you !
My accent is like his accent, it is a British one. My pronunciation is good, but I lack vocabularies.
Rayan Dejavu
Great lesson from best teacher Thank’s a lot.
I’ve got 7/7 ;) & good luck my friends
Ahmed ADAM
tanks for the class, you help me a lot
Awesome lesson dude! Thanks!!
Thank’s a lot. ;)
Thank you.So Nice
Nody nour
Easy lesson.:)7/7
I like your accent. I can understand you perfectly.
good, thank you
so fun! thanks a lot! :)))))
Thank you!! 5/7…. the lesson was interesting.
thanks it is very nice
Hi, I got 5/7. mmm…what is mean of its like this, you see…?
I got 7/7. Thank you. teacher!
Thank you sir.
It was very nice lesson .
noha yaseen
I’m a little bit confused about the second question of the quiz!
2. A man asks you a question. You don’t know the answer. You give yourself time by saying:
– er (It tells that’s the right answer)
– erv
– or
– uck
But I still don’t get it! ‘Er’?
Does it stands for noises like ‘Urgh’ or ‘Urm’?
er is correct
bros pok
:) Thanks!
Erzsebet Baudelaire
That was a very strange lesson…
Hi Benjamin! Good lesson :)
Can I ask something? I just realized that I am using “You know…” very often, e.g. when I talk with my Erasmus friend at beer… But problem is that I use this phrase in little different concept as you shown in video.
I use it when something is hard to say for me (because my english is not so perfect, especially when I am drunk), but I am sure that my conversation partner knows what I mean (from the context and previous talking).
Can I use it in these situations or not? Thank you.
I got 4 correct out of 7.
thinks :D it is very nice :)
Very good!
I have 7/7 good lesson
bros pok
mmmmm it’s good
Oh! thanks ben!!
I got 71 T.T
Very useful tips. Thank you Ben !
I got 6/7 thanks ben!
I got 5 of 7. I’m confused with the noises and the final question, but I like this lesson. Thank you.
i am vary interesting when i watching this video
Mmmmm i enjoy it but i have a big problem with words that starts with th or s. Sometimes i spill it wrong so i need to know how I ca speak without hesitation cuz of this two words plz :)
It is very easy, I have a book for this matter, I can send you the book as a PDF file if you want.
Rayan Dejavu
thanks … i was very helpfull
I am so happy to work with engVid.
osman Barrie
I got 7/7, Thank you so much :D
well, the thing is that i got 7 out of 7!
suman sarbuzz gurung
Mmm, you know… I want to say thank you very much, Ben!
Hello everyone, I am very glad to join in this class. I want to improve my English and make a lot of friends.
hi Leeloveski , nice to meet you :)
sam wellson
it was my 1st lesson on this site. Benji have a perfect pronounciation. i want speak so nice too. mmmmm…sooo…i think i need work hard…))
This is what I really want to learn. I recently start English lessons on skype with a foreigh teacher,and I often need time to think about how I could say what I want in English. I will try to use these fillers next time.Thank you.
Where do you from? Ben. Well, i think you are from UK! Lesson was great. I like you accent because i have strong German accent :) bye
What The F*C*, i don’t like this score
What The F*C*k CHina, china is a dog
Awesome I got 7 correct out of 7.
very simple
actually i need this kind of lessons which talking about daily life and improving skills of conversations
thank you benjamin
abo abdou
very nice i feel ,i learnt english very soon
I got 6/7..:)
Mmmm, let me see, I think I’m going to follow your courses Benjamin.
Benjamin,your explanation is very cool :)
thank you so much!!<3
lillyy amigo
thanks benjamin good lesson
Mmmm, I think this lesson help me. Well, i understand this lesson and thank teacher.
Wow… I really like your classes. I understood everything that you said.
Maila Marcato
very nice thank you
good thanks
mmm,I got 6,thank you very much Benjamin,I like your pronunciation
woow, you teach so clearly, i got all the information.
thanks you so much.
Thanks Mr. Benjamin,
i never had a teacher like you
It’s my luck to watch your teaching
thanks again
i hope that i attend your private classes soon
Thanks Benjamin :) By the way,I love your accent :))
I got 7/7 but two of them were lucky
Mmm, thanks a lot ) 6/7
You can work as actor in Hollywood. very well, thank you.
I got 4 out of 7
Dear Benjamin: thanks a lot!!!
jaime rivera
English used to say LOVELY!
