Watch this video and learn how to speak like an English person: indirectly. English people do not always say what they mean. In this video, you will learn how to sound more natural and polite when answering difficult questions. You can also use these expressions when you’re having an argument or disagreement. You’ll learn phrases like How shall I put it?, to be honest..., as a matter of fact, and many more.
Thanks alot ben you are awesome :D
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice his/her English with me voice chat :)
my skype is khalid_3adel
Thanks man you are so polite :)
thanks Ben!
6/10 haha. not bad. Now, I would like to improve more. So, i think of voice chat would help to improve my speaking and communication skills. If there is someone wants to have voice chat to practice their speaking skills too, you are welcome!
my skype is gonn53
Thx Benjamin good lesson!
Hello Benjamin. I often lose the words what I want to say. You gave me great examples. Thank you.
thanks a lot but one ques please i have a doubt. can you just teach me about editing and omission heres an example he had curl hair incorrect correct the incorrect word is curl and the correct word is curly so thats the problem i have .its in our course in india
palakshi nautiyal
Good lesson
Thanks Benjamin It is useful lesson
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some ways to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
Txs a lot
Thank you very much
Thannks teacher, that was a good lesson
Hello teacher!
Let me ask you about the 5th question:
“5. If someone is not understanding you, before you start to explain yourself again, you could say (…)”
My question is:
Isn’t wrong to write… “start to explain” instead of “start explaining” ?
Thank you so much and greetings from Italy!
Hi guys, Good Morning
thank you for good quiz) 9/10
thx for wonderful and hilarious lession, enjoy your day Ben
100%. Let me see…. Benjamin you are a great artist, very eloquent. As a matter of fact you are very expressive. Tell me it was true in fact that you want to go to walk on the “Big Eye” ? Nah you wanted to pull me out a leg, don’t you?
Jorge Pedroso
Thank you) You are my favorite teacher!
Lisica S
Thanks Benjamin !
Well done !
I’ll try to remember some of these expressions.
At first time it made me wonder: “Big Wheel, what is it ?” Then I got it: “Observation Wheel !?”
Regard !
As a matter of fact it is a very important lesson
i don’t know how to thank you Benjamin
abo abdou
thanks alot this is awosome
I love this website, the theachers here are all fantastic!
Thank you, you’re a good teacher. I’m learning so much with this great site..
Got 10 out of 10.Well done Benjamin!
Guys i am preparing for IELTS exam. Now i badly needed a partner for preparing myself in speaking module. Could anybody help me? I think it would be a great conversation with me. If anyone like to communicate with me through skype, it is easy. My user name is “rexhemel”.
10X. Great lesson
Thanks you. The lesson is fun and useful :)))
HI everybody. Without doubt I recommend you this online place to improve your english. It is a kind of dream classes. To be honest I could not find another best page. In fact I follow every lesson that is uploaded.
What I am tying to say is take advantage of this free lesson, you wont regret.
Thank u so much for your free lessons…. so helpful To keep my english in the loop
Find me on facebook to practice speaking
Marcos Marcos Juan Juan
I love this class. It help me every time!
i got 10 loooooooool finally
Very useful
10/10 thanks nice lesson
I’ve enjoyed the lesson but I thinh, in order the quiz questions, that maybe you had cut too much. I prefer short lesson but in this cas there was more questuin than information. I’m not sure, maybe it’s just one impression. Whatever, good job –as usual.
Very useful thank you
Give me a chance to improve English speaking skill please add my Skype ID is ukrit_2011
I have got 10 of 10. Benjamin, I love your accent; I have heard some accents from UK, however, yours is unique. You are a great teacher, and this was a superb lesson. Thanks!
Thanks, it’s very useful. I love this website
really it’s so interesting listening to you Benjamin .. you are great
Thanks Benjamin, you’re very expressive and tell slowly…it’s nice.
thank you
it useful and thanks for that I got 7 ):
It’s great! Thanks.
Thanks a lot Benjamin, you are the best teacher, I feel like learning english in your teaching method.
