, P
, M
, V
, F
, and TH
sounds correctly in English. We will practice the ten most common words for each sound. I will also give you some tips to help you with your pronunciation. Did you know that many learners have trouble with V and B sounds? TH is another challenging sound in English. But after watching this video, you will know how to say these sounds correctly, and will have the tools you need to check yourself when you speak. Then just make sure to practice until you get it!
it is best to start learning the phonetics of the English language in early childhood while your mouth muscles din’t fix to pronounce only your mother tongue sounds.
Thank you Emma, finally got the sound Th !!!
Thanks, excellent pronunciation lesson.
It is such a great and important lesson from you “Ms. Emma”.
Thanks Ms
thank you Ms Emma
I remember when I was at school how difficult it was for me (a Brazilian) to pronounce the “th” sound in English classes.
Nice class. Thank you Emma
Dear Emma, your teaching is excellent now. At school I did not learn the pronunciation correctly. Your lesson has a logical structure that every learner can follow. Thanks for your tip with the mirrow .
Greetings from Bolivia 🇧🇴
I have not tried British accent. this is my first lesson and I hope I can change my accent to this one. thanks for your good presentation
Ms. Emma, thank you very much
I’m very grateful to you for the help
I was mispronouncing TH sounds for a long time,
especially in “that, this, those,…”
Also, I pronounce the TH in “with” as a voiced sound,
but I think that’s acceptable.
Thank very much Ms Emma for you help
Hi Emma,
I think, there is a mistake on the board :
BA, PA, MA are not the earliest WORDS but the earliest SOUNDS for babies
(A word must have a meaning; a sound does not. It is a large difference.)
Hi Emma
It is first time I learn pronunciation in that interesting way. It makes me easier to remember the month technic and make out the sound. Thank you.
Emma, thanks a lot for lesson!
Emma, thanks a lot
Emma, thanks for teaching pronouciation,it helps me a lot.
Thank you !!!
Thanks,I’m so happy to do that very well.
wow, that was amazing!
Thanks Ema, I enjoy your teaching
I think most tricky pronunciation is ‘thanks’.
Thanks a lot. My teacher Emma!
i think most tricky pronunciation is ‘thanks.
Thanks a lot. My teacher Emma!
Thank you Emma!
that is helpful
OMG! Thank u sm! You helped me a lot :,D
Thank you Very Much Emma
Excellent lesson!