So the lesson was Lovely !!
I like your examples about lesson. Thanks ;)
thanks for vidio)
Many thanks for the video. :)
If you guys here wanted to practice speaking English with me, let’s skype. My accout: “tranthiphuduyen”.
Nice to meet you. :D
It’s very useful for converstion.
nice lesson..mmmmmm…i mean… :D
Great! =)
Very very useful. Now I don’t have to remain silence when I’m looking for a word. Thank You.
Thank you so much. That’s a nice lesson. Now I don’t have to remain silence when I’m looking for a word to answer. :)
So nice video … it is so useful .. many thanks
heydar Ali
Thank you very much Benjamin)
Thanks Ben, It’s great!!!!
thanks Benjamin
Nice exercise!!! :)
thanks benjamin
jeffson gomez
Thank u Ben *_*
hanan salim
It like to be tricky politician. :)
thanks !
Thanks ben this tutorial will be hopeful to improve my english speaking.
Thank you very much benjamin
Very good lessons! It helped too much! Thanks Benjamin
Ohhh is funny. Here, i understand everything, but in conversation at one interview on TV or in movie i understand many few. Maybe to be because i has begun a few time.
Hi everybody
I’m Abdullah and I’m new student
Arm,, It’s really useful,
Raju Nagavelli
Really useful! Thanks
Igor Alexandre
thank you benjamin it was very interestinf for me i enjoy it
mmmm…thank you benjamin! you are very energetic ..i like your class..
K. Ranjan
Thanks Benjamim!
mmm–that’s an interesting lesson!
Very good. Sametimes we need get a time for thinking…
Adelson Sena
I like it. Thanks you!!
hello admin can we just talk with other English student to improve our self like chat room or Skype …
No, not really, sorry.
100 yeayyyy ! i like your accent ben ! :D
Thank u Benjamin,quite an interesting lesson.
he looks like “Gollum”
from the lord of the precious…
ur accent is weird.. ur not good in teaching either ..dont know why engvid hired u..
go away “Gollum”
Very excellent teaching method!!!!
your accent is really extremely nice. I love your voice and your lessons also.
good lesson
Swapnil Raut
1/7 F…ck ((((((( Bat anewai thank you !!!
Hi…i got 6 of 7. It’s a good result for me urgh…i need to improve my english’s speaking (i.e in Skype) …Who help me?!?
Thanks Benjamin…it’s been very easy understand you!!
You speak like Sherlock Mr. Benjamin perfect pronunciation;)
You doing a great job Benjamin
oh yes, igot 71
MD.Ruhul Amin
Thank you Mr.Benjamin :)
Thank you Benjamin
I like your lesson.
I didn’t know that in question 6 has an apostrophe.
excellent lesson
Great lesson!
I`ve only got five out of seven.MMM…да.
i have got 7 out of 7 yaaayyyyyy
Tahmina yar
5/7 :)
7/7 Thanks!!!!!
Really helpful 7/7 !
Very helpful Thanx Ben :)
Hi, could you be so kind and make more expressions and speaking lessons? You are the best with these videos. Thanks a lot Benji :)))
My Score Is 86 I think I am getting better thanks so much ..I enjoy it
great lesson, great British accent listening
Thank you Benjamin! I got 6! You’re an excellent teacher!
Gustavo Passos de Oliveira
6/7. I realize that native speakers also use these sounds, then, is something natural. Thank you Benjamin!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Is Benjamin Englishman?
Hi Benjamin, could you do a lesson about visual art, I need to know art language and its pronunciation.
I got 7 out of 7. Great!
very funny and very useful… haha thanks
i like ie, it’s very helpful
goood job Benjamin, I like that
You are great great great I cant say anything to you Benjamin Your teaching is good and you really made a great lesson for me… Thanks for having you god with a lot of skill still and I want to learn more from your lesson… Once again Thanks for your great effort for teaching king of lesson…
that was great! a kind of a small but spectacular performance. And really very informative. Thanks a lot!
Tanya Trump
It’s very simple but easy for me to understand.tqvm
A great lesson I’ve learned a lot.
but I’m wondering if you sir taught us how to handle this situation or shall I say “how to be cheap” :)
thanks for your efforts and your marvelous vids
Turki Ghamdi
Thank you so much, you are very good….
Marta Lopez
Please remember – “the thing is…” is correctly not “this thing is…” or “that thing is…” :-)
Interesting lesson! Great!