Thank you Benjamin…
thank you benjamin good lesson
Thank you, good lesson, i got 10 on the quiz.
GREAT! How can I continue to test my English?
good effort
wessam fathey
Got 10 out of 10.Well done Benjamin!
Guys i am preparing for IELTS exam. Now i badly needed a partner for preparing myself in speaking module. Could anybody help me? I think it would be a great conversation with me. If anyone like to communicate with me through skype, it is easy. My user name is “rexhemel”.
I did it! 100%!!! Thank you Benjamin. Now I think I’ll have more control of the conversation. By the way, your accent is quite elegant.
Good Benjamin!
Big Up for Binjamin !!!
The phrases are very useful. Many thanks for such a lesson!
10/10, thanks.
Great lesson , I understood a lesson which you taugh thanks!
You are right.
Md. Arman Hossain
It’s a simple but useful conversation, I love it.
Thank you! The fact is that I love this lesson very much!
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some ways to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
Yes! I’v got it!)
hello,anyone could see me ?
I got 90!
asm towhid
Hi. im new.!
i just saw your lesson on you tube by chance.
Wow. i love your english
accent. i think you are very good at teaching.
Thank you.
Thank you
nice to meet you !!!
THX for the lessons :)
as I’m new here I just got 5/10 in first lesson. I hope I can learn more and more tel I get the 10/10.
Thanks from leadership of Engvid.
Thanks for the Lessons :)
hi Benjamin ) you explain very clearly) I got 100 from the quiz ) thank you)))
do you want talk via skype maybe with me ? :)
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some way to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
Thanks 10/10
Salam madam Emma i am Ihtesham Rosham from Pakistan.Can you teach me English?I am waiting for the answar.
ihtesham rosham
Really nice lesson!…tks a lot.
Alonso Freire
i get 100%, so good,
I get 9/10, cool
Thank you Benjamin! This is a really nice video,that I will take a look a couple of times in the future, to remember, and be able to use these expressions.
Thanks Benjamin.
This lesson is good and helpful!
I like your expressionsXD
Peggy meou
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some way to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
Hello Benjamin, its great to find an England Accent, I’m living for a while in Brisbane/Australia and it’s incredible how different than American English they talk, but this is very useful!! thank you very much!!
me too
Hi Benjamin, your class was perfect. I will watch more and i hope understand the others. Thanks
Maila Marcato
great! ;) 9 of 10
I just loved it!!!! I’ve got 10/10!!!! ///
thank you soo much I got 9/10 thats great:D
Thanks Teacher
Interesting! I watched two times!
thanks so lots.
Nguyen Van Tuan
hello everyone my Skype is/ asmaa menier
Thank you Benjamin.Really a good lesson.
perez jelly
thanx alot mr
nice entry ….
very thankful to you
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some ways to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
good lesson thanks
Good leason tnx.
Abdul Basir yousfzai
6/10 I’m bad :(
Thanks mate
you have done well!
this might be a good lesson for us
thanks very much .I always had this problem when i wanted to explain, most of the time i made mistake .the fact of mater is i was confuse to use these phrase.
Thanks a lot! What a useful lesson:)
this is the best website to learn English ever .. love it ..
Thanks, Ben, even more for your sense of humour.
I’ve been laughing at those wrong options you offered for a choice. Specially abour the bird and piehole and some others. )) It was real fun, I’m still smiling.
very good lesson. Thank You.
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some ways to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
thank you
Thanks, got 70% without watching.
Abdul Qayum
You are very nice trainer. I like your way of training.
Good luck
And go a head
well thanks this lesson help me
Thanks Bemjamin.
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some ways to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
Thanks dear you are a great teacher many thanks . I appreciate your effort
heydar Ali
thanks my teacher this problelem usualy i face.
thank you for the lesson :)
mostafa geotec
I got 7/10 but to be honest i satisfied of my result, because i’m begginer in english.What i’m trying to say that this lesson is very helpful.
Thank you Benjamin.
the fact of the matter is …..
very very useful course.
The fact of the matter is that I like this kind of quiz very much
Nice lesson
it was my first and i enjoy the feeling.
Thank you Benjamin. I made 10/10 but in fact I need to try this expression.
informative lesson! Thank teacher
10 out of 10
thank you. Lesson good.
Fernanda Moreira dos Santos Cunha
thanks for this lessens….
Neste Baali
good worke
My result is 10/10 , thank you . Good lesson !
Thank you Benjamin
Great lesson .Thank you benjamin
I have got 90. Benjamin is one of the best teachers of the
now let me think about it oh yes it was very useful thank you benjamin
This is wonderful
Bi ngu
sally muhammad
sally muhammad
i got 10. ahihihihihihi thank you Benjamin. :)
isman ibro
Thank you, good lesson, good teacher
I have got 10 :) it is a good lesson and a very good teacher. I like people who are smiling all time. I will watch your all videos
I was there, Waterloo railway station and amazing London eye:)
It was intresting this topic, beside is normal phrases daily
Monica Atra
thank you Benjamin .. this is an important lesson for any person who learn a new language
thank you,for your perfect lesson,could you give me some advice to improve my English skills?
Salauat Sharazhan
thank you Benjamine, i really like the way you teach, i try to improve my english here with you and ROnnie .;
9 of 10. I think, it was useful lesson. Thanks, Benjamin!
thank you
osama osama
excellent lesson! Thank you.
thank you
To have time to think without being silent is great. thanks
Nice lesson to teach english speaking. Thank you/ Nice site. Nice teacher.
Now, when I disagree with someone I will say “You are wrong! You know nothing! I have all the answers and you must listen to me!” HAUHAUHA
Good Lesson ! :)
Cheers !
Good Lesson! Excellent explanation
Very useful, Ben! Thanks.
Excellent lesson
Noice lad. Funny and interesting.
yes i am not a native speaker but learn a lot of by your lesson.
so please keep it up….
As matter of fact, I shouldn’t be here ;)
cheers benjamin
Thanks Benjamin!
Isaias Menezes Silva
I really enjoyed it. Well done!!
Oh thank you ! i got 10 correct out of :)
Please explain me – why does Benjamin in the words like “party” or “sort of” say “s” instead “t” (kind of “sorS of” or “parSy”)? Very interesting :) Thank you! :)
I got score in this session 10..
and Benjamin you’ve got great talent at teaching I quite understood your lesson.. This lesson was sort of for me really high level to speak this kind of phrases to someone else..
Ooooooh I’ve got 100 % in the quiz , You’re my favorite teacher because of your accent .
The British accent is the best
Hi Benjamin!
I love your video! Thank you so much!
Thank a lot !
It is very useful expression.
Great video mr. Benjamin! :)
9/10 it’s really nice here, great upload by Mr.Benjamin
8/10 Thank You Benjamin, nice lesson.
Sorry but I have to press the pause and type something here. It’s waterloo station and I’ve faced the similar situation several days before. The London underground system has confused me a lot:(
Thanks Ben!
Excellent !!! Mr Benjamim !!
Adeilson Alves
Dear Ben^ thank you very much. To my mind you over-the-top actor
thAnk you Benjamin! 10/10
Thx a lot sir. Got 10 out of 10 I am so honurd and lucky to fined you.
very good, thanks.
Jailson Toledo
All Correct, thanks Engvid !
Greetings from Brazil !
you are the deep of man benjamin
You are the very positive guy, Benjamin! I like your lessons most of all))) Everything is clear and easy to understand.
Helo people
Hello, Milla!
In the first question, I answered “Let me wait…” instead “Let me see…”
Very easy to understand! Thanks for lesson, Ben! =)
thank you teacher
dr fatima
Excellent lesson, teacher. Thanks.
Good lesson Benjamin. Always learning with you!!!!
Aline Matos
Thanks to you I got 8/10
Yeon Jo Anne
I got 10/10.Thank you the lesson was well presented.
Thank yu me lern way much, god teacher
Nice lesson, Benjamin! Thanks.