I really love this website! Thanks you so much to create this kind of sites.
Greetings from Mexico
thanks benjamin i got 6/’s very helpful.
chamath dharshana
I`ve got sven out of seve …. Thanks:-(
Thank you
It’s a good lesson
the lesson helps more . thanks, teacher benjamin you are a great teacher
thanks, useful lesson
sam wellson
fun lesson with funny performance, thanks Benjamin.
Thanks for the lecture. BTW, Your accent is really cool! It reminds Richard Ayoade’s accent :)
I got 100 ahahahhah :D it was a informative lesson. Thanks Benjamin :)
Fantastic Benjamin!
Thanks Benjamin.
Hi i got 100, really interesting to study English with Benjamin, i like to hear his British accent
sisca y
I can’t believe that I found this site!!! It’s amazing :D Thanks for the classes !!
Laura Herrera
In the quiz I love the wrong answers, so funny…
I got 6/7! Thanks Benjamin! Very interesting lesson!
You are one of the best one Benjamin, really.
thank you Benjamin you’re the best :)
zina up
i got 6 of 7, mmm i think it’s good, the next time i’ll do better. thank you.
amal naser
I like it.
albaraa faisal
I know I don’t know much English but I’m very good
at “er…er…er”…
Just kidding,Benjamin. Your lesson is perfect.
I thank you a lot.
Very interesting lesson, thanks Benjamin
Out of my expectation. I thought I would fail for these questions. Thank you for your lesson, Benjamin..I like your accent..I really love British accent.
MR Benjamin love to see ur class, you are very eloquent n have very good teaching skills thank you
yey! got 7/7… thank you Mr. Benjamin… love the way you discuss your topic :)
mjm yan
thank you a lot
GD lesson for me
tnx sir
I got 6/7 because the 6 question that I got wrong answer. Thank you Benjamin!
Chan M.
so nice to see you Benjamin,i was following your dimples when you were clarifying this lesson……
Shewly Roy
Amazing test for beginners! Thank’s Teacher Benjamin!
well explained Benjamin. Thank you
Ekta Malankar
You’re the best,Benjamin.Now, I’m not sure if I can
speak English well, but I know I’m very good at
“mmm” “mmm” “mmm”, and this is not a joke,okay?
Thank you!!
I really like your classes Benjamin. Congratulations!
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
very nice, tnx :)
Useful discourse devices to keep a conversation going.
Fillers are important conversational tools to be learned.
Regards to all EngVid viewers.
Would you mind to add me on skype to improve our English?
eyad babtji
can I add you on skype, i’m i beginner and i wanna improve my English. could you help?
hey! I got 7/7 :D
Thank you very much! You are a good teacher and this lesson was awesome.
hello, jeffersoncn
I am from bangladesh ,my english is very poor.
so, i need help. could u help me?
my skype id abdullah_rti.
plz add me.
Seven out of seven huh? Mmm, that’s a really nice score. Thank you, Benjamin.
But the thing is, it’s annoying when people overuse those “noises” in conversation.
Let me think, You’re have got a good accent. I’d like to talk like you. Thanks for teaching, Sir!
Thank you for the class!
I got 6 correct out of 7 :) urgh…useful! Thank you, Benjamin :)
Questions 1 and 2, are not phrases on the lesson
Thanks Ben…
jajaja I also got 7/7
I like ur video Ben,thanks a lot
Thanks Ben
I got only 4 correct from 7 I don’t know what was that?
thanks Ben
Thanks got 57%.
Thank, Ajarn Benjamin you are a good mater and you speak very clear English speaking. I like your accent. I understand totally what you said.
Thanks you very much. If someone wnat to share me knowlege english language. Please add me a skype : ukrit_2011 thanks you everyone.
Thanks teacher .. l’m suffering from this problem … but after I had watched your lesson everything become better :)
My regards .
hum, thamks,
Thnks…Benjamin are you londoner?
I love your accent, Is it London accent?
His accent is a British one, I love it more than the American accent. I can speak both, but I prefer the British one.
Thanks!)I got 10/10
oh no! I was mistaken 7/7)
By the to remove incorrect comment??
There is no such option. (For users of course :)
thank you!
there’s no way to delete the comment.. come on, don’t be shy .you got 7/7 . it is the same with 10/10
this means no mistakes in your answer..:D
thank you!
I tried to remove my comment in order to say you how to do it, but I think it’s impossible
thank you!now I will know!