Thank you Mr. Benjamin.
Benjamin, you speak lovely British and I really like that.
9/10 not that bad at all thanks Benjamin your the best teacher thanks
10/10 … Benjamin Benjamin … may amazing teacher
Rawezh Jabar
best regards, Benjamin (Kazakhstan 01 Dec2o21:)
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
good morning good lesson. you have a nice
Thanks alot ben you are awesome :D
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice his/her English with me voice chat :)
my skype is khalid_3adel
Thanks man you are so polite :)
thanks Ben!
6/10 haha. not bad. Now, I would like to improve more. So, i think of voice chat would help to improve my speaking and communication skills. If there is someone wants to have voice chat to practice their speaking skills too, you are welcome!
my skype is gonn53
Thx Benjamin good lesson!
Hello Benjamin. I often lose the words what I want to say. You gave me great examples. Thank you.
thanks a lot but one ques please i have a doubt. can you just teach me about editing and omission heres an example he had curl hair incorrect correct the incorrect word is curl and the correct word is curly so thats the problem i have .its in our course in india
Good lesson
Thanks Benjamin It is useful lesson
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some ways to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
Txs a lot
Thank you very much
Thannks teacher, that was a good lesson
Hello teacher!
Let me ask you about the 5th question:
“5. If someone is not understanding you, before you start to explain yourself again, you could say (…)”
My question is:
Isn’t wrong to write… “start to explain” instead of “start explaining” ?
Thank you so much and greetings from Italy!
Hi guys, Good Morning
thank you for good quiz) 9/10
thx for wonderful and hilarious lession, enjoy your day Ben
100%. Let me see…. Benjamin you are a great artist, very eloquent. As a matter of fact you are very expressive. Tell me it was true in fact that you want to go to walk on the “Big Eye” ? Nah you wanted to pull me out a leg, don’t you?
Thank you) You are my favorite teacher!
Thanks Benjamin !
Well done !
I’ll try to remember some of these expressions.
At first time it made me wonder: “Big Wheel, what is it ?” Then I got it: “Observation Wheel !?”
Regard !
As a matter of fact it is a very important lesson
i don’t know how to thank you Benjamin
thanks alot this is awosome
I love this website, the theachers here are all fantastic!
Thank you, you’re a good teacher. I’m learning so much with this great site..
Got 10 out of 10.Well done Benjamin!
Guys i am preparing for IELTS exam. Now i badly needed a partner for preparing myself in speaking module. Could anybody help me? I think it would be a great conversation with me. If anyone like to communicate with me through skype, it is easy. My user name is “rexhemel”.
10X. Great lesson
Thanks you. The lesson is fun and useful :)))
HI everybody. Without doubt I recommend you this online place to improve your english. It is a kind of dream classes. To be honest I could not find another best page. In fact I follow every lesson that is uploaded.
What I am tying to say is take advantage of this free lesson, you wont regret.
Thank u so much for your free lessons…. so helpful To keep my english in the loop
Find me on facebook to practice speaking
Marcos Marcos Juan Juan
I love this class. It help me every time!
i got 10 loooooooool finally
Very useful
10/10 thanks nice lesson
I’ve enjoyed the lesson but I thinh, in order the quiz questions, that maybe you had cut too much. I prefer short lesson but in this cas there was more questuin than information. I’m not sure, maybe it’s just one impression. Whatever, good job –as usual.
Very useful thank you
Give me a chance to improve English speaking skill please add my Skype ID is ukrit_2011
I have got 10 of 10. Benjamin, I love your accent; I have heard some accents from UK, however, yours is unique. You are a great teacher, and this was a superb lesson. Thanks!
Thanks, it’s very useful. I love this website
really it’s so interesting listening to you Benjamin .. you are great
Thanks Benjamin, you’re very expressive and tell slowly…it’s nice.
thank you
it useful and thanks for that I got 7 ):
It’s great! Thanks.
Thanks a lot Benjamin, you are the best teacher, I feel like learning english in your teaching method.
Thank you Benjamin…
thank you benjamin good lesson
Thank you, good lesson, i got 10 on the quiz.
GREAT! How can I continue to test my English?
good effort
Got 10 out of 10.Well done Benjamin!
Guys i am preparing for IELTS exam. Now i badly needed a partner for preparing myself in speaking module. Could anybody help me? I think it would be a great conversation with me. If anyone like to communicate with me through skype, it is easy. My user name is “rexhemel”.
I did it! 100%!!! Thank you Benjamin. Now I think I’ll have more control of the conversation. By the way, your accent is quite elegant.
Good Benjamin!
Big Up for Binjamin !!!
The phrases are very useful. Many thanks for such a lesson!
10/10, thanks.
Great lesson , I understood a lesson which you taugh thanks!
You are right.
It’s a simple but useful conversation, I love it.
Thank you! The fact is that I love this lesson very much!
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some ways to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
Yes! I’v got it!)
hello,anyone could see me ?
I got 90!
Hi. im new.!
i just saw your lesson on you tube by chance.
Wow. i love your english
accent. i think you are very good at teaching.
Thank you.
Thank you
nice to meet you !!!
THX for the lessons :)
as I’m new here I just got 5/10 in first lesson. I hope I can learn more and more tel I get the 10/10.
Thanks from leadership of Engvid.
Thanks for the Lessons :)
hi Benjamin ) you explain very clearly) I got 100 from the quiz ) thank you)))
do you want talk via skype maybe with me ? :)
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some way to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
Thanks 10/10
Salam madam Emma i am Ihtesham Rosham from Pakistan.Can you teach me English?I am waiting for the answar.
Really nice lesson!…tks a lot.
i get 100%, so good,
I get 9/10, cool
Thank you Benjamin! This is a really nice video,that I will take a look a couple of times in the future, to remember, and be able to use these expressions.
Thanks Benjamin.
This lesson is good and helpful!
I like your expressionsXD
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some way to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
Hello Benjamin, its great to find an England Accent, I’m living for a while in Brisbane/Australia and it’s incredible how different than American English they talk, but this is very useful!! thank you very much!!
me too
Hi Benjamin, your class was perfect. I will watch more and i hope understand the others. Thanks
great! ;) 9 of 10
I just loved it!!!! I’ve got 10/10!!!! ///
thank you soo much I got 9/10 thats great:D
Thanks Teacher
Interesting! I watched two times!
thanks so lots.
hello everyone my Skype is/ asmaa menier
Thank you Benjamin.Really a good lesson.
thanx alot mr
nice entry ….
very thankful to you
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some ways to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
good lesson thanks
Good leason tnx.
6/10 I’m bad :(
Thanks mate
you have done well!
this might be a good lesson for us
thanks very much .I always had this problem when i wanted to explain, most of the time i made mistake .the fact of mater is i was confuse to use these phrase.
Thanks a lot! What a useful lesson:)
this is the best website to learn English ever .. love it ..
Thanks, Ben, even more for your sense of humour.
I’ve been laughing at those wrong options you offered for a choice. Specially abour the bird and piehole and some others. )) It was real fun, I’m still smiling.
very good lesson. Thank You.
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some ways to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
thank you
Thanks, got 70% without watching.
You are very nice trainer. I like your way of training.
Good luck
And go a head
well thanks this lesson help me
Thanks Bemjamin.
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some ways to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
Thanks dear you are a great teacher many thanks . I appreciate your effort
thanks my teacher this problelem usualy i face.
thank you for the lesson :)
I got 7/10 but to be honest i satisfied of my result, because i’m begginer in english.What i’m trying to say that this lesson is very helpful.
Thank you Benjamin.
the fact of the matter is …..
very very useful course.
The fact of the matter is that I like this kind of quiz very much
Nice lesson
it was my first and i enjoy the feeling.
Thank you Benjamin. I made 10/10 but in fact I need to try this expression.
informative lesson! Thank teacher
10 out of 10
thank you. Lesson good.
thanks for this lessens….
good worke
My result is 10/10 , thank you . Good lesson !