It’s doesn’t matter anyway, you got full mark 100/100
Thanks Ben!
4/7 , Thanks very much
I’ve got only 4, but thanks a lot in any case.
i got 7/7
mmmm it’s like this . you see that your lesson is great.. lol:D
Thank you
Great and unusual lesson, but very useful. Thank you teacher
there placement test before the study in british institute could you tell me about that exam and how can I get a high score because I want to study from intermediate
thank you a lot you are a great teacher.
you know…it was cool
Great lesson as always , Thanks Benji you’re awesome
Well…I did good on the firt lesson, letme see if I’ll keep me score. 100%. :D
Thanks a lot! 7/7
Mmm 5/7
Great lesson Benjamin thank you so much
I very funny lesson
My I wasn’t expecting 7 over 7 but I got success.
Mmmm, thanks :)
Very original and funny lesson! Thanks Benjamin:)
6/7. The sixth I failed. I thought the correct answer to use was “its” not “it’s”
I was wrong. By the way, exist one expression in French which I think it’s delicious, they used to say ” Ça vat….hein” anytime they gave one opinion they end with it “ça vat …. hein”
very interesting.I used to hear this(you know) specially in movies,the thing is,it’s annoying sometimes because they say it in every sentence.
Anyway I got 6 out of 7…………………….
I love your accent Ben ♥
Great! Thanks!
Thanks for lesson it was quite funny ))
Very good!!! Thanks
contact me Benjamin here as soon as possible
Hello! Would you like to help me in my English?
yes sure you’re welcome
if you want to practice English with me voice chat you are welcome
would you consider to help me too?
Hi Takwa I’m brazilian and I have dificult to understand , can you help me? My Skype is adilson.veber, thanks
It was a really funny video. I really enjoyed it.
thanks you
thanks for the useful lesson Benjamin.. I got 5/7.. It’s a great lesson
I need more practice in improve my skill.Somebody can help me about that.
What do you need help for?
it was really interesting this video. thanks.
4/7 thanks, the lesson is good
My skype; name : ali.abdullah.2011
everyone can come to me ti pracyic english
Very good, Tks Benj !!!
Hi , i’m new .i liked … it was so simple but successful !!!
thank you ” Benjamin”
good one
I got 6 out of 7 :D
mmmm you see it is not bad
Thank you
mmm i got 4
thanks teacher. very good advices :)
thanks so much my dear it is very helpful
These are some fantastic and very effective hesitation devices i could say.
I enjoyed watching this video.THANK YOU AGAIN BENJAMIN :-)
good i like the lesson
thanks you. good
What the hell is “a single” in this context?..
Thanks Benjamin. Now I’m really interest in know what is ‘a single’.
I think this is a one-way ticket which allows to travel only to your destination, without returning.
and btw i got 7/7 :) thanks Benjamin.
Thank you Benjamin.Teach me how to speak like you !
My accent is like his accent, it is a British one. My pronunciation is good, but I lack vocabularies.
Great lesson from best teacher Thank’s a lot.
I’ve got 7/7 ;) & good luck my friends
tanks for the class, you help me a lot
Awesome lesson dude! Thanks!!
Thank’s a lot. ;)
Thank you.So Nice
Easy lesson.:)7/7
I like your accent. I can understand you perfectly.
good, thank you
so fun! thanks a lot! :)))))
Thank you!! 5/7…. the lesson was interesting.
thanks it is very nice
Hi, I got 5/7. mmm…what is mean of its like this, you see…?
I got 7/7. Thank you. teacher!
Thank you sir.
It was very nice lesson .
I’m a little bit confused about the second question of the quiz!
2. A man asks you a question. You don’t know the answer. You give yourself time by saying:
– er (It tells that’s the right answer)
– erv
– or
– uck
But I still don’t get it! ‘Er’?
Does it stands for noises like ‘Urgh’ or ‘Urm’?
er is correct
:) Thanks!
That was a very strange lesson…
Hi Benjamin! Good lesson :)
Can I ask something? I just realized that I am using “You know…” very often, e.g. when I talk with my Erasmus friend at beer… But problem is that I use this phrase in little different concept as you shown in video.
I use it when something is hard to say for me (because my english is not so perfect, especially when I am drunk), but I am sure that my conversation partner knows what I mean (from the context and previous talking).
Can I use it in these situations or not? Thank you.
I got 4 correct out of 7.
thinks :D it is very nice :)
Very good!
I have 7/7 good lesson
mmmmm it’s good
Oh! thanks ben!!
I got 71 T.T
Very useful tips. Thank you Ben !
I got 6/7 thanks ben!
I got 5 of 7. I’m confused with the noises and the final question, but I like this lesson. Thank you.
i am vary interesting when i watching this video
Mmmmm i enjoy it but i have a big problem with words that starts with th or s. Sometimes i spill it wrong so i need to know how I ca speak without hesitation cuz of this two words plz :)
It is very easy, I have a book for this matter, I can send you the book as a PDF file if you want.
thanks … i was very helpfull
I am so happy to work with engVid.
I got 7/7, Thank you so much :D
well, the thing is that i got 7 out of 7!
Mmm, you know… I want to say thank you very much, Ben!
Hello everyone, I am very glad to join in this class. I want to improve my English and make a lot of friends.
hi Leeloveski , nice to meet you :)
it was my 1st lesson on this site. Benji have a perfect pronounciation. i want speak so nice too. mmmmm…sooo…i think i need work hard…))
This is what I really want to learn. I recently start English lessons on skype with a foreigh teacher,and I often need time to think about how I could say what I want in English. I will try to use these fillers next time.Thank you.
Where do you from? Ben. Well, i think you are from UK! Lesson was great. I like you accent because i have strong German accent :) bye
What The F*C*, i don’t like this score
What The F*C*k CHina, china is a dog
Awesome I got 7 correct out of 7.
very simple
actually i need this kind of lessons which talking about daily life and improving skills of conversations
thank you benjamin
very nice i feel ,i learnt english very soon
I got 6/7..:)
Mmmm, let me see, I think I’m going to follow your courses Benjamin.
Benjamin,your explanation is very cool :)
thank you so much!!<3
thanks benjamin good lesson
Mmmm, I think this lesson help me. Well, i understand this lesson and thank teacher.
Wow… I really like your classes. I understood everything that you said.
very nice thank you
good thanks
mmm,I got 6,thank you very much Benjamin,I like your pronunciation
woow, you teach so clearly, i got all the information.
thanks you so much.
Thanks Mr. Benjamin,
i never had a teacher like you
It’s my luck to watch your teaching
thanks again
i hope that i attend your private classes soon
Thanks Benjamin :) By the way,I love your accent :))
I got 7/7 but two of them were lucky
Mmm, thanks a lot ) 6/7
You can work as actor in Hollywood. very well, thank you.
I got 4 out of 7
Dear Benjamin: thanks a lot!!!
English used to say LOVELY!
So the lesson was Lovely !!
I like your examples about lesson. Thanks ;)
thanks for vidio)
Many thanks for the video. :)
If you guys here wanted to practice speaking English with me, let’s skype. My accout: “tranthiphuduyen”.
Nice to meet you. :D
It’s very useful for converstion.
nice lesson..mmmmmm…i mean… :D
Great! =)
Very very useful. Now I don’t have to remain silence when I’m looking for a word. Thank You.
Thank you so much. That’s a nice lesson. Now I don’t have to remain silence when I’m looking for a word to answer. :)
So nice video … it is so useful .. many thanks
Thank you very much Benjamin)
Thanks Ben, It’s great!!!!
thanks Benjamin
Nice exercise!!! :)
thanks benjamin
Thank u Ben *_*
It like to be tricky politician. :)
thanks !
Thanks ben this tutorial will be hopeful to improve my english speaking.
Thank you very much benjamin
Very good lessons! It helped too much! Thanks Benjamin
Ohhh is funny. Here, i understand everything, but in conversation at one interview on TV or in movie i understand many few. Maybe to be because i has begun a few time.
Hi everybody
I’m Abdullah and I’m new student
Arm,, It’s really useful,
Really useful! Thanks
thank you benjamin it was very interestinf for me i enjoy it
mmmm…thank you benjamin! you are very energetic ..i like your class..
Thanks Benjamim!
mmm–that’s an interesting lesson!
Very good. Sametimes we need get a time for thinking…
I like it. Thanks you!!
hello admin can we just talk with other English student to improve our self like chat room or Skype …
No, not really, sorry.
100 yeayyyy ! i like your accent ben ! :D
Thank u Benjamin,quite an interesting lesson.
he looks like “Gollum”
from the lord of the precious…
ur accent is weird.. ur not good in teaching either ..dont know why engvid hired u..
go away “Gollum”
Very excellent teaching method!!!!
your accent is really extremely nice. I love your voice and your lessons also.
good lesson
1/7 F…ck ((((((( Bat anewai thank you !!!