Thank you Benjamin
Great lesson .Thank you benjamin
I have got 90. Benjamin is one of the best teachers of the
now let me think about it oh yes it was very useful thank you benjamin
This is wonderful
i got 10. ahihihihihihi thank you Benjamin. :)
Thank you, good lesson, good teacher
I have got 10 :) it is a good lesson and a very good teacher. I like people who are smiling all time. I will watch your all videos
I was there, Waterloo railway station and amazing London eye:)
It was intresting this topic, beside is normal phrases daily
thank you Benjamin .. this is an important lesson for any person who learn a new language
thank you,for your perfect lesson,could you give me some advice to improve my English skills?
thank you Benjamine, i really like the way you teach, i try to improve my english here with you and ROnnie .;
9 of 10. I think, it was useful lesson. Thanks, Benjamin!
thank you
excellent lesson! Thank you.
thank you
To have time to think without being silent is great. thanks
Nice lesson to teach english speaking. Thank you/ Nice site. Nice teacher.
Now, when I disagree with someone I will say “You are wrong! You know nothing! I have all the answers and you must listen to me!” HAUHAUHA
Good Lesson ! :)
Cheers !
Good Lesson! Excellent explanation
Very useful, Ben! Thanks.
Excellent lesson
Noice lad. Funny and interesting.
yes i am not a native speaker but learn a lot of by your lesson.
so please keep it up….
As matter of fact, I shouldn’t be here ;)
cheers benjamin
Thanks Benjamin!
I really enjoyed it. Well done!!
Oh thank you ! i got 10 correct out of :)
Please explain me – why does Benjamin in the words like “party” or “sort of” say “s” instead “t” (kind of “sorS of” or “parSy”)? Very interesting :) Thank you! :)
I got score in this session 10..
and Benjamin you’ve got great talent at teaching I quite understood your lesson.. This lesson was sort of for me really high level to speak this kind of phrases to someone else..
thanks Benjamin, I got 8/10 mark.
perfect video! thanks a lot
Good morning Bem, very good lesson !!
Thank you so much!
Great lesson . if there is any one who wants to practice English with me on my fb account (
Thanks Benjamin!
thanks Benjamin, I got 8/10…Very useful lessons!
Ooooooh I’ve got 100 % in the quiz , You’re my favorite teacher because of your accent .
The British accent is the best
Hi Benjamin!
I love your video! Thank you so much!
Thank a lot !
It is very useful expression.
Great video mr. Benjamin! :)
9/10 it’s really nice here, great upload by Mr.Benjamin
8/10 Thank You Benjamin, nice lesson.
Sorry but I have to press the pause and type something here. It’s waterloo station and I’ve faced the similar situation several days before. The London underground system has confused me a lot:(
Thanks Ben!
Excellent !!! Mr Benjamim !!
Dear Ben^ thank you very much. To my mind you over-the-top actor
thAnk you Benjamin! 10/10
Thx a lot sir. Got 10 out of 10 I am so honurd and lucky to fined you.
very good, thanks.
All Correct, thanks Engvid !
Greetings from Brazil !
you are the deep of man benjamin
You are the very positive guy, Benjamin! I like your lessons most of all))) Everything is clear and easy to understand.
Helo people
Hello, Milla!
In the first question, I answered “Let me wait…” instead “Let me see…”
Very easy to understand! Thanks for lesson, Ben! =)
thank you teacher
Excellent lesson, teacher. Thanks.
Good lesson Benjamin. Always learning with you!!!!
Thanks to you I got 8/10
I got 10/10.Thank you the lesson was well presented.
Thank yu me lern way much, god teacher
Nice lesson, Benjamin! Thanks.
Thank you Mr. Benjamin.
Benjamin, you speak lovely British and I really like that.
9/10 not that bad at all thanks Benjamin your the best teacher thanks
10/10 … Benjamin Benjamin … may amazing teacher
best regards, Benjamin (Kazakhstan 01 Dec2o21:)
Thank you Benjamin!