Hi…i got 6 of 7. It’s a good result for me urgh…i need to improve my english’s speaking (i.e in Skype) …Who help me?!?
Thanks Benjamin…it’s been very easy understand you!!
You speak like Sherlock Mr. Benjamin perfect pronunciation;)
You doing a great job Benjamin
oh yes, igot 71
Thank you Mr.Benjamin :)
Thank you Benjamin
I like your lesson.
I didn’t know that in question 6 has an apostrophe.
excellent lesson
Great lesson!
I`ve only got five out of seven.MMM…да.
i have got 7 out of 7 yaaayyyyyy
5/7 :)
7/7 Thanks!!!!!
Really helpful 7/7 !
Very helpful Thanx Ben :)
Hi, could you be so kind and make more expressions and speaking lessons? You are the best with these videos. Thanks a lot Benji :)))
My Score Is 86 I think I am getting better thanks so much ..I enjoy it
great lesson, great British accent listening
Thank you Benjamin! I got 6! You’re an excellent teacher!
6/7. I realize that native speakers also use these sounds, then, is something natural. Thank you Benjamin!
Is Benjamin Englishman?
Hi Benjamin, could you do a lesson about visual art, I need to know art language and its pronunciation.
I got 7 out of 7. Great!
very funny and very useful… haha thanks
i like ie, it’s very helpful
goood job Benjamin, I like that
You are great great great I cant say anything to you Benjamin Your teaching is good and you really made a great lesson for me… Thanks for having you god with a lot of skill still and I want to learn more from your lesson… Once again Thanks for your great effort for teaching king of lesson…
that was great! a kind of a small but spectacular performance. And really very informative. Thanks a lot!
It’s very simple but easy for me to understand.tqvm
A great lesson I’ve learned a lot.
but I’m wondering if you sir taught us how to handle this situation or shall I say “how to be cheap” :)
thanks for your efforts and your marvelous vids
Thank you so much, you are very good….
Please remember – “the thing is…” is correctly not “this thing is…” or “that thing is…” :-)
Interesting lesson! Great!
I really love this website! Thanks you so much to create this kind of sites.
Greetings from Mexico
thanks benjamin i got 6/’s very helpful.
I`ve got sven out of seve …. Thanks:-(
Thank you
It’s a good lesson
the lesson helps more . thanks, teacher benjamin you are a great teacher
thanks, useful lesson
fun lesson with funny performance, thanks Benjamin.
Thanks for the lecture. BTW, Your accent is really cool! It reminds Richard Ayoade’s accent :)
I got 100 ahahahhah :D it was a informative lesson. Thanks Benjamin :)
Fantastic Benjamin!
Thanks Benjamin.
Hi i got 100, really interesting to study English with Benjamin, i like to hear his British accent
I can’t believe that I found this site!!! It’s amazing :D Thanks for the classes !!
In the quiz I love the wrong answers, so funny…
I got 6/7! Thanks Benjamin! Very interesting lesson!
You are one of the best one Benjamin, really.
thank you Benjamin you’re the best :)
i got 6 of 7, mmm i think it’s good, the next time i’ll do better. thank you.
I like it.
I know I don’t know much English but I’m very good
at “er…er…er”…
Just kidding,Benjamin. Your lesson is perfect.
I thank you a lot.
Very interesting lesson, thanks Benjamin
Out of my expectation. I thought I would fail for these questions. Thank you for your lesson, Benjamin..I like your accent..I really love British accent.
MR Benjamin love to see ur class, you are very eloquent n have very good teaching skills thank you
yey! got 7/7… thank you Mr. Benjamin… love the way you discuss your topic :)
thank you a lot
GD lesson for me
tnx sir
I got 6/7 because the 6 question that I got wrong answer. Thank you Benjamin!
so nice to see you Benjamin,i was following your dimples when you were clarifying this lesson……
Amazing test for beginners! Thank’s Teacher Benjamin!
well explained Benjamin. Thank you
You’re the best,Benjamin.Now, I’m not sure if I can
speak English well, but I know I’m very good at
“mmm” “mmm” “mmm”, and this is not a joke,okay?
Thank you!!
I really like your classes Benjamin. Congratulations!
thanks a lot